V. ! DAILY,: c CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: .THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, .-1885 rtit c Gil? ' ILV STATE HETS ; 5 ' ; rreensboro; Workman 'la 'the Qreiic rr n Carter vs. A. B. An- caUse oi , jor the ownership of dreEv.? "-North Carolina RaiK tbe, VbiCh came up before Judge roaa: ; th Federal Court ihis morn- Bona i ,;n,l i ; r, n .. P!n rt.pr : wfs.-i nnn - a r eaii"Fi v , fnr the third time. -An ims eUHea : a i heme tried today in .rknt case is lkjiu& porX.,! r-nurt. It J. M. Brower, i . H P w. . . s- TAfount Airy, against me ueorgia 5f t Torrance Company, and in rn tip sum of $25,000. -Mr.-fBrow-IfiSSStod by Messrs J. C. er In C ' B. Watson f and ,R. B. Bfn of Winston- and ?Col.? JiN. ?leS;q of this city. The insurance Env is represented by Judge gnSyEuffia; Judge William ?S of Kichmond,;yaM and Maj. 'vw and Observer : Last Saturday TC Vt ir.--.llAv wnn Iivpsi ri.-vr JT l I ' i 1 if ilV w - - w - ?rnru, iuwy . - . IVly Wife! Hy wileiias been a great sufferer from Catarrh. Several physicians and.Yarloas patent medicines were resorted to, yet the disease continued unaba ted, nothing .appeared to make any . Impression Uponlt.v Her constitution finally became Implica ted, the poison being in her blood. ; ; I secured a bottle of B. B. B. and placed her upon Its use, and to our surprise the Improvement be gan at once, and her recovery was rapid and com plete. No other preparaUon ever produced such a wonderful change, and tor ail forms of Blood Dis ease I cheerfully recommend B. B. B. as a superior Blood Purlfyer. , B. P. DODGE, -" : rYardmaster Georgia Ballroad, Atlanta, Ga. ... fIS;MinAIL:'.;;::l.8 aiid Special to flonsekeepers . I offer a fuQ line of the finest select . . SPICES! SWCES!! SPICES!!! Sliot JPepper, -OF THE- ,,,.4 Wn fall from, tire no it W eUr: n V. V. 'rriad W lr TMVmftntioned. Tne unrorcun- te w tn hoard the train man yv3 - , ?Snf ord before it moved off and i t a seat on a platform. Later his ?-A,iTirV 1 vinnear tha track 1U"" -rf O , !'-. i t 01 makes just ouu 3 ifTOC i dJSist out of Sailfdrd, ana it is rir-h fell from the s train ,as u lanked the curve, and met his dea th, j 5;Ta-id to have been under the in-; pneo of liquor., when seenun bai-j shea he fell, from the tram. s Hon R V. Vance hasbbught' $7,j 500 house in Washington 55 rmhboro Patriot ftev. Keilson; b yrr ..n: v.oa Star: Captain. Tllornaef j iicuri the ief ; gineeor Great Grief. From the Athens (Ga. ,) Ran ner-Watchman. l Uncle Dick Saulter says: Fifty years ago lhad a running ulcer on my leg whica refused to heal un- t der any treatment. In ls5u I; wut to Calif or i- la, and remained eighteen ano?iths,''and In 1873 1, lted llot Spriliifs, Axk,;rem;iiael three; months, but ywas not ' cured . Amputation was discussed, but I concluded to make one more effort. " I com menced taking the B. B. B: about six weeks ago The fifty ear-old sore on my leg is healing rap: Idly, and yesterday I walked about fifteen miles fishing ani hunting without any pain, and before using tbe B. B. B. I could not walk exceeding half a mile. I sleep soundly for the first time in many yearsi To think that six bottles done toe more good than not Springs, . eighteen months in CaU fornia, besides an Immense amount of medicines and eight or ten first-class physicians, will con vince any man on earth that it Is a wonderful blood m3dlclne. It has also cured me of Catarrh wo na;: " V,.. ': of chd CaroimaCentruist ofh4hv. Captain Moncure is an en bfenn connected ''rith thd Boa- board Air Line lor. some ifm7x.k. ru 1-1 h. rv ir:fill at Durhlim'ihivQ , .'f . - Will be held at 'Charlotte,' IN. CM on Tueay,' Wednesday,-Thursday . and Friday, October 27,' 28, 29 and 30.- . : i . A f Hi S5.000 in Purses -.-ana'1 'Premiums!N ; -..:v,:..s. .'"' ; v.-- it -U'-i'J'. .Mil .i,!:v qM .;prolesdi conversipfcQ ponortr savs: Atiteaiciosej oi tae. service "vvvfijsJi d&fiwr -the excuses ol tn6 meeting "and utl r hxtare.arr.cii.i,-? t,V.l . nft.: ;m-m rvy-,sfft..cost ia estimated at '.$1,150, ai.otmhicnfovia?4 for. ilie comnrt&seei prisvw. w ,4.5 i J' J-- f i-W ?.5.vv There Is a lady living " here, , Mr3. ,who has Ka4 catarxofpr--miiy: years,,'I;have'kriiown she nS5 it fof flfteVft twenty yq anct'lay father; once doctored her, as she-was then a tenant onj ou!- place For t'aelast two aad a h 4lf years she! ha? ueen bedridden, the caiarrh or csncer (the! numerous pys cians have never dedfed; whioh,)1 during hei?po and 4hf;yEsifle;fiad raten! ail the roof of 1 rnontii ol1 , he'is-so oSeu4 slye that no one could stay ia the room; slie ecu! jj not eat anything, but ccu'd swallow soup il it wasj strained. .She gavepp to, 4ej and came so ne&B .pvfisLing that all thought she would die Her sou! Uuht tbe B. B. B. and she used several bottles ' wiich ejected an entire cur?. She Is , now; well M$e'4f& t havCoxliggeratevlHi pertlcle fWi t'WJ...:';,.- i Z w'. T.tTnvrTfttnvtt" : v j XUeacbed Jamaica Gtinser o iw! tHi,',. .'".. I;'.., ." . I '' v 1 ,-, tl 4 Penan&r Cloresu .Tuva f(ou ' - r. - UUU1 era Express Cofpy " .A lot of unclaimed freight remaining In the of- 1 flee of the Southern Express Company will be sold at Auction for charges, on Thursday, OtfebeC IStb, . 1885, unless called for or othrwife d iDsed . See handbills. - GEO. EL US8, AcenU Charlotte, N. a, Sept. 12, 1SS5. . tUtawWa TTTESTERI NORTH CAlio- Yt,. ) EVA XL B. CO.;' ' t - ' , - ' GuntRAl. PASSENGEB OtTLCR, ,Jf I ' -: v 8alisbpkt, M. C.', sept 6, 1885, uj r " On and after the 6th Inst, the following scshedn . Will be operated by this oomnanr; , .. MAIN LINE WEST, ; STA-nossi, rrralnNo 1. 1 TramKo. 8. SaUsbury, ; : r . : SUtesvlUe, . Ceylon -, Cinnamon.' Hickory! i i . v t i . i ? tt Irjuw.'iu "n -t-j 'h Jlcard. -!, . i . 'I Mnroantnn ALSnC2,' ! - ol lit t , Marion; ' '-ii ! w j's. ;.-j,-s ) "t.i,, Mi-r. b.ci. OldJort.:, , - ,t i . ' I Round Knob, j FENANG NUTMEGS.' 1 " k !' RlarJr "Mnnntaln ' ' -- J ;n f ,ik ,fit, Alexander's. -.i.t T J. I Alexander's, , i '1 Marshall, .s ; . , i COLMAN'3 21USTARD. Eamards, " " f " - ' ' (!' . i warm j- Drinks. :. ' . , . s . .. i I: . Ar. f Lv., i At,' " I 2 84 3.43 4.oa 4.40 R15 ass 7.13 ,7.81 &42 aar .9.21 '9.29 10.12 11.12' 11.45 .. 1 2dj 2.S5, '3 44' 4.10 4.I, 5 Hi I '6.83: 8.01 i 9.JJ1 1 9.89! 10.1.1' 10.49 m.i4 A M. ' 7.54 -iao2 U 11.0? ' 1.05 -fe.17 8.14 10.07 , ; 11.55 12.25 ; ,1.25 t8.65 6.C6 " -If XJUj i Aov are OflRered . ?it , Re- . i. . If ITV TTMTf VICT ! s m .i r; $ n-O dnced jPriccs, I ? Ill Ul L ' LJl lll.L)a T'iJ' t bi!J. . ."i ;iJ'J.XrainJio,iXrai.H9i. tri-iii fir -Mi, c-im1?. I j AKf PLV.'M Juf.-fEr.? ) r I lv. J-:-iMi: v.ii;l ;-j;'rvjj-, J,.; ffiT ! ' : Talti Asr.ociaticn gnafdn'teoa to painfull anMmv6f PriTniuntsafid-PUrses! awarded. .The new and special, attrd?t?osTJ tM'J '-year's' 'Fair will' tbotd Military Parade oh Friday, and Bicycle Rsiea OfiITueSdiay!.andWriesday,; -'.l-'Ii-. Hi :WRITNV;,:! SSS&fcM . .hi- ' i (J, .v,t J j AshevilleL .j-t-j .Ji 'j !. j;; . )!, ;.. 7; .mi j iMr? Spartanburg Junctn. iix-:::ti - -aj .;m;ti i.;i''l;,Mvj'i7j I Round JCnob. ..,;,., HUHiftt T L.hltAU;i .HU v.! i , Morgauton.Jnd a s ., .4 ,. r 1 i . Trarri. . J '" ;SAiLS!"!?:'.C.,',,"''' if Newton. ,'-u.'linj ! tM teavan'd : benches $t$.k "Ail Sorts. 0 ;? ' OrieIIitr Ticte? iag t'as-MP rr-'jqqii iiere-, gipitlrtrs (eive3 half a sco.ylj, putm0 totitL6'-'gih3'h6t of' thau iire.' does shofafiifio prcIMaVMld, and nerve Utii what-it used ioLon don Punch. ' - j A ilXisiraBlsf ,E3caIity i : ! Harieni .Landlord ''Instead cf an objection, you jdl 3od thejpolo groandfe a de I cided advantage.? Holier feke-r Mo? an aa vantage - ljanaiora-r! In case of any.;-troable,..yutvJkaOTv!,t, you can always lay; your hands. on a ' 'policeman.' NeiyYor k tfun.yj;'ihn;.i vWeiee.tiai a bizarre imtfarii TS-: TUSSI) J' !cbp? 27; "J i BICYCLE RACE! Races. acQ v44i ;tQr:ules f adopted by American No. 1 At 1:30 p. m., I 0T5$-"rsiIa-'.,Club Race by First Prise, Goid Medal, vmiie $25 ? Second Prize, JjGrOiJvyalneilO.; Nd 1 Running at 2 :30 best a in .3, - ur: . $75.' First'-PreiSium- $30 ; 1 'Second l.yrenViumS. 9- 'At: 3' 'p?5 m.f:mifirnife J riash: hp?t,2 m i. onen tQ: !( SoufchEitn: 1 i' Vwhelnien F'roisr'f li cs 51 on aTa.Izi to Use a, FirsPrizefid-Medal Ai -''.' T'-i ' VV:V LjpQiQT iiiai 1- V vil lit? A9Vi wEDiT'GiAY, Oct. 33 1 ii HU K'Sl A X v Oqt. 29 EICYC'iiC A3E'x "(Nov- 6:Riinnkis..iat 2 p ra. Half mile heats roue bov s raeebopf jnt htraaoe P,Dui:Mije idash der 15 years ?bet ?2 1 WdQnf.of : r.un .Qn( m 3. First '-Prizes Uoicl 4 day s to carry ft pound s, Medal . value-$10 : Second extra, added by th4 Prize. Silver Medal,-' waKi soct6ty.'! tv,-idw n ni i , No. 3 Running at 2:30 1 p. fnT" MflS-holts, Purs0 prnOMalfe heats, pur5em50r :F3t'remium P. M ,3.50 4.11 ' 4.4M . &,22 .5.41 '6.06 .7.07 r'7.42 nttlis , ,9.1a 1O.04' -lo.ia, 11.29 12 30 J Mil' in ,1.(0 Z.17 3.1& .,8.50, . 4.121 !4.49 5 82 "606 i 6.201- ..7.7 "7.421 h 8 12: .,9.101 i0JH"'2.6 A. M. 4 5.80 6.WJ dv ; 1 I.UI '''7.65 t 4hvin Lt5 ' 4B 'il' ! I' 1 I, -! 1 . . .'. . . - ' n , v? Mf1 illy f r i "? -j ? 4f : n-2i . . 4.------ -- - 1 I - Elg?Siei;cdVAuARaltCJ'g J3eit.3rdi I For cftaWfeiwlr to 1 " s . . j 1 HI J2 2-' 3.3! IV. ' 9 44 10 6f, ?12i29 8.31 .KTATlUKa. . i . - I ' . - , Clyde,' '--jJd:iJJ;ri WaynesTilla, un rBaisam,r ,1,,. ,, JHlv?.!'mffrT'J lo WebeB6titIorf1v i4 01 7869 "UK' 1 2,00, 1.31 -'ll.? 11.4& a-JlttU:i1 ji !, fr ,i .pi T .ii Knphls ljreafeUst tioa-forAtalup-l r station: for train No 2. ' ' ' . Ncfe: l,2,7aiatruodHtt?. Yrt 9? 4n tir uJii.?' i(S.9 l4.IlEyEDTCAED RONOKaSAiaLai j : Boisnd and Bimner ... - . . lifv m - ki o Trains Nes 0 ana 4 run dally except d5und" Vtfi?li.'r'- r r r.;., W.A. TUiiK, 'A. (tf. R AV AO..-.rfi- ,'ir.f fa .-..iul . " . 1X1 li-.. II..: M " . $75;- Se(5pjldTi.Prefaium-ii$?0vf lo-Ji-fifdr-m XiSUfl 4 Vv Jti tl (MlitJuil LIlllV Sealed pronostilsmbe wcyed ak the office 0? . fe9. 1 ,i r ,v t ' Nft "Running ft. T vs'.?7- T7f. 'V' " WJ) Register of Dee JS,orMtlei?biirg county, untU fcr'T-'Vr: " "ftl5 u'V'1 "i& f U a'U Saturday, October 16th.l885, for the Building of an- i. BlCjt;e Race at ..-Sop. m.Qjie nitlftanflhalt JenrpugU .l,feari6 ..A,ye pulWt over Wi i, -near the corno- ;! t , i wwm u o. V5 ' 71 i sneOiUCaciOflB Cifl(BerSepU ai Uir.owiBUsr. viuuice. i 4xt4,!ii-.'i 1 . iiMAn nL Said Committee reserve the right to rejettahj or , x . t 2 ia-3,-tmentdtlie.warId4 iSniancei First' Prize, Gold MedaM.$L5 forfait, b $125 j added k iValue 35 : Second Prize, tpecand-to-havj J5Q-.up yeaooiafso tacn.row i rif,i;r ijvr;vrroJ. fn.'--.n . added society. v FlllXJ'Ai1j.Cteol)ei-.ji::Sa f dnd' horse i to hare y.$50 put c-f h8. stakes. Ono and a half Imile dash. .05 Running at 3:30 p, in. ivlila heats. Purse lou,i Atirsc jrreiniuiu, ili.i.il i'un No. 9.at llia;'J3a,-f mile heats. ..Carolina Cup.' Swepetakeaior all agesi,V ?hay5e-f 75oirt! - o J HUe i - . - j . . ,- f. (, Cliicsgo is to be . decorated -with, li aBcze grimnsin terra ;C05j j i.nat like Chicago vilnrmo-MOthers. city- the world would architects .profesfeo to know wiiat is . hie size" for an in aginary creature " which never .live -at m.--Lv.Tjalo Express j r''He Wx4 la ' Nc .D.ier) 'BsfiV, mej how tirey are pitching into Wise; fflf Virginyr saidIr. Noddle looking over the lop of his -.new&pdpe'v'Td v hate to be 'him:" p"Wraf.' asked ill's ' Noddle." WhyWise:'jNQ,. dan ger, Mr. Noddlnnaid,'sh re3urhing Biveimprovemeiit&-in'44nal 'Prfe. bad besnpro9CtedPfbuaNlw:Yori erTha so;4 they' Were-ona.most ?yv ny im $150 aSirstPffeniiutn ?hay' WZ'W otthe. irwr!-fnuf t. r.nu ,; i Atutft bio s-fTUt i J, Jl ... . '.,. .. ... . , . J , ,, ,., J:,.u ..li , .Si-SIiml ) . All Stake Races close' oriMbtiday.at'S pclk-Pi; M,v : GGtober; gGthad, . .a BifBv B. Co:: Mrmoaef-aader. ee-.S&S P. M,h aCthb Judfre stand or,. SeelitniVs KfcW J, trr, riL-Kit MMsSkm.. horses -'must have them..,o Abe r grptjna f.n the time) otherwise theyijl; b TUled'o-- rV , ! 11J f tilifcY "esU"lJ w .ino i ifi ll rH :. 4 ,f 7,-f7-- W gives instantareliet, and 'I'ola jo Jst'Ji Wtty t vt 01 drly them away,' , Address Ky - ' V'J"'"i i TKhTn,tfnTT'if TX"DT M .nPl'Mr twenelght years, featedlby most oifhe noted l::fiM,r ft- .". -V r three months, and. since ..than hundreds of MVodfjCS JuTTrasT " 'EftM h2 ! - others by the 'samel-oeess.' A'p.iafh,-' simble and h Jfi J .a W 8... fc-.;. 1 W, ateessM bofte treiaTOta raadtesS iTi SJftld&srr ' 1 ; , ,r j d ; . s .Wood poisour and rheumatisM. rAtay tfod speed it. I t , to every one. . W. K. ELLIS, m'Miw.-iir.tfl ivhj k.r.f! 'jJn .i!i!irifi';iii :'foit n;. n .t j .."1.7.7 r... . v ........ ;::v ... . . 'r : A'-KprfciS inn1 tcti .. . in fljxfinaance. "iseauuxi' on aii iixw mjuxvaiu-uiuio I'll "rv-r-' r j: m,.i.f .-s.-r. i..'a;!:o; . li n: ji.;,, (n..Mn ..u. A . - :-"r -.! CfiiTL ', ' ,i. . ... .... , ' .. ' . ." "' i 11J hY3 legi but B. B, hasjie' v!:!i ,-i -r. ;.:. J J AX,tyiAVyXMl0 VJ Vjj ' )f.i,-t a bfin r ' .,..,7',. f' ..'iMiR-Pinrmnnf -i ,n.O K. J'i.j .'''i- f Jt.. ') Y. ,ft . "') .!'- J ' . 'i ,T'.--..; !-,., .. . , ,,,t )f , ,;. if. June 22. 1885. . 1 Kmcrcss, GdJ 1 f- -. 4 - t- j -..; i ,f ' ; " - V-;.,., W: stHvHILTONv President.-'-T ; i'OHAS. R. JONES; Secretary: "Al4 --p-----'" - v n :. .1.'OTTANNONHOUSE. Treasurer. - - "-K : B. B.B. cured mQ Otan ulperWitlv which I hi4.M ,Jt.v ..)uiJiK .ij!n t ' 'J '',t-" fcv"d ; .i j .i .-.f . i- ... .. . r f .... . - t ; . . . .... -ii ... . t waguai'Jen scie.; j rnnrisi;-vny beentrouwedfiity ywarsJ aai new as fat as abay ' rirWa "R ' Innon TT TTiHnn : T) P fiuthL5drr ' ' i ..i...".ii- t ' ,.n.'U n i ..;) I',;! il ). 1 .vi f '..; ,.v .HllAli W 1 V I VrrDo you know old jYSs6 pur j town? .That's him !s!tt&ig acMsa ihe 5 :aisle;"Verv stingyisntt he?" TStin U;gy no name" for ?it. f Ie keeps; a coffin with a false bottdrrt; abdhn1, ever he buries a wife -the coffin is . pulled out and saved"for the next one- iu tuaiway 71a hfiS ipace one coup do for four. wivfs. and' it is 'a good ; coffin yet." Chicago Herald. i ; Fv'i m Jl it'c-I. f-' U rw 17, ft w I -sM. dejParvilleaat.pulbfiSrQdla pSa" per on the':pttrSdfcc'0 6f baeteriaidti!'tba "r.we preath ! lie says that the . Proportion of the" air of hish moun tains,' 60 'in the Snncitfat., cabin ol a ;;ship at. sea, - 200 La the air ' at : '-the t bp" r"-. i-iiLicwi, ill j. clLlC, UU i nua Kue' de RtVoli nf PaH fi nofl iri "-the t - . --r.- . r. nTi-" , . ansian sewer, 36,000 in the old Jrar 1: isian houses, 4O,O0Q in the riew bospit alof the Hotfil DiPit' nfnnri nfSH 7fl- ?00 in thefolddrospital of liti in Pd r; J,3-, In Ryder street, 'St'. James, Lon- "r a., cubic jnetre of t air contains tnlf 240 bacteria, vWhereailn JJJeEjrfel r-fle Biypli the same ouantitv of air JOntains 260 M.r "de PaTviITem t&ina, that the superiprityi of Iondpn W a compared withParis I iaii .& 6- SuOwn not onlv bv the T.onon air COn'f.bir'!. r. if- -i ... i r W we London rats of mnrfalitv To- . ,ies3 impurityjiof the air of.r,Londo i, mousd in ' . pVbpprtip fe1 tb' ,'pqpIaV C ' a,nd by its Rouses being; lower. . P;e;entive3 0 constipation. Inclogei- In glass uoes, always fresh.'' By aU i-ugggists; . , I u s2jFout i f ortn f rheumatlsito, s bofaeVof bJbTb cuTeme cf a severe r, -'-(i . Ai-onn-rti vj ! : rheumatlsito,aii!4 the Same number of bot ! . J i-. h. rjf ,Lv ..o i. j .i-tv j ,. .a C b 'i. t'-rm.t:!'- x to smA ( ' - : t 1 1 , fferf'ml m wife of rheilmatism:" t UilltUJJlM . , . MAGICAL SIR. lWjlf . , j ,'h o vt 'u .: j. k.j. Jwi oiu j heuaeof a,Ratoy., T-''i IX ZZ--' , trasWenasacase-ofpllespT.ffl.jrears'.Atand-. .,,. v.,.0.r;,,i no s.iiM-i f'.j inln- Ul iuitnougjaw years Iuaeiakieiui..Hi :t ir? . SL3 Wfl . .. . i J oijfT-s -.iTTv bfS fzvd-tTFM'. .iu,.i w Ji My threa'coor, afflicted 4 children, who lnherlfied. MAWltAli" 1 OF1'? fiAlW AWB JeVenseof B;-B.- B. Itfc &-jby h j a. "noa'rfJ V. Vna 1 .Texas. - V kU?."' -Ill V,m...:!ra ;;fvr?rori uivHT v,.,,, ,,, , llyvtn8vpaeeopVVewi8tren1ila, ll .."JtIi JJ?i v ;,-(tMi X'nil v dawUte, . . Carpetnd rogs.bt same'maUrlaU. Catrf .yf.. ij ?Ofjiqj..'iit.' -r.i4'ny o4 alolttewlttt tefiarnynttta aM-satoples-frefe; 5 . , rryOXfXS ' - I .. , . s Urinary Complaints, or i you .hre' troubled tth' J ' or nerves ... ' " -" slf ? i . i'. i. disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, blood f4J343TJir1f Wrnf!W''ilt " , mesyoucanbexmredbyPAEKEB'sTojsic.lli, la Willia.ni Street. New York, JiCBresents two of the lareest LAGES 1 " Fatheb'eVt?consl ''.j ''''TLSO ESTABLISHMENT''1 ' .'.j bi',tJ k4; ned Turbine m the world. It 1 u ' IN THE OITY. " 'v'f!' ' 'i&K-.-j3'tsCg'?fi3 . better ;i percentage -with ' .ijiSirWji'i , - ' J tr iTrrirtortuuga. auaissoiaior v jr ---'-Krtt Air f HL-iess money rer' horse power COrdera Solicited. .All order T tMn:toy'otoeTurbme.amphleifreabyy promptly, fillea ancT dslivBred free CI ! i , ''wjtfivd -''' 'if ..".t 'jfMfo ry-t Ji- ,Ji ,'.i".-".y c-.-"-';"iorir,-f'a. I'll J MlJ.tv V' inlOl'l I IV.'Mrl iii 14 f lin-i'1-.'! r-- (I, Sin ' Ml 'tt.HAm.ii aXovvnAih?,U:!l, .r ,wy.w pjq' rWUifr SM.Jrtfeeraii'IIclm- .ia .i -U . ' V .fiA H. i VdVli '-Mil '-rY 'iriJ lOJiJiiomj M "Tne loiiowmg ieiteT,-aatea jdamiaryi4 io, iiaa -A GRAND SALE OF - .: . 1-'. u 1 1ft v A4'Am1 f nfl!r 1 dVi '-dJ iyx wii io jiJnom j 'J TtThe lontwrng tetr.date:d.aimaryi4 t885'j liistlrleted:;ati'wtUbe' showri to ant-per- isoii-'wiio 'ft later eeted tti ?the . subject.' ' Karnes arid darMarlwiQmeldlorotoosteasons.t alRib w i B"jjjaaam-ua,tne aum jasti.-juMvy well developed 1 Iri every respect was" born In this, fty , but thd'Klngt i; TerroW 'began i to chlser aboutr,jts. uttla-rnearv ai, .nojcwijnstaiwinf ita i plump and vigorous eonBtltutlon the poison In thp blooddori-'beaan to manifest Itself ln what the CLOCKS ANDrf JEWELRY, j f " arid feati saFttlsResrsejungmeoicane we nau- ; . ; jv jLrrf .f...thiM loWiare. Ui7. IUAU. uiv LOTD& ADAMS. 'TVe h'avebeen handling BJ PB. about 12 months -,a i;k,j : tOUHty UlllCer6ji r' ; i - ovi tt.ti(m xft -! "' fWi-owi lol- .,n ; - rLawvers and.JSusines Menc dieondthe. riL'J.'r'fs"inr't June 23. 1885.' 4 -'Brunswick, Ga, 1 Trr 0' rTEQ decisive. WedenakHiis ?n jnrt.rpTAnomoueaana-.Diwdrea;.u .ii;nt i-jT flo.-i J ,1 u-ji'.y,ta t TEXAS TATTLE. rapidly WcfeasliigJ ntory Law of North Carolina, mtrffldingthaAaof . j. .. tit i . and we now buy in one gross lots, vveuinetiiw 18g5 - , June24,1885.;v;1ot,'.).7'.wAier80nlsjcf PrjCO f S2.5Q rECH "P w - - - ; . . . - ..... f. i I J ,..,xi nnva i f if''nvin or 'OUT-customers ieii mt ieuMjr,i-;.,v. . t . 4-:r u w r.. -j ' .-'-t'j-f n t thrtoUlmm'smonthsIa 0ne .tTli;. JP--'; i bottle oi u ix dwauu- "r7 k ;-.;7 'tt.Ll . i I: il Uvwa1 f V .. . .. . -r,... j- form, that had resisted au otner treaimtt u a. j .171 b'V - -y ' . B. now takes the lead In this section.: : Ab Pi0P 1 Prices rat dowa from Thanksglvmg Da March 4th 1885T , ' . ; Sbose wanting anrbf the above gbodswffl please and hear my prices, they are the lowest Mid nor beaan- judical meii.tmnVlczema.f tary 'rainu . ome oia ;motners, , cpnewdeo tne cMld'Had'thi 'enowlhrksh: " Yftf whatever tbe. tfiseasett was certainly va; stabbera jnltstet tot th . doctors. t,( . . ..' , :! ) jt The mother toot the Htfie sufTeref .to tm coua- cal, and'DC -rr, of Lumberton,fiwasi balled to treat the ease,; He pronounced It Eczema, and dW nil he could for it; but to 'na -purpose, any moi- than to check tne aever s to- -wmcn the disease sub iected theboyfi t. .. ,, , ,. .? ,..?,,. "At the first frost the victim-was again removed to the cityrTtLtd lmntedfately- Dr.--1- was called, and haproBOuncedJ&s, iseaae 'firpnra,' and pre scribed accordingly, feeding up" the disease on iron and other minerals jnnill.T the babefciODDuthaje- camA so sore that for two. weeks it did not nurse. HA meh wigteBted &d a last? hepe hrtd resort - t -u "A LI meansjai rocuniiK wi liuvfv eiu pu meai-. rtTitritaw falferf .' and -In OrfS ' hbur of 'deepest de1 apart tha poor mothevzv&tt ted lasted herrug J ti' t (l 0 ! ' A T T.1M S ! AP-REiD-EVESy WOil OF IT. . " - . . THIS IS FOE' OHABi;oTT'PEO?Li: t'ESEtJMATTjgM'AND TONICri ... - e- " i 7 - - : ' . ' r orI have uSedHrfeV-Jod ter8onB Reme dy,1 ahdit i ' the finest 'medicine 1 ever used for. Rheumatism.': For more than twenty: years I hare been afflicted with muscular Rheumatism, and had t tried JUk Rlgt to let ner, nave vne- juuujw jstiiu wi paciaigB ,uj, the Remedy; arid was refused because she did not 3 ff aTAt.h moTiet to i bay foi f Jt5 fle 'twiwued hfic jvery known- remedy, but without Avail; was oitenso Daa'oirTanaTBxu f ered so much that I i could not lie . down, but had to be propped up ia bed. ' :I,hadibeen?jaibjectitp;thes9 seyere at tacksv-for tvtenty; years.- I tried oMrs. bPerson'e Remedy last epringr jandam perfefitiyi cured-n, At is tne Desc meaicmo in,rthppridi'1tJaiiik.r Narword4 of ViRvAthft moTiev to bay fot- lu ifcae t)awned weddinfeiiififtndJaispd-pO ay fpyjtfte jpedh f Wh'en' she' er the" cfild the: :first'dose,? three' weeteago) iway, the :iwie jBtievras amasB oi 4-V1A Jbwrfa orti r.na hoof f . f n t r . . x . . r iiOl IO'tO fft ri'TTrrvi- 1 VorfWold bar peVertorrohls weterrtOtthffePt? A . H I J 1LE K .Pi -' To-dir;by the help of ftod ana' a fith!ul adm&v!- ff rrt":f 'ih',rr'TTnin Itrntinnof the Kemedy the child Is wed and stronar ...... -. . r , . . . .: . I , . .. jj ! ' L ' 1 " ' - LIEDTKEBBXa. Pt Scores, at ' ' r .jwrtm K&-mnCK. t sepUTdwSm tn ti tees, and last Sabbath mdrnlng while the rwas wcepiBgn mmv lMjocasiiy 01 orying up jast, betook hold andrnursed asjsttongfmd jfrt .iit-i to take "it ior innammatory Baenma-i mine can expxeea theneni A-naye ae rirvfld' jErbmiits uie7 ::IsuSe'red from pal pitation of the'-heartv upon the least ex 1 flrtiori.' ' Of that 1 am perfectly reliey ed. Uy health is nowrpertect, ana;it isaii pwipg to JTk Joe'Person's' Remedy I v am stxong and'- well, and 'Can' take'! ex- . tended exercise without5 fatigue! -1 ad -visd all who need a Tonic, or are 'suffer- ? mg-wlth" Eheumatsm'or-.'EckeTja, to ' 'tae it';'1Ir''wa-ttiducd 'to .try ilrby it h'aihk trrired 'tnyfiittlaf! grandson of v Ec-r axf? ' cMBS. FL M; HOWEDL. . .

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