-1 r:vn. AhnblutelvPure. DAILY CHARLOTTE ORHyEE FRTD A Y, JULY K 1885 Txc Glxartoitc Qtacwer.- ATioAt ioiaiE..;. noUTh;9 9 noSier? ; . . ; IirV-p T- - Irv - : ' " ' Tha carrier hovH WKn riplivpr Tttt --" I IV J'I'l .--I 14 1 th St, ' tot, ell, er ' at; a. I i' t m t la ion, 3m on 11. OB. ttS? 'ay ne, riot m in m om lot lag )nt ugh ia 8th lltb jole ilre, cl59 lear ove- tier ark cre 3, or j. 621 3tte, i the Dr. Ulng i the ibor tg la ivua- tutk hard tlm &e.i le on Cook 39 In from iard sand 5 per eet.I with able, utttul itone- i tie fi it, lot d one ,botn barn. fruit reco.i cultl some nthe i $850. her or irere- on be above Trade IPan- room i base street, ncy iger. ill par o sores t t i- 1 " V .nTwhoiesdmeneai. aoro vmc ;." ' " . . ...... A rrlval atid pejparture dt. Trains. V ; r Coraect for tbe cdrrent month. i s : ; 4- , 4 M EJCKMOMD AND DAJTT1LLI llR-LUTX. f ITo. 0- Arrlvei at Charlotte from Richmond at 2X0 a. m. : Leaver for Atlanta at SXX) a. m. - No. 1 Arrive at Charlotte from Atlanta at 4.45 a, n. Leaver lor lOehmond at 46 a. m. -' Ho. i Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 1215 p. rx Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. . No. t-Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 6 :10 p. to, lrTss for Rlehmond at 6:30 p. m. . Local lr. and Passenger Train leaves for Atlanta at a. m.; arrlTes from Atlanta at 830 p.zn . , CXlSLCTTXt COLCICBIA JLXD AC6T78TA. .' Arrives from Cbrambla at 6 JO p. m. - Leaves for Colombia at 1 p. m. C, C & A. A., T.&O. Division, . Arrives fromtatesvllle at 10:45 a. m. Leaves for Statesvllle at 6S6p.m. ; ' Caeolina Ckntbal. ' Arrive from Wilmington st 60 a. m.; Leave for Wilmington at 9.00 d. m. Arrive from Lanrlnburg at 3 45 p. m. ; Leave for Laarlnburg at 7.80 a. nw Leave for Shelby at 6.15 p. m. ; amve from Shelby at iz.09 p.m. Mails. General iDellverv orjemi at BDOa. bl: flloses at .x;oney uraer uepartment- opens at 9,w a. m.r closes at 41XJ p. m. 1Te WlImliYc-ton ftiil TZalelrXi The carrier boys who deliver This Observer through the icity, 'have met, with a new enemy. . They hae Iong:. been; troubled byy does and The first game of rofessloUl base- thievesand no wthoy have the chick hnsnhate nowders) i Bold 01.U 1.9 Sjfi; alum or pnoephate nowders t .ink. Wat'lt-JO .. hAnvrvt janldwly , . : hariottr ar th e Ocean H pusey MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. T. C. Pmlth A CoB8t 5 cent clean.' Bradfletd Reeolator Co firdBeld's Female Reg ulator.- Building and Loan Stock for pale See adv. 8. M. Howe'l Banana.-, "ranges, etc. Lentz Brothers Mount Hullv Picnic . and Ras- Dr. Wl H. er gunim r and Winrt Beiortr r ALL THE YEAR ROUND. Be adfly accessible by raU from all great lines of travel , - imadvltew of the Atlantic Ocean, Its prexlmlty to thsGulf Stream renders It the most pleasant Sum 5er Resort and Winter Home on thebomh Atlan teS,for pleasure or health. -Furrrlt ore and mi es new throHgbont. Electric- Bel'sjmd mod ern improvements. Table supplied -with every Aflcacj of land and water. i f ;-' Bath Wees attached, and best Su Bathlru on Atlantic Coast - . A . Lwgest and finest Starple SaJUng fleet of any Specially hivltlng to lnvsllds seekitiulet eom forts and rest. --'-v . i vi gpieuuia aBiuxiK spuria ouu utouwus UnltPdbtatef SUnal Station at Fort Macon re cords this cun aie as inemosr. asirpDiBi mrougu oatthe yesr. ai d eminent physicians are united In lecommendlnit the sort temperature ana sail air of Morehead City to all classes l of hitallds and health seekers. - - - i i -a- j - ' une9dtf. - i j s ? i i.s,,lVeatbef Indications. Middfe Atlantic States: Slightly colder, fair, weather, .winds generally westerly except in southern portion. nearly stationary temperature, south wrsteny wmas. Souths Atlantic S ates: Generally fair;fv?ithe"r, southwesterly; winds, ueariy fctawonarT iwnjDeraiure. I If IT 10 1 letter from Mr. Todd Fig Hams Is exhausted." PIS iK says tc fMy supply of The many : te stimbnials we have from those who have used them are very gratifying to us, and with -those who let the golden opportunity, go by unheeded we are in deep sym pathy and would pay r never ici n uucur asram. i j S Our Oolong and0Jinpow-- aer .Teas are all thiat san be ... . .. , v . h. f .. i: T j,- Our Champa snfe LCiderris rapidly fastening itielfj in the auections oi tne people - - . i. : ; " t .. .r .5 ' f Try our Milki:Bisjcuit for a tuauge ti om the water crack ers you have'.been Uipgr ( . Index to New Advertisements. I.OCA17 RIFFLES. ball in Charlotte was: that .played 'on. tho fair grounds yesterday between the WilmiDgton and Baleigh clubst and'the number of people who hand ed iii their quarters at the gate and went in to bee the game1 attested the interest -which our citizens felt in the event': There were many in the large crowd who had ne ver before witness e4;tfjprofessiof4al game, but to them, as well, as to. the, others, the playing proved exciting. ,r tThe;-game opened at 4.30 o'clock, with the Wilmington club in the field,' but a little "out" on the 7 first - base and a handsomely fondled fly by the centrefielder," f oK lowed by a quick shut off on the sec ond, base, brought the "Wilmington boys to the batv For ; the first two innings ntither j club scored a run: H but on the third inning, the Raleigh boys patted, tbe dust oh the borne base twice, scoring two well earned runs. The Wilmington boys, in the parlance, of former f baseball days, were 'ekunked" for five straight in-J nings, but on the sixth they made one runJ The Raleigh club in the meantime had run up a score of 9, and this was all they made. ' Before the conclusion of the game, the' Wil mingtonians got in four .runs,: rnak j, Intr t.hflTromo at.artrl "RarniorK i 'W'il- T mington 5. The score by innings was: , ' r , : Raleigh, : -6, 0, 3,1, 5, 1, 0,: 0, 09 Wilm'ton, 0. 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 4, 05 'The playing of the Raleigh club was fine, while the poor showing made by the Wilmington players gave rise, to the impression that they were -browing oft' This is hardly probable, though, from : the fact that they changed their battery - three times during ihe game. They missed one easy fly and threw several wild balls, each time losing good opportu nities. However, the fact was - ap rent tnat tne w umington emu is a strong team and- no one will be sur prised to see them redeem them en to contend? against. For several day 8 past one of Cur. city subscribers has been roundly 'abusirjg the carrier for not delivering -his paper, biit yes terday the carrier was vindicated.' The discovery was made that as soon as the" paper was. thrown t intp the yard, an old rooster would run ' out and picking up the paper in his bill would run -under the house with it. There he would tear it up into small strips and place them in the nests of two wives which he is engage ed in taking care of. The two nests were found to-be well .stocked with the latest-literature ot the day. ' ' Towards the close of the game at the fair groun is yesterday; Maxwell and Polhill, the 'bicyclists, appeared The Sunday School of Calvary Mission church will run an excursion rain to Pineville, on Thursday 16th inst. ' . . . ; on the track in racinir costume, and treated the crowd to an exhibition of their style on the wheel. They made a good appearance and were cheered as they passed the grand stand. : -Mr. L. V. Liles, a prominent citi zen of Lilesville. Anson county, died at his home in that place yesterday selves today. The Raleigh club has morning. Mr. Liles was a man of a.capwai... Daiwrjwnica am some excellent character and was very pretty work. The pitching of young highly esteemed throughout his sec- uam waa excellent, ana tne lielaMng Old Time Free Rides Flayed. The stockholders train left this city yesterday morning for Greens boro, where the annuil meeting was held yesterday, 'with a very- slim crowd aboard; It used to be the 6c casion for.; an- annual free ride . for about twenty people, big and little, to each stockholder's ticket, but things have changed.: t The last free ride was in 1881, . when the conductor lost three hours schedule time I in bounc ing beats from the. train. The track rom Uharlotte to ; Greensboro was ined with free riders' , who! had r been ditched, and it was two days, before they all got home. Those who were aitcnea on tnat occasion nave never had the courage to try , it j again, and hus it was that the genuine old free ride,-day? passed away -. It is now strictly a stockholders1 train, and there Js one ; annual holiday less in these parts. . of Houseman was notably fine : He made three splendid! fly catches; the ball fitting ipto ; his : hands as 7 they were a pair of moulds made for the purpose. -.-:The batting by both clubs tion of, the country. Mr. Jas. L. Yopp the champion bicycle rider of Wilmington, will ar rive in the city.' today and will take nart. in tVio pnps novfi Wnnrirtxr anrl IRAN hrtnrf hllf tk.v ' Wilin AnlAl knn. If- TT iJ U . "jfi.yyMv.UUvWO.;;;lUKIU,UUVB excellent rider, and wiU contest the J04 ?? ..-B?. ticularly fine One, "but was quite'ex citing and animating.; The Wilmihgs one mile race Tuesday. Our neighbor, the Home Demos crat, this week .enters upon the . 34th y ear of 'its existence; and . ike wine, is all the better for its age. Leave but the Weekly Obskrvkr, and a better paper than Mr. Yates will be hard to find in' the State. The Wilmington .and Raleigh clubs will play at Mt. Holly tomor row, and will leave hore on a special excursion train.' The train . will leave the Lincolnton depot at 9 o'clock in the morning, and . as, the fare is only 40 cents for the round trip, a large crowd will, doubtless go. --The special fair grounds train ton boys will ' doubtless ' make an ef fort today to return the compliment LRaleigh paid them yesterday, and an excellent game may be looked for. It may be set down as certain that the crowd that will be at the grounds to witness it, will be an unusually large one. The. Case Fence. of the Barbed Wire HOT!; HOT! ,Ths Is thyE-jnoc5 Terfiik of the human fatallj with :eg rd 'o the weather. CoU Ccliold.Ja the.expressloit of tajjfaeeswho enjoy an: Olc'-rashiorisd Lemonade at T. C. SI WC & cC"&CiCe ater Counter. '"'' f t r GobKqb 4. r. , rt-U Rhine Gold (to -of :- J'QSEPH "h r-ii- -ji'r.M '.,'-. .- - SEIDENBERG,,w t-ry '- v ji J - -.1: Yt . I ..-f t.:il 4? i r . I 5 C.-' &CC--WKi . Mr. Robert Gray, who - fenced in a part of Ninth street, as described ' in yesterday s Obskrvkr, appeared be fore Mayor Johnston yesterday was:weitrtroriiied yesterday.': - The "uai vuatl uuw"6 trnin will mota trina haf.win t.V,A the public highway. The case was removed to justice, Waring'st court, where the lawyers discussed the point of easement. . Mr. Gray was train will make trips between the city and grounds again ; this after noon; leaving the freight depot, Sec ond street crossing, at 3. o'clock p. m., and every 15 minutes thereafter until represented by Burwell & Walker, nl ... morigag ;ee s oaie A r1?01 a mortjage dfed'ejeeuted to tne by lnhLvey f,nd 1,'8W'ff I'UCJ ttaflney, ifcorded th fJ ,v w 11 t ipuDiio auction ai a r,r, Srt.H?18e door In the dtyfof Charlotte, N. laiiS if,ur.da''. lbtn Joly tne tract of mo-. 1 btat iSKfc j f - a- Springs and others, 1 ffi0,wwelJ of southwesterh boundary of xity nJ, 2 I tedl2otte' N Cm on which Isald Jerry Gaffney todnnT. ow, pswe. -180 snd , sorrel mare n-ule cnreS.el horse mule; to Satisfy the debt st- Smortgage.uV , 3osb.ohnw- ADSWOatH, Mortgagee. Public Sale ft.,,..,. . ;" -f I : I ' 1U mill TMtlnn . M . ... ' . . onth llti; "i1"5 perore. or st puoiic auction ot Qafflfc m m eastern limits of the cty . Jiua i rorienr cnnrnin mm-m. MecSer,wto8t desirable country resldehce In tW3Wty.. I will selr thls property in after the game has commenced. The .-jr game will be called at 4:30 p. m. - ? . . . - -It was a matter of general regret in fa -ir ot the citv. and mnosed a among the spectators of the game fine of $1 and ' costs on Mr: Gray, yesterday; that Houseman, the , fat From the judgment of this court; manor tne Kaieigncmp, aianotgex the defendant took an appeal to the on the bases oftenerthau he did. It next rui ol the Criminal court, is worth a quarter to see him take in shortly after the trial, chief of police . .a. 1. A- A -.1 ...... tne mes, Dut wnen comes lo urn gtitt served a notice upon Mr. Gray ing the bases, the fun is beyond esti- to remove the fence within six hours, mation. ' hut tha fence still i . ..-.. - m.T.m ... . own; Mr. Gray claims that the citv DogltllllllSDaj S. , nv'pr nairl for thfl knd anH f.Kot. i The city police nave mscriicuons falonzs to himself. The city claims to begin Kimng an nogs seen upon that b its lonff use M t fc ifc hM the streets without a tax ;paid tag. become dedicated to that nurnosft - and bottles are an estora' yr,; Ga. as as eyear. j axw. i .pot?1" 89.- ntcure. Ne2H3twt0Juim atise on , te rpartlrulars address a. TOEKEKCE, i Thr;ottet y. c. ;t' wanted;.!.- To s:M:fc:i - i f . .. Farms In Mecklerdjnrir. bharrni-l iVWE:-. Ktttherferd and other v TW cotcl " "rin uai omia, Dy the The order is to go., into effect, today and the police will be required to carry it into effect iuly and impar Benefit Conecrt. A very enjoyable Train Rocking. A very serious case of train - rock-; tially. There is no ' dog; pound" and ing occurred near Third Creek, on when one is caught ; on the streets the Western North Carolina road,' minus the tax paid tag, bis owner night before last. Three rocks struck will have no chance . to redeem him. the train, , one. ot. which embedded The tags cost $1 each and can bo pro itself in the woodwork around a win cured fromyGapt. r Gooding- at: the do w under which a passenger lay city hall.- " ' ' sleeping, the second struck the en i M gine' cab and the "third struck the sleeper. The rocks were apparently evening was tnrown, wnu greab iorce, eitner. one spent by a limited number of our peo- with sutncient force to have killed a nifl at the opera nouse last nignt, me porauii. . mo uigm previous 10 oocasion being the concert for the this, . the Western North Carolina benefit of the Home 'and Hospital, tram was rocJceaV near Glen Alpine Dr Ridez. under whose direction the station, lhis is the first occurrence concert was -giyen, was ns3isvea. Dy oi, iui wuuiwwuiuania road tor Rome of the best talent in the city, a long time, and diligentefforts are and the. concert altogether was a being made to ferret out the guilty d'ii"htful aHair. A' email : sum wes parties., it is to be hoped that they netted! for tre Home-and Hospital, wm oe caugnt and punished with one of th rr.ost deserving, charities the greatcctiseverity allowed by the of the city. Garnet-A Jfew and, Important Riscovery. K Messrs. Brem & McDowell, of this city, : yesterday exhibiteoSa quantity of garnet, in small grains, having the appearancd of coarse sand. .This garnet is destined to take the place of emory, as it not - only answers all the purposes of emory, but it is supe rior to it for many things. The gar net is mined in Burke county and is milled in all sizes, wire mesh meas ures, -trom jno. 4 to JNo. eo it is mined and milled in?Burke by Messrs Brem Ac McDowell, who are the een eral agents for ! its "sale. Thegarnet is ap pi iea to1 rollers over which1 Coating of glue has been passed, and adhering to; the '-roller makes an im pixnent thaktadSr iair.i to ,superceae embry These garnet rollers are used oy an mm men lor suarpemng caras and t other, tools; ard oeing ; cneaper than emory ,? i provfes ; a : popular as well as a buccessfal article. The garnet is next' in hardness . to corun dum, which itself is next to the dia mond Brem & McD.o well have made arrangements to go into the business onan Extensive scale. The discovery of this use for garnet is a recent thing and, i xjonsidered a very im portant one for mill men. Why He Willed RIs Property to a V'f -Regress.,- . . , t i Sneaking of : the will:.- of the . great farmer of Georgia, a Sparta dispatch says : Tne greatest interest is exnion- ed in the will or tne late iavia uick son, the farmer millionaire, who died leaving all his property except a small pittance to a negress named Amanda EubanKS. as incKsoa gave liberal fees to several lawyers and his administrators to see that his will was enforced; they are making a strong fight?. ..The white beira ot Dickson, who are scattered through Georgia, Ne w York and Texas, nave also employed arle counsel and hope to attack the dead man's sanity. The will is to be probated onp-Xuesday, when the great fight will Open. v An intimate friend of Mr. Dickson has just told the inside story of the will. ' Amanda Eubanks. the bene ficiary is the result of an early iridi5 cretion of Mr: Dickson with one of his slaves. It is claimed that after the birth of this child Dickson took to readmer his Bible and to prayer, and declared that it took a man of grit to take care of his offspring when faced .bv society ana preiuuice Hennft his' will was intended to secure to his own child, negro though she was. all that his money could ac complish. In the will the lawyers nr directed not onlv " to see that its provisions as to his property are car. ried out! but to see that the woman is protected hi all of her rights as a citizen, 5 wnerever sne may kuoubo w liwM ' ihr woman is overrun with letters from negroes and whites al over the country ; ' ' ' ; " ' ,y . mm i 1 1 i . r i tit iiiiU f 5 c- as. r " ' ' . if r"" f.ti - f p , r ' "For sale by T.'-C SUTTa 4'C0.V rj. C r-- ....3 " vA- " . ..... n: 1 ... . ... . i On accoti'.t of . a law. J rain Ing SwampXands. ." Rulelgh News and Observer. ; 1 r-esterday the State Board of Ed u hation contracted for. the 'drainage of li:000 of the 85 000 acres of thea wamyi or ' 'open ' lapas in jarsare couutjr . the property of the aboard 'one half tVia trno.t tn on tn 4 tha? contractor m ri rfttJoirf nf thft aralnaird ana - guaranteeJbeiDg giyen that the wort shall be corcpiei-sowiinm uve jca9. Ti':a i wifhr'it dniiht the best dispo sitibn to, nukffi oiithese, lands. , As theyilie at present they -are ; of- Uttle or ntf value o the educational ;inter?? estftoVwhicb; Jhey .belong. Byiepcn action as that t th'e board, ihas :j just 4-airAri i.hAv will in nrobabidty be made'to yield a considerable income ionteotnlated . .. - dacementSf and If yuneed Fne C.othlng we need-1 ash; ' change it. n:oir bustnefw we are offerlne- thts;weeB; th following Ja( 11 reasitee M lit aiuky v ? .5""" -.'4 - 'v ? t..y, . ,! Former prloa t-ro, sell bow for il8.Q0. FlTie.3 and 4 Button Cutaway Coats and Tests, former price 1 J ' - COATS AND .VESTS. Mi. l.iitVt Former price 120.00, stU aow for $14.00. y : -, -r. 54Blue Serqe Suits; T . t ' .tr-c - Sold never less than tlOXO We'se'l now at S7.G0. These .Pu'ts can not be;mct3,ed 'n the city tolr less than $12.00. Tnese aie only a lew or tne many bargains .wer are proue to your Interest We have aboat e no ofartui xcail at vuf lipase will WW irom 5 to 9 years, which we will' sell at 50roa th3 dollar. ' STA-WrrlWTS ;AT-:AND BELOW-;cOS;ri, UJO Ul Ui ivJ W W IJJ i.U ,1M ii4 uw. w JU y aa u vi 'iv-t r,v-- - "' 0E(JORn .-M,SPEPTlC 4IIXT0RE; .' 4 X?sltlvfa.nd Permanent Carefer Ojspep: ia srptoiis 0 Dyspepsia---Oi)e of the most common anddlrect of alls-; uneasiness In the region ot the. stomach ...felt soon after taWns food. - Tula uneasiness Is variously drWTibed as Tullness, weight or oppression $ t .foHTiflif tliestcMnachwas "ewelled.'' -The sam feellna; ts, some- V nd tHwrela.. -Eructation; or belchlng of the gas orwind" from - thAntomacn. VornitiiiZ or spnung up u .uie iuw. ii-urajia i i; V iiaartburn. -andliequently pain in the region ef the ittan,; wtth tlpl: I u l)- v tatlon or J-Cutterins?? with ulcit, short or dilScuM breathln?. lieadache. g Si-Srai ahssti .oaof the "bowels, filzzlneg,,' wlB2ila or.litzcrs? otJU the -head.- r TltorigBe,witn a ,bad,,, . bitter, or- annatarai tasta of the J 1 " cr T ' K4eOTSutVtohleh dyspepsia may lead If neglected. As'tir.a U c exJi ? from other causes, te arrnyated by dyspepsia. He- ' SrScyrtiv. . i crvousness. "sic. spells." -faintness," a sense of . w-ari- . . Hdo?Ster,''lt:-.:y to sleep, and when ft m Je it toof ant dreams, nf3nai? 8. yxnese arc J tf' Jf " V . - iAir.o tjm uwuw ... ii. 4. iniivlDRl, re'trtty. ien?rfh cf t:-? t . to wiica tLJL c: jr l3 i j. "T. a -y . i disease-, a very lew tron3 luaag euiur-j t -vi. K'-, r.rt'l!i all cases, depending nvm Hut' TrZd it mm it. nd tha other diseases, complleausns, 'W . . B. E. CoCHHANE, Manager.