In Time, Labor and Money, No housewife Glassware; Window Glass. NickleBritania, soap. Kept by ali first-class druggists and Q f w o .pq, II O O) - O , Oh r4 i D O - DO 0 . . . W ' I H 0 d o o r & -o 10 T ( . DD M 'a 8 &: S . .;. O- c3 "3: 00 O) i"" HE-NO TEA At ... : ! ; : os.' '.beisx. k cos. , PIlILOUOiTlK, i cooking apparatus. It 19 In dispensable n the Hursery or sick room. v It J nroducea no Bmoke or M like the ordinary gas or oil burners, burns uwhol and will cook a steak or boll a kettle of water In flye minutes. $1.00 each. . . . iTHOS. BEESE ft CO. SCARITg FRUIT PRESERVA- jj-- ' ' - THOS. BEESE & CO'3. RUDDER ICX2 RAGS, . tobber Nursing Bibs, 'Pocket Corkscrews, Travel ers Drinking Cups, Soap "Boxes, Picnic Cases, "Nortea and plain Thermometers at . , - THOS. BEESE & CO S. j blackderr cordial. r&nt Aromatic Cordiaf, useful in Diarrhoea, wjsentery, etc THOS. BEESE & CO. 1 Marking Pens, at ' THOS. BEESE & CO 'S. WOCKIWQ-RIRR FOOD, k a and Mixed Birdseed. - . . . J i 1H0S. BEESE & CO. eagle & swiss braid wndensed Mflk at J THOS. REESE & CO'. - XTOTAL, GLUE, jtaa, Spalding's Prepared Glue and Mucilage, - , , THOS. BEESE & CO. '8. : PREscRiPTionfa Jmati . tho-4 tows. jL-rrva ?EiyiSTITUTES. nesdav nf oTerm?ommence8 0114116 IstWed SKi5ePteml5!B?l ma closes corres-fDoSniJeolIolnS-: Advantages for SLmtW6 brancbes usually taught In tWi or oung Ladles, unsur- SS" to httii Bteam 111 ery Afftt-.'equal to any in the fiw cic?rpso' First-Class Teachers en I'i K(Sol!ommeMun8 ,ln September. sam1S?able aaSny other fiwftuucm offer-. fotCawTan?8; Correspondence solicited. 2?ntalS1IlaU Particulars as to BBffi hVLL soif- Houses Rbri'iod. lli8' Wnted and ren' r-"1 "o- f-, 4-.-, Sablotxe rea r."T itti igtincy, ' . .. Trade etreetFront Central DotL New Bri liilflB lliire SILI ITASi'S ISUiVD Near Charleston. South .Carolina. NOW OPEN. Hall's Celebrated Military Band; and Orchestra, from Boston: Mass. - -..-- Two Grand Open Alrf Concerts Daily t , . Surf Bathing. Fishing, etc. 1 k " . - - Bates from $14.00 per week, np. ' - SPECIAI, IXA.TJ33 FOR JUIVE. Excursion rates by all railroads to the hotel! r Accommodations J or , tore hundred and fifty guests. , J.F. BUBNHAM, may23dywt ' - " v - NORTH, CAROLINA, : . V 1: '.v Mecklenburg County. " ' ' 1 ' ' . " - ' . -f:-m , . C SUPEBIOE COUKT. W. A. Parker . Plaintiff. against ' The Louis Cook Manufacturiug Company. Defend ant. The- plaintiff above-named brings this action against defendant to recover a.debt due to plaintiff by two checks, drawn by defendant, payable to plaintiff one for $250.00, -dated April 20, 1885, and one for $78 67, dated April 16,1885, on Merchants National Bank, of Cincinnati, Ohio, -protested for non-payment, and . damages-, for. breach of contract, whereby the defendant contracted to pay plaintiff $1500 for his services for year 1885, and discharged plaintiff.' without cause, In April, 1885. The defendant is required to appear at the next term of Superior Court for Mecklenburg county, to be held at the court house in Charlotte on the last Monday in August, 1885. . - The defendant is further notified that a warrant of attachment has been Issued and levied on the property of defendant returnable at same time and place.- , ,.,... - . - J. B. EE WIN, - .. , ' Clerk Superior Court. . May 23d, 1885. ltwbw -: US In Minnesota,' North Dakota;- Montana, Idaho.Vashtngton and Oregon. From Iinfee Saperloir to Pnaret Sound, At pricet ranging chiefly from $2 to 13 per acre, on 5 to 1 0 yearsf time. This is the Best Country for securing Good Homes now open for settlement. fm rs tm rma 3 s o acres of Governinent ; m l"Tmm Land Free under the Homestead U MlmLmtaA Timber Culture Laws. NOTE 1ft 1 ft 433 Acres OB TXIAM" ot all the Pubfic Land, dtspwed o i n 1 were in the North Pacific country. Book and Ma sent FUE3. describing the KorUiern rS!t Country , the Koadand tor Pale and . the FltEE GoTernment Lands. Address, tHAS. a. AlIBOKN, Land Com'r, N. P. R. K., St. Paulrllinn. Female Institute. Session begins septembeb 2d, isss, closes June 2d, 1886. , ' Unsurpassed in the thoroughness and high standard of its Literary, Music and Art Depart ments. , For Catalogues apply to j ; T , Bev, W. B. ATKINSON, ' f " -v . . , ' i Charlotte, N. C. P. S. Persons receiving catalogues will take notice that the session begins a week sooner than announced in the catalogue. . June 23d&wtf .. ' BArfArtAS.;... V - " ': ORAKOEy, ' SL.ES20KS,. AMD :iX3ACliE9, . ak S. M. HOWELL'S, C. S. Holton's old stand. - Piiville Hish School. IVl ,5sln t 'U cnen August 17 rnder ln?t:n'"-tl-i of ItoL HANNAH and i:?3 HcIOV- LLL irusic n--l the Lanzua.-es tausnt. 1'or terms apply to t'i e prtnti. al m OTTI ? P. 7, It V ft can afford to be without it' It has no Brass, Copper, Steel grocers. ;. " ,'; K. II. Ormiggists,. Sprlaugs Corner. Southern Prize Turnip" la the finest variety grown, and better adapted to our Southern climate than any other Notwithstanding the unfavorable season of last year, nne crops of the Southern Prize were made. It ' produces large and hand somely formed bulbs, and large tops for salad, will rnnaln in the ground preserved durlrg the entire winter. Seed for sale by . ' .......... , E. fl. JOBDAN & CO. Druggists., Stanley Half Brash Powder. For eleaniDg hair brushes in a few minutes. 15 cents per box, at ' " K. H. JOttDAN & CO. S, Druggists. ? Fruit Preservative Put up In 25c boxes. One pound will preserve 25 pounds of fruit perfectly. - For sale by -. B. H. JORDAN & CO., ' Springs' Corner. -i- "ii hi' ii rtnrlmim Mi.liM.l.iinnjuu-irir r A LABGE STOCK OF ! . . Chamois Skins - Forsake .cheap. '. x :f - B, H. JORDAN '& CO., . Springs' Corner. , - Druggists. A great Blood Purifier and cure for Asthma. It contains no metallo poisonr Safe and reliable. . JFor sale by . - . B. H JORDAN & CO. Vera Cura. ' ? - - , - : A specific for Indigestion and mal-asslmllation of food. Pleasant to taste and perfectly harmless. 25 cents per box. Sold by ; R. II JOflOAN fi CO., GET Magnolia Hams, Ferris' Pig Hams, ' y " w' Boneless Bacon, Smoked Beef Mackerel and Codfish, Rye and Graham Flour, The Finest Patent Flour, Wilson's Wafers, Sardines in Oil, Mustard and Spiced. Chow-Oho fr and Mixed Pick- ; les,; " - Family Supplies in great vari . ety, &tj BARNETT & ALEXANDER'S. Free delivery. Telephone call 81. JORDAN Scarr's Knight's Asthma Cure,-. R : ;T u V S D t v . and Bronze without ;.v1 v; O CO O I - " r i' CO, r it-",- O . a o W '.I I : m 3 Pi ' .i-i " 00 a- T3 e8 t S . L M-l c PR ' 3 O ..'.' ;co g J -EH" '.:co-a-: GQ o- o C w ; o ; 3 -J-2- . . 'fl' ' 'mm o ; H HI' t Q. o . W on - hS2 cs 8 5 l-H S - O v . ;. M' 8- 6- ' i i P- a -.: o , . M CQ H CO O 5Q --'3 o ' i. - -- .. , . eg; 6- r-t ,2 . -o op. - 1 co "'3. CO .2 8' 5 B 3 g w m ' 0 ' OD O O -CJ. Co C3 ' . a e3 on -CP o o U a S-r o tfOjRril CAROLINA, - Mecklenburg County. ' , -. ' v SUPERIC3 COCET. . - Andrew B. Huston, Plaintiff, agamci has commenced fourteen hunorea ana sixuuuaxs, cDO,i""."r" twe5?doliars paU thereon, together terest 5ts 01 su.i;, cue i vT yvyi a, r-- v vices rendered tythe plaintia toth 3 c: tsna-of tH? -Luicrirr court aLovs eV wik. ca ITesunCw. Clerk Sujerlor Court. The Adams llinr-snd CeiacHon mpany, Def t Let the defenc-int taSs notice that the r----" tils actlca lor tne rew-"i. And the saia cnenaaniis re4uiicu thene: term of the S-erior c -irt h , i t . - county, to behcM onti:elast "on -ti &en and tnere to plead, answer, or f the complaint v nich has t-en .eJ jj-A c rf tvir'irt .its c"r2.r:t 1 3 further zr- tLtan attach -tL,i L:ca i-ed la aM ction, n,i IpvIM ui its rerJ estate, retarnable. to tne j jt 1;f ;s -. equal for; cleaning scratching. It is v."r ' ' . T in -"-j - f ' , . ' " TOTH.E , . , 3--,' v i' 101::- riimie. The large stock . of HARDWARE we have on hand must be sold before the first of the year- .We are now agents for. te Liddeli. - Boss Press nd the Liddeli Patent Saw MilT, both of which re ceived high prizes at the World's Exposition.' . , . Liddeli & Co pre giving their entire attention to manufacturing their Presses and Saw JuiUs, while their agents sell their machinery. We aie now selling ' '- n - - , ' , .t - ; ' - . x-. FIRE PROOF SAFES,' ENGINES, PLANING MA . - CHINES, CAN .' AND FLOUR MILLS, . . I - 1 l ' I . ',' . . And an kinds of .Machinery, and must therefore close out all of. our . Hardware, which, includes . PLOWS, AXES, TOOLS, ICNIYES, GUNS And other articles too numerous to enumerate. We promise to sell Hardware lower than any firm in Charlotte, for it must, be sold. , Remember that and call upon us. Brem &. McDowell, SCARR'S FRDlt PRESERVATIVE, TTlioTesale nd XIetail at OVIST'S. NEW GBOF TU R NIP .SEED Wliolesale and Retail. Red or Purple Top Strap, Leaved, : ; White Flat Dutch, ' " "J . White Globe, White Norfolk, Cow Horn, Red Globe, Seven Top, ellow Aberdeen, i ?;Amber Globe, ' -,, Golden Ball, - Rutabaga, A.t-:,,;,.BISTQN?S,:,-, A. R & W- ' B; NISBET, WholiBoale Grocery 9 Horn mission llerchants. the souTipn nop::.:.! Te c'y" distinctively rcrrrl school in f s tr.t?.- Ti-raiory, E"-L.;:s, Teachers. Fi- -and L":rary courses. I , extra ch-i" ' ticn, L-ocS feting.- f .-'end i".r. S Ct ?n::try " Lxcenaui L . . . 3 ior c . Bay 5 Silver and Plated Vare as a kitchen TT7 fiSTERIV WORTH CARO YY KJKVA it; IX; CO - General Passb3(Ger Offick,' ) Salisbury, m. C, June 10. 1885. ; On and after Sunday. June 14th, 1885, the follow-; lug double dally passenger schedule will be opes rated by this companyr. .. . MAIN LINEr-WEST. Train No 1. 1 Train No. 9.. Stations. Ar. ) Lv. Ar. Lv. Salisbury. " ' SUtesvllle, Newton, . Hlcuoiy,' Icard. , Morganton," Marion. OldJfort, ' ... -Round Knob,' -Black Mountain, f Coopers, Spartanburg Jonctn, , jsbeville, Alexander's-" Marshall, '- -Barnards. . L M 2 81 3.87 4 07 4.82 soo 5.57 .1251 ,2.83, . a. il 7.1a - 8.15 8.18 -9.17 9.17 9.45 9.43 ; 10 08 10.08- 10.86 '10.S7 11.87 11 w ; 12.10 12.10- tl2.30 .12.50 -1:28 1.2& - - 1.41 1.41 2 ' '2 13 P. M. M ' - . a.3 4.08 4.82 600 5.07 6.iS 16.45 7 43 7.10 7.49 &03 8.C3 8 47 9.22 9.69 10.22 8.37 9.22 . 9.5S 10.22! Warmtprlngs., 10.55 JMeal Station. Dally. MAIN LINE EAST. - Xrain No.. 2 1 Train No. 10 . Stations. Ar. Lv. f . Ar. Lv. Warm Springs,, Barnards, -Marghall, - - t Alexander's, . AsheviUe. Spartanburg Junctn. Coopers,-. . Black Mountain. . Round Knob. . Old Fort, Marion, : . ; Morganton, . Icard, , - - Hickory, x Newton, .-'. Statesvlile, , Salisbury, . P. M, 8.45i 4.15 438 5.(6 4.15 4.84 1 ,6.06 5.3- 6 47 565 618 632 7.38 A.M. 10.3ft . 10.37 11.C2 . 11.15 11.5T - 12.13 12 4 1 1.43 ' 2.11 aoo. . 8.2S - 4 2-4 P. M. 5 55 10.87 11.02 11.15 6.18 6.31 J7.13 7.52 8.22 .9.17 9 45 10.11 10.88 11.33 12 80 . 11.57 . 12.13 12.45 " 1.42 ' 2.10 t2.85 " 8.28 4.21 7.551 822 9.17 '9.46 10.12 10.39 11.84 A. ii. . 5i0 Meal Station! DaUy. WEST. I MURPHY DIVISION. EAST. Train No 7 Train No 8. Stations. Ar. LV. Ar. . , Lv A.M. 9 87 10 05 10.82 11.(2 11.30 J12.15 12.40 1 19 1.80 :s.o6 9 00 9 40 10.0J 10.87 1105 1140 12.17 12.44. I.2Q 1.32 P. M. Asheville, .. HominT. . - 8X3 3.10 P.M. - ai2 2.E01 . 2.23' , LC8. - l.3 12 18 11.45 11.C8 1J.57, 9.20 Turnpike,1 " "2.4S 2.43 '156 1251 tndon K'ver, ----Clyde, ' Waynesvflle, ; " Balsam, . -' Hall. n, ' : i Sylva, ' Webster Station,' Charleston, - tins 11.C7 -10 5S A.M. $Meal Static ns, Dally, Traln'No. 1 connects at Warm' Springs with E, T., V. & G. R. R, for all points in the West and -Northwest . , - " Train No. 2 connects at Salisbury with R. & D. train No. 60 for ail points in the South and South west. - - -,.;.'-' ' . - . . , - ,. - Train No. 10 connects at Salisbury with R. & D. train No. 63 for all points North. - . . , . ' Pullman Drawlng-Room Llzlzz Cars between-. Goldsboro and AsLsville, and feiltcbory znd Ashe ville, oh trains No. 1 and 2. . - - -. ... Elegant Pullman Parlor Cars t wcca EalSsbury and Asheville, on trains No. y f 1 : ). W.A.1L,A.G.P.A. . T. E.MCBXX-, Superintendent.. . . . ,ViLinNePKiN,ItT,C.,June6, 15.) - CHA17GE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTE3. JCNE 7, 1CC5, IH I OLLO- lug Schedule, wa be ceratsd ta t-Jj 1,1? -W,- ... ; -. . ' - . . . PASCZNCZ3, MAIL TZili:, ' , : DAILY EXCLPT U2,TAY. , ' Leav WEmmn at ......7."i p. ml, Leave Ea!"' at : ,7 1 p. h. Arrive ate. arlottsat....... 6. Ja. it Leave Chaiictta at. . ) p. k. ' Arrive at Pslel-l at ...s.t ) a. k. Arrive at Vilinin-n zt 8.' J a. fc No.l. NO. 2. LOCAL FnziGST P:;;r Cr Attacl; i Leave CLcrlctta it....'.. ........ 7.D a, r'- Arrive Laurtnhuts at 4.c 3 p. n... Leave Laurtiburg at Arrive Charlotte at .... : 3. j p.,i PasseiL-er Trains step at tt-Izx gtitlcrs c-jii'. pud pcS:ta izz'zztzi n tli Cc;zrj'a Ij Table. dSLSY ciyl::g:i, fizzz::zzzx hail, n (Dally except E-iiir.) Tr"-3"cs.ltii 2 r !.3 cl-E-. ;v thR. &A. 1:3t3r ' Trrr Nos.3 pnd 4 ornecU C. A L. Larro-v Gau;.'3 l.rc-1. Itr. ,hLl" Ttr-;C..-st-(T"-I;: 1 ? 11 "3 C1":. 1 ; .aI1 V. A., j: Al;3, f:r i-;-rt;.;l. l:r.jana &u f t.:s j: . ,, v.T7.Clir-x Cci r .-j.i; Lesvs Charlotte at..'. , 6.1 "p.'.' ArriTSftff.cItyf Le"Y9 L 7 .,." a.-:. Arrive at Cr.arlot.3 at

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