DAILY CHA2L0 T:23 ,0 i kj lid iw J i u u O i a T-rw Who Tool His . ally " "' r-viTT Jult is. Thci execu tica hero this morning of Joseph Palmer: colored, is the last that can tn m rdfA in this eountv under the present law,-: which designates the Ohio penitentiary as the place- tor an Palmer's crime was the murder of Wm. H. Kirk, in his stable, on tne afternoon of December 24, 1881, ana t.hA fthippf: of tho -crime was robbery. William Turner and Palmer, both Of whom had, been employed by Kirk," planned and executed, the murder. They were almost immediately, aij rested, and both ; confessed, each charging the other' with ' dealing the fatal blow. It-was the verdict in the'Berner case of manslaughter that , was the chief inciting V cause of the riot in which the court' house was burned in March; 1884. Berner is now in the' Ohio penitentiary, serv ing out his sentence of twenty years, ' Palmer has been unusually stoical, though- he- had recently ; permitted -. the ministrations of Catholic priests; The execution was private, in-the jail yard, the scaff jld being shielded from vie w by a stone wall., A, .large number of people were in the adja cent streets, which were guarded, by police. Promptly at 10 o'clock the condemned mati was led on to the ; scaffolci ; ' when a short prayer was said by the priest. Palmer said noth ing. The deputy sheriffs were now so excited that they could scarcely -adjust he Tope - At 10:12 o'clock the -drop fill, but Palmer was such apows f...l mon that: his 11W!r WM not broken. He .writhed fearfully. At the end of 26 minutes the sheriff announced that the execution was over, -but the body was not cut down till some time later. , 7 Traffic End of a Iloiieiiiooii. - LouisviLLE, Ky.," ;July 14, Albert Boss, a' well-known German, shot and .probably fatally wounded his wife and then killed himself, at his home in Jeffersonville, Ind. . A num ber of shots were heard, and when the' neighbors rushed in they found Ross dead with a bullet in bis brain and Mrs Ross lying ! bleeding on the floor, her face burned with powder v -and a horrible woundranging upward dn her jaw The cause of the tragedy :ds said to have been jealousy. The wxmple had .been; ; married only two , weeks, - Boss was well connectea and hfe family are welktondo.- Mrs, Boss's maiden-name was Maria Pins .fordand she resided in Jeff ersbnville before her marriage. ; "'' s ' ." V i ' : A Plucliy Sheriff Marion; Ind..: July -IS. At four mob of one hundred ineif marched into town and halted in front of the ' jail containing Lewis, the negro who outraged Miss Vincent. Sheriff Hoil-. man appeared and stated that he was prepared to Qeiena tne prisoner, ana warned them against; making an tacX ThiappsartQ JtaJthe spirit out of -the leaders. In a short time the mob withdrew;- Gents, .to make a good appearance, should have, shapely' locking feet... Fine fitting 'shoes, con structed on scientific principles cover op defects, and e$ tne same time develop all the good points In one's feet. For these reasons, and for ease and cemfort, always ask your dealer for the t'HANAN" ILoe-r far the. best' ever -made. ; A. E. RANKIN & 20. agents foi -iCho.V-'-feblldeod E2AHHGT9 hV TELEGRAPH JULY 15; 1888- , - " , , Prodace.v Bilumom NoonFlour, quiet; Howard Street : ftr5: Family 4.259i$5.25; City Mills Super $3.25 t ; 100: Extra $3.75 $4.00: Elo brands i4 90t5.00: Palapsco Family $6; - Superlative Patent $6.25; Wheat-Southern firmer;- Western dull; Southern r1 reS93 amber a$1.00; No.;, 1 Maryland . 'i.J7; No. 2 Western winter re spot92a9a X)rn Southern steady; Western, dull; Southern -white 60361; yellow 5455. . , : - Chicago. Flour steady. , Wheat active and un settled, closed lc over yesterday: July 86S8&k; ArattB3897;l3eptember 9092; No. 2 red ceni nigner man yesieraay; casn fbizib; July 4, uiva: August &mavmi septemDer 4&ie vais nrmer, closing msc - nigneri casn sim: July Zmmm; August 26iA26; September 2525. su.tsan yvro. irregular; uycueu iu ceuta cents ntgner, but feu off 5 cents, and closed steady; cash $10 80 $10.85; August $ia25$ia421; September $10,853) $10,121. Lard active and higher; cash $6.6'23h $3 65; August $5.C5a$6 70; , September $6.7m Boxed meats steady;, dry salted shoulders $3.90a t3.94; short Tibs 5.65a $5.70; short clear $5.85 15.90. wtiskeynrm.at.15. Sugar easier; gran . mated 6; Standard A 61. - 4 Waral Stores : Whjcnston Turpentine firm at,35. Boi au; siramea- vo; gooa s trained as. I rm at $1.20; crude turpentine steady; hard jcuuw uiy turn virgin Savank ah Turpentine firm at 85.' Eosln lull at $1.003 $1.15. - . . v CHAKLK3TOH Turpentine dull at 85. Bosln steady; strzlned 97; good .trained $1.0$. Financial . ' NEW YORK. - r.icnamr3 us- uiuuej lystvi- DUD-treas" - - ,u. Anf? Ten f tru. . v- i i mxa koiu- j.uu,uou, vurreucj ai,Z33,1 - ovsrnments weaK ; tour per . cents, r$l.22: - t!uree's I.COI4; State bonds neglected . -Alabama Class A. 2 toft.....;............' . 91 . filisi'B. flvea:.j. :.. i m -'"" T" ... .... t.UJ rrla 6 s i 02 "a7's ncrtfage 1.02 J CCLTC Zia-4 Srvrrw ...... .'.,.. 80 . -.C-rc :a(TMt int.., . iCire .na'sFuadlriy.;.'.,MM. ' jq a Carolina Brown Consols '1 to - leancssee o s. ...... ...... A'm lrtfnla6's...w.:-...v. ...... ...,;.,,.,.., 40 Vininla Cmsols:.... 45f Cttapea&e and Ohio.... ... , au. Ctic" -o and Northwestern 97&S Cti-. 0 and Northwestern, preferred 1 solS I ...r and Elo Grande;... ..... r-1 7 f nXLGBSCO I' 9... I 3 c-1 Nashville. ..." if :. ii-r. " v - iCi eston.:....- '..... a Uil'O..:. ................ . rnaCh?ftanooga.,.. -3 Pac j, 1st.. . ' Cr-tr:l...v..Y. " 1 . patera preferred, "r" ' ... ....... .... 12 P. ' 314 64! 88 84 8 41, 55 it) , 18 t and i ilecAtny.:..; " t r"-1 J -uv:::3.. fe2. i t ad utl'clt Terminal..;,;,. . 22 "i 1.18 - l.P9 3, 1:: :rr:a......;......v. 715 rred..... C ALvrcrc:? Du3 ; midden 1 10 1-1 S: r.wt. receipts S; ptoss 8; sales ; stock 1,205; exports Noktolk Steady; mlddllr? 10; n?t receipts sales . 2; exports -1 rross stock l,iJa; coMtwtae : Great Britain . aamsaroar Qufet; middling 1C1A; net rsc'ts ; gross ; sales ; stock 2U2; exports coast wist.; Great Britain' - .c ; Savankah Dull; middling 10; net receipts gross-; sales ; stock 4,55St ' exports roasWse 68; to continent GreajBjrttoln 7-7; Nw ORiJsAN-Easy: middling 9 13 16: net rec'ts 12; gross 1 12; sales ISO); stock 23,639; exports coastwise 2150; to Great Britain France ; continent 9S7. . Mobils Dull; middling 9; net receipts 6TOSS- ; sales ; stock 4,8i6; exp'ts coastwise 51; Great Britain . - , - Mjqcphis Easy; middling 101: receipts 17; shipments 431; sales 150; stock 8,(j58 AuecsTA Dull; middling , 101,8; ' receipts 6; shipments ; sales 215; stock . Ch ARUsrroN Dull : middling 10: net ' rec ts 5; gross .5; sales - , stock 1,316: exports to coastwise ; Continent - ; Great Britain . ' t Nkw York Steady; Bales 1527; middling uplands lOtte; Orleans 10c: consolidated- net receipts 212; exports to ireat Britain , to, j France continent 1287, . -- . - . Futures. - ; .7 3 Ml 5 ..... 1 ' ' i i r ,S it , Wii IdiJL Fine Nrw York Net- receipts : eross 13.- Fu tures closed barely steady; sales 84.700 bales. . June....... 1.. ".. : July.. .. . . ". . ....... . . ... 10.05S.06 August..: . . .. ..... . . .... . ....... 10 0B3.00 September. ... ..... 9.92.93 .October...., 9 72.73 November.... 9.669.00 December'.. .... . . . .-,.'.;.. '. 9.66.67 January.... .... .... .......... .. .. j-. .... 9.74a.75 February ; .85.86 March. . : . . . . 9 96 97 April 10.06Si.07 May. . . 4. . 10.163.19 . Lilrei'pool Cotton tla"1iet. : - Liverpool. July V. Business moderate 'at un changed prices; middling uplands 9 lGd; Orleans, &d, sales vuuu; speculation ana exporr ouj; ceipts 17 000;. American 8.7UU. J!Titures steaay. . DDlands low middHns clause. July and August delivery, f S2-64dffi5 83 64d. - : Augjstand September 5 8F-64dS5 36 64rt. : September and Octobers 35 64d&5 6 64d.'- October and November 5 1 2 64d5 31 64d. -5. November and December 5 8"-4d- '"' December and January 5 80 H4d. " ' t ; I January and February 5 81-64 J. February and March 5 34-Md. - .C 2 p. k. Sales American 5,700. Upland tow mid dlinsr clause, July delivery 5 84-64d. (buyers.) s July and August 5 34 64d. ( buyers u . August and September 5 88 64d. (sellers.) September and October 5 88-64d,! sellTs.J . s October and November 5 3H-64d. (sellers) Vs' November and December 5 81 64d, (buyers ) December and January 6 81 64d; (buyers ) : January and Februr? 6 83 6lL (sellers. io ; February and March 5 8-64d (value.) subures sceaay. . 1 4 p." M.-rUplands low , middling clause nenvery 0 33-01, vseiiers). July and August 5 83-64d (sellers) , August and September 5 86-64d, (sellers. J September and Ortober 5 86 64d, (value.) j ; October and November 6 31-64r, (buyers.) ! . November and December f 30 ''sellers.) December and January 5 3) 64d,. (sellers.) v. January and February 53l-64d, (sellsrs.) " Fr bniary and Ma ch 5 34 64d, (sellers.) - . Futures closed steady. " J' July .Ahl JBILEGArJir MUG OIj Ladies', Misses' and Childrens SOoes aqcl SEnppeii'S And all kinds of- Q; For Boys', Youths' - and Gentlemen's Summer Wear, Call and see our goods', and prices before you buy . Trade Street; X GRAY & GO. DELIGHTFUL BATH BUNS, ' SUPERB COFFEE CAKES, ' '. ,:V '. V " : ORIENTAL TEA CAKES, THE ONLY ORIGINAL O. K. BREAD, : INIMITABLE NEW ENGLAND BREAD, . FINE CANDIES,;ICES AND FRUITS. -TO BE FOUND ONL5T AT- OFFERS TO THE wholesale ;5 Reta il CHARLOTTE KML BlAK AliK)' RE.:cpCHUljfA??t THIS 1 AGENCY WILL BUT iND Sfrr r V '' ofsSuthVSodl1 AU property put into our hands jtffl be Forastlpulatonprevloiifiyagrewinpon ' FOR SALE. in good nelehljof ho4 'gjg 99x" f tMt on' ,6t "! tot" u5 eCTdeira(.:e property. iftifi0SKI?. et, FIVE TONS D are He L rail MAYER & ROSS'. MAYER & ROSS1 'OOmS. Jnt 1 1 ; One Dwelling on MnSi'trt ,.f .. - x v two stories, sir mnm. r-KLt"5n o and f ? One , D emng3iott west ' Tr v Btortes. 7 room a. 2 Cotton Market; Omci OT THX Obsskvkr. Chaklottb, N. C, July 16, 1885. J The city cotton market ' yesterday "closed dull out steaay; Quotations nominal: . - Middling..... . ..... ...... i..;... loaio Feieipts yesterday... . .. .... . . .4- it i CITY PRODUCE MARKET Reported by T. R. MieruuX ' JULY1&.1885..;.WT Corn per bushel.;.. r......'.v..UJ".''.i" fr',. 80 Meal per busnel... ........ 8ii Wheat-per tmshel............i;...fc.... ; l.io Peanuts per busheL.... ........ ...;-....1.50ffll.75 Flour Family.... .. .... ..... .2.40'A45 EM.;...,iu,................2.35a2.40 . . , ,SUDer.. . Peas Qay, per bushel-. .. . IMQiVA OJ0U5 67 45 v DUCUQUin ................ Dried Fruit Apples, perlb..... ...i.i.t .f v j ; Reaches, neeled , ; i nnpeeled. ....... Blackberries...:.. Potatoes Sweet.. ....w. . UUUItlA . . . . . . uaoDage, per pouna. .... .... . .. j ,. Onions, per bushel v.... .... Beeswax, per pound.... ........ ...... Tallow, per pound.... .... .. .....- ..; Butter, per pound....! .... Eggs, per dozen.. . ,. uoicKens.... Ducks.. i:v..:. .'l-urKeys, per pouna..... . Geese............ .... Beef, per pound, net.. . Mutton, per pound, net.... , rora, per pouna, nei. . . WooL washed........... " unwashed VAafhmrm nam 0, UVT ........... ..'i Iulks. per pound. ...... 50360 '24ffi26 77U 1220 8310 1426 see 40 7B i 7fl)8 78 82 16 450)50 Facts are Sfabboro Th From Tarboro Southerner July 17. ' While visiting Tarboro, on July 8thl I was re quefeted to visit-Miss Mary B. Staton, seven mile from town, who for seven weeks had been suffering excruciating agony from some blood poison, sup posed to be poison oak. On last Tuesday, at her request, I went to see her, and expected to see great suffering, but was not prepared for the scene that met me. -1 found, the patient broken out all over with an eruption which had occasioned such in-' tense itching that during :; the paroxysms she was penecuy uaconirpuaDie. ana nad .scratched and torn herself to pieces until her agony was indes cribable. During these paroxysms she would have to be held, and her screams could be heard a long instance. . She would pray for death to come to her relief; her whole body was purple and raw, and ex uded a yellow water, which gatuarted the bed through several thick quilts that day she had pos sessed herself of a thick gutta percha coarse comb and before she could be prevented, had raked her self with It with such force as to break out some of the teeth, thus adding to her agony. She was at tended by as good physicians as Tarboro and her neighborhood could afford, but their treatment af forded only occasional, relief by outward applica tions, and no permanent benefit, as the parox ysins continued to return with increasing violence. Upon viewing the conTiition of the patient I called thefamlly together and told them to bear witness that I promised nothing. I could not tell whether my Remedy would relieve or not, as I had never even imagined such suffering, but it could do no harm and might do gobcL- I then gave her a large dose of the Bitters, and as soon as tne paroxysm was over, I sponged her whole body with the Wash, while doing so she would call oat. "Oh. that does feel so good.' I then gave her another dose of the Bitters, and she was soon in a sweet sleep. I con tinued this treatment, and whenever the Itching would recur, I would sponge the body instantly with the Wash, which, in everv instance allayed th9 irritation or itching, and warded off those violent paroxysms. She did not have an attack during the day, and by 4 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, the disease was; under perfect control. .; .The itching would recur, but every-tlme was ' all ayed by the ap plication of ' the Wash, I left her V, e3nesday.easy and comfortable, with directions for the treatment to be continued during the night, and as long as was necessary. I came again to see her to-day, Saturday, the 12th, and found her up and dressod, and in the regular prosecution of her household duties. She is entirely relieved, although she will, of course, have to take the Bitters some time to completely eradicate . the . poison from her blood. During Wednesday she would frequently call for the Bitters, aa she craved its soothing and quieting effects, and during the day I administered a whole bottle, with the above results. thuslproving what I have always claimed, that .my Remedy Is an Infal lible antidote for all blood Impurity. Iaia, ; I Kespectfully, , . J0B pQN. This is to CMtlfy that hVfore?oing statement Is perfectly correct In every particular, as we were eye witnesses of Miss Mary's suffering and the wonder fal relief afforded by Jlrs. Joe Person's P.emedyv i , ,: ' , . .. . . - IflCT'LASETATCX," ft : " ' " ' iTTJX tTATON, . v ; CO""-Lrr STATON, .".. -Tatt: H Tarboro, N, C, July 12th, ltL Seasonable Goods! rW HJNTY. BARRELS LAWNS, PIQUES, NAINSOOKS, ' And Hamburg and Swiss Edgings and In- sertings in large variety, at . PURE LINSiD Oil, ter;,two tot-99 orr rxr';rcu ?i wa. u very desirable vkpTpU i. . iwi o uuck ana aairv farm, iti timber, branch runninir thi1 , 7 acres meadow. ; Price $30 1 per acre " I 2v:i1JLn)roved lt -99x198 Oh Ninth . l.U !betweea D and E streets.- Price S O Tract of Land, 150 acres located uTi, IO county, N: CM 'adjomtag laSWtSSf018 4 Payne and others, 6 mUeTm vi,4 Charlotte, and 18 from DaYldso?cmi' It a good dweUlng-, 7 rooms fniwSSS' ?"0B ings, good orchard ffASffi for grains, grasses; corn H .!"adaPte0 etc.T85acrM good bottonTffi f0' ultlvatlon., fu-1 fiDe Btat iCk Tract of Land, miles south of rw. v. r. t" x!"" -,.Fum reserve for ll.M iS' 1 toryS 17,sSffitld3o& and others.,,ftlc850?.W- f W" 32 SSSS-' tow- to C stSft?9 ShprlmlsTaWt8 lL2a dwelling SS'te 8mlthand8th t6m45and6 asr.!LKff9? LPUTchasermwd ii u,9 iwii igjg ; - . 33 taffiZ tWt.601150 x"' u.iu Bireer. near iJl lmprore. CL(iDlM(Bim9So - J, - ' .-i ; .--.-. Afc 4 T.. ... . .. . ; , , ,.:-v. 1 the residence rriMiZS -fi will lease for 5 or 10 uears on reasonabi 35 tJltrlh"lo tHTm'" staining 162 w acres, about threee miipj 7.atTf A, Large .Stock- of Kinse8sarroGtbii!air"mn 1 premises. WeD watered ahi in hood,, Price per crsi. " W16UUW B U R G E BB" NICS0L1S ; 36 bus. $2200. Tract of land 'iitato-'iaig: 1j1m is Sfety, N. C slxDea IS of S On this place s the Splantiold Mine. Price WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER W All kinds nm . eft f . 1 -.Jfe ":?H "Colors, Varnishes, Etc, acres to miles from BEDDING, &C. A Tllil Hn nf mHAP WRTlfiTW A T L : If" LOTJNGiS, Parlor and Chamber Suits, Cof- Z: fins cf all kinds on hand. No. 6 West Trade Street, Charlotte, North Carolina. 4 1 - lilltoe41?ntv.N.a.9inlle8fromBk r;YVo u 30 m,ues 11-0111 Shelby, apple orchari .Pjace. small two room dwelling, finetim. JLl , under cultivation. Gold mine on toe dace Thta nmn, la JCTW 1 MmefarmTOQQK" "r" aharlotte. good store house.4 rooms, good orchard, haacisjMder cultivation, balanceTplrieaS ere. "cheap -, property. Price $26 per R9 JiteohMorehead st, 99x366 feet,! fStrf ?rSW6U' l0t WeU8etfflJl 1 4-1 w&S1 ening with-kitchen and stable. -1"11,?8 ?n West wte street, beautiful grove and well of good water, Price $2,200. One story frame dwening 'and lot on Stone wall street. Price $50Q 42 43 ONE CAR LOAD EDE1. EnlSSEaEIS'S A S s n m A POSITIVE CUKE FOR Gonstipatioh Biliousness, One lot anda half lot; unimproved, on tt corner of B anct uth afreets Price 8651 4-fi SrSJ0!7 ?ame sW house 20x60 feet, lot I ?S?KS,m rear P1" abo'O 100x125 feet, both I at Sanford, Jfloore county, N; C. frice $450 J-fi - Two story frame dwelling, four rooms, barn JLVF Stable. SmnkA hmiOA trfinA mall trees, about tt acre of land, in Sanford, Moore co., J.7 I oWacres of land, 23 acres under cuW jl .-.vatlon. talancA timhor oak. Two tenement noun n ninn m-no m m edge of Sanford, Moore county, N. a .Price $85a (The above three trarfu- win ha onii tiwrottiAroir separately, and if purchaser desires can secure re rusai of a stock of goods at price agreed upon be tween himself and the owner ) FOR RENT. Store-room on TrnA atroa suitable for a dwelling, on the north side of Trao street, between R Rr.ropt uni ptthmnnf an nan- I vllle railroad. A Comfortable twn.atym Well. kitchen nd mniAn oAnAnfk Jtt S14 i blocks from the sauare.- A very nice one-story frame dwelling with ba ment, 4 rooms, well and garden, on Sixth street, Within flva mlnnfna -T. x jI c-n.F Applyto ... Charlotte deal Cstate Agency, ? BT E. COCHBANE, Manager. -AND- ALL AT CLOSE PRIGES. Sparkling Uatawba Spriop, P Y S P;E P S I A organs Jf?J!eJl2 Pnre vegetable matter which acts mrm f,,.,, UULLiUE WOIU JAl UC11OTUI InHlT.nv PAnnltlAn I , . " luvuiaiouiovifcwio does not belong there. No malaria or other blood S3 ..rS tmtame1 In i116 stonweh that nged, , , j ; v Dlooa aisease bangs around the system where KASK1NE is WHAT CAUSES DISEASE, i J. H. MoADEN. rf H'.3 13 13 ccrtlfv. tiat llrs. Pcrs'-'s statement la re-ard to ny s'eruis is tn 3 ar.d 1 ;;xly cor rect in every rer-cct es r-"".''.i rr.y Cv--..-on ana Etrtcro,i:.CoJyihl--i. The accumulation of earbae nhnnt t,fl ,Aw,t-. ' ' ' a proline generator 01 disease likewise. The nMirmTfatinn rf7SSuTrfA acmowjeagea to be and decays, the gases arising therefrom nolaon?Shi2S W61 food ln stomach ferments ?JSS25!!2ftyf. various acn, a yrx .n 01 mood and perfect dliestion i rSbttSSSVff lSbUity ofS roml i : PREVENTION OE DISEASE.' ; ;i ",: " i No berson whose dicpstinn i .nii ' . N . - : - ; ... nothing will put the digestive organs in a hMith, ?,fear or P1 or other contagious disease, and I ure to keep stmatecaseotMhItualcons?ipatlPon?aadK cure the most oh- '.j 's'-" s- B. ARCHER, Proprietor, ; . FOR SALE. . 'At the Court". House door frmiesfl nM nrtvafotw sooner), on the second' Thursday ln August, at 12 o'clock. F02TY AC2E3 OF. LAND, adlcIr and partially within the town boundaries; bourId on ine on,n Dy me v. u. railroad.- on the I hv .,. . x .:. IVortli Carolina. , xxb menimnai miiiatoi xrataM nnyf rAcf ttph f,Teljr ?tt8d UP Place for pleasure seekers or inla nds. Possesses superior advantages. Write W 2.?.' IB E. O.ELLIOTT 4 SONt may2Jeodtf . , Owners and PtovtU SD C. HUNZLER, -WnOLE3AL LAGER BEER DEALER A!H BOTTLER, CHARLOTTE, N. Cm Bepresents two of the lweest LAGEB BEEB Bre weries in the United Statef. . The Cerjrner fe En-el Brewiff Co., of jnaiaaelpnia, and the P. & SX. ScxtatTerXXrewiBsrCo'1 THE ILARQES'T JRT2ER BOT TLHTQ ESTABLISHMENT - W THE CITY, . CTOrcIers SoUcited. All order promptly filled End delivered free char3 to any part of the citjv T dccCCIlf ' - - i-. -f For eab byIr Saratoga Springs, IT.-Y- " ot.nera-, 5SK2iSP2l LI . It S I irf SR-Sro bit? 4 .... A1 .ursAfrlif H. IL-EITTIN. ratu tn Mil t& 4 CUBE, gives Instant reUet j ...f VLLAt Z CO.jJ r-j-t Ih gt ,ewI0

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