CHARLOTTE, N. C., SATURDAY JULY 18; 1885. PRICE FIVE CENTS. n mrtWn ma'M m Im W A . Ill OF The prettiest and Cheapest we have ever had. Hn Swiss Mftroiaei J", t Mateh i it Patterns Slie'Iiat;X0ttC'-lJ3erncr. : Mr.ShiUabethe "Mrs.' Parting- TRrrm. t.tttr tttr kitw snMimnns at! km its TO 1 frf r TToorfl rlioiimoHem haa tariiirAfl BB OfWSCUKED, BUT, LI KB TELE SUN, .ONLY I"OB A 1. , . -. - . . ' tdcb." - " him, ana ne nas completely lost tne nan nf Vita lower limha. Tjocomotion. Subscription to the Obsener. to ft in 2 wheeIed chair; is imnbssible I with hini. : He can neither stand nor walk, but while in these respects he is as helpless -as ababe, his general DULY EDITION, - Single copy.. Scents. DJ IDB WecK IQ Luodtj... ....... ZU By the month ; 75 Three months $2 00 ; and his spirits are unclouded. Some h cents, of .the - funniest of his saying have One Tear ' 8.00 - 1 . . , ---tt-----,-, - -- - - . .. y. . WEEKLY EDITION. Three months..'. r.. ..1. .... SlXmonthS... ,.-$1.00 trnffan'trhan ho -or a a in amito In clubs of five and over 1.50. pain. ' . v " . 7fo leTiation From These Rules J, - :? r- ; subscript aWs payable mv advance, n"ot - There are sixtynine unitea btaies only in name but in fact. Pistrictl Attorneys J and sixtynine United States Marshals for the States - " H , ' m. . JLTu goes os all xiie SAJUis. and Territories ' Of these attorneys imS1SSiSXSr. Yoik remark8 tlrt-flppienth, made twenty, eigtit tc satteensan - . - . - TrT'w. s not withstanding the hard times and changes and oi the marshals twenty ic SatteenB - TnnmT) TT'iOlTTf UST notwithstanding the hard times and changes, and of the marshals twenty "RTf LU X MAiNJJ 13ijro O IJA IXCUJAf JLix. the great business depression of the seven changes., . ..rmqms. Ladies ana ueuiauuuuuciTY. . - . . . . . . tu ruwxurivuia, vmvurva pum. "ug 4feifffl SSS CMldreM " - V . " people 1300,000.010 a year in taxes to r,? ' 7e rHrfiiiiT r -AN JT-- rn ,i T7 TTT fVTk yliiL .ArraOUCE.TliE CO.TI5It33CE3IEXT OF TnEIJl summer :-: Clearing :-: S -FOR JWPOKT TIESatTSiV'AND M ' . x- tov rir.a rroam imi Cardinal Cashmere Shawls. . - ; pat nrrifir nf RtatfiRmanshin seemed to y TKn !SSfeSttAT.wAS SS?j!r be to saueezingthe most taxes out ot the quality of fruit ' this year, .pro- ,- .... -J, ,: t&Vir ' ... . ; ... ; the people, in bunting up, e,verything.UnllnninanDles.Deaehes and melons 1. . " - . . .MOfl III" White SJUTII DUILDIW. HI LEAVINt;! lest- ; For the Springs, Mountains or Seashore, call and supply yourself with the nec-l essarv articles to complete ' vour outnii gwu dia y i forLafa and bents the oeoDle. in buntinff ubceyerv thing, rlrlnt annlAaneanhes and-melons 1- , ... I i : . ...... v . . v -Jf"'J ,r r " . . : I " ' I 1 . j ' j . 1 ill: - . u r a ' . . . ' - . .i , leviea, ana aa-umuiauug muuu . , . - , ; money as uobsiuio ut tut) uetieuij i , i - - - i, fio kAo.fin. wfc- jria." but nevertheless the Legislature ; surplus as a great achieyement They is tackling the-prohibition question 'iLiJLLal: Udila'winntMv rnlTo fnr rnrli tnnlr and adog law. up the amounts called for if presented The Canada statesmen njust run - ' and then claimed 'ereat' virtue and u ureuiif j-or hub i.ea.u jr icuuuwuu ui mo he Uajiaaa dbDt to"ts up aoout fDU National debt, to do which, the pleo- to eve.ry man, .woman and child in nie who needed the money to meet r:i '- r ....'., , IXJULUILIIVU lepslvtaxS ..." -4- Wheat jumped three centsabush THIS GIGANTIC SALE OF MM (G00C5S ir Th. is noirhei fcfnfsmaTisriin nor 61 in Some OI ; me xxurtueiii mto . . ; . , . v : n sense m collecting hundreds of miK onthenews of Russian advance m Every lady is , respectfully lion8 of dollars annuaUv .f rom the Afghaaistan ; . - ; invited to : call and examine channels of trade, where it is worth orrEsivE Vautis isnip. , ritif Q.tCnr - Ctf . .'.TCll . BllttOIl fAm ofo-Vif trv ton nor ppnt frk ant.irii- ' 1. ' V . . -- " fArvi ia-Trtpli f. tA ton TAoi ati t. t,n ! n.nt.iri 1500tS. .ft. large anu eieam, pate tne payment 01 aaeot wmcu tuo If Dyjes a jKaryianl Fostmaster line 01 hand sewed Xia 15Ut- government can carry at less tnn . i to Suicide. -, , , ; , , ton and French f. Kid Boots, Mne half those figures, ana wmcntne :A M0S(VMd.f; dispatch of the ' ' IHIus else 3? in s - bb'dlc T.infin Collars. Ruchinga, Gloves, f Hofiiery, Handkerchiefs, Travels -feg Satchels.' Also a big lot of . - " Trunks and Valises, In every size, style and price. Examine my stock before purchasing. Another arrival of. ORIENTAL LACES er ' - . WHITE CANVAS BELTS, &c. KID LOW BUTTON, , L , .EWFOBT TIES. J. w' OPERA SLIPPERS,' v AND SANDALS. u m tea otates oouus oavo ittuncii vueiu ueuiueu tu lcjlcx .vxicm&co yi , as an investment, in preference to X?8hiP;? V !" . . v. - Wantz, postmaster . here. They began : investing in other, ways, because they make determined efforts to secure u i felt secure, and had no anorehensions n;a romnval anVI wnuld doubtless have 1 ' ; of the capitaiinvesiecL- Jjeing4'opariR -sucCdsbe:wasjan active Ke . ;h:J.i.-:jl Vriilu tMiMipaTV worker last' fall. The on-1 aizea py ine mauipumwum, (ul i Cw-ht, Atr onxietv TOWEI ! NytyYrta'' SHEETIlSTSf A- v Uomnia. He was auite well .on,, pe-j. , - . , ' . ' . ... . . I r ' -to . . - . a.i i a .oJiT-rtQ i wm M.n-ra Vi Tof. fomntinc most startim&r. tne most DrontaDie to tne ' No finer line has ever been are so well satisfied with the invests t be rific. The prices, we wffl;;: shown in his market and our ment that they do not desire a speedy "plecouldnot understand, why he off er goods at ill be f airly amazing, fot regardless of cost or value we sbal-, ftOB rfi iwaVa aa low as redemption of the bonds. These Vas so depressed-atlosinghis . office, clear out every department in order 'to make room for Fall Importations, prices are always as low as q bo p his ,ffe alI ( oome early and see the bargains that await you. - ; v . - ciocwucio. at,i Hanir rto. his menos nao. turneu . iKauiov ) - ..... . cuvu and that it seemed to him.the sooner . , . -, tem. the best system of banking: this ru'T..iT;i.. .w. w ... ,s, . - Orders by mail hvc care MHW I. L SE mwiE n i j 4- 4-f;--n tute lor wnicn it would -De nara io to Dea. : ,niH wiic ao tT.v- yu-iiJU. J4;i frJ and prompt attentaon. flnd lf the end should - , - fouro-cbs lir"? ' ! V"." fVrr. .-rriT" "Af getting out of bed.. AVnenne i ;.';- .T: V. - ; X f t rkTYT-I? XT ' n; t 1 uciicvo i vuooducm. tloned him; pe saia ne was going tup i . -. - vJLLjtxxyjv-r jl x Ai,yi V Alma Jfolisn. lor nne snoes holders were taten it wouia do in the ;eed:,tixei r stocu:: , . Aoout ,; xi- t n;nnaf' - - t favor of Rusnenslon of Payment of seven o'clock his wife calle'd Mm to L. . -St Pifaei . - . . , . 1 -" " : . . . . ri ,,. . f favor of suspension of payment ot seven o'clocic nis wue caiieu .uuu w. ' . ; . .1 v j hronlrfflt and when he'did' not an- thft nnncmai or . tne Donus as. me v. t: . h t . x -.-11.. : " v-" . , ua" swer she went to tne staDie o iuu fall due,and a reissue leaving the prin- s 8he t entered the, door n ifMf i-r fr. k id in the hand's feet He had taken' a leather fi.ll l-rl'UM I I .1 -I 113 1X1 III! .1111 I uiuutujt uiyoiu uui f. I, dreds of miUibns of dollars, which the bondholders do hot ask. for and which it distresses the people to pay lCLbCLX .WOO 7 Mipvwfviyw, tT band'sbody qdt down., , - r V' HIT it Apms ; COFFIN BEAIJTf. especially when business is depressed J ;. . i : Our great sale continues all this .month. pur ; variety :, not conttned . " , j U Man vllo Had been 1 reparco v. 41 .M uif Wo liai7- all Qizea and stvles.It may &nd it is about as mucu as tne aver: .... r or FolPty year. ? ' --"T. " , ' T i.aknoinMamj.n,,nnntn find the - - t ' V "1 be Ot lNXilittllOI 1U XWU W 6- " " : An Wmmfltshurff. Marviana. .. ui- means to meet his current obligations, I 4 . u-a AiiAiw. - - . . w . -:2f pawn remies vuowu t . . , . , . . v - J . ana maintain nis creait. xue peoPi t Ft ra d Davia Gamble,, a L "ril-"' TH ROl IHH TKIS'-"PRICE!"'L13T . L hftfii- of fhia nprathn have naid . enough .MW hor ' made a I I 11 J IV 1 il llUU Un I TTl lU, TlllWU 1 w oiiUwuuie8auuKwu.tiicireiuBoV ".r . nnrt m .nrnih hA sienir every .nisuv i i . - - - . - r - - --. w . , . 80008. . ' . . ' . . - t,0i Qid -tjiTM onontrh if it. had Wltnou.iauurw. r iiw uyw; yv f I . BWUO' . . . i . . have. paid taxes enougn, n nau t-nt remind" ' ' ' our tucking; rabiaiusosrs w piqp;v HSfe ... 1 ' ' Rolf Was o wine to the sudden death ,v - - IS J ! I dred :Men'8 AU-Wool Suits, Sack aid TJJJIMS' ' ';' dred Pairs Meu's AU Wool Casslmere Panto at $1.60, 2.00 and $2.25, wcrta $iW, . ; t $3.25, and $4.60. , , , . , f . . ' -". : , - - Boys' and Children's Clothing at remarkablj" . : , -. - VruJ'tfautoask for Hosiery and Gloves, j Our stock of Thft vrorth War0lmk Fruit "Associa. of hid wife, a lady .of thirty years, r SicM -T: tB annual. fair will beheld at ESLT", -- rifoonahoro AiiPTisr. 12 th nnd l.itn.J mi -l-j i . a A kftll nrt after - . . We desire to make a bis hole In our' stock this week and hare made price toat will move tne. It .g ex ted to be ther largest, v;with returning home had retired to bed. ,.0 Coats and Vests in very large . varieties, : which we offer f pr.Iess 4 ma-, thebestdisDlay.of fruits ever held in Fifteen minutes-later Mr. m"1" ;.. ? , . . ; ... than they can be oougni lor eisewnere. the State;: ;The express company will . r.: . ... rl ! transport all packages -oU domestic nftfttliftn his- reason: ..He always STRAW" . ....... i . . shock was Deiievea oy many w TI a tO I , unsettled his- reason: ..He 'ftlways STRAW-HATb.!;- , . v . sa ffn in t.riA '. COl . i ...J STRAWS HATS t TH manufac JURERS. Diinn nnrr i k-a-t 5f) l! im-iwtf. l II 111 IIUll lll-ll -UXafS-i HHW- balers Irt RUBBER PELTING, PACItWP SEf&L "ll ' COTTON. WOOLEN nhtl SAW MIIA SUPPLIES, " 1 - - . 4 A" -f- -" - . xicu. cf y ; . ; rV : Belting Co.'s ii' " Rubber Belting -.!3. Mt. Vernon Belting.:i Pnller Slasher and i4 Clearer Clbth, Ti K; Earle's Card' ' V Clothing, Ac. r We Intend to close out at a great sacrifice.- X fall Une'tf . .- . . . - Gents' .furnishing Goods.; "n-A oh him? over the n TTnndred Dozen Gents7 Bummer caris,,.o ior.j. wuw. t. , t ront.leriiece, LiOStnignv . - . ? vkikwo rww U-liliU-S A r he retired to his comn- au mo " ... - , , V-f -, . ne retired to nis uouiu-u ,ri - - r We are in recent of . a circular oi k..;', u.,4- fha. arvant called : r - . the Pioneer Mills. Memphis. Tenn.', him this mornins: it was found - that '-777- : TTpT' . A ITTrOVRv, . - . ' : I . , . mi' fllfl- I - IKk. t A - - tl ' I. II 1 urging a convention of Southern cot he was dead The Vody was not dis ton spinnerrto meet at Augusta, Ga;, before liter- on Monday, 27th, inst., Jta discuss the erany prepared himself for the grave, situation J and "devise some steps even to the arrangement of his whereby the cottoii manufacturing shroud. He was .amanoffar business cabe benefitted: - IX pub. ihg charitable habits tod much liked lishes the names of thirty mills which , a CARD.- - . - - a-vrwod'i a dfisiro" that cnrhvrtnvoTiHnn . ; 1 i" . 'm-l-a2 ' orrnwi andlHulS c9 held. The principal object bf ' the contention as we understand to ggg;gSf discuss the question of production ser.aeeif ? Jir? - i er-cpeto.e?. i - J and supply. , v . , -UVj-c. . j; .. . ' t r.-pr for aale' E'cht Lots 60x200 feet, lying n ri northwestern wrner of the city (outside the Cl ne Sffins to sera a cneap lot, W6uld do fflswfts the prices at Lloh they are osered means E. COCIIIlurs, B. S.' MYERS, Brclkcr eh 3 Ccmnuricii wii. - JLndi)ealrlar::icf jIIlJ, WW i . 4 ... "iwr' tt -yfi - nr ' TY? " 5' T -"

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