"V f . I V PUZZIZZZD DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY 1 ST f .It H: Editor and lrQjri.tt. PEl T tKSD AT 'TEX POSTOfrFltX III C3ABInT, . C, as dscpsn Class IUttx. J MOJtrASSINGTON.' THE INDIAN .TROIXBIJES OH Death of Mrs. IflerriclcOliaatl ; Worlcof. a I.utlc-Bepprt from ilMe Indian Coim tryPre paring torWsifcrin-Ithe Cncy- cnnt, ,....,.... - Washington, July 9. The PresK dent today appointed Joseph L. Mor gan, of South Carolina; secretary of legation of. the United States to Mexs ico: llf . Morgan has been a resident of Mexico for some tima and speaks the language of that country. ' ' THE. WIFE FOIWS THE. .HUSBAND. .. Merrick, died this afternoon.. ?. ! A - ttJNATIO : SHOOTS., A WOMAN AND f i-IX)WS ISOWTBRArNS X)UT J i . - Today. CbasKnoJ;tv a shoemaker residing on Virginia avenue, near 7th street southeast, entered, the house of George Morris, at the, corner, of 3rd and K streets southeast,, and asked Mrs. Morris to return a photograph " which he had given the family. Mrs. Morris turned to get the picture, and - as she did so Knott drew a revSjvf r aOdhbV her twice, the. first balLtak ing effect" in her head and the second ... passing through-her left lung. She ran wildly from the house screaming ; for ,hetp the ..blood flowing freely f rdni her wounds. A gentleman pass ing bv (caudal her in hid- arms as she was about to fall nhd carried her back to her house, where it was found that Knott, believing his victim dead, had committed -suicide . by blowing out his brains. He died instantly , i Mrs. Morris is in a very critical con d&ion and may not survive Her husband is a trackman on ihe Balti more-& Potomac Railroad and ' says he knows of no cause for the shoot ing. It was simply the act of a man who has been a lunatic all his life. . GETTING TROOPS READY FOR SERVICE , AGAINST INDIANS. , ' The Secretary of War has directed the Lieutenant General to take im mediate steps to have troops in read ine&s that they may be r available in case of Indian disturbances in the West ' Ip is reported at the War Des partment 'that the' Indian troubles grOw more threatening. . " THE: INVASION OF KAflTSAS - In regard to' the reported invasion of Western Kansas by the Cheyennes General Schofield has sent the follow ing' teleg am to the War Department : The 'latest.' report indicates that no Indians have been in Kansas yet and nb nersons killed, but a number. 'pei hups one hundred oun Cheyenne 4 nave leic tne agency, n is oeiieyea 10 conceal' their arms on account of the .recent mtimcly threats to . disarm them.' The present disposition of the troops will, I hopei prevent serious trouble it tMe Indians are let alone. " THE INDIAN TROE.? ; An important order was issued at the war department today, and sent ' to Geheral'Miles, who f istake the 'field:in command of the troops, now v in the Indian Territory to suppress ' the trouble with the Cheyennes. The : officials are reticent as to the con tents of thei message. Persona not in authority;Tbowever, sajr that thQ order contained instruc- J tions to th commanding officer dif rectihg him to disarm -the Indians. It was8entby Lieut. General Sherit danJ i -The - Cheyenne Indians are . armed ,with ; the .best. make, of rifles and have considerable quantities of ammunition. For some tim they . hayejanticipated an attempt by the arntyto take their arms "from ; them and have in " some "instances hidden them. If troops undertake to dis- arm them, it is thought by officials nere wno.nave aeaiDwnn .ine. uney. ennes, that they 4 ? will resist until OYerDOweredVfti'.Therd are vbetween 1200 and 1500 fighting Indians among theW.-w Firwa said here' today that ; Geh.VAugur favored disarming the Indians,; but considered thQ present lorce lnsumcienu ior inac purpose. . GEN GRANT'S CONDITIOIf . A Bad Niglit Followed lf a Good Day. Mt McGregor, July 9. Last night was, one of extreme -exhaustion to Oeh. Orjaht,; because of the exciting events of yestejrday, but his physi ciansay s he catj 4ipver ho ill effects. ' Th9 morning online: -mountain was warm, the mercury itahding at 82 at noon, but at 1 m. showers cooled ..tha air: '"" . Tha General -has . been out today only a moment.; He is haying a won ' derfally kood 'day 'considering his fatigue of yesterday, said Dr. - Doug las3 at i p.-m- i . la conversation with a friend this afternoon, among other things, Grant wrote! I am glad;, to. ay that while there is mucn unoiusning wiCKeaness in thii worldly et there is compensate ins cehercsity cndgrandeUr of soiiU In ray caso I have not found that re. rublit-s are' ungrateful; L nor., are the '- ' - " Changed tlie Gauge. i-Mfo-fLn. July ,8. The 'Mobile: & Tii- rrilrn.id company chanced thA of it3 rcdd toaay,, from five ctnJIrd; or four feet eight . h-If .inches. .The work of moy r-ilj i. ras cuccc" t fully xitom 1 11 4 ut t'7ClvG,nour3, arid' :r:;-:r :r tr;;:a Icit Lib- I" rt-r- ,r: .-..- c :J b3-loaded - .: r.ith' freight.. 1 - j to ncilncrn .t.cut triiicfsr I'l lll.l'lll IJ1 1111 1 Jk ! ' St 'i PJLLL , Mill i j SENSATION. Immense Rusli for tne Paper Church of 8.eofiAridCol&&fe: Burned- Urged. Annexation of Annam--Tlie?:CIioleriujIescd in Spain. XiONDON, July 9. Fire this morning aestroyea tne nortnern wing, uDra rv. laboratorv and museum of the University . College of- tWalesr tib Aberetwith. The college building was origmallyan tended for a hotel, and after 80.000 Were spehti.onit, it was bought by the University com mittee for 10,000 pounds. J; V THE'CHOXERA; j - as 'i ' Madrid. In the town of Aranjuez iT"J", yesterday there were oy uo v v?cs yj. Valencia 339newcases and 135 deathst in tne Daianceor tne province fqtva lencia 5d new cases, ana 20 aeatns; in the town of Murcia 17 neWCaSeS and 12 deaths, and in the balance theprovincurcm l2wa and 43 'deaths, v Throughout the ceses ana if ueatn. - 1 . ' - 7 i ; THE CHESTERFIED STAKES, .London; The race for ildC Ches terfield stakes for two year olds was run today at New Market July -tneet ine and was won by the Duke of Portland's bay filly Modwena; R. H. Combe's brown colt Volta second : Lord iloldon's brown filly ;Stor,m sfeu j Light; third. -'inere were nine ters, . - , URGING THE ' ANNEXATION OF ANNAM. f Paris. The ministry 18 oeing strongly urged to annex Annam. The pi coaui o iu kuia uucvuuu a otuiwu iresistible, and it requires"Xf M2De Freypmct skill v;1ipteyentftw.TOirj leagues irom acting precipitately in, the matter. He is adverse to tJ step which might revive the mis i understanainfi: witn unina: ; ana re- hew France's Eastern trouble. ? It is reported here that the Black Flags will reinforce the Annamites in any contest tne latter may ueciue to wage- against the French.j: -jriat "f O w 1 the established church. . London. The Marouia of Salis- hnrv rAnlvinir'tn a letter frnm ttlaa enw orIt! nc hia vi'awr nn t.hn nrnnnaal o . . TP. : . .T 1 .t I land, declares his Opposition to the. movement. He contends that the established Church secures to the poorest as well as to the richest districts, regular ministrations, of religion which he sas is sonecessary to the public welfare. ARRESTING THE GAZETTE VENDERS. London, The police .continue to arrest all venders found selling copies of any of the past four days' issue 01 the rail Mall Gazette. - ,. TREMENDOUS RUSH FOR' THE GAZETTE. London, 5 p. m. Northumberland street, where the Pall Mall Gazette office is located; has all the afternoon X A A neen pacsea irom ena to ena witn a mass of excited people, r As many as three thousand news venders have at times been in the crowd elbowing and otherwise struggling forppdriuni'. ties to purchase copies of the (iazette to sell. At one time the pressure of the crowd was so great that all the windows of the Gazette building were crushed. ia;5 When theT dddrs f the piiblicatioh ' Oflice were rbpened for the sale of the first . edition, Hhis af ternoon. there was a tremendous rush for papers, during which wo4 men and boys were f knocked. ijdoWx4 trodden upon and in many instances badly injured; Despite the extraordinary prepara tions to meet the public 'demand' which the experience" fcf the past three day 8 taughtf the proprietors v df tne gazette to ma&e, tne saies? im afternoon exhausted the edition?5 and the supply of paper gjviDg --putthe presses were stoorjed for several nourdhfore.rje pnes pouia do procurea. xne paper makes no new revelations today but confinea itself td the ; defehce;f rjts course and to bidding the authorities ucuauuo. id piuixiisea a uuai luawu ment of the revelations' for tomorrow wuiiBi el. vtfnnnnTPi ftBwwvottTffenw' ljondon. ine jkov. jar. spurgeon publishes a letter in this afternoon Pall Mall Gazette, approving of that journal's - exposures ; of the 4 secret vices of the aristocrats of London. The letter is remarkable in mahycJrey 8pects, and the following are 'fcome'of its expressions : "I feel : bowed down with shame and indignation Thia is a loathsonie business, but even sewers Ust;be cleaned.. I pray that good may' come from this horrible exposure.rwhich incidentally must do harm;butf whose great drift must result in lasting ben eat. 1 aon't think our churches have iauei, ior tney nave- kept -a' pure remnant alive in thelandi ! believe that mnny -are unaware - Of .dunghills reeking under their nostrils 1 1 think allare coK)peratorsr in your .vil v. o . n Ul Ml O-... .KJ UCLA O ..4UW.U4, til? lians even though weari ng stars? and garters. 4 Yve neea a yiguancejf com mittee, a moral police to suppress this miamy.' -jet-tne lignt on witnouc stint." ' ' ' ; .London. M; Waddingtou, French 1 ... . 1 1. A sador to London, has informed uuioassaaor Prime Minister Salisbury that the consideration1 of the Suez cahal quesi tion' will be resiimed forthwith bv m- " - - - . 90 mm terested powers by an exchange of views thrnii!tKthfti. iv.anfictive ..ams oassaaors at Pans. . w TaJiinr a Religious Turn Chattanooga Term., JulyvC.-Con-, , siderable interest 'pre vailj da lhi3 Pcity over' the action of the cou"iiin asking the removal of the chief or polic3 cntliofnround otrincc-3. cy; Tt3 IlethcdiGt church, cf rchieh he 13 a o rnl:r, i 3 taking actives et:"3 to have h ni rc tinsd: and an ' iatc ,T Aw -r '.v - J.. f ;. 1 ectic- x.vl 1 3 tho rccult -'AIT ALABAMA WELI. That Supplies flic Hottest Ilin-J of 4 Birmingham. Ala., 'July. 8. The facts in regard 10 the hot well latelfy; discovered m Alaoama are lnteress ing." This hot ? well can be found inl Clanton r Chilfon county, midway? b tween Montgomery and Birming ham. . The well is on the premises of A.. R Blassingane, who. carries ori the ine. - me water , is arawn nom mo ll well in an ordinary duckcf wiin rope aitacnea. ju. ursu uemg drawn from tne weu ine water is very hot. but af cer exposure. . to - the atmosphere it really becomes, hbttec Several people contend i it to be a; hoax because they have never seen the well. Others after seeing;. the well sav it is heated by steam. Mr; Biasingane uses tne well to supply bis engine with water. v The pipe of insnirotor ia no more than one men Thfl Tirol 1 H K9. 1 f AOfc' VfiftftTT Mr. Blasincane claims he had not oaA y,ia Ono nHnrtntl - visit. The earth taken l-JA fi, ril VAta f KniKrli it wriS Greener, of Birmingham, Ala shows tem' tnrft to6 b 162 decrees DISTURBED MEXICO. Editors to be Tried for Treason- Opposed to the Higher Schools --Diminislied Importations, etc. City of Mexico, r(viA .Galveston) July 9, It is announced this morn ihg that the government will try the arrestea- eauors ior nign treason- Ttwrk AHitrra hav hiSfiff RAnt" trt Ttelftm . " " , it ia said that the erovernment threatens to Withdrawappropriations irom ail TiUQ lecnnicai scnoois ana ae Vot th monev to nrimarv inatifcti tions on the- ground that the higher schools are nurseries oc treasons importations are aiminisning .on htanhu ntnf lM mp.re dan ta ha v ine ari ticipated the, nev tariff which went into force on tne nrst instant. . .j. General Gonzalez, now governorrpf Ouanaxtiato. . has asked for federal troops. There is much uneasiness in that city and meeting of students are being neld there. - attacK ot tne rariiap,::iiiDerai newspaper, ana tne semi-omciai or- lean of the government, on the dt r ii ( 1 vf : r :l road, has created a sensation here. It snows tnat untrienaiy relations oe tween the road and the government still exist. WESTERN C YCEOWES. Great Damage to Property and I A Growing Crops. ,- St "Paul, Minn. , July 9. Reports received from various points indicate that a terrific wind and ram storm visited the western " and southern section of this' State last high 1. 1 '-In some places the storm took the shap oia cyclone, and destroyed asery 1 thing intits path. The crops sufferea I 4 1 J most, w noie neias . oein?: : aestrovea So -far no casualties are - reported, though the-reports from the country districts lying in the path, of the stbrm ar& not iri. - , . , BPARTA Wis..' July 9.-A terrible I cyclone swept over this place last t night-and did great destruction to farm houses "and barns.' , Several churches were badly damagecr' Fourteen cars at the St Paul depot wexe!.blOwn from the track and sev- eral others derailed at the North j western depot Trains were delayed by;-Jthjee. accidents No reports have" been received from the country and the, total damage cannot bs given.' i A TUIPIE IISCHING. t Three Men Eynehed for the Mur der Two Peddlers. Grenada, . Miss,, July 8-The mob yesterday, after hang, ing Perry . McChristian and Felix Williams, . startea arter two men : implicated in' the same otner murder. Williams had confessed.' stating that Bartlev James and John Campbell had assisted in killing the two peuuierB. iu u1uu A.uuuuHia.uic4 at his house, carried him to Union church, about ten miles from 'Greh? then c , went - to uampoeii s nouse; Campbell "fired upon the mob, wound- Jng one of then j , it is reported,' acid then made his escape. It is rumored this atternoon that at daylight this ,;mbrning the mob overtook Cdmpbell, who refused to surrender. They then shot him to death. Buried Under Fifty; Earth. Tons of ft PoTTSviLLtt, Pa.', . July 7.-i Off the Potts ville and Mahoney Railroad! in 1". '.. . this city, tnis morning, oy a-, cave in at a cut which was being excavated. Jos. Becker, of Yorkville, boss of the gangland four Italian laborers were iUriCU. UUUCA , IALVJ IVUQ JL ViXl,l.H. Becker and one Italian were mstant- Skilled, another had a leg broken a the remaining; two; were badjy cutnd bruisedr' " Baseball Yesierdaj'. t-washiogton: Lantere 12, tionals7. d Charlotte; N. C. -r.Ateighs 9; Na- Wil mingtons 5. - OhicagoChicartc 3 CrProvidenci 5 Pittsburg. PittsLurrrs ',17- Metros f politans 0. , . j v . '- f Cincinnati. Cmcmnatis : &, Ath- letiea 2 , 1 . aJ- . hTX. A I r m tfV ) m wt m . 'DStroixJueiroits iJi rniiaaeipnia The Charleston, CpUectorship; Washington, July 9;-The Charles tohcollsctorshipcaseis about to come to a 'bead. The appointment may be' mada n- a f 7 cr two.T r ;Aue .Presi dent hascanea jor an ma papers on LMe tcarins c- this matter, At the treaiurv decartnsnt it is said that Senator Hampton as 'strongly rscs orrlmcsdcd Theodore D. Jervev ' J a com promise: man, and the latter wi.'V pi&tly coccni: .c-zsa. , TUB CLEyELAJSD STKIKER. The Situation. : .IJnehangea-A larse Bodf of Strikers Parad ing .police on tlte .TateU.r , Cleveland, O. . July 9.The situa tiori remained Unchanged this morn ing, so far as precautionary arrange ments down town were concerned. The Central Police Station was full of patrolmen , and outside stood two four-horse coaches to carry "men wherever needed; At the city armo ry detachments of the Greys, light artillery, and the. th Ohio, National guard, are on duty, ready to move on call. At about 9 o'clock news reach ed the Central Station from the 18th ward that , a procession of strikers numbering over eleven hundred had just left the corner pf Broadway and Huron Street and . were marching tos wards the city. . ; A. band of music was at their head and they were fly : ing the stars andi strifes. -The men seemed undetermined what to do or where to go to. A call for help was made from the screw works at the corner of Payne and Case avenues and forty police- men were sent in two omnibuses to the factory. '. All was quret at the screw work.8 on . the arrival of the police, the mob having retreated to their rendezvous at a peach orchard in the 18th ward, leaving the city clear of strikers, : temporarily at east. ' Wants Some of His Money, v ' San Francisco. July " 8r-?Harriet Moore, a middle aged widow, has commenced suit for breach pf; prom ise against Moses Hopkins; ' aged .70 years, claiming damages of $25,000. The defendant is a brother of the late Mark Hopkins, f rom-whom" - he- inv hented an estate valued at 000,000. '--:"Z A Bark Quarantined. " ;SAyANNAHC KoiJ wegiin baik Erlvin, from Valencia;' Spam, May 29, arrived at St. Si man's sound off Bruns wick, yesterday. All well oh board and no sickness during the voyage." The bark ! was sent to Sapelo quarantine station. ' Mrs. Bayard at the Point of . , Death; - - Wilmington, Del., July 9. Mrs Bayard, wife of the Secretary of State; is pronounced in a very critical con dition today, and her recovery is al most hopeless. :, , A Colored AVontan Murdered. . v Charleston, 8. C, July 9. A colored woman named McKnight was found murdered in the upper part or the city tnis morning. U'our colored men have been arrested on suspicion: . , . rij-w Aduccttscrueaxs.. Card ot T. 0. SMITH A CO., about the best five and ten cent clears In town. '' - " ' FORMAL ic.; Fifteen shares In the Mchanlc Perpetual Build ing and Loan Association, "2d series " at Julyl0d3t - T. L. SFIGLE'S. The iiouiit Joifj Pic iic BaSt But .GAM?: We take pleasuie in announcing to the . public that we are prepared to furnish everybody who will attend the tic Mluand Base Bail Gameto be played at Mount Hony. July 1-th, win a eood dluntr. ; - LltNiZ BHO l'UiSKO, It MLHvlT.M.C. ... T " , .'. ''v. . . . IJAAAS. , " ' ' V '-. . . RAnoteN, LEMONS, Afl PI3 ACHES, at S. M. HOWELL'S, as. Holtoa's old stand. FOR RKNT New House, convenient to business, quiet neigh borhood Apply at julbdlt v T. L. SEIGLK'S Store. KCAKR'S FRUIT KM 3 TTHo'esale and JRetailt'ac WRISTONS; n LIST'S I3W CROP TOR NIP SEED.,' Wholesale and Retail. ., ' :v Red or Purple Top Strap Leaved,' ' White Flat Dutch, . . White Globe, r V White Norfolk, - . : V" . ..Cow,.Hornt , v . - ' ,- ' ' '. Eed Top Globe,- . - , ' eevenTop, , Yellow Aberdeen r - - Amber Globe, ' . Golden Ball, ; . . , ;; ". : Sntabaga, 'V . - . . , . Ax . NOTICE. The firm of Whitlow & Barker has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All business pertain ing to said firm has been placed in the hands of R. H. Barker, who Is authorizsd ta collect all claims and transact all other business necessary In closing up the business of said firm. . . J . " R n.W.BARXE3 ' lxonTersvi iei lirOo jane 15,1: utii .1 I 1 VI T1IK LUCKY 01$ . 1 Partial, list of Jto' ncn, 7ooen and Children WH03WERE SAVED Fron a LTprriblc. Death. THE FULL:DETAILS GEORGIA. WPMcDanlel, Frank Joseph' A J Hiram, ' William Sealock, . JM Ellis, David Thunr an, , A L Dumont, -C H Roberts, Z A Clark, William Richmond, f CSWalthune, ' Felix Foster, 7 : James Hill, ' : .: . .i3 "4 " Frank P Smith, c v;r Benjamin. Morrlf, SV Pinion,, r.r,'.- " J PDavtti' r A P McDonald, ; . ' v James Hanks, , ' Atlanta. Mrs. Elizabeth Knott, , R P Dodger , .... . ?v MarttoSmlth, " " - " WMCheshlre, ' ' - Mrs Fannie Hall. " J T Goodman, " Georgs B Frazer, " " Miss Mairy Chapman, f T Miss Minnie Wallace, " Miss Bell Dunaway, : "."' - George W Maddex, i r - - v , HJMcBrlde, .. . A C Ladd, Toccoa. . ; L D Yearwood, Gainesville: -" . : Jvseph Woodroof , St Marks'. ' L PropMtt, LaGrange. . ?- W B Ellis, Brunswick. Jesse Howellj Greensboro. , , : B. M. Lawson, Fast Point " JJHead Athens. .... R B Eaulter, Athens. James L. Robert, Greensboro. "7 A f-fl&tton, Hampton. .... - Jamea W Lawrence Towaliga. . ' r Henry Sutton, " ; ; Wm A Nelson McDonough. Miss Nelson, " .., . L C Williams, Calhoun. John C Perry, Greensboro. Frank C Jones, . ChasNDundon, - " Ptrry Williams, " . . ' OTHER STATES. Mrs E E Amberson, Murfrees Valley, Ala. ' C H Montgomery, M D, Jacksonville. - W A Pepper, Fredonla, Ala. W WBjers, Calera, Ala' EG Tinsley, Columbiana, Ala. , David Kunkell, CuUman, Ala. . Mrs T F Rhodes, Post Oak, Ala. . . . J LSumpter, Mobile, Ala. Mary Dove, Fredonla, Ala.; MA Abbej.RueselvBle.'Arfci . Mrs J M Richardson, Clarkeston, Ark. Mrs W. J Kennln, Hutching, Texas. - Ml8s Leldtke, Dexter, Texas. Mrs W J Wilson, Sandy, Texas. ; Wilson family, S in number, Sandy. Texas Mr Cervenka, Dexter, Texas. Mrs C H Gray. Rocky Mount, N C. J B Callahan, Charlotte, N. C , .- . -H LReid, Meridian, Miss. - - 1 Mrs M J Reeves, Milan, Tennv , ( - Mis Lula Bayle, Jackson, Tenn. ' Thomas Wlillams, Eoddy, Tenn. . Mrs M L Wlllldms, Nashville, Tenn. . G Marshall. " " E Chalf ant, Columbia, S C. . Mrs W J Arrants, Columbia, S C i-F J Caruthers, Oxford, f la. ' . J. W. Thompson, Jacksonville, Fla. C R Griffin, New London, Conn. . Thos A Pickett, Philadelphia, Pa. J B Flannagan, New Orleans, La. Chas 0 Haddell, MobUe, Ala. . " The above is only an incomplete list, as It Is Im possible to obtain anything but a meagre account at present. These happy men, women and chil dren owe their lives to that wonderful remedy, B B B Botanic Blood Balm.' The list; Includes many horrible c: sea of ScrofuIa'eumatlsm Ctan'li Kidney Troubles, etc , which yielded promptly to themagicalBB. B. "' ' ' - Certificates of the above' in original form on ex Wbltion atB. B, B. Company's officeXl S Broad st A 83-page book, filled, with ;startUng revelations, mailed to any address free. .-. ; l-iy- ; ' ' l ' " c ; r? -Atlanta, Ga. WILSON CO., igents, Charlotte, NC v ', JnnersbdAwtf - " . -' 11ns. JOE KXerlt Will Tell In the IDg nft Kimw w. jwx MSKisux.7 uf gross wash. Wa ... dolriff well with It in Tarhoro! anff wioTTL. " e. lTlKT09o1nc, on1 it y,oa Mmn Hot.. " raPlQlj we have learned, In every case. . We are - uesptcuuiiy, - " - ...;3C.B, HODGES ft CO - .'.-v WHAT IT HAD DONE ' - - takbobo, Feb. 4. For several years I have had a trnnhi.vri breast, which I fear Is cancer, that belne ineid to my family. For two years past my health has been wretched from its etoctafrS1 came so we&K I was incapacitated for all work- 2? aimetite was cone, the sight of f am m, r Ing to me. I would would wake . up in the monr ' so ureal scarcely had energy to arls and nw myself, upon the least - exertion I had oatottatw of the heart so violently that I was helpWS? so nervous I could get no good sleep, but wouldkt awake at night restless, and when I did dron tX to sleep would soon awake with a start and it would be hours before I could get to sleep araii? My constitution was wrecked hope was sronfTi concluded, as a last resort, to toy Mrs. Joe Poi son's Remed. - I commenced rising it last Jnw nave laaen 1 oomes, ana me eaect has been won derfuL . My general health Is excellent, ' I sleen well as ever did in my life and wake In the mora Ing feeling refreshed and well 1 can not onu up and cook my own breakfast without fatigue En have fine appetite to relish It now after I cook it t can go all day long and am not tired when nieht come 8. I have net . had a toaeh 7cu.Awiibavu vi uro umi tit diuw auvu &lUSr 1 onwv, menced the Remedy. My breast does not pain n at all. or give me any trouble. I do not know whether the Remedy will cure my breast or not ba the lump is still .there, but if tt never does na words of mine can express my gratitude for What the Remedy has done for me. It has don mora for me than Mrs. Person promised me it would do when I consulted her In regard to using it I will take pleasure In giving any one Information In re gard to my case who may desire it I wish evert anllcted person in the land could know ot its tin toe, I am gratefally. ' MARY LI HYMAN. . Wtttnesses HB. Bryan, E. B. Hodsres How few understand what a perfect fit isP . Tliat painlc.. period of "breaking in" is deem cd essential to vcry new outfit.. TMs is positively ua nacessary. -Tie. scientific principles ojp'pHod to therum croua sha:3 ajul sines or"the Eiaan" shoer Insures pericct fit, Bind- tboir flcsibility, abso lute freedara from the tortures cf " breaking1 in,'? as tlicy are co$y t-Lid comfortable from the first dy. Sold everywhere. Asls your shoe dealer fcr ""i " HANAN & SON. A. Ageuts for Charlotte. eblOeodtf f- RICHMtJO ATtt AKTIIXE . r . AI ROAR. '" N. C. DIVISION.,' ' mmmwwmmwwwm . ' Condenxed Schedule. TRAINS GOING NORTH. May 81. 1885. No. 61, Dally. 4.5(1 a m 6.32 a m 7.45 a m &il am 9.85 a m 11.89 a m ho, 63, Daily. Leave Charlotte, " Salisbury, " High Point, Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro, -Arrive Hlllsboro, 1 " Durham,. ' " Raleigh, Leave Raleigh, Arrive Goldsboro, - 6.80 pm 7.50 pm 8.62 p m 9.18 p nt 12.13 p m i.w p m 2.28 p m 4.4Q p m! No. 15 Dally except Sunday. -. Leave Greensboro IQ.00 p m Arrive at Raleigh 6J00 am Arrive at Goldsboro 11.00 a m No. 51 Connect at Greensboro with R 4 D & B for all points North, East and West of Danville. At Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. for all points to Western N. C. At Goldsboro with W.AW.B. B. dally. Nos. 51 and 53 connect at Greensboro with K. a. D. it. It. and for all points on Salem Branch. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. mjni'wimSj No. 50, . - Dally. 12.85 p m 3.00 pm 6.00 p m 6. 7 p m No. 62, Daily. Leave Goldsboro, Arrive Raleigh,: ; Lea ve Raleigh,- - t Arrive Durham, Hlllsboro.- 6 47 D m i f Greensboro. Leave Greensboro, Arrive High Point, 9.00 p m 11.21 D m 9.36 a m 10.05. a 0 11.10 a m 12.36 p m 11.55 p m 1.05 a m sails oury, Charlotte, 2.50 a to x ; : No. 16 Dally except Sunday. Leave Goldsboro- 7.45 pm . Arrive Raleigh . 11.45 pm Leave Raleigh 12.85 am Arrive Greensboro &80 am No. 50 Connects at Salisbury for all points on W N C R R, and at Charlotte with A A C Air-Line for all points in the South and Southwest No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with C, C 4 A B ft for all points South and Southeast, and with A C Air-Line for all points South. : - :N. W. :N.: Ij. kSlROAD. GOING SOUTH. No. 60. r Dally,; No. 52. 9.4flS0 Leave Greensboro, . Arrive KernersvUle, Arrive 8alemr; ' II 85 p ra p m 10.50 a u 11.25 am X.J7 pm GOING NORTH. JNo 61. No. 53. Dally. 6.40 am 7.09 a 8.06 am juaiiy, Leave Salem. . Arrive iKernersvMe Arrive Greensboro, 6 55 p m 7.80 p m a85p m STATE UNIVERSITY R. R. No. 1. - Dally ex. Sun. Ne.3. "Daily ex.Sm 6.00 pm 6.00 pm No.l Dally .1 ex, San.. GOING NORTH Leave Chapel Hin, Arrive University, 10.25 a m 1L25 a m r No. 4. Sun. G01NS SOUTH, i ' Leave University i t kn&wa CThTw1 TH'f - ' 6.80 Jm U.Ma 1164 sm a. at w w - - j l.Zi urn 1 4 BUIT2T B LETTING CAR3 WTTOUT CHANS On trains C3 ani O, betweea New York and At lanta, and rtrveen Greensboro and Ashevfllftv- Throuc"! Pullman fileepera on trains 63 and between W?shin5ton and Augusta, and Blchnwrn" and Danville, Greensboro and Richmond; am WashlP'-ton and New Orleans. -;--- " ' '-j, rrThroch tickets on sale at Greensboro,: eia, Goldsboro, fcalbary- and. Charlotte, Jr pouits South, fcocthwest, Westi North andB"; l or emicrar t ntcs to - Louliana, . Texas, Arfcan; and V: t'" zzU aiirecs ? - - A. L. Lli. 1. . , IL SLAUGHT,. J V P 4 Ucx'I --sr. Gen. Pass. A v L'.. r.r,-icad. Yv r. . ' ' TARBOBO, If. C. Feb 4 18SK Mrs. Jok Pkbson -MadaS kl Urn aau. . A n Q vm-n a ... . .-v..- V'i' y v ..j 5

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