1 J THE k - v : . I . 7 v; '-- V- n Time, Labortod Money. : : No housewife can afford to be without it ; It has no . equal for , cleaning Silver and Plated; Wares; Jlassware Windo Glass, Nickle, Britania, Brass, Copper, Steel and Bronze without scratching, e It is Indispensabfeas a kitchen oap. Kept byll ftrst-class druggists , ' ,-r:::C ' . ''-' ' ;-.;;'V! . : : - ' 0 I) O On O 8' 4 ': 1 ULl to J 1 PI 0) O T3 03 in 0 Cl N V' T3 , - a 0 " ,7,P4 HE-NO-TEA At TQQS. BE1SE &qtJ8. puiLOiioyirJ, , (Ueooktag apparatus. ' Iti" Indispensable In tbe Msenrwstek room. . it croduees no smoke or like the nrriinarv an or oil turners, bums tool and will cook a steak or boil a kettle of natet to five minutes. $1.00 each. -' ; J y pOd. BEESE 4 CO. SCAUR S Fltl IT PRESFRTA- It f t ' " THOS. BEESE & CO". SULLIVAN'S .ISLAND. Tea tCwxrZesfon, . South Cdrolinay WOW OPK!l. bill's Celebrated Military Band and Orchestra. from Boston,. Mass. ' ." Two ttrand Open AW concerts Dally. .-. ftrand Hop every evening ' - ' ' -Surf Bathing. Fishing, etc. Bates from $14.00 per week, up. , SPECIAL TIATB9 FOR JUNE. L Excursion rates by all railroads to the hoteL " Accommodations .tor three hundred and fifty Mill IB R; R. LANDS 9 In Minnesota, North- Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon- : From Iake Superior to Pncct Sonnd, At prlcet ranging chiefly from fZ'to S per acre, on 5 to 10 yearsptime. This is the Best Country lor securing Good Homes now open tor settlement. mm rm rmm p 32O acres or uoTerameiij . V ! Ub ftnd Timber Culture Law. NOTE in qi AV- Acres -, KOBE; THAN SA0ir Wthel&ftS Lan48 Vtfi Charlo RUIIRER I E DAGS, berUurslng Bibs, Pocket Corkscrews, Travel Drinking Cups, Soap i Boxes, Picnic Cases, wmtw ana plain Thenriometers et v THOS. REESE & CO S. r BLACKBERRY CORDIAL. ..-VHUW S1VUIUUV VVlUiai) UOVXUfc MLM SSM UWU) Wterj, etc , THOS. HEESE & CO. , PATSOiVS ODUDLE INK - IBrlggs' Marking Pens," ai 1 . Q . THpS. BEESE & CO '3. ; 7j7r. . p - 9IOCKING.RIRD FOOD. Bli Manna and Mixed Bird feed. ; ; ' ;". 1 HQS, BEESE & CO. EAGLE & RRAND UOkat THOS. BEESE & GO'S. Spalding's Prepared Gue and Mucilage, THOSX BEESE & CO 'S. PRESCRIPTIONS S.at aU noure the day or night, at : Mtt . . s THOS. BEESK & CO'3. PEKE INSTITUTE i .Z?e Term commences i For young Ladles xtAXKlSH, r V, fm ftiA lot tiondiOI.bePtemberi 1885 and closes corres DA"?11 lolWlng. Advantages for flistVi.omflulIie orancnes usually taught in SMnarler OT; oung Xadles, Insur' iifdlngheatedy steam, and In every t. A-A Miial tn anv In tha fill! AAM. At - m L ,! m . I liC, JJLoesaion commencing In September. , a8 reason a hi ft a artv nthAK Tnnltutl An nfPai. U6. advantages. CorresDontience Rnlirfted.' 'emiTI0g?S',con,;alnln&' lull particulars as to tte Female Institute. CESSION BEGINS SEPTEMBEB to, 1885,' clOfies O June2d,1886. . : '' TJnflurpassed In the thoroughness and , high standard of Its Literary, Music and Art Depart ..; .- i : - - . -? j . it - ( , "- - '-a'. ments. ' , - , t . -. For Catalogues apply to . ; , Bet. W. B. ATKINSON. Charlotte, N. C P. S. Persons receiving catalogues will take notice that the session begins a week sooner than announced in the catalogue., June 'gdtwti , I II. JlllllliN i f II, ' Druggisf s, Springs' Corner. , Southern Prlz9 Turnln Is the flnpst variety grown, and better adapted to our Southern climate than any other notwithstanding the unfavorable season of last year fine, crops of the Southern Prize were made. It produces large and hand somely formed bulbs, and laree tOD8 for salad, will remain In the ground preserved durlrg the entire winter. Seed for sale by a. H. JORDAN & CO., Druggists. . .Stanley ; fliir Brusb Ponder. For cleaning hair brushes In a few minutes. 15 cents per box, at . , , a. u. JUUUAT4 & vu.'s, uruggists.. Searr's Frnit Preservative, .. Put up In 25c boxes. One pound wilt preserve 25 pounds of fruit perfectly. ' For sale by l - B. H. JORDAN & CO., Springs' Corner. a LABGE STOCK OF Chamois Skins - For sa?e cheap r - Springs' Corner. - B. H. JORDAN & CO '," : ' ' " Druggists. IpiWs:Asi;Cre,- X great Blood Purifier and cure , for Asthma. It contains no mciauc poison, saie ana rename. For sale by- B. H. JORDAN & CO. Vera Cura. ' A specific for Indigestion and mal-asslmllatlon of food. Pleasant to tasie ana perfectly harmless. 25 cents per box. Sold by :R: II. JORDAN. & CO., 5 : SPRINGS CORNER. : O" CO O X 'ft. TO CQ 5- W CAN (1 I PATENT CA S H BOIES Houses Rented, -0 If v Sffi??n6 "'collected, in tti city ,, JiAfarree ol charge; . ' ' , JAaLOTTI REACESTATE ABENCT, , -. TrBd' Strftfttffiont central Hotl, R. E. C0CJ1BAKE, Manaxir, ? 5or city and country merr chants. - Handy to keep bills and coin separat e, and coins' of different vaiue ' from . getting mixed, as well as always hav-i ing tHe casfi ready to ; put in the .'safe or conveys it to anT other place; 5 Merchants are in yitcd to examine them. , ' ; Magnolia Hams, V Ferris Pig Hams, Boneless Bacon; Smoked Beef . " . . . y " , Mackerel and. Codfish, ' Rye and Graham Flour, ' " The Finest Patent Flour?:; - Wilson's Wafers, . . , Sardines im Oil, v Mustard and i x i, Spiced. ChowOho and Mixed Pick S'J les, : : Family Supplies in great vari- . etyrat ; , , , . . or- 3 ... , h -ft . O ? CO H 3 03 7IDDY u BRO; ; mm 1 ALEXANDER'S. v4';" -'V Free .delivery. Telephone ..11 M ' ( . , 4 - - OA, If s -5 to 03 O r-i 0. o 3 111 . M . W , -srf 5? - o OQ CO f' , ' C8 -w 2 t..0D 3 n- C8 it3 . s o ' c C O. S B O r H P5 a.. ft o P3 . O i . CQ a- rTO THE- Biiyiijg :-: Pole. The large 'stock' of HARDWARE we have on hand must be fold before the first of the year. We are now agents for the Llddell ; TT7 ESTFRN NORTH CARO YV 4 lANA It. tt. CO. r : General Pafssngxb OrncE. ' ) . . r ' Salisbukt, n. C, June 10, 1885. y' ' On and after Sunday. Jane 14th, 1885. the follow ing double' dally passenger schedule will be ope rated by this company: i ' - i MACK LINE-WEST. Train No 1. . ' -.' Stations. Salisbury. SUtesvllle, - -Newton, . . - ,. Hickory.' Ioard Morganton, - Marion. - -Old Vort, Round Knob, Black Mountain, . - v. i ;:; ,r . . t , , , . I firjMitanrunr Junctn. ind the Llddell Patent Saw Mill, both cf hlch re ASbevllle, . celved high prizes at the World's Exposition. Alexander's, , Llddell Co re glvng their entire attention to Marshall, ' ? Tnnnnfnrtiir1na thctri Prwasps nnrt fin W Mills, whlla 'Ramn.rrla. v theltaggntejeli thejr? mach.nery We ae;now f Warmfrpilngs.,; Train No. 9. An -1 Lv. - BossrPress selling FIRE PROOF SA tff CHINES, C i A M 3.87 4 07 4.82 500 5.57 "6.i8i 7 43 8.0.1 8.87 9.22 10.2 lt5t ,125 2.83 838 4.08 . 4.82 : 5 00 5.07 -6 29 , 7.10 17.49 8 29 847 9.22 - 9.59 10.2a tMeal Station. Dal2y: A. M. 8.16 9.17 ,9.45 10 081 10.36 1L&7 12.10 12.80 1.28 1.41 1 8.05 2131 it ' 710 '8.18 917 'S48; 10.08! 10.87, HOT 12.104 12.501 ,L2 1.41 2C5 ENGINES. PLANING MA-1 K AND FLOUR MILLS, MAIN LINE EAST. " , AnoTall kinds of Machinery, and must therefore i close out all of our Hardware, which .in ludes ; ; PLOWS, AXES,-TOOLS, KNIVES, GUNS, And other articles toa numerous to enumerate. We promise to sell Hardware lower than any firm in Charlotte, for It must pa sold. Bememoer that and call upon' us. v-i, ' . . , Brem & McDowell, SCARR'S Traln No. 2 TratoNo.. 1Q , Stations. r 1 ' ' 1 , . ' : . Ar. "Lv. AT. j Lv. Warm Sprlngs,; v p. M 8.45, " Bafnards, -4.15 4.15! 1 . '." MarehaU. 4 3 4.34' , . Alexander's,. , .5.(6 5.06 Ashe llle. ' - -, , 5 8 6 4Tf A: M. 10.80 Spartanburg Junctn. 5. 85 5 65! . ; ia87 10.87 Coopers, ., , A 6 1 6 18 11.02 11.02 Black Mountain, 6.31 R82 11.15 11.15 Round Knob., . 7.13 7.38!i .1157 1L67 Old Fort, ' 7.C5! '"12.13 :i2.1S Marlon, - V. .V - 8.22 - 8 22; .12.45 Morganton, "-' 9.17 917 ; 1.42 t, l. Icard,. v.. 9 45 9.46 2.J0 ,211 Hickory, " . - 10.11 10.12, f2.35 8.00 Newton. ' . 10 38 10.89 8.26 8.26 Statesvlle, ; 1133 11.31 4J1 . 4 24 Salisbury, - . - J 12 30 A. M.l 5X0.P. M. tMeal Station Dally.. CQ DC . oq O -O 0 03 . o o o 11 CQ o o o C5 S3 i-3 CO CQ ', u e3 ' O . -eS ' ' eg CQ o. Q3 O rJ c3 :-- FRUIT PRESERVATIVE, . . . ' . ; i - ' - v - Wholesale and Retail at ' ' ' " - 1 ' . . . . - h ..'. V """-V- - r ' ... j i-'s. '" v. i ' - , .t'- - i -' WMST0RS. ; BIJIST'S NEW COOP . TURNIP SEED WEST. f Traln S'o: 7 Ar. Lv. f 1 MURPHY DIVISTOV ' EAST.' Traln,No.&? . Stations. ,v XI AN ANAS . v C ORANGES, f . l-f ANX PEACHES, at S. M. HOWELL'S, C. S. Holton' old stand. feillc Hi)h .;ool. - Fail Session will open Au-nisttj "fJiiffiDOW . r tn. w... tt a ktj i u and Miss mc w ELI. Music and the Lan?uases taught- . - For terms apply to tte principal. A. M. 9 00 f AshevU le, , 8 60 9 87940 Hominy, -8.10 10 06 10 0 Turnpike; " t ..2.48 ia82 ia37 . PUeonRver, ; i . 2.4 ll.2 1105 Clyde, -. 156 11.30 11 40 Waynesvllle, ' 12 61 J12.15 12.17 Balsam, " , U2.16 12 40 12.44 IHali;- . 11.45 119 .20 Sylva, 11.07 .1.80 -1.32 Webs'.er Station, 10 66 8.06 P. M. Charleston. - r . . . A. M. Meal Statu ns. Dally' i ' Ar. f Lv." , P.M. -an - 2 60 228 168 1.86 1218 21.46 '1U ia67 9.20- Wholesale and Retail. Bed or Purple Top-Strap Lteved, White Flat Dutch, , White Globe,'' '- , . j . " j . White Norfolk, , - -; cow Horn, . i T ' ' BedTop'Globe, N . ' . Seven Top, , ' Yellow Aberdeen, ., - AmberGlobe," Golden Ball, 1 ' ' . ' ,t Rutabaga, Train No. 1 connects at Warm Springs with' E. i T., V. & ft. B. B. for all poinU In the West and i Northwest , . r .. .-, ' ... Train No. 2conneet at ea'isbury with R. &D. train No, 50 for all poinu In the Uwuth and South-we-t.. 'ttoi"'. .waj'. -; 4 Train No. 10 connects at sal sDnry with B. & D. train No. 63 for all points North. Pullman urawing-Koom sleeping uars Detweea Goldsboro and Ashevll'e, and fcallsb jry and Ashe- Vllle,-on trains Na 1 and 2. Kiegant ruuman ranor uars Deiween caiiscniy and Ashevllle, on trains No. and 10. . . - i , ' W. A. lta&, A. Mr A. - y. E. McBej, Snperlntendent. ,r ,. nAROLINl CENTRAL 12 AIL. j ' . WAY. :, . J ' . ' OmCX OF SUMtHUft'lLN UJCMT, , WruiisOTON, N.C., June 6, 1SE5. j CHANGE OF SCHEDULE.; . fS AND AFTER JUNE 7, ISS5, TH3 FOLLOW- lng Schedule will; be operated on this Ball- . ff nu. a. r no. a. j TOP' PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRIS3 TRAIN, . DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. . Leave Wilmington at..... . .7.45 p. k. Arrive at Charlotte at..............ff.53A. x Leave Charlotte at. 9.C0 p. Arrive at Balelgh at.,.. .... ...9.C0 a. m. i Arrive at Wilmington at.. 8.00 a, k. LOCAL FREIGHT Paaenger Car Attached. ; Leave Charlotte at.... .... .... .... 73 A. u. Arrive Launnnurg at .... -4.4p. Leave Laurinburg at:,v. ......... ........ 6.()0 a. Arrive Charlotte at 8.43 p. x. Passenger Trains stop at rerulsr ststlcra. cr!y. and points designated In the Company's Time Tame. - SHELBY riVICICN, PASSZNGE2, MAIL, IS rSTSS AND FREIGHT. . (DaCy.exceDt Sundar.l Leava Charlotte at.. : f.."5 p. jc Arrive at Shelby at...., k .... f p.v. LeaveShelbyat............. i.. t )a.x. Arrive at cnarioue u..,. r..wJ p. xr. Trams Nos. 1 and 2 make close eonncn ft Tilt; Villi I III- l 1 1 UIIKI ini . Trains Nos. 3 and A connects at i.incc.;;n v, I IIL. '-. uuui.iii.im: iimiiiiimk n. A L. Narrow Gaose Railroad ! i ; V-tm mrtw -kt --' . . ! Through Sleeping cars between v.I::.rn ar I.M'X. 1 ll-r 1 I ll I li . 1.7. I I.AlMHa en1 WQUafrvh ant J'tiof 4 ' - v. j Take Tram ao. l lor. statesvix. . f -sea rr, nT.iBntivelv "Normal school In the western N. C. B. R.. Ashevllle and r fctof. TTPfarawrv. Business, Teachers, Fine Art Also, for SpartanLurg,' Greenrllla, AH, At h r .itflrarVflnnrse No extra charge iorjtaocu- lanta and ail points sirimwest rn; ub- vrniTKr.' Rurvftrlnff " and ? ACTlcaitural 1 . - - L. C. JCT3. rhmitr Exnenses low. Send for eataloaue. - s ' W-trlfndent At ' : WRISTON'S. A. R. & W -B. OTSBET, Wholesale; Croc e ry ' 'Commission Merchants. 'J. i