Ill DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: SUNDAY. . SEPTEMBER 6, 1885 . (Continued from seventh vaae. ) ' . tne streets, wmcn being secured, tne horse cars will be run in ' Charlotte. . Both these ' enterprises will bring monev to Charlotte rind arid fr the r ..JKWCTBlb LIGHT. , ; During the past year one electric Jight plant has been h established in the city at a cost to the purchasers of c$8, 000.. The light was placed in the cotton seed oil mill of Oliver Broths ' ers, arid has been giving satisfaction the lamps during the milling season, having been lighted from dark to dawn, uninterruptedly save on Sun- day nights. The contract for another cicvuiu ljgiii piaub U03 uccu tvcuuut by Oates Bros , proprietors - of the -. Charlotte cotton mills, Mr, J). A. Tompkins, to whom the contract was awarded , is. now engaged in the work and will shortly have the mills light- ea by ; one hundred arcs. . An electric light plant was purchased during the past year for use at the Rudisill gold mine, but has not 'yet been put in working order. Several propositions to light the city by electricity: have been made to and "considered by the board of aldermen, but no definite action has been taken. ' ; BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. Charlotte's three Building and Loan Associations have done a flourishing business during the "past year, and the close of business Sentember 1st found them, all in a prosperous con. dition. The Mutual Building and Loan was organized April 1881, and its present paid up cash capital is $109,995.68 invested in 109 real estate mortgages and 18 stock notes being loam with the stock as' collateral. The loans average a little less, there- tore, than $800. Rate of interest charged 8 per cent, reduced to 7i to borrower by profits " from shares redeemed and compound interest. There are now outstanding 14,11 shows, first class,298,second class and 442 third class. "Value of shares to date first class $70,30 jsecbnd class $19, 82; and third class $5,77. This assos ciation is what is called the permas nent, or perpetual, having adopted the plan ofopening anew series every year. ". ; - The Mechanics Perpetual,Building 5C Loan, yesterday opened its sixth series of stock. This . associa- non nas outstanding in . loans $43,458.10; cash $397.32; stock $43, first series, $37.21 per share ; second series $29.06; third series $21.25; fourth series $13.61, and fifth series 665. The Peoples Building and Loan is the oldest organization of the kind in thecity4 being now in its fourth year. The report of the secretary just made out, shows a net gain for the past twelve months of $6,25 per share. loans $23, 509.85 ; cash $1,500. The premium per share has grown to $13. jfew Yorli Bank Statement. The , bank statement for the past week shows: Loans, increase, $4,743,- ouu; specie decrease, $1,351,500; les gal tenders, decrease, $3,743,100; de posits, decrease, $336,800 ; circulation. vQiow, reserved increase $50,110. The banks now hold $518, 897,748 in excess' of the 5 per cent rule. 7. rJL FORRENT. - a comionaDie uonage. , containing six rooms. On tne lot Is an excellent wen and garden. i4Near curuer oi jrupiar ana jpgnui streets. Apply to septtfdlt M. REALLY. We are now running on fuUtlmeiVFuniltare manufactured by us Is kept ' by Jfte eojterpnslng furniture dealers In this city.' Sve make only the 4 best and most substantial Id ' the ? market NO SHODDY GOODS. Ask for goods matepy us and you will get the worth of your , mpuey ur name Is on each piece. - we solicit the patronage of the public and guarantee satisfaction -0 i; Respectfully, ; hizyjO 3i ' t- ELLIOTT fe MAESH. June20dtt . ftp . t NOTICE;7i i! Our respective stores will be dose on Thursday, Sept 10th, and Saturday, Sept 19tn, pi account of WITTKOWSKY &. BABVC H, ELIAS &COHES. sept6-9-13-!8 AND THE LATEST I MOST IFORTiNT! J: A Kentucky Assassination. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 4. Lindsey Buckner walked up behind A, L. Snyder last night and shot him dead. Buckler escaped. - l atal Gas Explosion. Decatur, III., Sept. 4." Anexplo sion of gas m the mine of the Decatur .Coal Company severely burned four miners, two fatally. . It is said that the development of the phosphate, industry in North Car olina has brought $50,000,000 into the State since 1868. ' !t is estimated that that it will re quire $19,055,555.52 to run the city of Philadelphia during the next fiscal year. JOHN Mm DEALER IN Choice Family brocer ies, CONFECTIOIS, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, Etc. HTGHEST MARKET PEICE PAID FOB Country Produce. Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, opposite Metho dist church, Charlotte, N. C. . - julyig r TREASURY DEPABTMBNT. Office of Cohttroixkb oe. yapECuBHENcr, Washington, lugust 15th, 1885. Wheekis, By satlsfactonievtdence Dresented to the undersigned, It has been mad&toaoDearthat THE FIRST NATIONAL SANKor Charlotte. In thecity of Charlotte. In th9. county ot Mecklen burg, and State of North Carolina; has compiled with all the provisions of , the "Act of Congress to enable National Banking Associations to extend their corporate existence for other purposes," ap proved July 12th. 1882, - . , Now, therefore, I, John LakGworthy, Dep uty and Acting Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Charlotte. In tbe city of Charlotte, in the county oi MecKienourg, ana state or North Carolina, Is authorized to have succession for the period speci fied In its amended articles of association, namely until close of business on August 28," 1905. ---i m testimony wnereor witness my hand skal and Seal of office this ; I6th day of Au ( vv ) gust, 1885. :a . . n J. S. LANGWORTHV. Deputy and Acting Comptroller ot Jthe Currency. av. im. augisain Have Just Tecelved a full line ot Ladles', Misses' ana cmiaren 8 Fall Hats. Sometfaioir New in -Neckwear. . - koc Veilings, Ladles' Eton Jackets, etc. -r- sJ ,f i . . Also a Complete Stock of Fancy Feather Tips, BIRDS :-: -WINGS, SilU Velvets and RiTlns, Ladies Silver dray Circular, Dnslles, Etc., Etc. k Entrance through Gray & Co's shoe store, Trade MRS. BESOlV & REET1ES. (J NEW GOODS ST, RECEIVED. Fancy New Crop Bice, Ferris Pig Hams, Bone--less Bacon and smoked Beef. No. 1 Mack ' erel In Kits and loose "in Barrels. Our Roller Patent' Flour gives entire ' satisfaction. Try' It ! and you will use none other; We Keep a Full Line ol Coffees, green or roasted, Sugars, Molassep, Sugars, Syrups, Bacon, Lard; Meal, Ttye and Gra ham Flours. Bottled and - Canned Goods all Kinds, WILSON'S CRACKERS A SPECIALTY. BARNETT & ALEXANDER. Free delivery. Telephone call 81. T( ) THE Baying roDiic. xne large stock of HARD WARE we have on hand must be sold before the first of the year, we are now agents for the Llddell Boss Press And the Llddell Patent Saw Mill, both of which re celved high prizes at the World's Exposition. Llddell k co. are giving their entire attention to manufacturing their Presses and Saw Mills, while their agents sell their machinery. We ate now selling FIRE PROOF SAFES, ENGINES, PLANING MA CHINES, CANE AND FLOUR MILLS, And all kinds of Machinery, and must therefore close out all . of our Hardware, which Includes ... PLOWS, AXES, TOOLS-KNIVES, GUNS, And other articles too numerous ' to enumerate We promise to Bell Hardware lower than any firm In Charlotte, for It must be sold. Remember that and call upon us. Brem & McDowell , . FOR RENT. Dwelling house on South Tryon street, adjoin ing the residence of Dr. S. E. Bratton. Ytry con veniently located for a boarding house.. ' ; Charlotte Ileal Estate Agency. "ANA At sMAK! How lew understand what a perfect fit is? That painful pexiod of "breaking in" is deem ed essential ' to . every new outfit.' This Is positively' un necessary. "The scientific principles applied to the num erous shapes and sizes of "the Han an" shoe, insures perfect, fit, and their' flexibility, abso lute freedom from the tortures ' of " breaking: In," as they are easy and comfortable from the first day. Sold everywhere. Ask your shoe dealer for ihem. ' HANAN & SON. . ,. i A. E. 11AIKI! & RRO.. Agents for Charlotte etlOeodtf RICFIII AND iAIVIIE RAIIROAD. N. C. DIVISION. ;- Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING NORTH: May SI, 1885. Leave Charlotte, " Salisbury, " High Point, Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro, Arrive Hlllsboro, w Durham, ' " Raleigh, Leave Raleigh, Arrive Goidsboro, No. 61, Dally. 4.50 a m 6.32 a m 7.45 a m 8.17 a m 9.85 a m 11.89 a m 12.13 n m 1.2a p m 2.28 p m 4.40 p m No, 53,, Daily. 6.80 p m 7.50 p m 8.62 p m 9.18 p m No. 15 Dally except Sundays Leave Greensboro 10.00 p m Arrive at Raleigh 6.00 am Arrive at Goldsboro 11.00 am , No. 51onnect8 at Greensboro with R&D BB for all points North, East and West of Danville. At Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. for all points In Western N. C. At Goldsboro with W. & w; R. R. dally. Nos. 51 and 58 connect at Greensboro with R. & D. R. R. and for all points on Salem Branch. TRAINS GOING SOUTH.' May 31,1885. No. 50, No. 52, - Dally. Dally. Leave Goldsboro, - 12.35 p m r Arrive Raleigh, 3.00 pm Leave Raleigh, 5.00 pm Arrive Durham, 6.07 pm " Hlllsboro, 6.47 pm " -Greensboro. 9.00 p m Leave Greensboro, 11.21p m 9.86 am Arrive High Point, , n.65 p m 10.05 a m Salisbury. 1.05 a m 1L10 a M " Charlotte, 2.50 a m 12.85 p m No. 16 Daily except Sunday. " Leave Goldsboro 7.45 pm Arrive Raleigh 11.45 pm- Leave Raleigh 12.85am; Arrive Greensboro 8.80 am No. 50 Connects at Salisbury for all points on W NCBB, and at Charlotte with A & C AJtr-Llne for all points in the South and Southwest.. No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with C, C4ABB for all points South and Southeast, and with A & C Alr-Llne for all points South. N. W. N. C. RAILROAD. GOING SOUTH. Leave Greensboro, Arrive Kernersvllle, Arrive Salem, GOING NORTH. Leave Salem, Arrive Kernersvllle, Arrive Greensboro, No. 50. Dally, 11 85 p m 12.89 p m 1.17 pm No. 61. Dally, 6 55 p m 7.30 p m 8.35 p m No. 52 Daily. 9.4fi a m 10.50 a m 11.25 a m No. 53. Dally. 6.40 a m 7.09 a m 8.05 a m STATS UNIVERSITY R. R. GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel Hill, Arrive University, GOING SOUTH. Leave University, Arrive Chapel Hill, No. 1. Daily ex. un. 10.25 a m 11.25 a m No. 4. Dally ex. Sun. 6.80 p m 7.31 p m No. 8. Dally ex. Sun. 5.00 p m 6 00p m No. 2. Dally ex. Sun. 11.54 a m 12.54 p m BUFFET SLEEPING CARS WITHOUT CHANGE. . On trains 50 and 61. between New York and At Sr' . uciwccu wreensDoro ana Ashevule. -Throueh Pullman RlMwg nn tnina ro eo between Washington and Augusta, and Richmond S?d u03116' Greensboro and Richmond, and EThrOUeh tickets on .mlA at. araoniWi Doi oigu, uviuBuoro, oaiisDury and Charlotte, for all vymw uuum, txiuuiwoDi, west, norm and East For emigrant rates to Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and the Southwest. addmM . . A. It. K1VJSS. . M. ST. A TTOTTTTTft . - 2d V P & Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent. . Richmond. Va. A. R. & B. KISBET, W h o I esa I e G roce ry -AND Commission Merchants. BINGHAM'S f Established ) is the only School m ior , Doys m tne 179 S South with GAS bathhouse. Special terms to young men of small means. The 183rd session begins August 25th. For catalogue, address - - MAJ. R. BINGHAM, Ju!yl7 - i Bingham School. N. C. TURNIP SEED, fresh .stock at THOMAS REESE & CO. '3. CARRIAGE AND BUGGY REPOSITORY. A fnii lin of Carrlas. BiiMifta. Phaetons, Carts Spring Wagons, etc., of the best makes and latest styles, on hand. ; IST-Vehicles made to order and repaired. A. C OTJTCHISOHf CO , Charlotte, N. C, next to Wadsworth's Stables. pr25sunly ; THE Char Now in Its f y-Ftiu rt b Volqme, And fully abreast with modern Journalism. ' ' all the requirements of THE DAILY OBSERVER GIVES TELEGRAPHIC NEWS From at home and from abroad, and from al quarters oitne globe, besides all the Current News of the day, Local and otherwise. Its com plete and accurate dally - Telegraphic Market Reports ". Are an important and valuable feature to the bus iness man, and are, alone worth the subscription price or the obskbvee. No other dally in the State enjoys such Excellent Mail Facilities AS IS POSSESSED BY The OBSERVER, As It reaches all the surrounding towns and all the Important postofflces In the State, as well as re mote points, North. South and - West-hi other btates, on the Day of its PoMicatioD. f mi.i. . . . j. ma maKes it a most valuable news serving puDucation, as well as advertising medium. It Is pre-eminently the leading Dally of the State, and has established Its claim to this merit. ' The Obsbrvkk's new Eight-Page form enables It to give more reading matter than ever before. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Daily edition, by mail, One year, $8.00 J. n. OFFERS TO THE Wholesale fieta il FIVE TONS ,-": " ' -'''- ' - : - - . iire White Lead, rWUNTY BARRELS 14 ii (t it 6 mos., 3 mo3., $4.00 $2.00 THE weekly 'Oteerwr, FORE UNSEED OIL A Large Stock of Colors, Varnishes, Etc. ALSO f ?HARLOTTE v real mm .al' R. E. COCHRANE,1 Manager. TBfS AGENCY WILL BUT AND ?vt t r of every description and in anvT,ffi,LS or South Carolina, .and win Bt?5SS5' KS cityof Charlotte, collect rentsaS 10 and make prompt returns, and tend to payment of taxes, 'effectlngof SuraiS" Afl property put Into our hands wul be - ' : , Ad venlsed Free of Cofet FOTatutonpwlously Bjned o FOR SALE. -t One dwelling house on B strpt n r ' lot 50x198. convenlenl Tto bineatePHan(I O One dWeUing on South TryonTw 51,700 Dresidence of Dr. BrattoniTroote,0111 . pantry, weU of water, weU )ocStL n3 house. ;; Price. S3.000. , : ; , . 101 boarding 5: One dwelling oh corner of ct. ' streets, 6 x()oms.. Wtehen wen iota Jeet on. Graham 'street lffi f eet nl' 1( MO very desirable property. fticeiL10tl street. inth .:L' iu rooms ! 11 Band wou m water In yard: lot ; forio. "iJiflent: 10, .lories. 7 KroZJM? SOo ONE CAR LOAD Kerosene Oi ALL AT CLOSE PRICES; J. H. Mo ADEN, A Large Eight-Page Paper, Issued every Thursday. It elves full local reports. Telegrophlc News, State News and General Mis cellaneous Matter and enjoys an immense circulation. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Weekly edition, One Year, $1.76 Six months, $1. 00 Three months, .50 ti It To advertisers the Dally and Weekly Obskrvttr Constitute an UnerrellArf mMtmn n thav nlrm, late thickly throughout the State. , , 1 wmtract rates supplied upon application, t 1 .None who want td;' keep up with the news of the day can afford to be without The Observer. ; -ft m w M H 2 P.- 0 H m H Sr p 3 o 03, t S? P;. Ul CD m i i C is w ; O H w. cj E- o-. CO H n O m en O Q O h-l M TELE NICEST- CRACKERS . ' " 4 mr the city, At S. M. HOWELL'S Xeleplione 27. ; ter; iwo lots 99 on Trarf wT 'KU 01 ! very desirable proprt fF&F - U One Hundred and Hftr iVrlr , of the City Umlts, 4oSmi thl . weU located for a ff,?5 5? f Ir &run(U timber, branch ffitS'1 acres meadow. Price feoSSSe about 15 saasMg-. 18 '&1$S2 isrSs-. & Payne and others. hirnJ?s.of tam unarlotte, and 18 from T jbavidanTT ver' B Itagooddwemng.TrTOms al? np0Ue8e- Hasn t-yi 6i aiua, grasses, corn, whoot uuoVJ etc.: 85 acres eood hnnA,:J -ico, cottoi ultlvatlon. Price is wai 1U sute houlSt flqV116' 1 story 3-room IV.N . OL- taiWftmiffS? square 46, front to C strait nStSP rtp?et- and "nlng through - wa0 ouu cinau srorenouse. Ri) TZPtoprovedlots corner Smith and w vw VABU JUU. fktfk fm 4 m i.i Y Zii Irame cottage, rooms, lot 60x150 the TZhd'on street, neu Price Jl 000 i0 acoji-or a smau tamllj, .-14 ; at-wwesvuie, N v C.,; 22 ther t t vats, 1 pool. 2 lime 1 shop house 18x22 bark house, bark mill house, - stable? dwelUng; 10 m iUJ. u vi ucara on reasonaDie terms. -f aesiraDie tarm, containing 162141 tiJ acres, about threee mUea west of Charlote &aroIma Central railroad,, known as the JUniUS HaVRS farm aH1nfn1ti : - t-fea 1or, n. I iBrtnger and othersTleven-room dwelling! uwotKU 1 lULLUf 1(11 f Ifl fffVVl ronSIT nn thai viouuros. frtjjL- waierea ana in a cnad nehh hood. "Price per acre $3Q - I Sfi Sr?ict of 1311(1 containing 75 acres, lying ml v. A , t, u- B1X mnes east or uolum-l DUS. Oh this Dlace is tha Snlnn ftnlH Minn -7" Tract of land containing 600 acres lying Ini ' I Rutherford count N n a mnae fmmPnfn. ersordton and 20 miles from Shelby, apple orctard on tne place, small two room dwelling, fine Um bered land, p ne, early maple, walnut, oak.kc, dpouc acres under cultivation. Gold mine on the place This property Is known as the Cook juuio i as m. $3,om Qtt Tract of land' containing 134 acres In jy mecKJenburg county, N. C, 8 miles frond fuidriuiie. good store house 4 rooms, good orchard naacws under cultivation, ; balance In plneandj i u iitois, guia mine on property. Price $a peri Lot fronting on Morehead st, 99x366 feet t eiuiui iwo-rmm nnnaA nmii int. nw eer.nntnr ,-,i-f - -. - ' ""i t j-i. tiwiu ucca. xtico oou. J.1 ?"lve;room dweningwlth kitchen and stable, t:J- lot 99x198 on West Trade street, beautlfc grove and wen of good water. Price $2,200. 19 One story frame dwelling and lot onStonel Trf wall street PrUvizm. I i : One lot and a half lot, unimproved, on tt curuer oi a ana ilia streets. Tice vxu IK-One story frame store house 20x60 feet, lo! f i 24x100 feet, fronting on railroad, and oof unimproved lot in rear of above 100x125 feet, Dot! ai aamoro, Moore county, N. C. tru e $45U. A Two story frame dwelling, four rooms, hanl xJ stable, smoke house, good well, some M wvva, auoui acre or land, m baniord, moore N.C. Price $l,3oa . . . j in Fifty" one acres of land, 23 acres under em trl vatlon. talance tlmhpr. mostlv Dime. SOUi oak. Two tenement houses on place, lying on ttf edge of Sanf ord, Moore county, N. C. Price $SS (The above three tracts will be sold together separately, and if purchaser desires can secure g fusal Of a stock nf i?nnda nf nri a freed UDODM Lweeu uimseu ana ine owner.) : FOR RENT. Storeroom on Colleee street, west eide. latelyof cupled by J. Shannonhouse & Co. f Storeroom in Morenead buildine. on VH street, at nresent nnminlfirt hv ftohiff a Co. New Storeroom on R Htreet. hpf.ween Sixth H seventh streets. J Dwelling on B . and D . railroad, between 8th viu Btieets. verv convenient to eiiiou a ju"" iurniiure iactoiy or Newcomb's planing vams B. E. COCHRANE, MaMPj Charlotte sept2dtf A Teacher WanleC FOB THE COLORED GRADED SCHOOL. 'Owlnato the reslematlon of one of thefanj teachers In the Colored ftmtad School, there vacancy to be filled at the next meeting a 8cbool board. Any one desiring to appl?Ior1 position will please call on the undersignea, Tha nrhM. flmnAn nrlll nnlin HI Sentember 14th. at 9 a. m . and the colored TnOflQ OArt-omKA 1 CfV n coma hA'.lT. Bepcfiaiw v. - v : T.J. JTUiiiWiMw7l SCHOOL NOTICE. Miss TT. TWOnRTB WfTI nnon hop Hfthool 00 W me vtn or September, imr assisted vj sepldlw Did you Sup pose Mustang Liniment only goJ for horses?- ' It is for inflame tion of allflesb. ... augldlm

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