i ' - if J ' - ft D;AILX Ii O T T E O B SE RE R SIT U ft U A Y -AMJ a U ST 15, l bb5. tvWIVirvTrtttivnTttH T& Aignang. , r. . . - BtJ.wii 1 la a, da j 1 iieKlec ' nX to J th. way , for KapiiDedui li i - i " Vl . nnr"nr. rV N i UWJt iiiifllii "me DEST TQIIIC. ' . Quickly and completely Cures Dyrpeprta in au n i t :Viai nniHnMthe blood, etamn- lates the airoetite. and aida BKV. J.T. KOB81 nm fha fliiiiimil&tion of food. ttttr. the honored pastor ot toe TW TlfiWmed Ohurch. Baltimore, Md.. says : Havinr need Brown's Iron Bitters lor JJyspepsia and Indigestion, I take great pleasure m recom- mendingr it highly. Also consider it a splendid tonic '.V ark and crossed red lines and invigorator. and very strenc . Mniiitt ViaQ hnvA trail ft TT1 ATM i vouu.uu . , , j 1 w m wrapper. TftKe no orut-r. V1 Vc. '.it. BROVOf CHEMICAL CO., BALTIMORE, BID. Lathes' HanX Book useful and attractive con taining list of prizes for recipes information about coins, etc.VgiverJ away by all dealers in medicine, or mailed tp any address on receipt of 2c. stamp. . . PATENT !l CASH B OXES 'i . For city and ' country mef- r AhantEL Hand v to keep bills and coin separate, and coins of : different .value . from' getting mixed, as well as always hav- ' - ..'.;'y . . "", ';' ' -' ' f.-',-';-' J". : :ing the cash ready to' put in " " - .. . 4. . .". heisafe. or convey rit to an ; ' other place. Merchants are in- ; . vited to examine them. " '- -r. . Jt . ....,-. : TiDDY & BRO. t 4 - SELFJiAiSING X rrephmlioR. HEJJIOE 'OFvTUE DAY. luUill6 - . Formerly cotnna were maae 01 cypres and muscular, excellent walkers, clever i : . . J workmen; they W rather a large l. countenance with high cheek r bones,- The giraffe has jnever been known to thick eyebrows and' coarse thick black- tter a sounds ,r5- it hair and beard,with an oliye or. dark r A leper was once classed; Tritli idiots, brown complexion,- They are generally; madmen and outlaws, and; was not al" frank, rude; brusque," negligent in their lowed to inherit. c -...., : . attire, and in war capable of the worst ' Hamilton Cole, the well-known Kew deeds. ' One should never take the char- yor lawyer, who bought a copy or the acter of la people either from themselves Guttenbuig bible, in 1881 at the Brinley or ffuui ,uicu -ijucuum At. ,; yv rr-- saiq ior ?,uuu, soia it recenny or 910, 000. . - . x The electrical conditions consequent on the earthquakes in the provinces of TftMn fKe Tnan with tb? mbst -property that ; has the ' gfe'atestr will power. -Low-eU Courier. . -'.- When a man-is just- about to sneeze you couian 6 ouj iiuu uji., . w- sulate. jsoicon rom. . a , "Nothing is impossible ? to him who wills," says a philosopners jno, norip: tno lawyer wiiu wuuuvw vw Boston' Post..- , v - ,;- " A grain of sand may be the germ of a new worm,. uui. uuwuu i", nlane does more good m tne rusnina mesent: (7arZ TvetsdU ' Weekly. - - " , A writer asks, " Y try aoes tne moaern woman tire bo eaetijr that the .modern woman usually, has a moderhliusband to look after. vrapnu: Her pa and' ma were safe in bed " -' ' They'd gone to sleep with the birds; . fJ The girl hung onto tho garden eate, . - : Her beau hung on td her words. BelL the telephone man, has an article in the current issue oL Science,- telling how to avoidlcebergs; ; Wejiayen't teaa it," but one: good way is to travel only by railroad. Adrristown tercuar " I ?i Professor Huxley calls a primrose . " a corollifloral dicotyledonous exogen,V but he wouldn't do it-if Vthe ! primrose was a m- to hit back., Some menv are terri bly overbearing to ward the yreak.--2?-. ton rost. : . -'y -, ' ; ... Have Tou," asked the judge of a re cently convicted man, -."-anything to Offer the court . before 7 sentence s is , passed!' " NoTourH6n0r,M replied the prisoner, my lawyer, took my:ta3t cenu -j-ocrun- ton Truth. ' . " ,. ; It is. claimed thatithe highest acuity ,of language :is--to conceat thought.. It may be, but wHen Vman falls , oyer a. wheelbarrow in the darfcitrseems to lose its grip somewhat in that particular t Chicago Ledger J :- ' '': ;i? M f A ' Vermoftt- paper; ipeaking of the fashion of making gold badges to repre- 'sent kitchen utensils, asked how a gold eridiron would strike us. - Very mucn like an iron one, -perhaps, if ; we didn t t social 1 sratherinff an Osh- kosh woman demonstrated thathe could hold .. her ; breath two. minutes., . Within three days afterward she got nineteen proposals of marriage and an offer from a aime museum vttoayt juyoi. j j friends, who, while praising : generally, occasionally indulge in a severe if. not malicious criticism.' If we -were to be- Ueve an Afghan proverb, -he who does g h&y .g not onen his door to , the . stranger is net . .... J7 J ' -, 41!.. rA. . who hare tality to vineyards that were given up a dead. , : - :., --.. , ; A, , peculiarity, in workers". in" German silver spoons is the . color of the hair, which in time becomes dyed a, pale green that requires years to change. The . par ticles of metal which is chiefly copper exceDtion. -1 lsp : produce a disease similar to con- an AfVhan." But the nelis known them best, find no eo)d word in praise Of - them except for. tllsir bravery. I saw .Tery ; many Aignansf in wairn Asia, and I am obliged to admit that .all the cases of ; extreme rudeness, incivility or fanaticisnrwhich came under my par ticular noticcr were, with one exception, from Afghans. icAtjihe, same untejon t h A f crhans are respected. ' It is the fashion everywhere ; dose of the next. two centuries, there will to fmitate the walk of an Afghan, or at be ia theorld i53,370,0a0eople speak- .11 n arrano-A nnA's tnrban in US t "x we Atauan :aguge, , i,vw u. DecuUar i styler-one little end .sticking ; French, 157,480, 000 , the German, 505, -' EbJve thread, theother failinl .286,000 the Spanish; and 1,837,286,153 down to the left shoulder. Most JSngilsn 1 vu Jj,ngiu. - ; ' -. v - -travelers cbmnlain.ot ;Afrhan bad faith, An exchange says: ; VThere is. in and if .we may believe a Hindoo proverb, Schuyler county, New Yrk, a young 4God protect you. from the vengeance 01 1 old, man who, - without : apparent cause, iimption. Max Muller has calculated that,' at the The Ileal thful and Nutritious ' K -'AKIW Q iOWEll : -.. restores to the flour the strength-giving phosphates pre removed with the bran, and which are re quired by Oi system, tfo other Baking ; Powder does this. It costs less and Is healthier and tronger than any other powder. " - ilOME TESTIMONY FROM r f. X t. if .. I. ' t i, -I '-- " i - l . 1' T. C. ; SMITH, M. s D. . V CJHiBLOTTK. N. C, Feb. 27, 1885. ' - It Is a well-known fact that the process of mak lug wheat flour rem?ver with the bran lh the bolt ing, a portion . of the: natural phosphates of the grain. Phosphates )are of ther-greatest value In maintaining mental and physical vigor. Of an the ' preparations used to raise bread, Horslord's Bread Preparation Is the oply one that replaces the phos phates of the grain which are . of great nutritive mportance. It is composed of acid phosphate of lime which takes the place of the cream of tartar; and the alum of other preparations and bicarbo nate of soda. The result of the chemical actlpp when the preparatioh and the soda are added to." flour mixed In the f arm of dougn, Is a unloii bf the phosphoric acid and! thV soda, thus liberating the carbonic acid gas, hlch perforrixs the rlslng pro cess. The resulting phosphate of lime and soda left In the bread strengthens the nutritive value of the bread which thus (gains tn thC elements! brain, blood and bone food. , Here. In the South, where the heat tells jon the :vltaf forces wlthenet vating effect, bone and braM;j:xdbewhies:of;the utmost Importance. Th Horsford Bread Prepa ration Is ot the first value on this account, and ho other baking powder Is so well adapted to the de mands of the Southern country. . I have used the Horsford Preparation In my family for the past ten years, and certainly would haven other. . , , ' T. C. SMITH, M. D. t FROM C. QRESHATVO l?rop'r. Kailroa!. , I$etiuj-ant. m' , ' -jl.l jsi ji i : x Commercial and other travellers In theSoith will attest to the fact that twx) of theest rallr ad ! restaurants south of Vlrgliairejfo iefoin l at : Charlotte, K; C,and Way Cross, Ga.- Bad brea 1 is the crying evil In the Soutepcountrji and jthe exceuani quamj ui uie sipie. arycie.oxaopa piet with at the Charlotte Railway, Dining Room, nver. "fails to Impress those who patronize It. 5r Clar ence Gr'esham, the niafiagei, Writes f'2 j j ,T have used Horsford's Bread Preparation since " Smith""whV don't you get your dia- tnnTid4Mmea?"v8aidtJohesir',Where can I do that?" innocently asked Smith; "At the ;TJnited States -Plate Glass In surance Company, of coupe " and a cool ness has grown up petween meia. rw hurg Telegraph.iif ,i t:MS.3- :f' ' . Nothing makes a man prouder than to find when he has got his garden nicely laid out and the seeds all in, that every hen -within a mile of him seems deter mined to have a claw in the . jdb, and to show him how she would have arranged matters if : he had consulted her. Fdtt Biter Advance: ' " " "' 11 j--Attbrnev General Garland ; decide that an Indian cannot hold a postoffice. iKot having a very loud "voice i m the mattfir. this -naner will- not criticise the Attorney-General's decision, bul"Tdoes seem that- a man who can hold a buck v . . . .. . ... . jumping pony: can hold almost anytmng 'Arkcufiwt Traveller . , , "Pray tell me the difference, dear," . . '- Said Edward to his lass, - - - ; " sf 'There is between a store cashier . .-. And, the teacher of a class!'? ; ' The damsel, smiling, said; ?I will, .1 This difference you will find - v 'l The store cashier he minds the till, ;. r - -The teacher tilk the mind.'? -t I " ' - ' 1 Pantoyl finurier, - The Ranking1 Hostler. -- t Gen. Stannard's second Vermont bri- -. gade camp at Union Mills in the spring of 1863 was the gayest camp possible in the Army of the Potomac. ' It boasted of such representatives as CoL Hooker,; chief of staff, Lieut. Schermerhorn, Hill, ' Prentiss, Perley. Downer, George M., Clark, Hank White, etc., of which CoL Hooker was the recognized leader. ! In "foraging" some ; of the boys of the bri gade had; discovered an antediluvian yehicle, very costly and stylish probably h the days of its make in England. -But It had. been outrof use for fifty years or more, and was kepi as an heirloom. , r The discovery of the carriage tame to "Hooker's knowledge, and he at once levied .updn it. It! was brought- into r camp, ana witn six mules m the bands Of the brigade teamster, the members of General Stannard 's staff started to go the rpunds.p.f ;: inspecting regimental head quarters. They were gope nearly the whole afternoon, : and, of course' were obliged to stop everywhere on their rounds to "take something. " The times -wernot-sd; strictly temperate then as cJeThere;nivas but -: little doing in mpaStnnardi was not aware of their ahseiice6r 'their mission, until this 'bhtehdef ithj the party, drove up to hisheadquarters and called him out. r -..;.-It.is said that ;the general ' was- very mucn chagrined at the predicament they: were in and considerably angered, too,-. ; Hooker sat with the driver on his "seat in the air," while Schermerhornj'-Hilt,1. Prentiss and Downer were in, the box" belowi-General Stannard did not intend the "rig" should depart, so he stepped to tne muies on the lead and took one by the bit. Theh he swent f orchis. boyS at a furious rate, using more adjectives and expletives tb.au Miss Cleveland, . if possible, but not the same sort. . One by one tney cot out 01 ; tne uonieaerate. bugsrv below and made for their quarf ters as-brst;they could,-taking plenty ? 01 time. v. . ', -, Slannar'd iindTairected the most of his conversation to Hooker, who, in turn, advised' his comrades to v go to their quarters. Finally "Hooker ;caTno' down; cot down and went directly to'Staniiard and quiet y said: MkSee here, general; I eel that I have been hoffcfdjtodayi ;as never; berore. : 1 nave-Deen compumeni evond mY exnectations, because lie first time in my: lifellateYef had P. firif iiQlUF' LICUClal U.UUi3lK.l, .: u fwontxr.fivp rental tfikn it." The ?en wal to ok iii the ridijvjcruresspje Rir,nn.T,ion ana ciosea ms icciurc jvnu anlenhant. i cobra or an. Af khan." The women," who at home are not kept" under as severe ' restrictions as in others Mohammedan, countries, are, by general consent, -i pretty and; are said to have played no little "part in the cauiesSrhich' fed to the " massacres of the English: at Cabul; At the same time they "are gen erally. Intelligent and faithful, and an. Oriental proverb, says: "lio to inaia to eret rich, to Cashmere to amuse yoiirself, but take Jan Afchan wife." ' Observers tell 1 ns that " the' Afghans are the "on people in the East ; where there is any trace of the sentiment of .'love accOn to bur notions The lore stories preva lent'in Afghan legends - and Afghan lit erature - can - scarcely be brought up r as - proof ; pf . : this, a V- stories equally sentimental exist in other Eastern countries. Among certain tribes no man is allowed to see his wife until the mariiaee ceremohy is completed ; in otners mere mere is aimost au equ&i o serve; and although the lover with, his future , father-in-law . and- earn his. bride by his services, as Jacob did Rachael,' he may never see her. Yet.in the ereater part of Afghanistan the living plainly on a farm, has in eighteen years passed 'through the physical changes of four score. . At the age of six Jie had all; the -development of strength and muscle usual in a lad of fifteen. . At twelve "his beard was grown and gray hairs appeared, Nqw, at ' eighteen,- he is as decnpit as an old man 01 ' eighty, and seems tottering : on the verge of the i "Queer" is a word without a meaning, I 1 nnn haa ifa rftitnfirrm.rf." in nrk ntW lan. 'T tniasre. ' It had its its origin in the brain of Quin, the actor. He one evening lovers once affianced are allowed to go "courtim? " if one mav so call it. That f 197' - --. j-i - i -iM. i.i- 1 1 1, made a bet with a nobleman of 100. that by .breakfast time . the .next morning there should be in the mouth of Lon doners a word that ' was never before heard.: The bet was accepted," and when the theatre was closed that night the ir repressible actor furnished7 each of the "supers" and others whom he had hired, with good ' lump of chalk, and in-; equsi ic- gtnicted one and all -to jgo throbgh the may live I principal streets of the metropolis and ohol tr An 4-hk ti a m tha wvn aiiaaf' W The. task was', accomplished, and " the next morning the: Deople were startled by seeing such an unusual sight. Some telieved it a signification of danger that a. secret: enemy was near, and this was his watchword. " So the word went thtt ronndu in " t.b-' moirt umazinsr " wav: male relatives, although these visits are qj- 0f course, won the wager, "and . . . . , . , ' - 3- is, tne lover visits nis onae oyxtigai. auu is admitted by hex mother of other ;fe- sunnosed to be keot secret from -the. father. All innocent freedoms are permittee- . and the cases are rare where nature is.allowed to step ; beyond the bounds of injunctions. As 'in all Mus sulman countries poloy gamy exists; but most , of the people - cannot afford to avail themselves of their privileges and content themselves with one,' wife, or, at ; the nfost two. While" the Af-e-hans verv common Iv :marrv : into the the world won a new word. Use MULLENS V.-'. , CELEBRATED 1 The Favorite it'Lioiiiii Househo Id i'Re m edy. IT NETEtt PAILS TO CURE AXJL AC DE AII PAIXS. T - , ' . . Oak Gkove. rnlon County, N.C., July 28,1855. Dear Sir This certifies that I have used your Hornets' Nest Liniment and am satisfied that it w9 uu ub 10 uiaLuc- lutii. j- i uuu it gwu ui wuc, auto irua.ii, UQaueiuue, eu;. J Ao. A. rULK W. N.-MmNr -v 'U'V-jt:'(::"vi;;;:i:....'; - Chaelotte. N. C, Jul? 9. 18 Dear Sir I can cheerfully recommend your Hornets' Nest Liniment for-spralns. I used a halt botft I vu ij nu:c x cuiuu euu.ucijr ucttf uiy wcigi uu, uuu iu iweivo liou rs it was perieriiy well. Yours truly, . W. C. WILSON. For sale bjr -all Druggists and Country Merchants. W. N. MULLEN, ' Proprietor . .... . . ; . . . . ......7.Chrlotte. N. C. ; Thousands of cases of 4 We ftubnrduiAtft Rlafises of tne Doouiation. lli nAJ.r .llsvnr tKVtatifrVifova tnnarT? kept allVe. other than Afghans of their ovf n ranfcT - I nave ' . The. Coca Plant. owe many.v things to Peru,' so many, in fact, that were it not' for them it is ah interesting question to study but what condition our race might occupy at . this day different from. that of the; pres ent.. The Peruvian silver turned a num erous emigration to the shores of this continent," while the Peruvian cinchona the newcomers who i might ' a 1 :Thi At ofhfcn in his nwn cnuntrV nevei l"Te? ymyiiti! himSAlf with. AnrtMnff w.nt vculixi . , o " r BrrnVHnro awv r. 'wm i vi n n n aah i England and 5n th,.4L. rtm,0 oni l perity of agriculture, and we owe a great France through the pros- a I assume4thcopduct.of Jhe Richmondanjl nan " vllle Dlnmg:Koip.Sj It iCijaciottQahd the excellent success I have met with,in satisfying the travelling ptfWlc In the Important matter of bread la. duetoJ.; the Use of this, the best or all Baking Powders." heartv laugh- to offend h1rrf Jitter tVt.Y Messenger, v boys were slow in the 'countrv. lea vine commerce and the menial arts to the larisre class xf Tad- jicks and Kyzibashes (redheads), the lat ter Persians, so called from their1 being in the habit of dyeing ; their hair and j j . j x rrn oeara rea. t oporcis aounuanu - x ere is game 01 au -mas, aunougn uie taica yi Uons are, now believed' to be fictitious, and even tigers are rarely found, f When debt of gratitude for the same gift. ' And how ICwe s have a 'new .medicinal agent : wiach"promisest a's notable an ahsesthetid for local application "as ether or chloroform have been In other ways. This plant has. lonff been known from its uses among the t Peruvians. been addicted- tP - it. as a pi Headache are permanently cured every year (as thehundr of testimonials in my possession will testify) by the . use of ; . DR. LESLIE'S ' Special Prescription. This medicine Stands -td-.d ay without a rival; and with scarcely a competitor in the world. ThouS' iildf?f tneast-attdotherfatai ands "of "physician s throughout thecotfntrr haveacknowJ- which met the unacclimated ad- , j'j.t. i.mi. a t- ' V J .. . lWs.' Peruvian guano has enriched edged their, inability to Cure it; and are now prescribing Dr, Leslie's Special Prescription for all cases of who have pleasing ana nuu v ukcio cue i at j jawuu.va. . T - . i . aA a. rrti hunting is fmpossible me Afghani to many simple games practiced) by all fves are rolled, up with a httlejime m chUdren of ( nature whetber; simply sav- , .;t" --"r 'r-r77r:" age'men br civilized youth-iSarbles, is swaUowed produces slight in- . U.a.mfA- : . J AJA.l-.Ckil.JlA. a, ILKA. 4 1k OVA VSAA ' aafcWUUMVAVU w rest. - As the native workmen take their ball and gymnastics--.Etfflww Schuyler. coca four , times ; a day, the prolonged rests iyhich it ' encdurages arej serious drawbacks ta their industry. As a, set off against", this, however, i it is claimed that.the laborer can perform a great deal of . labor, by the help of this, stimulant with very little food.'; The" same claim we think has-Teen made for beer and ther alcoholic timulants.' -'X .' ' ; "'.- ; The new use, of coca, -howev-er, is of the, greatest importance , to. the human face. 'By a chemics.1 ; process " ah alka loidfor' its7 active principle; -cocaine has -Xouisiana. 560.C00 ; Maine, ' $50 eea parated -from ithe; leaves. it This Maryland, f 3, 150. 000 : MassachttU iwr,tv'r yj - - "6 VVtT ?; ' .What -the;; States Pay. r , r .The; internal revenue, receipts of last fear were $121,000,000; this year they will -probably- be about - $110; 000, 000, distributed' about as follows : Alabama, 000 ; Arizona,, $2750; - Arkansas 000: California, $3, 800, 000: Colo-. rado, $200,000 ; Connecticut, $425,000 ; Dakota,.-J10,000; Delaware, $200, 000 ; Florida,: i $173, 000 ;, Georgia, $375, 090 : Idaho; $2,500 ; Illinois, $25,000,000 ; In diana, : $5, e00,D0O: ) Iowa, $2,750, 000 ; Kansas, $167,000 ; Kentucky, $15,000, 000; OQO; ietts,2,400,OOO ; "Michigan, C$1, 500,000; fffTOI . , "-T TJ VT Minnesota,' $500,000 ; Mississippi, $50,. hl " T Ann. i-MnlU a Mia AAA . - me haa-been chiefly-used; in serious ope- 1125.000 : , .Nebraska- $1,500.000 : N- ritvda, '5,000; ew". Hampshire, $375 000; New; Jersey;'; $3,475,000; New HexieovfWOj New York, $i3,500, 100 North .Carolina. $1,600,0001 Ohio, lylvanla, -C7,iW)flW)0 ;; - Rhode ilsland IISO.-OOO r wUth Uaroiiha, $83,000 1 rirmeyrt250f 000; Texas, $223,000; IJUhf-.X,000;..Vermont, $80,000; Vir rinhs t3,000, 000 ; i Washington; t $7, 000 ; nAaf Tifrinia K.tA AAA . Wiimnoin 13,000,CW ; "Wyoming, $1, 500. .,r ' - - r , : A Panama Hat. Theifamoua Panama hats are all mad 14 Quay ifquJUa .Ecuador, and get their name, because Panama merchants formerly chhtfiotled:the ii,ade; ": They are made ol ihe pitafibfe aiort of palmj and are ibraiaed irnider water by: native women, ol t strands often twelve .and fifteen feet long, and flne , ones, are very expensive. It bfteh takes two .or three'weeks to braid V a single hat,' which sells" for five or six . dollars, ana . ias lorever ,a " traveler, 'Bpeaksof one made of a (ingle straw oj. -fibre, as nne o uireaa ana soil: as aiik. rations upon the eye with! great success ; 'but its vise jn f the treatment pf General Grant has' brought it into greater .notice . and'hhs popularized ' its hamg and repu-f- iatidn. It is exceedingly :c6stly, having ' been sold for several dollars" a grain; and its: costliness prevents rits use,;exdepting .jn rare -cases. : The nlanisa smau shrub bo'at. 'fle tb; eighty eet !high which fofm of the leaf ds an ovoid, prolonged and .narrowed at the .base. r--The shrub grows in te mountain -districts, where it is 'cultivated; n plantations for the leaves, which' form an article bf domestic commerce; and are'soldf in andried Btate -for .a4qllar vor;more"peT 3 ppun . The first crop of leaves is picked 'When the shrub' is" fiVe years bid, after .which ah an nual gathering is made;;f Theleives are now; iaiportedintd Europe and Americii and the traffic promises) ;to ; become ini portan t and the. value to mcfease largely for some timje at leastj-as oewi plantations re .of so,wgrowthj , It i$ ,quite.probable tiat. th.e'ptant wouldgrpw successfully :f n some' per1 ions" bt the 1 tjnfted States- or Mexico or Cuba, and the supply be larger 4y;increasedi Its, known .value and the in either its nervous, bilious or congestive form, arising fron obstructionicongestion orr torpidity of the hyer. When I sa that Dr. Leslie's ' - ; SPECIAL Prescription will cure the most obstinate cases of Sick Headache, I meanjjust what 1 say, and that Ulclli All UUll IXlClCiJ xvueves uuv - t ' 1 r'-":- -5.":-- l.'itiV-' ?.: .-.'' t cure, no matter how long the case may have been standlne - -a I have testimonials from persons who have been afflicted for twenty years, being confined tobedw ux tmcrjudjs dvii uiud iwu vvecnay ma, caye ueen ,permanenuy curea dj wq DOuiesoi w.; iiv. a k.xciiA - so that they have hot had wish to be . an PRESCRIPTION If you. are troubled with sick teadacteJaiS attack for over five, years. liCIiSufiScI be sure and give this remedy a trial : Price 50c. and $I.0Q . : may7eodly . , , " ' ; . v r . -' FOB SALE BY. . : ; v. ' a B. ARCHER, Saratoga Springf,N. I. jTC,: SMITHS CO.. Charjotte, N.C , rrl.a lrAm n n wnn man if' &nrpnor1 4-- ftatl - v- " a ne United States gives it a genetal m .raluedatSO, -.s.: .st; Specially tb - tne dinners of especially rifynrMver Reminds Ton i v.t-FidiidaAUid Southern I Calif ornia.-Jvw its-existence Vbf dull pain or sharp twinge's In Torh: Times. ,4guv w :BHaw me reenter shoulder-. - blaaevftcceiK werfemjnfler as awarhinafc.andregs JJC hlita the mssat wlthontloss of timA hl!ift?is nf P lorty re'ftrsEiperieMidr an liJlHrse. 'MrsV-tiWIhslo i Soothijhff xferMrKu fofililrair tftfthlT(7 1a ffeA niVkaArirttinn rvf rrta at tha hast- fa. constipatiotu lurrBguerdlSQrder of the stom f male phrsteia&s rnf rurstetthe Vhited states; Hostetters Stomach Bitters' iTlieXMvesyaintonais are jauaujji' ,i i ujici.jLiiLyejiQKness.oi tne SKin. 3ut la' If all so-called remedies have railed, Dr. Sagejs. Catarrh Remedy cures - - s - suhthnriw. TeformsrStpmptly tge- otner super- powenu: anr nurr amei.. bi&e pilL and. ft r mri fro- - T-wrrTi o 1 w desifcnatttf.as remedies iotfiijiousness' (Appetite and 4ssttorr are re8tL and the bowels-resume :oE .health-? -ststi ianti btllous' medicice.4 I nrhlfiH alSO has the efTfiPt.nfAtuHnhiyA o.j i M the -forttfyin? the Jsystetof gainst, malarial Infection in air or water. It Is ak4 MgtJly beneflnaLIpr. rheumajism-,; iepej,.'' bladder- and has been ased-f onJErweara- wltb,- npver-fail- Ing success Uy'mlflions of mbthrts for their fehil' dn? a. ttTejteees:ie:chtjdfr9mpaw(edy8en tery andidlarrbcea.gnDlf'sr m tne bo els and wind motnet WBwonld say taewry mother wlw has a child'stiffeFJmj-fram isaf nt itheJf oregoftiff cora plaintsv Do nor tet Ur. prelude v-BOMbf pre- Judlces "of "otbe'rs, starid between your "Snflerine COtld aad ttiercelwf Wat jrtltebe'sare'yeaf absft lutely sure-to follow the iise of tb-V tvdicinfe;" sold by .6ruggtet3 lhrpul40ut t&a world iPrkx 2j3" cents a bottld.- - -"..-;"-.:.... . - - : - - ! 'V ,' . f ! -1 - '- . , , r m m V s - -To buy your Boots and Shoes of us. re claim for- gv:. our gooasme very njgnest sianuaruot cj-ceueuoe: CO lit ,i S ..j-O . .V.'rT3.. : 3 ".. - i.-' and our stock this -season ' being more complete P : fthan ever, w are. enabled to offer special nduceV'y -4 - ments In the way, of superior Quality; "handsome . styles, and Low Prices, 4We- extend bo all In need P' of anytlng inonrllni i cord tel-Invflatfon to call , 5. Orders by ma wjll receive " caref uf and prompt . ' "attention. I.' ' ' ' 1 -i:2i tr: Si--. & - . p r .- .... .... 13 A .v C3 CO ,1F ! i i.. a, 4 1.A "V- W. J. r A.V Street .lolm st on Block, Tryon -r4 11"