DAILY C H A R LJCXT IE OBSERVER: SUNDAY, ,SE PTEMBER 6, 1885. AT TOE CAPITAL. Tis(erdflr'8 Bad&ret of Notes and. Incidents from Washington. Washington; Sept. 4u Secretary lldflniag "resumed iiia duties at the treasury department today, after an , absence or several wecss at tne sea ' sicTe." r "y: - THE SUPPOSED MURDERER DISCHARGED ; Charles T. Ward, who has been im nriannfid here several davs as the supposed murderer of Collie Gordon, at High Shoals, Ira., was toaay a is charered. He was not identified as the party wanted. FIRST DIVIDEND DECLARED. The acting comptroller of the cur rencv declared the iirst dividend of . twenty per cent in favor of the cred itors or the iUxcnane JNationai isanx ofTNorfolK, Va.t on claims proved amounting to two millions, seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. A DECISION IN THE RICHMOND CUSTOM , : " HOUSE CASE. ' Judge McCue, solicitoof the treas ury, has given the opinion that $100," 000 is the lawful amount to be ex pended in enlarging the custom house at Richmond, Va., and that the sub sequent appropriation of $50,000 coiw tained in the sundry civil bill "for the public building at Richmond, Va.," cannot be legally used for that purpose. It is likely, ; however, that Assistant Secretary Fairchild, who has the matter in charge, will decide that both appropriations can be exs pended on the custom house, on the theory that it is the only public build ing that could have been contemn plated by the appropriation act. ADDITIONAL TROOPS ORDERED. ".Adjutant General Drum today tel egraphed instructions to Major Gen eral Schofield at Chicago to order additional United States troops to Evanstown, Wyoming Territory, wnere the fleeing Chinese are concens trating, and to all other points .along the routes of the United States mails in that territory where there are in dications of trouble. Information was received today that two compa nies of soldiers ordered to the scene of the disturbance yesterday, arrived at Evanstown this morning, "and that the .condition of affairs there is threatening. ' The instructions already given the .United States troops in Wyoming contemplate only protection of the mails, but it is understood that in case the troubles continue, that the -President and his Cabinet will consids er the general question, directing the military forces to suppress disorder by force of arms if -accessary. A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CHINESE L . LEGATION. . " ' . The attache in charge of the Chi nese legation here, in the absence of -the minister, stated ; that . they had riot communicated with the state 'department in regard to the massa cre of the Chinese in Wyoming, as they rseve waitings to he.ar from the minister, who , is in New York. He thought, however, that correspond ence on the subject would be opened, 'and said that notwithstanding his country's opposition to. her subjects leaving home, these had not done so in violation of any law, and had a claim upon this country. - ACQUITTED OF THE CHARGE. V : The case of JohaH. Dickerson, exs superintendent of the pension build-. ingvho was charged, with stealing a flagJiKastbefore Xhe 'court today, but the goverment failed to - prove its charge, and Dickerson was acquitted. ? " SP A TRf I i deDOt on his arrival in this city. i-J JAAy QTAtyit I 2jj Large crowds of people lined this route wiKeu uy iue iuyai party in go I" XlIE SPANISH MOB MADRID. WILD IN THE C1VIIT SERVICE LAW. its Intense Feeling: Over the Posses sion of YapThe Quarters of the German Xegatlon Mobbed--The Military Called Out It Looks Like War. ' J-l- - . London. At a meeting jof s .t'ne uainoucs ai minister, irrussia. toaay. Dr. Windhart, the Prussian Catholic leader, said the Fope still rules the world. The holy chair must be made independent of the powers We now. he said, stand steadfast for the Pope though life3 or death, v The speaker asked for three cheers for Pope ieo whifla were 'given with enthusiasm. Several resolutions jseere passed de manding the unconditional tiepelil of cnurcn laws especially wosej. qeaiing with religious orders and education of the clergy. More in the Courts -to Test 1 . . Constitutionality.' New York,; Sept. 5. A - suit has ? been commenced in the United States Circuit Court to test the constitution ality of the civil seryise law. - On the petition ; yesterday of the United States ex rel; James Ai . Hinkley, a quo tcarranto order was granted by Judge Wallace, returnable on the 25th instant, requiring Dorman B. Eaton and the other civil service commissioners to show cause before the Court vrhf the . defendants :exer . : cised unconstitutional powers. ? The petition sets forth in the com- plaint the acts and duties of the cora missioners under .the civil ' service . Act,- and urges that the defendant, under color of the Act,', are limiting the powers of "and divesting the Pres ' ident of the duties and: responsibility vested byAhe Constitution, limiting "his power arid choice of nominations to persons presented ; to . him by de- fendants, and prohibiting said PresiH dent from appointing any other citi zen or person toofnee and so compel w the President to submit the qualifi cations and fitness of the nomination. . of persons iov public, seryides to them instead of the Senate of the 'United l Stales ater nomination, as required . by the Constitution; ' ' ; , ' ': . It is urged in the petition that the , President cannot exercise his consti tutional power to .appoint in - his dis- cretion and. defendants," 'under color , , of the civil service Act, supervise the , conduct of the officers of the Govern . merit mentioned. in.Section 118 and loo oi tne -act, usurp ana exercise rowers and duties J which cannot be legally delegated . to" ;nor vested in , by citizens ot the Uriited States. The hcomniainant tnen as&ed tor a writ. ' compelling.the .commissioners to ans swer .by what right they exercise, or : ' claim to exercise, the right or power . ' or'do the duties, acts or', things' set torth and that a rule -be" made that - this 5 information -be filed,.,, and that 1 -'-defendants af oresaie Bho w causes why the aforesaid information should not r. be fifed. At the rate at which American cit ies, large and small, "are now figuring - ' out . their population'; we - ought to 1 ' have. about 100,000,000 of people in the United States in 1890. WILD DEMONSTRATIONS AGAINST, ; ; ;. ;; MANY. t ? j f . ? Madrid, The excitemerit overf the Grerman occupation of Yap;ia intense and the populace are wild with' rage. A large crowd gathered in front of the German Embassy, attacked the building and tore down theoat of arms and dragged it through the streets to Puerto Del Sol, where they burned it in front of tefbjace I of the Minister of the Interior; 4.n& yells of down with Germany. - After vent ing their spleen there, the mob pro ceeded to the French Embassy and cheered frantically. The crowd had by this time grown to considerable proportions and fears - being enter tained of a serious riot, troops were ordered out to clear the streets: : The crowd slowly retired befQre the nvli lary i? ucy-six oi tne leaders ot cae mob were arrested befGre the crowd retired. ..rvJ The council . of ministers have adopted a proposition to court martial the Governor of Yap and the commanders of two Spanish war ships which arrived there on the 21st instant, for neglect of duty in not immediately garrisoning the Island with Spanish soldiers oo their arrival toere and the f ormerln notf .hoisting' the Spanish flag and proclaimingthe suzerainty of Spain qver,s he Islands The Report that a German squadron had sailed for Caroline Islands is confirmed. 'SPAIN WILL NOT AIhTrXtE. ; 2 London The Standardii Berlin correspondent savs that Spain has finally and decidedly declined to submit the Caroline affair to arbitra tion. Spam argues that the question of Spanish jurisdiction lover the Islands is : a fact too well known to admit of discussion;, Thef German Government officials stilil sjoit th e idea of war over the dispit. THE GERMANS WERE.ToO rCK Madrid. A sensation was caused here this morning on the receipt of important : news from Caroline Islands The Spanish war ships reached Yap, one of the Islands, on the 21st inst.. prepared to occupy it in the name of Spain. Spanish officers were slow in . landing trcopj and on the 24th of the same month a German gunboat arrived. Although it was seven o'clock in the--evening, the German commander instantly landed a body of marines and. sailors and hoisted the GermanHag oyer ,the Island. The Spanish' officers made an energetic protest against the :ac4 tion of the German commander and, , on the latterTs refusal to recede from the position he had taken, telegraphed to Madrid for instructions Af con flict' between the Germans and Span iards at Yap is feared. On the re -ceipt of the above news the ministers were immediately summened toa cabinet counsel and King Alfonso was advised of the Vs trained situa tion .(: ing rrom tne uepot to tne patace and shouted "Long lve Spain." The King was repeatedly . greeted with cheers, but notwithtanding the ex citement the most perfectr order pre vailed. " MUST GIVE SATISFACTION Berlin. The National Zeitung, commenting upon the scenes enacted in Maaria on tne receipt ot tne news of the German occupation of Yap, MVS! 'nain must' erivft fJrrnanv necessary satisfaction for the events of last evening." A SENSATION VS PARIS. iARis. Tne events in Madrid are causing a sensation in this city. Ar bitration for the settlement of the Caroline question is now , considered impossible, and the position of King Alfonso and his ministry is regarded as precarious. The leading Spanish residents of this city say war between Germany and Spain or a; revolution is now certain. . GUARDED BY MILITARY. t Madrid. The German, legation is guarded by. cavalry, infantry and artillery. The German consul, in the absence of the Grerman. ambassador, asked Castillo, the president of tbe council of ministers,, for permission to telegraph his government at Berlin respecting the situation of affairs at Madrid. The request was granted, Senator Castillo at tbe same time ex pressing regret at the mob's conduct. PRUDENCE EUJOINED. v Paris. The French minister of foreign affairs telegraphed the French ambassador at Madrid, to observe the greatest prudence during t the difficulties at Madrid over the Caro line affair. . Delicate Diseases, affecting male or fe male, however Induced, speedily and permanently cured Illustrated book for 10 cents in stamps World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main. Street, Buffalo, N. Y. - -sunthur&w - Skin iMseases Cured By Dr. Frazler's Magic Ointment. Cures as If by. Magic, pimples, black beads or grubs, blotches and eruptions on the face, leaving the skin clear and beautiful. Also cures itcn, salt, rneum, sore nip ples, sore lips, and old, obstinate ulcers. Sold by drugtssts, or mailed on receipt or price, 50 jents Sold br T, C. 8mith &Co. feb24deodwly PILES!! PILES! PILES!! CHOLERA- RECORD. 'J I f fi A sure cure for Blind, Bieedmg, ' Itching and Ul cerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams,' (an Indian Remedy), called Dr Williams Indian Pile Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or 30 years standing. No one suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful soothing medicine. -Lotions ' and instruments do more harm than good. Williams' Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the Intense itching, (particularly at night .after getting warm in bed.) acts as a poultice, gives Instant relief , and is pre pared only for Piles, Itching of private parts, and for nothing els& Price 50 cents. T. C. Smith Co., agents : " fb21deodAwly . Another Life aved. Mrs. Harriet Cummings of Cincinnati, .Ohio, writes: - "Early Inst winter my daughter was at tacked with a severe cold, v wnich . settled od her lungs. We tried several medicines, none of wh ch seemed to do her any good but she. continued to get worse,- and finally raised large amounts, of blood from her lungs. We called in a family phy sician, but he failed to do her any good. At this time, a friend, who had been .cured Jay DrWjn HatTs Balsam for the Langs ajflvised me ttfg it atrial. We then got a bottle, and she bekanto improve, and by the use of three bottles was en tirely cured." - ,; Xll3 Uncertainty of Affairs. Tne world would go on very much Maudane the same if "w should be away as if we- we were here. One man leaves, another takes his -place; but -tren'ls. G. T. , Beauregard of Louisiana, - and Jubal A. Early o , Virginia, are faithful to their engagement to conduct In person the grand monthly drawings of the Louisiana State Lottery at New Orleans La. Their presence and en'ire supervisloo are a sure guarantee of the honesty of tne management. The next.tttie 184th grand monthly) will take place on September, 8. and any infoi matlnn can be had on application to M. a. Dauphin, of New Orleans, La. Around the earth, n every land. By every stream that I'm aware of, Tn every town, they understand How teeth may best be taken care of. From Jersey flats to Birmah's mount They sing the praise of SOZODONT. Madrid. There were 1238 new cases of cholera and 797 deaths from the disease . reported yesterday throughout Spain. ? ESCORTED BY A MILITARY GUARD. Madrid. -Count Salms Sonnewalde the German ambassador, has return ed to the legation at this cifey f rom Iia Granja. He was escorted by a strong military guard. King" Alfonso has also returned. A MEETING OF LIBERALS. Madrid. An important meeting of leading libereis was held today at the residence of Senor Segasta. After discussing the Caroline question it was resolved that the occupation of the Island ot Yap by a German gun boat should be considered equivalent to a declaration of war, that if a crisis in the Government should pccur and the liberals be called into pdwer they would ' withdraw Count DeBero- man, tne bpanisn amoassaaor at Berlin and have , Count Salms Sonnewalde, the German ambassa dor at Madrid, his passports. The resolutions also declare that -the Liberals would order the Spanish authorities at the Philiiphin.es tor r en cover the territory in the f Caroline Islands taken possession oi Dy Cxer- manv and to use force it necessary to retrain it. The- adoption of the above resolutions has created a great sensation. ' ' - f The government has , dismissed from service bv telegraph tne :com manders of the two Spanish men of war stationed at Yap. ' ' i LATER RESPECTING THE OCCUPATION. Madrid. A later dispatch respect ing the German occupation of Yap states that the Governor of Vthat is land wishftd to resist the landing: of the German marines and sailors, But the Spanish man of war, San Quen tin, which was the only vessel of that nationalitv m the harbor at that time, reftised to aeree with the Governor as tn the adoDtion of such a course or to Iflnd the latter assistance. ; It is generally believed that the command er of the Soainsh man of war 'Velas- cfi; whinh was exoect at Yap On the 26th of August, carries with him enr fire-ftHft orders. ' The ministers and civil and military Authorities met Kins: Alfonso at : the A Fine Xliinjf for llie Teeili. The fragrant SOZODONT has taken a very prosai- n-nt place among the moc aporoved dentitrices of tne day..: it is a very popular article ior me toilet, highly recommended by all who have used it. as a beauttfier and preserver of the teeth, re freshing the mouth, sweetening the breath, and arresting tne progress or aecay. ICT1I1 A Positive Cnire for Every Frm of f Hood antl Skin disease From Plmples toScrof- nisi-: -X'. TM3PIGURTNGT HUMOK3, HumllTatlrra- Frutv I 'tions. Itching and ; Burning I6kin Tortures T.nnt.hsnmfl Snrfts- and every snecles 641 trihdnar. Scaly, Pimply. Inherits, Scrofu!ous'ftml conta- elojs Diseases of the Blood, Skin, and Sa&uwitu Loss of Hair, from Infancy to old ageu,aseftd8i-' tively curd by thitlcura Kesuiventr the-new Bloed Pnrlner. tnternalir. ana cuucura.-tne &rreat? stm Cure, and Cutlcura Soap, ,an ' exquisite Skl Deau- Ifler, eiternaliy. ., ,: .,; i, I : FXZE CURKB - k "I was afflicted withEcz3ma on -the Scalp. Face; Ears and Neck, Which tb6 druggist, where-1 got; your remedies, pronounced one oi ta worst rases that had come under his notice. .: He advised . me to trv-vour Cutlcura Remedies,, and after five days' use; my scalp and-- part of my face mer entirely CureQf ana i jiope iu auuiutsr weex oo uave my eu neck, and the otner pari oi my Tace cured 120 E. 4tb St, New York. . SCABS AND SORES, , T havft been afflicted since last March with a'Ekln disease the doctors called Eczema. My ;face was covered witn scaDs ana sores, ano xne ucnmg anu burning were almost unbearable. Sf eing jour Cutlcura Remedies to highly recommended, con cluded to give them a inai. using the cuncura and Cutlcura Soap externally, and Besolvent ln- terna.ly. for lour monins. i cau myseii urea. m gratitude for which I make this public statement P - TUT -rn SIT A O i . ir1TIITM3nTTff Broad Brook, Conn. CoticueI Remedies are sold everywhere. Price: Cdticcka. 50c; Besolvent, $1.00; Soap, 25c. Prepared by the Potteb Drug akd Chemicai Co., Boston Mas?. ,v . , SEND FOR ""HOW TO CURE SKIN DISEASES.!' -rT 11 if PLES, Blackheads, Skin BlemlshesJ and J. JL iyl Baby Humors, use Cutlcura Soap. "SHAKY 71 The 2ig-35as: Ittethod Xfniplojed ly mercenary SXen. . It Is a notable fact that the people of a Hants and.elsewhere are beginning to fee thoroughly con vinced t Sat worthless- compound become "skakj at all nevr innovatioor. while art honest prepara tion never fears opposition, We-do-noi propose to "wipe, out"" ethers, as the ; field ; lor operation Is large, and we accord to ene and al! the same privi leges we eny, We are not so far lost to business principles as1 ft denounce- any other remedy as a fraud, or imitation, or as containing a vegetable poison, the effscts of which arehomMe to contem plate. , The aJasm need not be sounded, for toere is ample room for all; declining: andetasta, pine top slop-water compounds. - 4f one bnttle sf RB B. is more valuable tn ef fects than half a-dozen of any other preparation, we won't get ma3 about It. If ten bottles- ot B. B. B. cures a case of blood poison whlch others erald not cure at all, It ealy proves Oat Bi B. Bv Is far the best medlme.' . . . , r - - . . " a 0,0 Bottles of B. B. B. have beem seld' to parties living tasMe the corporation of Attanta since It wos started two years ago! . - - . , Why this wonderful sale of a new remedy in s short a time with so little advertlstn&? v v" It must be confessed that It is because B; "St. Bv bas proven r self to possess merit x tbe cure eff Wood, skin and kidney diseases.' Hundreds of home certificates attest the- fact of our claim- that to Atlanta and many otfcer- points B. IS B. are en top," and will stay there; Many persoaa-deslre to know how the B. B. B. acts on the systenu By entering the circulation, it modifies the:v4tiate blood globules, increases Sbe red corpuscles-, antag.- ndes all poison, vitalizes- and regenerates the flnegtng forces, furnishes the pabulum fosrlch, new blood, eliminates all poison through the se eredons, and Increases the? appetite, while; by lt wonderful action upon theppres of the skini-the kidneys, liver and glandular system, all efCe.te and Impure matter 1s speedily; conducted Irony the body, leaving th 8 blood pureffresh and healthy. . B Its magical alterative powers," B. B. B." xm-- kadthe blood of all impurities, unlocks theeliver; aaouses all secretions, restores nature to its. nor mal condition, uhclouds the troubled braltt, clears and beautifies the complexion cheers the despon dent, strengthens the feeble;, calms the disturbed nerves, and Induces quiet aadi peaceful slumbers: ichaobeen inuse over twenty-fi?e years ae-aprir vatB prescription In the Soufiu It Is no far-fetched, foreign-found or djeamdis- cohered subterranean won er,. but l3t a' scientlBc and happy combination of recognized vegetable blood poison agents, effected after . many years of constant use and experiment la. the treatment of thousands of some of the most appalling ..eas? s- of scrofulous, syphilitic and cutareous blood poisons ever known In the State resulting in completo.and unparalleled cures of prdnounced. Incurable eases Send to Blood Balm Co,, Atlanta, Ga., fw ajoopy of their Book of Wonders, free, filled with inform mation about Blood and Skin Diseases Kidney Complaints, &c. " - Special- to; BpnsekeepsrF. I offer a full line ot the finest select mm SPICES!! SPICES l!! 3Kf Fpper, , - . ... .. . . 7 " .. - . :. . . .... ' -. ' JSIracned Jamaica dinger, - Feaans Cloves Java Casseev - , Ceylon Citewamon. ALSPl3i ? ' - V ' PENA35G MACE, "- k . ' COLMAN'S ir3Sf9aRD. The AJSmre are Offered 32e- - :. ...-. .T'"1 .,-. ,. .. ' t " dncedf BVices. L. . WRISTON, -vCAMTAX, PRIZE $7,000 Tickets Only $5. Shars portion. EMS Louisiana State Lotterv Co : We do hereby, eertify that we suZi vise the arrangements for all the MnnZ and Semi-Annual Rowings of thel$ iana State Lottery Company, ai son manage and control the DraJZl GLASS- GSLABS. GLASS. WARD'S WOES, 3 DESPFJtATE.STItllGGlE A IiAKT&S STCK OF , mm AIL SiceFr sai Thbs. Reese & Go's "CRICK IN 'THE BACK.'.' stitch in the side, cramps, shooting and sharp pains, rheumatic, neuralgic and sciatic pains, and every ICV-v external pain and' ache soothed-and It X expelled with wonderful celerity by fir; f that new, original, ejegant and speedy l antidote to pain and inflammation, 4 I fhn fTntlftnra PlasteT. Warranted the perfection of elegant external remedies, and vastly superior to all other, plasters. At drugstists. 25c.1 flTr fnr .41 no. "Mailed free. . Potteb Drug and Chemical Co., Boston. r, v -" 8ept2dwed&saUw - Just twenty-seven miles from the classic city of Athens, Ga., is located the thriving little town of ISfaxey's, the residence of Miv Robert Ward, " who has Just been released from almost perilous pre- diaameat, the particulars ofr wiich he has con sented to give to the publie: He writes as-followst Maxet's, Oszcthobpe Cb, Ga., " July 5th 1885. ; ; . twelve or fourteen years I have been a great sufferer from a- terribl form of. blsod? poison, (syphilis) wbich ran Into.Ji-secondary,.and finally IV was pronounced atertkiry form, .head, fac and shoulders became alaiost a mass of corruption and finally the disease commenced eaJsg away my i skull bones. I became s Jiorrlbly reaulsive that ; for tiiee years I absolutely refused toJet-p.eople see me. - I used large QuanUtties of most noted blood remedies and applied linearly all physicians neon me, but my condition eoatlnued to. grow wcrss,. and all said that I must surely vdlas. My. bones- be came the seat of excrceiatiDg achesand pains ;Kay nights were passed in misery; I was reduced Izl flesh and strength ; m- kidneys were terribly de ranged, and life became a burden to me I ehanced to see an advertisement of B & Bi, and 1 sent one dollasto. W. C. Hrchmore & Coi, merchants of our pkiee, and they procured one; bot tle for me. It was used .with decided be" eM,. and I eoatlnued its usearid when eight or ten" bottles had been used I was pronounce-2! sound and welL Hundreds of scacan now be seen, on naev. look ing like a man who had been burned' and then re stored. My case ma well knovsn In tbls county, aod for the benefit oi others who may be- similarly af flicted I think itaay duty to gve the f acti to the public, and to extend my heartfelt thinks, for so valuable a remedy I hawe been ?sell over twelv months and n return of ib& disease has. occurred t ROBEBT WABD. Maxkt's, Ga., July 1, 1SS5. We the undersigned, know Mr! Bcbert Ward and take pleasure in say Ing that thfefacts as above stated by hiui ,are true, and that his-was one of the worst eases of Blood Poison we ever knew i our county, and that he has been eared by the use of D. B. B. Botanic Blood BaJ. ' . Al T. BRItiHT WELL, Merchant -" ; , W. C. BIRCHMORE & CO., Merchants, J. H. BRIGHT WELL, M. B , ' JOHN T. HART, W.B. CAMPBELL. ' , Atlanta, Ga., July 1, 1885. We are acQualnted with A. T. Bright well and W. C. Birchmore & Co.,; whose names appear above and take pleasure In saying , that theyare gentle men of undoubted veracity and worthy of confi dence In any assertions they may make.. HOWARD CANDLER, : . Wholesale Druggists, Atlanta, Ga. - REMARKS. " If. B. B. B. wul cure such, terrible cstses as the above, Is It not reasonable to suppose that any and all cases ot Blood Diseases can be cured ? We do not announce the cure of a man while he is at home groaning and suffering withlthe disease, but all cait certificates are words of truth from those who have been cured and can look you squarely In the face and say so.'. . We cure In a shorter time, with less money and less medicine than ever before known. , ' We will man a book free to any one, filled with more astonlselng home evidences than ever before published. Call on your druggist or address .i! ; . blood Halm co., " ' Atlanta, Ga., . I am an old man. For 28 years I suffered wrrh ulcers on my right leg as the result of typteel Sever-. Amputation- was suggested as the only means of preserviag. life' The- doctors could ci noHMng for me, anl? thought h Eust die. WotS years I never had a shoe ofu Switt's tipeclfieha: made a permaoenttre and atfelatl ten years to of life. 1" W3fiB;R2H3rHaUCo.,Ga I have taken Swift's SpeciBe- for blood poiaonv coatraeted at a madloali oollegp- at a dissectloay while I was a medlaal studeist. I am grateful j say that It gave rra- a, speedy and thorough exoe artermy parents Had peut lixsdreds of dollajaioir treatment. . , AUGUSTU&ESBEi. JL.D-., Newark, K. Ji My wife from e-ly girlho& teas been suSBrfBg from rheumatisrjGj - She has. tBfed many remedlesv gad I must franker say has- derived more fceaefit froi Swift's Specatsfihanff sm ali the oihers, atsr loBgandfalthfu2trlal. .-, - Re James- LFifEBCs, OxforSat - SwifPs Specific is entirely wgetable. Treatiaa-sm Bi-xi and Skin Diseases-mailetl five. . Tkk Swift SysseiriG Co.5)rawer 3, AtlafesSa., rl59W. 23dSS.,N. Y. - Correspon.dencs-OiiTHfi:,y jtssViKR. P.aiiTOP'S ADftDkSSY. NEA 6HARLOGJTESVILLE, TAv Tor boys asd young mm. Send for eais&gue. t ; JOHR, SAMTSON, A. M., PrinaipaL 4 Rsrfc SDGAB -OODS. Ph. D., july24eod6s- . . : Aac ate Principal. - WASHINGTON : and LEE V ITEBSITV Lexing;tn, Ya, -. Instruction id the usual acaderaie studies and in 3he professional schools of LAW aid ENGINEER ING. Location healthful; expenses moderate. Session cpens Septemer 17. Fbe catalogue, ad dress "Clerk of the Faculty." July7od2na G. W. C. LSE. President. themselves, and that the -f wftfic UTP ductJd. ? honesty i fairness, andt good faith Joward aU parties , Sj authorize the tompany to use this ciS cote, with foe simQies of oursimt attached in iteadwrtisenentssF" 9t TrUWTMlM 3LtA f n 1 QRQ air X turef59FE3ucational and Sharitable purwSL' over -tsam ThaTsince bemadded! mS jj Bfl'wiirwjieuHing popular vote Its fmnw was mwft a part of the Vent Sfrte CoStt adopted Beeember 2d, A. l. 1879.' rantD0a The oil Lottery ever voted on and endcwK. the peojg&ef any State. . "enaeuej TtS frTnt SIthtIo NlimW TYml ... monthly; Place a apLraom oppobtuietj to win a TUNE, mnth Grand Drawsfeg. CtaM I taS be?8? SJ&V USle' NCW 0tlema De8(lay. SeptS 18 Monthly Irarins ST 0AFITAL PEIZE, $75,000. JH 100,000 Tlckat Five Dollars 23. Fracttonn ; fitum in proporson. list of Prizes; 1 CAPITAL PRIZE 1 do do . 1 do An 2 PRIZES 038,000.... 5 do . 2.000. 10 do 2,000.;...... 20 do ... 600. 100 - do 200. 800 do , 100..i......... . " 500 do 50. 1000 do 25t . AxvaexniATioN prizes? 9 Approximadon Prizes of $750... 9 do . do 500U... 9 do do 250 $75,00C). 25,00Ci . lO.OOC' 12.000' 10,000' . 10,000' . 10,000' . 20,000 . 80,000 . 25,000 . 25,000 . 6,750 . 4,600 . 2,250 1967 Prizes, ansountlng to.... 265 500 to the office of 'the-company in New Orleans " or further information write clearlyj giving faD address. Posts! Nottes, Express Mosey Orders oi New York Exchange tn ordinary letrsr. Currency by Express (aB?jum3-of $5 and upwaals at our ex pense) addressed; , M. A. DAUPHIN, . t. . Jew. Orleans, La. Or M. A. DAUPHIN, wsTSewnth St , Washiagion, D. C. Make P. O. Mcmev OiAra n.i vnhi- Unfit- QfiAraati Registered Letters to : "-.' New OSeaas, La. ' OS LOUISIANA NATIONAL BANK. STATE NATIONAL BANK, GERMaNIA TSiSSmAL BANK, New Orleans, La., New Orleans, La., New Orleans, La. Mrs. Kliffmuller WILL OPEN A SCHOOL SEPTEMBE2 7tH, fob MUSIO; THE FINE ARTS, and French aad German Language. Thoroughness In every branch. Refers io Prof, and Mrs W. H. Neave. Salisbury!, C. For terms agplyat Mrs. K R. Dodge'.. . sep3dlw TI7ESTEJH .worth: caico. V ' IA3fA K. It. CO. . GEKERAii.FASSENGEB Office., ) SAXfiSBUBT, N. C, June 13; 1885. j On and aiterrSunday, June 14th, 1885 the follow ing double daily passenger schedule will be ope rated by th&comaany: " . MAIN LUTE WEST. STA'axurs.-. Salisbury. . BUtesvlli Newton, Hickory, Icard, MorgantSD,. Marion, Oldlf'ort. Round Kiobs Black Mountain. : Coopers,. Spartan oarg Junctni Asheviile, AlexanierJa, . r . 1 Marshall Barnaras Warm tarings, JMeaSSSation. "Train No L TrainNo. 9. At. JLVi v Ar. Ly. A M. i 25 A- M. 7.10 2 31 2.33 8:15 8.16 8.37 3.38 9.17 9.17 . 4.07 4.08 9.45 9.46 . 4.32 ; 4.32 2&08 10.08 I 5 00 : 5 00 ; m36 10.37 :, 5.57 5.07 11.37 1138 6.5J3 : 6.29 ; 12.10 12.10 i $6.45 ' 7.10 ! 552.30 12.58 I 7.43 7.49 l; 1.28 1.28 i 8.0b 8.03 . 141 1.41 29 8.29 1 2.05 2.05 8.37 '8.47' 2 13 P. M. ,9.22 9.2-2 9.53 9.59 ; 10.22 10.25J" 10.55 1 Dalfe. MAI3 UNE EAST. Stations. Train No. 2 Train No. 1C Ar. Lv. Ar. ILv. WarrbSprlnss, Barnards, . - ' Marshall, Alexander's, Asheville. Spartanburg Jcasln. coopers, BlackJtfountaia. RosaidKnob. Old Fort, Marion, Msrganton, Icad, Hickory, Newton, SfcitesvMe, saiisoury, - .... ?. M. 3x45 4.15 ' 4.15! 4.33 4.34 5.06 5.8i 5.37 5-4 5 55 E-55 6.18 6 6.31 &32 J7.13 7-M 7.52 Ti55 8.22 22 9.17 917j ' 9.451 9.46 10.11 10.12 1Q.38 20.39 11.33 11.34 12 30 A, M. iMeal Station. . Daliy. A. M. 10.37 11.02! 11.15 11.57 12.13 12.45 1.42 - 2.101 2.35f 3.26 4.2: 10.37 11.92 11.15 U.57 U13 12.45 1.43 2.11 3.0U 3.26 42i WEST. I MURPHY DTOttlON. jAb1 Left Over m h Holidays. A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS Silverware, and Jewelry Of all sorts, for sale cheap now, at - II ales Ufew , Jewelry Store, L" Next to Nlsbet and Selgle, " . TrainNfic7; Ar. Lv. STATION3, EiST. Tria No t Ar. A. M. 9 37 10 05 10.32 ll. 2 11.30 $12.15 12M lit 1.30 8.86 &( 9.40 10.H 107 11.05 11.40 12.17 12.44 1.20 1.32 P. M. Asbevllle, ; Hominy, " Turnpike, x Pigeon Rive?, Clyde, . - l WavnfisvttSa. balsam, . van, .. . Sylva, : . , Webstar Station, ' Charleston,-- ,- JMeal Stations. . Dafly, 3. 2.48i 2.43 156 1251 $12.16 11.45 11.07 10 56 A.M. Lv. P. M. 3.12 IB 2.28 I. 36 12.18 II. 46 11.08 10.57 9.2& Train No. 1 connects at Warm Springs with J T., V. & G. R. R. for all points to the West ana Northwest. - " ti. hn Train No. 2 connects at Salisbury with R train No. 50 for all points In the South and &ouur we-t. - .. . Train No. 10 connects at Salisbury with B. train No. 53 for all points North. . ., Pullman Drawing-Room Sleeping Carsbetweeu Goldsboro and Ashevllle, and Salisbary and Asne ville,.on trains Na 1 and 2. ' rhtlT Elegant Pullman Parlor Cars between SallsDur and Ashevllle, on trains No. 9 and 10. n . W.A. TURK, A. G. P. A- . v. E. McBbb, Superintendent. . GREGORY'S ' DYSPEPTIC MIXTURE FOR SAJLE BY AJLIilnUG GISTS. ' . . , l- - - Dr. J. H. McAden, Dbugoist and Chemist, ? -' No. 1 Parks' Building, Charlotte ,N. C. . j Dr. Gregory: , ,1 certify that I have sold Dr. - Gregory's Dyspeptic Mixture forseveral years, and it has given universal, satisfaction to those who have given it a fair triaL r I know it to be a remedy of very great merit, and have heard it spoken of by those who have used It, in the highest terms. From what I know of Its composition I can,, Confidently recommend .It to those suffering from dys ,pepsia or any derangement of .the digestive organs, 'i It gives tone to the siomacn auu vigor to me entire system. . - ; - tacopyo , . , , ; J. H. MCADEN, M. D. Belore. ' " s After 'iaiuus- ' " NrwBEBN, N.C, Jan.25,1863. DR. W. Wy GREGORY: . " - - DearSIr Enclosed please find chsck for $9.01, for which Jbe. goo 1 enough to send me six bottles oi your dyspepsia medicine such as ou sent me some time back. . Thanks for the comfort received by mB and my daughter. Yours tnfy.. - , ..; .-. (acopy) V,; : - -,-..."" ' ' " R. SANSON.

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