f ; . PAIiY-1 IrO TT E0 RSETR V&Rj F Hi DA Y , J J IJ L.Y 10, 1805.. targe Willis. Suraed. Louisville, Ky., July 9 A large 7r.ur connected wiin S. Uarmore Spafs chip yard, in Jeffersonville In dtena, opposite this city was burned stfc 1 o'clock this afternoon. The loss is estimated at $50,000 , only insured for a email amount. The fire origin nated in the second loft, and every tSsicsf.was 'iiWaze'ibefor;;tlie alarm could be turned on. About 150 men are thrown out of employment1; by, the Are. The mill was one of the largest in '. the west Barmore has been very unfortunate, having been twice burned out before, but always come up. Two large" boats 'under, construction were saved by the ef forts of the employes. A large lot of lumber was also burned. Steam, Versus Currier Pigeons. Atlanta Constitution. The carrier pigeons which were turned; loose from the Kimball house' a few1 days ago, made the trip to Bal timore, 500 miles in direct line, in about 3& hours. ; This was good time. But the fast train on the Piedmont Air-Line, which leaves , Atlanta at 7:40 ft mM makes the run to -Balti more, distance 690 miles, in less than 25 hours, including stops. This is fast running. Though with the, fine equipment, steel rail and solid; road bed which this popular line has, the run is made with great ease and reg ularity. ". .- v, - ," v.;-- - ., : i a m Changes in the : Postal Services. " Washington Critic. : . . ' -Very few people have "any idea of the number . of changes .outside of - postmasters that have been made in the service. . In the; Kail way Alaii Service there - are about' 4,400 em ployes,;and.,pver 700 changes, among them have been made; ..The' vacah cies were causes by dlsmisjpaja-for, in ; competency, resignatijns, and a few dismissals for offensive patisanship. but the great bulk of removals ; have been among those . who had1 served the prfcbationary term of ix months. They were not reappointed and Dem ocrats took their places -. , Pow Qaeeii Victoria Tratch. - v The Queen goes in her own Royal Hallway train; fill other trains along the road being obliged to t stop for bait an hour before she passes and for half an hour itr she has passed i his demoral lzes the ttme-tab'es of he railroad almost as much s a dyspeptic's stomacb is demoalIzed, in irregu- laritr in fating. A railway director goes with her train to see that all is right A dyspept'c cannot ; 8 wallow a railway director; but fce can f do better Brown' irjn Bitters will cure hi dyspepsia, as it .did Chat of Mr. J. L. iflnley of CLnton, La. The Florence SlshtlBgale of tae .1 ursery ; The following is an extract from a letter written .to the German itef ormed Messenger, at Ohambers ' burg. Peon.: . - A BXNE7ACTBES3. '. ' i' ' Just open the door for her. and Mrs. Wlnslow will prove the American Florence Mghtingal oi the nursery. Of this we are so sure that we will .teach out Susy to say, -A Blessing on Mrs. Wlns ilow" for helping her to survive and escape the . griping, eoliefcing and teething siege. Mrs. Wins low'a Soothing Syrup relieves the child from pain, and cures dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the - gums, reduces inflammation, cures wiBd colic." and carries the infant through the teething period. It performs precisely what it professes to perform, every part of it nothing less. We have never seen Mrs. Wlnslow know ner only .tbiougtj the prepa ration of her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teetn Ing. if wer had the power we would make her, she is, a physical savleur to the infant race. Sold by all druggists. 2$ cents a bottle. 3AEXI ETS HIT . jTELFGUAPU JCLT 9, 1S15V Produce. lift Baltimore Noon Flour st'dy; Howard Street V and Western Supernne $3.00S.40; Extra S3 503) tl25: Family $4.50a$5.S5; CUx Mills Super $3.25 13 60; Extra $3.753 $4.00: Rio brands $4 905.00;. Patapsco Family $6: Superlative Patent $6.25; Wheat-tJoathern activeV Western active; Southern rea 84at' amber 98a$1.00; No. 1 Maryland 9?03; No'. 8 West'n winter red spot 939314. . Cora'-Southern ' dull; Western qulit; ; Southern t:te 62; yellow 66. - ; ; . r OaiCAoa Jlour dull.' Wheat cloEed-c under yesterday: July 861387 August 8S89i2; eep i tember 9uaH4: No' i red 9 Corn fair y active but closed c under yesterday; cash 47V4; Juiy : 47 47:; August 46Q47; September 4647i. Oats-steady and firm; cash bl32; July . 31fc 0321A; . August 2626; September 25as. Mess pork iteady;" cash $9 9ja$10 00; August $3.90aK95; September. : jslO.C0a$l0.O5. Lard anlet; cash $6.45S$6 47: August 6 5a$ft6. Boxed meats sfady; dry salted shoulders $3.7o& $3.90;. short ribs $5.22fe$5 25; short clear $5.60. Av&lskey firm at $1.15. Sugars steady; granulated It Standard A 6 Naval Stores : - VrLKiiroTos Turpentine firm - at S5W Bonn , , dtflt strained 9J; good strainea ? 5.' Tar firm -at $1.20; crude turpentine firm; hard ' $i:i0; yellow dip and virgin $1.90. - Satannah Turpentine steady at 84. Rosin firm at $100a$1.20 . , CHABLKdrroN Turpentine; firm at Hot'? Rosin steady; strained 97Vis; good strained $I.jto.-. , ; " frinanclalr v K t - ' NEW YOBi. - Exchange 4.841. Money lSllV Sub-treasury balances gold $lo5,480,0O0r currency $19.6.000; oovirnments . nrra; . tour per cents, 91.4, drpfl's L033i: titate bondsstroDg. t i s .? Alabama Claris A. 2 to 6. ...... ............. 891 " ;iasstf,.nves....... i.u Ko'-w 6"s, ex. lnt.i ...v.. ii'LlOiAv;?! 11 ,f ' 1 .'s Funding..... -. 10 v Consols. .1.01 , v. '. , .r. . . . . io .a.e and umo..V7 C. :r and Northwestern v. iv, 93iA Clr 3 and Northwestern, preferred ,,. a . ,5 Lfflfe r:ivvraad Rio Grande.. ........ 4 , I rie lOVfe List Tennessee.................. : Z Laze Shore.. 67 Louisville and Nashville....... 85ty " ler' . lCMiarleston.-.i..;i.r..;..v....,; 1 - ir d Chattanoogt.''.v; "c' 86 1 ?( Pacific, 1st.... 65 1 w. 7 "icrk Central., i,.. ..-87 rsifcuand Western preferred..,,...,. 14 t 1 jrtiern Pacific common.;.. v...; M f I'ortnern Pacific preferred..... ... 40t "1 C-J-3 ll21.M.. ., 1 47 1 Hr'... .... ...... 1 iChc ..... ""d Alleghany.. .. t.. i.M. , - i west Point Terminal. .1. . . a. 19 ' . i . .iAV.V.....:... ."...'."..".! II" v7? . i . 1 1 : ::a,.. - 3... , 11 a 1 ni -. . ........ 1. a i-Lcrt wa.' f .saeav X. iw. - r v cotton; v v " , ;.. v --r3T?x Steady; moling 101: net receipts ., - 1 ; , sales b; kock . i,b79; exporti Lx M; rr f f.'- t 101: net , receipts 11 ef s'1,9j3v sales ' 2; exports ; li"vti" miiiZr-llCl.i:' net reo'M ' ; fccx SiJ;' exports coast i; ,i-"i:rT - ID; ttet fece!rts ; tJ.a ; ttock -1,672: exports ---; to ' -coctlc-t -r Great Brltalnv; r : V-x"v: r'J" 10r net res'ts li; c ( , ; t Ure-t i:r4;a:a ; rrance 2'SSriJS-Dull; valdSllr 9T. IS; et rac't KTC-s--; sales C3; stoo 5,rj, ez;ta coat Tlzz Gret Britain . - . ' Mzxrji&-Bteaiy: W 2e 1;- receipt! 20; iMpcita 1; sales 2 0; ix2i 11 : j . . ' Augusta. Dull; mldillni : l;" receipts 1; shlDmencs . sales 96: stock -. . Charleston Dull; middling 10; ;net rec'tf t s: gross 4; sales , stock i.3f: exporw w eoastwlge rejatfnent i fircat Britain -t Nkw York -St dr: sales 1170 middling upland lUfcc; Orleans 10c: consolidated net receipt 155: -exports to rreat Britain 21:. "to France 410? continent . ' - hs-'Z' v S Fa NxW Tobk Net receipts gross tares closed dull; sales 20.900 bales. ; . r f ............i..f: August... . .il. ............. ........ 10 41.42 feptember.. .... .......... . .... .. 10.22S.CO October f f V t 9.91092 November.., is 9.833.84 December .....i....."....'.....'. 9.84386 Janoanr.... .... .V..i, 923.93 February.... 10 08.04 tfarcn.'. .v. ........ .v ,..... 10.14Q 15 April 10.253)5 IJrerpool Cotton Market. LiTKKPoot. July 9. Business moderate at un chaneed raes- mlddllnir u Dianas 5 ll-16d: Orleans 5d, sals 8 0 O; speculation and export 100 ); re ceipt 4Uiu; American ' jrutures steady at a decline. Upland low mMdltng clause, July and August delivery. 5 424d35 41 6KL . August and September 5 46-64d35 44 64d. ."ptember and October 5 45-64d3)5 44 64d. February anu Jlaroh 6 89-64d. ' ' 2 p. m. Sales American fciiltO-DrtJanfJ low mlo dllng clause, July delivery 5 41 4d. (buyers.) , July and August a 41 b4d. (buyers August . and September 5 45 64d, (seller a.) September and October 5 44-64d. (vaiu).) , October and November 5 3S-64d. (seUe s ) -November and December & H6 64d, iseilera j , December and January 6 86 644, (selle s. v v Jtnuary and Febnnrv 6 38 6 id, (seilers.l - r February and MarckS 404d. fvalue.1 ' ' futures quiet but steady. . : ' . 4 p. m. uplands low. .middling, clause Juiy delivery 5 40-64d, (buyers). - . , I July and August 6 40-64d (oiiyers)' ? ' ' August and September 5 44-fi4d. (fiellers.) f -V: September and October 6 43-6 id,l urers ) , October and. November a'S7 ei trtbuyer.J " ' November and December 6 85. Mi , (buyers,) : December and January 535 64d, (buyers.) w. ' January ano February 5 87 64d,' (vaiue.f Fcbmary and Ma ch 5894d, (buyers.) : jnitures closed barely steadj. 'ley M otion JTar-JAet.. f r , t OlTICK ot ths ObbsrvkrV ' I Chaelottk, N. C. July W, t5 J The cit;r cotton market 1 jesterdasl closed dull but steadr; luotations iromiaal: r1 -.- . Middling. .... .'..'.r.:;;?:."..".". iaioi& ,oeipt8 yesWrdar.:. 11 i !i. J'ihiian' ,i i: . r . , Irng:siffi, Sprinfifs, Corner. Souther Prizi -Tumlp Is -th sBnst variety grown, and better adapter to our soutnern climate than any other.' Notwithstandlug the uu favorable season of last year, fine crops of the aoiunera Prize were made It produce large and hand- nomeiy rormea ouios, ana iage tups ior muau, wui remain in the ground preserved , durirg-the entire winter; Se:d for sale by ' ; . ' B. B. JOfiDAN & CO., Druggists. Stanley liarB Hi f e .. .: i . For cleanlbg hair bJuskss la a few minutes, cents per box. at - " B. H. JORDAN St CO.'9, Druggists. Scarfs FimtFrsssfvative,.: Put uurltt -5c bcxes, One poaclr FI preserve 25 i pounds of fruit perfectly, jeorsateby ; B. H. JtStDAN & CO., . A LARGE STOCK OT Chamoiof Skins . . i Forsae cheap. : E. a JORDAN A CO, Druggtta, Springs' Cornel. iMsislii Care, A sreat Blood Pmifler and cure for AsthBM. It contains no miauc poison, oaie ana seioDie. Jrorsaieoy k. h. j oxi&2 VeratiDurai A specI3-7 for Indestlon anl mal-asslsiilathm ot food, pieant to. taae an j perfects hacmiesBj.. 25 cents per box. Sold by R. H. JORD&N & CO., v ' NPltlGS COXXIVER. NOW OPEN. Fresh Bread and Cakes every day. Call and see i me at Hoiton s on stand. kttrtrtit .8 00 aim Shoe Heel. ., "9.80 a. m. ri.l&p m. 3.00 4.25 6.45 9.50 FayettevlTe. 1.00 p. m. sanford Ore HiU......; s.iu 4.30 6.3a ' Llberiy .... Greensboro.... 20 mlnuteaatTayettevlUe for dinner. TRAIN SOUTH. ARBIYX. LAVX. Greensboro . . 9.50 a. m. Ml .05 Liberty r....::...,..;r.if. Ore Hlll.t. ...,: -j viLOOarnt h2Mi I Sanford . . . '. . . . . . , LLp,m. ;1 ,l.40p. tcu ayeneviue. . Shoe Heel... v. w 65 .640 Bennettsville , 8.1a 20 minutes for dinnei atf Sanford. W. M: S. DUNN. Gen'l Sup " ' Jso.H. EosxfJen'rPass.'Aseiitr FRED G;:liJHZLER -weol: GHAELOTTE, N. g Uspresonta wo xl:tli3f Ingest LAGEa Breweries in TJiisd Etate r 1 1. . mT,.Vrn'-T T T TTTi EOT All .crden iLr3 1 j asy P-rt cf,:J Aca 'u j of Powder. Ki :. . inv a , r a, tt arids of 'physicians "throughout the couatry have aeknowl UOndenSeQ llm laDle, HO. 11 edged their inability to cure lit, and are novv prcsibiii Dr. niPB fear ano yadkin yalley railway LesUe.Spcial PrescHptionfor all cases of .n- - ' ; - J ' ; r: COMPANY,- y'' - - r " r 1 ' Totakeeffect'at,8i'm, iloolay. .ane 2inl ' ' - . - y ' v'- : TRAIN .NORTH. T ' " V ' f I I I , . . ' TV ' Tl - pi T.'7.! uv ".I'll.? 1 T l f i. S Ladica', MieseaV and- EFnae boes : add; And all kinds of. DC CD). IS For Boys', Ycuths' and Gentlemen's SummervWear, V "-v-" ; ' Call and see oor goods and prices before you bay. , Trade 'Streec;' v.' --j! V ;';'aV?AY &0O LAWNS; PigyE;;;pINS00ES , sertings in large variety, jit B IT R O E S S .ait &wniirriTT rrviT en tv WHOLESALE ANDBITAIL DBALEB IN &l1kinds of BEDDING'&G.: t l A tall line- Of CHEAP BEDSTEADS. LOUK&ES.Pafier and Chamber Suits. Cof- fins of all kinds on band.- No. 5 West Trade Street, Chartette, north Carolina. - Thousands of cases of :. . . . . . j -. -. . . - .. . . f - 11,; J ' r-i v ' v ' '. rf v i t ) . ' f J;Uk . T Headache areWrtiianeiitly cajreoi every yar. ( as t&e nanaresfa . .... . ,J , - . l . v i .v 1 .1 ' 4 DR. LESLIE'S Special Prescriptioiir ; GSlbis ;medic5ne . stands to-diy without a Aivaii 'UU VltU oCaiUCi V a uuuilviiitui m tuc, wiaa , xuwuo inleither its herroi bilious or t obstruction,congestion or. torpidity of the liver. - When I sa that Dr.' Leslie's :l SPECIAL Presalptlon will cure the most obstinate cases ot that it not merely relieves cut ;.- -, ;. TTP1 o y O e- cures, no matter how long the case may have been standing, - - - r I nave testimonials from persons who have been aSiicted for twenty years, being confined to bed two or three days at a time every two weeks, that have beea permanently cured by two bottles of Sr. Les ile'sSpeclal v-v. 't:v' , - - PRESCRIPTION go that tbey jiave not had , an'.attack for over five wish to be , -' V' -.. , 1"" ta'snre arl give tili reniady a trfcj. Price 60c. and - - I V FCIt SALE BT; -' - . - - rT if .1. 1 Cbildreps!. SMopeii's I S -J .' . '. S1 i 4 f. NIGH Q L S; 4 :f- congestive farm, arising from Sick Headache, ! mean just what I say, and that Is, , : T years. If yon are troubled with sick headache and - - ' . '." , . t , - $L00 B. AECnra, Saratosa fiprlnss, K. J (DciDllii0rai9So nun r?t' T.'C. SLIITH. CO., Charlotte, N.O ' - - . OFFERS TO 7UB FIVE TONS r- i 11 r w: aTS ?: b arreis PUBE LINSEED 01 - 'j h Large Stock of i ... .... - y ...-v Ccfcrs, Yaroisiies, ALSO ONE CAR LOAD ALL AT iQLOSE PRIGES. J. H. MoADEN. 3 Ui V:-''-.lo- ' FOR SALE. Beta esale V .:. . v ;. ; . " . ;, ' " '-- J - , At the Court.- Hpusa .door .(unless - 0dd rrivately soonerjron the second 4 Thursday m vXtu.,t,'at 12 o'clock, F03T Y ACHL3 OJf -L4ND, pgoinlrr and partially within the town bound jri. bcnaed on t.a"tJorti by the ,C.? Ctrai-'-c:"", '-iitla Ttzt by I nwood Cemetery, and on tie Lor .a and Vest by Fifth street and the land cf Urs. 1L IL Irta Lzi others. -J'9l&ltiursAfrltf JLlLEiTTEf. .' inTT" a' . - f REAL ESTATE vAGENCT R H COCHRANE; Majiaobl THIS WILL BUY ANl n i i Soutb Caroftia. and wUl, wnt pi5 city of CbarlottK coilf ct rents. artWffi110 twdtoj)aymal of taxes, effecting br jM- Aii property pm into our Hands win be AdT-riel rreelof Cot ' ' Cor a Upuiat on previously agreed upon. FOR 'SALE.-- i : One dwelling house on B street. 7 rnan.. a in each room, well of good water. iSt0,? in good neighborhood. Price, $2,008. pantry, well of water, well located thV TT? ?M house. s Price, $3,000 . - -wwaifi, ,i OnedwelUng oa comer of Graham an i,v atsBma, kitchen, well oftefL1 cwk va irra nam street, list reet on 10th i? very desimbieprowrt price. $im T681, Q One dwelling on Poplar street, id room i PrkJojlO,' ' Purcliaesr I I One Dwelling on Ninth street between n 1-1 rc, two stories, six rooms, brick rbe2S2? well of water in yard lot 99xlsrprCS i OOue -1 Wllhg on" West Trade streets l"i stories, 7 rooms. 2 roem1 kitchen. wellof ter; two lots-Won Trade 99onFourUii ialrv form,. ti timber, braneh running through it, eicmt aurea xueauuw. jmce SOU per acre. rOiwammproved lot-98x198 on Ninth 1 0 between D and E streets; Prio 1350 I o Tract of Land,, 150 acres located la Llnoii 10 county, N. C..fartlomW lands of i? rajne ana otners, t mnes irom Denver 2S fm inz8.KQOd orchard, rood water, and wn a.. Tlffimthll irMuM'. iinln mri. """Plflt ew. : s acres gooa Douom land. In line 8tat.3 umvation. price lir.m1.:- 1 A Tract of Land, 8 toilei of ChirlottA 1 T 82 acres, known as part of the Samnai (or tract, on which is an undamlonMi known in the N. C. Renort as th fS -rCS mine). three frame tenement, honses. AA Aflrt1 OWn nAnA wnAll v... . n "VUJg 6"v bbu woa9r ana koou sprint out uw premuws. ouia mmoui reserve for $1 755 90 Dwelling In Mechanicsvllle, 1 story s-rooa tO house, lot 99x190. frontlna on c, L,- Z 1736. square 215, adjoining property of W. a. SIm and others.- Price cash $850. , 2 .7 Q Two lots, Nos. 297 and 808, square 46t front. Oi inx 99 feet on B street and runninir thmn to C street. . On the premises is a two-story frail dwelling, seven rooms and small storehouse. Qn!; Two unimproved lota corner1 Smith and8tli y ' streets, In square 190, fronting on smltli itreet 51x145 and 68x145. The twelota will be soil ogether or separately as the purchaser may deslrg ilceforthetwr. iots'wiii ti .' OO One-story frame cottage 4) rooms, lot 50xlM OO In Fourth ward, on west Fifth street, near the residence of James P. fewln. All lmpiore. lueuwj nt-w. jl uesirauie piace ior a small lanmy. Price $1,000. .-.v. .-.i...., 0 A t Tan yard at Lowesvllle, N C.t: 22 ther Ot vats. 1 pool, 2 lime 1 shep hohse 18x22 bait house, bark mill house, stable, dwelling; 10 acra una connecxea wim ian yara. jmce $1,000. or will lease for 5 or 10 ueara on reasonable term 9t A very desirable 'fairm,' 'containing 1621 OO acres, about threee miles . west of Charlotte. on the Carolina Central railroad, known at the juniua uayes larm, adjoining the lands of Dt, Paul Barringer and others. Seven-room dweiij and necessary outbuildings -in good repair on the premises. weu watered ana in a goed neignbor uooo. jmce per acn Oft' . Tract of land containing 75 acres, Wita t)U, Polk county. N. C, six mRes east ef Colua bus. On this place is the Splaa Gold Mine. Price n Tract or land containing 600 acres lying k I ButherfordcoiintT. N. C. 9 miles fromBuA erfordton and 20 miles fr ,m Shelby, apple orchard on the place, smad two room dwelling, fine tlw bered land, p ne, early maple, walnut, oak. fce.. about 75 acres under cultivation. Gold mine cr the 1 lace - This proierty Is known as the Cook Mine 1 arm. rr.ee $3,uw. OO Tract ot land oantalning ISiVi acres In I tw MecKienDurg tounty, w. v, 8 muesirw aharlotte. good stor house 4 rooms, good orchard, haacrps iinder cultivation, balance in ptneaad fi rd woods, gold mine on property. Price $25 per ere. uneap. QQ ; Lot fronting on Morehead st.. 99x366 feet,l Js small two-room house, well, lot well set was iruix Drees, .race $ssu. i Five-room dwelling with kitchen and stable. Tl .lot 99x198 on. West Trade street. neautlMI grove and well of good water. Price $2,.00.' 4 ) One story frame dwelling and lot on Stoo t wausrreei. price $bou. 4 J One lot and a half lot, n?ilmproved, on 15 tft .corner of Bandllth jtreets. Price ISSfl. i c One story frame store house 20x60 feet W 24x100 feet, fronting on railroad, and one unimproved lot in rear of ove 100x125 feet, bou I at sanford, Moore county, N.-X t rl e $450. N. C Price $10. in ; Fifty one acres of land, 23 acres under culfl t 1 vation, t alance timber, mostly pime,soiM oak. Two tenement houses on place, lying on w eoge 01 oaniora, moore -counry, u. v t The above three tracts will re kold together I separately, and if purchaser desires can secure I rasai 01 a stock 01 goods at price agreed upon tween nimsen ana me owner, j. FOR RENT. Btore-roomon Trade Street, with-rooms aWJ suitable for a dwelling, on the north side of Trw street, between B street and Richmond and Da mie railroad. A comfortable two-story frame dwelling, well, kitchen and ennim. tm ftpvp.nth stl blocks from the sauare 4s---? , !: t ' ' A Very nice one-story frame dwelling wiaWf I ment, rooms, well and garden, onbixtnw-i within five minutes walk of Independence Appiyro , Charlotte XXeal Estate Agren7 . .' R.E. COCHBANE, Manage WIETAL POISON - I am a coppersmith by trade, and the nnaiiff tides of brass and copper from filing got Into sj on my arms and poisoned my whole system. f, became a helpless invalid : I took two dozen of Swift's Specific. My legs, arms and bands are right again. I use them without pain My na tion lsdue to 8. 8. 8.- ' PrreB I. Lorr. , Jan; 9, 1885. . ? 'rl'- - . Augusta, 4 nALARIAt, POISON. We have used Swift's Specific in our famflr antidote for malarial poison for two or three ff? stance. W.C. FubW"' . . Sumter Co., Ga., Sept 11, 188C . tor. six or eight years t suffered with rWgi my righflez. Twaa treated with Iodide fAj slum - and Mercury, and I became helple bottles of Swift's Specific made a permanent ... m. D. WiL80, Gainesville, t February 28, 1885. , 1 - Swift's Specific is ftntlrfTT wrlfftable. Treat! Tes SwirrHErmo Ca, Drawer 8, Atlanta, j in n Toril Carolina. ' .'V.,, ' E?st Xledlclnal ai'iheral " Waters and most e ir.yadvantagesw.5 vs. W 'vv TUT Tl T"I - ioi pyxiya, convenient to Dustness. Price! iT-!? O One dwelling oh Seith Tryon street Iresldt-nce or Dr. Bnattbn. 8 nSSaii!52,4i U One Hundred and , Ftfty Acres Land ia mn. of the city limits, adjoining the ftur . well located for a toeidafirT' A i Two story frame dwelling, four rooms, ban. 1U stable, smokehouse, gopd well, someftmt trees, about acre of land, in Sanford. Moore co. give; r :tsd up place for pleasure seeaers fc; 11?t. Pc-resses 8urriorvBdvantage?wffifs CJ.u.:c-ue. . . DR,E O. ELUOTTSW may.Jeodtf 7,. .nH PrAnnec" f T -

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