DAILY; OCTOBER. 15, 1885. 1 ....omlr and October. for 5ri" ; . . . m Washington, Oct 14. The chief of i.ire-uof statistics. reports that tbe f t l exports of domestic cotton ttC United States for the month ffsppteraber, 1883, and for the, two 0 ths iust ended, same as eompar ?3tn corresponding periods of the edixig year were us follows:-, ' ; ; pr!!L Districts.' Bales. Pounds. Value. . ga 55379 27,154,931 y $2,SSi,275 sal-' 8 3 270 mmra.c, 2,4us U 1 lifiJM" r- - ; 8,563,871 : ; 5,951,217,:: 3.(j..5J 4,2 '1 243 : - 127.233 : l,c6o,y32 5 13d,7v0 7,807,102 1.151.531 5f)2,55U : 185 015 -'v 4 i.5,,'8 839,2a - 594,690 30.675 437,389 13 9ytf 15 732 1 -14.700 139,092 ; 10S.3UO Sep1 Total, 13 88J 61,130,559 $62,671,226 126,188 ' 61,381 603 $65,555,159 186,116. 90,052,86) 9,323,650 XJ)bl8SdinB 137,707 . 95,147,&i3 " 10.354,465 .Uis ending buyers' favor; noddliiig upicii gs 5$d ; firtear. tgd, sp,ps i8,0(i(); speculation srid exports l(j,h re ceipts 6.4C0; all American. Futures dull at a de cline. -: , '5 25 dS l0W mJdmng caie. October delivery, October and Novpir.her 5 21-f-4dr? - o (Md. ., November and December -o IcO-S-jd. , eceraixv-aiic! J-nuarT 5 Mi4d. . '5nuary and 'ebrurv f 12 64d February ma .Mavn s l,Vf.4cL -MarcJi and t n K .-May and Jure ." st firt - "ll-? " i3ci AlrT. 5 .". 6 2X1. Tr.h U'lo W imM. J.inrr -. ' . . .... ;i i v vca'wr ii7ffv i)i3-wi, (seiets.1 Ostobsr siid Novf-mDer 5 20 (buyers.) Decanter and January 5 2j 64t.(vire.) lers.) le'ir.uaryaDd Aiarth 5 22 WcT, (sellers.) Marea and April 5 ta 65d, (seUera.) .. April an ri May 5 33 KM. .va'nrt r lay a'-d June 5 344d fvairA ' ivfclaTnK,l0W clause October qt livery 5 23-64d, (buyers). , i October aud November o 21-64i, (bnvers ) .November and December 5 20-4i (buvera 1 December and January 5 20-f4d. (buyers f v J5asV7 Mfl i February f5 a f M. fftrfc) - braary and Ma-cb 5 2-'4i, 'T)ureS) Marettana April fi iJ84d, buyers I) - ' --April and May 5 31-64d. .buyers ) May and June 5 34 C4j, (buver& f futures closed firm. . ' 7 OmCJE C TBB OSSERTKB, ) Charlotte, N. C, October 15 Ic&j. $ Tae city cotton market yesterday cluseJ easy at the followlDg quotatlop1?: WE "ABE NOW BECEINING DAILY OUR FAU, AND WlisTSE STOSEcf-BSOTS'AHS) SHOES Which will be ina few days the 3 AND oOOR Binding Stock of GENTS', ' BOYS', LADIES', MISSES' and CHLDBEN'S BOOTS . and SHOES that we have ever offered to the trade, and ' Miaming air.. - . oRt - Tnnan. OtHCl brOOQ iSiiaCUinK.. . . . .. . .. ' -' -.--.. , uooa lniaaung.... ., 8ia 't this afternoon appointed Thos. low Middling......,.....;............. 8 li-i'I ienrfn of North Carolina, con Tinges and stains.... . Vs-ie If th United States at Osaka and eipta yesterday...... B27 T - ..- Give us a call. GRAY & CO. AT THE CD : o tr o CD . GQ , o P3 C3 1 s o c ft . o' 3 CD: Ol IS Will be found a large line of Eiego, Japan. jKKTS TELEGRAPH CBeportedby T. S. Magill. OCTOBER 14, 1885. 1 OCTOBER 14; 18S5. S -Mour firm; Hov?ard Street Com per bushel.... 683)70 Meai perbusnei 68S70 Wheat per bushel 1 oo Peanuts per bushel. .1.20f?il!30 .N(K)n-iiour nrm: iiowara sireei twui-ramuj .3uaA.ao Twp? a Superfine $S.12S5$3.60; Extra $3.75fJ ra- ...................2.252.30 Wmfflv !t4F0aj5.a;.CltyMlllB Super $3.00 L, Sus?er... 2.2o255 DSOTl'anSly $5,75; Superlative Patent 6; a'''''''''---'"- 1.1001.15 Kt!outhern higher; Western higher; feoutn- Oat-sheUed,.. 4660 WbSl amber $1.03S$L(i4; No 1 Maryland Dried i!i-ult-Appies, per lb. sm rrNo$WSeAjmter redjpot j; , Reaches, r ............ 67 ?w T nnthern aun; western sreauy; .ouumern t - : . uuicoiuu oioi C?r.r1K:iin fihia. - : - Blackberries..... Am PK'r OThAat nntlvft. clo.?d POtatOes-Sweet. 45i7!5n TO SECUBE SOME OF THE reatest BarsaisaS' Offered IX THIS CITY. We have purchased from the assignee the entue stock of J. Boessler and propose to carry on the nrnnT vo i t I? mv irrvra wriTrnw ami Tinnf ond GTrriT tdtttaivgc: ir tvla ntv Tha nld atvlr nmnAHO.-ilour strong, wneai acuve, ciosea .ya-. jaav' WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. NOTION and BOOT and SHOE BUSINESS In this city. The old stock rS Cabbage, :VV" 2 tousmjdlsf tojrmfOT NEW GOODS now on the way. and to accomplish this we are ol; 94- l." rmk T oouiS Beeswax, per pound.... .. C wSflr: bash 26; October jNo- Onions, pet bushel 75ff1 iermg, ior ute next tnuiy aays Beeswax, per pound.... ..I. 24f7i'25 ranow, per pouna..., .... Mi . .TmhfiT "2Kb Mms pork active; casa 50. wctso ou; j vemDer iw.m wcm iq$ Esers. Der dozen. chTckens............ "..::: fenvpmbe! I S5 &m& 02V2: December 86.05. Boxed Ducks Sldy; dl? salted shoulders $3.50S$3.75; 2H53,per P0Una meats .srl'.v. .i, iaQ,. san?,fi rk whis- Geese.. ......i rtSraSS steadtioaf 7; Beef.Per Pound, net...... ir. eranulated 7c; Stanaara a ottcp. , T vir Gnnthom flmir firm r Mutton, per pound, net... yokk sonthern flour firm; common to M'orK, per pound, net.. .... ......... 1&9 - ' KxSSSSgS i BLANKETS, GENT'S FUBNISHINGS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Etc., iers, new... . er pcup.. 77Mi 20f?25 1 1819 1630 ! 2530 8i 85$40 7ets 78 Goods, Ha Specia D n9w nvfril SJfi Jr wLtJrwwi weak: uneraded winter .. w naried white 90T No. 2redOc- featners, new S'TifViiJii mu Corn unsettled and lower: Sedi mbed 513)53; No. a mixed 51735214 Kevaror; October 5152 Oats-closed firm; No 2 30l&a3ui&. Hops quiet and dull. Coffee tfKodull at 8; No. 7 Bio spot $7.00 Sugar iteady; lair to gco refining 5 7-16; reaped duU; C &1a51; Extra. C 55c; white Extra C eryeiiow imh; off A 6 l-ieabfe; mould A 6; Standard A 6; confectioners A t; cnt loaf and crashtd 5i4a5Va; powdered 6S7; granulated fr; Cubas 737. Molasses dull and nominaL Rice steady. Cotton seed , oil crude 323)35; refined 87838. Bosln firmer at $1.C20$1-121 Turpentine steady at 36t. Hides steady; New Orleans 834 9; Texas 10. Wool firm; domestic fleece 2736; Texas 9323. tork dull; mess spot $9.50 for in spected; middles dull; long clear $5i7l. Lard fairly active; Western steam spot $e.80; No vember $6 2856 29. Freights dull; cotton 9-64d; wheat 2d. 18 45f?)fVl V am 111ms! IT BETSIL IT LESS THAN 10LESUE PRICES. 1 Which will be closed out at close prices. If you want Letter Heads, . Note Heads, Bill Heads, ' ' Statements, Envelopes, , Circulars, M Hand Hills, Tags, Cards, School Catalogues, Programmes, &ct CALL AND GET PRICES. (0)- Remember, this opportunity is for a short time only, and should be taken advantage of by all those desiring 10 Duy seasonaDie guuusai . OFFERED BY MUCH 1-: BELOW :-: THEIR :-: VALUE. Mlovei? & THirsliingei?. Naval Store Wojuisqton Turpentine steady at 33. Bosln steady; strained 75; good s trained 80. Tar steady at $1.40; crude turpentine steady; hard $1.00; yellow dip and virgin $1.50. - Savannah Turpentine firm at 83. Rosin arm at $1,05S$1 10. Charleston -Turpentine firm at S81&. Rosin steady; strained 85; good strained 90. ft'iiaaticial. t M. f BITE . i For best bale cotton made on land JOHNSTON BLOCK. BURGESS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN all kinds of ICHGLS, NEW YORE. Exchange 4.8334. Money lsi sub treasury where Ashepoo Acid Phosphate was uouuiuea guiu itw.oo ,uuu; uurreucjr jjuj,.wu; Governments strong; four per cents, $l.23V2; threes l.03; State bonds active and strong. Alabama-Class A, 2 to 5. 9434 " Class B, fives....... .............. L041& Georgia 6's.... .. i.0!i Georgia 7's mortgage 1.03 North Carolina 4's. . 8&& i89 North Carolina 6"s , ex. int LU North Carolina's Funding - 10 South Carolina Brown Consols.... 1.10 Tennessee 6's 5liA Virginla6's.. 40 Tlrglnia C msols.... . .... 48 unesapeake and Ohio... 7 " ' 1 Chicago and Northwestern i.c5$8 where Ashepoo Acid Ph6sphate was Denver and Rto ftrandft isto I . STenne:::: ::::::::::::: used, certificate of producer attested ss: Lake Shore....... .' 783a ' - . i fins of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trade street, unariene, xorxn carouna. used, ONE TON ASHEPOO ACID, VALUED AT $25.00. ; - For largest number of pounds of seed cotton per acre made on land N BEDDING, &C. T ,...m 1 T . ..1 . .................. . jjvuiDYuio ouu aanvuie..... ........ .... .... ir Memphis and Charleston ' 36 - Mobile and Ohio 14 Nashville and Chattanooga.. 45& New Orleans Pacific, lst........ .... .... 64 New York Central. 1.011& Norfolk and Western preferred..... .... .... . 15 BSSrz:. 1 epoo acid, valued at 125.00. i oiau..... by two competent witnesses, to be taken as evidence. . ONE TON ASH- iM If you want 'Cheap Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads or Envelopes, you can get them at as low figures al they can be furnished at any printing office in the country. . v If you want Fine Work AUD hsst .cuss umstiL, You can get it at Reasonable Prices. ' ColoredPriritiiig aSpecialty. The Only Printing House In . tnls Section Using Caps' Patent Process fr , , Color Work. Look at These Prices : ; neaaing ...... 15 Blchmondand Danville. "r."!!!";.!!"! 76 Blchniond and West Point TermlnaL 33 Bock Island.. 1.23 8t Paul -g oi. raui preterred.... 1.1 xexas facllic , 21 union f aclflc 51' waDasn Pacific... -g5 Wabash Pacific, preferred.............. 15 western Union..... .... 75$ Bid. tLastbid. Oflered. tisked.BEx. Div. For largest number bushels of corn t per aero made on land where Ashepoo Acid was used, certificate of producer i I attested by two competent witnesses, to be taken as evidence. ; ONE TON -FOB- IE. o Leveriiig's loasf ed Coffee And try it and you will be convinced that it is the . - Cottonv Halvbston Easy; middling 9 5-16: net receipts coastwise ; to Great Britain ; continent ASHEPOO ACID, VALUED AT 'fSlJF088 8tock 21,830; sales 1393;, exports 9e; nft C0Mtwlse4647; Great Britain . $-45.UU. iioi rTWST0N Steady; middling 9 7-16; net rec'ts lia.'gross 1428; sales -; stock 19,430; exports coast wse ; Great Britain- . , Savanhah Quiet; middling 9; net receipts ' : CTOSR salaa AOf. at-nntr V 9'- Amnrfi Open to Mecklenburg and Cabarrus Arm- atrwb- TO aya- fTDOrtJ y"w;to continent 1678; Great tmvn ; C0UntieS. '.Jlf Oblbans Quiet; middling 914; net ree'ts coastwise 7705; to Great Britain ; France , Decision to be made by a commit- MOBDR Eosv; TiMTHtii Q1j. not Kooofnta .ARTi tiSBritaS?0011 10,92,; exDOrt8 ooastw180 tee appointed by Messrs. B. M. ,IPEIsrQalet; middling 9 3-16; receipts 2983; ' - C2;s 8ale8 stock 26.809. ' WTTPT'TT' Xy PO nnAr t.hft anqtMPPS rff AuGcsTA-Quiet; middling 9 M6; rec'ts 1002; W Jill Hi S LU., unaer in auspices vl 7,. au,;Baies i3ju. -. v- - -4ABLE3TOH-Qulet; middling 9 3-18; netreceipta Best on tlie Market- FOB SALE WHOLESALE BY . ' MAYER & ROSS. Trade Street. . , Letter Heads, at Note Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Tags, $3.00 per 1,000 8.00 . " 2.00 u 2.50 2.00 (4 it The prices given above are for cheap stock. . ' " .' . . .11- M. . ,11 . - I J sept24w5t ST08S aolaa QfVl atrb- Ci OKH. tn I 4-lt PonAlino Troll A RflAr! ATI HH . Prance -L. ePttSlwlsa 03; Great Britain . Nkw VruK-.n,iU. q ia , ""n rrin uvrs, uuuujuuk uyiauuo Vtot nT'li' 9 5160, cuusolidated net receipts -i4; exports to Wt Bvitaln 6.018, to France tuSiI0?? receta ; gross 5860." Fu "ues closed barely steady; sales 70,300 bales. September... ' ' rwuw 9.68a.69l S,ember- .9.673.681 wmber . 9.68S).69l y 1 9.77.78 'T7 i 9-89-9 Sj1-'- .' - nwuwn M" U " . ; 10.12.13 3"": : ? - 10-23-24 jnu":; io.34a.85 MenThinlc LADIES' CLOAKS, . LADIES? NEWMARKETS, LADIES' CIRCULARS, : . LADIES' DOLMANS, . In Silks, Satins, Brocades, Heps and Beavers. s , i v they know all about Mustang Lin iment. Few do. Kotto know is not to have. ' , . All Styles and Prices Ladles will do well to Inspect our stock of these goods before purchasing. (D(D hi ftif. All - classes of Book Binding and Blank Book Manufacturing executed I at Short Notice. Ooffl .1' -m -"Will receive prompt attention, and ... i . r .... - -'' customers will receive 'the same treat ment as if contracts are m 3s; ii p - .J Addre3s, THE OD , . Orlo'tte, N. C .1- -i 4 .iVv U- ... wJ. -. S : p P ts , P , c o " a to - ..V O r CP P3 , So c3 o OtdSg citz a p pa oo t S 2 ti &d3 - M CD . cn. : W Si a a. D O 8 3 03 3 w o H 25 Q I o Q .a (3, - fD "5 O o ,. us" o Cb oa - s. Ol 3 3 3 2. o C' .CP D B" c -s CO a oa B B O . CO p o , 0Q 'S3; 3- o H .to o. ;o H 0 -n H O -4 m I CD o o Condensed Time Tattle, No. ii CAPE FEAR AND YADKIN VALLEY RAECSZA . COMPANY. To take effect at 8:00 a. to., Monday, Jans S2nd -'1885. . . rat 1 TRAIN NORTH. ' -i AHETVX. f - LKATS. - " r - a, Bennettsville.l. ......... 8.09a. m Shoe Heel 9.30 a.m. 9.60 Fayettevllle. 12.15 p.m. l.)p. ., Sanford. ....... ......... 8.00 ; ; 0 , -v Or Hill 4.25 ? O Libeny 6.25 UJ0 Greensboro 6.45 . 20 minutes at Fayettevllle for dinner. V TRAIN SOUTH. Greensboro,.......-. Liberty.. Ore H111....M.... m.. Sanford . . .. FayettevIHe...s. Shoe Heel........... Bennettsville.... .. ARKTVX. 1L00 a.m. 1L55 6.25 8.15 " 9JB 8. m n.oe Z2.S0 L43p 4.00 ' '6.40 20 minutes for dinner at Sanford. ; W. M. S. DUNN, Gem ecjft Jho. M. Bosk, Genl Pass. Agent. maySdtf BINGHAM'S l'il a. C 1793. li 'Established! to Che n!y School in frior Boys in the 1793. 1 South fth RA3 LIGHT, a first-class G YiiN ASIEU, end a firefreiass BATHHOUSE. : Special terms to young men of cma3 laeans. . The 183rd session begins August 25th. - ' . - iror catalogue, aaoresa MAJ. B. BINGHAM, ' Ju- Bingham School. N. C. For Sale or Rent. '. I will sell or rent, for a term of years, one or four I Store Booms, on corner of Fourth and CaSego streets, xerms easy. Appiyio ? V ft. 1 X x I t I - -f i 'I : i . ..... 10.442.46 I sep27dlm.- " T.H. ilxSZS. . a-

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