: fsfi. 1 - 4 DAI LY QH AR.rpTTKJ O B SK.TIYETI lRTD AY jtnvY 10, rR85." 15 f 'If T w L -.. .- panfl ARf 4 i ill Intersi tue system from tiw)uimii a . m causes, ataU seasons. 4 i Elutteri the Serves, impairs ingestion, sua Enreeoies we -ouseies. r -ft1 Oi; (. i ' THE In) LU u DE5T T0M1C Qvicklr Mid completely cum MaJnr lft,and Chills and Fever,, Sot Intermittent Fevers, Las- allude, enrichea " Detit. and trenrthen the muscles and nerves. ' It does not injure the teeth, cause headache, or ' produce constipation all other Iron medtrtne Ho. .1 ... xathkb T. J. Reillt. the patriotic and scholarly Catholic Divine, of Arkansas, aarsi ' "I hare used Brown's Iron Bitten with the sreat : est satisf action for Malaria, and aa a prerentive of - Chills and like disease and. will always keep it on hand as a ready friend." "'- ..:" ' ' Genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines tin wrapper. Take no ether. Made only by . BROWN CnEMICAL CO., BALTIMORE, MO. , Ladies' Hand Book useful and attractive, oon- taintaff list af prizes for redoes, information about , coin. eta., given flway bf all den lew 4i medicine, or mailed to any address on receipt of 2c. stamp. ...... 1 8(DIKEK:BM(e WU XXead vrlifU?tli,3r'at Miiiodist lHvin and ? miiirnl IJjy- 4 . . r- . Vivian Say of : OR. J. BR iBFIELD! 5 Female "Regulator I ;0: V ' ATLANTA Gam Fvb. 20. 18fe4. Db. J. Bbadfuild : Dear Sir Some fifteen years ago I examined the reoere of P m ile Regular, and -carefully studied authorities in regard to Its compoj nent8, and then, (as wen as now) pronounced it to be the most clntfftc a'-d 'sltniful crmblaa-lon ot - the really reliable re eilal vegetable agents known to science, to act dsrectly on t ie wemb and uterine organ?, and the organs and parts nu athlzlng dl Tdctly with these; and, therefore, proviaing a spec' flc remedy for all diseases of the w , b, and of the adjacent orgaiis' and parti. Tours truly, JESSE BORING, M D., D.'D. I ABOUT?TIlE STATEi Wilmington Review : At a meet ing of the board -of' directors of the First National Bauk, held yesterday afternoon, a dividend of 3i per cent, was declared payable! on .thglftfa inst: Baleigh Visitor, 8th ; , 'At ' 4iine oclock this morning, . ei Col. JV Young, who has held the office of revenue collector for this, the' fourth 1it,rirt. f nr t.h last fjpvfint.pp.n Vfiars. v . . J v . - 4 rn -1- e Art oo turned over the office together witni consumption ; in iodu it wa j.oo since an "Aiic Amencau me iiiunsirj. Pjifladelphla Tlme 1 1 ? i It is but a lew years since AiriencarWuld"hadIyuraom'es tic wine before,- hia .gustff ; without apologirine fori it f Prior to 11840 nearly .'all the'Wine bonsilttiedliri , the United States was imported. The imports for that year reached 4744, 362 gallons, which was 97 4 per pent the import had risen to ,6,094, 622 gals Ions: which was'QS 5 percent -of the all of its effects ctGoli;Hl iZar borougn, tne newiy appomtea cois lector, and bade, his former clerks and deputies an adieu and left for his home in Henderson. Concpr.d' j Times : Last ' Sunday, morning, of consumption, Miss Har4 riett Hill departed this life, aged six- tv vears. Her. funeral services. :con enriches and purifies thTbod, etimuUtesThe ap-rfdUCted by her paStOr, KeV. W. S.; (Jreasy. toofe place trora ner late res idehce Mdnday mormng in the 4 pres ence of a large number ot mourning relatives and friends, and her body was laid to rest in the Lutheran graveyard- A. little colored giVl living near the depot was burned to death on last Thursday, She was endeavoring to start a fire with kers psenexnl. . ; 1 rlfockioghatn Rocket; Deriuty sher lit James Kanaiora was tn-v victim or blows with brass knuckles in the hand of George Bell, c j1 , at Laurin burs, last Saturday night. 1 he dep uty's injuries are severe, his nose be ihg brokenfand a terrible gash cut. in the forehlead r Bell f was on ; trial tit our last court for carrying concealed weapons, but his discharge, on pa men t of qbsts, was orderei ,,11 seems thaVhe was footloose but had' nevr paid the costs. The deputy -was 'in the- aatr'ot ' serving a - capias on ; him wheii the; desperate fellow. fuude.the assault fie rtiade hiv escape: News and Observer: Yesterdaj ?af ternooii the State Board of Educa tion met". rThere were present all the State officers save ' the Supjrin tendent of Public Instruction who is absent. Gen. W. G. Lewis, engineer of the board was .present.' The proposition of, Mr, B. ; L ; Prry to drain 11,000 acres of land in Carteret CUUUbj , &UUWU as iuo ujtru lauuo (the property of the board) "one half for the other," was accepted The contract ia to be completed by Mr. Pei'ry in five' v ear, rnere aio 80,000 acres in this tract. Tne 11," 000 are to be drained experimentally. The lands, says Mr. Perry, are adapt ed to, the cultivation ot nee, coin, potatoes, &c., atter thorough: dram age. . s TRANSPORTING MONEY. , . , CAI!TIO! The countiy Is flooded with aaacknostruirs. ccn talnlng IKON and other Injurious Ingredients, , which claim to cure everithing eveu Femalk . Complain' - We say o you, If you vdthe your life, BXWABX OP ALL SUCH!" - - ''-B'adlds F-m J hhki . , U purely vegetable o Jipound, and Is only intended lor the FE1ULK SIX, For ttelr peculiar dis eases it Is an absolute . . . . .. v. UK! " Sottrtyxirr drcMKtstsy S nd f or our traaii or the Health and Hai p ness of Women, mulled free, which fves ali prOctlar-v v . - THE BAOFIELD REGDLATO tCO , s Box 28, At'ana,Ga. : ..PAUKKlCb ; H A"! "R7 B 'Art S-A- IVi The best, cleanert and mot economical hair dre-. - Ing.' evtr tuiis to. restore the youthful color to gray hair Thl.tce lent dressing 1 preteired by those who have used It, 1o ny similar article, on - accoont of its superior cleanliness and t urity. It contains matertals only that are beneficial to the scalp and hair. i gallons, pr 83 per cent,.; m 1870 it was 9,165,549 or 75 per pent an : isu it .had fallen off fto t$j 030,601. ; gallons, which was less than 18 per cent. 6t the amount consumed. J Thesei Ifigures show conclusivelv that Americans now drink domestic wines and 'are not ashamed Of -Tit; The consumption of: wine sincet' 1840 hincreased Op per cent, while the average annual import is butT; 17 per cent, greater than it was in! that vear. ; The domestic production of 1880, reached, 2345337 -gallons,": of f which 13, 557, 155 - gallons v were r pro duced in California aioneufA notice able features of the wine production of such States and; Territories ad QaK iforniaNeV-exicx)Gebrgia v and Alabama is that the average yield is abdur40pilferiisrert)r ;twice' as much as the. average; wj somof the most of the French "'wine' gnu win districts. This large increase in pro , duction over that ot the foreign? yaie-i the tact that no serious diseases have yet appeared among American Vines.1 It is evident rrour these ngur js that there is no limit exceptthat of -de rnand to the possibilities of the A.mert ican wine industry. If the Aiheri" cans forsake -beer rand whisky for wine there can be enodgtfwor!tho lat ter producetojxieet with all ease. of the domestic product is pure for the reason that there is Jail the "wine ? tner ia uemana ior anu tneretore no inducement to wd alteration.. RThere would doubtless be a great gfiin to the public health "if these" 1 domestic wines could". be . substituted for' the fiery liquid which find their 4way'by millions of gallons down Atiieriran throats. ' ' ' ' k : - - en r.DAiaufc UreMa ' ... .. 1 ni The Ileal li rwl . and ru i ri i Ion - restores to the flour the strength-glyhig phosphates that are'removed with thebran. and wLlch ate re quired by the systein. l'o . other v Paklng Powder does this. It costs lestf. .and is healthier 5 and tronger than any other powder.' " : HOME TESTIMONY from: r 0. SMltTT. M. D. - ChaeLOTTR. N. C , Feb 27, 1885. - It is a weil-knowu fact, that the process of mak ing wheat flour removes; ;wlth the bran In toe bolt ing, a portion M the: natural pVosthateaNof the grain. , , 'Phosphates .are!, of th greatest, value In maintaining m'ntal.an physlc;il, vigor. Qf all the preparations used to raise bread. Horsford 8 Sread, PreparHtlon let tne only one that repjaceatne phos phatesotthe giAiHk.whlcb are of great nutritive m. orta'nfi.i4tH composed: ot acUt;rphosphAte,of ,3nie which takes the placse of th- errata of tartar and the alum pf otherffcukratkm8nl1lcar;fO-' nate of. sod i, iThetresvCt; of the chemical action the .' demand r-when the prepamtl'-.p. .and ,the soda are added to At present the quality f Ooiir mixed in tne.fwm of; tioush. ls'a union of the pnospno rcacianu, uitt :oia, iuus uutrraunts vue carbonic acid s$, $ hlch peilorrns the,lslrts pro cess ,!The reiHth ithfsi'hlt of H'ue and soda lleft Irv'tive thread strenhHiis the nutrtrtve valu of Jhe bread k'iiich ' thus' galud riir - the elements of ' brain.'btood aLid iwne ood. H-re' in the f"outh, here thw heaT. tells on the vittl for es with ener -vating eiTect, bonk and brain fd beconies of the jitmost; Importance, 'The Horsford Bread Prepa- p ration is f the first value on this account, and no other, baking powder is r-o well adapted to': the da -mandof the Southern country - . ' 1 have r usod the Horsford Preparation In my family lor the past , en years, and ocriainb would haveno other..." : i . . . - x T.G SMITH, M. D. 1 V . S - y . .' v j -7.' a- it v J -ad 4" A. . 4JW, 7. . t. r- vct .'v. a. fe- x aTV r ,;- n to The",; F Uge :MULLEN'S CELEBRATED Park i 4 i Tonic. A PwriTy fyrmlly Jftlriw That ;v If you are wasting away from Ke. dlss'i'atloi or - any ulHSe or weaknees tind require u stimu ant, take Pabkke's Tonic at once; it ,UI Inoraie and bulla jou tip from the first aose,' but villi never . lntoxlc te, 1 1 has gaved nundredn. of Ives, it may cave yoius... .. COe. and $1 sizes, at all dealers In medicines - Great - v -Mvlngln buying dollar size. ' miya uw4w ,N : 1 '. '' '"f " ' : ; r ' .it ' ' ; . Are you falling try Wel" Health f enewcr, a pure ' ' ; - " clean, who etcme j ; M'' 'UT '.m; " For ' Bra' n, Nerves, stomach. liver, Kldoeyp, . ; Lungs. An unequuled Uivljrord.u . ' Cuies Pjsp'psla, etdache, Feer. Ague,' .r . - Cbil s Pcoll.ty and Weak : ' . s lies. ' - ' rJiee to ak true me-lt, nnequ."lle for torpid liver aiwt uigt-t sweats , utrvusw. akuess, m alalia, leanness, se ual decl.Le. i 00 per bottle, six or 45.00 at druggists. : ;;.t : x - - - ' . . s Tlie Ayonderlnl iiK e f C!n- . A sumption, k , r . ; Bronchitis, asthma -splttlr g f bl ed,'sore or . tight chet, weak Jungs, hoarsenws. fore throat C loss of volfe, catarrhal hrot amctl")n, chronic , "backing, irrltttng and troublesome cnugh. ; - ' E . K. VL LS Jersey City, N.J., b. S. A. . Notice to Sto;ib)!deH . '"1 J- OF ;THE" " 3 HORTH CAHOLru;RJ;R. : ': Secbstart and Treasure n'jj OFricjj. ) - : r : Comtaht Site's. N. c. June 4, i$j5 . f The Government Contract . with v the Adams Express Company. The Government contract extends to all points 'accessible through ts tabhshed express lines reached by cbntinuous railway, cooimuuicatiqn, but dees not embrace' sea or " river trai3STXrfatietO'f -aoy-kind, amde not extend westward beyond Omaha and Nebraska City. Nob , Atchison and Leaven vv or th Kaiu The coritract'rates . for the trans portation of the United States notes to the I Treasurer for redemption and ; Uniud States notes sent in return are 25 cents per - $1,000 to or from points "within the territory of the Adams Express" Company, and 60 cents per $1,000 to "or from points within, the erritory of any;other exr pres' corVipanyvl except points iin Kansas west of Atchison aud Leaven worth, in, Nebraska. west of Omaha and Nebraska City in Arkansas and Texas tor or rum w)aich the rate 1 is 85' cents "pi?rl,jOjO mittance does hbV eicneed r $500, the rateishaIfbf;that'i!or $1,000:,, ; The rates; for the i rahsportation : oi National b.ihk ii6te3 to the Treasury lor eoepQptioil jare tl i cents per $1,QQQ to eacl express company over jwhds x lines the remittances i pasv and forUniWd States . notes sent ' in redirnS cents per$ 1, 000 j to points within .theiterritory otV the. Adams ?mt Sf ompancentsper $1,000 io puuus w ij,mq yiH ( ieri ltor oi aay other express tympany except points in Kansas" west tf Atchison : and Lea veii worthli in"Nebra8kayest of Onia? ha and JN e braka Oil ydm - Arkansas and Texi for Ji which the - rate 5 -.for both classes of shipments is f 1 50 per $ 1,0001 rams iessr thanr. LOOO & are paid for.:; as; $1; SOO't fylt iiftl ' The50tttjacc (rate t6rrth'ertran?ppr"- tatiorr ofr gold coin is 17-100 of4 a cent per mile per $1,000 with a minimuni rate of 50 ceritsper $fv000o" each p resscafry iii g'w hen the; d istiince at the preibVd j rate ;; does nop ; equal that sum Parts of $1,000, -not eX5 ceediog50nare"jjhargt?d halt the price ;f oi m.lOO j ith ?a himum rate0 25 jcentff to each express v carryt myz,iyi-my The""chtract;rate"f or.the -transport cent per mile per $1.000Awitb a mini, mum rate of $1 per $1,000 to each ex, when theaistance- A Hightoned Thief , A Washington dispatch says : ' The police of.. this city vesterday jarrestt-d Wm. B. Brooks, alia s Williams at Laurel, Md , on la charge ot j; hotise-f breaking Brooks, who is a man of 26 yeai 8 of age took up his residence: in jjaurei aoout . tnree months ago and beiwg rather a handsome bellow, of good manners gnnd wll dressed, soon became a great favorite, and de spite the-fac'. that every onf? j in the town was totally ignorant of his .'an' te,cedenis, nia'ru'd one of the most beautiful young ladies of i he place. Brooks represented himself; as be ing the captain of a vessel and '; was frequently absent from home on bus iness connected, as he claimed, v with shipping m terest Jt'appears, how--everthat Mr: Hrook s.frequehfi' trip away ir'rn norae were ror mrpiin poses pf robbery, and during his stay in ,hnu vol nearly every house , w nere he became lrrtiaiate wasJ mstenous- ly 'robbed; Lnt : Monday night he left hi wiie. tellingher that ha ?had been ordered to take his hoat to: Bal timore, and going to the house ofj Mr, Lenni8ou. a weaithy.tarmer.oi; Tin,4e George County, robbed it of $200. The case was' placed in the ' hands of the; Washington police, who finding that Brooks answered the description of a very noted burglar,ai rested fcim. He has. oeen turned ovrjr to tha . Ma ry land authorities, who want biiV on about twelve . charge s, coin prising nearly eyeryfekind or robbery NestlJsiiiii nv.ortt i: Household Remedy, ' For site hy all Druggists ant rourirrv Me rr hants, W. N; MULLEIN: Proprietor. ......... , . ...... ,v.v...... Charlotte, N. C. Tic5t Hi'? $!tr ? ilifir In ' ' " ' portion. - ' ' :' The thirty-sixth nllmml meeting' of the flo.'iu1 m V a! J t t.lu Aimi.i, ,... alia.. . ... - 1 uuiuciaw. iiunwiiiiTOi.i utuo Kiivieeiioboro on ThmsrtHK Juiy 9th, 1K8-S. - eto'lKlder dfsiriti to&tteti.i van got tickets fo tbeinselves and the i! mediate members. of their famiiiM (wit uni :- cl. 'en living lender their ioof, by applying to the Tte transfer books of the company wlllbd closed cntlJi. yinth. ' , : , r " 3une5v:tojuiyl' , - P. B. UDKFIN, Secretary. " a . mertngof-the:poatjp- cV mfpical "Examl t!rswtU ;be held ii thevity of Xte'- Area 4. 24; 1. totacommoante ai Dll . czr.tf r tl -i lwrxronitheC-jitrHftiiid EaKttrn r-cnisr.i ci, the yrae. ,1'nM meeti, wlite ad journed on inei-oiu. w int-ru Nt-.suevll!e oil the car.t3 in t A'J, .e i'e..te,-i to acconnnodate appli atpresenbed ratedoes uo, fequaL Jls already given Kwl thattti I JPatsibf:$l000 4fcoAxi S&l ceeddg$50' )are charged nait the prires for SI 000. - with a minimum rate of 50 cents to each express car rving. ?-:yy .jy--'jy .The Treaauf er ftarib ' o yer rals exacted when the charges rare prepaid, or -when remittances : come from points without the limits of the No charge "is made for the amount of express charges inclosed ; witha remittance of eyeu thousands of doK! wrappers Packages should -always be marked.with. the. ;.exact .auiuuu-- of the C6ntents.li: , a. f Vaunn. rdttoe f: tb.l ::rii'.eenjcH view Greenwich. O., writes: . r:; , ' FROM . f ( f: (Vlf i.su u Prop'r; RitiIroa.il Kfttt-Mii-aiit Comme' C'al and othe- travellers in the South will attest to tite fact tlmt two of :he best ralhoitd restau an s f mU of VI glnU are to be found a' Charlotte. :N C . ami Wav' Cross. Ga. Bad bread . the Ci yt- itr evil in the Southern country, and the "X'.elLmt qujility of .the. staple aitlc'e of food met 4 with at the Charlotte Ka lway Dining Room,.never (nils to imprt-hS those who patronize it. Mr. Cla.r ence G'cshauft, tbe!yanagrwritee:. r 'We do hereby .certify that, we super irise thearrangements for all the Montht and SemirAnnual Drawings of. the Louis iana State, Lottery Company, andin jter son manage land control fe J)rcwg hevi8eliandthaf the same; are cvn attcrea unci aoneszy, jairntass, u.ttu. n tjood faith toward all parties, ami w 1 hn!Ot1 nrtrr.4f- Rr. af PrA.jtniflnn sln f (ZUUlvriZe lite CUinvuny lU.ww lw Tas-uraeU the c nduc of ihft Richmond and. Dan J oc similies of our signature vUfc rvinlrig; Rn-m -t-.it Charkte, and fhexceUenLkuMeu '.' - '' ' ' ' .suacesaJJtw uunet.wtthl1idsfyintjcravrjl i jivouc in tne important, matrer oi t resin, is aue ro UM! use or ths. tne '-est of Alt Baking Powders." -mch28eod6m i i I x ; ;; i.) im ; . D oiiglas in a Dilemma. 5 Stephens A Douglas was in an awk ward fix just befbre jthe ; war C broke out. tie received telegrams from all over the country asking him how -he 8tood: ;'an "Old frieud was l with; hitn one nigliwlieu; hereceiyed .a . Jl is jpatch from rri'editor of a ?luis paper, asking if he sustained Lincoln's war policy V Douglas wrote areul v ' and bhowed it to his friend, who ? ad vised him pot t o send it.;; because; it read? like a noiticiansipftch: Douglas read ; it in a - ringiug- voice, with careful emphasis'- "That sounds well;'' said the visitor, 4,but now hear me read it " He read it and Doug , las said,' "That does r ad . .blanked equivocal as you read it. Suppose you write the answer? The visitor sUown; &ud! Avrote- the ff olio wjlhgj I deprecate wdr; But if is ; iiu.-.t come, . I am with my country, and; for mv country under all eireiim staiices "ahd;rinv-' ; every rcontmgen-v. Individual policy Jmust e isu b ro i- hate tothe puhiiQ safety; ! a;his Isele-; gramwas sehr.d?did(the libn' cause a world of goodi' ymM'til '( :; -v-; i-l'-i -wt- j $ : ." J -. -. - ; m ' '. - : . ' ''. ; J .j ? r'.'-l? Wv.. - Clc velancVs Administratoni; S?ew, Prleans PIcayuW& yf(B -pKiSiii i-Fodr years of such wise , and I hon est administration- as? Mnt .Cleveland will havei ce amity between the seetions,and drav?nl party -'finea unoa issues th, it look to the' future nrbsperity6f itiie hatioK?The jrevO' uuiou is, uueoti yuose loac cannot" go back! wardaud whethei Democratic 4Bepublicncoming Aminuitra- viKjiJo rw in iia ,c . Mci i . fiui iuies s n a pe i to ne w endsp and the refor jofiatlon and improvemeht of bur? National t Govs mentrl-estoring it; morenarlv ?the Hdearofits founders ,-is rVassuredV be- mm. GO R. R. LAT4DS In Minnesota: : North Dakota. Montana: - Idaho, Washington ' and Oregon. yy: From Lake Superior t ret SkromV At prices ranging chiefly from t2 te 8 per acre;" on 5 to 1 0 yearsr time. This Is the. Best Country for securing Good Homes now open for. settlement. Vm T ! ZtZO Aers of ' Government E" KT I" fcE tand Free wder the Homestead) i and Timber Cultnre Laws. NOTE , i oi a 'a - .A. OR MOKE THAN HALF ot all the PftWic f-ands disposed of iu 18 ComniiwionerM H. L T T To be had atlow liguces, at JOHN CALDER'3, Books ancU v. VA)wm Ptfi. nonntrv. . PstrifU Comntry .th lKrilToa4 tor Sale and .1.. -kdck (innirnmnt T,a.nna. Address. Cxi A. r AMBOES. Land Com'r, N. P. R. St. Paul, Minn. .. mayldBm ..V. Sutkeiob eocirr. Andrew B. Ilnston Plalntlll,, i Ml-'8t - it- 1.. 7. d ar.c2": JlylC Jc:: nr'psi.. i'C3 SALS a'j m:3 ovKiCt Re- Last Jannay 1 met v. , ., cor-rf r.f Ratva. to neal found nothYrig to do rrie toy foodtiir t , wii rf om meiKled HENRY'S CAilBuLIU bALVf ; I tv;" t a box ani It helped ma st once, and at. tne . i, t ,i two months I was omp'eteiy well. It ia i the, t rat alve m the market, and I never tan f telling my friends about it, and ur&e V em to use it wneiitvt r I n need. :. ; . y- y ... 1 : X.TTM ill 4 n ....M4.... iL VonnrV T with a Tteveroite!denn r r ,.,v President. u .it,- I ....... 3 c ry. Hil m ) ftltlOT 1 eflhies-the only f way tolmress that Pc. f ierce s "Pleasant Fuigltlve Pellets l tne origmai. iiur-. t,uu coauaue t r he wonder NORTH CAROLINA - tS; AMeckfenbur$ County. The Adams inlng and' Reduction Company, Deft, v Let the dttenidat take' notice that! the plaintiff has commenced tfais action . for: the re.coy-r? of fourteen hundred and-xtLlaTs,; es- the sum of twenty dobarK raid thereqiir togthfer w tu Interest (and costs -fait-' doe'iOK "work; iaour And -services rendered .by thw jjl0ftliff jto'the dVtendaut. Andthrt tialft defendant Is ivquired toarneat at the nexttrnibf the Suoerid iecmt In a- d for snid county, to -WlieJd ou-thaaajit JIo- day In August. 1885. then and thv-re to nlead. answer or demur to theTcnrapfednt whlcH'lW "sen flI wU? t.he ierk of this eourT ,The defendant U further notified that nil atiathnieiit has tcen jasu- tl m aaid Uv.Ucrti, and levif't upo its ma ; esiate,,-returnable, to : the term of. th Superior court ?ibove m-ntione trr v 'Hr'ii WATi1.'-;.-JvB'. KR IN. nja.i7e.sutitw.; . : Clerk sueiror court." Jncorporated in 18C8 for 25 years by the Leglsla tm-e for Educational and Charitable purposes wltL capital of $1.000.000 to which a reserve fund or over. $550,00(3 has since been aaaeu. . . --. JBari overwhelming popular vote U franchise, was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. P. 1879. The only Lottery ever voted" on . and endorsed b the people of any State. - ; , ' i s It never scales or postpones, v flts Grand Single dumber Drawings, tafe place, monthly. :. J- u '; ' - ' A SPLENDID OPPJRTrjNlTY TO WIN A FOR ICTUNK. Seventh Grand Drawing. Class ft In-ttir Academy or Music, .ew Orleans, ruesaay,. juiy LiPEXZE. $75,000- itW.OOO Tickets at Five Dollars Each.;. fractions lr yy, i..;; Fifths In proportion ; : y" ; t H2il 3T Corner Tryon and sixth Frfeeta diet Church. - fbfijrttf . Opposite Medio- 1 A. K,& VN .l 'k'NISBET, Whblesafe Grocery : ComTnit-hi(?n Merchants. 1 1 aM i jr;r,aM caihta!l k ; .'i'Cvl I. aos 1 do do .do ? i .'i vue. Tt ; ret- 'vl - T rirs the CH Wt Of T llFA BSTATK aENCX , 1 ' 5 I 10 20 100 800 600 1000 2 pblZKd of $6.000,.. .. ,....,.;. . ldo do do do do; dol do 2:000.. i.oon.i. a 501?. .. -100..; , 25...... APPROXIMATION PRIZES- 9 Approximation Prizes of $750.i... 9 do -J-,-.-i-,do 500.;. 9 y.y. dO';r---r"vdQ,..r i'-:-!. 250.... ; 25.1 lO.OUt: lO.OOM 5M.noft o.ooi , 25,00 25,0. F. 1. OiBOhNU' ' ;i i -n t - ;C.MaXWILL , : -,CgARLOTTE,N.C Win Practice in the tate and Federal CcmtJ Offices 1 and s, La Buildu;g Juiy 1st; lhb5 , . ' ' - " 6mw4dB UalatlaUlW fi'sbi 'to ft' d ontrij'lous or FpWemle D'yeaea, a nu .many hiliuetit- aWeiifflJ Vv ffChapgeo'-elimte. food and water, iw V-' 1 be vntrrt'lV p: eventtd by vvt-aringaCiff cuBvf'LASTKBOtertheipitM tnesw 2,250 tin 1367 Prizes, amounting to ..... ......... $265,500 f i A npile-tton-fof rate to club. should hemide only to tU4 office of tHe'oomp'.-n ttf New Orleans: y 1 bruftfief Irif rtrmation1 write -clearly i . glvmg fuQ address;-! iJtJStaJ Notes, Exnttss Money orders, o Tfewtyork.xchange V ordinary Jetter." Curren y by EtpressC all sums of . a 5 and upwards at our e pehse addressed,- ' M A. DAUPBDN, : t:tn -i-'sp-- r f "iUU.: j 1 1 New Orleans, Law? 607 Seventh St ;. Washington. D C " Mke m o. Money Orders payableand address Registered Letters to - . ; , NEW ORi EAN3 NATIONAL BVK, ,r . . ., ew Orleans. . La, - rAj wn.,) wntn r,euuent nitf s, new" -.? u-lr.-eAi osed 10 ttig affections A cure bsotht 611 is efLcted Hj h wnen ail othr pla jhh;- it is tne oen 'pijisfr kn n to ppypicia" drueorlstv.'Atdntet'lst..l!.IM. 1 fivftfor 1.00. lr.e. PtyiThK bhUG AKO ( HEMICAL CO., B06toB. .. 1 ;:LEXINGI0N, N. 0. Stat . "Preparatory." fcus'nfs. Teachers, nw and Literary cursea No extr . charge orJ3 tiun. book "kerpiCK.i Surveying and Agncnm Uhxml-trt ilxnenses JowiifSetia jpr tfatalo WANTED. E-SI'lN BEGINS SEPTEMBER 2d,' 1885, closes June Z.I, tttib-s high Unsurpassed .a in the t oroughness and standaid of lis Li erary, iiuIc ami Art Depart mepts ' . . - e' .. . t 1 T 3 For Catalog est pply 10 ' REV. W. R AtKTV3(W, ' Charlotte, N.'Oi ?" P. S -TPersns , reclvln 45 ialQsrues will take notice tSan the session- begiiis a, week sooner than announed n the catalogue. -". : junei.8d&tf ' . " '' - -- " - : " - " ' - j . BKIING IHt m:b NORTH CABOLINA. l u Mecklenburg C6y,rity. ; 5uiy 1 auanthy of-, aoao Orease tallies hav;ng 1 !HitlMi laWI o-t-aisii nf iln kh.rf cen tKlkw, Superior Coukt. UaintifL lis 1 1 MM' U a IV in oroe'r ft hcoorare tfce srfitem r f Drepayment I oft r & very lioeral disc iiafv tho who -3 , -pay in tu4ruee xox tneir. i j.ffe;tIte:teiesjof.sick'- and ''neTvoa head acne, ponsnpaipn indigestion, rush, ct blood to 4 iv Acaur vwuAtipiuiics, apor jail aliinentsj arls- - . ."-1 iua.iiuu8. .jeir action is thorough y -t gent e, and the ingredtents 1 in? entirely vegetable; t:' 7-ean be' taken with im punity into ; the inc st; delicate stouiachl Alt druggists wedsatiw jne'.8dl4wlm J.H. VAN NESS, Tryon Street. To Publishers, '- Wear- .revared rotuirl h a Brit-rlasjuaIltyol New low in 10-pound bmkt. at $'i.0u per bucket ! t,-df. i-i r.'-r W. A Parker against k- - ' - : The Louis Cook Manufacturing Companyi. Defend wtyy,;?j:-Syy;fy p:y.i . The plaintiff above-named I brinKs this'aetCoh against dtfendant to recyvtra debt .one to plaintiff nv twj ehfthks.1" 'r:iwn hv drtfenMArtt. avabla tn pialnfff onefor 4250 oa,' dated, April 20, 1885,:arHlH one for $78 67, dated April' 1(,-18S5, on ilerrtants National Bank, of " 4. incuina 1, Ohlo. prottsted Qr nonpayment, and $ damages . for breach Of contract wriereby the defendant contracted to pay Dlaintaff $1500 for his services tor j ear 1885,' ami UBcba.rKed:p)aifftff 1 wit Botv" causei lor Aprli, 1885. The defendant is required to" appear at the next term ot Supeior Comf for Meek enburg co nty, to be held at the court tVouseMn Charlotte on the last i he defendant-is fnrfTier notified that a warrant of attachment has b-eh Issued 'and fevjed bo tbe.J proirty 01 deienoant teturnap.a at same time ano place. r , r --'( i :.-x "''t j , fc TbeTFall TerOTtbmmt'rK'efi on the WJJ il nesday of Septemher,J.85;Tahd closes r oAdin tlme'in June followinit; Adyaatagw,'. f notnictlon In all the. branches; tL' w nrst-ciass -em narle passed.' tBHildltig he way as to eanibmenti noutn- ; inn corns, or .m. iass j f-r gagea ior session ,cpmmencingMn K-- -Oerms as re-Tsonabldas ary other AwJm ing same advantaees. Correfpondence. su's rerms, .e address. Rev, JEtjt.lH-J'u ' jrriiiuipais,- jsaietgn,- V. J r . 'jutaiawon. for oung'J-aoies,,"- ated ; by f ateam, ana Ae.r eauiO. to - Tt Aiay"Z3a, tba. f OQfi A CRES 'ef tfrtf vbeScSgflTr -tt2f & baDf e AdU Kerr, situated $f$i!es oU)h Of ioojehvlll la li.edellountyN p. iiolp1itg tbejai.ds' cf Dr Beat ty. 'Cyrus Jottiitort imd Mhrs; fcell acapted t .grat kmaU gcaji,.cern.aHd cotton,..-, , -v' r c A A CBFS of good branch , bottom - in cultlva' j Hon, one dwelling, j all' necess'try' 6ut-bjdldlngs cood springs and abundance of water for ctoc .V r mayI4wtonovS5 - ; c NATHANIEL KERR, we are2rowjKwmg,iWl full me Xour . tenant nouses and h Rpsnectfiii'v" rs; two good weUs, several I p- r.'7. -manufactmedbyus is kept - by th??- furnUure,dealers,in tbi Vity. ; We &PA J .best aridv most' sifc'stattat' tc"- the r SHOpDI .GOOPS-rslsfttorgoods mau . yod will get the worth .of jour money. -. . is on'each jpieW.aS s6l?clt; Ute pa0?. ' j public and guarantee saitsJaction.- juneiotf ELUOrr.&?