VOLUME XXXIV. CHARLOTTE, N: C THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 24,. 1885. PRICE FIVE CENTS. I Ml if s ill -TO THE PUBLIC- The Largest and Most Complete Stock of at we have ever had, consisting ef Dry Goods. Clotnlns, Hats. Caps, B-vrts and Shoes. QurDros otfwir comnrtsea Silk WarD an1 Wool Henriettas. Camels Hair Clom. Tricots. Jacaunrd Flannels, Smeller Cloths, etc. Our stock ol Black and ColoredSllks and Sarahs Is our special, it you want a nr colored SUk Dress don't fall to see ours before burlne. Nice line Buele Trimmings, Beaded fronts etc. Laage stock Ladles' Wraps, embracing Newmarkets, Circulars, Vlsltes, etc. Maralid9 IFlaiiae hJJml erwear 5 Tah'e Damasks, Napkins, etc. Big stock Men's, Boys and Calldre n s- Clothing, Shoes, Bats, Ca ps, etc 1 . 83-Incri Satteena at cents per yard. Extra Size Canvas Belts. TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC, im& at oar new Bustles. Come and see our stock, we will show It to you with pleasure. Special atten Hon to orders. IIMEMIS ft lliilMlEl "Thcth. likk ths suit, sometihks jj0BMns to OoSCCXED, BtJT, LIKK TUB BUN, ONLY FOB A TOOK." . r Ho 01)Tver. SinKlgcopy.. I. V.. ....... ........... Scents., ay tne week in th city. .... 20 By the inortb..... 75 Three months 2. m r Six months... . ............J........ 4.! One tmt .............k... ......... 8.00 WEEKLY EDITION. Three months.. 50 cents. Six months.. $1.00 One year........ 1.75 In clubs of five and over 41.50. 'CTia.ti-ou Prom Tli-se Kttles Subscriptions always payable In advance, not only in name but In fact. CHARLES STEWART His tactics of obstruction produced a stroDg feeling against him in Eng land, and under , the r Coercion Act. which ; was thought necessary "by Mr.- (jladstone d , ixo vernment ; m or- derto the. restoration of the power of the Crown m Ireland, he was. in October; 1881, arrested as a "suspect," and imprisoned m Kilmamham iail. He was released, it is alleged, as the ' result of a letter to the Prime Minis ter in which he is understood to have offered his co-operation with the reg ular authorities in the restoration of oraer ana tne .devising or - measures intended to obviate the causes 1 of political trouble in his native land. Since his return to the House of Com mons, as previously, he has shown ! remarkable ability as a leader, and fflOW IHIB'S CLOTHING ROOM -:o:- Is presided over by an experienced man, Vrithhte cwpcSent assistants, it. is the jpride of our house, feslng iBtrppilcd inth par- remarKaDie anility as a has been the head and front of local agitation in Ireland. When thtf Land first-class goods and governed vith a thorough svstem rw - . s.i.ia T 11 J 14, . . . . . , tJ s-.. urcatxiciiuvriu lueasiiauuu i ucauo Lxumuseu aa lilt resuiu ul Hie for Irish Independence. 1 repressive legislation adopted by Par- Af v,' onQroi T3Qi.5rv,0r.f0 Uiament, he organized the Irish election in the United Kingdom of te"ca 15liai h JK&SIUIN Al M KIN . Its operations, however, were more or less restrained by law until about the time of the advent of the present Government to power when s Ireland again came under the ordinary ad ministration of justice.' c There seems to be no proof that this lenient policy is unwise, Irish leaders, including Mr. Parriell, advising the' people to refrain from outrages. Great Britain and Ireland, two miK Hon voters will cast their ballots for the first time. This enlargement of franchise will be accompanied by a simpler plan of distributing repre sentation than .-that hitherto in force, and-one which approximately equali zes it according to population. In the advantages of this vast reform Ire-, land shares equally with England and Scotland, and at the present time the strongest efforts are being made by Mr. Parnell and his co- 1 workers to secure the influence which will place him in the next Parliament lt Queeo Victoria's Will. London Truth. 'r-'-'- wioucauu! v.FVu Kiwj wi. c family must at least have proved uisv;ipiiuriA mou wuu viii iuiwh uio hiehlv DrofitablA to the lawvers cons W f IT ' , ' 1 T LABORING MEN, . BUSINESS MEN, ' RAILROADMEN, - ' ; " : STO UT AND SMALL MEN, 'V:& THIN AND;TAI3meN, ER BELT NB. 25 S. CHARLES STREET, BALTIMORE, MD SSL PURE OAK LEATH And Dealers InvKUBBKR BEL.TTNG, PACBUJJ HOSSi, &e. COTTOJf, WOOJLEN and SAW MILL. SUPtlES, &c. Agents : - Boston Beltiog Co.'s Hoyt's Leather Belt. Mt. Vernon Bdking. W Joseph Noom&s1 Sons Roller Slash errand lead in the attempt to gain the largest concessions in the direction of Irish independence. ' Parliamentary candi dates are being selected who will be pledged to loyalty towards the na tional cause, which Mr. rarnell avows is that of legislative independence for Ireland, tie claims that this can be gained. Ac the same time he is stir ring the popular feeling with regard V vuc;. uuDOUiuu, i v,ol,wi6 onfl hP.Sl:10H t.riAflA t.hprp ATA thA Afl which he nays, it the government taLea in Aberdeenshire, which extend Derfect fit and should aid the landlords to enforce to 33 000 aorftS. th r-lkrmnnt nron. P3111 ut erty, which her Majesty purchased Our assortment of Men'i Boys' and Youths'.SoitS &r fiw MCZlls :jIiSI 1 Clearer Cloth. T. K. Earle Card Clothing, &c. m PUBLIC. My Dressmaking Establish ment is now open to receive work. Early callera Served first. Parties desiring to get up their winter wardrobe will find my tock in excellent condition, as 1 am prepared to show the handsomest stock of Fine Dress Goods, Silks, Vel vets, Plushes, etc., I have ever offered to the trade. All invited to call and see the new styles. ; , . f . 1L. SEME. xcel ves The Most 'AttraW Stocl: Ever Offered in the Stau, or Boots, ; lioes. VALISES, UMBRELLAS, ETC., Is now being received and placed to poeltton for . snow and sale at our old aad well-kriown tand in the First National Bank building, on West Try on street, nearly Hotels. opposite the Central and Buford Call and Examine For yourselves. Orders by Express or Mail prompt ly attended to. . - SPECIALTIES. AT.MA POLISH and BUTTON'S RAVEN GLOSS' for Ladles' Fine Shoes. Pei ram d to. Alexander & Harris HAVE A MAGNIFIQEOTSTOCE OFJDRESS GOODS. rL(lliAUJaii.i- acuj kkuwin , SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, Printa rwsptu Tahie Linens. Towels and Napkins, Hosiery anfl Gloves, Blbbons, Handkerchiefs, fS?& chfS. foV cents. Gents- Ladles' and Children's Flannel Underwear, Pants Goods. Clonks RhawirHand Ba. Lace, Embroideries, Indeed anything wanted In the Dry Goods line. Our imiSiBWUl to any in the city. Our Silks In Black and Colored will be sold way down. , ' , ' ' - i . . AH the above go(ds must be closed out at the earliest possi- ble time, as we are positively going out 01 ousmess. Ask for Elkln Wool Tarn and Blankets. We are the agents. L3 cerned. . Last : year the Queen made a iresh settlement of her private property after the Duke of Albany's death, and now I hear that entirely new testamentary arrangements have been made bv her Maiestr The ' amount of the Queen's i property ; is this season shows the best f iyles from , Qie best MwJiant unknown, but I am told that, mclud- mg the Prince Consort's fortune and .. , . . , . , v. n 'a. naLi. Mr. field's, it exceeds $20,000,000, Tailor designs thorough workmanstup. excellent wloths, and, besides these, there are the their full claims, it would be the duty of Irish representatives to stand by their people. In various parts of Ireland, moreover, - meetings haye been held of late, at which the speak era, including several memoers oi Parliament, have advocated the os tracism of all men who; took lands from which previous tenants had been evicted. . In a word, the masses of the Irish people and Parliamentary aspirants are being so disciplined as to insure predominating representa tion from Ireland .in the reformed House of Commons of members who, under the astute leadership Of Mr. Parnell, will give weight and force to his utmost demand. The Irish National League is the vast organiza tion having in hand at the , present time the enforcement of the meas ureB iudeed the best for the purpose stated. Their way is unquestionably the easier because of the conciliatory attitude assumed by the present Con servative ministry towards The Irish leaders when it assumed office after the resignation of Mr. Gladstone. Should Mr. Darnell succeed in oiae- nz himself at the head of eighty or eighty-five members of the next House Of Uommons he will he in the position to "deal" from the country three years ago at - J . tat y-V a very maaequate' price; ana tne uss bom.e estater which has enormously increased m value; to say. nothing of property at Baden-Baden and at Co burg. It is probable that the bulk of Isle of Wight property will be left by the Queen to the Duke of Connaught: and Balmoral and most of the Scotch property to Princess Beatrice,, who will also get Claremont. They, will MODERATE Gentlemen who wish to dress with taste and 'save mohey, will find them selves well repaid by purchasing in this department, v - 1 All Clothing offered by us is made under our own supervisiomt v& can be her maiestv's nrincinal heirs, and therefore guarantee every garment to be thoroughly made. We have Sms a very handsome provision has been proved our system of cutting to such an extent that a poor fitting garment marie for the children of the Duchess of Albany, and for 'he families of Pnncass Christian and the Grand Duke of Hesse is entirely out of the question.. year, and are therefore able to goods, We have; carried but few, gooda from last offer you an entirely comlplete line est new with either the Conservatives or Lib erals. as circumstances may direct; but in Great Britain it is generally believed that neither one of these parties could survive s concession so comprehensive as to inciuae an maes pendent Parliament for Ireland. There can oe no question, nowever, A Romance In Real Life. Chesterfield (S. C.) Advertiser. James Hunter . was convicted at this term of court of manslaughter. Miss Dora Evans was an eye witness to the killing and a niece of the - de ceased. . Monday morning Hunter was sentenced to four years in the State prison. Friends and kinsmen who had staid by him in the long and tedious trial bade him good bye and went home. Tuesday night, while advantageously snenn: King ana ms household were We Have the Nobbiest Goods in the Land and Quote the Lowest Prices, W DO KOT WJJVT SEhTt IX. sleeping the sleep of the just, sudden ly there came a gentle tap, tap, j on the outer door. Was it a ghost? No, it was a nymph. Miss Dora! Evans had fled from her home and had come twenty-five miles through the darkness and rain to marry her lover, James Hunter. Sheriff King, MMLORBBRS S030xCITJBI. 9 that under the leadership of Mr. Par not knowing exactly what to do, put nell, the cause which he represents has made great progress. 'He is still , , a voung man. having oeen Dorn at Avondale. in the county oi wickiow, Ireland, as recently as 1847. His father was at one-time high sheriff for the county Meath, and his mother her off till morning. Wednesday i morning, promptly at 8 o'clock, J as. Hunter and Dora Evans were made man and wife. Rev. J. W. McRoy performed the ceremony in the jail hail in the presence of about one hundred spectators, officers, mem- CHARLOTTE, N. C. the daughter of Admiral Stewart, hers of the bar, jurymen, white col- whn Rommandea tne united States weu auu luuiuersui. ouuu is iub. frigate Constitution during the war of 1812. He inherited the estate on . A iucia Explanation. which he was born, and was educat- Texas sittings. ed at narrow ocnooi, xungiana, anu Two Texas negroe dropped into Magdalen College Of ChO University eW.trimt.v nnn dav during t.hftir rnn. 01 uamoriage, iu iou, no wb cicuu- versation. ed member of Parliament tor Meath, What de debbel am dis heah tele and represented that constituency graf anvhow? I don't understan' how Luntil the general election of 1880, . f0ig make each udder understan when he was returned tor three con- more den a hundred miles . off, as I stituencies, including tne one ne naa aa heerd tell on." - represented so long, lie preterrea lJ)ey jess works a leetle -masheen to sxt for the city, or uorK. At tne at one eend, an' it writes at de udder beginning pi nis pariiamentry career eend." he was a member of the Irish . Home i don't sorter kotch on." Our Grii Closing fut Si -OF- nnnKUHKBE5 (DflcMMflnS -STILL CONTINUES.- did, "Did you nebber tread on a dog's tail?' VOb couse I hah." "Hit didn't bark wid his tail he?" - "Ob couse not.' "Jess po wid de telegraf. De dog bark wid his mouf at de udder eend. Jess s'ponse a dog long enuff to reach from Austin to San Antone. ; Tne French as Colonizers. ' . Rule party, in which he soon rose to eminence altaougn a rrotestant ana nersonallv not popular with the lead fng members In October of the same year, he tounded and was maae first Dresident or tne .national trisn Land League. Simultaneously with . 1 " - 1.1.. .W . - 1 UUI 1 wv. A a A KM an agitation wuiuu iu ioou mauo iiix. Parnell the supreme xrisnman ana the virtual ruler of his country, ex t.raordinarV' means of relief were a don ted f orthe relief of Irish distress in which both England . and the TTnited States took a conspicuous Blackwood's Magazine. narfc. In January,-1880, Mr. Parnell The French moral fibre is not visited the United States and created strong enough to. withstand the ener a feeling that crystalized itself in the vating and demoralizing effect of des formation of Land League associa- based Oriental life. Instead of rais- tions, which proved the main finan- ing the natives to their own ' level cial support of , the home organiza they fall to the level of the natives tion. He was ? subsequently chosen and by this process they lose all title nresident of the Home Rule party in to respect as well as all the influence place OI Jiir. ouaw. luwoiua tiuu j.ur guuu, wuiun huuuiu utiauu iiu lueui niiva of 1880 Mr. Parnell and certain as belonging to a higher and a, Chna of I hia T associates I were indicted for tian civilization; With the loss of conspiracy, which resulted in a trial respect goes also the confidence of hrnught to an indeterminate issue, the. natives in the justice and fair but their virtual acquittal by the non- dealing offtheir conquerors, and the agreement, of the jury. When he French have no other; weapon than took his seat for Cork, the young tne cnasapot with wnioa to encoun statesman was made . leader of the t ter the dislike and unwillingness to Irish party in the House of Commons. J submit thus engendered. ' " we will offer this week at a great sacrifice, 100 Men's Suits at $5:00, WORTH $10.00, $12.00 AND $13.0. 100 Boys' and Children's Suits from $2.00 up. These are eitraoidlnary bargains and cannot be gotten anywhere else for 1 1 But they must be closed out. We dont Intend to carry an orer, We make a clean sweep of every gar ment every season, and do not take cost lntoconslderafic ; tnrty call will pay every eoonomlcal purchaser. if UPADIIf G t-XOTIIIER, 4 aOTKI COKIf EC

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