DAILY GHAELuTT-E O.BSE3VRE: SAT.URDA 7 . J U LY . 13. 1 G V . m w y ' Ml rrf:.:ir''''slS Comblnl.' with J?g5Sg ; lid SBICHEs'rCWB BLOofo the action Of the Liter and Kidneys. Clean the complexion, makes tie skin smooth. Itdoesnot lBjnre the teeth, eansehediiche,orprodieon-Ittpitioii-AIi OXHEE IB03 MEDICEJES DO. - Piw8icians andl)rngist8eve:yirtiere recommend it. Dil W S IttrGGtES, ' Marion, Mm.. "2 v mmeiid Brwn'slroii Bitters as valuable tonic forlKhthSb&od, and removing U dyspeptic ' ;rS5St does not hurt the teeth." - .- - ' TTr R M. Delzeix,' Reynolds. Ind., yB. JSamUand blood diseases also totoM rmSei and it ha proved thoroughly satisfactory, nanu ii, ix y , Orleans. La., . "Brown's Iron. Bitters relieved ma ease - of blood poifloniBg. and A aeartuy comnwm - thi naaritn9 a. nnrifier.f . i -. ti, ' The Guanine has Trade Mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no otnr. " r BEOWN CHEMICAL CO., BALTIMORE, WO. w .'. nm bwnr nmil and attractive, con tailtpriz r; formation about XilTttc iriven away by all dealers in medicine, or ' mailed to any address on receipt of 2o. stamp. WEIRDS WJMEH t Head vrlmt Hie Creat Methodist v I)i vin and Eminent JPhy PEBPETUAL 3IOTIOJ. friclan Says of, DR. J.BRADFIELD'5 Female Regulator. :o:- . ','.'. ' Atlasta, GA., Feb. 20, 1884. ' , Db. J. Bkadjikld: Dear Sir Some fifteen years ago I examined the recepe ef Female Regular, and carefully studied authorities !n regard to Its compo nents, and thcn'(as well as now) pronounced It to be the most scientific and skillful combination of the really reliable renedial vegetable agents known to science, to act dsrectly onthe womb and uterine organs, and the organs ana parrs sympaxnmng ai rectly with these; and, therefore, providing a spect re remedy for all diseases of the woo b, and of the fuljacent organs and parts. Tours truly, . ' , JESSE BORING, M. D., D. D. . - caution:; " The country Is flooded with quack nostrums, con taining IEON and other injurious ingredients wfclch claim to cure everything even TShale " Gomplajhts. , We say to you, If you value your life ' BXWABl pjT ALL SUCH! ' -' . ,.3raifieIds ,Fimle Regulator U purely vegetable compound, and Is only intended zor the FEMALE SEX. For . their peculiar dls, easas It Is an absolute . , -r Sold by all druggists. Send for our treatise on ts Ceilth and Happiness of Women, mailed free, which gives all particulars. '' ki"--'. 4 r - THE BRApFIELD REGULATOR CO.,5 ' i - Boji; Atlanta Ga. 3 PARKER'S Tt9 t8t, cleanest and most economical hair dress-i?T- K ever falls to restore :the: youthful color to rnj hair. This excellent dressing is preferred by those who have used It, to" any similar article, on aocouhtof .Its superior cleanliness and purity. It contains materials only that are beneficial to. the Parker'srohiC. A tarelT Family Ifledicine That ' Never Intoxicates. If you are wasting away from age," dissipation or , . any disease or weakness and require a stimulant, take PjlBxxb's Tonto at once; it will invigorate and build you up from the first dose, but will never Intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives; It may . -save yours.- - -' -.-f , ,..';:-.-; l1- CCc and $1 sizes, at an dealers In medicines. Great saving in buying dollar size, i may22daw4w ABOUT TnE STATE. In Alabama Juan wlio Claims to Hare Gotten it Down to a Dot Blnr ingham Age. , - ' v " l An elderly erentleman, slightly stooped, and attired in rather a plain costume, stepped into : the Age office yesterday., lie naa tne ; appearance of a solid Alabama farmer, and was asked by one of the reporters to; tell how crops were in nis section, ne said : " v . v " - - 1 I am not -farming this year, but am adding the finishing touches to my perpetual motion macnine. ; Tne suDiect was oneoi interest auu he was closely questioned about his invention. He pulled from his pocket a roll of naners. one .of whi3h con tained a drawing of innumerable coes. wheels and springs. ' ' , "That," be said.' "is the drawing of my invention, which, I -am,-prcud to sav; after eleven years of excessive toil 1 have succeeded : in getting to operate. M , A ' 5 'You don't mean to say you .""have disco verei perpetual motion ?? "I do H3t k- or whether it is or not: it operates nlone without steam, or gas,? and I can utilize it into any purpose I care to, . and shalL attach one to' a saw mill in my neighbor hood as soon as I complete the large model I am now making " F - "How did you begiu- the . model, -and what caused you to suppose you could invent such a machine ?" ; I will tell you in a few words. My name is Andrew Logan, and I live at Logan's Bluff on the Warrior river. I am a farmer by inheritance and practice, I have always -had a turn for inventing,: 1 have invented a plow, that is'a good thing, but I have never had it patented. It will pre pare soil drop or sow any kind of grain in drill or broadcast. . Eleven years ago I was in Eutaw, and'one day I told Kit, Taylor; a friend of mine, that' I was going to get it up. I went to work and got me a common spinning wheel. I,worked with the wheel Some time, trying to see how I could woi k it . by .revolving . weights on ; it. After these long years of sleepless nights and incessant toil,. I have got the machine to the point I want it. . , 1 . " V' -" The machine consists of revolving weights-, on a driving wheel, which starts the machine to action. . Then there are revolving of : weights, -revolving of springs . and gearing of springs ; two shafts connecting on an eccentrics spring and leverage, "con nected with the main driving, wheel, four leverages with i rachets, - one which shoves up, 'another drawing down, causing ; perpetual : motion up and dowhr with no dead centres 4 4 Why don't you have your model patented ?" ;sVta&&' "i will: but you can De sure, l will " - a ,. a : go ' along" witn it tne next time, l tried to have, it patented about tnree years ago, ana a ieiiow tnea to swin die me, 1 : have- now - letters irom Messrs. Munn 4& Co . inviting - me to borne North with my moiel. I have been offered floO.UOO by a firm m Cincinnati if I will make the machine ppete. a ,ixty:-w S.m, I have a model. at home that 1 have: naa run ning since the day Garfield was shot, and it works like a charm.' I have made additions to it, and I will have a large model on exhibition in Birm ingham' within the next ten days and let the people see it," 7 . HE DIDN'T TUMDIE. '., ": WELL'S . HBALTfl REtiETO. Are you fa&ng.try Welt's Health Benewer, a pure clean, wholesome . ' - TONIC, For Brain, Nerves, Stomach. Liver, Kidneys, f Lungs. ' An un equaled lnvleorant. - Cures . t v Dyspepsia, Headache, Fever, Ague, c . ' , Chills, Debility and Weak- ' , ... , ness. Nice to tak, true merit, unequalled for torpid liver and night sweats, nervous weakness, malaria. leanness, seiual decline. $1 00 per -bottle,' six lor suu at crussista. cTTUe Tonderirii Success in Con--5 i ? t ' v tmmptlon, ' Ypj Bronchitis, asthma, splttlns ef blood, sore or r MrW chest, weak lungs, hoarseness, sore throat- 10a3 of voice, catarrhal throat affections, chronic - cacking, lrntanne ana rrouDiesome coughs. r 1 "B. 8. WELLS, Jersey City, N. J. , 0. S. A.- C0M0EE COLLEGE, v; ,---; f;t f.; rA i "? In the Virginia 7Ioun tains. ' Preparatory Courses French and German spoken. dead Square LTt influences. . , . Lxpenses, for nine months, (Including tuition, bc-jrd. etc..) $149, $176. or $204. Increasing patronage from many States. Thirty- third session cegins Beptemoer lbtn. catalogue iree. Aaoress Julylleodiwlm JULIUS D. DREHER, President, wlm - Saiem, va VACHOVIA. With the fieterralnatlon to give my customers he very .best. I am selling r the above ten -cent FOR. 5 CENTS. : ii. , . . Tp Let JdRo'ij l. n. 4,.- -- Cincinnati aLangnage that vas too Deep for a Police Court Cleric. ; Cincinnati Times-Star. - - - : "Soy.' Podner, I want ter get a mug pinched," said a man with a black eye this morning in the police court clerk's office:;. , V "Want what," asked the clerk. ' "We nter get a mug pinched.", "What kind of a mug. i What do you want it for?" 4 ;; "Why; tur nipping some stuff. He collared a couple of . cases from me, " answered the tough. rl don t see what I've got , to do with him. What kind of cases? Are you a -lawyer ?" . , "rlaw, l-ain't.. Uan't ye tumble to me racket. You see, dis bloke, Jim my Kelly, was a tendin' bar in me joint an' he's been knockin' down " "You ought to get out a warrant for assault and battery, then. ' ; Did he hit ou?' asked the bewildered clerk. - ' ' "Ah, rats! Soy, he didn't slug me. He was dippinV his claws -into my boodle. Bin blowin' my rocks agin thetiger, ; , - ' , Throwing rocks at a tiger ? Where ? i Out at the Zoological ? Gar den, I suppose?" inquired the how thoroughly, dazed clerk as he leaned over the desk. J- "Soy, yure de prize chump!" dis gustedly answered the bad man. "Where "wuz you ejikated ! ?w Can't you see dat . I want - ter get dis mug Dulled for bilking mer' . . - "Say. my friend, I don't want any more foolishness." hotly answered the clerk. "You tell me what or get out:"' " ' . ."I ain't monkeyin podner, on de I wanter nave dat crook lugged. Sposin : you wuz getting your leg pulled by -an out and out crook, what would you do but get He picked the grass out ofhis ears and moutn. straignteneu out ni nat; and -after nulling out a . couple of teeth remarked to the policeman who had picked him : "Dis ain't right, my friend, they've got ' a crazy man in dere. who, bekase he couldn't tumble to mv chatter when I .wanted to get a paper to have a crook t whose a bin bitin into my role pinched, fired xae out de windy into de park here." By using Dr. Frazier's Throat;and LungBalsam the only cure for concha, coldsi hoarseness and all creases of tne Throit a.n Lu"3 Do not nprct a -cojhr It may prove f,.A" -'ccores and nun'reis .of people owe their lives t3 -Dr. Frazler s Itroci ana wmg juaisam, a i no far-fy wiU ever t3 without it after once hiE;;, cover!" t its narveloss power.,-1? 13 1" J in 1 f 7 tcV-sjl.eold for the Daily Workman : From a corres- pondent at Enfield we hear of the death on the 10th instant of our old frienc Wright Hayes,'who must have been over eighty years of age; . . y- Favetteville Observer ; The Fay' etteville Independent Company wili go with full ranks to Asheville. We see.it stated that Capt. Faison of the Sampson Light ; Infantry, holds the oldest commission of any captain in ths 2dKegiment, and that consequent ly his company will form the right of the.Regiment. - This honor has us. ually been given to . the . Independent it will be accorded them again. : Salisbury Watchman : Our 7 fellow citizen Clement M McCorkle' son of the late Maj. J : M. McCorkle,. of this nlace was married in Boston, ti Mass.; to Miss Jtiattie Kooinson, at tne resi ¬ dence of the' bride's .father, : on July 7th; ?i Mr. Jas. H. West, with a car load Qf melons rrom the far i South alighted hereon the 14th and pro- ceeded to sen nis cargo. Me was ar rested for selling .without tleproper State license, -and was taken before Justice : Bringle and fined 200,00. He takes an appeal. " Newbern Journal: In moving and storing the : county records "in the vaults of the new court houses Mi ,1 W, Carpenter, the Clerk of the Su perior Court, has; discovered a -copy, of 'the stamp-: act which created so much noise in this country over one hundred years ago. Mr. Carpenter thinks the vaults in the court house will be worth the cost of the building to the county in. the way, of preserv ing records. - . : Greenville Reflector r Mrs. - Rhoda Buck, an aged and highly, esteemed lady died at the residence of her son, Mr. John S. Dixon, of Chicod town-: ship, on Saturday july 4th. She was 97 years' old. One day last - week Col. Harry Skinner received a letter from Minister Jarvis It was mailed at Barbadoes, one of tho West Indes Islands, jlune 23rd. t , -Winston Sentinel: Maj. Robert Bingham has been spending several days in the city. ; , Last Friday he gave an interesting talk at the Nor mal in the teaching of geography, and at night delivered an address on the "New South," the "substance of a paper read by him last summer be fore the National Educational ASSO7 ciiation at Madison, ' Wisconsin.- MrA; C. McGalliard of this city i has leased a granite quarry at. Kerners ville and has opened a yard in that town, where he is getting but steps for the new M. K- Church of" this place.- Mr.' McGalliard has shown the editor of the J1 e ws aUrawmgt tor a granite monument . which Mr. K. J: Reynolds, is having made for- the graves of his parents in Henry cotm- i ty, Va.: ' ' " ' - ' - Monroe Enq uirer - - The Monroe Light Infantry will be j inspeded on Saturday at So'cloekP. M.v On the base ball grounds by Capt..-Lil Smith, of t6mrrm rjoinpany his-beeir very industriously engaged tram day to; day of late; in- drilling and have made marked ; progress. . Goid8boro Messenger : Work-on the Bank of New, ; Hanover building", is progressing; and we are getting anx ious to see the numerous pieces of handsomely carved granite placed in position,-' This will be the finest struc' ture in the city1-We , learn . that there is a movement on foot among the colored people of this section to organize a Fair Association;: and , to make the first exhibit this fall, if ?the ground of the Eastern Carolina ; Fair and Stcwk . Association can be secuis ed for the. purpose. . t , . . iAsheville 'Advance i ' Sheriff Rich, and his posse returned - to ' the -. city yesterday after a fruitless search in various' portions of the county; to get on the track of tne escaped prisoners. Thej; were totally unable to obtain any information whatever as to the direction any ottnem nad gone, ' '-'hi-., ;vO'.. -' SEIF-KAISIHG Bread The Healthful and Nutritions v. . B1KIG POWDGB restores to the flour the strength-giving phosphates that are removed with, the bran, and which are re quired hy the system No other, Baking Powder does this. It costs less, and -is 'healthier and stronger than any other powder.' , ; HOME TESTIMONY mm 1 FROM Every one is making preparatfons for the encampment; Over . 5,000 fiags have been sold m the city tor decora tion purposes. ' , ' ' - Asheville Citizen : Buncombe sends up 66 applications for pensioner. 48 of which are widows ' and 18 soldiers.. Twelve applications failed to pass the county examination board. Mayor Alston authorizes the payment of all coupons due on the bonds of the city of Asheville.; ; The board of aldermen are to be commended for this action. The water supply - is ' so scarce, that all persona who; use "water -are directed; by Dr; Milliard, superintend dent,' not to use it in sprinkling side walks, or in any unnecessary man ner whatever.-1 Judge Bobert P.' Dic arrived here this 4 morning and is stopping at'Mr; AV..,T. gummey's. Jdewm. lecture tomorrow nignt un der the auspices of the Normal School. and on Friday, will leave for a) pleas ure trip tnrougn jackson; Macon and a 1 . TTT l. A. . a " . ... Otner vv estem counties. - 2 . 'i'ii ' ' p i.-. ' -. . The Congo Railroad J ; ; Stanley,' the explorer, expresses the opinion that important ; steps Will j be taken this year toward ' buildiher the railroad past the Congo cataracts 235 miles. iThe preliminarv : surveys at least. will be made -this fall by the engmttjjra wuo nave recently left Bel gmm to -explore the two proposed roXitesiQne rTOute ' eontemplates a through line on the south bank from im oki, near, vm, to Stanley Pool, to Cost about $5,Q00,OO0.- Ry the other route; it is, "proposed to- follow the north bank of Isangila, then use , the sream poats to - Manyanga and lay rails on the south;' shore from that point to Stanley Jf 001, at a total, cost id is estimated, of $3,000,000. One of the , two surveying, parties, , under Lieut. VAudevelde.vJefc', Brussels for cne.AJpngo about Jpne 1, and the oth SIM u WMam lv -mi- TTlL - ' m i . I ... ,AL uwuct uau uoinski,. started on JU1y J- -tne choice between" these two routes will depend upon the re- v; Biuxicz wuica are soon to f. 0. SMITH, M. D. - ' CHAELOTTB.N. C., Feb. 271885. ' : It Is a well-known fact that the process of mak ing wheat flour removes with the bran In the bolt ing, a portion of the natural phosphates of the grain.; Phosphates are of the greatest value In maintaining mental and physical vigor. Of all the preparations used, to raise bread, Horsford's Bread Preparation Is toe only one that replaces the phos phates of the graia, which are of great nutritive mrortance. It is composed of acid phosphate of lime which takes the place of the cream of tartar and the alum of other preparations and bicarbo nate of sods. ' The result of the chemical action when the preparation and the soda are added to flour mixed in the form of dough. Is a union of the phosphoric acid and the soda, thus liberating the carbonic acid gas, which performs the rising pro-' cess. 'The resulting phosphate of lime and soda left In the bread strengthens the nutritive value ot the bread ; which thus gains In : the elements of brain, blood and bone food. ' Here.. In the South, where the heat tells on the vital forces with ener vating effect, bone and brain food becomes of the utmost Importance. , Th iHorsford Bread Prepa ration Is ot, the first value on this account, and no other baking powder Is so well adapted to the de mands of the Southern country. r , ; 1 . j, j I have , used the . Horsf ord Preparation In my family for the past ten. years, and certainly would haveno other. - , ' 1 - . -'" V T. C. SMITH, M. D. ; ,' ' ' EROM V T ' . C. GRESHAM,. : Prop'r Railroad Restaurant. 05. . - . . . sJ" Use MULLEN'S CELEBRATED; : Hornets' Nest Liniment The Favorite Household Remedv. IT WEVEft r AILS TO Ct'RK ALL ACUES AD PA1S. ; I W. N. Mullen: : , 4 haklttte, N. C. JuIt 9. Ihrs ' . - Dkab Sib I can cheerfully recommend your Hornets' Nest Liniment lor sprains. I used a hall bottlA wu uij uuAiu, nuibu . wiuu ovcuojlj wcu ui; nvigut vu. ouu aax- bfrrjiTD UVU1B lb vvoa ycl lot ti WrJIl . Yours truly, . . . - W. C. WILSON. .For sale by 11 Druggists and Country Merchants. - W. N. MULLEN, Proprietor Charlotte, N. C. . ;HOT! HOT HOT! ; - Commercial and other travellers In the South wfll attest to the fact that two of thebest railroad restaurants south of . Virginia, are. to be found at Charlotte, N. C , and Way Cross, Ga. Bad bread Is the crying evil In the Southern country, and the ex ellant quality, of the -staple article ot food met with at the Charlotte Railway.- Dining Room, never falls to Impress those who patronize it. Mr. Clar ence Gresham, the manager, writes: - ' . "I have used Horsf ord's Bread Preparation since I assumed the conduct of the Richmond and Dan ville Pining Rooms, at Charlotte, and the excellent success I have met with In satisfying the travellings public In the Important matter of bread, Is due to J the use ot this; the best of all Baking Powders." . : , mch28eodw6m w mt '"-' This Is the rnanlmous verdict of the human family with regard to the weather. . Cold, Cold. Cold,, the expression of the many faces who enjoy an Old-fashioned Lemonade at T. C. SMITH & C0'8 Scda Water Counter., . ' ' . " " 1 . CAPITAL PRIZE $75,000. 1 Tickets Only $&,;:: Shares in Pro ,;v , ..portion. ' t' Louisiana State" Lottery Co. PWedoherebv'certffi.ihar vise the armnaetnents for all the Monthly. and Semi-Annuali Draunngs of the Louis- tana State Lottery Company , andm per son manage ana control tne urawinga themselves: vnd that the same are con-, ducted: withi honesty; fairness and tn good Jaithstoward ;OU parties,- ana we authorize the company to-use this certifl' eateyvrith fac simffies-of our,signat,uret attached in its advertisements." r: S7 'J:. Commissioners. Tjacornorated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $550,00u has since been added, v i i ; By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the. present State Constitution aaopiea necemoer la, a, v.. usm. , - - The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. - . 1 it never scales or postpones. ' 1 Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly.' . - . - A SPLENDID OPPORTUN IT X. TU WIN A 'UKr TUNE. Elehth Grand Drawing. Class H In the Academy of-Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, August 11,1000, ; '. i ,i . . ' " - ; ' ;183a rrionthly. DiraiTinB v ET- OAPITAL'PEIZ, S76.O00. .3 100,000 Tickets at Fiver Dollars EachrFractions In i'.w- - jLiisx ox .irrizes. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE. 1 . . do , , , do , 1 - do - do . 2 PRIZES of $8,000, . 5 . 10 20 100 800 600 1000 do do ' do do do "do do - mm m 9 2.000.. 1,000..,. . - , DUO... 200... fin 25 , APPKOXTaUTION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750.., a do. do . , ouu. 9 do - do , -250..... $75,000 25,000 10,000 12.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 80.000 25,000 25,000 ' '6,750 4.500 2,250 1367 Prizes, amounting to. ... $205X00 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the omce 01 the comnanv In New Orleans ; . for lurther Information write clearly, giving full address. - postal siotes. Kmress Money uraera. 01 New York Exchange in ordinary letter. Currency r by Express (all sums 01 $5 and upwards at our ex pense; addressed, m. a. vAvrtwx, - - ? i , ruewuneansLa. Or M. A. DITJPHtN, ' - - , - 607 8eventh St , Washington, D. C. : " Make P. O. Money Orders payable and address Registered Letters to - - . ' - 1 NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, '' - - New Orleans, La. " LAND FOR SALE. OQ A ACRES" of Lat-d' belonging to Nathanle aCOU Kerr, sitr-ated 4 miles south of MooresvlU In Iredell county. N. C adjoining the lands of Dr Beatty, Cyrus Johnston and others, well adapted t grasses, small grain, corn and cotton. - - c ( : ACiiES of good branch bottom in cultlva JJ - tlon. one dwelling, f our tenant houses and all necessary out-fculldinss; two- good weUs, several gz?i c"'i- anl ctunianc cf f ater tt f" t. dl. . NATHANILLIIL-.2. Gobu? and - Rhine old jm$ -rOF:- JOSEPH SEIDENBERG, , ; - - j - (I lj' , 1 ;. ' 4: To Publishers, . :- We are prepared to furnish a first-lass Quality ot News Ink In 10-pound buckets, at 12.00 per bucket D0vl8dtf . THE 0D3HIlVEa - P. L OSBORNE.' W. C. MAXWELL - Csborco & rJaxVc!I. . CHARLOTTE, N. C. Will Practice In the' State and OSces 1 andS, Law Bulldl2 3 : July 1st, liwj. Federal Court3 THE LATEST, On'IUD time. 4 bythecn; 1 1 We are now runalng rrnr.v. rtiirftd bv ns is . keDt il; 3 urtiicia ui iMia vim. : - . . p te:ti...l most substantial' ta wa.r 0f L.rDY GOODS. Ask for goods made iw you v. ::i ret the worth dfyour. money, V . fi 13 ci c :ia piece. We solicit me. put "3 and guarantee satlsractiQiL 5 VI ELLIOTT & HABS3.

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