D o U i s CiinrXottt Obscmcr;: NO STEP BACKVTAED- triiiTncr;iA aid cure. 'CROUP Details of a Dangerous Case Something: Which Is Worth try Ing. Si Louis Gloltt-Demrcrat. , In a' report to the French - Acade my of Medicine, Dr. : Deltbell stad I. that the vapors of liquid tar and tur-nentine-would dissolve the. fibrinous .exhalations which choke up me , throat in croup ana aipnineria. fws describes the process thus: ; - "Take equal parts (say two table spoonfuls) of turpentine -and liquid y tar, puUhem into a -tin pan, or cup and set fire' to -the mixture, , taking care to have a large pan rudder it as inet: firA i. A dftDS3 re- sinous'sraoke arises, making the room dark. The - patient .immediately soems to experience relief: the choks ing aritffattle'stop; the' patient falls into a slumber and .seems ' to inhale the smoke with pleasure.; Thefibrin i ous mpmBrahe'soon, becomes ;vdetachr ed, and the patient coughs up micros uitjueo. - xucqd i 0 C7- ' may bajseen to dissolve in the smoke. In the course of three or four days the patient entirely recovers." 7 Thejabove information has been a uite largely' copied into the - papers, and with it the relief ana cure oi ' Ruth Lockwood, a nine jearold child f who was dangerously sictwith diph- theria but the disease readily yielded t0 the above mode .of '.treatment, ana the child was cured. A icase occur- ring in Boston recently is worth note at this particular time,iwhen thevtwo forms of disease are quite prevalent. The facts in the case, in bnet, are as Jennie Brown, a child some five years of age, was dangerously sick with diphtheria; her attending phy sician had no hbpes of jher recovery ; he declared to a person that' out' of thA mah.v cases under his treatment three were beyond cure, and little Jennie was one pf that number.- The S father of the child "u . had read ,of fhA , fthove treatment. 1 and on his own responsibility and that,! too, without consultation whu iub, attending physician he obtained the mixture, taking two tablespoonfuls of each,-but he now I considers that one 61 each would have been suffi cient, and there would have been less danger of burning the carpet, etc. the shild was in bed breathing so loud that it could be heard all over the , house ; but a soon as ; the tar and turpentine began to burn she was re lie ved and breathed quite freely, and poon commenced to cough and raise; : and to the father's surprise and , de light, she commenced to gain from tnat moment. He followed up this . treatment for three nights, the at tending pbysican approving it, and the child today is well. '" The other two children alluded to above did not have this form of treatment, and f Watt n ft iinrviThoTH wi t.h t,hf dead. ' This remedy may not be an infal lible cure in all cases, and . with all persons, but surely it . could be no harm in cases that , nave Dean ; given up as. incurable by the medical men. The father said that he ,would advise ha removal " from Kthe apartment where this treatment is to be applied of all ahiclea. that would be likely to be injured by the smoker of the ins gradients, before setting fire to the mixture. THE PRESIDENT rEFTRER , S t ACKEOri ACCEIER. ' ATE RESIOVAES.- RICH ACTORS , ; TRESSES. Xotta's . Immense , Wealth J oe - Murphy ' the Richest V Actor' Notes About Others, Brooklyn Unlou. ; ., ' -' Little Lotta is declared to be the richest woman on the stage. I heard her fortune put a day or two ago at $1,000,000. ; That' is, of course, r ex travagant; She is,- however, worth all of $250,000,-and I dare say some where near $500,000.. .. In her earlier years on the Stage Lotta expreie&ced no end of trouble keeping her money; Somehow or; pther.it all went. - But as'' time wore on Lotta contracted business habits, until she is now as capable :a! business person as any body,y She ;a$ ( money invested, in about every way stocks, bonds, real estate and X know not what1 She is now thirty-eight years old, I believe, but she . is. full of animation and al- v wavs ra wonderfully happy, little She: succeeaea on me f ssage The Story Started by Republicans and XEaseu on me small number of Dismissals the Latter Part of East Weelt The President Two .A Day in , the Hp-Count ry Re Catches Rdss ,in! the Patoinac: IVorth Carolina Mention. ' Correspondence The Observer. .'' ' Washington July 14. The publi cation in an evening, paper yesteraay of a statement believed to have been inspired by Republicans, to the effect that the .President - had ordered re movals to stop and had indirectly hauled over the coals-the Postmaster General, several other ; Cabinet mem bers, and the' Commissioner of Pen sions, is not only wholly discredited by those who have the best means of knowing, but it is laughed as 'most ridiculous. Tne truth is, ' the-Presw dent is getting on' remarkably well with his Jabiuet. - His policy has been carried out in very nearly every instance, and has never been wilfully set aside. He is not displeased witn the displacements. He has no special affection for Republican officehold ers, and no peculiar veneration for their ways of doing busmess or capac ity and integrity, , If anybody knows just how they may be trusted with power by a Democratic Ad ministra tion, JVLr. uieveiana aoes. vine story is all folderol, probably, the sickliest stuff ever printed m a Washington paper, or telegraphed ' abroad as it was'last nieht. 1 - - - ' ThePresident will persevere in his policy ot caretul removal ,ana ap pointment. Alt' the leading officer of his administration co-operate witn him. Some weeks more and some less rempvals' will be made. In many instances vacancies will ? be waited for. He will have a sufficient reason in every case, and there is not going to- be any, caprice about it. -Discus s sion of the policy continues. Differ ence there is among Democrats, as was ' to be expected. ; One of the North Carolina Congressmen, voicing probably the opinion of others, says that no newspaper ' and no man is authorized to quote him. as intending to , vote fori the repeal of the jCivn Service law. Nevertheless, the Act is unpopular in the delegation, as I stated Saturday., When the House comes to consider Jud ge Bennett's or any other proposition tot the ;aboli tion of civil service reforxn under its present auspices, the best judgment of the party will be found opposed to interference with the President in the course he has adopted and which unquestionably has a large majority of the whole people in its favor. The law may be amended from time , tb time ; indeed, the rules ;of its opera tion can be changed at any '" time by the President, and they have been altered in some particulars by-both the late and th& present Executive. Mr. Cleveland returned, last bight about midnights from his two days' trip to Woodriccont, up- the Potomac,- l 'mm li4 JAAtf 'M'Aa: terday. The party was a small one,' not embracing all the Cabinet. - It is noticeable that' Mr Lamar is apt to accompany the President on his very few, brief occasions of ' recreation. Vilas is another personal friend; and L jmberton Robeonian : -In- theso days of ''grassy Cand ruinedV crops, it is refreshing to find V man whoso crop is abosolutely clean. -. ; Such a man is Mr; F. R Prevatt, of Back Swamp.; He informed us lafet Sarur day. that he had a ten acre . field of cotton, and he will give any man'ten dollars per pound for all the grass he can find in the field. : He also says his children, cultivated ' it that 1 he had no hirea help. Raleigh Visitor: Major J. M! Wil son, chief engineer : of the Western North Carolinafroad, is now with a workinsr force of the road five, miles North from the mouth of the ,Nan tahala river, i He jreports the work as progressing finely. At - Balsam station the jneeting point for the trains going east and west, tthe road. is 3,000 feet above the level sea, being higher than any other railroad ' east of the Rocky mountains, v ' ' - v ' ; Lenoir Topic : We regret to learn of the death " from measles, : at his home in Boone, on Friday, of week before last, of Rev. J. W Floyd, foroierly of r this ' plaee.-- - A man.. whose name has escapad uswas ar ! ( r ... m r ) BURNHaM'S TURBI N E t Ts ihe best const acted and fin . Isbed Turbine In the world. It gives bettrr f percentage with t p-rt or lull gate, .a d la sold lor ,.,, - ess money per nfrse power tban snj other Turtlne.' famphie tree y , BURNHAM BROS.,1 " , - . Yor& t ly.jau last -week, tor breaking into Flat Top church and stealing- a -Bible and" hymn book which he traded Off for a pair of shoes. " J Newbern Journal:- During the thunder, squall on . Friday evening Capt. L . C. Anel, of the lighthouse service, with his wife and brother-in lawf wa en route for Newbern, and when withm eleven miles of the city, the squall struck the boat and capsiz ed it. Mrs, Angel was in the hold and it was 'with much diffiqulty that she warescued The sonsof Joseph us MiHer were -the rescuing party.. Goldsboro Messenger : The pr of es sional part of the National' Baseball Club has collasped and the profession als have gone. - The' crops in this section are infine condition and the prospects for ; a bountiful yield are very cheering.--4The : actual potitage paid . the Goldsboro office by Mr. Bontz of the Meesenger,- during the yaar ending July 1 foots up to about $750. - One hundred and thirty odd special premiums have been ? offered by citizens of Goldsboro for various articles to be exhibited at the. inext Fair of the. Eastern Carolina Fair and Stock Association to be held next No vember, t ' " '- - ' ! .- - SALE OF PR0PER1Y. Pursuant to an order of the Superior Com Juder-"!, made at the Polk conntf term ttw-reof n the lith day of June, J885,l will seirat public atic tion to the hlehest bidder, at Tryon City, N. C.i on the 1st day ot September. 18&5, all the property both real and personal, or tne i ryon city jaanu1 facturing Company, consisting' f a store house broom s handle lactoiy, machinery for making brooms, broom handle-, treenails, &a, an engine ana boiler, shalting pulleys, beltfcg, &c Teons of sale will be cash for the personal property,' and one-third of purchase price cash on the real prop erty balance payable in. six mont&sr Title re served until whole of purchase pri e i paid. - .- C. L. .JORDAN, ' Julyl4 6w. -' Eeceiver T. C. MTg Co.', ; NOTICE. r, The firm oi Whitlow & Bvker has this daybeen tiflsolved by mutual consent. All business pertain i to said firm b ts been placed In the - hands of W W RurtrAr. wTin 1 a ant.horlzHd to mllAfit alFfrlaima rested and placed in vVatauga coun- i a' d transact all other business necessary In Seeing i. j. i .. . . . i r i . -f n tVw hTwinAMI saM firm ,' ud the buMnessTo said firm. - R H. W. BARKER. . H inten! le. N. C, June 15, 1885. ' 3)'Attf - . ' - wmm of m si. dical board. Examiners wfD be held In -the city of Ra'eteh. Aucra t 24. IH96, t accommodate aipli- cant-v for the license from the Central and Eastern portion of the State. This meetirjg will be ad loiiTnd on the 25th. to meet In Asheville on the 26th and 27tb el August to accommodate appli cmts in te Western anrf trans-mountam sections. WLLXIA5I B. WOOD, M. D.. ; ' President. W J. H. BELLAMY, ., x i SKwetary. . d Jurp-20JulyI9augl6. . " t ' - BARGAINS i II i n e r y ! JVI i 1 t n e r y ! As liar season' 1 Ear advanced we-offes special bar- g3hOin Women and tlie Sillc Culture - New Tork Tribune. V: - - . The raising of silk worms involve a 1 minute and incessant labor, such as. Orientals appear to: be";-alone thor?. oughly fitted, for, . In Europe', the class of women who engagean .this work is intellectually far inferior to to American . women,1 arid the drud gery degrades them ttill more. Nq American farmer's ? wife, weighed d6wii byher multifarious iridoorand outdoor duties, can -undertake silk 1 culture with any prospect Of success-. For if she gives the evv ?worfe"the at tention it requires she must neglect all hen other responsibilities: v and of fshe does Hot give" it the necessary care tne experiment is , sure to tan f ne . a a 1 -! m ...... iiH truin, is. tnat sue culture is not. at ail adapted to - ' the capacities ' of the American women. It is a petty, hats rassing, exhausting and degradirig labor;-fit only for peons .or- halt We wffii peceive another lot of HACS3 and! BQSf- TS,CU3Wet:k. , . CALL AND SEE US Before fcuyligv MRS, BENSON t ; MB?IS Ovei &ra.T.& Co. 's S2soe Store Ts ade Strett. j likewise, of coursei Mahning ALlitwt animal peasants; - There is not much tie jealousy of Lamout, the. prirate probability that . the , industry can secretary, is said to exist on the part ever, be raised into any importance in of some of the high othcials, Dut l this country, and; it would not be do" not know that the report is true, good for the people of the Country xf Last night ex-Lieut. uov. , J. u. it could be forced into a temporary KODinson arrivea. u.is appointment success. has not been announced, Jbut it is all right. . v IV" - Hon. Thomas G. Skinner, -: of the first district, came today. It will be part of Mr. Skinner's business to ar range the long pending superintend ency of the Life (Saving Service on the North Carolina coast. r by the severe wvu.v . . . 1 nail erTm that a noa noon irrinurn in been appointed to a lawjilerkship at tha for vear3 The storra the instance oE;benator.,van(.;;Anai , iUfmimibi-; Senator, I believe, took the'first step A . ...... -nnA ;with hailfltonps rtf in tne matter. uuu uQueraivuu miau T. Ri MAG I L L , . WHOLESALE GROCEB , AND OOMIHSSION MERCHANT i College PC Chariot- - ' ' 4 TERRIFIC nAIL STOIUI. h ( Hundreds of Acres of Growing: Crops Destroyed, ws v:? i Bloominqton, 111.; J illy 15 , The vicinity of Saybrook, the -scene of the f water spout ot last "Thursday," the final work necessary to the ap- nointment was done by Senator Ran sora. Mr. Jones is a good 'friend of both Senators. The place : was first tendered to Mr. A. ? W. Graham, of Hillsboro. and then to Mr. J. A. Lock WadesbOro.- ? xne private erine tne grouna :witn unusual.size, many ot wmcn lay on the ground an hour after the storm abated. v(j a several iarms the corp. was torn to pieces 'and the oats and wheat beaten down. The crops where they ;had escaped the deluge of the 9th inst were in a fine condition hodv. because she could not help it. - -it is the amount of the salary,, (it is $2,100) Derfectly natural . torf ..ner:i.- no- cus, tne naiiaftd them to- decline. t; capers tnat sne aoes,- tor sue cuis them eff the stage as well as on. nart, OI VVaaeSDOrO.- ? AU p v rnminVr nn nhnnriAntr harvftflthirt business of these gentlemen, ana not tZA PM wa Pfltrrivft yesterday. In many of thvj dwell ings ail the panes oi glass or tne siae An.. -it TT I in iTake His 'eet w biuo uj. kup wuw ..uPwu ui - - - - . r, Down. the storm' beat were: broken. Chicago, Herald. ;' . Phnrlps " said a sham voiced wo i man to her husoand, 'dp you know that vou and I once had a romance ; iu a launoj vat i A Cloud of ."JJarninR'Weedles.' New York World.- , Last Saturday afternoon' .bout six o'clock the west end of West Brigh ton lieacn was visitea dv- a hock oi Tho richest man On the stage is doubtless Joe Murphy. ; He fe worth a cold $500,000 if he is worth a' doK lar.v"; He was a poor little - Irish boy, and started as - a variety f singer and dancer. A His one ambition has been to make money, rather than fame as .Npvpr i,eard 0f replied Charles Wmmnnlv called 'darnin a distinguished artist. has tucfe in . suMlied tone . .. . , . tiAArllA and for f ullv three Quarters to Irish dramas, Pao3cf , "I thought you hadnt, but don t o an hour they continued to fly past played to big paying , business, while the . South and against a other snows nave -ianguisnea space occupied by did on an smes. ue nas sung - ymy i . - lflQl. Christmas the Unnst' fumuDaomMi to h.ahniit fift.v W. mas oetore we were lutwiw-1' wide ana just mgu euuugn to escape lead to our union? You -rememb6r the gheds that line the shore. There how nicely Athey - fitted, aon t youn must have been millions of these inr- Well. Charles, one day wnen we gectg an(i the sight so unusual as to were gbing to a picnic you uu j uui tne attention or a nurnDer or seat,' auu wwou j i guests assemoiea on tne iront or tne your measure., hotel.-v-It was suggested, bv an old Hother's Grave" until it wrings tears irom even rum tears ot agony. J.ne tang, however, touches the hearts ot . . . ........ ' Ins audience every.ume witnou? ran. inand a repetition.' Flay era who are f .lJl t t ir iatisfied with modest positions in the But or that pair of . slippers I don't gentleman f present ,that It was the profession like'to gjwith i Murphy, -.believe we'd ever been married." . . - .forerunner, of-, some serious epidemic; A young "unmarried man sitting f K-irTnprtifltelv"took-his -feet - He exDectS them to do all . that their contracts call for, but he treats them fairly and pays them fairly. No bod v begrudges Mutphy his prosper ity, for the reason that he is known everywhere as a square and upright man. ' The poorest person in the pro J - A A - m tne totax nine gkin Diseases Cured - The hastiness Spreading. ; From a WasMngton Despatch.1 .It is stated' that a Washington. Bo- tenths of the' whole3 IilUau Eussell hemian is preparing -a v wrJ.v - JJ. i3, perhaps,1 as badly off; as any of ries on the social J onscuouS::onel tShe hares that will create great a gaa y 11. ;ivfirtlo4 . .-a w . M a a v -v- . t i -m nTi jtt him. t uw i.i im-m ' ii ii .' a.LLk ' w - 1 - . c i yea . . -j -..w nmicians?.iand;their in. never nas-Keu ".'lriirt-features.- Raid" she has , aeots witnouc ena. triguea Crt. thA fiens irciie. iSeSSrf Fanny Davenport, hear, V has in-mo w5-tt Bood.-;Wiiiiam3' p fointoent By Dr. Frazlefa Magic Ointment. Cures as If by hnmtirmR on the face, ieaTtne the skin clear ami eeautlfaL Also cures ltch salt rheum, sore nlp- flles, sore ups, auu uiu, uuouuawj uicers.- sold by istg, or minion uu lccciyt ui pnee, w jents DOld DJ y- ouuut a. itHUWeOOAWJl - A sure cure lor Blind:, Eieedlne, Itching and Ul cerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams, SnnTnrtlan Remedy). Called Dr. Wllllama' InrflQti PUeOtneht.-Asin!e box has cured the worst chror jesses of 23 or SO years standing. " No one suSi-i.7enu:5UM;a ttxtcr-applying inis wonir'rn latrj fortune, and a very substan- meant. Tb3 F7.wc?,F;"tvf: New- f01;-".1.--!?1,?3 rtlrt9j;-j,K:J or V..-3 she worth lWng tU4 wcrt ucaid toboia f?cw jrnKi52i:3..f. o.a, t.. --it jT3,C;Aofiw'.c:0. " .Torkttlcswady. . . - . . , "J; C -'I ) . t I VV. J . "-- -I 7- 1 1 mm Cancer Cured; i hra had a cance? on my face- for mant years. Thave trlel a great many remedies but withuoft relief. 1 almost gavop hope or. ener beine cured. i Ttardman. my sen. recommeoded Swift' Spo dfx. wWch t have taaen with great - results My face is how well, and It ts impossible for w to ex press my thanka la words for wfcat this medicine has done lor me - - iutas-wivjs ajuaam&x..:. , Monroe, GaM ses. 5. las. - Swift's Snedflo has- cured . & cancer on my face, rod has almost made a new ram of me , , . ihavAhada cancer In m? right ea? for three tears, I tried every remedy ttw pWystrians- pra- tlced, to no permanent good. - Swift's - Specific baa wrought wonders forme. It Is the best . blood pu rifier in the world. " - i - .. JOHN O. aiUHKOW, J lOBtMlCe, AH. - fttrtft'u Snftftific Is ' entlraly veeetabtev and seems co cure cancers by forcing out the Impurities from the bloods . . Treatise ou Blood ana aiun Diseases . maiiea tree. -J '; - . Tl59W.23dSt.,N.. . 2000 OLD NEW3PAPEB3 60 cents per handrea. FOB SALS' AT THIS OlTF ICS X. "V. We have a: -fresh supply of J) Exclusive Patterns young man should Popular Prices, have ; one, and; Every a set of ; Ha&JsofflrPtei We have, everything ftr a mairs comfort and good appearance, and a range of "All--Wool Cassiniere 8uits at $7.50 that cannot be matched for 10.00. , v T. For a 'Straw; hut there is no other place to go. We have the - tv s and control the iowesVprices. ' ; L PURE f ' ' i ' ft' 1 S1 L fefh Consumption; Dyspepsia and as ing , jLsiseases. FosifvwGlp llelieved cuad Xatur nr THIS "OTlSZfiTJgaOULU EE FOUTO CH TEB SIDEEOABU GT EVEET FAHIIT iti IS; ABSOLUTELY PURE. EUTJRELY FREE Floors FUSEL OIL DO NOT BE iEC31il V liJUL-Kany "Druggists and Grocers 'vfa?&wl have Daily's Purfr 91altrfCltlsb.eritokk attempt topahni S on customers, whiskey of their own bottling, which, oeing can inferior srsada and adulterated paju fhera a larger prafii. : ' "r " , ASK FOR DUFF5TS PURE HALT WHISLKEY, . Ain TAKB Ktt OTHER V y SOLD BY ALL FLRSTLASS DRUCCiSTS AKD GROCERS . . $ent t any address in. th United States (East of the- Rocky Mooafcains), .securely pmeked in pUtf , cast- Itepre8sdutrges) pmgaiit on reeefpfe of JJl.SS, r-SixBottlesseotSor 0G-OO DUFFY nALT TJHlSKEY' C0. Baltimore, Dtp U. A I i 1 Selll may6eod&w6m Agents Tor Charlotte, !. W. M. & CO. TO J 4 ! E30C?S IS THE CSZXT Farniturer Window Shades; Baby Carriages, .Goffias, Metalic Case3 and Burial Suits. Se 3 ROW SPRINGS, $1;50. 1'-'' ''-"-"'-: '. 7 '" - -;- .' .'. WOVEN WIRE MATTRESS, S4.50. J - BUREAUS FROM S7 00 UP. . . . BABX CARRIAGES, S7.00 UP. . CLOTH WINDOW: SHADES, 65o. UP. ' ; ; . : . MEXICAN HEMP HAMMOCKS, S1.50 . ; ! - . . - , - v , . - , . . '.' If you want bargains Wi ite or else call ; andv see me, i ;No charge for packing bv drapge. . I will how sell a few of my Mexican curiosities and MaximilliarE dojlars ; , ; ; . :l 5 J , It Jo t

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