1 1 iii iii fl5 jj i'"W Yif't-f' S?' I'M-' 1 T . .- - fX- J m i i j I i 1 I I I I I in M III 1 ! ,i '. iJ- -XTT'O J :0. yifeXIjj :N.; OERipAt .AUGUST -7,; i885i V,:,:, , PRICE FIVE CENTS. Ten pieces of that popular 10c. White India Linon. u Also some Oriental 1 ljaces rYefy cheap. TWENTY-FITE PIECES NEW From 15c to 25ci .Per Yard. Lookatour9c. Dress Ginghams. Big stock White Quilts at a low price; ' : Remnants in Dress r nods and Lace Curtains at prices that will surprise you. J Job lot Ribbons at 3c. per yard. Ottoman ami surah Satins at 50c. per yard. If you want a ,u Z ' " " SUMMER SILK it half price look at our stock. Some Remnants.very cheap. Trunks, Valises! &c. t '. Linen Ulsters cheap. Mosquito Canopies and Fixtures. "Received August Patterns ol the Butterlcfe Publishing Corn- Special attention to orders. , - - . glue, IxarX0ttc CDbscrxicr; TURVES 6 IT TO PEOFIT. "Truth. Lira; thk srat sombttmes. sdbbots to r.Tlte Prices Asked in New York for Wiiidows and Balconies. New York Sun. subscription to the Observer. KB OBSCURED; ' BUT,'" IXKt THE BUH,' ONLI FOB A TDiX. -j ' ; DAILY EDITION. . Single copy..r... A. ..1...;.,. uy me weeK in me aiy... tfj me monui, ,. ....liiiil.i.ii.'iU " '. ' i ... j. ... ..... ....... . . A frontage oil" Broadway or Fifth i Scents. ftiNJ nn Satnrfiav5-vAflfinnn na thtk : i .'I route OI thft.fnnfiral narailft waa ha. Three niontns i2 m ' Inidftd on and v madflf lmnwrt -rvtwrofi wimonins....,..;.' 4.00 . a - ine.nnnn .,i-' hji::..:.f VUB JOOI ., , .M.M(......... O.UU . : r - . m. . . ' j . i .i . I W WEEKLY EDITION - . ineir ana. couniea meir wm-i ThreemonthslB:-:.; ; , l m .nt aows, AT; nrst . quotations I or ,wm- fflxmonths. ....'$i.oo dows,'rooms and balconies "were flue uu year........ -1.76 ? f inciubsol nve and over tl.50. j i f filnAn.' rents .u of Sal?nie8 and-windows which are yet on hand,but are INCOMPLETE,- are offered by lis at MAIU 1 oniyin ebutta iact. T r T. naruiy-uau. ineir signs nung wnea l VELOUS KEDUUTIOJSS; in order that they may sell rapidly. - K- ond coatQ nrara Inf. fo dAm t-nnm I ' " ' -' !. a.x. iit,uuu. i-i 1 . rr.i j r I - m -rv I r I "T I ... 41 7 .."! :. .i :. u---' tW9 voua Okicpv.r.; -Alicia v( WUIUUW Foreign Blood in ie Teinsof tkefthat Is guaranteed -tovlet seven per-s RuIInsr Family of Britain. . A s.?8 ,OOK.oul .9E V. Qey . were or i i i i . . j-.1 .... ' 1 The present in ner veins i tnating and unsteady. But the de- Finds us with lostocksaVsoHments of the : Various departments are con I mand was immense yesterday The siderably broken. We .have closed i out many 'lines of goods, and those L - :: Si' Ivff Family of Britain t , u yt.- 6i - x ' 1 i ' 'i' l r ' t.' ' " ' V," 1 ' - '--r - - pnf n,ipnn nf i?n;io; u! different heights, -can be hired for Barely, advertise, incomplete lines, because they are well aware that it means -eins 1 021 dronf of fnrVf $25- A window that five persons can money out of their pockets. ,We have no such fear; we have made all the r ?h ur . " PPS yl .0T?n t.ak turns ea zinc from in worr.h 9.0 monev we exnftp.ted out of our Rtootrs and nowr mof. willino-lv Wrofif tWa. pany. Truly, IAl(BlIES;:&miEMMlJl)IEl. s A DOLLAR SHIRT Vhlch lor quality of material, workmanship and fit, cannot be bettered. Also a Govd Stock of I fflifiel '.-iSiifiS With Plaited Fronts. OUR LINE OF lioes i 4 ! Hats t.hr. hiinrtrert vonra tn fin. standing behind in the room rnd se gree was that handsome and unfois uLrP I n vwT Hmafo Kaw ' 'PTonwriUniArr' nave risen to $10 Windows near timate boy, Uenry , Darnley, who WflverrvnlafP am hpld at ttia three hundred and. twenty-years ago e"7 P kSiSI ? ZW Lt'l a i?? became the husband of Mary, Queen f nt a -bKarber u T neari'8?r f QJS lv";n rri ? ol u place has been , hired for $75. - A or bcots, ancL. he was more SScotch ,k -.;u v u nr u. i u. square further up, a whole room with Iaughte?of James - V and Mary of one wmdow can be had for $15. and a auA S.. t i t At No-.841, .Broadway, Dear Union but threefourths of his blood came SfS fi.nrm a j ot four Or Jive, ana ten people have lhe.mar secured, nice room for $75. r The bik Elector Palatine and4 Eiig" of B6 i1, hsh. Her daughter Sophia (whose cieared away and tiers' of seats' will marriage witntne Elector ot uanoyer be hm7 ge&tB in the front row sell throne of Alfred, had thirteen parts at 5 V 8!cona -rJw i ' ' f " " uVj and last row, $3. A whole bay wm alien to three parts English blood d fa tf t d it fa prumed Her son George I. thanks to the act lu I v.Hwv., Yj j : iJr ij u"! 1";JTj that only a monopolist could afford t JZrt?1 J!uT3 f"' to hire one here. Around on Fifth MnKkwZA tV jfZ avenue the club windows and private crowned King of England. But itwas ..i,, tn :a w no wonder that the Jacobite squires SS : "J. snU not be rented openly. Kates are af lt twentninfi T: hirtecnndK ?ot P7 and n0,SDS. ?re --i Tf r,f A-tiJv. nung oat, dui a tew winaows nave "A-W beeengaged at a cost approximate fQ "t " f "fp"X ing $10 a head In such cases Sftf luncheon will be served to the par- AnaoS HirSiSS nf At the Hoffman,' Albemarle, AtlSpach. HlS SOn, Frederick Of At70Ti1T0 anH nr Minn- fimmrP es We do not mean shoddy goods,' nor do. we 'mean damaged or shop worn INCOMPI.ETE, Our Corset Department ; : OFFERS THBEE LOTS: I. fovelty urset A substantially well , made Corset, sells now at. 75 cents, : 3..- m,th V ' ........:,:..,.;.'...: COLLARS asb CUFFS Gents Hall-Hose, In Solid Colors and Pin Stripes. - Try my 25c. Balbrlggan. Gauze Shirts And Suspenders. A nice line of Scarf Ties. iAlso just received a pretty assortment of .... Buttons for Plaited Shirt Fronts I. L SMfilLE. " And' Valises is Complete. Fi ne line of Trunks and Va- - , ' - Uses for summer travel, ; -'. . ' : - "", ' . ; - ' ' ' " ' , GOOD GOODS I LOW PRICES. Orders by mail have prompt attention, , Pegram i 0. - J -1 II. A splendid made Corset, silk stUcned, ; which fo merly soM at5 70 cents, n n . en in A good -Woven Corset, silk .stitched, at 85c., worth $1.00. . .., - t. -. . t . t . r , On Oup Hosiery Colters ii ,You will find four Jots of ... - . SILK GLOVES AND SILK MITTS. Silk Mitts at 50c.. worth 75c. ' Silk Mitts at 60s., worth 85c. . bilk uioves ai wc, worm eoc. , Silk Glores and .MlttSiSc,,' worth $t.00 ana$i.z&. They are goods .worthy . of your attention. We are satisfied" our offerings will please you. fSSSSi' fSLrn,rf havebJn.takenlrapidlyby --regular 4-we have cdt prices . ftVf f 3 r ; r,,,lTD' patrons. . Rooms are not let lor a less Sf, ft? mnl mnIfn5- time thn from' Friday t0 Sunday,. thS, hi ?mJS?i m5JS, and several oi the hotels have refused than his subjects m the mother coun- accept engagemeuts shorter than " 5 H Wednesday fo Monday. The rooms - Y: u:wiat the pure auu pcauriui uicirx ieu iu.e wuiuu 2 Oar Ital Driiarimbnt 4 SELLS GOODS AWAY D0WN. - Just think of It! We hava taken an arm ful of Parasols, consisting of " , ( i Lace Covered Satin Parasols, ; Mourning Silk Parasols, Brocaded Fancy Silk Parasols, -t r-i . . . .... ',-" - Changeable Sflk Parasols, . r , -c . . !. And have plad them on our Hosiery Counter. They range In prices from $4.50 j to $6.50, and sell now at . the uniform f price of $3 00 each. - ' - : Ladies' and , ' MISSES' BIBBED LISLE COSE, ; Only In Garnet, Marine, Seil and Black. ; 6.62 . 7.72 . 8.82 . ... ' ' 83c. 88c. 45ev . . i i They are reduced 25 per cent. Ladies' Solid Colored CottonHose; also Unbleached Balbrlggan at 25c. a p;iir. They v i a. rff ir.-., liave uu equal at per uciii. mure;; Ltdies' Solid Colored Lisle Hose 8 only at 50c, formerly 75c. . Ladles' Solid Colored Lisle "Hose. French r ribbed. at75c. a pair, former prices $1.00 and $125. , ; , : . 1.A J ! Windsor - have been engaged Ul i I 3 '"'A4 " 1 Wednesday. None of the Mad- J K y Cf jj U(H 2d2' -! Snnarfi ; hotels have'' anv more 1 LvJ. LXl U. XJ U O ' ATilli TOUBSELTES OF THIS 0PP0BTCNITY TO PURCHASE ' SUDDS MiKL St.. ison Square hotels have" any more room. Sni every pane otglasf is pros ii. ' . : :f...u':.", emDtea; : TneiJrunswKKHrs' ciosea, i ; iv xiVLi" .t M iin. tm. m' - LUaU ITU 111 lUcir Careers 11 WOUiUseeill I 5 . K A 1 ' - '-'ur unermgs arts piiiceu ucluiojuu, wo uu uuu wiou. iu uuo iimui. -voMi to. horro dnno n,1flon VWrtMtiNa uui uB.iug iiu icg,uicii ,f,ur ' "" 'them; to Uie conti-aiT. you canscareeiy avoia seemg inem .upon euwuug uur uji; oyawuiraiuuiwi.: Udve UUllO. , wuetill V lOlorid j .; in I ,it ..a tn mn a asifntivo Hat rr uruvia nf mAnvtf.hsr dp.nart.mpintji. Mat orders nromDtlv tilled. father- fourth three of English' blood, and aa her 5!5!!if; :f?uJS W li ililil 11 , UyUUVUllUO I US I II I 1 i I U w 7-4 I It-III.IIIV l.li II I Mil iRI II 1)1 I 11UU Ui3 mj t wj J W U UUUVA U I V A U V V fc V. u j v w v - - Edward Augustus Kent..,- Ia., r io, k.,, ' rt ... . son of Oeorge III, - had in., his uA iuii'triA nt1 irnmiTTrifKtm7-i frr Ttf fi -- i Sf m nn iTT iTI UTT KnOdrnrSs nf-'fnrPiVn in'!fivftrv lc .f A" ui?u?"1""" HLV H-liYil'l ilEI WW il'A' VY " ' 7 ' IhK II Ii IHI i- u' li j T a r U'rea out ai $z: rnis is ine lowesv ur f of English -blood, and as v herl . r v TT..ir;ffW U. J n . I I I Ik! I I W I1IIU I.IIM ill II U 11111 III .III II IM I. - ... -' . P " . 2 F "rj T r. with a good degree of privacy, mored andi dissipated Highness of f,., in n enrvo, THOSViAS K.. CAREY Ik CO. wn 1 kE. ' f ; mmr w m y PURE OAK LEATHER BELTING, 25 S. CHARLES STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. MANUFAC- .TURERS ' And Dealers in RUBBER BEIiTING, PACKING, HOSE, &c COTTON, WOOLKS and SAW MII-I SUPPLIES, &c. , .Argents : Boston Belting; Co. 'sm Rubber. Beltincv Hoyt's Leather Belt.; Mt. Vernon Belting: S, " Roller Slasher and . :, fr'-' "Clearer Cloth. : TK. EarIe'sCard.:;, f Clothing,, -1 ,r .s. ' ; I U i r r . o Tr:.-. o ri;u Pl VPAL .l."l? TT Tu ,;o,'f TT14 only chancps.e; windows, over u Vm u w. "" stores. A first floor front window goes indows q fl . inr waies is as 2.u4DTrnree. Small wonder that the I i i i..1 1.1 i. ii ; r ' ....i- l ci iouu in ineir t:au lur a na.it in. uie ooiKilitv r.f nnnnrmn nf rhuir oalrnin( hnnon in ' r . . .. marry mg t titled, and impecunious dignitaries from Germany; It the Prince of Wales should carry out his purpose of - marrying his heir to; a pure blood English girl, and the pre cedent be ! followed : by succeeding generations, it would take another three hundred years for the ' present proportion of, foreign '. and native blood in the veins of England's queen to be reversed. , , - . , A WARM'WEATnEB IWVfiW-TIOIV.- 1 , s nil) s - . f Tlie Reason 'Wliv- Gi . : have a few .pieces,6f; :..:.i.'"J-.:ill-- '. si .. . . . ... ' . . -.v.. -i.. '- . .- r - -f i . - -V -f - -""' ft.A15?Flrie French Organdies at 12ic, which are cheap at 35c Our remnant of Slimmer Blade regg Goods must he sold. Our friends can net a Mosq uto Canopy cheaper from us than elsewhere e have a small stock of very fine Embroidery and Fiounclngs that. wa. are offering at Jess than half Pnce. The great sale will continue until every dollar's ' worth of poods- we have is gone. Remember wis Is not a sale to get rid ot trash, but our entire stock la being sold at a great loss to us. C3 ; ALEXANDER & HARRIS.; P. cm f'i nWi Sibert-n Crabs In aar afatlty,by v leaving orders .."at Jhe store. Thkr .make. "Ifif Idly s.nrt nruuraM thnti anv nt.hur fniit , '' - Jelly and preserves than any other fruit. Iced Soup for Overheated. Drinks ' ers- -Kinds IVow Made in CIii eag;o. "The latest drink," said a Chicago artist," "is iced soup. You know that in wintertime we had beef tea, steak tea and other 'hot drinks, bat iced soup or bouillon is having a great run, and I believe that it has come to stay. ; The lemonade trade has fallen off greatly - since-: the. ad vent.-' of the soup. Men who are . accustomed .to mint juleps,1 etc., , take to the t iced soup 'like a. duck to water.' " v f? When was-the new drink brought out?' - '..M About a week, ago a.well: known Moctor' came to the proprietors and said that he had a' scheme that would take The bosses: laughed. . at himr Finally he induced them to put down their names for a gallon; -and it, was brought : into: the jjilace ina -brown ju 'Keep in a cool place and shake well before taking,'iwere,the instruc tion on a card. This 1 was a kind of chestnut, but I was told to put the jug on. icet'and I did so. Thengayly decorated cards were , hung up in the place, and by an d by we had a call for a glass of Twuillon. I I poured out a glassful," j and, iaf ter seasoning it with salttand'-'pepper, handed it to the1 customer It seemed to have touched the right spot, for he said it was the bst. drink, he had taken for years."-; - " -"How many brands are tnere V1 "Well, you can , get; tomato, veges, table, ox tail and' the doctor says if the thing is a success he'll introduce turtle." , A sergeant of cavalry on aoti re ser- Suf0 ; JLLJ3 : iJLJLi ' JLAm vice in Arizona agaiDst the , Indians tries to answer the inquiry, "why don't the United States troops , catch the raiding Apaches? ' He says the - Qur e continues all this i month. Our variety isnot"confined to lOUiaua nave 110111 uvcwBcvtsu Ann QTTTTS3 nt. qk thoc mcrl mitoH . Wa haw n I feTrat and stv ps It mav sauuiB uuib.TO.oau.-:- wmicio be q INTEREST TO YOU to compeneu to ioiiow wim uu huiho each., loaded : down with blanket, nvprrnat. two canteens. lariat. Dick- . : J et m?,s.de lines, noseteg,currycomD,oOK I HKUULiH I HlO HKIUt. LIS i and Drusu, sometimes iour io bijl - - - - - , . days rations, a (f One Hundred Men's All-Wool Suits', Sack and Frock, at $6.E0, worth $10-00, $12.00 and $14.00. J One Hundred Pairs Men's All Wool Cassimere Pants at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.25, worth $2.50 - ' $3.25, and $4.50. : .... Boys and Children's Clothing at remarkably " annikin, tin cup, and numerous other little traps that are of no use, but are always in the way. Then comes the gun and field belt, with fifty rounds of cartrides, with One hundred more. "Weigh a man with all this," says the sergeant, "and then turn him loose after an Indian pony,--with a shell of a saddle, a enm nd amunitinn. and an almost O. . . - ...... - ,'- - ' , . , "if .. t.'-i-: : ' ir - e i nude duck and eee wnicn wins mi beersucser uoats ana vests m very large vaneuea, wiucu we puer loriesa the race ot SCO miles, to say notnmg .. -. -r. t tnantney can De uougnt lor eisewnere. -vf tVio hnrV rpmniintfl and nprfect - - : ' --" . " ' . : '' -.' ' knowledge of the country. . r;nnT A TIT Tt A TC I OJLAVjHLYT. JJLXXJLkJ i -1;.:; The Coinasre of tlie Silver Dollar JNew xorK duu, . - - 1 5 , . - 1. n i. Tt. is confidentlv exDected bv the . MA.Anl-r. nf 4-V oilfrni. rtllal that, 'it.d ( t. rel f Coinage will be stopped by 1 CJongress , , at an early day m the next session 4 1 1 ;. ; STRAWDHATS!! We Intend to close out at a great sacrifice.- AfullHneof ' f : ' ' Gentsj Furnishingi Goods The recent loan of gold to the treasu- Qne Hundred Dozen Gents' Summer Scarfs, 6 for 25 cents, lit will pay;to ry by the bankV of this city I was 1 li Visit the store of y- . t; . Via oaanrannA that r.hft e'old would be needed 'only t i X opinion of bankers and mercnants in i , -j - .-. s , . - . . ; - - , - " thi3 section of the' country It seems f - .. MADKf Q Cl-OTIf.IEIlS, CE nOTEL COZlEK, a stonnasre of , the coining of the silyer fatebeSew HoLTofRepresenta " .ChfiSD "LotS F0f Said I B . S . MYERS, r tivMfth.it. it did in thn last one.' i ! -? ' t . I ' " :.- Broker ana tommissioa Mercaint, " "And Dealer fn Feed of aQ.klnds' ; -' if, ; . COLLEQE STBX2T, "'. - 1 1 ) Ji SA jtef the northwestern comer of the city (outside the, ' rirTtiiA i th of Anmst at 12 o'clock, at the court Any one wishing to secure a cheap lot, would do iifiSB at they adjoining Elmwood cemetery: " Boundary described oered means quick sales. . L g , ntormer advertisement., -, wom ' ' Manner: julj25 ' " 11. ai, u i " . ----- ( I j'v. I:- r: 1 . 1 i "I i 1 t r t , r. . 1. I. . f

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