DAILY "CHAHLOTTE "OR SERVER: TH TJ'Z&V'&y ; J U 1 Y 1(1, 1 ft 8 5. f U3LI3HED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY CHAS. R JONES, - Editor and iropri for- C, 48 fcKCOND Class Matter. . . . ON THE. OTHER SDE , " A SENSATIONAL. ABOUT A -RUSSIAN VANCli, 1 REP OUT AD- 4 The Scandal; Committee Begins ; Wotk-BIg: Bank, Crash in Ire-lantl-Tlie Gazette's Newsboys Discharged'-Cliolei-a's4 Progress Earthquake. '- l Madrid. July 15,-The ; dumber of nan noCM nfoholftra in the- whole 01 at prdfl v was 1.66S. deaths 673- , yj A REPORTED RUSSIAN ADVANCE ON PER- ' SIAN TERRITORY. . . T.nvTov 2 30 n. m : July" l&r-The Times has received a special despatch from Jagdorabaten via JVlesnea ; Juiy 11 w hich says : It is rumored ; that the Russians : have " adyanced into Zulficar Pass and that they are - treating Prussian territory as though it was Russian. The despatch also gays that the British frontier com mission is moving nearer to Herat. Reinforcements are arriving from Askabad; ' The advance of the Russ sians has made the Afghans anxious but they are determined to resolutes Jy resist any attempt to seize their territory. They are puzzled at this ; war like preparation of the Russians tinder cover of the Pasha'd assurance. Ib is believed that Gen. Alikhanoff, commander of the Russian . advance," is determined to force on war and that he is deceiving the Czar in re gard to his intentions. A BANK CRASH IN IRELAND. Cork, July 15. The.. failure of the Munster Bank has had the effect of paralyzing 'business' here. -Among the patrons of the institution was the . municipal "corporation, which had . deposited at the time of the suspens - sioa 110,000 pounds, The harbor, board also had a large sum; "in the bank. Individual deposits were large. A feeling of despair prevails throughs out the city. - Mr, William Shaw, member of Parliament for Cork ' -county, and who was formerly pres . ident of the bank, is strongly de jidunced- by the people who blame .him for the. difficulties in which the bank was involved. Much sympathy is felt for the employees of the bank, J200 of whom, managers and clerks, are thrown out ,of employment. , A - large number of them are married and have farailiis and to them- the d isaster is " ; particular serioui l , The J idilure has not only greatly afftcted . trade Jtjeret pVL it' has jjaused a; grieV . ous check of Jradetbroiihout the south of Irelan d whereT businesar was already depressed.The bank officers LOi'm inquu'ers that they, hope to be able to pay all. depositors in . full as soon as the assets . remaining can be realized. , 'V .V)V - .CROWDS OF. CLAMOROUS DEPOSITORS. At an earlv hour this morning the depositors began assembling at the' . bank here and at uuonn, LdmencK, land other cities and towns in Ireland f J where the bank has branches, and at hoonVthe streets in the vicinity Of the bank ln this city were blocked, with a crowd of people clamoring i or ; their money. A large force ; of police is stationed - at the bank to preserve or.dertThe crowd is hourly growing ' larger and more" disdrderlyrand fears Qf a riot are entertained. - ': Despatches from Dublin, Limerick, ::ahd other points . where the bank has i-branches, state that.the same scenes are being enacted at each - of those i places?.. . ; : '; i '.: Tpk NEWS BOYS DISCHARGED. , T j London, July 15.VThvLord Mayor - vin accordance with the government's decision announced by the home sec . retary in Parliament not to prosecute the Pall Mall Gazette, has discharged a large, number of news boys ;who iih'are been under arrest awaiting trial . for selling alleged obscene literature. THE INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE V BEGINS , Rt. Hon; and Mdst ' Rev.- Edward White Benson, Archbishop of "Can . terbury.and Primate ot England, Rt. Rev. Frederick Temple, D. D., Bishop 'of "London; His Eminencp Henry Ed. ward, Crdinai.Manningthi9Ar3h bishop of Westminster, and Hon Saml T'Moreley,f member, of Parliament for Bristol, met f this afternoon at the. v Mansion House and begun their work otspecial.!;priv'ati61 inquiry i into the ''evidence upon which the Pall Mall - Gazette bases its charge of iniquity in London.- The. Lord Mayor and city r w recorder were by invitation present : . .atthe meeting j - ?: rnoji vAsmrycTo. Postmasters Appointed John Boach Wantsiair ihterview4-- . Why ,t3ie .Presllfztt. Appointed Ulr. Martin, ani;llw He Seeks - Information. tLX ' f ;. ,WASHINGT0N,-July-3S:-The Presi dent ro' day appointed ;"GeoTge-Wr j&artio-..toJ-postmaster l.at.Ciatta nooga Tenn., yiceH-iF: Gricojn sus pended..; James C. Reed Jat Corinth, Miss.; vice; C. H. Beed to correct errorin name. : 1 THE CHATTANOOGA POSIMASTERSHIP. : ". The circumstances surrounding' the' aDDomtment ot lieo.- m. Martin as 6ost master, at :. Chattanooga; Tenn are an indication of the President's' disposition to.carry out the civil ser : vice, law in spirit :as wen as m letter This particular office was 5 a bone of contention . between the -Democratic party leaders in Tennesseey and there weceAat least ten applicants for the' ijosition of postmastcr4 - ,Both of the United States Senators ;trom Ten nesr, see had candidates The Representa tive of the Chattanooga District had a candidate,? andthere were a number of applicants endorsed by the citizens of Chattanooga. Martin was Ta mail ing clerk m the iocal postoffice and at, sented to file; his'applica'ion, stating that he had always-beeri consistent Democrat and . reciting -his- faithful sc rvices under .Republican superiors. Although no outside influence ' was brought to bear in his case, the Pres ident, 'after a consideration of the merits of applicants, promoted Mar tin from his position as mailing clerk to be postmaster at Chattanooga. . JOHN ROACH WANTS AN INTERCHANGE t OP VIEWS. Secretary Whitney has deceived a letter from' John Roach, stating that he desires a fulljnterchange of views with' the . Secretary , concerning the present status of the Dolphin case, and that he will be in' Washington in a day or two for that purpose. ui which he received information of a violation of the liquor law., If he found it necessary he would prepare a statement of the rasa and .turn it over to-, the district : attorn ney, ;who. in turtr sent it-to the United States Qommissionerrto .sum-. mon'the vtituesses in -the .case and see if there were sufficient grounds ior a prosecution; it-such proved tne. case the commissioner returned it to the district attorney." vwho 1 arranged' i it in tecnnicai snape ana placed tne next". term of the District Court. The only difference undec the new procedure will be' that before the case can be docketed ' there will have to be a true bill - found in v the case by the grand iu r v. ,,The effect of the change will be to give tne grand jury a great deal more . " 1 i.1 ; .. . i r 1 i , a i . wurK iDan4 iney usually nave, as me majority of the cases' which are tried Lin thft United States District Court are ior - selling wniskev without -a l; - - . - THE PRESIDENT'S METHODS OF SEEK " ING INFORMATION. ;'' The President's habit-of seeking information with f egafd' t9 men; and public affairs ffcm other than the customary ' official" sources, has aU leady become a matter of considera ble comment. Recently a prominent hnsinpsa "man im one rtl he :Middle States, t . whose name is ejnfcirelyJ un Known in poniicfy oecamei personally interested in a proposed:" transfer -of an official from one post to another, and wrote to the President, igi ving his reasons in a Jausiness Oman's way for opposing tbehangesjyw hich reaV sons were chiefly persohal- to the offi ciai, the order ior wnose transier naa mahone'sclans;; - Am ft S, COWVEXTIOJT TO NOMINATE The Little Boss flakes a! sjpeeeh " ""'Srle .Orer- the' . Appoint . ment of onimittees.'Etc, I V Richmond, Va., J uly 15.The ? Re publican State convention met here today in the Richmond theatre, about 650 delegates and alternates being present. . Cf these nearly . 200 were colored. At 12 :20 o'clock Gen, Ma hone made his appearance on the stage and was received with tumul tuous - applause. ; When ( quiet had been restored he addressed thereon vention, acknowledging the honor be8t0 wed and expressing his apprecia tion of the continued confidence, f so warmly manifested. He did not court the trust reposed in him . be cause of the tireless anxiety it im posed, and would rejoice when the time would come when he could give it up. The cause in whi-jh thev were engaged was the cause of human rights and American unity; a cause which gave protection to American labor. -Thev were here to erive 'ex pression to the sentiments of an outs raged people, and by this outspoken sentiment they might rest assured that inNovember next the people ofthe Commonwealth would signify their abhorence of the manner in which the affairs had " been r administered. A campaign would be inaugurated to enforce the Readjuster sentiment - of tne puwic deot and defeat, the en forced repudiation which their Bour bon opponents would impose; Gen. ir lAn inmiA1 PlA VliAOirlAnf wrote in reply afc hepreciated aJ?nlosd wh scathing tirade fK 0UAi&ZuzJk!&Ittih h.H again jt the Bouroon leadership and him o..,M'.Q,.tftp courDon methods m the State. mafti the - order- for transfer. He "e ,111? 1nf'ZrZXZA::n". m;oV,': A,m Vila 1 WUimtli.vcu. VUCU HjTO WUYCUUUU' W :'Zt der, and announced Honi Wiitfam stould flhd hlmlf nninYaslaw aa WZWrW A brief friendly correspondence grew out of. this, and the gentleman, who had business at the capital , one - re cent Saturday, called at 'the White House Although , the, new t custom excludes t vi8itor8dnftiat i4ayt he caller was , cordially greeted.. The President sat for ah hdUr conversing cnairman. - Lamb addressed the convention briefly, and then called for business. Resolutions Were adopted 'empower ing the chair to appoint committees on credentials, pursuant to organiza-. tion and resolutions, the latter com mittee to report a platform: ' TT A.t - . . ....... i with him andv spoke -freelV-upon1 : : quewaon 01 appoinng a ,r AAoi TvibYfo TinhhVtir committee on resolutions and piat-1 hive hone but good men in office and 5?t i? deleteffro?5 said witk some, Mphasis that when that the chair apppmt said aliticSifl deceiv him taking 2?2 DKoner'iff k tmnndmnnffitM submitted a substitute providing for www -w - . I thQ DnrvAinrmanf r . nAfwrvif a Vxr 4K o'a.ir,flnarinA with iue ppuiuwnen6 oi a woraan ui " " fA r Congressional district delegations, to VLflM : VAAW V M vw 'w o - "- topics referred to. more particularly was the selection of CollectorJHedden: Presideht7iseported? to have tXtiX Jtt TJS cited, and carried on amid gieat con with the suggestion or wish of any fusion, deyelopmg in ite course much pomician or political organization, -r-tin;n - , " T ; ; out with the, view soieiy ot meeting, RATIO 17 AXi . COTTON EI CHARGE - . rreeediny of the Firs Day of i the If inth Annnal ConretSlion. 4 Greenbrier White SulphtjkSprtgs; Vat J uly 1 &. --The nin t h"biennial con yenuouoi in t national uottorj jjjX chan geo aricii -hiet-hr today W, H. Gardner of Mobile, Alabama- huts presmeiii, caiieu ine convencion to order. - ilenry Hunt, of NewlYora, vice'president. and C. H. Parker, of New . Orleans, secretary ,T Six local exchanges were represented at the opening..: The president read the ad dress congratulating the 'convention on tne truits of the.-1 National. Ex change iq developing: general', and local interestsf of dealer; and manu facturers, and furnishing " statistical information. Thetaddress also re commends the'r expresioiin-- of 4tha views of Vthe bodv as-'ta the basis - of f value and continued coinage of jsiiver.: mere are present, so rar, Tnrarty mem bers:'.j A , , f".'' A committee of fty'e, ow 1 eredentials was appointed and a 'recess taken: After he recess the ' nrmittee on credentials-reported that. New - York, Mobile'; Norfolk,. Kew?, Oirfeans, St. I.uts'-and-Savaahiaoge'were: fully represented? . and .the- (report , was adopted ; " '".' v.'.' ; The rtport of the executive' oncil and that of the secretary, were read 'and "received v.-" ' I A committee composed ofthe ebair1. man and one merasfeer frbmi eaehi ex change was appoioted 1 to distribwte the subjects referred in the above- re ports for action by the body to- sab-' committees ' ... The report . of the 'treasurer' was read, showing a balance on han- o $68. The disbursements for the year was were $100: 24. The, report r-wa referred. - j, . The report of the committee en crop statements was-read' and refer red. ' Itjsays that tbe crop: report were given out and a re-most absolute ly correct. The committee on infor mation and statistics ' reported1 and!, the report was referred and a-- recess taken. . .J . - The convention .reassembled! at S. oTcfock. v The special1 committees re ported the names' of .s-rc? sub comnit? tees to- consider the! various questions- referred' to in the reports of the secre tary nd the executive council. - The. convention then ad jouiraed until EM o'clock tomorrow. ' :, 'lVorl t Worfe!' Wot I?9 1 How manr women' there are- working to-d4y Jii- various- branehes of ln;ustry--to say nothings J the thousands ot patient housewives whose llvss are ail unceasing roond of toll who are martyss to those complaints to which' tSto- weaker sex,l liable ' Their taska are- rendered doably hard and' Irki-ome andthefr lives shortened jethard necesE ; 8ltry compels them to keep om To soda Dr. Pierce's "Fayorite PreserlDtlon" offers a spare-meansof, i ief, - For all female' weaknesses ft? is a certain cure. All droggisiB. . santnurs&w' i mm - - 01. 'iOCcr tJiu I atest Stjlrn C LAD1?S' SliacVrQssG, erf tTiH TeU i the ! i gross of jmi Remedy and 3 ll 5 doing well with It iu Tarboroj SK 5 Increasing end it has given saffiSf we have leaned, In ever A : -HOLGis - ' W3UT IT HAD wne I 4 f f orsereral yraI .hare had ahSilf , Dreawi wnicn 1 Jear w cancer, that ST1 ft tame so wean I Tttieapaeltatedf-w?6 ! bto roe.' I would1!! wake unta11 soirreai scarceiy fntif enerey lo a-ir mysfelf. uoon the t t of tie benrt so Tioleutfrj that I was fa!! tlill:-1: so rretvottH I could eet no rnnrt aio ""S. K awak at n'ght restlea,. and when to sleep would soon -awake with k 2il5ros wwuiu ie Dtmrs oeiore f eoald eet inZ i My coaBtitotton was wrecked-KnrJ L8 Jf conciwrtd. as a last resort, to trr I0" n's fidsied. I commeaeed . uslni it?; i hare tatcen IT bottles, an the eflert taliS dert nL y Beueral healta is eiceltent i? wU as ; ever did in mj liffcandWskiin A11! ing feeUisiJreshedand weh no and cv n.y own breakfast without law nne-.TM tite to relish it now after ?3? 'i mih ouu ou moi llnvi irw." a 1 Tint ti- l win s ' i F hivtp! not :" K-ii - ""en A. t 1)-:(fpiTatloD : the heart," sl-wsoon -.fiS1 uiitcef Tnejojrmeuy; . Jtty breast does iv;, 5 at)bot gi je any trouWe. T aS f wheteT'twJveiriedy will cure tljHiitiiinis ni'Sl there, but if It ZLz?M. vwrjU4rjmtfteea express my t ut- cveintrfij jmb (ie ior me COAL. ' - Hatiirg-builta larsreM Elevator; (the odIJt oaein 4the-S6utlJI anr pro- pared to fornisH;con8uj33e s w-iih all kinds oft " .- - ; V ' At lowest raiass There are se?aty-twoj:ir5-eens In the building; No dust or dirSt,'con,r3s-'?My get Into the coal, a It rans over tfiese Screeawlia pass- i UISUJII lUt7 JBilCVUBOf UilU 111 litTW. f I have now, ,anl shall always k-ep on - tend, a' i large stock of sHiktods of coal Ss8,t suitbdf arf oun ryv factory andflaiBBjr use. - AH coal ke undar shelter and shlpi dry. Prompt Bhipniffifitsx'; Orders solJbttedJ : . I S..H. HAWES; 'Office 18th andiffitoay 8treetsiactmon;T5i, SSThe railrsodt cats ran alosggid&of r C2b Eih- vator. and the coal lB-lee3ed into them there; tho ieseesing cue crsBTOChw trade Eottati. juksedSc 1 ifor mA thai Mas. Person imtm'tJ itWOQld whtl constmer her in regard to uslni t tahweasu :jtfing any one ififnrn.. Jl sard toiay c who, may desire if affitctwd peiKjnla the land cou knowrt H We. - J ini riileftahr . of Hji Ytmije- H. Bw Bryan. . B. Hodge whom shall bo referred all resolutions on the ; party nlatiorm. nomination and organization. as far as possible, the' views of busi ness men. YOU!" in Extraordinary of dar9 by .tire ;.Mr8 Joe 3Pc rs n Kem The following letter, dated' January 14 1885, fcss just been reeet?ed4 and will be shawm to any per son who Is-interested In- the- subject' Kames-aad dates-are witiiheld for obvious reaaeoi' ... Mks JoEfrasaoi:- " - ... - -l 'Madam-On tt 29th of lasa Mar a boy chad well developed In every respect wa horn in GS4s city, but the "King of Terrors- began to chiAeT about ltslittSe heart, and' notwithstanding its plump and vigorous- constitution the poison In 3n blood soon began to .manifest Itself in what the medical men term 'Eczema,' , 'Pupuara, or 'Herxfr tary Taint.' Some old 'mothers - concluded; the child had th yeliow ttirash .5 Yet: whatever-She. disease it waeertainlj a stuhbem 'master foi-the doctors, , ... , v ' The mother took the little sufieser to the cean- try, hoping: hat the pure fresh' air might be fcane ficial, and Df. ; ,-of Lurahwtea, was called to treat the cas. He pronounced1 ii Hczema, and did all he couldi tor it, hut to n a purpose, any. more than to chok the fever, to- whlefc - the diseasoi-sub-Jected the boy. 1 t'"V: "At the test trost the vlotkni wasagain removed rwaalled A - toECISIOW V'BY " THE SF. . . ' f'pBEME COURT. Crimes Glassed as Ipf ainous must ' 1e Tried on Indictment and Not on Information Simply , Hitherto Dersons . who . have been tried in the United otates District Court for violating .section 3.242 of thft -.Revised Statutes of the United States by carrying on the business of a retail liquor dealer without : havipg naid the SDecial tax provided by the govern ment, have oeen prosecuted ' e and he proBooneed the diseaee- 'Pupura,' andipre scribex actordingly, feodingap. tte disease gb Iron and other minerals until ttoe babe's moath'ibe-' came so sre-tiiat for two week it ' did noinuxse 'A friend suggested as a lasfc hope and resort v , " - 'MRS. JOB PERSCN'S-REMEpT.. . means of procurinsa&y more helpoji medi cine had failed, and in- tSJa hour of deepest de spair the poor mother weat and asked her drug- pointing power; f inally the mam Question, being ordered attempts were made to secure I to the city, antf immediate v. a uecision uy viva voce, ana rising votes, but both failing the roll by coiintiftfi was called, which f resulted in the rejection of the Grroner substi tute by a vote of 23q to 494. , - r-i The original proposition was then adopted. - - , : :,; Aftor, hiteen , minutes -recess the chair named the. members of the reg gist to let her have ono bwttle and one package of uiar commiuees ana me convention TCTeT to TbaVlo sEe TSSdhoi wedding ling and raised $1.50" to pay toy the medv cine. 1 r '.'l' '-:-- "When she gave tne e&ua tne nrscaose, zatm weeks ago to-day , the fifctle' fellow' we a mass t sm.lv sores from the hlD&to theknees,aid aUsevtn months old had never Dome nis weigm on nis iei,. To-day. by the help oi ra ana a iaiinrui aaminis tration of the Remedy the child is well and strong in thfi lesrs and last Baobatn mornijiff wnuenne mother was weeping at the necessiij of dryins.up her breast, he took bM and nursed as strong and vleorous as ever.. The administration of the Bemeay is siui Kep up r h cumpieus vuivt. 'BeUevinaln its emcacy i nave prevailed upon Mrs. "to take tt for Inflammatory Rheoma- tlsm." $5..00i'AARD esen Pot JftrCt best spagunem of Fruit i preserved! wUtt A1 j35?3f Sio.op reward;" For the best- col3s9Uom f any fraife- presewed! wtth'WiTJDER'S PSffiSSSTING PONDERS! matt be put-up in glass jara- TOto above wi3b Judftedi and paid! at the QaniMnat ffiir in theSisar f tl8Sa"v Charibo. N. CUalr 181285. yl7d23b PUBLiS NOTISE; To J3t WhMn t. May lw ersi-r Mj wifavliiza Ttoei;rei4ofed,vahMond'iBjt liVlUUf lil;J) JbMJU UUU TWUTA v fcra, Ht,lail:Baiti,Cam sCiiesetTC&Msnta,- (ra.r on ov- aboal June lfithv 185,-and, a& Ham advised, left the&tste with.onaIi.'il. Morgaik'Oolored, first gsiiig to Dan ville, "vaLvtolive wish the a4d Morgan who wassati one time a. tiacher in ihe aalered i uh&o school: at thai slsce-. This Istogty?nctice Uiat alt persons ar hnfthv f'wbid eo tharlor or employ the sskt Eiizs TUrnapr, onde? the penalties of ISaalaw. ; Mf- gau w-'S-edoeated .at Biddia lnsutui. neanuar I3(ttt; and'ik well knaasaniiK Charlotte. The woaan is a ftae'lookSngmuiatt04 25years old.TOSiKhsaboa 160 pounds, and hraifapchWd with heivalutisven raentfilaold SWRENCa I IfitNEUfc. BINGHAM. .sOHOi.)!,, 7 EHtalli5ifi in ,lsS ; : -.-. " . - . - - .' BBHINENT among. Souttwrn Boaritng School foir"ovs.iA"i:Sn hCttiig3. n ASEA of ATRQH A (tE, ao t.ee.uipnt.atfordPlir!asa i'ai. nrtir-TRR : initio only School JaKaira in theSoaihiwlth ftA a liYMNAitfllM auai a &sam-neKea cam nawar Foi'oataloaaie, glvmf fuiS partlcuiHrs. address 3. - - ' "i3t.5fc BIN&3&M,iSapW ' dAiwJjJ - -"' BUMfeaam School F.p. N 8. :-i"f!i "W MToR t,?wv4-!-.4i.l.t!s ..!l's2iMiri"lll r. " " -V-'' " T""Eow Tew understand wSat a perfect fit is t That painftii rerflod of "breaki-ie in'-isdeem-ch. essential to every f new cvttftt. , TMs is positively un . necessary, v Tito scientific principles applied to tiie num erous shapes and sizes ofthe Edncn" shoe, tisuroa perfect fit. and lieir. flexibility, abso lufie frsetlom froa .t"io tortures cf ''breaking1 In," as they an eaqy ar.d comfortable froaqt the first -day. Sold everywhere. AaSstovx shoe dealer Jot them. ' X: HANAN & SON. , JLX 2 lirAti ROAD. J . N. CL DIVSION. ' CondenMed Meliedule. 1 TRAINS GOm& NORTE 'May's 1885. Leave Charlott, ' r " Salisbury. High Poast, Ax-rlsve Greens&oro, Lve Greensboro, Acatve Hlllsbwwy , ' -Durhaa, ' "Raleigls, ' Lsajve Raleighv . Anirre Goldsbero,1 No. 51, Dally. 4.5CJ a m 6.32 a m 7.45 a mi 8.17 a m 9.35 am 11.89 a m 12.13 p mi; 1.20 p ml 2.28 p m) 140 p m!) 6.P 7.505 m For Sale or er&t. Arrew 2s-rootBi iioaja frontSaifeon Westf,Tmde stmftAEt innd welHaf water on th DTcBilses ::Can bo-purcheed through- the Bulliing ana Laan As- Sociauon aesuu wn soiau anuciy Asotukree ;iuUdin lots5tki3i leet an easy tanns. jitpply to ,-Julj4dlil - - ' -Jft'T. L. Susie's,. r Lefi Over fem.fk HMi No.l&-Dally exfsofrSunday. Leacie Greenstone 10.00 p m Arr?e at Raleiiel , 6 00 am Arrive at Goldsboro 11.00 a m A fin Rl CV)EJiAi4ti at itrMa-nahnrn nrtt.hiS'APB foe All taints-NorthV Esefr and West efMf; At Salisbury withW. It. 9. R. R. foraBpoWJ. Western N..CL y At Goliahoro . with W. 1 f . daily. JNos. OL and 53 eannect at Gresasboro kAP. R. B. auditor eg1 points on Safcam , TRAJNB GOING SOVTSU took a recess until 8 p, in. -j V 1 T VTflTTV C-CirT TVn TV OTAMf-a . ' . London. The market at the stock exchange at close wrxs3panicky. Bus sian securities were 2 a. 3 per cent. .t lower than the dosipg, rrce" of last '"eening; r?..'-' 1A- ' .'WHAT PNSETILED THE STOCK MARKET. . t The dowriwafd 0 tendency v in the ' stock market today, .was accelerated by rumors thit the government had received information confirming, the report received by the - Times of the "-Russian advance - on ' Zulficar Pass. The news of this hostile demonstra tiori Hon tlia odirt of Russia together with Lord Randolph: Churchill s as"' eertio ii in the House of Commons last evcnir.3 that England ; woUldiassist tha Amzzv if he asked for assistance, . Lt.3 created-much' excitement. . J; i v A i . ' EARTHQUAKE modESf-? ': :., , Earthquake shocks of great . force occurred at midnight at Synra and at - Chesme in Asia iliner. r y , :C ; Hogs Packed in the West. The total number of hogs-' packed in ; tne w esu wees oerore iiasr was t9S:000. compared ; with 125.000 for on lniormauon anaugcu tu .iwu- tne corresponamg ume last . year. ninal fihane and sworn to by the The total oacked to date from March United States district , attorney: By ist was 2,475,000. distributed as f oK a recent decision of the United btates lows: . Chicago, -l.390.00ar- Kansas f Supreme Court it has been held that City,' 410,000: St. Louis, 102.000: Cin ... 11 .U 4-l--k TMinlohinflrir iq 1 - 4-Z (ro nnn.' r...-.l.. Via rrr m ail CaSBa wucio yjuv .,-poi,v..o ciuuati, io,uw ; s iuuiauapoi"S, o, wu ; such as to make tne onence an in-- Milwaukee, 117,000: Cedar Rapids, famous crime that is pumsnment Dy 101,000; Cleveland, .. 56,000: St. Jo-. imprisonment for one; year or more seph. Mo., 12,000;. Ottumwa, Iowa, in the penitentiary at hard labor a 36,000. . V. . i trial can oe lustitutcu. vmj uwu inaicimeni, oi a jj- ' ' Shamed into SuirldA. Tho msa in ouestion was ex parte Wilcon It was a western case, , in w1jvjj.u,-.v. j uiy lo.mrs. jciia which a man bv tne name oi vv iibou i iiui x" moouiui juuug who oi nnva rnn vifited On lniormailOU Ol xJW6a" ( ;iauua,: voiuuiitieu -nnf rf Aitine United States bonds, suicide yesterday - by hanging. A and HAntfinfied to cava uue oi o,uvu twwi w vmv, xu uw- uuouetuu . r m . and be imprisoned lpr mceen years VAiiTut onil -mitllAQcratfl irttft-n fifeisitVt"no frftjil HPT JIVU1I& UUU u.awr' ApUVM. ' - w-.- O vouswdeblllty, premature old age, toaot memory, and Kindred symptoms, pnoma sena io wk ia stamps tor laree illustrated treatise suggesting sure means ot cure, world's inspensaiy. jneuicaj Association, Buffalo, JI. Y. A fairy lost a precious charm . , . i;-viv To keep the rosy gums from harm. ,t, . To keep trom teeth decay and death. . To sweeten and purify the breath, - - .Thia nharro tile fairy lost a mortal found. ' , And SOZQIX)NT 'tis called on earthly ground. The Gem of the XIlet - The smcl-rs cf the Richmond ftra'f Cut :e3 vr- 1 fc-e interested to know that they are n j- il:c:3ia neat card-tcard boxes t.imA'v.'''Bima uA.A.mf f yj;A-AA aL'"" 1 tne WOritt Says IS UZi,JA,Ui.. it reuuera un bean-suit tor divorce, chareiner in iriMto brth a traaTant Ti,, ,..JL n ThMioKl-. im i n . tlifl f t.imacv With a neierhhnrino- farmer odor. p.TiinOTilshlnff the ill . humors which usually Tne case waa, yuw vrT rr u a -oloA e""Jr, flowfrom a bad arid neelected set of teeth. SOZOr TTitAq HffttAS Hunreme VJOurs,r.waere yv y xu,uuuuani- fTc-f ia .nwtnniant nd -ndiiA a sensation it was decided that the case was Van ages. Unable to stand the disgrace; at once so delightful that it makes it a pleasure to :nfnmnna mi a because "tne statue iuia. xiui yuwiuunuer me. which-punisbea it prescnoeu an im prisonment of not more tnan ntteen A Xonic In the True Sense or the years'in.tue .penieawaij a" Word. use it. FOR SALE OR RENT. HaaiTWftftnt.taft riipasantly located; in one of best neighborhoods cf the city. . Apply at room Unaer iuib uc wv v--0 , no true sense a tonic. Ho8tfttPr'TQt7oiri. lxx No. 10. law building. . : without ft license becomes ran mf am- SSt only ar tni'S'ffiSffi. ?5it? isr. Iftigr r.."X.V.0 a R.-fticti 3.242 provides ; medicated stimulants of conercehSn, " - . ... . w . A "Xrt - 2 i-ivtsi r r s. fci A.AMnMKi-ra cT-fTv-iiia . " w uuuaiir hi - - - - . . . ; a , o . - i w.1"'.0."113 ; ppe:, theBiitars rpitn T'oriai. "Miasmatic and ccntagir i or ,piuemic . - .f. v : i ; J 1 1 . rHIIIPF'o r.I!1rts.c . . i : - . i ..--a. 1 tl,An 51f(1 Yip'. not tu - n ' distion. remeelaa ? J " 000," andampriscnrnc-i uuu rityinthehahitcf rbody7"itt3 tiSrll ' ' . r u ; . ovc nr mQTQ than tWO m the true sensa of thS1 V2 lilei?t.ore.a tnic I -. , tnaa tuu;igr -jr -7:: j ... . ; , , v,TonT of toni in ThV i3 P renew . - . ; a jiiuci. luinnrrjJ'nr fniM n Diseases, and n::r ail. -ants attending nhQTiw r.r niimatA. ; od and water, may I v. ontirain npouoiM- i fcv wearlns aCDTir emu Pi-astes over t- 3 pit of the stom- trnoT. ? - i - i a riTfv z?rowM nil i r-.-w.. .(Aiji.Li...i n The former moas Pt " ana iiumoniousy besides this, its taF-orati O exroed to these affections. A cure by tt,- whiskey caCC3 - Was for , tho end fTft " ittteTiltS? atscion ifeCectS Sttwhen ail other plasters fe. c" sdputy' collector - cf m- 8 pa-j C! ItFcc. filL lt is the best plaster known to i siclaus and 1 -A TINE- ST0CSL'0J- watches'; CLOCKS' Silverwaref aid Jewelry Of all sort3,J sale cheai now, at - flales' . Ievr ' ' JteWehry .: !ioref - - NeittoNtebetandSele, , I HAVE A SXOCJf OF G R O CER1E5 In connection with my confectionery store, and I would be glad to see anyone who need's something in mylihe . Ail orders, promptly attended ,, to, and all goods strictly first class. . . ' nOWELL, A ' '-" . S.Holtons Old Stand. . . i COOK WANTED. To go to Mountain Island Mills. Leave applica tions with H. a Eccles, at Central Hotel. Julyl5dtf. - W. T. JORDAN Information Wantedv An nerson who can elve me the postofSce ad dress of Samuel Waltonror any of his children or heirs, will be liberally compensaiea. jut. waiton was a resident of Yadkin county. North Carolina; near the beginning of the late war, and drain;? the same, or directly thereafter,.-he raoTed to' South Carolina, (county unknown) and carried with him a wile and several children; was a mecnanic, -assisted frequently in erecting railroad bridges; mov ie? frcra place to place as work ca"ed him. ?- The c.;?ct'of tais ir. ,-lry is to'tnfom t: s said Eaauel y"alton, 'cr his L,.at representati?es, that they are the owner and entitled to a tract of landinttiij State. Persons who can give the desired Informa tion will please correspond in person with the un dersigned at Lexington, Davidson conity, N. C. l.s.l:;ijow, - dlt Attorcty at Law, Lent-; . :z, N. C Leave ioldsboro ; arrive uaieien, t Leave Ralelch.. t '. Arrive Durham, s : " HlllSDOTO, f -f -i Greensboro,";: ; Leave Greensboro, Ainve nigh i-oint ... " baiisDury,.Ar Charlotte. No. pally.! 12.85 pm 3.Hn B.H) 6.00 m 6.r7 p id 6.477 im ,9.0Cip ffl 11.21 P m 11.55 p m 1,05 am 2.50 a m!lil ia' m.ict , No; 16 Daily except Sunday. 1 -V Leave Goldsboro Jpn -Arrive Raleigh " 11 46 p.m ; fLeavBaleigh 12.35 am " Arrive Greensboro ftS)-am NCBB, and at Charlotte with A 4 C all points fit the South and Soethwest 1 . . TCn K9TiWTianfa ot Phnrlntto with C. for all points South and Southeast, and win j Air-Line for all points South. .-, t - zsr.-.m iv. c. railroad- 'GODfG'gOUTH. ' ' '4.. Leav'Greensboror Arrive KernersvUle. Arrive Salem . .. . No. 6ft . Dall7, 11 36 P 12.39 P 1.17 m GOING NORTH. Leave Salem."; -. - 655P3 Arrive KernersvUle, .. 7.30 P Arrlvft Rmnithnm. 8.35 P STATE UNIVERSITY GOIG NOBTH. Leave Chapel HU1, Arrive University,, IG SOUTH. Ho. I, paflf ex. Sun. 10.25 11J518 No.i palU, ex. Sun. Leave UniversifT, ... , S'SiSffli'i Arrive Cha-sel Kill. . ' . 7.81 P P'S EUITET SLE2PKG CABS WH01jff Throcr'i PuUman filoepersn A between- s;xi'ti and Au!:Zi( , ; -Mr 13 Lew Orleans.- ift J-' at::!:et3on salewGl t a, C-li " cro,. Salisbury and CJTjj rcita L:u LuuJiwest,est, W i crcr-'-n-t rates to Louisiana, T End tr . -'-thwest, address , , iTTfifif A.L.1 IV.

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