f DAILY C H A R L O TTE OBSERVE RQSATTJR D A Y-;-; A TJGU S T, 15 1,:8.8 5. P . wwvvvA - To same date last year...; Jakueth bit TP k-o m A PIT g" l an. united states ports AUGUST 14; Produce Same time last vear. . Stock at all Interior towns . " " " - -'-r Same time last year...., ' - Stock at Liverpool.; "'"'V'" Same time lastyear.. 'k ' ' - ' .' Stock pf American afloat for Great Brlt'n; I ocuiio uiue icusit year.,. .. ., . ... - - oiTTiMDiiE Noon Jftour firm; Howard Street - , 4 - - ., v ": .Western Superfine $3,0033.40; Extra3.WW. ; K Family 1: atjjifcg 63.60; wjA4 "nt 5La LivKRPOoi. AiumVii -nu 1 . patapsco aiuuj u. . o"Y.T7-v'--i' hn.' . fam. n.tsn--l"y,.B.,'.ura,' steady; western yuicn. ouui"- . Bo1m b ' "i"am" t-ioa, orieans 15.222 3,863,491 3 810,916 ,16H.927 17I.07 8,269 10,(8 -681,000 807.0U0 - 9,0W la.ooo f'frerpoorCotton llrV. flfiWbld; JNO i western wuiusr iw ur rn-Southern stea y: Western dull: Southern ihite 67S58; yellow 56258. , "cSioo.-Wir sfady. Whwr weak ;and mr- AumstWk86i4: September 8jS8744: Oc K H90U NAT 2 red 91091 Corn Star dS: "Bfc &MM814;, September 45 B.l'u, . . ' . fZuKu tnta Alienist 2nlfer 2A' fWaXe t&h tomewhat Irregular; cash -: American .. futnna Hit- Uplands lOW middling laiiea 1 nTliaf Can tember delivery, 5 34dQ-sS-Md . oepiemDer ana October 5 29 64d5 30-64d. f October and November 5 26-61dd:5 25-64d. ' November and nnwmhor & . January and February 5 27-64dS5 26-64d. February and March R 2U!4riiK. vfuiA . v -:y o , Lli ttUU Apru 0 8Z 6daCS 81-640. SSE faly active tbougn tomewnat irregular; iur iuo weeK muuu; American 32,000; spec r.. Jfl Oft. CAnt01YlA7 SI J lJUJai.lH; VtlUUCi umuivu wju, CAUUit O IUU: flCLn-ril ftTTWVT. II I ill TAw f 0 17?0. Lard dull, pnees showing lltfle J 681.000; Amer- uanffe. , cash ana bepwsmucr u.ui vs. ii,uw, muai ooiw; Aiiiencan a.UUU. 97Wi7;ri.aU. B0X6O IIKJttlS Mtede" r M 15$4.30; short ribK 5.4(i dtato, g5.&ortde5$5.S$5 , tPtember5 ctaoir" irrfl.niilatil GTfa: Standard $1.10. DUBu- ""' ' ' V A& YoKK-Southern flour barely steady; ;com miSJofSreitra $3 79$415; good to choice do. SwtfMiB i 50 Wheat-snot 1 01 cent lower; un 5 r&a$l.J9;Nd. 2 red August 9798i; S22nihMWa9l4- Corn-i4Vc lower closing ffi.B5SS! 6aSM: No.'f red Au?u,t f:.',,fmher- 62a53. Oats -cash a shade ffi. , va 2, 333. Hops Quiet and i nominal. ffi-swtfalrKlodull and nominal; No. 7 Rio Szt Rteariv . but oulet: centrlfueal 5 M5U.C; molasses sugar 41; fair to good re-e'll-ieci .refined.firm. , Mo steady; Cuba N; 50 test Vc, Rice firm, y Cotton seed oil tu"rW,afii.. refined 37. Rosin'- firm. Tur- wntine weaker at 36. Wool firm. Hides steady; rk dull and nominal; mess spot $11,00; middles u.l,. i7nrPiPMT hike. Lard 20)3 cents lower: con- trSf spot 46 57 September 6.50a$6 53. Freights SSyFcotton 3-32d; wheat 2id, , September and October 5 80-64d, (sellers.) November and December 5 24 64d, (buyers ) December and .Taflnarv s January and February 5 26-61d, (sellers.) .March and April 5 31 61d, (sellers ) 4 P. K. DDlandS lOW mlrirtTlnop Alansa inrniM delivery 5 81-64d, (buyers). " "6"" Augusi ana September 5 i$l-64d, (buyers.) September and October 6 29-61d, (buyers.) K November and December 5 24-f4d (sellers.) December and January 5 24-64V (sellers.) January and February 5 25 64d, (sellers.) ' ' February and Ma'Ch 5 28-64d, (seUers.) - v March and April 5 S0-e4d, (buyers ) , Futi Te8 closed steady. If aral Stoics 82. Bosln aO. Tar steady; hard 82. Bosln Rosin Wilmington Turpentine hrm at ,,11 retrained 871: good stralnea to at .$1.80; .turpentine savannah Turpentine steady at tPaflT at Sl.UU0l'W. - CHABLEsl""--1 iu you uuo quivn uv uj steady; strained 90; good strained 95. financial. , NW,YORK. : 4 HRife. Money 1H - Sub treasury balances gold $160,553,000; currency $26,002,000; iSrronmentt dull; tour per , cents, $1.2; Alabama-Class A, 2 to 6 " 9314 uiass D, UTW....... ....w.. tVt ,.. ......,...1.03 (ieorpla 7s mortgage .... , LOZfe I Nortn Carolina 4's .88 t89 1 Nortn LiarouiKi 0 n, c.. iuu , .iva I v,h Piirnllnn'R lindln. 1U iwim uiwv4w - " . --- 1 cnnth Carolina Brown "Consols ; 1.08 kwuM. .FMW I Tennessee b's J1' Virginia 6.... virgin a v msois o ntiAanftake and Ohio 714 r.hii?o and Northwestern 10 Chicago ana jNonnwesiern, preierrou x.onvg L Denver and Bio (irande 11 Nrtfi 16 I East Tennessee .- 5 City Cotton ItlarKet. V- Offick of tboc Obserwb, f. , Chaklotts, N. CM August 15, 1885. Jr " The city cotton market yesterday closed dull.- Middllnfif., 1014ai0 5-W Receipts yesterday....." ..."............, 11 CITY-. PRODUCE MARKET Reported by T. B. Ma&ill. AUGUST 121885. - - 71 464 S8 ink 4S 60 9814 23 T,ake Shore, Louisville and Nashville. . Memphis and Charleston Mobile and Ohio Nashville and Chattanooga. . ...... New Orleans Pacific, 1st New York Central i ..... . . Norfolk ana western prererrfid. ....... Northern Pacific common.... Northern Pacific preferred. 49 iracinc ju.au i ia lEeadlng.... 21 jfflchmond and Alleghany. . : . . ilucnmona ana liiiuviue..... ....... 03 feichmond and West Point Terminal. 29: teocklsland 1.191 tPau! 79V2 iStPaul preferred.... 1.121A Texas Pacific 161A piion Pacific. . ...... ....... 48 Wabash Pacific ..- K. ... ..... 91 yvauasu racuic, preierreu...:.:. ........ ,14 western Union 69Ut aia. ih-dsi Dia. sunerea. jASKea. yjtx. uiv. Cotton. Halveston Steady : middnnz 91 : net receipts nil; gross 114; sales 36; t stock 1001; exports toasiwise . I Weekly-Net receipts 387; gross 403; sales 232 r ppons coastwise 8b; continent ; Ureat Bri tain . . . v . I Norfolk Quiet; middling 10 1-16; net receipts 16; gross 16; stock 1,098; - sales ; exports fcoastwlae ; Great Britain . , I Weekly net receipts - 50; 1 gross 50;-. sales 42; exp'ts to continent, ; coastwise, ,131; f rauce ; ureat Britain ilmtogton Quiet middling 1014: net rec'ta 1 gross -: sales : stock 297: exnorts coast al . .- . . m pise; irreaicnxam . - i weekly net receipts 4: eross 4: sales xports coastwise -; Great Britain . . - UiV k , UUWIIIII. , Uk &VW1W 0; gross 18: sales stock 1.108: exnorts tpastwlse ; to continent Great Britain.: trance . r . . Weekly net rfiv1nt.9 fl4- trmaa ' M- aalAa T3; exp'ts coastwise 09; to Great Britain ; &w ueleans Dull; middling 9?i: net rec'ts gross 40: sales 3(Hh atonic 17 R7R: ftrnortu wasiwise ; 10 Meat Britain; France niineni . ., ; - Weekly net rec'ta 29fi? tn-nsa w- ai s.wiO! iports tO Grfiflt. Tlrltiiln i onaotnrlcA U OfiQ- toent : France . T ' MOBILS-Qulet: middling 91 1.1 fi? nAt wAtntji fi; pss b; sales ; stock 1,513; exports coastwise H Great Britain . ' - weemy-net receipts 13: ptoss ' IS: saIps, 275: wcoastwise ureat Britain - r saWpma (Inlet, mtini'nn in.- ....int. -. 14. Ffe18135 sale8 1(W; stock 403.- ' . 15 te rT net recelPte 592J fhipments 150; sales rar, " Baie J": stock . ri "vuuicis ! B10CKZ7U. ITtTON-Dtul; middling 10: 1 net.; rec'ts CLE" ; sales , stock 759; exports to rafr,.,"" Ti waaiwise : weal Britain U. JZ receipts 170: gross- 170; sales ffrtfttSin -C0 nUaent "" coatwlse 105? '(!7..?Ksteady58ale8'324; middling upland 'Uf;Mteans 109-I6c; consoUdated net receipt C! -iS?8 ? reat Britain 4750, to France ii en i.inanr . . . r ifii?lT5et. receipts 86; gross 2,286; sales l pumers ; stock iai,816. Corn per bushel . . . . . . . . . 76 78 Meal per bushel. ; .... ......... 7678 Wheat per bushel....,... 86S90 Peanuts per busheL .1.20Q1.30 Flour-Family .2.UW2J5 Jonra. ...2.053)2.10 Super. Qoo Peas Clay, per bushel. ; 4 1.20 1.25 Mixed ....i.ini.is Oats shelled,.: v 55Q,60 Dried Fruit Apples, per lb '. . 86)4 veacnes, oeeiea.... .'.....' . 67 - ' ? unpeeled... ........ 84 Blackberries . 4f?iK Potatoes SweeL...; Irish. ... , - Hifio Cabbage, per pounds . 2iAa3 Onions, per bushel ..... ....... i . 5060 tseeBwax.per pouna............ 2425 Tallow, per pound............... - 7714j Butter, per pound.'....; l5?25 Eggs, per dozen... OiAffill Chickens Ducks Turkeys, per pound... Geese......... Beef, per pound, net.. Mutton, per pound, net.."....... ... jf orK. per pound.- net ...... Wool, washed;;... j.. ...... unwasned.... .... . Feathers, new 45ftfin t&ags. per oouno .. . - -1 1 13SJ25 25030 80)9 85940 70)8 32 18 CAWTAL PEIZE 75,000. Tickets Only $5. ' Shar es in Pro f portion. JobrPrintiha AND Louisiana Stats ." Lottery Co. "We do hereby certify that tee suptr vise the arranaemenU for all the Monthlv and Semi-Annual Drawings of theLruis-. wnu taie uottery Uompan?. and m per son manage and control the Drawvngt themselves, and that the same are 'eon ducted toith honesty- fairness and in good faith toward all parties, and u auinonze tne company to use thiz cerUji cate toith fac simUies of our signature attached in its'advertisemerUs." Book Bindina AT THE O.BSEHVEft 1 OFF Will be found a large line, of mwm Commissioners. InCOrDOrated In 1 8fiS for 25 Aflrs th a Toila ture for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to. which a reserve fund of over $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2cU A. D., 1879. - ; xne oniy i.onery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. : It never scales or postpones, - Its Grand Single Number. Drawings take place monthly. ; A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR TUNE." Ninth "Grand Drawing. Class I inthe Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, Septem ber 8, lg85, - ' KT" , CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000." TYhWrm be closed out at close prices. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Fractions In IF you want . . ..'-. - iiii-uis m proportion. JList of Prizes. ' 1 CAPITAL PRIZ& . . .. . . . .7. ; .'. . . 1 da do 1 do do - i: 2 PRIZES of $6,000.. ,i ..... ; . ; o ao s 2,uuu.. io do 1,000.....!. r.. .. 20 do 500................ 100 - do . 2oa...... " 800 do 100..... .500 do ' 50. AOOO do 25... ........ p , o o p & ' a. 1-9' a o -s . 00 - JD " cr-o 1 1 0QV '.Si s "T5 S3 J - ST: ftr- CD Q "' ' ' -" tr -5.--' 2. tr" C ? I - M S3"- - o ' o CO $75,000 25,000 10,000 -12.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 ' 20,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750.... ao ao buo. 9 do do. ' . 250 6,750 4,500 2,250 1967 Prizes, amounting to.... .... .$265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made onlv' Cto the office of the company m New Orleans. r or lurtner lniormation write clearly, giving full address. Postal Notes, Express Money Orders, oi New York Exchange in ordinary letter. - Currency by Express (all sums of $5 and upwards at our ex 1 pense) addressed, M. A. DAUPHIN, t New Orleans, La. Or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St , Washington, D. C . , Make P. O. Money Orders payable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, - - New Orleans, La, OR I. - if LOUISIANA NATIONAL BANK. ' New Orleans, La., STATE NATIONAL BANK, v - . New Orleans, La., GERMaNIA NATIONAL BANK, - : . v- v v 'New Orleans, La, Letter Heads," - - Note Jleadtr, . v. . Z Bill Heads, ' . Statements . , - v -.t: .-Envelopes, - " . r Circulars, ' Hand Bills, : ' : y Tags, Cards, School Catalogues, Programmes, &c. CALt AN D GET PRICES. 3 Q ' O , "3 - Q W- o - O" . -W - S -i t i Q : ' M - - .Q - s " O" r .' t-H CO ' at J J-rt - ' t I . -E9 D2 hrt s ' 1 C3 CS W O CD o cd i i-3 T. EEGEIED! 11 Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' - fke Slaoes mA And all kinds of IHI O "3BS For 10; Boys', Youths' and Gentleman's SummerWiBar; If you ; want Cheap -Letter Heads, Note Heds, Bill Heads or Envelopes, you .caeti theni at as. low figures as they can be furnished: at any printing office in! the country. If you want ' ; Fine Work AND FIBS! CLASS MATEBIAL, -;-.".' - . - . t : You can get it at Reasonable Prices. f O H 52! O w H O "63 Q o Q d 02 CfQ; TO n P3 CD 'or? S3 d CD ..H pa H CD O .O. CO C Cf) mm o X o c CD, CD a? t a O a"; p. es- o CD o O - g C CL Q. CD :0 a CO ST a. CO.. I I- J3 O 25 Q 8 bo CD CO . O cd; 9- mm - o o; c cn Q ' - . ' - - - - - .5 r An Extraordinary "Case of Care : oy tne Mrs. Joe Person Kern-- edy. . , v- The following letter, dated January H: 1SS5. has Just been received, end wi'ti be shown to any rer.,. son who Is Interested lk' the subject 'Names and " v dates are withheld for obvious retsons: . .' , " Mas. S o E PKR90N : - ; VMadamOnC:e'22th ct last Mar aborehCd ' wen developed In every respect was born in this ' dtybnt the, "King of Terrors" begad to chisel j about its little -heart,' and notwithstanding its ' plump and vigorous constitution the pbisotjjn the ! oiooasoon began to. manifest Itself in what the ' medical men term 'Eczema Pupura. or 'Heredi. tary Taint'. .Some.. old .'mothers concluded th child had the lellow thrash! Yet whatever the ; " disease It was certainly a stubborn master Tor the doctors. ' - n , ' : The mother took the little 'sufferer to the eoun- - i L try, hoping that the sure fresh air might te bene- nclal, and Dr. , of Lumberton, wa!' called to " treat the case. He pronounced it Ecztma. miJ did " an he could for it, but to; no purpose, any more -' than to check the fever to which the disease sub Jected the boy. - - - - - -"At the first irost the victim was again removed to the city, and immedbitely Dr. was caUed- J and he pronounced the disease 'Pupura and pre- senhed accordingly, feeding up the disease on iron i . and other minerals until the babe's mouth be- ' came so sore that for two weeks it did hot nurse, A friend suggested as a last hope anrt resort 1 " - V 'MRS. JOE PEPON'S REJIEbY. , J "1U means of procuring any more help or medl- ' cine had failed, and in this hour of deepest de spair the poor mother went and ' asked her dru- gist to let her have one bottle and one package of the Remedy, aad was refused, because she did not have the money to pay for It. She pawned her wedding ring and raised. $1.50 to pay for the medl- Cine. V .'-..&... 'ir.-..' -7 .. - . ..... "When she gave the child the first dose, threes weeks ago to-day, the lltrJe fellow was a mass of scaly sores from the hips to the knees, and at seven 1 months old had never borne his weight on his feet.- ' To-day, by the hejp of God and a faithful admmls tration of the Remedy the child" Is well and strong in the legs, and last . Sabbath morning whfle the : ' mother was weeping at the necessity of drying up ' her breast, he took hold and nursed es strong ana 1 vigorous as ever. The- admlnCitration of thev Remedy is still kep up to effect a complete cure. - 1 "BeUevmgin its efficacy f have -prevailed upon Mrs. to take it for Inflammatory Rhenma- . 1 i. i asm. L II II ! A T 'T li I .S ! Fads are Stubbaro Thioes. Uolored font Call and see our goods and prices before rydii biiy;? ' ' .... , ,- ,.'V.!. ' 1 - Trade Street; GRAY & CO. Ii NTiPP.19 tv Tne - Onlr. JPrintinsr lxouse in , this Section Using Caps' , Patent Process for -Color Worlc. " From Tarboro Southerner July 17. Whfle visiting -Tarboro. on July - 8th: I was re auested to visit Miss Mary E. Staton. seven mile from town, who for seven weeks had been suffering excruciating agony rrom some blood poison, sup posed to De poison oaK. ,un last Tuesday, at her request, I went to see her, and expected to see great suffering, but was not prepared for the scene that met me. I found the patient broken out all over with an eruption which had occasioned such in tense itching that during the . paroxysms she was perfectly uncontrollable, and had scratched and torn herself to .pieces until her aeony was indes cribable. During these paroxysms she would have to be held, and hes screams could be heard a long distance. She would pray for death to come to her relief; her whole body was purple and raw, and ex uded a yellow water which satuarted the bed through several thick quilts that day she had pos sessed herself of a thick gutta nercha coarse comb ana oerore sne coma De preventea, naa raxea ner self with it with such force as to break out some of the teeth, thus adding to her agony. She was at tended by as good physicians as Tarboro and her neighborhood could afford, but their treatment af forded only occasional relief , by. outward appli cations, and no .permanent Denent, as the parox ysms continued to return With increasing violence. upon viewing the conaltion of . the patient I called AND REiD EVERY V0RD OF IT THIS IS FOE OH AEL0TTE PEOPLE, RHEUMATISM AND TONIC. .... - ' . - ' .."ii!'--'' Charlotte, N. Cr, Dec. 10, 1884. I have used Mrs. Joe Person's. Reme dy, and it is the finest medicine I ever used for Rheumatism., For more than , twenty years I have been afflicted with musculaT Rheumatism, and had tried every known remedy; ' but without' avail I was often so bad off and suf fered so much that I CQuld notlie down, but had to be propped up in bed. I had been subject to thesev severe at tacks for twenty years. I tried. Mrs.' Person's Remedy last .spring," and am perfectly cured. It is the best medicine. in the world, I . think. ' No words of mine can express the-beoefit J have de- v rived from its use. I suffered from pal-im putation of the heart upon the least ex- . . ertion. Of that I am perfectly relieved. ' ' , My health is now perfect, and it is all ' owing to Mrs Joe Person's Remedy. I am strong and, well, and can takeex tended exercise without fatigue. I ad-- vise all who need a Tonic,' or are suffer ing with Rheumatism or Ecemai to '! ' take it. I was induced to try it by it , having cured my little grandson oi Ecp- - 'MRS. S. M. HOWELL. ' B:u,RaEss::-,,N WHOLESALE AND BET AIL DEALEB IN all kinds of i i u ?6' oo' 50 . - Futnres. 'i-y vwocu UUiei nnt. atoaAv solas HA QIYI Kalaa u"mj i BUiW ux.tw r... . ...... ' " x :. ,-'..'.-,,,, fvwjmDer... Per..... ber. mber fnuary ibroaiy, iDtani rSr following are the total net re v. WLWIII ar oil vtsil-n.... 4. rt O - . 1QOJ fcj- . UU1L9 OCJJU ifiU XCX7X. LV"' - - . . . . i iwrni -125,498 ca- 9.923.93 .643.65 9.58. 59 9.603.61 U .. . ;9.653.67 V....1.....r...V.r.i 9.77.78 . ........ ... ..- 9.W3.88 io.osa.o9 .. I. ...... 10J83.20 thefamily .together and told them to bear witness that I PBoansED nothing. I could not tell whether mr Remedy would relieve or not, , as 1 had never even imagined such suffering, but it could do no Harm and mignt do goocu 1 then gave her a large dose of the Bitters; and as soon as toe paroxysm was over, I sponged her hole body with the Wash, while doing so she would call out. 'Oh. that does feel so good;'- I then gave her another dose of the Bitters, and she was soon in a sweet sleep. I con unued this treatment, and whenever the itcmng would recur, I would sponge - the - body instantly with the Wash, which, in everv instance allayed tha irritation or itcnine. and warded on tnose vioieni paroxysms. ' She did not have an attack during the day. and by 4 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, the disease was under perfect control. .The Itching would recur, out every tune, was anayea Dy me ap- pncatlon of the Wash. -1 left her Wednesday easy and comfortable, with directions for the treatment to be continued during the night, and as long as was neeessarv. I came aerain to see her to-day. The prices given above are for cneap Saturday, the lzth, and found her up and dressaa, Letter Heads, nt Y- ': 't V ' I Note Heads, Bill Heads, , .' Envelopes, , . ! Tags, - $3.00 per 1,000 - 2.00. " 2.Q0; '2.50 2.00 it stock. BEDDING, &C. A fall line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS. LOUNGES, Parlor and Chamber Suits, Cof fins of all kinds on hand. No. 6 West Trade Street, Charlotte, North Carolina. ' and in the regular prosecution of ' her household duties, bhe is entirely relieved, aitnougn sne win. of course, have to take the Bitters some time to completely eradicate the poison from her blood. During Wednesday, sne would rrequenuy can ror the Bitters, as she craved Its soothing and quieting effects, and during the day I administered a whole bottle, with the above results, thuaf proving, what have always claimed, that my Remedy is an Infal lible antidote for all blood Impurity.' I am, .1 Respectfully, MBS. JOE PERSON. o o IB(i5fivcD All classes -of v. Book ' Binding and ...... J - -. , i ' . - I .!..:-. ;h "'-..'.. ' , . . " - .,. Blank Book .Manufacturing executed at Short Notice. tfflore. !Yrk -ston. . tMelDhla. ' J U4t m -NEW LOT OF- Thls is toertifv that the foreeome statement is perfectly correct in twry partlcmar, as we were eye witnesses of Miss Mary s Buffering anithe wonder ful relief afforded by Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy. - n i- "'- 1 - - - Felix Staton, -... . - ,N. CORNKLitra Staton, ; PATTIK MCDOWXLIir Tarboro, N. CL, July 12th, 1884. This is to certifTthal Mrs. Person's statement In regard to my suffering Is tree and perfectly cor rect in every respect as regards my condition ana the renez anoraed oy ner itemeay. v - - - . --- ' " '' MABl jJTATUZI. Tarboro, N. a, July 12th, 1884. . Yr'" w 'HE ' MBATrVB V--.. -721.126 511.201 V 91,852 649,836 ' 99,841. . 3,770 ? 69,816 58.863 ; 211,530 V 10,887 y J 6.084 T 24.087 ' 11.230 687 4,712,047 ' Black A. IL & W. B. NISBET, Who ! esa I e G roce r y LACES, etc., etc., at COTTON STATEMENT. ' ,125 "2J:98 d 71V IM7 i4w 19 1 theweek.. 17,722 ftSSlwSS- S-ports durlng week o E - - - - f . . Will: receive uromDt v attention, and customers will receive the same treat- ment as if contracts are made in person. ;' ''"''." '' '"'-,J' ''-- ''""' : - " '. ' Address,- : - ; - TIIE OCSEIXTJEE, ' .'' y'- ' Charlotte', Commission Merchants. i .. . - . " -',' -'I 1 i a! J ? ?. 'd r i r. 4: 'y II. II. JORDAN i CI), Iriijfisrs, Spring Corner. We have lust put up a large lot of 'fhevceTebratedy' viola Cologne, in ats., pts., pts. and pts.''t; Manufactured only by . B. H. JORDAN & CO., Druggists. ' FOB MENr WOMEN, B0T3 AND GIRLS. Expands the chest, promotes free respiration of- the lungs. A perfect skirt supporter for ladies. Easily adjusted and worn with comfort. For Bale by - y , ' . ; R. H. JORDAN & CO., Springs' Corner.- ' DraaSf1' i j A COMPt.UTEX.IHE OF , Lubln's, Lundborg's and Lazell's Fine Triple Ex-' tracts In bulk or bottles, at - . y, . - y b: H. JORDAN & CO.'S, - ' , ' ; -. Springs' Corner. SnKliek' Quinine llair Tonic Is the best preparation made for cleansing andlm- ; -parting vigor to the scalp, thoroughly eradicating . dandruff and preventing the hair from falling out Prepared exclusively by".- s.. ' -' , v ; A B. H. JORDAN & CO. . , Springs' Corner. . Druggists. . 9 I If Hanson's Magic Corn galre v. Warranted te cure corns, bunions, &c. 15c. per box. Try It. For sale by, v' - - ; , B. H: JORDAN CO. ERSKINKGOLLEdB - - v f - DUE WEST, SOUTH CAROLINA. Organlred in 1839:-? Holds to. a regular college curriculum', although provision ls made foriho?e who prefer a special course. Total expenses for the entire year, $185; -Faculty complete, send for catalogue, auglldl2t President ALCOHOL. POCKET STOTE3. - We have the most IpBproved Alcohol Pocket Stove : out.' The very thing tor the riursery,- sick room " -y travelers, Ac.; Simple and comptate. 2;e. ea3h.. . , B. H JOBDAN & (.. Spraga Corner. ' . ' J JUST RECEIVE I. - ; " ':- A large stock of Turkish Bath Towels, and Bath J, Sponges of finest texture. -, Just the thing for sea- n , side travelers, v :;',V' , . , ' ' B, H. JOBDAN ACQ.; Druggists.' . " CHARLOTTE . FEIJALHi iKSTITUTEj Session FJeinsr Sept: 2d, IS 85. . The saisie corps of teacher as last session wlta one excep'ion (thetea:her of Modern.Languages), ' . is engaged for next sess Ion,' , - v . , . . , . t 'TEBM3-t25, $20 and $15 per term, according tq, . grade, lor English studies, .r - For Trthe'lmrmaticn apply to the principal .; augl3dti , i ".' BV. WM.K.'ATKlNSOi S -

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