Mt DAILY 0 HA RL O'TTE OBSEEY E R:T H U.fiS D AY., JULY 23, 4 8 85 1 i Arrival and Departure of Trains. Correct for the current month. . lOIII II Absolutely Pure. ........... a ininm AI DUTliI ffii, fLLo-nenfcM. . More.econQmlcal Wh !"Latj Kinds, and cannot be sow in tnoui" -, h ,nUHnrtir low 1681. mnei.' hnarRif powders . soiaomi" TVbolele by . bttowklT Charlotte.! CJS m - hP Ocean: House, HOBEHEAD CITY, N. C ' SllBmer and Winter Resort. 'JHEYEAK koxjnd jily accessible by rail from all great lines of tal-. . . v,o iratnrsi nf Beaufort Harbor. In S o the Atlantic Ocean, its proximity to n CtrMTTl renders It tUC uiubu yioaoamuuiu- ?wlntAr Home on the South Atlan tesewn "":"or heaith. Furniture and SitMnhnnt. Electric Bel's and mod- Kementl. Table supplied-with .every fa 'L W ' j2 3 and best Surf Bathiru on natn uousca o"" . . .... .- :-. , ?SSffie3l Sharpie Sailing Meet of any Mcpoiw invalids seekins auiet com- lHVlLliiB " - , , 1 Splendid fishing sporw auu . wuuuu-s MWT'aa cloTiai station at Fort Macon re- ird8 tws cuuwtc i ...w -el-7-n-- rA'imltedin Sni!the soft teroperature and salt air SZSTA City to all classes 01 mvauos ana ;eaitn seeneis. Jnne9dtf . louse ECONOM Y ! Cleaning made Cheap Easy , by the use of TJtz &Unvldttz Irsmxjer. tbip oe the state guard. THE OIT3T BICHUD5I) A2TD DAHTHXS AlB-LlKX. ' ; No. 50-Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 250 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 3:00 a. m. I An Arm Out the Window Broken by a Box Car Shaking Bands with a Railroad Switch A Car Tarns Oyer and the Track Torn The v State -Guard had. a tolerably ou a. m. weaves ior Atlanta at ano a. m. Uwlr fima vi f a tr No. 51 Arrives at charlotte from Atlanta at 445 "Veiy time on its recent trip to Ashe- nv Leaver for Rlehmond at 4:55 a.m. ville the flrRt fxn1it.inn wliinWif hao No. 52-Arrives at Charlotte. from Richmond at mo' "uo ure& expeQIUOn WHICH It Has 12.85 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1p.m. ever made, and on the arrival of the p. m, ? Leaves for Richmond at 630 p.m. iorces at Uamp Scales, the camp sur- Atat slorm.; aS7erfrU Atlanta! 830 geons found they had to unlock their uutaia auu lav.pui a supply or arnica and court plaster; A number of the 8tate Guard had been roughly used on their trip. The first casualty oc curred almost within sight of Cnar lotte, at Newell's Station, by which the passenjger train speeds like a me teor. Among the Hornets Nest Rifles men, from this city, was Mr. William Orr, the night watchman of the General Dellverr onena at 84)0 a. m closes at Rinhmnnrl fir Tnnirillo r)annt end fKa 700 n tyi I i uvuvj uuu Money Order Department opens at 9.00 a. m.; closes at 4 HD p.m. p.m. CaiEunTK, Columbia and AueusTA. Arrives from Columbia at 6 JO.p. m. Leaves for Columbia at 1 p. m. , C, C. & A. A., T. & 0. DlYKioif. -Arrives from Statesvflle at 10:45 a. m. -Leaves for Statesvllle at 635 p. m. CABOXJNA CKNTBAL. : Arrive from Wilmington at 6.50 a. m.;. Leave for Wilmington at 9.00 p. m. Arrive from Laurinburg at 3 45 pi m.; Leave for Laurinburg at 7.80 a.m. - . Leave for Shelby at 6.15 p. m. ; arrive from Shelby at 12.05 p. m. Matt a. index to New Adverusements. Carson Bros. Seed oats. Thos. Keese & Co HofTs Malt Extract. . J P. Kennedy Due West Female College. Brown turkey tall fan lost M. L James Medical College of Virginia. F. Htscox Core for the deaf. E. S. Wells Wells' Health Renewer. Hlscox & Co. Parker's Tonic. Weather Indications. same who; was so badly hurt by a bale of cotton falling upon him at the depot fire three weeks ago. As the train approached Ne well's Station, Mr. Orr thrust his arm out the car window for the purpose of giving the inhabitants of Newell's a salute as the train shot by. He was waving his arm in a heroic style when the tram rushed past a line or box cars standing on the side track, and Mr. Middle Atlantic States : Generally. Orr's arm was done for It struck fair weather except occasional shqwr ers along the coast, nearly'stationary temperature, variable winds. ; South . Atlantic States : Generally fair weather.: south to west winds, nearly stationary temperature. LOCAL RIPM.ES. the corner of the first box car and the force of the blow was sufficient to cause a serious fracture of the arm. The injured man, though suf fering pain, decided to have, his bro ken arm set by the surgeons on board, and went on to Asheville with the company. No iurther accident -r Mayor Johnston returned to the occurred until the train reached city yesterday atternoon irom the Statesville and while passing that funeral of his brother. place,-, four soldiers unintentionally Maxwell, the bicyclist, has gone shook hands with a railroad switch to Asheville, where he is to meet PoL They were waving salutes, the same hill in another series of races. V as Mr. Orr had done, when the train Mr. L. A. Misenheimer, who has rushed by a switch post. TJie switch hfifin f Rftrionslv Rink: ' for a wpk or caught four hands as the train went -able to be about his and ttfiicans silver and elated ware, gtessware, wln- ow glass, plate glass, nickel, brltannia prass, cop r, steel bronze, show cases and all other bright tetals without injury, painted wood work, frescoed rails, On. etc. It gives a brightness and lustre pequaled by anything ever onerea io me puouc. .mis a nrst class Kitchen soap, ask your aruggisi Jed grocer for it. Only ten cents ter cake. .... ;aiylo ; ; . -. Ua flavirjg built a large Coal Elevator, the only one in the South, I am pre- ked to furnish consumers with all pd8 0f ' ;' . COAL more, is again business. In: the mile bicycle race at Greenville, S. C, Tuesday, Maxwell, the Charlotte wheelman, beat Polhill, the Georgia champion. There were five matriculates from this State at the last session of the Medical College of -Virginia. The orty eighth annual session of this college will commence on the 5th of next October, T as announced by ad vertisement elsewhere. Our merchants are hopeful of a heavy- trade this fall and new goods are already coming in. The dray oads of cases hauled to Wittkowsky & Baruch's establishment, r- made things look lively, thereabouts yes- erday. Dr. W. M. Robey, paster of the Tryon Street Methodist church, is to preach the sermon before the anniversary meeting of the county Goldsboro company were hurt,in the Bible Society, on August 5th. The accident, ,but noneyseriously, (hough notice given yesterday was oflicial, some were so badly disabled that they but the secretary . made a mistake. will hardly. be in a condition to take Passengers who arrived on the partin the. drills. V The wreck was; train from Columbia yesterday af sufficient to i - cause a. transfer to be ternoon state that a fine rain fell made,, but the track was put in pei some distance " south "of this "cityl feet order before evenipg. rije raily There was also a heavy rain at roa'd men say that some of the boys Cleveland Springs. Our people had tied up the bell cord, which pre- wouldn't object to having their share vented thecqnductor from signaling . . . i - j . t a . today tne engineer, ana inus causea me chronicle is that of the musquito. He is early and hungry. The result lowest rates. There are seventy-two Screens In p building. No dust or dirst cm possibly get m coal, as It runs over these Screens In pass- from the Elevator Into the carts. 1 1. - we now, and shall always keen on hand, a ."TPStVlb- nf nil l.ln J O 1 I i. H- 3 tnn-r - i Oil &1UUS VL Will DCOV SU1LCU 1U1 1UUU' fr,factory and family use. 11 coal kept under shelter and shipped dry pptshrpments. Orders solicited. S. II. HAWES, ' Office 18th and Carey streets. Richmond. Va. &The railroad cars run atoneslde of theEle- lr. ana the coal Is loaded into them "there, thus inning the c;st to the trade South, r julyl6d6t WANTED TO SELL 100. t Hundred Warms In rpV1aTiHnrr. rahorrna Wtwi muu't,aitu,I1 ttutnenora anaotner r"vo " western rsortn Carolina, by the Aariotte Real Estate Agency, naWdMrti R. E. 'COCHRANE, Manager. PNG THE CASH And Save the Discount. 1 rKenco?Ta'e tne system of prepayment I a cijr uuerai aiscount to tnose who ! . ,-. i pay in advance for their : PHOTOGRAPHS. H. VAN NESS, Tryon Street. Parker's Tonic irrely Family Tried icine Tnat ever Intoxicates. ;. , 'Si5lS2Li55eDS,5l Mranrmttam.-7 Kidney or td ni , i' it ,UUire tronieawitnany (ares c 6D B"Mu. Doweis, Diood . you can be cured by Pakkeb's Tonio -: Risccvx Ac n Si!"1 Street, New York. m M sizes, at all dealers In medicines. Great J - '. - - - . ; . by. Some of the h&nds were pain fully hurt, but none seriously so. The members of .the State' Guard were conveyed from Salisbury to Asheville in two A? special trains, one tram leaving Salisbury at about three o'clock and the other going out an hour later. Both trains were crowded, but all went along well enough! and without accident until nearrvAsheville, when4 a track tearing affair happened to one of the trains. In going down a mountain grade the train got beyond control, and, the result Was what is known in the mountains as a runaway tram Before the engineer; could get the train under control the , rear coach occupied by the Goldsboro Rifles, left the track and turned over, on its side. The train, had been going, at a pretty lively speed, and when, the car -left the rails it tore ,up the track badly. Six or seven -members of ;the Iist oC Xietters v.-;. ; - 5 ;. '" Remaining in the postoffice at Charlotte, N. CL, for the week end ing July 22, 1885: V Chas Allen, 2, Mrs H T Brown, J A, Brown, Berry Charles; Laura Cru- nej, George Davidson, D C Erwin, Elias Harris, Ada Hammond, coIoin e i, . David Horton, Esq.. i Mrs"' Bell Hunter, Harrett Hughston, ; Henry Hagans, Laby Hiller, Mrs Janey Hoover, Mollie Hendricks, col, Mor ris Hunter, Peter Shell P C Harkey, sqTerrill . R Hiney, Mrs Cate E Mayes, Mrs James Hall, Isaac Hall, Esq. , J P Hall, Henry Harris, York Harris; William Hubard, W Q Hod ges, Esq., W A Herring, Esq., W W Harris, Esq , 'Sue Homley,. Carrie F Jones, W P Jones C J Jackson, WM Ferican, G A Jennett, Mrs Lula Jackson, Henry Kimble, John Kuosv W R Kimbrell, Susie E Little, Mrs Addie McAlister, Mrs. Emitrin Mc- Cullo, t Henry A McCollough, James Alexander McQueen, James Myers, Mrs " Sallie Moody, Jacob Meyers Mollie McRae, J H Moorhad Mollie McLean Mrs M Mealin Marshal Mc Morris, Whit Moody William Mc Donald, S M Moore, Simon C Moore, Mrs Mary E Moore, Mrs James Nel son, Emma Osborne, J T Whitehead Persons calling for these letters will please say they are advertised. ' John A. Young, P. M. Religious Awakening in Concord. A very spirited revival of reli gion is in progress at the Presbyterian church in Concord, under the leader ship of Rev. "Dr. Burkhead, '"of Texas. Services are being conducted twice a day and large congregations attend. Dr, Burkhead's sermons are said to bejstrikingly original ahdevangelical, and' are ' awakening .much feeling. Services nave Deen . neia tor. more than a week past and will be contin-. ued until next Sunday, if not longer. It is expected that as a result of Dr. Burkhead s preacning many new members will be received into the church. pIVIL, MECHANICAL and MINING ENGINEER- Trey, N. T. Th oldest- engineering school in Register for 1885 contains a list of the graduates for the past 61 years, for the positions; also course of study, requirements, expenses, etc Address, ... uAviu m. iiuoiNE, Director. a Received a Call. : Rev. Walter W. Moore, D. D., professor in the Union Theological Seminary of Virginia, has received a call to the pastorate of the First Presbyterian church in Wilmington to fill-the pulpit '.lately occupied by Dr. Wilson. Dr. Moere recen preached two sermons in that church arid the congregation were so well .flWCKttBCttiCUtS. GURE FOB . THE DEAF. Peck's Patent Imnroved nnshinrt perfectly restore the hearing and perform the work of the natural dram. Always in position, but In visible to others and comfortable to wear. All con versaraon ana even wnispers heard distinctly We refer ;to those using them. Send for illustrated book with testimonials free. Address F. HISCOX. 849 Broadway, N. Y. MenUon this paper. MEDICAL .. COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA; mcnsiom r The forty-eighth annual session begins October 5. Foy catalogue with particulars, address, M. L. JAMES, M. D., Dean. uly23d&wlm LOST. 'rffrtxa 5VdtrcrltscmcutQ. R. II. JORDAN i m, Druggists, Springs' Corner. ; We have Just put up a large lot of the celebrated Viola Cologne, In' at&, pts., pts. and 4 pts. Manufactured only by.- 1 ' -' tt" B, H. JORDAN t CO.,. Druggists. A COMPLETE IATHH OF Lubln's, Lundborg's and Lazell's Fine Triple Ex tracts, in bulk or bottles, at ' ' : ". 1 V - . ' " ' . ' B. H. JORDAN & CO.'S, " ' -' : v. V " Springs' Corner. '' - ; ' . Husltet.VO.ut nine Hair Tonic ' ' ' Is the best preparation made for cleansing and lm parting vigor to the scalp, thoroughly eradicating dandruff and preventing the hair from falling oat. v Prepared exclusively by. . fi- v- B. H, JORDAN ACQ., Springs' Corner. , . Druggists. ft ' -. . , i. I Between the Episcopal church and Dr. McAden's drug store, a brown turkey tail fan. Kinder please leayeat - - - THISOFFICE. lE WEST FEMALE COLLEGE. Exercises begin first Monday in October. Care ful moral training.. Thorough teaching. Best i. - , t facilities In music, instrumental and vocal, French and painting. , - Terms unusually low. Whole cost of board and regular tuition for year, $165.00.- For catalogue apply to the president, - julj23dlw J. P. KENNEDY. . HOFF'S imported at Extrac t A fine ' Nutrient or Tonic for !.-, . . , . . - - L ' t I j - ' J . Invalids; Persons in Deli- .' cate Health, Nurs- . 1 ing Mother s, etc, Thos Reese & Co. July23 . . V leased withiiim that ttoyL.extendedi d U q 1 it CHil V EjD. Rev. James Steele in Jail. Rev. James Steele, colorod, who of several post mortem examinations or anized the Grani United Order of buowd tuiuuxvax wm the National Laborers Aid Protective of the old time musquito, out is oi Xc0;0t; : t nn fu; the grav back, swamp variety ; extra , saa -.ijI-j large size, very musical, very savage . ohtainin monev under faW nr- auu veij uuB9Cu. tsfts has come to trouble Down The stock of hardware crowded in AlpHaretta, Ga., he is now spend into the establishment or iJrown, ing the dog days in jail. A dispatch Weddington & Co , proved too mu'jh from that place says: "Steele or for their "floor j. and they are now hav- ganized one of his lodges here over ing a new section oi flooring laid in a year agp and has been lying around the front part of their stores The ere for sometime. ' He was caged new floor is extra heavy and is guar- under a charge of carrying concealed anteed toehold all the -weight that can weapons. He has been a cdnsidera- be piled on it, with John jbetzer ana ble pest to this community has done Mr. Weddington thrown in. . j ; 1," , M I 1 ; Old Sol Smiling Warmly. , To say that yesterday was a hot day in this section; of the country is telling no news to The Observer's readers, but it can be stated, that in Charlotte, it was the hottest day of the summer,' sure enough. The - ch cle of small metal cups over the much to encourage strikes among the colored hands and washwomen, and in this direction he has had some success with the latter class, his in fluence over the women seeming to be unbounded' Want to Get in tlie Poor House. . It is a little strange that in this, the season of free blackberries and signal office were at times perfectly cheap watermelons, the rush of aps motionless, showing tnat a aeau piicants ior aamutance to the poor calm prevailed, but towards the af- house should be greater than has been ternoon they began to move a little known at any, otner season of the rapidly at times under, the influence year, but so it is. , During the past of a moderate breeze. The heat was three days, ur. Jtsratton, the county oppressive, yet throughout the city physician, has received applications there were no cases of: sunstroke, from fourteen persons, mostly color- Thermometers at different stores indi- ed people, to be taken into the coun rAted various degrees of temperature, ty poor house. ; That institution is At Jake Mendel's cigar stand, at 4 p. always kept well filled and costs ; the mi the 'mercury indicated M05. de- county considerable money for its grees above. zero, in the shade. At support, but if all who apply were to Wilder's drug store it reached 106 be admitted the building wouldlhave degrees and at other places it marU to be mcreasea to three times its pres ed 98 to 104 degrees. In the face ot ent size, xne applications will be these figures it is superfluous for us considered at the next meeting of the to add that it was warm. . . j couniywmuiiaaioners. , , him ;a; calL It is thought that.Dr, Moore will accept. Dr. Moore is a native of this city and has- relatives now living here. . mayor's Court. . Mayor pro tern F. B. McDowell presided at the city court yesterday morning and disposed of several cases. A i colored man bearing the proud name of Joseph E. Johnston, was arraigned on charge - of having dssaulted his wife with a knife, and ,was sent to jail to secure his appear ance for trial by Judge Meares. Jno. Blackwood, colored for an affray with his wife, in which the woman came out second best, was fined $5.40. Wm. Shinn, for indulging in Irish nrofanitv on the streets, was fined $4.20. J-:':.-y. ': - - . m Absentees. . ;. . Mr. Chas. J. Pox, who has just recovered from a long and severe attack of fever, left last night for Round Knob, to stay until Septem hert His friends hope that he will rapidly regain his wasted strength, and return fully restored to health. Mrs. Dr. Wilder has gone to join . " -i-vl the Charlotte tourists at flowing Rock. '.''- Miss Alice Springs and Miss Lucy Wriston leave this evening for Blow ing Rock, where at least two thirds of our summer absentees are now son journing. : - : : 1 ' ILoncest Way Around, Snortest Way TUrougli. Our subscribers at Mount Holly and other points between tnis city and Lincolnton will receive The Ob server this morning several hours earlier than for some time past. This earlier delivery is accomplished by sending the packages via Salisbury and Hickory. . Subscribers on the A. T. & O road will also get The Ub BirovfR earner, as tne uowu nam will bring the packages from States ville. " One thousand bushels of Red Rust Proof Seed Oats. Call early. CARSON B BOS. dlt Hanson's Magic Corn SalreV " Warranted to cure corns, bunions, 4c, ' 15c. per bdx. ...Try it. Forsaleby ' v V B.H. JORDAN 4 COL ' -' ..'- .- . . ALCOHOL POCKET STOYJES- ' We have the most Improved Alcohol Pocket Stove out. The very thing fori the nursery, sickroom, . travelers tc Simple and complete. , 2!c. each. R. H. JORDAN & CO., Springs' Corner. . JUST RECEIVED. - A large stock of Turkish Bath Towels, and Bath Sponges of finest texture. Just the thing for sea side travelers. B. H. JORDAN & CO., Druggists. . Kangaroo and Parepa Cigars . Are still the 5c and 10c.' leaders In Charlotte. An average bonaflde retail sale of 5,000 per month. . r. h. JORDAN & co.; ; SPRINGS COKIEH. . A Rare Opportunity. ' Parties having an established trade in dry goods men's furnishing goods, &c, intending to change business, offer their entire stock upon easy terms.'. Also unexpired lease of store, which is one of the largest and best in the city. A good ODening for fine dry goods business, men's furnishing goods, " with merchant tailoring, or fine furniture. Apply personally or by letter to H. MONTAGUE, v Jaly22d6w , , Winston, N.C. . THE RECORD OP THE LAURENSVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE J For the past session hts been remarkablv fine. With an able faculty, fine buildings, healthy ell- y mate, and exceeding low rates of board and tuition, l it offers unsurpassed inducements to parents who. r wish tathoroughly educate their daughters. For ' catalogue of full informatloa, apply to " R. Wi MILNFR, Presidbnt, or -EDWARD C. BR1TTON, SKC'T, July22dewed Box 82, Laurens, S. C- ' COTTON FOR SALE i' I will sell all the cotton that I raised last year Uy ' the first purchaser. It is near my rwldence. Ad- dreps, TDRNER BARBER, July22d2t , Harrison, N. C. THE ICE BROKEN---CHARLOTTE MOVING'. ; $7D.0!X) Insurance for the M. S. E. A. of -America in ten days $60,000 for Shelby the part week, and good reports from other parts of tin field Ten agents at work in North Carolina, seven others about ready, and yet mere is room. .. men ana women ueiweeu me agea vi 10 auuoj cau insure preierrcu because they live to win instead of die to win. Address, . , t. Dr. Cage's Catarrh Remedy other socalled remedy falls. cures when every ' sunthur&w. Erery Meal is a Trial To the dyspeptic. Flatulence, heartburn, oppres a.LHSqV of th atnmafth. are tne inevitable se- l!aStt&wMto and fork. To say ot nto that He gratifies tne craylngs ol appetite eenutoe satire He only appeases theni. . , . nnrthvtne use oi a not-lt does not effect nciracles. But tt does Sveprompt and unspeakable relief, and wm, if S?U&,J)roduceuiM does It imparl reusn wui xwu, AnAtrarainTi I IT KLlPlIlrLllA 1UW lw ltetolng blood.: , Superseneness or ..wmanrai narmaaBinn . stun uiiuiugv Se? "produced brtaterfpuo eWveJunc mns, aXilso remedied by It. It Is the finest my uouB,oi rnaiarini disorders, and re- leu and blad. 11CVCO vwtiwr - jM . der ailments, and liver complaint. t r Julyl9d2t General Agents, Charlotte, N. C. A (DlhsinD On account of , a contemplated change n our business we are offering this week the following ln ducements, ana u you neea .e rne uioining weneea casn. uDorable-IBreasted IPrimee Mbeds COATS AND VESTS. Former prico $25.00, sell now for $18.00.- Fine 3 and 4 Button Cutaway Coats and Vests, former prlc Sffii.bu, sen now ior yio.ou. jjuieuorKscrew wurBieuuiuxiora ana crown coiots," v- . ' i . .T Former price $20.00, j sell now for $14.00. , 50 Blue Serqe Suits, Sold never less than $10.00, we sell now at $7.50. These Suits can. not be matched W the city for less: than $12.00. These are only a lew or the many bargains we are now oaenng. - a can at our nouse wui : prone to your mteresc. wenaveaooui . , , :: ;.... ; -- From 5 to 9 years, which we will sell at 50c oh the dollar. STRAW HATS AT AND BELOW COST! Very Respectfully, LEADING CLOTHIERS AID TAILORS. i. DYSPEPTIC: MIXTURE, " UlllJUiiii u uiuiuiiiu mjiii uiiUj A Positive and Permanent Care Tor Dyspepsia , and Indigestion. , " Stjiptoms or Dyspepsia. One of the most common anddirect of all, is an uneasiness In the region of the stomach felt soon after taking food. ' 'This uneasiness is variously described as fullness, weight or oppression T-afeellng as If the stomach was "swelled." The. same feeling is some- times felt after drinking water. Flatulency, or gaseous distension of the stomach and bowels. Eructation, or belching "of the gas or "wind" ..from the stomach. Vomiting or spitting up of the food. Water-brash and ' Heartburn, and frequently pain in the region of the heart, wim palpi- ' tation or "fluttering' with uuick, short or difficult breatnlng. Headache, few.' with constipation of the , bowels, dizziness, "swimming or lightness" of Crti- i Before. I the head. Foul tongue, with a "bad,", bitter, or unnatural taste of the After Taking. iriouth, Torpid liver, with a sense of fullness In the right side and pain in the right shoulder. Pain in the small ol the back in the region of the kidneys with dark colored urine. Cough, which 13 ' cftea : jattributed to cdnsumptlon, to which - dyspepsia may lead if neglected. Asthma is often- caused by, dyspepsia, and when produced from other causes. Is aggravated by dyspepsia. Mental depression, des bondencv. melancholy, nervousness-, "sick 6peus.'V"falntness," a sense of weariness, langour, "stu pid or duli feelings," inability to .sleepy and when it can be obtained it is often disturbed by unpleas- ant dreams, nightmare &c These are some of - the most prominent symptoms of this widespread disease, a very few persons being entirely at all times free from it. - One or more of these symp toms being present in all cases, depending upon individual peculiarity, length of time the person has suffered from it, and the other diseases, complications, 4c., to which this disease has given rise, ecldbjalldrusslsta. . - - . ': 1 t I . ... . .. ' . r i. t . W .4 , ; .1 : a'' .. ..-ii .l j . , Ij if -if "V' . . !v r ,5 ft... ; ' ; 4 - - J ' i r w m 1 1 Ml i' . f i .i ' -I i' r . i .1 - i 1 '

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