inn MT-.TfiV a fell J hi A .!' I' -J :, - t , . - i- - - - " - ' VOLUME XXXIV; QHAELOTTE, N. C THURSDAY AUGUST; 27,. 1885. PRICEETVE CENTS. Butterick's Fashion . Sheets and Catalogues for fall and winter. v' 4 9. o Some new Fall Prints and';Satteens,; in winter .styles . AT 2c. PER YARD. Look at ;Our Bytterfly Princess Ida Cprhfort Hip it 50c. Corset 75c $1,00 Adjustable; Hip 1.00 1.00 if ' "TXOTH. LIKE TKK SDH, SOMETIMES SUBMITS TO BR OBSCURED, BUT. LIKS TES SUN. ONLY FOB 1 too.", :7 - Subscription to the Observer. -'" . DAILY EDITION. ' . ; . Single copy. ...... 5 cents. Bytneweekln the city..... .... ....... 20 . Bv the month. .' 75' Three months . $2.00 Six months..,,- ;.; -4.00 - . One year 8.00 f WEEKLY EDITION. Three months.... '.. 60 cents.' Sixmonths......... $1.00 v One year............;.... .......... 1.75 X v in clubs of five and over $1.50. r- ICo IeTia.tion From These Rules ' Subscriptions always payable In advance, not only in name but In fact. , - ' - JUSTICE I? PERSIA- Punishments - Inflicted ' on the Subjects of the King of Kings. : St. James Gazette. ', - x ! .The judicial punishments of Persia i certainljrsseem very cruel; bucJihe most enlightened rulers of the coun try Insist that they are not vindic tive; they, are simply deterrents The robbers, and, those guilty of crimes of violence, and on the sectaries of the tsaab; it is also' the penalty for hieh treason In some cases men of i hieh rank. Condemned for the latter crime. are either poisoned or strangled. In my time, Kohrab Khan,4 who could not pay his revenue to the Crown and therefore revolted, had bis throat cud in ;Kturaz - Me naa surrendered upon a sworn promise that his life would oe spared ; but the Muschirul- Molk, his personal enemy , was actual ly, present reading an order; for his death when Zohrab Khan was exe- cuted 'at the back of the Governor's palace; ; . Within' the last three years tiussem ikuii Lnan, cmet ot tne Bakhtians, was " offered , , a cup of poisoned coffee when the guest' of the Zik-esSiiltan : on his refusing it -two farrashes stepped forward and stran -:o:- lOlilH u ll A P AAT1 A 6 Pa A Nursing fi fiood-Woven-rsct fdal; 66 Persia are blowiner from suns or mof tars, crucifixion walling up or bury ing alive,' burning alive, and in the few capital punishments of. women, lato Sissamu-Sultaneh, uncle of the Tan nrtT Unc w An a nf i t.h i. aWa nf Pe(i UP-P a ana jumped upon, well. jAIl theses -punishments have been inflicted within the , ; writer's Our Grand Summer Clearance Sale, as I veliias our g!6?! tS? ?hG oniy prime of Hussein Weekly Special Offerings, have proven to us that there is lot's Kull Khan, a noble and enlightened n Tfrti vu- ' i. 1 u : j. man.-w.aatHat'hea uc dcu, h cuuugu aiiuuubiikjul. is uuei tu. xuo : exceptional Dumsnments in This is Wot the Time provincial governors j yet, as he him self triumpnaptiy pointed out to me.- he shed less bloodi hrstand last, than his rivals," while the provinces under his f government were remarkably free from crimes of violence, I," he remarked, "take the great crimi nal red-handed, and I punish him in aiirh a wftf.har hia TMiniKhinAnti will Cnm o oTtrfnl imVionVi crnnt S Pnm P n n A SPP I not be: forgotten and that his fate will oumc v-r . . Y , be a terror fb evil doers. Unlike you them, knowledge rUnepoor-feiiowwice To. stand upon ceremonies; iust now, when we must make He was led out to be blown from a room tor Jb all ijrooas, we can not attord to stop and. think guni A fellow culprit had just been whether it is nrudent to sell an article whicri nosta ffil 95 fnr 90c Wise or unwise as it may " be. we must make sacrifices Truly, Europeans, I don't ; snut tne ,raan up for years; I have no grudge ; my pun ishmen ts are policy--1 commenced The - executioners prepared .to -lash him; to the muzzle of the gun ; but as he was a little man they": had to get some bricks for him to stand on. When all was ready the priming was . fired, but in the hurry the artillery men nad.rorgotten to load tne gun. in order to accommodate the Fall Stock,1 121c m GO manufacturers' 25 S. CHARLES STREET, BAUTI MORE, MD. URE OAK LEftTHER BELTING i Ajid Dealers in ITUBBER BELTING, PACKING , HOSE &e. - , - COTTON, WOOLEN find SAW MII.I4 SUPPLIES, &e. gents : Boston Belting Co.' s ; II HoVt's Leather Beit. : M t. Vernon Beltincr. M Joseph, Noones'i Sons j Roller Slasher and ; 6 Clearer Cloth. ., Tx;K. Earle's Card .V Clothing, &c who they had to deal with. It is true I then mercilessly executed some of them : but there are no i more crimes of violence,, duriner my tenure vof office; no more unsafe roads, na bur- glaries. Murders mostly unpremeds itated murders there certainly are, as there will be in all countries ; I exs ecute these men in a simple wayw So do Europeans." These are the ideas of a ereat Persian statesman. . The result in Persia hundoubtedlr what the Sissam stated: The province is quiet, criminals . are afraid, . honest men are sate. , ; V i : ; The ordinaryr punishments are the bastinado; . fines, imprisonment (simple coutmement), imprisonment PER YARD ONLY FOR a lot ot Broaaaed ur?sy Gooaa which never sold for less than 20 cents. - , '25c A PAIR FOR A REGULAR made Solid Colored Ladles' Hose which- bring 85c in the largest cities in the world. r , made to the Governor, . he refused to spare the man, and the poor fellow was v unbound, the" gun was loaded, and the cul prit blown away.:; The first part of this tragedy I myself witnessed. Crucifixion in Persia is done against s a wall l the sufferers occasionally live many hours. ' The crime of one man so ' executed was that of having stolen the golden neck let of ithe Prince Governor's horse : this was looked on as a sort of high treaspii. Some highway robbers who, among many other " achievements, had looted and carried off the writer of this article he fortunately escaped from them and murdered a flvud or holy man, were walled tip alive near glll?' '4TaMM KSJSS THESE PRICES OAn PER YARD ONLY FOR A L), lot ol All-Wool Albatross VeWngs !n evening shades. They are worth 85 cents. - CiCin PER YARD FOR A 21 Inch Ul BlaokSilk which Is worth $1 20 per yard. We have only tour pieces left. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY; 25c A PAIR FOR A LINE OF Ladies' Black Hose, which sold readily up to this day at 35c a pair.' ' ; . 1 C PER YARD ; FOR A , ijp 1 1 0 very heavy Gros Grain , Black Silk, worth $1.60. Quantity f limited.' ,.. i the scene of their crimes in hollow brick pillars.: Eleven other highway robbers in one batch were thus buried. alive in Shiraz in 1879-' while a priest was burned to death in. the public m irons (the chain gang), maiming, death. The bastinado is administered upon the bare soles of the feet Save by the King's express order, it is never nowaaays carneu bo aai wxxzM Shiraz X, before my ar issue; itf twi3nty years I"ner nrd- rjvi fnlpersia ; he was an exception- oi: latai ucdvuig. . xuo uium jr F , al y atrocious criminal. -WHICH IS- t - 1 A BEAUTIFUL LOT OF TRECOTS lHCUlllDlllJ OUR LINE OF, bastinado 5 means what we should term a 4good hiding'' nothing more.' ". In the eyes of a Jrersian mere is novning uegrauiug m having 'eaten stick." . Within - the last ten years the Muschir-ul-Molk, the then wealthiest man in Fars (the richest province in Persia), was se verely bastinadoed ; he was over 70 years old. . The bastinado is usually administered to all small delinquents who are not fined. It is the punish ment of piccadilloe8. The accoms 5) '.;', A, Gambler's Find. Cincinnati Enquirer. v 'Talkins: about finding money, said Old Sport, "would you believe me if I told you I found '$1,000 one timer -:3v-.: ; . r--; "No; but tell it, anyway." "It was in Washington, Dee " See. The occasion was the inauguration of Grant and there were 200,000: people in the street.- 1 saw a small green New WesbtvLve, Extends a cordial invitation to all ladies, especially those who take an inter est m Fancy Work. Wecarry full ; linesot uoiors. PLAIN "CHENILLE CORDS' at 7 cents per yard. CHENILLE AND GOLD-COKDS at 20 cents per yard. -PLAIN PLUSH TASSELS at 12i cents per tassel. , PLUSH AND GOLD TASSELS at 15 cents per Tassel. ' ;. : 72-INCH EXTRA HEAVY FELT IN LEADING SHADES at $1.25 per yard. meni oi piccauu uen thing lying .on: the pavement and phces of criminals a?e usually basti- somln.prompted my to r pick it Trunks nadoed to obtain inals of the minor class are generally bastinadoed and discharged. The sticks used are not, as in Turkey, heavy batons, but sticks tapering to a noint. The best criterion of the real value of a bastinadoing may be arrived at from the reply ..of a soldier who.-when I asked him which h e V 1 - T -1 . T 1 J . ' - - A. ' . WE FILL ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY. time I thought-Pd chance it: fter- - - . . . Jersey Cloths, OGnT WEIGHT SUITINGS , DRIP A ALMAS. Also a beautiful line of Black Cashmeres In all grades at very close prices. i loung ladies making preparations for boarding schools willfindmystock ln excellent condition 1. h. SEffiSILK. picking the green thing up I thought it' was a patent medicine advertise ment, and I was on the point of throwing it away, but I ! wasn't very busy just then, so Lunrolled it, and when l saw it was a iouu Dili 1 was WHITttdDWSISI & M1WJ would prefer, an ordinary- beating on- d death. I was dealing bank Aad;Valises is, Complete. Fine line of Trunk and Va lises for summer travel. t.hft fet such as was -being given to one of his; fellows, or the loss of a month's pay, answered: .' Why, the beating, of course.1' Criminals, Jwhen offered the choice of a fine or the bastinado, always choose the latter., It f must " be remembered tnat tne lower classes in Persia walk much l harp.footed and that their leet are then, and I didn't know what to do' with; the find, because I couldn't fake up any excuse for the possesion of so much of the filthy. The main guy would swear that I was holding out on him and there would be the devil to pay ; and you can bet it would take the whole of the thousand to bill to my aug23dtf CHARLOTTE, N. C. GOOD GOODS 1 LOW PRICES. ait vueir xwu aie him Rrt t tnnk thfi 1 hard; Ut course, to a ; European a rding house and stuck it between mm tshrrient. Mirza Abdul Wahab TThftn l late . w Dh v sician to H. R H. Zil es-Sultan, told me that hie i had i seen 2.000 sticks fairly 4 broken over . . - . i i ? nnn ' tne.; ieec 01 a- cnmmai a blows. This was done bv the Shah's the man survived. Fines the covering of my trunk , and the outside" Hooked at the paper for several davs but couldn't see any ad vertisement for the- lost thousand dollar bill.. I didn't dare get it chang ed in Washington, because it would soon ha noised around that I had a farrashes;- tne man surviyea. .xme b- u d the snap would be given yary au ug ..w-.-w away , jj;Mn ay , l ; wouid recon- nnrson j fined or the rapacity olv tne L "nA tu t-nnir bm' if finer. Simple imprisonment is dealt . --o h .vnntrp. her ' . . - . i ; . .i, . r Lt. i una uiii ,ci ooiv, x --w - Orders by mail Have prompt out to t nose wno are guu yirouuoijf f0m placed The fact that the. loss wi w-vi-v. w r.- - . t -. was not advertise ieu, me w-.Huopcvu oi not paying tueir. wjteav ,xuiyn&uu -ment in a chain gang, or. imprison ment in irons, is rrseryed for crimes ot violence iburglaryf -coining; or theft . from the person; - Maiming is resorted to for- thieves from shops, cut-purses and horse and cattle steal Out: Sale -OF- ! i i i i t 4 . i ' r ,:l 'y,--.y-,, , f:..f v- "; ; '-, X . - - W '- w"-- ,5 i ? ' . , I -- t ,t$- UQDDIlDDDCBn0 (DDdDtlDiinnD attention. that the blooming bill might be coun terfeit, and I was in a terrible stow. But I held on to it. . One day I went ovei? to' NewiYork and took the bill i with me. At last I screwed up my courage-to slap the bill down on ."the counter of a bank and asK to nave it -STILL CONTINUES.- m 11 It These are -OF- Will contin .ueuntil stock is dis; : posed of. ALEXANQER & HARRIS. fife Asia rule a- single lomt ot the , . mKa MuP nr rather nnger cwu7i.aww, i cashier.? grabbed it up and squinted hand for a'second. or the criminal is l " . . - . ' : ' i Til i iir:i a.njuu ruiAt:n Jt au lhmm lamed by removing; a portion ot tne med evervbodv in ithe .-world - was Undo cwMts..Biinaing oj; one or at me. : -Mind; you, ;this was both eyes is no w a, rare punishment. threemonths after. 1 had found the Sometimes .the 'ears are cut ore or tne bm fter eveing the bill for a- few nose slit, and the criminal , is led seconds the cashier laid it aside, and I ! through the bazaar by the execution- didn't know whether he was going to er. -vo tuc"wuu B"vw " set the dog on me or wnat t ' duc r e i everv execution the execuuoner i filinched on to a fist un fifty dol- levies; as a right, atee ota tew cop- i bills and counted .out twenty.' of pers from each mercnant and . SBop them. which he handed to me. So keeper); J Amputation ot the tongue th t waa aii right. Well. I felt pretty has not occurred, within. my knowi- gay a'nd .i went down to Sandy edge during-the last twenty Tears. Hook, and from there to Long Brant h strange to sav; m such cases the ferer gradually regains th& power ot Philadelphia, and then once more to intelligible speech, ;The Objection to shington. -That nighf I played ment everyason, aSd do not take cost into surgical amputations in the JLastgen: r . and got broke."' . . . - purchaser. - ' erally, and especially in Persia, arises i ' - m - , from the terrible loss of caste to tnose Gents, to make a good appearance, snouid nave who are maimea juuicid-uy . , , v .tnw5i on intififi tirtninis cover no defects. Death painless and instantaneous and at tne same time develop ail the good points io iicii-nl I v -intiiojfia nv tnroat-Culi. in one's ieei. , or tnese reasons, auureioauu ting. Thesimple punishment of death is mostly - executed on murderers, i & bbo. agents for charlotte - " - - In order to'make room for our Pall and Winter Stock, which Is dally, arriving, , . v, :K we will offer this week at a groat sacrifice, - 100 Men's Suits at $5.00; WORTH $10.00, $12.00 AND $13.50. 100 Boys' and Children's. Suits from 2.00 up.. - extraordinary bargains and cannot be gotten anywhere else for But they must be closed out. We dont Intend to carry any over. consideration, aq We make a clean sweep ot every gar- -early call , will pay every economical HAN AN" A. ETBANKIN feclldeod