D A I L Y G H ARLOTTE OB SERVER: THURSDAY, J U L Y 1G. 1 8 85. ' '"' " ' --- --i " ..... i mi i . t t .T.r - - i ' im ii i: -' ? ' ' ' f -v M . $ Absolutely Pure. ' ' . fU navor vartaa. A rnaxvcU Of DUTttl mnrth and wholesomeness. More economical n tne ordinary Kinds, and cannot be sold in rtmnetitlon with the multitude of low test, .short stent alam or phosphate powder.. Sold oeUId una. .Wholesale uj janldiwly . - SPRfNS 4 BURWELT - Charlotte, r c.33 The Ocean House, 4 MOREHEAD CITX N. 6. ' ' --Br: kil:H? fipYtRTOS,!XaMKf Hjumnifi and Winter Resort. ALL THE YETAil ROUND. .. Readily accessible by rail from ail great lines of Situated on the wates of, Beauf o-t Harbor, In - tJXort ipw of the Atlantic t)cen. its Drx)xlmlty to thfl fiulf Stream renfers it the most pleasant Sum-- mer KeSOn HI1U nuiicinuiuo uu uio ouuui auou- tic coast, for pleasure health.1 Furniture and fittirgs new throughout !E?eetrlc; Pel's and mod em improvements. Tabled supplied ' with every delicacy ol land and waer.'" . - Bath Houses attached1 and best Surf Bathing on the Atlantic uoasi. . ;.;-.. . ' Largest and finest Sharpie JBajllng Fleet of any Atlantic port ; ;- . .- : specially inviting w uv?iiujj. bwiu yuict wui lorts and rest. rj4 .- - Splend'd fishing sports ., and abounding game of 'UnttPd States Sisrial Stat1onl;aijbrt Macon re cords this clln ate as the mos' dfcslrable, through out the year.ar d eminent physicians are united in recommending the soft temperature and salt air i of Morehaad City to aB r classes rofj Invalids and " bealth seeKers Juneadti -; 2Jftc GTxnrlxjtlc Gbsztntx. THEFT OF THE PAT CAB- TSIEl CIT Y Arrival and Departure of Trains. . - vurrect ior me current momu. . . - DETAILS OF THE GKLAT EX MOIT. T RICHMOND AND DANVILLS AlB-LlJnt. No. 50- Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 2.60 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta at S0 a. m. No. 51-r Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 4:45 a. m. Leaver for Rlehmond at 455 a. m. No. 62 Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 12.35p.m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. No. 53 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 6:10 p.m. Leaves for Richmond at 630 p. m. Local Freight and Passenger Train leaves for Atlanta at f0 a, m.; arrives from Atlanta at 80 p. m. Chaexottk, Columbia and Augusta. Arrives from Columbia at 610 p. m. Leaves for Columbia at l p. m. C, C. &A. A., T. 40. DmsioH. ' Arrives from States vllle at 10:45 a. m. Leaves for StatesvlUe at 635 p. m, Caeolin a Central. Arrive from Wilmington at 6.50 a. m.; Leave for Wilmington at 9.00 p. m. Arrive from Laurlnburg at 3 45 p. m.; Leave for Laurlnburg at 7.30 a.m.. : Leave for Shelby at 6.15 p. m. ; arrive from Shelby at 12.05 p. m. Mails. General Delivery opens at 8:00 a. m.; closes at i ajv p.m. Money order Department opens at 9.00 a. m.; cioses ai ; p. m. Pay master Groser as a Target Two Arrests Blade Jesse James Bandits Outdone in Georgia." a. In The Observer yesterday 'mornw ing, mention was made of the attempt ta steal the Richmond and Danville pay car in Atlanta, and our people were yesterday eagerly enquiring for further particulars. -.The : Atlanta5 Constitution received last night, con tains a tour column report of the a,U fair," from which we give a condensed account of, the most interesting points. Index to New Advertisements. Rev. E. Rondthaler -Salem Female Academy. Kemp P. Battle University of North Carolina.' T. M. PIttman For sale or rent. Pegram & Co Silk hats, Ac. Lawrence Turner Public notice. S. H. Haweft Coal. W. 11. MuHen Hornets' Nest Liniment. Five and Ten Dollars Reward See adv. Weather Indications. r Middle Atlantic States. Warmer and generally fair weather,e except in extreme northern portion, occasional local rains, winds generally south erly. South Atlantic States. . Generally fair weather except on southern coast, occasional rains, variable winds, nearly stationary tempera ure, except in the interior, higher temperature. XOCAI4 RIPPLES. ' ' . " - at ; , ' ' t ' . '" -.!- . ' - IDDD PPHftiS My A letter from Mr. Todd says: Pig Hams is exhausted." : - supply of The many , -testimonials we have fnom :4hose; who "..have used them are wery gratifying to. us, aud;with those who let the golden opportunity ' g6 by unheeded we are in deep sy m patny and woula - eay - never let it occur again. uiy(l "- - Our Oolong and. .Gunpow - der Teas are all 1 that canlbe desired, , ' ' T ' ! Our Champagne Cider is rapidly fastening itself in the atiections of the people. ; Try our Milk Biscuit for a xhange from the; water crack- ; ers you have peen using. iniiiii Mortgagee's Sale B Virtno nf a i Jerry (raffney and his wife Lucy Gaffney. recorded n book 89, page 47, 1 will sell by public fiustion at we Court House door in the dtr of Charlotte, N. U, on Saturday, lth day of July, 18&S, the tract of . land arllnlnlncr IotiHo f Hi n. Cnri i80uthwet southwestern boundary of city Cnarlotte,N. C. on which said Jerry Gaflney V! "Da Wife BOW resldA. AlannnA orrnl mar mule and one sorrel horse mule, ' to 'satisty the debt se- cu oj nam mortgage. Term8ca8h. JOHN W. WADSW0BTH, Mortgagee. Jones & Johnston, Attorneys, - June20evsat4w - ; ' - ' ' WANTEP TO IS E L L -loo.;; ' : OnftHvmrtTAl Varwa In MTr1flTi'hnro'. Pn.hsi.mifl, Rowan, Cleaveland, Gaston, Butherford and other wuuubb m western norva iarouna, uy uie ., Charlotte Ileal Estate Acencyf aayl7d&wtf B. K COCHRANE, Manager. There will be a meeting of Char lotte Commandery No. 2, Knights Templer, at their asylum in Masonic Temple tonight at 8 o'clock. John Riddick," th& well . known colored barber, who has-been identi neu wim joiiese screet ior .many years, died at his house m this city yesterday. The Wearn nine and the Char- otte club played off their tie yester day afternoon, and the game was Ood one. The score stood: Wearn 12, Charlotte 13. VT:': : 1 We call attention to the adver- isement of the University of North Carolina; which has of late largely increased its Faculty and means of instruction, , Drummers who travel around without licenses, either through acci dent, or intentionally, have , to look sharp. Salisbury ha3 now fallen into line and has several -officers on the lookout, i k. ; v" v. . The hammering on the stand- pipe has begun, but as the structure is now filled with water, the clatter is somewhat deadened and is not auite so unbearable as it was when j.... ... .... .... ,v i, ... '.". v.. the standpipe was first being built. If any of the Charlotte sports want another chance to bet on the Wilmington baseball club, they can get it tomorrow, "when a match game is to be played in Wilmington be tween the Seasides and the Baleighs. ' The railroad boys in Charlotte are elatea over one iauure oi ine thieves to get away .with the pay train in Atlanta. Some of them fel rather bilious when rumprs were firs heard that the pay car had been stol en.' - ' - ' - -' " ' Two car loads -of biown stone from the "quarry, in Anson county passed through this pity yesterday for Atlanta, where it is to be used .in building. The stoneLiaivell dressed and is of an excellent quality. 4 Capt. James B. Magill, cnier o the city fire department, has gone to Wilmington, where the JNewbern ana Wilmington fiie companies had a celebi ation yesterday. Chief, Magill is a born fireman and will ably rep resent our city. . -r The" miniature fire engine, made by Mr. Sinclair Blackwelder at Wilkes Iron Works, is on exhibition in Harrington's show window .The engine is made of steel and brass, and the workmanship is excellent. ? It is a complete engine, and when fired up will throw a stream through a line of hose. 1 Study the case as "he would h3 could arrive at but one conclusion, and that was that he was in a i dan arx rived at a house where he; found an Mr. Groser, -the paymaster, wt -.c frt t. a anono VaT7 and an old negro man who cooks for n f n fini1 -f . Cray on Top. The cacaagamst llrl Robert Gray, the Ninth Rf.rpof Krr.T SSl--?? ferred frbm Mayor Johnston's court help badly to extricate himself and jegteraaJ n ; tQ M tlMhrL lJk f0 th;8htS Nmch'sfet, Jusl mringlhav. TZ 25 T ,T? W aU he could in the, matter. i.1? ? S Justo ' same tempt to secure help. He tried.,to counsel. for each side appeared, and persuade his negro to leave the car the same charge wa3 preferred against and go to a house and awake some Mr. Gray. After hearing the evis one, bute negro protested agamst dence the 'jud going ThenMr. Groser told the ne ment in f avor of Mr. Gray, and the grotil he wouldstay he would go city was required to pay the costs of himself The old darkey after con. theaction- Mr. Gray's i counsel pro- siderable persuasion, agreed to re. posed that the city could preceed to iiiuvuguccil CUJU 1CLUUVU LUC UUotO, him, were asleep in the car on the side track, in the heart of Atlanta, but towards morning, Mr. Groser was awakened by the rapid motion of his car. He rushed out the front door of his car, climbed upon the supply car nnJ A 4- C . 1 J J 1 . u uvioxwaiutuwarmue engine. brale , The old darkey saw him and pra"r . The train was then clear out of town. ' . . , , , , . .., - . uray will ; t liiiH TTi s n raw r.n n n narnv While Mr. Groser was away from the car the old darkey was having a more eventful, thrilling and fearful time. Soou after Mr. Groser left the car a man mounted or rather began to mount the platform leading to the and was skimming along at the rate of forty miles an hour. Mr Groser was only an instant in observing that the front of the engine was nextto his supply car and that no headlight was ourmng. ne country tnrougn which he was traveling' was all new the 'Back !" cried the negro. The man stopped, looked at negro, ana said: 'I waat to see Groser. Oh, Groser, I vjrant to see you a minute." "Backor I'll kill you I Watch dat dopi back dar, massa, ". cried the old to him. 'The rapid rate of speed, the darkey) preSenting the pistol.' uuocuw ... uj. iuc i-icciuiiiiut. axiu. LI1B . - - W - T strangeness of the country all sug gested to Mr. Groser's mind the deeds of Jesse James. He quicklv retraced his steps over the top of the box car until he reached the end next to his car. lie went down the ladder ? m a The man stepped down and off the platform. In a second or two several mehj according to the negroe's states ment, congregated at the side of the car and began talking. One name he heard frequently. It was "Davy." under peaceable protest and without molestation, but with the understand ing that it was not to effect the sta tus of the case in- any manner. It was a simple proposition for the city to remove the posts, but the city de clined claiming that as Mr. 'Gray put up - the posts, . it was . his duty to take them down. It is to be presumed that Mr. oe arrested again as soon as he has time to get his breath, but the question of magistrates, is be ginning to be a serious ; one, as the supply will soon be exhausted. , It wouldn't be a bad idea to call av full meeting of the board of , township justices," and should they become exhausted, the Governor . might be called upon to appoint a special ven ire of 100, to serve until the case is settled.. T:: , J , ' . After a few Rflftonda the mfn hfis'an jiffy and then grabbing the brake be- cauing; gan twisting it up. - Soon the train began to go slower and Mr. Groser knew that he was master of the sit uations He gave the brake another turn and then another. He bent over it with the strength V: of a giant and wound the chain around the rod until the engine came to a halt. Then as quick as lightning he. ascended the ladder again1 and started forward. He reached the front end of the car just in time to see a man jump from tne engine. As the man sprang to the ground Mr. Groser saw and recbg nized him. The ; man's character is not above repreach, and no one knew this , better than Mr.; Groser. -The Fatal Stabbinjj near Salisbury. In Salisbury night before last Hen derson Surratt, a young man from Thomas ville, died from the effects . of steba inflicted upon his person by; a But they received no answer. They tr " mur jo" appeared to be. afraid to act. This nht,i;rtVA.SiT.mnn.imn"nn th went on for probably fifteen minutes - . ' a .. Q p;,. fl tWrt and then the old darkey felt the train I iojfQ1 1 begin to move again. Presently bis! . . .. - - - . . "Groser 1 Groser I Groser!' AntrIy Cusioiacr Ccplr.rcxl. For a coupb of days rict cinir dent wfcito trsmp ha3 been vi:!'.;r tbehcu2C3 0f tins citrundcrt:: rr tense of selling an article to crcT-ni lamp3 frcrn exploding. Ho isvrrr-.v . bly called at a house while .th3 i 3 . members' of the 'family, vrcro r . t and none but ladies present, r. i rude and insulting manners cover failed to frighten thern Ha .7culd demand that tlieylbrins him their lamps and a table, without tellint them his object and in some instances refused to leave " the" houso 1 until his demand ,waa - complied with, cr a threat ;was made' to. call the noliea. After getting 4he ladies thoroughly . frightened he would .telMhern that he had a patent to prevent' oil from ' exploding, which he oId ' at 25 cents ; per lamp. Yesterday, in hi3 rounds, he dropped in at the house Of Mr. Jo siah. Asbury, and on being told tha his - presence was not desirable, he commenced cursing the lady of the house at a terrible rate. ;. The poL'co' were quickly ndjtified' and the tramp- . was hustled off to the " guard house". He gave his name as Rawley, and said that he was from; California. Such characters should' be severely . dealt with, and ; the people ofChais. lotte confidently hope that IJayor : Johnston 'will make1 an example of this one and pile on him the heaviest load thatjhe law allows. ; ; " J' Absentees." , .f :.: tiviK".:;. . Mr. W. S. Bynum, Jr., has gdne'W Germantown, , in Stokes county tbr spend a few weeks. ;, Miss Bmks .Chambers,'- daughter of Mr. Ro, Chambers late of Char lotte, left the city .yesterday; foij a short visit to friends.' 4 t ? ,;:' .:' there theyecame involved in a dif- fixity vTBurratt, left the, house first, to lay. in, ambush, as it ,after wards transpired, for 'Keene. Later in the car stopped, Then when the old ne gro looked out he Baw that the en gine and the supply car werestill go ing ahead. He felt happy never so wtyyy Mcwio xu ma 111c. uu xx , , man TTaana was pmess was short-lived, for, ma few going.homerQe wag met in the road seconds he saw that the car was by ,'Bafratt sand ; attacked ; 'Keene coming back towards him. It was a cervine a lantfirn . and with moving rapidly, and inless time than he a bfow Q& tQe it takes to tell it the supply car struck nead, shatterfng the glass globe and the nav car with a tremendous force. . ' i.-u u prince of-thU-maccmWd the e t to1"rZ'f paymaster's suspicions and he cried , ,: ta Atlanta. lt;rAlled on kt first OTSSIf:-. -?1 nimseii, Jeene urew iius iuue, aim briskly then slower and slower until D0 attack' upoQ mi ,wa3 re it finally stopped, after having come newea h'e.USed ,it vigorously,. fitting nejr-jmile-nearer ttiaata.gj The train naa Deen stolen pj tnree s4Veral stabs, ' one" of ? Chichi pene men, who, atier tnis aesperaie ai,- t t d t th re2ion of tHe heart. tempt,; fled t without -securing anyj r Keene w.!a 'soaoiDr Eeene, money. Tne Atlanta ponce nas ar-, Afe iha preliminary trial: ilTwas made rested two men on suspicion, but the, tnat'-he5 had 'acted :"ih self- eyidence against them is not very Jefense - and he was released on $500 out. "Smith, where are you going V 'Jo BeltoJunction, , o course re plied the man'calleii Smith. "For what?" asked Mr. Groser in a quiet, stern voice.- r , "Ain't you going to pay off there this morning?? asked the man, as,he approached the car." j; -; M 'Well, that's nothing to y,pii,V;said gtrong. . Groser. VI .want to know: what t Mr, you are aomg nere: wnat aoes tnis-f mean ? There's " something: ; wron e' i I' , . - ; . i'. - s nE TOOK tAUDAWUM. bond. The body .of Surratt was sent to Thomas ville,f or Jburial. What do you want?" founicx 1803. ' . Tr SALEM FEf.ULE ACADELlu . " If ; C. -r ' -: - ;.f r"". rff7jfgM 'v- ,- m"nm r '4 . i '.-1 C; 1 'C!tJ: At :S'-'-j.- --- ill iriin.ii.nf f7T... , . Eighty-Second Annual Session begins Sebti.Srd For catalogue apply td 'v-.; ., t t.j. BEV. EDWARD E0NDTHALEE, D.n.,-4j' REV. JOHN H. CLEWELL, - . - - Y. .V Jjlyl6dim'. PrlnclpaJs- Dfllverity of NoHU " Fix nT fiTT 6811 add;1 -,t-the if'acultyj making artoralf .seventeen inrrje tors. All the courses of atudF have been en' . , a ad strengthened. . Post graduate Instruct .jnia offered In tverv department " The next session be--sins August 27c Entrance, exnmlnatlons . Ausst . For catalos?ae cbntainlhg Informatlbrl i Sreird to tuition; board, term of admission, ftc.applx.9 HON. ICE VIP P. BATTLE. L.L,J).f , Juiyl6d2t -. ; t President, Chapei pilt, $i . C: TX) eniNTKKd. we will sii a good seoond-f-1 1. Ptow Paper Cntter. (Stood ai new except k i . .t . ram., Ct tCOiiQ- , FU1 1 wW fcr 1. -r p. "Yoii'U find'out soon enough, "-re plied the voice. f "We want you and that money, have i'tC'! and we a are going to Aiteinpt of a .Yoiing Ulan to Conl- init StticideXast Wlsbt Ssiys lie t js Sorry He Bidn't Succeed. t&bout ten o'clock last nignt a; voune man, a stranger in ,ue uit , A (D mm g(Bo , As, the man - delivered himself ' of fepped into Jordan's drug store, and this speech ' Ije -began firing :at . Mr. ked in a hurried manner for a dose Grose?.; . -lhe. man .was standing pn otlaudanum." Mr. Raysor, the clerk, the ground a few feet away from the TtnV a lare bottle from the Bhelf, car, and waX partially hidden by the and the young man asked to be shadow it cast. Mr. Groser was iowed to examine the bottle. He standing on the , top of the car, with tfKv it from the hands of the drug a clear, star-studded sky; for a back,- clerk and quick as a flash pulled the giuuiu. jao uuuiu see ms assauant st0pper and put the bottle to nis lips, very -'indistinctly,- whde he himself but before he could take more than a could be plainly seen. His position COUDie of swallows, Mr. Raysor made him (an excellent target, and rasped him by the back of the head had the would be assassin been a half an(i nrevented . him- from taking shot. Mr. ' Groser would have been more of the drug. The ' yoting killed. The first shot sent a bullet man at once left the store and was On account of a contamolated i m .-"',:j't'.fi? ducements, iftti chan?e notr businBw we re?oflirln this we?k;th?ollCTrlng ta ts, and U you need If ne Gothtng wnejl cash.' . . ; . . r -;r;. ; COATS AND VESTS ; .4' .: Former prieo $25.00, seU now for $18.00. Fine 3 and 4 Button Cutaway Coats anoTvests.tormerpr.c ' sell now tor $16.50. FlneCorkscrew Worsted in Oxford and Brown colors, , ,"", 7 former price $20.00, seU now lor $14.00. : : . wnistung close Dy Mr. Uroser's left shortly after found in asemi-uncon- ear. The next one threw asDhnter ; Ha was, taken to a room over Harrington's restaurant, knocked off the car in nis face." ' The Lthird struck the roof of the car iust vi corvippa nf Dr; Bratton beine : 50 ; Blue Sferqe Suitsi "-t. ' ..' i ,'- ' ; , J-"--' 1 . " - . ' . 1 Sold never less than tlOQO, we sell now 'at $7.50. These Suits can rioTbe mashed In th city for les '.thanl2.00 These aie only a few of. the many Dargains we are now oujnng. ,,a can iur uuuao wiu. prouetoyourinteresi. - wenavoauuui.- BRING THE CASH And Cate tne DUcount. Korfler to encourage the system oTprepaymeiit I oner a very liberal discount to those wio , piy in advance for their BTPHOTOGRAPHS. " ' j.n.vAinr, Tie Races Yesterdaj1-. The Dicyclo races . at the fair grounds yesterday camo off accords ing to programme, but there was on ly a small crowd present to witness the sport, a fact which is to be rer fretted when we take into considera tion the efforts made by our bicycle club to furnish amusement, for our citizens. 'The five mile race between Maxwell and Polhili resulted in a tie, Polhill coming in ahead of Maxwell heat vesterday; Polhill's wpo five' mile3 m 16:50. The raco between Asbury, the bicyc- od unmer ine incyciisu declined Jones' challenge, to rpritthe mile rac3, Cl Ovcrccish's record, ac cilVlj ten ccccn.!:. Jones ran and lower- between Mr. liroser's feet, while the secured, a volunteer part set to iwumu uuufcunotu m tuo oiuo ui. mo whrlc to aid the uOCtor 1U ; UllUglUg I w car, with a dull, heavy thud.- tfm around: At the time they com- ( )( J ifThiaaft fthrit.a WOm fir-or? l'n ttqwtt wnnid ' . ! ' ' .l.J.u' Viv V ttto a in f. JAXJ';.XJr succession, the pistol evidently beins: nrirnnpinnB condition and the . 1 . T ' .'.. I nil-L ', WV -- w" -T"-. - a self-acting one. When the 'first Drut)il8 of his eyes, were greatly con- shot was fired, Mr. Groser turned to tracted, showing the deadly effect of seek the shelter of his car. He had iaudanum. The usual remedy neglected to take his pistol with him of tickling, and beating with wet wnen ne curaoea upon the car. but u i maa r-nanrteil to and, Kent ud when he re-entered the pay car hese- fnv hnif ail hour, when the young curea me pistoi ana men waited a tew . y-o-an to show signs ot, re- minutes for the expected assault. ,No oveVinp:. . The efforts , at restor one; however, came near the car, and Lnnn were renewed add the Mr. Groser, with pistol in hand, as- oct0r - and party soon, had s the cenaea w me top or the car for the Aftefoinn of seeing the untortunate young man out of danger. By twelve o'clock last night he had sufiiciently recovered as to be able to converse .;tK Vinft around him. ana to mem hft stated that he had not been drink in but that he really intended to and decided um himself and was sorry that : they hod not let him secceea mn . TTi ;a fmm aftorsia. No cause is known for his rash act." 1 an , A m ft ' mm " ' ' From 5 to 9 years, which we wiU sell at 50c' on the dollar. ' ' STRAW HATS At AND BELOW COST'. Very Respectfully, - ' . - L ' ?t -F5 P nn1" third time. He looked about him, but could see no one. Just then the man on the engine gave two or three m . . - . ... .... ., i.j: , or , tour , loud, shrill , blasts of the whistle . m . rapid succession. Mr Groser thought this was propably a call ior contederates, to retire to his car, and. attempt to hold it against .assault. Just as he was in the act of turning about an other shotmaking five in 'all was fired at him, but like the other four - ' Y7by KHafce ? wuuwh utumiessiv- nv ira in- i : iicimr.itiun.T!a Triva enms auuf'": . ... 1. . - - V . IXWM I .-.11 lliiJlL" iJljj'EjIULiJ J -w -; ... tended victim. " : . ' ; tie shaaer. But wty t; t When Mr. sys . - . , iw : .. i vrivaer returned to the "S"!" The Eev. ilr, tally. -j- ; . .j DiiAiirri'i irnn IIU W A A- V4 . -I VMM AW of W' Now.ne'bor . . 1.1. x: . ' . ... i mn.iu.ii. cu carwis ume ne locked the doors, and of layetteviiie, Ark., siys, calling hiservant to him. waited a YtPTtfSA with entire satl3 d enricher cf t-e LEIDI G CLOTKIEtlS APfP TAlXpa3 9 i GREGORYS ! DYSPEPTIC 1ILXT0RE, Positive and Permanent Cnre for Oyspepia : and Indicestion. ? ' ftvnw-PTOMs nr DTSPBPsiA.-me of the most common anddirect of all, la an -uneasiness in the region of the stomach felt soon after taking food. Thisnneasines8 is variously described as fullness, weight or oppression ZliZuTrait the stomach was "swelled.". The same feeling is some- times felt -after drinking water. Flatulency, or gaseous distension ,cf the ttv,o, oni iwwpia. Knifitation. or belchin of the rxi or "wind" frcn : tt.8 stomach.- Vomiting Eeartburn ;t?,tionor with constipation. spittli ng.np of the food. V,'atcr-t ririi 'ana ireQueuiiy paiu iuui?k."jjuu i-o - r.ttiFinr'iBlrh imipte. short or i..?.ciiItbr2atiiiT. I uui-t-v.u.Of "-- J - - , . , of the bowels, dizziness, -swimnirj i.n:.. Before. I the head. roultonae,vJia "bad,'V-bir.3r, or - r t Torrid livsr, with a sense cf fullness In the rl-hts!-. al ir' SStSid&tatbanT'.matUi dart c.:rel - "Li and when produced frcac'iiorc- - "s.-if Travr.t:1 tyc;. fe:cymel5r.cy,nervoii5rie.. "sic; -fatness,"' a sei EfV-" i iriat' ity t- erp. arl v?i-n cna bectt-Ined iti Std4i SaaSS 1:3 are scu"3 cf the mct rrcst r ifeoS" Cf cf 3 . toPJh'r'-ct in all cas-s, "enai; t rpon m-iiviini jet-v.. ..3 .

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