1 II All IT I A. f I I I 4 I I1JA. i --r-l ft I .... .-jt f I -- I ; 1 .-7 'y-.-'p'- i 1 XNv" Si ' " ' ' ' ' 1 (111,1)1 Tnu ' ' u V U ' lffPTtir OTlT-!lx , iVOEUMB 'XXXIV.' ,J : i. -o; ri . CH AELiOTTR." rN: O. T HTTR8D A Y ( JnTOTlRR 15 ' 'AV. ' - - , . iMMMWJHMBiMtWHtMa!taaijaara - - f t . - IPS MB .a -QF ES OB3COKEDj-"DTf "-LIXS, TH SOT, ONLY FOR A TOIX." , - Subscription to the OhcrTer: j the church so && i to-1 eliminate th8 I V ' v.- At a meeting:ofr the TenqeeseeCon f ererice bf the: - Method ist: Church out-plumbia Te'nn.V last week j; the matter of . changing , the name of i 5 cents. 75 ; - , In Hayerlocks and Plain Circulars from-$ll00to $3 00. I'-- 11' i - n-f.i:0 fiuoer From $1 50tdl$7 50; DAILY EDITION: 4 By the week to the dty.xvivjj Jar inemontB.i......,,. t.,.- ' .-..i: . Three months. . .. ; ; 5 00 Six months,... v..,..vv. .. a.:. .... - 4.00-: One year..,. .,..;. ..-..-....f, 8.00 .-. WEEKLY EDITION. Six months.. ....41.00 pne year,,....;. L75.1 t uiciuos or nve ana over $i.3u. ,". : Wo Deviation From These llHles wiuv in name dui m.iacu ; , " : - iixt '-J i'lL; ' ' 8- ?T 5 f Si- . RUB BER SHOES, FOOT HOLDS, &c; U m brel las, &c. .MA Was pronounced by visitors at the opening to fce unusually attractive, all being charmed with the handsome display of Silks, .Velvets, .fine Brass Goods, Ladies' and Childrans? Wraps. . : . i f No lady should purchase a SiiS or Velvet before seeing my Stock. ,: " . ' .-v.r ; : '.,-;;--Y-;,,! 'v'rfM-i" No lady can afford to purchase a JlanneL Cash mere or Jersey Cloth before examining my prices' xtemem-Der raps Thati have the greatest variety bl ( - . ; - ...... TO. be, found In any house. In. the city, and at 1 " "prices that no one will complain at . ; ; ; lease of 22-inch Cashmere, with aU wool filling, to , 5 ; be sold at 10 cents per yard. t'H j MJ9 mg uarseives The Most Attractive Stock Ever Offered in the State, i price fjve ixktsf. tii i ii ii 1 1 1 1 ii i ii rr'i in ii n i iiBwiipwumii nwin mil "'jjJl BLOWESG UP-'FLOOD KOCIt. : JFIood CRock, which'was 'blown; ; up" Saturday was about 1,200 by,625 feet inSUrface, dimenfiing Ar ftrt,jfimal island was built? boutr the7 highest portion,, of the rock and within rXits limits shafts .were -jsunk and gaK lenes were carried from the latter lt the desired direction through solid rocK ana tojsne ?propertdistances. Afford South by; usingthe plain1 term .Methodist-Episcopal Church1 caoie up unexpectedly ; and i failed, after ; a ! sharp and short: debate, by a vote if 17 to 25,(Br eliyX'B; cFerrin, n Woents. 1 prs ;Y6ung, ,WmV. Green; and others'. debating the 'question f torn'; their standpoints, all of whom were in the main opposed to the, change.; It was then.; submitted whether. Vttoo.iiame should ' be 3 so 5 ichanged i:,as itoread "Methodist Episcopal ? Church"; of. America. 'V' JChis' also met 'with ' fe pulse, ,and so far as tbia ,conf erence is concerned this question ianow at rest. and Jwill be. sb reported at ;the-Rieh- jxiayj next. ; - acnconrerence .must iact on the -questiohi andfthe geoeral NWWW'l Great care was taken in. cu 1 S ,. S f ' -.: Is now being received and placed jta position for show and sale at our old and well- the First National Bank building, on West Tryon street, nearly . opposite the Central andBuford Hotels. ' "'. . the gall ?ries to carry them a afe dis- 4-rnny. IMAM- U J C 'lit. i-ir . T laauc iium duo ucu Ui. : tlltJ - rivtJi py, jthat there should be no flooding of me eiuavawons py me 4 preaKing. in of the rocky roof. There n were,:i of Course, : were important in ,'. Character, V and powerful i putnps l took i care of the water which found its way; into the excavations. v: The greatest deptlx at tained was sixty-four 'feet by I the main shaft, and the, average" gallery floor was about fifty . feet deep. It was the intention" tb give a clear depth of twentysix feet of water over aU the points of rocks compos ing that portion of the river bed which Has been operated upon. From the main galler ies of ; the 'excavation ran tunnels in eyery direction. ' The length of the galleries and tunnels were nearly four miles, and - the thickness of the shell of r6cks6paratmg;them from the body of ; water " overhead varied frorn ten.to twenty-four - feet. Ifour hundred aiid sixty seven rock columns, eacn aoouu - niceen:. ieei square, supported this roof5 . In these pillars and the roof 13,286 holes three inches in diameter had' been drilled to an averageTdepth of nine feet. Irj the piUars.these holes Were five feet and in : the roof four feet apart? 'They were charged with "rackarpek" and dynamite (No. 1) cartridges in" the of the former.tp one Volumes of the iaW ter.Tbe total weight of these .Cart ridges was"afeut 283,000 pounds, or conference will decide according to maiority The Temperance Movement. To-the Editor oThk OBsasBVEB.f1 . f It is a- cheering prbspeet to human hearts all, at least, vhicdesrve the name of humanto see the vast progress which has-been made hi the ... Si- Call and Examrne For yourselves. Orders by Express or Man prompt ly attended to. - . ALMATOL1SH and BUTTON'S RA VEN GLOSS for Ladies Finei Shoes 1! And Dealers In RUBBER BSLTTVG. PACKlNGL HOSE, &c Vernon Belting.? febston Betting Co.'s sebK fNooTies Sdn9 ' it &SSsjfiSsiTK:' :Earle's Card 5 ni feoicCbtWng&Ci .sumora .sic; lid ; - . . ... .: : i . . ' . P- r, 5iH r i '.Vial: V":i'i"- - v- - . r-'- 5. U. ;.. n -n I I H1t 1 ..Wc are Agents for Mkin Wool Yarn and .Blankets. -,V anrfi-.; .ffi filter:: --.:5-ni rif lfa-i;. ,-rti',.-t.' w in .round;-figures, over ; 140 tons. of potash withihi lite moisfe thrown sur and has; per cent of the strength oti.p ? 1 dynamite. ' JlUjcpiuc'tl the exploding battery -was made with; the dynamite, cartridges,! and.the. ccussioncauseibl ihe. explosion of. the latter fired, the'karockl - 1 THE FRENCH SITUATION. f In the newspapers' it is stated that put of a total votbf 7,506;006 'in Fthe recent election1 in France 3,w)o;000 were cast for the;: Monarchists candid dates; pfaidws; Stripeis4'liJ f j ) This is a formidable minority with which thp French Republic is threat: ened;? - - ; e: But it is assarted that a greatmany RepubiieastiihekCohsrTv po litical -airsf - x& And-that a veryrsmaii minor;: W of the;Frefichaatiofi fat6raTesto- ration of mbnancallmperial in- This may be true Jbut small fee tipns .havejrequently play edimporfct ant parts in French politics rln the heights of their terrible prestige the Jacobins represented ' an 'extremely. small portionof Jthe French nation, . Yet they, absolutely controlled f its aescimes tor a naiueraiue; .tujuu. i tions tsf France: ihvtheir struggle for power, noiwivnsittu.iug ueu: uu morical . weakness among the CHANGESIiGr HE CHUJBCBt" -It was in; 1844 we, believe, that the Episcopal Church South seceded from the regularwgahizatibn of thb church and under thename of the Methodist Episropalf Church, South, r: asserted jurisdiction over the; rBtHblud9; edl(neiSbuthe 'war e'tfcgaatip'The s6itim1sts say. tne world is growing wiser and betterevery day : the pessimists sav. oh , the other hand,1 that our- down ward course is becoming so ; rapid tnat unless great cnanes are made, It is Jtriie T7a entertained ? a multitude ot people yestoruay and- added "all in our power, to their amusement.: Rarely are .5 .-..ST ii - Which they never will jforffet,, we' have1 concluded to fiiiiie- These; we know, will attract1 the- Ladies : like those of the v Ichthyosauri - and Plesiosauri which geologists - tell us about. V Truth, generally lies between tne twp extremes, ana ; Ueorge ; Eliot used tb say neither optimists nor pessimists were rigni;j fana icanea nerselt. a "meleorist."' ;- - ; "The. question is ; sometimes asked, Why are drunkards - more numer ous ixK proportion to the x population than in former days Vr 1 The answer is that intoxicating drinks' are nroba- mymanuiaciurea in - larger quanu wes man ever. oeiore. xne lntroauc- tion 0t steam;: oxc.y the; various S and many improvements in; machinery. enable the manufacturers to flood the world with this pernicious destroyer of soul and body r In past ages men lived more "in the; open air,- slept sounder, were less nervous ; and - the demand, for stimulants : and opiates General irhilip St. George Cocke used to say that "tobacco and liquor were the twin demons of ci vilization. V He oueht' td' haveihcluded oDium- and madela tritf'bf the three destroy ers of neart ana. Dram. v.Tnere is no-doubt-that' suicide, insanity H and crim& are on the increase; This state of thirigs "-is largely , due to : the", in creased production and consumption Of alcohol in its different forms. O l Frbm' VBlackwood'si Magazines of Juhef 1880, We Copy the following: - "ouieiae nas Deen increasing ail over Europe Iduring; the last t jiundred yearsj: Vith strangely augmenting- speed. S Exact returns are not attain able 'from evert country,1 but' the in f ormsttioh - is : not sufllciently -com- Europeans'2 are1 'howi' killings them selves at an ainlal j average : rate of ene in five thousahd, atid that conse quehtly a total of; somewhere: about 60,000 are dying bys their own, hand eacn ' year - on ine jonunenc , ana m the---Britisa'-!-Jjsie8u.w&'4n&T-tra8t M. Maurice Block, who is mbputethe safest3 statistician Of our: timeB;;the Danes kill themselves the most, and f the Jrortugueser tne-leasv tne::aniers Once' betweeh"thesewtwo sextreme fechiflg.the3 ,sCarcely icridible' pro portion or thirty-nve to one;3 cftip. f- The- JJanes arinK - strong aicononc liquors, ' while soUthernyEurope is sat- lsiied with the lighter, proaucuon of their vineyards. ; - "An article" has been going the round -of the papers headed r'Drinking Danes," sho wing :i tbel bad"preemmeMce-ox -tne jjanes in this ihatter3 eifr-otherraces". ItsftAisOems d::k to inotet''p their mostharacterteticL;yioe, fpr-they are ".."23-inch hlack gros grain Silusrextra heavy-at 1.32 j, was considered cheap at $2.00 per yard. ..There 'is d limited . -i . L it;:, : full: line of Silk "Velvets r in black, fawn brbwnS seal brown, myrtle green, navy blue, garnat and cardinal, Worth $1:25;, this: week 92J cents, - .- -':: : -- - - ' ;-'- 1 ': .-- v : - v." - .S:.'. . - . . THIRD OFFER.. ; ;A magnificent assortment of richtcblored-amd'blaelCv'Brbba' ded ?ilk -Yelvets, worth $3.00 per yard -"this week 61.65; - -T " . v - i. -w . ,- ;Y:-;;-;r: .; y fou rt h.-;;offe RiV. . : The best yalue Ladies' solid colored Cotton Hbset25 centsr They ai e regular made, good i weight and -- haTO no equal ai; oo cents a pair. . - - - -: - - : - - - MM. rt1:-.'!.-' - ' 'V' " ' '' . ' - in our ?H ':vyB 7; ;. lieparffiiit. V T ememoer, au oi aoove rnces ior xnis w eeK uniyf UU U JLliLliiiW yu tl M fid Take spirits away-? from, them -land they woula prppaplyi De : Qneuor tne most-thriftv nations in-the .world.' ' 3. vAibaotxwntdiiNgree that jnfcenK- nessris oncreasme'-in Jj'rance .mDro portion as .wme is peasmg to oe; tne nationai:oeverage.T nejureuice vi the grape is -becoming a-thing 1 6 the past;, xne juice . os ; au-iruius, - n , is saidf-haa aJfeendentoJyerconie the appet&e-Tr, alrnhoj And phflan tbropists would do much good: by opening the new ehterprise-Qfi form, ink orgahizations' for the r purpose of providing? cheap fruits for the poor e t' bo Y8 have access to asmuehxruit as they want,B:ahi the-:chkrm 5f whiskey and tobacco would probably, be-materially. lessenedii 3 cii As Dr. Ticknor's pitiablesoMr toper: complains r?'--'-r v-vy. -;; . Twas irrt-6f trtdt.eii IE iras ywii? Y; C came-Endtthcidihtsl&jlte ,; Of late there has been . a disposition t amopg some of the members of that cmircnfBome soutn ana some norwi, They kept itsilavor Irojri iny torxg-ffeT. 1 " its iragrance irom myHwaia,- -,. j-. v-- 4 a I lived on salt my father's Iau;'i ir ": . .And lol tWs yale of pain!" Y; ; . . Children have the iindeteriorated palates of our first parents and have as insatiable' a craving for fruits as old drunkards have for liquor, une is the Craving of innocence, the other Br DrrFrazler Magf-Oint3Bentr-area as If by MaMc ttmoles.tjlacJt heads et aria, blotches and eruptions on the face, leatlng. the sfcln clear and beaoHfaL - Also core Itch, salt rheum, soro iu niM. sore Bos. and old, obstinate ulcers. "Sold by to abolish the dividing-line. . : ; soidtrr r;ctftitt & co. 7 t&Maio&w !Sy' I0irl;-::';CHAEL6TTE;: N.-C. .... v-' .1 ..; . -- 5 - t-. -."- r " 1 1 in 9 CGHHER CEHTBALVHOTEIir ' - t " ;vi,?ii- eEOTEDENGGENTS' FilHWO'CK)ODS, . . - tt. a mo - ' -" ' ; rn'.f- 1 r rY -3Vc are Offering the very i finest of Foreign! and 'Amerieai? y manufacturers,--.Btuua. i tuc. largesc, iaosc yarieai unu best yet shownj and represents all the choicest patterns and f latest Y designs; : in Mens', Youth3V Boysr - 'and CllilieIls, Clothing. .f:cz-T:r;-.-; .V " y Vv": " -v'. v:!Wor8ted Cork Screw Gassimere . and ;Diagonai Suits. j Sacks,, Cutaways, Double and Single Breasted. - : ' l" ' :I:Plain and Fancy K!nit Underwear. ; .IL Ijatest and correct styles of Soft and Stiff Hats, Thesel good's have 'been specially -manufactured for thb seasbn's-trade. An early visit of inspection witt inTirc to ozr customers a cnoice 01 selection ana correct nc ; "Y A'1- TT 3 ilT' T A "TXT . K f i - '-'1 i i i -1. v .f ,1 'Y YY Y'