DAILY .CHARLOTTE OBSERVERS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1835, BfiTWEES THE ACTS. A Snssestion; for tiie went; t. ti. Ai tiw.rnAra land those ' whom'TliCse lisgust. CSxarleston News and Coarler. I am a philanthropist, and knows log your zeal m promoting the pufciie gooi, I write in behalf of the poor young men who suffer so terribly for a drink afterf every act in the performance at the theatre. I have Been many of these poor creatures so painfully affected that they have been impelled - to rtake the holQ audience into their.confidence. Mod est girls and decent men have been 1 constrained to ' rise, or else to allow these martyrs to climb over them m :the frantic rush which precedes and follows each drink. , Now granting that no "gentleman , eould ba expected to sit through a five act performance without pro claiming his infirmity four times, I have a suggestion to make which ought to be welcomed by all parties It cannot be an edifying spectacle to- Innocent maidens and Daia-neaaea Old men to rise and curtesy to tnese tSant smashers eight times in the there-1 x .u .'fmtt.lAn til ftd witn whiskev be worn by these unhappy i vffOQct-. nncket. A -flexible tube will enable each to draw solace untold in comparative decency, Any half weaned baby will sacrifice its bottle in such a cause, many oi tuA i,AafWA fiona mav still be able to ; produce the nursing bottle they re- eiltlV ClUnS vO inemseivea. viucio i ftiihHa havA hahv brothers or. sis- ..uvvtvwv. . fara : nr children of tneir own, wno "WOUld be generOUS enOUgn lO come iu i 44, rPf5riiA The nresent customiis a Aiavrao civilization, and ougnt BOt to be tolerated in a community vhich retains traditions of chivalry. Fancy'the discretion or guardians who allow such dramhunters to es- eort their daughters to public places I Xancy the moral tone of men who see no reason to observe tne most ods riouslaw of propriety m the ipres- nca of modest erirlhood ! - I have prepared a sample bottle of y new patent, and I shall offer it to any young man in my vicinity "wha proposes - to climb over me, or make me rise in honor of whiskey, ,at the next performance." . v f. Chivalry. MORE MORMONS SEST PRISON. TO Surrounded by Tbeir Friends, TV tin Cbeer Tliein on Tneir salt IjAkk, wlh.- vv ... xwbs ter, manager of a theatre, and George Romney, were both convicted of uns lawful cohabitation and sentenced to the nenitentiarv for six months and to pay a $300 fine. They got closely shaven and their -hair cut prior to their sentence. wnen assea u mey uaix Ms ojr v "iT" make any pledges. . This is classed 1 'a.l 11 V, llMnnmnA I dv iqo Luuruu uisau a . couumc oouence '' showinsr that thev ore-1 ierrea imprisonmeui- ramer tuau w be recreant, to obligations of a most caered character.; Their friends gaths ered around with words of cheer, and they went to prison as martyrs. Robert Swain, and Thomas Per- cher pleaded guilty to cohabitation. They begged and were granted time to prepare. for the support of their families beforbeihr sentenced, Z:: uu w. TAr"w! r uomg auiu mtur puweru xiv martyrs of , themaelyes.and bring ndi- cule on the court.' The Mormons are more defiant today than at any time in the history of the church. Loyal citizens feel that a more .rigid law must be enacted and the full power of the , government brought against this treasonable organization. J. C. Little advertises in tha Mor mon papers for 400 Mormon families to go to Bonora, Mexico, to colonize. His partner, Sam Brannan, owns an - ' . tr sv riA 4-wm4 a I a w M ' 4- W sMj-k rTll M Auiuxouojp uovu uj. wuu uuoio. mo ancea in xne ciock line, not even ex scheme appears to be the furnishing cepting the celebrated Strasburg of homes for polygamisis. There aire clock. He has been working at this prospects oi a large negira mis rail to jonexico 01 buca as are : m uanger oi prosecution. ; The Eastern Question. IiONDON. Oct. 14. The hones enters tamed last night of a peaceful settle-. tlement of the Roumelian question seems to be shattered this morning by the 'receipt; of a despatch from yUUOiuviuWi, Btawiig mai tuo uous lerencenaa lormeny aeciarea tnat the porte has v disavowed Bulgaria- KoumeliaVj 1 urther news is awaited - v 1 ir ieiy . If the Tripoli alliance were united T 4U ii-V. "Hw xor ismarcK is, now tosettie tne Tendmfr difficulties so as to nrevent I t Kussia and Austria from fighting. If !rrx- A"0i0U via l uiMo , ortoiorceoervia to agree aA;;vLm S?k f ??6Q ana agree. a is not ior it.ngiana to act 2?J r.w Ta- 1 lu?Ti though she might cordially assist, if S? 7 make the re" bow to hin and disappear in a sub quest... t I -.4. jx- v,; .irVi. Vlgnaux Ready to Meet His . Match. .NewYorkStar, . , .. , One of the passengers ou the steam ship Normandy, which arrived yess ' terday, was Maurice Vignaux, the French " champion ' billiardist, who has journeyed across the Atlantic to take part in the balk line tournament -which takes place in Music Hall, in Chicago, on the 16th of November. . Madame Tignaux, who accompanies her husband, and who will act as in- ' terpreter, - was "very sick, : and was immediately taken to the hotel. Vig naux enjoyed the voyage, and is in excellent health. He - will ; begin to practice in some private hall in this city in a day or two, and will leave for Chicago before the end of the month. SIRS. 5ELME SARTORIS, Gen. Grant's Favorite Cliild A Veritable Skeleton in tne ami ly Closet. A .Washington special to the Baltis more Sun is as f oil ws: . ' - Referring to the recent statements as to the want of harmony between Mrs. Nellie .Grant" Sartoris .and her husband, it may b i said that all the facts in the case have for a long time been known to the Intimate friends ofthe family here, butfrom motives of "delicacy and consideration noth ing has been said on the subject. Mr, Sartoris impressed every one - with whom he came in contact here during the" period of ' his engagement to Nellie Grant as perhaps well meaning enough, but so rough in his ways and so coarse-grained m nature as to be entirely unsuited to a girl so gentle and refined. Gen. Grant never liked .him onrl Vfifl nnf, favor t,h ft marrias'p but when he saw that his daughter's affections were, enlisted he made no further objection. The Critic says that the late Senator Uarpenter, wno was very intimate with the Grant familv. at the instance of a number of friends called at the White House and expressed their misgivings as to the match, but that Gen. Grant cut the conversation snore, ana stuu uus daughter was engaged to Mr. Sartoris and the 1 wedding must take place, uov. ueweii, oi oouuecucut., wm?u on ms way uauK irum riussia iu go into Gen. Grant's cabinet, called wnue m xungiauu upon ine parent oi j Mr. Sartoris. In the course of the 1 conversation the mother, who might wo oupuocu nv ixtiv vv eui auuuu xjlwx i boy, remarked that she did not see iTi. .1 r i i wxiat taere. was m Algernon to cause j uuts uaugumi ujl tut? rfusmaui ui- uue i united etates to rau m love witn mm xms opinion oi tne motner was very heartily shared at the time by all of Nellie. Grant's friends, male and fe- maie. it seems to De tnougnt mat there is a strong possibility of a sep aration, and thus is added one more to tne long list or unhappy marriages oi amencan gins wim ioreigners. JAY GOULD OIV LABOR. He "Wisbeslthe Wabash Employes Would Invest in Wabash Stocbr. St. Louis, Oct. 11. Jay Gould, b& fore leaving the city, - submitted to a lengthy interview upon various mat ters. Of labor strikes, he said "There should never be a labor strike on a railway, ana l aouot U there would if both sides could be made to ests are. -A railway's .employes can- not prosper unless the railway is prosperous; neither can a railway prosper unless its employes are pros- perous.. Their interests arenecessa hiv mntnal: T think thA ArrWA should have ; the - l I wages, but tho money invested in the .property should also have the r;"uta 0a mk ev. rights of the other. Now I most heartilv wiah thafc OUP emniOVfia .W X ,A11 j fliw, v, a- u i i: j then t their gg iflt0 the Btock of the nomnanv Thftn t.hpr wmilH have a double interest on their prop erty. I should be glad to know ihat every employe of the Missouri Paci- hc system was owner of more or less shares of the company's stock. If er mwohave a rs''; irt ua Sh0 crease its earning power and oppor tunity. Then the road would be managed and operated by its owners, Thfirfl 6nlll1 th ho nn Jw nmHOT There wolud thus be no labor problem to unraveL A Wonderful New Clock. New York World. Bedford, Pa., Oct. 13. In the lit tle town of Woodbury, this county, resides a young man of mechanical (genius who is. working at a wonder Iful clock, which when comnleted will probably eclipse anything yet pro- 1 " a 1 ciocfe over hve years and expects to finish: it next spring. It will be 12 feet high by - 5 feet wide and 3 feet deep, and is built entirely of walnut wood, it is artistically designed and H,-anit7. nnt nnnn.f;Aa un mouldines ornamentine it are delicatelv narvAd. On tVi inWAr front, tha aQo i nir-nia. 0iomn dials, Vith a large dial in the centre giving the time at Wasnmgton, D. C, m hours, minutes and seconds, the month of the vear. the date of the month, the day of the week, the four seasons of theyear, and the changes of the moon. fWeleven remaining dials give the ' difference of time m New York, Chicago, San Francisco, t du.- riJ nri! bourne, Vienna; Cairo and St: Peters- Durg. One of the most curious tea- tures of theclock Is a contrivance by which at a certain hour of the day a v,,-a t;-, in ,ia right hand,, and ill the ther , great railroad magnates of v the : : country 1 oii uia iapt. tvaaa missive way at a dodr to his right. The Recherche Thing. ; St Louis Globe-Democrat - t We are srlad to be informed by the dramatic critic of the New York World, writing of Mary Anderson since her return to this country tnat there is "more avlorrib in the hauteur of her carriage" than when she went away. We . presume there is also mora sannir nivre in the bon ton of her tsprit de corps. Otherwise' her trin abroad will have Droved de trop forwant of a raisou d'tre tor hereout ensemble. . i i i i ' When vou have many tssks to accom tllA: don't trv io attack them all at once. Do one at a time, quietly and as well as you can, and with a little pa tience tou willxret thronch them alL . The Penaly of Idleness.' lbltaal Recorder: In Raleigh. last week, ,a youn man, the grandson of a United States Senator and the son of. a learnod lawyer, was sentenced to imprison ment in the State's prison at hard labor for ten years. The Judge, in pronouncing tho enteric, "reminded him that his crime was the result 'of idleness. The day has pasfc 1 men can live orr their family name. The watchword of the present is "work." Our people look with sus picion upon him who seek not to4 better his condition or support him self either by brain t)r muscle, and the spirit of the times demands that the criminal be punished, xvhether born in a mansion or in a negro's cabin. All honor to Judge Clark and Solicitor Gallowav. who ' have, bv their adherence to dutv. become a terror to e vilsdoers. 4 - xxre in lexas. . Galveston, Tex., October 14. A special to the News from Gainesville, says: A destructive fare broke out here at midnight last night in the grocery store of J. B. Drew, on main square. Red River National Bank building, adjoining the grocery was badly damaged. The large drugstore oivjuuiwsu auu mo diock aaioining the drew building n the south was gutted. The upper floors of these uuuuiug wwy'w ae yvesu uuiuu xeiegi au .viapany and by lawyers. The furniture ware- dousb oi ivi. xx. xrierce, in rear ot tne bank, was considerably ' damaged. The total loss exceeds fifty thousand unjiicti. o, j.uxijr j.uouxc;u.. j.u ia Duspcuicu that the fire was of incendiary origin. mt. tj T-- 1 1 : "1 xiio xieu xv.iver uauK. resumes uusmeea uuuay iu utuei quartuia S0Z0DONT the ladles pride, Only rivals it deride. Zephyers ot flower laderi air, Only with it can compare, Doing good to everything, On ev'ry Bide its praises ring; Neglect to use it, ladies won't ' They all must have their S0Z0D0NT. The Fragrant Breath ofBeaaty attests the matchless purifying proiterties of SO Z0DONT. Every lady who has used It, proclaims it a Derfect antidote to dental decay. Pure teeth are essential to a pure breath, and both are enjoy ed by all who resort to this agreeable, wholesome and invaluable vegetable compound. Counts of "No Account, Boston Transcript A resident of New York who says he has fallen heir to the title of "count," asks the New York "World if it would be proper for him to have it printed on his visiting cards, lne World tells him, "there, is no title here that will compare with that of here that will Honest Man. ' "Count" Zacharoff's success in marrying an heiress would A "I J 11 A. 1 . . A.. A1 may compare one oicen secures for a rogue wnat should only come to an honest man. a DAwn Town Mercbaat Havlnz passed several sleepless nights, disturb ed by the agonies and cries of a suffering child, and Decomins convincea mat mis. w maio w.s Soothing SrruD was lust the article needed, pro mii-AH a annnlv fnr the rhlld. On rftathins home and acquainting his wile witn wnat ne naa aone, she refused to have it administered to the child, as she was strongly in iavor oi uomceopatay. That nleht the child parsed in: suffering, and the narants without sleeo. fie'unilne home the day following, the father found the baby still worse; and while contemplating another sleepless nignt, the mother steDned from the room to attend to some domestic duties, ana lert tne iatner wun me child. During her absence he administered a por tion oi the Hootmng syrup to tne oaDy, ana saia nothlne. That nicht all hands slept well, and the little fellow awoke In the morning bright and hap py. The mother was delighted witn tne suaaen and wonderful change, and although at first offend ed at the deception practiced upon her. has con tinued to use the Syrup.and suffering crying babies and restless nights have disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never yet failed to relieve tne baby, and overcome the prejudices of the mother. oold br all Druggists st cents a ootue. STOP THAT COUGn By using Dr..FrazIer's Throat and Lung Balsam the only cure for coughs, colds, hoarseness and sore throat, and all diseases of the Throat and Lunes. Do not neelect a cough. It may prove fatal. Scores and hundreds of people owe their lives to Dr. Frazler's Throat and Lung Balsam, and no family will ever be without it after once nsine it. and discovering Its marvelous power. It is out uo in large family bottles, and sold for the small price of 50 cents a bottle. Sold byT. a Smith & Co. , ieKfisaeoa&wiy anffhters,' Wives and Mothers We emphatically guarantee Dr. ; Marchlst's Cath- ollcon, a Female Remedy, to cure female diseases, such as ovarian troubles, lnnammation anduicera tlon, falling and displace ment or bearing down feeling, irregularities, barrenness, change of life, leucorrhoea, beside many weaknesses springing from the above. l Ke neaaacne, oioanng, spinal weakness, sleeplessness,. nervous debility, palpita tion of the hfart, &e. For sale by druggists. Price S1.0O and 11.50 per Dome, send to Dr. J. B. Mar chisi. Utlca. N. Y., for pamphlet, free. F9X sale by ii. a. wmton, aruggisx, unariotte. N. C , juiyrreoaiy is NOW OPEN. S. M. HOWELL. Telephone 27, , FOR SALE. The Lutheran Parsonaee. on Trvon street be- tween 8th and 9th, front 431 feet by 198 feet deep. A comfortable dwelling rontamlhg 7 rooms and pannr, mi m guou conainon. - xne nouse is now occupied Rev . N M. . Woods? Also the Church building and iot, the lot being the same size - as that described above. For particulars, terms, c, appiy iu S. e . lint- N. f Committee. W. A. BARRIER. S oct4dtf. . narlotte.N.a Many a Lady- is beautiful, all but her skin; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beautypn the skin. Beauty on : the skin is Magnolia raim. - Horw few ucdqrstsnd rkat--a perfect fit i3p paia.v. pJ.ipioi'"breai:i3 ta." i3 dscrz ed essential to every new outfit. TI1I3 is positively Un necessary. Tits scientific principles applied to tha num erons shapes and sizes f "tits ,2HtacaTi"' elioc, insures perfect lit, and tteir flexibility, abso Into freecora from, tlie.tert'ores ci " breaking in," as they are easy and comfortable from the fisst day. Sold everywhere. Aslt your shoe dealer for them. HANAN & SON. A j. 33. & .BBO peuis for Charlotte' ebioeodtf R. .' OOCBBAUE. OHAS. E. JOKES CHARLOTTE mm IxKJ R. E. COCHRANE, Manager. nrms agency will buy and sell lands 1 of evm description and in any cart of North or South Carolina, and will rent nronerty in the city of Charlotte, collect rents, attend to repairs i and make prompt returns, and if desired will at- i tend to payment of taxes, effecting of Insurance, etc. . . . . All property put into our hands will be A-dverlised Free of Cost For a stlpulat'.on previously agreed upon. FOR SALE. une dwelling house on B street, 7 rooms, closet iin eacn room, weu or gooa waser. lor B9xll)U leet. In good neighborhood. Price, $2,000. 2 One dwelling on 5th street, adjoining residence of S. M. Howell, 4 rooms, well of water and stable, luii okjxho, cuuveuieiiij to Dusmess. irnce, l,7UU Q One dwelling on South Tryon street, adjoining residence of Dr. Bratton. 8 rooms, closets and pantry, well of waten well located for a boarding uouse: trice, 33,uuu c One dwelling on corner of Graham and 10th trstreets. 5 rooms, kitchen, well of water. -lot 120 feet oa Graham street, . 152 feet on 10th street, very aesiraDie property. iTlce. $1,KX). Qone dwelling on Poplar street, 10 rooms, lot 009x198 feet, brick kitchen, outhouses, stable, well wi gwu water, soia on terms to F.uit purchaser 11 One Dwelling on Ninth street between B and t, two stones, six roomst brick basement well oi water In yard; lot 99x138. Price $2,000 One Hundred and Fifty Acres Land mile of the city limits, adjoining the Fair Grounds weu located ior a truck and dairy farm; i timber, branch running through it, about acres meaaow.. JtTice $30 per acre. j Tract of Land, 8 miles south of Charlotte, 19 m acres, known as cart of the Samuel Tav lor tract, on which is an undeveloped goldmine, (known in the . C. Reports as the Sam Tavlo mine), three frame tenement houses, two rooms eacn, gooa earn, gooa weu water and good spring on ine premises, aoia wrcnout reserve for $1,750. 28 Dwelling in Meehanlesvfile, 1 story 3-roona house, lot 99x190. frontlne on C street, lot x ico, square zio, aajommg property ot w. A. King mia uuiera. race, casn $sou. OO Two lots, Nos. 217 and 808. sattare 46. front i ing 99 feet on B street .and ranmne"throne)i to C street. On the premises Is a two-storj frame aweumg, seven rooms and small storehouse, 33 One-story frame cottage, 4 rooms, lot 50x15 in Fourth ward, on west Fifth street, near the residence of James P. Irwin. All improve ments new. . a aesiraDie place for a small iamiry. race $i,uuu. 34 Tan yard at Lowesvllle, N C.,;22 ther vats, 1 pool. 2 lime 1 sheo house 18x22 bark house, bark mill bouse, stable, dwelling: 10 acres land connected with tan yard. Price $1,000, or will lease for 5 or 10 uears on reasonable terms. 35 A" very desirable farm, containing 162 acres, about threae miles west of Charlotte. on the Carolina Central railroad, known as the Junius Hayes faHn.8dioIr.lng the, lands of Dr. PaulBarrlnger and others. Seven-room dwellmg and necessary outbuildings In good repair on the premises, weu watered and in a good neighbor nooa. nce perscressy 36 'Tract of land containing 75 acres, lying in rout county, in. v., six mues east oi Colum bus. On this place is the Splan Gold Mine. Price ry Tract of land containing 500 acres lylBgln I Rutherford county, N. C.,-9 miles fromRuth erliordton and 20 miles from Shelby, apple orchard en the place, 'small two room dwelling, fine tlm- oered land, pine, early mapie, walnut, oak, sec. about 75 acres under cultivation. Gold mine on the place. This property i3 known as the Cook Mine farm. Price $3,000. qo Tract of land containing 184 acres in OO r Mecklenburiz county. N. C.. 8 miles from Charlotte, good store house 4 rooms, good orchard. o acres unaer cultivation, paiance in pine and hard woods, gold mine on property. Price $25 per acre, cneap. Lot fronting on Morehead st., 99x366 feet, I small two-room house, well, lot well set with mux trees, race $sx. 141 Five-room dwelling with kitchen and stable lot 99x198 on West Trade street, beautifu i grove and well of good water. - Price $2,200. i i f ne story frame dwelling and lot on Stone-. Hid J9 One lot and a half lot, unimproved, on the w comer oi a ana ixia Bireeis. ince soou. yj r One story frame store house 20x60 feet, lot r rttf 24x100 feet, fronting on railroad, and one ' unimproved lot in rear of above 100x125 feet, both at oauiora, jnoore county, n.v. race sua A i Two story frame dwelling, four rooms, barn i stable, smoke house, eood well, some frnlt trees, aDouc w acre oi land, in saniord, jnoore co, i rr Fifty one acres of land. 23 acres under cult! 1 vatton, balance timber, mostly plme, some i oak. Two tenement houses on place, lying on the I edge of Sanf ord, Moore county, N. C. Price $850. (The above three tracts will be sold together or separately, and if purchaser desires can secure re- ( fusal of a stock of goods at price agreed upon be utween himself and the owner.) XO 150 Acres In Davidson county, N. C, 11 OZi miles from Lexington and 8 miles from Lin wood. Six room dwelling, good water; four acres In apples, peaches and grapes. Price $2,000. Kj Lot with two-story house, six rooms and two OD ; room kitchen, well and garden, being prop erty adjoining J. S. Phillips' residence. Price $2,650.. ffi Fifty acres of land In and adjoining Hunt ut ereville. N. C. On the place there Is a com i f ortable tour-room dwelling house, good barn, crib, I Llf.liAn nmll "VT. .1 ,V1 . Vl t ?1 uuucu ouu nw, y cij uodiiauio yiuyciijr. nuns $35.00 per acre. . , FOR RENT. Storeroom in " Morehead buildine. on Trade street, at present occupied by Schlfl &o. v- New Storeroom on B street, between Sixth and Seventh streets. - .:- ' Dwelllne on B. and D. railroad, between 8th and ! 9th streets. Very convenient to Elliott & Marsh's furniture factory or Newcomb's planing mills. Dwelling house on South Tryon street, adlnln- lng the residence of Dr. S. E. Bratton. Very con veniently located for a boarding house - Apply to' -.'' Charlotte Real Estate Agency, B.E. COCHRANE, Manager. sept2dtf REAL Si ' ?! ! M 1 ? 3l OFFKliS.S'O THE IiaIapoIa INVENT Y BARRELS IE UNSEED (I, Large Stock of Colors, Yarni -ALSO OME CAR LOAD Me ALL AT CLOSE PBIGES. J. H. Mo ADEN, I am an old man. : Tor 28 years I suffered with Ulcers on my right leg as the result of typhoid fever. Amputation was suggested as the only means of preserving life. The doctors could do nothing for ae, and thought I ' must die. For 3 years I never had a shoe on. Swift's specific has made a permaent cure and added ten years to my , wm. to. heed, nan uo.f fcra. I have taken Swift's Specific for blood poison, contracted at a medical college at a dissection. while I was a medical-student. I am grateful to say that it gave me a speedy and thorough cure after my parents had spent hundreds of dollars for treatment. Augustus Wemdel, M. D., Newark, N. J. My wife from early girlhood has been suffering from rheumatism. She has tried many remedies, and I must frankly- say has derived more benefit from Swift s SneMflc than from all the others, after long ana iaitnrai-trial. Rby. JiJUES L. Piebce, Oxford, Ga. Swift's Specific is entirely vegetable. Treatise on tuooa ana ssm Diseases mailed tree. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 8, Atlanta,Ga.t or 10a w. aaa si., . x. CAROLINA IS AI. ' WAY. Office of Superihteiidkiit, . WrunNGTON, N. C, Sept. 27, 1885. 5 CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER SEPT 27, 1885, THE FOLLOW lng Schedule will be operated en this Rail road , .... passenger, mail and express trains, daily except sunday. ) Leave Wilmington at.. ......... ..7.00 P. m. No. 1. ; Leave Raleigh at .7 85 p. it. i Arrive at Charlotte at ..7.30 a. x ' Leave Charlotte at. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .8.15 p. k. No. 2. ; Arrive at Raleigh at.... .... .... ...9.00 a. m. ) Arrive at Wilmington at.. . . .. .. ..8.25 A. h. LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. Leave Charlotte at.... ........... 7.40 A, x. Arrive Laurinburg at 5.45 p. m. Leave Laurmburg at... 6.15 a.m. Arrive Charlotte at .... ........ ........ . 4.40 p, k. I: Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and points designated In the Company's Time Table. . - - : .- SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, BX PRESS AND FREIGHT. (Dally except Sunday.) Leave Charlotte at .....t. ......... 8.15 a. m. Arrive at Shelby at... 12.15 p. x. Leave Shelby at 1.40 p. m Arrive at Charlotte at 6.40 p. h Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statesvllle, stations on Western N.G.B.B., Ashevllte and points west. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points southwest. - L. C, JONES, "- Superintendent 7, W. Clabk, Sen. Pass. Agent. fi A si lUl'II Hi SMS, Etc. I . . GREGORn DYSPEPTIC MKTBRE FOR SALE JJT ILL DRUGGISTS. Bxbtlet, VAq Sept, 8th, 1884.. Before taking your medicine I had very little hope of ever getting well, other, medicine did me such little good. Thanks to God and to yon and your medicine, I now feel like a new man. , Yours truly, ? . ' 1 - ' ' - ATL4ITTA.GA, September 7th, 1885. - . . Dkab Sm Enclosed please find three dollars, for which send me by ex press three bottles of your Dyspeptic Mixture. 1 find It gives me more relief than anything else that I can get. Send xours respectruuy, Belore. . - rTelegram.1 DB. W. W. GEKQOBT: Send me one dozen bottles oldest medicine Ci 0 1 Stand Si Sifesilt FOR ORNAMENTING WINDOWS . .., . l ; :"i - ' Doors, Transoms, &c, CALL AND SEE ma AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS. W. & 3 inviw auenuon to tne attractive prices at which AXMINSTEKS WILTON'S MOQUETTES . BODY BRUSSELS TAPESTRY " from $2 25 per yard upward from 'iOOperyardupwa,-! from 1 50 per yard upward from 1 15 per jarrt mrart from 60 per yard upward from 50 per yard udwrm IN GRAINS SWISS LACE CURTAINS from $5 00 per pair upward MADRAS LACE CURTAINS V : from J4 oo per. pah -upward Ai?i xiy ujii ana j)iuvrsLiii LiAU-u uuk iauns from $3 50 per pair upward NOTTINGHAM LICE CURTAINS from $1 00 rer Da1r nnwarrt TURCOMAN CURTAINS y from $6 00 per pair upward TAPESTRY COVERINGS from $1 50 per yard upward CRETONNE COVERINGS . f from 30 per yard upward Window Shades made on short notice or materials furnished. Samples sent when desired and prompt attention paid to all mall orders. ,' CORRESPONDENCE INVITED, Broadway; and 19th Street, NEW YORK CITY. oct6d&wlm. THE LATEST II) MOST IMPORM! ; We are now running on full time. Furniture manufactured by us ; is kept "; by the enterprising furniture dealers In this city. We make only the best and most substantial In the fmarkeL K0 SHODDY GOODS. Ask for goods made by us and you will get the worth of your money. Our name is on each piece. We solicit the patronage of the public and guarantee satisfaction. Respectfully, ELLIOTT & MARSH. June20dtf FOR COUGHS, CROUP AND CONSUMPTION USE OF SWEET GUM AND MULLEIN. The Sweet Gum from a tree of the same name gro' iroi wing in tbe Bowtl. commnea wiuj " , AU V b: WANTED. We will pay 18 cents per bushel of 80 pounds tat good sound new cotton seed delivered at our nuu id Charlotte, N. C. , , We wlU trade cotton seed meal for seed, giws one ton of meal for two tons of seed. i ' OLIVER OIL COMPANY, Successors to Charlotte Oil Company. septl6ddtr . JUST RECEIVING .. .' . L . ' " -a ' THE BEST STOCK OF GOODS ET THE CITY IN OUR LINE. A. E. & W- B. NISBET, In care of Miller Beady. y - tu w. hihton. After Taking' - Chicago, liu. October 2d. 1885. ? ou have, 98 Randolph street JAKES CEAWFOBP. minim GOTTON :-: SI I

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