ii 1 -L.J J A Ilealiey and a Iarrot Tide, f actiors in the lata Virginia CI:.: i convention were beaded Dyiia- licno end raddlsbercer.v-Tte JIahone men verV too; touch for the -Riddle fccrgers," but. 'this did not prevent ihein from having a lively time! Af ter denouncing the Mahoneites as a f mob in the early part of the evening, about i midnight, before the nomma . tions were made, tha following scene occurred: Just ahoul, midnight Senator Biji-? dleberger, $im?; General Groner and . several otner aeiegaujacruwueu upuu Riddieberger commenced a dilatory . gpeech. He -was irequenuy 4inier ruDted and4cried down, when several ' of his friends sprang upon the stage, and there was imminent ganger qi. a . row. Everybody was standing up in their seats, pr endeavoring to get out Of the budding.;; The . stage: was crowded and the - whole convention in an uproar ' , Tn thft midat of this scene Jlahone pushed his way to the front of the' stage rio caiiea in wie iouuc&t wuva for order, and when quiet .was par tiall v restored Mabone placed his hand upon, Rilldeberger and appealed j u mm to permit me wuvcuuuu UUlQViJ UlVMbU ... w . KiaaieDergerappeareu w w wjuuu-vi ed by this appeal, and extended his ' hand to Manone. . a recocuiauon was - effected amid, a ; storm of;.the wildest - cheering in all par ts of the house. The two Senators then retired to the back of the stage, when the two Sen ators embraced each other. -Mahone MsSad Riddieberger .twice. ', The re conciliation, it is belioved prevented whatlwas believed would' have rev suited in- discord between the two Senators.- Attorney General Blair joined the Senators and engaged in ine nugging. t . UcmiLTS Nominal; mid r-f"i; r't r-:ps ID; gross. 13; e-s ; Etocli; 4,172, ezj'tz' i .::;lc8 Weekly-net receipts S3; "rr"3 l3;.L:.-:3jt;30;; exports coastwise 743; Gret iaia . . - iandKis Quiet; mlddUrT - 1"; . rc:!: -21; shipments 203; sales : stoc.i 7.C.J. - Weeklynet ree'ts 02J; -eIl. cnt3 sales 525; to spinners 653- . : Augusta Pall;, .mldsas: 10; Jre::'it3 -' '71; shipments; sales 428: stock 1 414. J- ' Weekly receipts 256; . , shipments SS2; sales srav; spinners-; bxock . , - i Dull: mi&SIrs 10 net'-rect gross ; sales 60 stock 1,203: exports XQ continent : coastwise t- ureat Britain rt . Weekly Net receipts 8; gross 8; sales 50; exports ta continent, r ; -., coastwlsej ' 76 ; Great Britain . ... ;rv - - - Niw York Quiet; sales 325; middling uplands 10 l-16c; Orleans 10 5-16c; consolidated net receipts 926; exports to reat Britala; 526, to France 106: eontlnentl868.J " ' - j r Weeklynet receipts 43: cross 3398: sales 5,250; exports to Great Britain 4.4l;rrance 1,061; continent 0,10; spinners ; slock iua,43u. RECEIPT3 AT AIXTORTS '-'' S ' '"' New YoBK--The followlng Jare the total net re-1 oelptaol cotton at all points since Sept 1st. 1884. GalVeTston' - - ' i'-V 455,438 NewOrleans,- .:.-,lW,797 Mobile, - , a- - - - , 22U52 Savannah; - -' 720.497 Charleston, ' - " - - 610.999 Wilmington, - - - M.841 Norfolk, - - , - - - -"-"----648,82& Baltimore, - - - r. ?- - , 59,9-2 NewYork1 - -Cmm Boston, ' - 83,745 Newport News, ' - - - - - - - Philadelphia, - , - -' ,V "r J3-4 West Point, - I h- 211.580 Brunswick, - - ; 10,887 PortBOyal,,:..-T - - - M rensacoJa, - - - ,w; Xb Protect Young; Girls.' . N,0; Ploayuae,f ' The hiatroi has issued a police oin der, which;' if it can only be intelli-, gently and honestly executed will be ' .' amove in the right direction. It is intended to protect young girls from v the influences of those who would . lead them to a" life of degradation ; - and Shame, and it directs that women; under the age of seventeen years of . ,&5e found in a' house of lill repute .shall be arrested and sent before the -recorder, to be committed to the House of the Good Shepherd." . If it can be executed without perse-: cution or blackmailing, it is a wise Tegulation. nATltlKTS U TELEGR1PD July 17, lm. Produce. BAT.TTMORS Noon Flour' oulet: Howard Street arn Western Supernne $3.004.00; Extra J3.503' .. t!25; Family L.tmtttMoi uity mills super $3.25 , i5.03; Extra 13.75344.00: Rio brands $4 902 5.00: "Tfitapsco Family. $6; i Superlative Patent $6.25;; . woe&wwauiern acuve; western euu; tsouinern red S7S98- amber $1.00a$L02: .Sol Maryland iy asked; No.i Western winter, red spot 94i394i6 ! .Corn Southern, dull; Western , 4ull; Southern, wtita 533:59; yellow Mae ad vanced Vsc, : but fell back and closed tfec. over yes-; terday: I July 87a4S8-fl; August 89ii89; Sep- tember ?iv 392: ,No ii fed. .9414. h Cornvopened easier anl ciosedeq. vnder yestexdaj;cash XnivAZliftiKlh-: AnsniSt 4f7hf?,4(&a: 8ntpmhr' 45tl: Juiv4oUa4' - 4mS4o1A Oats dull, ciosedie.. under yester- Septerri)er ;-25a25MaP ..Mesa; pork declined,. 7 cents -esriy, but rallied again and closed steady; cash 10SOffi$ia85: July $10.3u$10.35: August $10,253 $10.35; September $10.32S;$i0.42V&.'Lardl qu. -1 end a snaae easier; casn $a.oiy; Augusti t5.G2W3ZS 67Vk, September $6.72a$6 75. ' Boxed' meatsstaady; dry. salted ' shoulders $4.00a$4.25 e'iCTt ribs a.&7vs(T!S3.w; snon- wear $a.soj$o.uu. Whiskey firm at LtL15.i Sugars easier; granulated Naval Stores Wilmis ston Turpentine steady at 34! Bosln ; flnll. - BtralTxvf ..? Qfl- . enrwi -; rrainpn mS . Tar f-n at $1.20; crude turpentine steady;"; nard tUOr yellow .dip and virgin $2.W. - - ; -Sataitnah Turpentine nominal at 85, Bosln , 'firm at $1.00. v,: 1- '-Mvf.-Chakijsston Turpentine dull at 35 asked. Bosln teady; strained 97; good strained $1.05. i :; ; Flniancial. XEWTOBK. ' ' ' Exchange 4.84. t Money lai. r Sub-treasury i : ranees poia $iw,uiw;; ; currency ;a,zi4.ooo;! Hiovsrnmerit8 . auu; tour per cents, $l.a; three's 1.0314: State bonds aulet.ivv. Alabama Class A, 2 to S.. 914, " uiass c, nvea.; i.ua Georgia 6's..., L02 Georgia Ts mortgage . .. ................ .. . . 1.02 worth Carolina 4'8. ......... ....... ......... 87 eorthX3arolina6s,ex. int..v.i,i ,. i 11.. orth Carolina's Funding-i.. . ? 10--, South Carolina Brown Consols..".. ...v...; ..: 1.0711 Tennessee 6's.... ....... 47ij Virginia 6's. I .... :. ..... 40 Virginia C nsols.... .... .... .... 45 i ijnesapeaite ana unw.. ; 44 cmcsgo ana Nonnwesxern, Chicago and Northwestern Denver and Bio urande lrte........ . vm East Tennessee 3 IjBko snore..... ................ .j.. ..... 07 Louisville and Nashville..... 881 Memphis and Charleston , . . .............. : 8414 MobUe and Ohio. .:...'..;;..........v;....... 7 Nashvllleand Chattanooga......... 40 Jfew Orleans Pacific, lst.. ......... ....... 55 JJew York Central;..-. .... .... .... ..i. .... ... ' 9516 Jorfolkand Western preferred..... .... ..... 18 "Northern Pacific ccramon.... . 197b lTorthern Pacific priierred..,.. 44 Pacific Kail.. .,i k ....". .Ii . A 495b uuuuii4.(l .......... .... ......... .i.. .... J 4 1 . 11 - x" r 7 AxUyl Ladies', Misses and .Ohildrens'.,. ... ':' - ; ; And all kinds of Indlanola, City Point, 11.013 , 6,470 COMPARATIVE COTTGif STA.TEKEN1Ti , Net receipts at all TJ. S.. po?ts during eek r - 1,972 Same time last .year.'v. . . .i. -es'''i ' Total receipts to this data.'. ....... . . . i . o 4,691519 Same time last year. -.V.-. 4,829,817 Exports for the weelc:.;.'. 16,107 Same weeriast Jear w; . ..:. 26,673 Total exports to this date.;. . i.1. 8.RIS481 To same date lastyear-Cv Stock at all United States porta; !Vi -239,374 Same time last year. f. J: . ;.,-.;....' 274,622 Stock at all interior" towns...'. ...i:,.w,..'"N"s 14,154 Same tlmelast year. . i ........ i ." 15,096 Stock at Liverpool. .....;. rii 4 812,000 Same1 time last year. . .r. w ii . u .... ,J..'861,000 Stock of American afloat for .GreatBrit!n.- 22,000 Same tiln,e last rear,.;.. . k .iv:i::.00 tureclosed barely steady; sales 7100 tate.-; July.. .-.'.. Vi"Xl2?.- nXif f 6 963.16' August ;"r.T.t?.';. SeptemberfV ; .;.2.hi'..:-ii ?'984.00 .. ...... .. '. . .... .. .... . . . . .4. . -. V-'Jl1 VI f . November,.... i.;,i.. . .. .v. . ..... .:. 9.Q3.00 Oecembec .... . ......;.. ...-. rsr-..-...i.; 9.633.64 January.;. ..ZiZJ&'gJJiQ .713.72 February..: . .;;.;, . .'1, .;,".. .; 9.813.E2 y yXiIrerpool Cotton Klarci. - LtvxRPOoii, July 17. Busipsitnaoderate at un changed, prices: middling uplands Si&dT; . Orleans 5 9-16d.' sales 7000; speculation and export 500 ceipts 'American zruu.; .Jtutures inactiv uplands low middling clause, J Augast and September 5 P3-4dS5 82 64d. Sentember and October 5 .3A-ti4dr?:5 it 64d. : : t ! October and November 5 2J 64d;- -----, . f .,Decemberand January 5 23 4d35 27T13. - Sales for the week 47,O0Oi Americatf 'SZ.l)00t spec ulation 600; export 4,100; actual export, 6.700; im port 42,000; American 17,000; stock 8-1,000; Amer lean 683.000: afloat 73.000: American? 22.000.Jl 2 p. m. Sales American 5.000; 1 4Jpiaoii tovOnld- dllne clause, July delivery 5 38-64d. (varae.) -i ' July and August 6 28 64d, (value. - ' August and September 5 29 64d, (buyrs.) - September and October 5'31-64d, (sellers.) - , October and November 6 27-64d. (value ) . - -November and December 5 26;64d, (s-Jfers. !" and Ac just December and January 6 26-64t f sellers.) ' January and February 6 27 $4d; (value.) .v.-- ; Feoruary and March 5 29-64d, (buyer.) i- 4 'p. H. Uplands 'low r middlfisa clausa uly .August and September 5 S-64d, (buyers.) 1 .o .j A . i. e An j i ' OCUUCUUTOf iUU JKWJUVE O ii Dill. IUUVCI5. r . October and November & 28 64d. tbuyer )- x- November, and Deoember 5 874d ivaiue. u December and January 5 27 64a,tvalua) . , ' January and February 5 29-64d, (sellers.) -February and March 531-64d,-(value.) : '- . j Futures QloswJiUTn .f?- 3?t 5 .... ... City, Cotton JTlcirKet.t j,e Jii -; qmca w Tin obs4bvr? x1 liii ;;r CHA3liOT: ,N..r-Julr18, 188: - Tie city i cotton market yesterday dosed dull but steady; quotations nominal:' -' . . - y r Middling.'....,.'....,.. 1031( Receipts yesterday. . . J" . . . i , j 4 ..-ii "" 8 fJ ; , IBeported by t. B, MAsnj. . ; . . JULY15,1885. Corjit-per bushel,. ..vV.iV :-j0 Meal per bushel.;;; .;.;,..;;.u:i...v;;.v'.'''-.'. -82 Wheat per bushel. . . ..... ;. ..... ; . . . r ' 1.10 Peanuts per busheL..... ,., ... .1.5031.75 FloinFamlly....4...i:......,.;....i.Uv2.40i ' f ii- Extra...,. ........ ..L.'.m. ... ... .2.3532.40 vt- , super.. ...i.i...... .U.23oai2.85 PeasyClay, per bushel ..;.i'.ili3l.25 Mlxed...i..i-....k' ..i.iJi.l.inii.is lctmondand AI "hany.. V Iclctmond and L iVllle..... .... .... . ' ki rictnond and Wet Point Terminal. 23te t.zif'ic lit nn . - - m no- Lt Paul.....'.V.'.V.V..V.".V.V.V." "775k t.t. I'anipreTerred,,..., ..; 1.09 1 -UTtlon-P?cu;c..-.v.;.;..;,U......ii..... 53 T7aba-h I'aolfia, pref erred. . T Vetern Ulon.. , gl?! 14..r--tid. gor-red.. Usked. flEilDiv. V ' - . lasy; middling 10; "net receipts l; sales ,11; stock 1,341; exports ree'ts 173;' ros 187; sales 27;' . :3 512; continent ; Great Brl- --tea'dy; noddling 10; . net receipts , y.:KJfl-- -i.exports --7-t:t r r-"'Ijts ' 4; , grbss""I4; sales : c::pt3 co: ;4nent, , ; coastwise, -83; 1; c ... : Greet L- tain. 7-zzn Q -let; middling 1014; net ree'ts Hf ;"tock 23; exports coast- r:::r a ; 5j ' nwss'. 5.' sales'"-; : -Dull; -7 9; -ret -rece'-j u; ; . zz'i 1,EJ; expv..:s ; t5 t. -lc ::.t ; t,":.t Lrltsia ; . ' - r.t rec:-3 ; gross 6; . sales 17; j .5 r--'-r-.-3 .t . t3 Creit- Britain . 7C:r ;; r'j; net ree'ts - I . : ' ?l 3, 1;, experts ; :j .tj la ; ixnca ; - ;'"'".-: .v' v :'- ' ' Sa,torSeHed!i"; ........ . 55S60 Dried Fruit-Apples, per lb.,.., ,. 834 , r Veaches, peeled.. ............ - . 637 - unpeeled.... .... .. , 834 ; Blackberries,.,...,. v.;;.. 436 irwtatoes sweet..-. . . jL ' Irish. .. ..,...,..,. ,.,w.,.i, ;,50363 Cabbage, pi)omd.,t;.-.Vtvi;'jy 238 Onions, per bushel .........a..V....-v."." v: 60360 Beeswax, per pound...,............,..;,. 24325 Tallow, per pound.,...-., 77 ouLusr, per pouna......-., .. 1220 1 Per dozen. . ....... '. ., . , ; ... , . i 83 10 rn.nreferred tHftia1 ! "'-J18'... .... ..,......,....... - Zaa3U rn.prexerrea Turkeys, per .pound...4..u..i.,.. - ? 839 j.. ................. o.; Geese. 1 - srwao Beef, per pound, net......................; iq, Mutton, per pound, net.v. '...:,U.m. ' 7fl)8 Pprk, per pound, net............. .... .... , 738 wool,, washed.,.,. .i...... ........ : 82 -- unwasnea 4- . ,v ' ' 18 . xcauicro, new.... ... .v"' 45350 Rags, per pound ...- : u" A. R. & B. NISBET, Wholesale Grocery - "v. - ' --:'--'. , s.: - . AND - : ' . ; Commission Merchants. . WILSON- WAFERS, RZagiolia, Califomid. and Picnic S. M. H O W;E L L ; S5,00 AWARD -' ; For the' best specimen of Fruit" preserved wlth .Wilder's . Pr ezervicg Powders, : 010.00 AWARD For the best collection of any fruits - preserved with wilbes'S rr.rcrr.yi:; o'r QTrcrrjs. iiust - - - , - - ' a be put up In glass Jars. . The . above win bo -Judged and paid at'the Carolina" Fair In tia Fall of 1S25- Charlctt3, 17. C, ZJj IZ, 1 Z. . .NewHoney and Fresa 7aternelon3. '0" , , . , - ; ... ' . ' - For Boys', Youths' and Gentlemen's ; ; -r . Summer Wear, - : , ; ; , Call and see pur goods and prices before you buy, . Trade Street. GKAY & CO. : """ " "7"T"' " OFFER S ITO THB Wholesale Retail Trade' TO-DAY.! TO-DAY ! ! 7 ij- BREAD, "-; CAKES, : CREAM, . CANDIES, - -WATERMELONS,5 BREAD, CAKES, CREAM, CANDIESV- WATERMELONS, , -t -. -a -AT- MaER & ROSS'.W : : , : MAYEk' & ROSS'.' LAWNS, PIQUES, NAINSOOKS; . And Hamburg and Swiss- Edgings arid Jn- sertings iii large variety,j at iLl'nTltrnCi , VT" ' (Fi -TsTfr, m rm'9 Llijli ilOUfc:? WHOLESALE AND BET AIL DEALER IN BJT;;Rja;.E;H?';;WX0H);L-..S;j r ) A ... ' ' ... . : , ' ... ' ", . ." -. 5 . - . ,4 - ... T?r 1P rr t tr m-Tr-mr -rm ' 1 1 , : i . I 1 1 . ft I - t t -r; 1: t i't ; 1 1 1 . -v 1 ml r n . . it -i .,. til - i' uiuvTiLiir jr iii ..... aSS 5i BEDDING, &C. iiV' , 3 4'- Hi. v A tnll Utia nf rTTWiP ' "R"RTSTir A TYQ 16 LOUNGES, Parlor and Chamber Suits, Cof- -S-Z iiiu ux ou h.luu.3 uu uanu. ivj. u weaL Trade Street, Cnarlette, North Carolina. 1 J A POSITIVE CTOE FOR ; -. 4, - - '-V - Gonstipat iori, Biliousness cutoi unarlotte, collect ronterPerty uw i maae prompt returns and TtX, Pau tepaymentof taxge -AnDroDertTTinrhitnSSv--- I. 25. f or CoM For a stlpyat on previously agreed upon. . TT'ATk - vi' .4,wW.J&uwluuuUr rrice, $2,0001 2ofd,?rm lot 50x198. cffiv;nSi'3terand& South Trvon BtreeL viuumiuu nil nrv i rnn u -r uii nix. pantry, eU of house. Price. iS fin - 14X1 Ior a boarrt 3 FIVE TONS Fore . Wis Lead, TW KNTY' "BARRELS pure Linseed oil A Large Stock of Colors, yarnishes, Etc.- ONE CAR LOAD i 1 D Y S ' Ft E r ,,t PS I A . -:o:- ... . -. i ...... r .This medicine Iff a combination nf IGHStterJjhSS1? c-.nAltl0?.. and removing aU matter contained In ihetomach ttot 7 used i . ?, malaria or .other blood disease hangs around the system where KASKINEis WHAT CAUSES DISEA.SE. ' JiSMsffirf iSSwnt 5 Pulses" which ferments and decays, Is actoowledged to be flJt VJ! undigested food In 'the stomach Imnents v t 8 a fnTroVafftppnVratftrt " ai SK?1? uiejoiooa, ana as a consequence diseases of various achl t clrc&o S7m? .rt .,KAgFE,B puts tne dlge8tlve organs ta order, cleans out the stem ach, a pertect circulaUon pi blood and perlectf digestion Is obtained, and aU liability of disease remoYed. l PREVENTION OF DISEASE. yoilr stomach in good erder-tv i-irr t a cvtv . " sure to Keep S' cure the most cb- , S. S. ARCHER, Proprietor, Tcr by T. a Cziit'u ' frrf-p r ; tt v" ' ALL AT OLOSEJPRIGES; m.: W ... . .. J. H. MoADEN, FOR SALE. At the Court Ilousa door (unless sold privately Fcer), cn the second Tlrcrsdry in ir-;t,atl2 o'c -xrTTY JCl OiLA.Er'.Jilr-Tand r -iz'zLj v.'J:'iLh. :a bcriiries; t-ou'1- i on t-9l,crti r-t-vC C.- KH-cadAoa-tt? --:tty : ooiCc;. ry, frici tr3SoTiFr1" ctty 1 .... a tr;:; ani t-3 A ls. IL U. tv.:a end c- c 2. . C03HA5ioiI PTTArtT J9I13 Ull L A I m- -Al'LrlTm R. E. COCH X One dwelling on flomw nt r.v.. feet on Graham stret: fnL -r?T.lot nS ery desirable property? fee;$itEoo &ffis:'ii''i , . uconauie property. : Price ii isn ; well located for. a truck nl l? . - timber, branch runnlr.g Tthroueh n, l1 acres meadowf Price 0 iSSa."' &boot 1 rSunimipEr0Ted 1 8x198 on Ninth "Ji ; r IV between U and E streets phH t ft Trat of Land, 150 acres, located iTr i tLJSS3ijSiS WPto lands of "f".".CiZv miies from Denvw It a good dwelllng7 rodmiAlKte- !M n togs, good orchard, good water TO,ou?)uM for grains, grasses corn, wffi atfS etc.;. 35 acres Rood.bSJSS. cco. cotton. ltivation; Price S2 25a flue 8tau9 1 9 Jli? JS south of Ch lor tract, on which is" ,&&g on Prems.5oldWwithWou?r fflf OO Dwelling In IkrehanlAnrin house. lotMSnTM 1736, square 215. adjolnbg proMrto V VT dwelling, seven roonKdTmauKe?o r?iJ? loti' corner mlth'Hnd Rth street 61x145 an &$fit The twei 'csether or separateS as theSuSSSt&i4 lce for the two lote cash wE desire. iii fn inn wuk;b, -rooms; Kit 80x158 w h Fourth ward, on west Fifth gtrt mm " '-""-pi wvnr, i. ume.i-snop couse lrizz hark house, bark mill- -house, stable dwemneiw land connected with tan yanl Price Tiffi! will lease for s or io pad irt i"SSl --: - vu iciuuaitVM MSrms. r OC A very desirable farm; eohtalnlM 162 2. Yh3' ftareee miles' weet of . rSnt &lln! ntral I railroad; Jmownw a -fiffi 5? fann' aoininpr -the lands of fi Paul Barringer and others. Seven-room dwelC Smi88 ttulIdlngB.-in. good repaS" SiSJ?18 Wel 'watered. and taTgood neighbor hood. Price per acra f30 7 '1h"-n ii w iauu uuiiiaininjr -s acres, 'rmeln 0J i Polk countv. k: rt -ew Jwfia ; Un tnla nlPA 1rfha Cnlon U.i.i in Tv. , iy' V s" mlles east or Colum- . ? - -. r- - ..... --fc . - 1 '' v "- ' 41 grove 42 43 45 Tiract of la,nd contalnme BOaacres Wnein rdtOn aiid 20 miles froin Shelby, aople orchard F,aT' 8ma'1 two roora dwelling, fine C Kt fevLne' !arly -miPte. walnut, oak. to. filLZl. under culttvation. ; Gold mine on &eJ&ace 5 Property ts. known 4toeCoc ' Mine farm.,:Prlce $3,000, . " :.r)j j lw?JKtoai'-C0,mty-" N; a, 8 miles treo aharlotte, good stow house 4 rooms, good orchard, rZndpr ,cultivatlon, fcalanwuTpia : nr w!'JB0ld mIne 0n Property. Price $25 per ; Q( Lot fronting on Morehead' st, 99x366 feet, r l&'SSffStTt weU' lot eU "" Five room dwelline Wfth Mtnhm nnA dtahta. tca lot99xl9 on west Txade street, oeautllul i grove and well of good water. Price $2,200. ; ,; one siory rrame dwelling and lot on 8tot wall street Price $500.; , ; i - - ?, v. One lot and aialf lot, unimproved, on tbt ' corner of B an4 nth streets.. Price $6Sa One story franie store house 20x60 feet lot i 4xiU0 feet, fronting on railroad, and one unhnproved lot in rear of above 10(1x125 feet, both it at Sanford, Mpore county,5 N.jC. Arl e $i5a - Alt Two story frame dwelline. four reoms. barn. jv stable, smoke house, good well, some friflt trees, about &4 acre of land, In Sanford. Moore ea N. C. Price $1,800. r ?v y i i 7 Fifty oneacres of land, 23 acres under culfl , t: vatlon ialance timber, -mostly plme, torn oak. two tenement houses on place, lying on the edge Of Sanford, Moore county, N. C. Price $850. (The above threr tracts' will te sold together fflf wuHxweiy, ani u purchaser desires can secure re fusal of a utock of goods at price agreed upon M tween himself and the owner.) , - FOR RENT. uwiivriuuiuvu.lIdUU OtrfClr. W1U rUWUB OUWiv- suitable for a dwelling, on the north side of Trade street, between B street and Richmond and MB- -A comfortable two-story frame dwelling, 6 rooms ' block8from the square. . v m , - r A very nice one-storjr frame dwelling with ban; within five minutes walk of Independence Square. Apply to Vv H:ft-rM Spliflfffiiiw1 Horili Carolina,' Best lledlclnal Mineral "Waters and most eitea -iveiy nuea up place for pleasure seekers or wwr. lids. Possesses jraperiorT advantages. Write lor catalogs. Da E. O. ELLIOTT 4 SON, ; may-Jeodtf Owners and ProprV CHARLOTTE, . N. -fe Dspresenty two X)f the largest LAU BEE3 Breweries ia te United State- Co., of Plslladelphla, and the ; P. & 33. Cc&UiTer brewing ; THE LAEGE3T LAGEE BEEB.BOl; - TLHTQ ESTABLISHMENT ..... , 1 . IT TELE dTT. I ' CCricw Collclted. , AU oidej: prc:t!j aiqd. tad -delivered free ci.ar3 to cny part of the city. i czzz:m - A T",7rTT "" r ipwrts wanted to sell L Ji wli , . ;?TA?iIG ' "MOSQUITO" : ffi - rl-

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