In Time, Labor and Money. No housewife Glassware, Window Glass, Nickle, Britaniay- can afford to be without it. It has no equal for cleaning Silver and Plated Wares, Brass, Copper, Steel and Bronze without scratching. It is Indispensable - as a; kitchen soap. Kept by all first-class druggists and grocers. EEHBBSSBESnSEQBIHBBSBl COLORED CATHOLICS. Progress of Their Church and School Worlt at Richmond. Richmond Dispatch. - In the year 18,79 Right Rev. Bishop Keane began his missionary work among the colored people of this city,: and his success so far bfaa been most gratifying to, him. About two years ago be succeeded in securing the help or the Josephites, an order established in England for the good of the cols ored race, and the result wag the coming to Richmond of Rev. Father Slattery, former superior of the order in Baltimore. Since his arrival here Father Slattery haa devoted himself zealously to the spiritual welfare of the '' colored people. ' A handsome brick church, parsonage and school house have been built on Jackson street, and in a short time the former will be dedicated with imposing cere monies. Father Slattery has not stopped here . ir( his good work. He realized the$necessity for good teach ers for hig schodl, and his 'efforts to secure thcfb. have been successful. The steamer .Wyoming; 4 which ar rived in New York Wednesday, brought from England -three Sistera of the Order of St. Francis, who will come to Richmond to teach 'in the , colored pathplic ischpol attached to St. Joseph's .church. These ladies Sisters Alphonsas, Leonardand Do minicaare members of a cpmtnunity whose original seven were converts from the English Church. . They had v been a sisterhood in the establish ment land I. they thenlselves, with their convent and grounds, : were brought into the Catholic Church. At Null Hill, near London,1 they have a house of. reformation for girls, a select school for the upper classes, and a free sqhool for the poor. In 1831 they volunteered to come to Bal timore, there to take charge of a foundling asylum for negro children, and to teacbw the girls' school of the colored Catholic church. They are now cpming; to continue the same, work in Richmond, Here they will; . ceacnuoouisDoys ana gj.i4.neaQ V Sisters.wili te in the city the latter' part of 'nextiweek and will occupy temporarily the pastor's residence. They will beginj school on Monday, 06tobet 5th. Sister Alphonsa will " be the aunerioreea; t Womeii.'Ih Boston- . r From Letter to Cleveland (0.) Leader? ' : ; No feature ot: Boston life is more suggestive than;the great number of wbmehr who; ccjme into ..the.iCitx-on, the local trains" prom- 7i till 9 in the morning. ' It is suggestive because, it is an outgrowth of the new condition Tof affairs which MrsJ Sutherland Orr calls t'l'the renaissance .olwomann hood.,". It is a condition -that t shdws how womei hay entered .into busi ' ness and K industrial life and how dm portant a factor they are in economic interests. ,5Chat its tendency is to de crease the' numberl';6f-;iihose'f-"mai: triages that have been. tour de force. ;that have peeh')pontracted not from the feeling that should make mai f riage sacred, but on the mere basis of . Jfobd and shelter, is doubtless the fact. "Marriage must be a very miserable condition if only starvation, ariyes a woman into it" Tera&i rio&d ; Englishwoman recently." "The new. 5 ( tegime doesf not so much tend to dec " imate the number as to elevate 'the - quality of. our homes. For a home is not, necessarily1, determined : by the family "cooking: stove; it is, in its ; ideal sense; a spiritual kingdom, an atmospheret and one to which modern conveniences' and the elimination of domestic drudgery. 'greatly Contrib ute. It is of .all thinks in seeing the throngs6f wbMea 'that' emerge from the early jriprnmg tbB8 - to Boston. : Accomplishments of the Average ' .'Baby. The Independent. - - - . It can wear out a $1 pair of kid shoe3 in twenty-four hours.' . ; '. , . It can keep its father busy ad veiN tising in the newspapers for a nurse. . f It can occupy simultaneously both sides of the largest sized bed manu factured. It can make itself look like a' fiend just; when 'mamma ' want8 - to show "what a pretty baby she has." It can make an old bachelor in the room adjoining uso language that, if uttered on the street, would get him in the penitentiafy for two years.: Cf It can go from the furthest end of the room to the foot of the stairs in the hall adjoining quicker than its mother can just step into the closet and out again. ;-"-.;v-:-'( '-r. ii It cani go to sleep N"liko a little angel; " and just as mamma and papa are starting1 for tbe theatre it can wake up and stay awake until the last act. j' ' It can : cause its - father to be in sulted ;i by : every boardings house keeper in the city who 'never take children, " which m nine cases out of ten ia very fortunate, for, the child reb;. ; " . V r These are sofne bf the- things- that a baby can do. But there are other things as well. A baby can make the commonest homo. . the brightest spot on earth; f ? It canlighten ;the burdens of a loving mother's life by adding to them. It can flatten its dirty little face against the wjnddw-pane in such 9f way that the tired father can see ft as a picture before he rqunds the cor ner. Yes, babies are great' institu tions, particularly one's own baby. Was Not Expected To.j Eron the. Southern Bivouac. H At a certain battle of the late war a federal chaplain happened to get in the vicinity of a battery of artillery which was hotly engaged.' :The Con federate shells were plowing furrows around the guns, and the cannoneers answer fehot sfpart shot. The chaplain aaaresseai nimsejii -to a sergeanuwno wa3 very" efficient but -at the same time rather profane, in the following words: ''My friemd, if you go :on this way can you expect the support of Divine Providence?'.'. ''Ain't ex pectin' it," said the sergeant :r,.the ifeHs'fsrslyas oeeootdered to support this battery, n ' Gent3, to make a good appearance; snould have shapely .Jooklng feet. Fine fitting ishoes, con structed oii ' scientific principles, cover up defects, aria at'tfre samfc time ' develop all the good points tn one's feet,- pt these reasons, and for ease and comfort, always ask your dealer for the ''HAN AN" snoe oy tar tne Dest ever maao. a. kajnxln Sl BBO. agents for Charlotte teblldeod SUin iiiscasesi Cured By Dr Frazier's Magic Ointment. .Cures as If by Magic, pimples, black heads or jgrubs, blotches and , ernptlons on the face, leaving the skin clear and. beautifnl; ' "Also cures-, itch, salt; rheum;' sore nip pies, sore Ups, and old,' obstinate ulcers. ' Sold by druggists,'6r mailed on receipt of price. 50jents old b? TCSmith &.Co. f -t ftrf2icSe!0dAwly?. By using Dr. Frazier's Throat and Lung Bajsarif thes only cure for coughs, colds, hoarseness and sore throat, and all diseases , of J;he Throat and Lungs. Do not neglect a cough. It may prove fataL Scores and hundreds of people Jc?& their, livesito -De--Fraaier 'a - Throat 'and Lung Balsam; and no family will ever be without it after once Rising lt,:and discovering its marvelous power. It Is put up in large ifamily botUes'.'ajQd soldforthe mall price ; of, 50 cents a bottld.-- Sold by T.O. Smith & Co. " V ' ' ' 1 -i--' Htfeb3Sdeodkwly ; Iawsfh tors, Wive and Irotliets : We emphatically guarantee Dr, Marchlsi's Cath ollcon, a Female Remedy, to eue maie diseasesj such as ovarian troubles, inffammatiott and ulcera tion, falling and displacement or -bearing 'down -feeline, irregularities, barrenness,- change of life, Jeucorifooea besideaanany weaknesses springing from' the above, 11 like headache, bloalna ( spinal weakness, sleeplessness, nervous deblJity7palpit!a ttori of the hactv &c. t For sale by dmggists. Price S1.JD0 and $1.50 per bottle. ! Send to Dr. J. B. Mar chlsU Wca.'N'-fV for raniphlet.-free." -r .-:. ' For sale by L.-K. Wriiston, druggist, Charlotte,, N.jC JulylTeodJj-. r WHOLESALE CHARLOTTE, N. C, Represents two of the largest LAGER BEER Breweries in the United States -i : .:, .., Kite Berpfuer A; JBngel Breivlnif :Co,i of Philadelphia,, and the i 61. & WE. SrfiaJTer BrewInjE Co., ot TfliriGEST VLAQER BiEER BOT TUNG 'ESTABLISHMENT -. . IN THE CITY. . . . . ':. - - -, GTOrders Solicited. All order promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any part' cf the city.; dec20aif ' , s ; FOUIVI 1809. Eighty-Second AnriuaWSession begins Sept; 3rd.: For catalogue apply to V BEV. ED WABD BOSTDTH ALEBt; D. D., 1 ' ; rREV. JOHN Er.CLEWELL, "-:;':.V; ,. j ,t; ' Prmcipalg.' - ILilUli A'f THIS! -:p . AND .VRX; PRD -M THIS ISBroiEAELOTTS PBOi'LB- ' RHEUMATISM AND TONIC. . v : ' ' Chartte; N:t)., Dec. JO, 18S4. ' ; i'have ilsed Mrs. rJbe PersonReme dy y and it is ' the finest medicine ' I ever used for 'Rheumatism. For more than twenty years I havheen afflicted with muscular; Rheumatism, and iad tried every Jaivpn remedy, ' vbu without avail., ., I .was often so bad off and suf fered bo muchi tnat I could hp lie down', but had to be propped up in bed. I had ' been subject to these severe , at-T tacks' for twenty ryears. fj jtried I ?lrs. erspn's, Remedy? last tiigii i&ajfm perfectly cured.1 the best medicine in the world, I think. No words of nHno 'pkh Express the beneWI ftaved rived from its use. I suffered frompal- pitation of the heart upon the.leastex- My 'health' 'is now: perfect, and it is all . owing to Mrsi Joe Person's . Remedy Hill ahi' strong .and; well, and can take ex tended exercise witnout -fangue. l aaT vise all who need.a Tonic pxi arejsiiffer- I Witn ttneumaiism or .oczema,' w iner take it. I was-, induced to try it by it having cured niy little grandson ...of ' V . JU. JiUWiVljXJ. qSafes for Sale. - 4 Two good second hand safes will be sold cheap.' One MILLER'S. . One HEBBEfG'S.. M an WaiitedEM? HI " locality. Responsible house. References exchanged. rtdresa taKnglish. GAY BROS., 13 Barclay Street, .If. Y. i T A ? AITlTAli'O I ' Agents wanted to sell the iUiUUliUiO MA&IC - MOSQUITO -?- BITE V CURE, gives instant relief, and drives them away. Address SALLADE& CO.. 8 East 18th St, New York Ffc I? A XT XT C Its' CAUdES and cuBli:. xJ JCjIYIj IN fOn-bj one who was deaf twenty -eight years Treated by most of the noted f peclalists of the day with no bentfit. Cured him self in three months, and- since then hundreds, of others by the same process. A plain, simple and successful home treatment. Address T. S. PAGE, 128 East 26th St., New York City. . . ce For I -A GBAND SALE OF- v EiMttilIi,shetl 1866. FAY'S MANILLA ROOFING ! Besembles fine leather; for roofs, butside walls, and inside in praceof plaster. Very strong and durable; - Carpets and ruga of same material. Cat alogue wita testimonials and samples free. -- - W. H. aY & CO., Camden, N. J'. P I E 0 ffl Q N T S E EV1 1 N A R Y. A SCHOOL POE EOTS AHDr GIBLS. " ' Wide awake and up to the Hires ' Practical 'course, practical, teacners and practll methods Prepares for college or business. Hasarepntation for thoroughness and good discipline. Location hea'thy. Of easy access by railroad; ? Next session begins 4th Tuesday la August, 1883. For circular. &c,iSendto f D MATT. THOMPSON. r aug20d4wtf. Principal, Lincolnton, N. C BURNHAM'S MPROTED f Kb b i n e Tn t.TiA W9t.nTstrnntAd and fin ! i'lt f lished Turbine in the world; It . s; ii iittgives better r percentage with Pfcapan or run gaie, ana is oia ior money per horse, power than any other Turbine.1' - Pamphlet free by ": . ' buenham bkos., ..). .-. ii .r , . . York, Pa. -il!.2-5Q s" J 'mt- f -An Extraordinary Cfase of Cure tty tike Mrs. Joe Person Hem- I edy.;.;.: w& i I ;' TThe foEowihg letter, dateij January 14, 1885, has Just been received,- and will be shown to any per-: sbn whote lAterested ln the subject. - Names and dates are withheld loj; obvious reasons ' : i,ldJOPESBE'-'r"-':'Ji'"' Ux 'v " i ' ''Madam On the 29th of last -May a boy child well developed In every respect was born in this city,bnt the;; "King 5 of Terrors" began to chisel about Its little heart, and ; notwithstanding its plump and vigorous constitution the ppi3on Inthe blood soon began to manifest Itself iri "what the medical men termiJEczema,' 'Pupura,' or Heredi tary Taint' . Some bldv 'mothers ' concluded' the child had the yellow tfirAsh.'-Yet whatever the disease it was certainly a -stubborn; master tor th ;dootor9.fe;i- , i A " - ' -The mbOier took thel little sufferer to the coun try v, hoping that the pure fresh air might be bene ficial, and. Dr. -- of Lumbertoiv was called to treafrhe case. He pwnoanced itEC2;fma,-and dW all heQuldtor it, butto no-Jpurpeise, anymor than to checK the fever to which t the disease sub jected the boy. : " vl ' . , -t"At the-first frost the- victim5 was agatn'removed to the city ad Jmmiedlatelr Df was called and he pronounced the disease .'Pupura, and pre scribed accordingly, feeding upr the disease bn' iron and other minerals untfl the babe's mouth be came so sore that for two weeks' it did not nurse, A friend jraggested as a last hope andTes'ort 1 -- MES. JOE PERSON'S HEMEDYrV S 1. - 'fin means of procuring any-more heip.or medi cine had failed, and . to, .this iour ,of : deepest de spair ine poor motner went ana asKea ner arng- gist to let her have one bottle anil ona package of ine Kmeay, ana was reiuseu, .. oecause sae aia not have the t moneyf to; pay! jf or it. She ' pawned her wedding ring and raised $150 to pay for the medi- "When she gave the child the first dose, three -weeks ago. to-day, the little fellow was a mass of scaly sore's from the hips to the knees,and at seven months old had never borne his weight on his" feet. .To-day, by the help of T-od and a f attafal ajdmlIsir traxion'Oii tne.ttemeay wie cnua is wen ana strong in the legs, and last Sabbath morning while the mother was weeping at the necessity of drying up her reast, lietook hold and nursed aa strong and vigorous as '. ever. The administration ot the Remedy is still kep up to effect a complete eureJ "Believing in ita efficacy I. have prevailed upon Mrs. v ! to. take, it for- Inflammatory vRheoma- Y. 1. OSBORNE Osborne & Blaxwell, : Will Practice in the State -ana Federal; Courts " Officer land 3, Law'Building. -r , July 15M885. '' -1 , ''"' ffrnwAd1-"'' CLOCKS AND: JEWELRY. Diamonds Silver and Silver-Plated . .. Waret ; ' ' '- '4 9 dCe Prices cut down from ..Thanksgiving Day to March 4th 1885. - - - --Those wanting any of the above goods will please Kill and hear my prices, they are the lowest and the goods are the best . - " J. T. , BUTLER. A NEW Form Book, A s MAWUAi; : OF JLAW AUfD , i FOIHLS FOR : 1 o '"-I Justices of the Peace;- - - p ' .;. . . County Officers, - ! r ' ; : ' :u :. Lawyers and Business Men. ' Carefully compiled and prepared from the Stat utory Law ot North Carolina, inclhdihgthe Acts of 1885- '.3 .... Rrlcte $2.50 Each. v. f -. -.. i r -.a --' i'.' t " " "' : ? - r-.-r .- : - i s . t - t. ?' v.,-f TIDDY & BRO.t ; Th0 only distinctively Normal - school 'In the State ' Preparatory; Business Teachers; Fine Art and Literary courses. No- extra charge lot Elocu tlon,. Book keeping. Surveying and Agricultural Chemistry. Expense low. Send for catalDue: j. janelSwSm :- : L.E. DTJNCAN.PrlndpaL , V . EYERY DOLLAB' THAT IS DUE tt," J i . .t . . -' ' J Elther' by note, account or mortgage. Do tot for get this, but pay up promptly and save your credit for another year. ' Very respectfully.' ' ':... Sep3w3m - 1 BROWN; WEDDINGTON.& CO. Soenf SOMMl-fllLUIRY -AT' QUERY'S :o.:tt10: ' " ' I -r I J HAVE JUST RETUNED FROM THE NOBTB ern markets with all the. 7 . ' -f ' ' ; L .niAi : . Latest; Nciyelties In MILLINERY forj;heTsuinmer season, which are how opening "i n. . Ladles so fortunate' afrto "have yet to buy their Summer millinery will find some great advantage In seeing our New Goods and Low Prices. . Great redaction in tfad price of all goods In t&ta line, since, the spring openliig,j Large variety of Misses' 'aht Children's Hats. Call and See the Summer Novelties G.-Mi -QUERY. Auother -; Invoice .- : , z :-;. -- .- ... - j ti'.t Salad andvMeat Dressin Tells the tale that we" have-'hit upon somethfn T1- . nle. Weliave'-a llneof POTTED MEATS SARDINES, " r KIACIOSBEI , - i ' ' 7 'ii AWO SAISIOIV That wOlgJye entire Batlsfactloa. f : BAKER'S AND MALLARD'S CS-iMl): J: CHOCOLATE. PHILADELPHIA "HAMS, A1IB -BACON. BREAKFAST Champagne Cider y" : tn On ice la the king of after-dinner drinks. A supe . . ( rior brand to be found at ' ii lli '1 r ihPidfjyp)! Sup- St,-.-j-il-1 .;a.,r; ' ' j Ipbse -Mustang Lipimeiit only good :; tiOn,of all flesh.1 . - ang4dlm ,

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