13 'miSTTlBOUT i, i 5 ' Kffiiwtebl' physician fjS 1 Vhmtaiavns wcoenize Iron aa tba pest reaorauw t: Sri todprof cwsion. and faicmiry of any SS.l& J substantiate &eertao I fhjit thare r mor preparations oi iruu ; i il JTUUES2 Hers i . . - . -1 The mljiSs'fe!? JSSSSSl- BROWII'S IROpilTERbf ! r-i oareBdiestion, BiUonsTiess, Weakness, 3 JrdjHda, Ialarfa CMUs and FY j ""'&4re7Bay51vlr 1-farftll theeo ailments Iron is -prescribed, dally, f SRRDWn'SIROriBITTERSiSnSfi nhiatL like all other thorongh medicines, it acts : ff 13! ibewffit refaetredenorgyl The nrascles then beome Vrt la omcn th effect is asnilly more rapid apd marked. J 33 Sm; -healthy color eomes tytli-cfeeefcs ? eivOsneS Jt i3l3Asapperaj faaetfonalderangeiBBnts becomB-.rega-! - i lar. and if a nnrsimr mother. abandKdt 'sustenwice uuv efea Degm st once xo Dnffnrn; pwaun wcmo Sr, and a nnrsing mother, abandKdt 'sustenwice , i mnnViaitv z-TiiM Tlinmntnhflr KlDWll 8 Iron c Bitters iathe ONXiYJron medicma that is not in-; on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHElt.;n ; Oil - r? emit a QaeriSiSf'; SsfcwilBl ?f' t rttrep to the ifou? Oie jBtrgUytng phosphates 'giat are removea wiia me urau, auu wuiuu a.r ie i .ttflted.bj thfl ByBtem-other ?3at:oe thte.i K -coistg'less is healthier; and , tthanany'othe?;pdetr i 7 TESTIMONY v. 57-; UVUl'tri' '1 '-'J.I5W4l.s " '.S . . ill sr-:-r" "T" OBEAEiitfrrB. N.?arFeb. 27, 1885. " It is a weil-kuovm fact that the process of mak- wheat flour relsove? wijth the bran in the bolt- L toe aeitlen 1 of the 'Natural ' pbosphates of the ftiii Riosphates arejof thgreatest value In tatalning mental and physical vigor. Of all the tveparattens used to raise bread, Horsf ord's Bread fSeparatfe is thfronlyone teat replaces the phos ates ef the graia, which are of great nutritive fettortamee. It Is composed of acid phosphate of toe which takes the place of the cream of tartar k' i?.lfcu ilttSt oti)tner preparalloiLs and bicarb 2. btrfloda The .result ol the chemical acfio'n n Ven the preparation and the soda are added to irtt mixed in the form of -dough Is & uaiOB'Of the. Sospnonc aeia ana tne soaa, inusuDeranngine ftoTUe add eas, which performs the rising pro- erettoffOBjphate of lime and oda ? t "Tbl nti loteul stnethens the; flutritjve value of 1, blaod and bone food. Here, in the South, 1 the heat tells on the vital forces with ener CI eflectj Dbne anki'bralii food becomes1 of the f rfaawt Importance. Th Horsford Bread Prepa- , nt3m Is et theifirsCvatae on this account, and no . ota bakmg powder i so weUadtedto the de ' JBmOa f 'the uthern'oountry." " ' ' ' . I Have used the. Horsford Preparation In my 'BSSSf for, the past Jen. Tears, and certainly would Jtd other. : -v AYJrx'J.'At 't T. C. SMITH, KLD. Commercial nd rOthertrayellBrs in the South wltfatteWtd the fthatWobrthe best railroad lertamrants south of Virginia, are to be found at , .Gurlotte, N. C, and Way Cros,mBMbaris the erring evil in the Southern country, and the ence Gresham, the manage?TOg3 edi io rite (wsumed conduct of'Se Blcnniond'ana'Dan- ville Dining Booms, at Charlotte, and the excellent Juccess I have met with in 8a.tisfylngihetTavlUn ar w A-, wmuw w vi. vj MiU ID UUD w We ave deceived ex3eBajtlt QrftpfvtEestapIi farticlebf fooaTmeT newn-BaaTeen a aigmedpittle yo OiatheoitewavJpu ner faaefincsno wasjojlrteen, filling fans to impress ffiose who patronize it. Mr. Clar- hdeadmotlier's place witfir absolute the use,ot this, the best of aty BaklnglPowders.'V-- v fV'y , . .. ;j . h3 n nei9eAPd;octfupMiineycmr prising all the novelties of the Reason. a h i- '1 ' Olfffi aiiwi unowj. n g -'s w 1 ii -FOR Ear -A i novfvr .We-inibi youaHy especiallyi ttiJs TiHQiiS Vivll h'KU'Kf '')V0! l-r07 ;Vjv; iu q 0V tol i.weef tq inspect; dujj trimmed i ? Hats and Bonnets1 . 4 1 f " DAlIrY THERE NEVER WAS. f?l xlier neyer .was an, axuxijr mui 1 ...:.'. -'f j' 1 That bungled not too soon with clctuJS d o 1 jAssunrays with the night jo iwirfo iuo j W that faded not from that fond heart" p rilWlHireohfce it loved to fitay,l'"f;jfri jO j Andleft that heart more desoJata r w a-rn a trwai xivi Jni3 ! -fMj wsAnV SfcV'V.roi. to j , But ltjwas dimm gcn. jears,',-j 0-r7, Cansed by such griefs as ever dull j an sone IT, jiThere Mvex&ras; ftjaoble: heart-tti -o rl r?q ji it) .isl aundi oil, worth ana powerH-iu oina n jTliat hatlnotili this sinful .world, xk io Some sorrow for its dower. .tiHiBiiuv.n ThelaureHHiih0! brow hath Aid, Fromfflknx,aar.ele PJjic The secret of the soiil within, , iThere nearer jwas-a restful. soulia r y j .iJr, SweeseB A0r;ioi; axiajy FreefroniWd sbrrow's stain.' jf t iW e rxmrk de,wdrp. on ?ihft grassy r ,P - Kg fii; soon iri sirung pmuTxjrs !tuHf)2T tno-Arjid diaik theniall away.'- -h 'r eview th& nwuntaing stepped in light - At me nrsc pmsn 01 aay; Beheld howehangeSlfliey are at night, t's Ho"w4ull and dense and grayj (US'1? C -CTTifK -fhA "Ki-rrlcr it tnnafnl onnTicr 1 lr How Bweet then flongs jn. May J .,-, ., r! i B, 'KBifughhey'liaveVndr care tWy take ! In'nerter5 wis ftf bubbling f oonT u' Whose waters to the fevered Hps i'j inf aiimgrwecourd bringiT rrr . ? , All changes cm. Time's sinful shore, I ' br hides from mortal sight;'v" J - j ' ; " . JI At - 1 i f I 1 ; J -Luther G. Missis, in Boston Folio UNCLE PHI10. r rV?rom Uncle Philol" said, Jenny San- for dl in ; a toneiof .c.csternation.iStarini; at.the signature ox.the letter she held.; .By, Jove!" her prother Tom ejacu- xaiea; ana mittea a long wnistie, apressive of deep astonishment . the doorway. u f f John was r not one .of the household, Dut , Demg engagea to jenny, net was nearly always on hand ":??- t I 'He s coming!" said Jenny, sinkine into achairrdesTjamnglyX ff: V f ' "Oh, by1 Jove!" said Tom again, with horrijSed .intonation :1S ii ? i7 "You don't seem fond of Mm V John observed. 4 'Fond of him?" Jenny repeated; 'We detest him! Haven't we ever told you about hlmtkHe's Hhebane of our lives. You know when errand father died, the left most? of his property to fattielrhlC Sioose amon ther'restj To UncM PJiilc' (hel liveaj&way jbff JinJ uaiton ; i om ana i nave never seen; him)-to, .Uncle -Philo, who is worthj noooay Knows now much father says he is the richest man in the county jhe left only' ahousand dollars,fjustra?mer; mentor Of course he was' right ;' TJncla PhUo didn't need the moneyV .and father did. But Uncle Philo wasn't satisfied.-1 Jenny'Srblueeyep burned with rindigna-. diUdriY xoutlf thenhous-r and dollars; hey wouldn't even comelto he Was Mg'tolc6ntelt the! vill. Why; he,did:ii'jfciwas a&yitei:tb3lii Father says he is a dreadfully determined man But this explairisi itiVi Jenny turned to the letter with quivering lips. "Ife'i slnrj3fylSt;talrinshlH& aboutii: anJiitlMMjs.C iaffdirsiMJheCcan leave; themHiaferyf ankllndw.heTaflcming ou, here he states it boldlv to look at the" place, and seeti&her it will be worticl his whaIedJcotest J theAHll. He'a ,4 . ifJWiffJ-? y T TJirT -y.-,r i '',; t : .3 . iJ-i:A BhuUfedlal aalntyIhaji8Kefbhief frpm her pocket and sobbed into it Tom and r her fiaiyre looking on compassionately Bne was not giyen to such outbursts m . - t!gplj energetically restraining a desire to use stronger adiective. ""IlttthfashJUiMith of Ma iie ixje comes jneroi-.xpm aeciarea "No KalLKe.afcHed. ! Svith somethin oi a-grin "ru introduce him to Mr! seliihglignihipg - I gt the longest tongue oQmy J ever saw. You can't get away f rOm I'll nresent-HT ttpJnvnrl TInIfl Dobbin's ' afteM d hrif tb t.K? sifAiv Tinn'ig fcfeti hkn. 'Zr-5t..rr,"rf,r raWTOV -"jTTi.rT- said" more cheeriullT. anayyT.aniPyUyeatinto ; The,sunshine of our years. . VrJ lobk npohihe sweetest "flower Jt j Uobbm. That will settle himj" fr,tD6bmfSaiaefi"T rods itf tawn'nTOm "explaihea Jlilttolfoie'cT me8ffeday, ati6Pot dinner, so entire her success-Jenny MMn & born cook and so sratifving were jtlw praiseT which Tom a'nd"hlr future lpi$l naa 'snowcrea npon it, tna uuwo iuw andjheldanglrxjfhidht were almostTorgotten. ' ! rsiiT. aa ana irnnn l ti liiis . uuui n t auut OLnigi motives. ,wuft tnis .nrTyu.v,jjrw - .S.ivjrivCtinkerm matched their departure xogemer xm n3(i bisrprpspective if oj&&4p fjk verd 1 Af Vo J? w fh a nam brln r.ftlishe "felt'her ; in- itruggle through life had always teepiWtf, 'can Afford IOea withohlAiidf for' hadW.la4Wgiwa hoyf V.... ....nab-H T WMCOIUB 4V UUU. n small hand unconsciously olnchd. vvaar ppi sne fa, a " 7S t SEROT - Tl She waa' putting thlksh ish'ed glass in the cupboard -whpri there iaineLainpcsk; at the. kitchen rlrmr ... t. t lc?ud aggressive sort of npek, and Jenny went to answer it timidly 4 Bmall man, lyith.-thlh, grayish; hair, and bright, little eyes, and a carpet-bag about as, big as himself. . ile-iookecl pp; into her pretty, blonde f ace- witti a Wort of astohlsh ftr! rid csfrne in wfthoat beinginvited. no J Hf -Tjdotft: -anfe ; to buy , , ayth ng, said ! J?hny,,,-with1a; suspicious: pbince' atthe carpetbag, ' 0h i' as a suSd en . r'ec6I- iedtibtt of 'Tom's1 wordsarnV into her baiiid, 3MyQu'r the lightning rod imanJ ftlr.frf 3iPpbb.?1nTals;e,-a)soat.,7' , ,r.:iii&uLiie,ma,n8aii aownm mlpnoft -with ryjenny sadonitboriwakderMg i lit-j -It did not agree -wi& rTom's descrip-: ion of him'; byt Tom' was "slightly given to' exaggeration?' Ciii; 'You:iI'ywant.;a ladder. E suppose ft air. xjvuuw was &viaentiv Daspiui.- i "But where arejflie rodsli? :J': i . Mr. Dobbin smiled., ";little, oA oufrhed. uneasilvJ . K oejwasv dv&co embarrassment, eVidetly. , ; -y ,t ,Jenny',s; of t1, heart, .was melted ;th she said, pleasantly iwith.a.desperateder sire, tapat.himat his, ease, 4 .V"I , am, exj;' Indeed!" skidK Mr: DoTbhL ' finding his" voice; alklasfciW ovX ;xi6y;Wt.'t-: His tone -betrayed, so much interest, arid his bright ' eyes","' fixed ' "approvingly On nW f sice, knone im such; a ( friend I v Curiosity that ennyi felt -a ? sudden; lik ing for the 'littlo man: apd anTimpulsivb desire to pour, beri troubles into his sym- pathmnear.;::;vv.;. ; r JT 1o1"yS tf -iiitiAIa J Jarii skill ; -wit.ri.' neT prettiest bout;;! ji'And I abominate him. I'm: very unnatural, am l notr', ana axie lanfrhftfl. . - . s The 1 lightning' rod' man did not re spond ; but he betrayed a sudden increase f interest. : ;'.' rj U r t . ; j "I'm unnatural, ",n Jenny : repeated. J.'But I don't belie ve an angel could feel ' t Mr.7Dobbin ioiighed again, and j wound one. of his short legs around the rungs of his cbair. i lf (.'. fV : "V i y-i 1 ''Might JI inquire; " he said, mildly, 'what 'thiseasV is?'1 V; - y v.: ,.; . ? "It is the most dreadful you could im agine 1" said Jenny, impressively." And, with an ; uneasy consciousness that '. he ought not to . confide it to a stranger, sne launcnea mio ,.an muignam recital of r Uncle t Philoys: unpleasant be hivior, ' from? her: jgr'aridf athers ? will to vUnclerphiloa letter A andi jpad it aloud,' wth scornful emphasis,, pointing out the naruaeai ceaness 11 lpuicaieu,. aau tiweu uig on'its. general wickedness. A :'A ! i'Th think-." she cried. 'that he. with ;all? his . m?6ey j :$hpuld , begupgo us this: Tl i 1 . u 1 I '' T.I . ia ur mucn;( i wouiu', omj. fuaa.e,.xuui a little richer i but it is" everything to, us. And father .his : only brotheT I He must -H5r sof fe eyeserJbnghwith pret ty wra,th, ananerfaceHwas, charmirigly ! vThe''' 'lightnitig-roA man watched her with; fascinated eyes. '...v ..'1 ,f.--..- ; !; ? V'Ifhave.- though vv- Jenny went f on. musingly, 'that if he knew. how things are," he miht feel different - L Tf he knew how hard father has! always worked, and hoWunfor,tunate he has been, and how how tance V. ,Vooifi-'.?-. .firi -f..fjj3.C'l v She stonned suddenlv. '"with a flush.' , mr. T Apoou . uxevy, xiis uiuux a lili-ib jtoser.- - IiiTv.i .:-kr.. 5 'Ho much yott; what, mydearlt; he saiat3gently;Da ,Io3l8 imii vJ .sir ! Tri Jennviiooked athim timidlv. !. c. 1 But there wis fatherly look ofkind p.esand s I !RoW. i rauch, 3Li:rQlilCi:Jik6f to; bring need it dreadfali&W 1.03 .snJiiiiiV Thghod.jvaa, silent, j -J VI'm i afraid ! Jjav e hqred you," saia f absurd 'toJh'aVe toldbtr at all." I oin, witn a Kin a nmi ' OS toMdjjq" Jen aniriTi7l, T TT troFirotiyt t'.'il-r rtt,7t 1 Jenny- UiwSoOTrjito at itj td keep .Dobbin metr' "Torn eiachlatecw s'i--9nciB-xuuoi-rj rj tJ ennVi Tepueaj iu "I he so lft don't know how I came toi but .y,,y1 y.-u . ijii. Ll- ' occcavMr-orw-iivbio-iuau, uiix Jt'LittleS" cried.Tpm. "Dobbin, little tg Verv'tallahd.! yery lanky man, with a shock F'-bright - T - - - ---wTy.JWU, ,mw,jni.iuivww valuing hisWa and th f1ivpf Ms fam'-3 1 "vw.v. u mmn rn i na J)R3fcLGil ' TI 111. ibt but what, r j irmy rodg hadn't beeef 'on. that house,' uiatianuiy would have been" much he. needed, .the-money, and. many things, we'd luce to aor tnat we can7t : even ' nowhow lA much I,- for: inr ir.TihTi o linnrrui lirflia riHAll anft aaln I aoftlj.f?yO-rTrexpept tb marry him, Vou flno1 inules'blif? aclirki We shall nvv Tiftincr. nRt;ilv. 'Of r.ouTsa .Vott; I f i r ji orr?i i rr tf t r t tjh : ; . i 7 r . wantea to pe at worK.77 .j-., K6iwitf VaM?.1 Ddbbin - rejbiridi, $)fthatfisJthmkIIwill come;to-mbr-' - , '. It Ji. 1, - 54-- T 11. y i iO lMjyrVi!m P riim tdhmBriirrfftVg:i He; a: wa?really erymice;f oif i lihthinp-roal Ulan, iri l l-l lnf iiTiif.-.f-r nt i HtfjMTi liOBpus'eamev" sneisaid, ngntiy. a4 'tayiia .rmevjgf . JhaH .believes jyoja again.7 tOHer HtfisnJtSuch Attalketatiall " 'kXn I him. Was asleep then, or tempotarny inisane'. if niwi ana '" .. i -n wiraiaoniB' no 'inxuK-- oi iviiiab 1 1 didn't clve, him a fhanrJ? juid.'' Jennv. iiisteaMlfdhW puhe etftedhfeof havirifetaken ? yThere;wa auddeWnbc aud-J enny pefied iitl-' h Ar; - iTHIIRSD AYJ: QdTOBEBH5. 1 88b: j Jenny turned to her brother In be wilderment. . : ' ' 4Don1t talk,5 ehf, said Tom,- in'an amnfeed undertone- 'j;: ' i- ' ,'. s; The , red-haired man, perceiving tthat he was notheardjdisappeared.smilingly, around the' corner of the house,, continu ing the1 account' of 5 the' rescue5 of the family'of fourteen under, Ms breath; I 1 1 j uVjs that the,lightning-rod xnan?;'j aaid Jennyr anxiously. Jt , j iom nuuueu. .... . -th'iS mind of both.mi 'ra j. a; ;'.-'.;! .Uncle'.Philol" said Jennv,-. faintly. L-"Could it have been ITncWPMlo? '.'And . 'T)rJiaTiit said Tom.' wtfrfrtrafeelinbr1 mirths MI 4 ponsiaer ut ; extremely- jolly. H Uncle Philo's worst' was a vast'surprise e verybodyl j ,s i .-y ,i .ti ' qj L4oil' T-om rqame ib-qrae, ajweek; or so,ater,: holding a. thin getter, ana. nanaea it to Q H 'FroMrbrijie o5aia? sbtemni "I don't dare to have you open it. Of course itsi,the formal notice of, Uncle Phijo's proceedings against you." .; , kin'dilo6'kiri a' certainf p'air of sharplittle eyeain; Jenny!s.pfnd4 - Aj any ratj sh tQ-a; ppep, j tne. eooyeiono iprajeiy. jJv 1V.... i It contained merely two'sllps' of paper one a'cKeck representing a sum15 which t 'took four figures to :express;the other ajbalf-sbeeti of- note-paper,' vwithxsfive And the will was never contested. Em- - ..- J y-l: ... ' v.wv- ma,A. upper. . 1 - I .1 r A: 'Finland I?onse 911 1 1 'In crossing the country;! "noticed that near every farm or settlement there was a small log-nut withr pnenings all darkened by smoke, and ion asking wuac 11 vas arways receiveu. aacansww that it was the savna. v. r'e j oiu n? j "The savna is , in fact the common bath-room of" the. farm and sometimes the neighborhood. Every Saturday the savna is used by the whole - family,' the servants of the farm, and any guest that mav :be desirous of participating. A huge log fare .is lit on a hearth in the room,' and 'when the bricks or stones aria red hot cold.water is poured- on-them, which soon- fills the . room with steam. When all is ready, the, bathers gather of l ages;''8impiy in the state in which we are toia our nrst progenitors aisportea themselves, and this even if the mercury is frozen to a lump ini the- bulb. When the room is full fresh ivater.is poured; on the stones, and t the bathers begin to be labor each ' other with birch twigs, an, operation which has about : the same effect as rubbing down the nhdeform by a. hard r brush t and a powerful , hostler would have. J The proceedings are nat urally carried on under a great deal of fuh from the younger : members of the company. ; ? When the bath is over, and a profuse perspiration has, been caused by. the whipping, and the steam, tne wnoie m wnicn anoiner. oaLu iaKes piace,-xiu over, , tne oatners aajourn to various, ai rections in thei same clothing they came, I had many opportunities of witnessing this spectacle oh my lengthy journey intdti the f' -heart ' Of Finland. IWiSopie 1 1 ?- Tfhere Strong: Men Wept. r ' Hie morning that -Lee sent' weird -that we were to retire fromjtheiiroaa . to ithe Appomattox court Chouse: r and- leave., it , ciear? non of usj knewyhat.,tOrder meant,' but ,e ven if ,we . bad 1 ' known - itz wouia nave oeen cueeriuiiyoejea'raej troops withdrew among ; the thnbei'J o, pur commipsary. stores Jhad been" packed oh the Drevio'ua riierht.- In a little while Eee rode iitf ! io; he'J rMr) acebmpahied onlv by Colonel Marshall: ; his i aide.1 It f was with the greatest .diltculty -that f he men;were kept from rusning out .and siirfpundihg ' the' general sb 1 'mdeii 'was; he,? loved. We 1 cieptP !fward 360 edge; of the road and saw? Iieer returning yaa.Cf.iejTj-rBadvif "When ;"ha -.was opposite to us the soldiers coulcf no nished but i a'wild mbb'arbund "his old ' iron-.gray ' horse, jshouting :6 'jtLeeli Lee 1 iUeel All drscipline'i west thrown. to the calm and seemed to- be profoundly movcd,:-.:.-.Wheii-Beidismounted'he made a motion; f iqx silences and .i-ririg. wa,s , formed around . him. Tlen he- stretchea'out'iiis haha'Hos andaid : .c oouldi if or you, 'i!Todyn;I,haye "furrBh- strong oponth Igrombd at ihisi feefi and L-weep Uk6yWomen. yt 3,br .Shouta1 and ;5 cries bf mv comrades were heart-atirring,:'XB0 iooked'upon the ' scene' ;fori;' a', mom'dit fBighedf tnd 1 turned ' awav. i It i was: i.all flri?f-f i L'l;)!- ; lin?.l( w: Vflo fcceS Predict: the Weattiett KJ)Waffiiijonrj;Qexman7 bees r-aah storm iwarnersi From numerous observations the writer advances' .tentatively "''the, Bt ieorv;oii'tWapproa .'kss; -tecataernxcitfcL 'abd, exceedingly jiri n aju A J a. 1 ) w j . rijable, ana win at once aitacK aay ooy evenJhciLUsualteMant, apprOa'Ching their hives.,,. A. succession, of instanfces are given in in which" "the' b'arbmetef J h'fgrdMete beoi r.or rthe.instrumenta gayeino .intimation! of storm, uut wc.. ucca jui... uuuio jjcxui.c Srere irritable, and the3storni cam'e;'3 jB Concludes; i thercforejothat; the i conduct i-irfi5ee3l if a0-ifat worthy .Jnpcajtion 'made We'Pabifio-ioceaitJ y j En"glisn ientic&ipiuicjLainuv.MWfci(wtM ninit.iiti;e3olorersjrwlxo obtained, a iepn ;fiTgAthoana '3 -r'i'x 1SaVrwhy fs everythmg' i.mc.Ii? WL" li ' -rr.; E'ther at slxesoi vTJ??"omorj 1 ftobsbly.myearneryousster, ca, you are suffering from som of r'dlsensej ilrt'atiar io your sex. Ton have a 'dry4sj-ui-defttirfTai,j,' tne baclc-BChe. you are ttoMUiyUtri. v(fi bH n.:.i ii hf various kinds.. -T:afce r-XyliV- lleretx s "Vivnr. ice iresenpuou" auu v a jva. - X7M tv-daced to if this hd' Was nearf or f never V&w5 suChr a ldvaiE yet 'disorder! YushnLee y.aa3 1 .aer.eq., jjiq ,anii y o 1 1 x orjuern . . t. lrgima. Boys, go horned Mss ifiii3 i -i u 'i'S3W strobiren th'rowth'emleiVBa' .whether, ajstppmas, .imnains ovea cenij noeiioi. 3:xu loi oaw 'in nvolo -tamdistnet t.f n6r JS-Ja,teTrilJtL, JWii iftjl .n.-i ;Th ; :ltavoritV;K-H!ouse i IX. iETBXi JklliS TO. CtJKE ALL A5 13ES AiM PA .' i 1 , v ' , W. N. MULLEN:' v Dear Sir L used rour. Hornets'.Nest Liniment on of diphtheria, his tbtoat being so badp t wpELen never intend to tte without In my bouse. Begpectfulrw 1 B. L. CrJlhftTxnvfl8 U-VUL9. (uiu curcu mm. wziKCUS wsii. . 1 uitve aiau C w muiiUSBeaF;Sir;,I qan it cured me of a very bad, casefctflWw ?4 n Foi; gale ' allDr nggitf APOSIXtflE: a: Constit) 0 0 .v;H lq (C-l ..i.:b) 3U 05-: 3i jj'fiii.,) r. a i ! i 1 - ' -' ation VThis medicine is a combination xf nure Tegetable matter which acts :enth,ely on the digestive orea4 Kuvuui infill ju, o guovuj llOOlWl WUUllilvJLlt' (4 ( went ts ' ".riiTfnciWJ 'n -j. .ii-K- does not belong there." ' No malaria or otherblood disease hang? around; thesystem where EASKiKjl .W8 o;-ioii Ti'riJOt);-.ea3 lioiuiv ; taut fr;'-Sl;itifeVjs,r;vi-. 1 . , xne acoumuianon oi garoage arjoui xne premises, wnicn ierments ana decays, is acknowlf dped to m tuu ucrays, uib gases arising ujererrom poisons me Diooa,- ana as a consequence ciseases oi vartoif forms are generated. J A few doses of KASK1NE puts the digestive organs in order, cleans out the storf ach, a perfect circulation of blood andperfect digestion is obtainedj and all liability of disease remove! 3 i-Jl .iX'iiri'i.', PREVENTION xiu pcrauii wxjuse uiHCHiiuu jb uraiiiiy uetsu Bijnaie case, oi naoiiuai consupauon. . rnce ou a, .S. For sale by T. O, Smith & Co. . ! iOy GO if jtiOoiiV! kii'ii&oMo'J lir. y5xi;l1 Mil BHihO ca ..'- -r ' " wur sHore 18 nowTuu noS siPiiio OaioiriblWgom j oa f i)F fri; ana enoestiua reason nothing will put the digestiye organs In a healthy condition, as quickly as KASKME. Be sure to ke? your stomach in good order by using KASKENE, and you may Jaugh at contagion. I i.. Wa valuable remedy Is DUt un In a condensed form, and two to four bottles Will tern' iA 1 iiSbli? if Spb a?!mo1re corhsiithtoery pc w uitjtitny reasoaaoie demaiid lathe ,.; jsie '"waydf Handomfef 'styles ,L?w Prices and goodpi' - a 6fl.'.-liiil oJj ..-.'3 rtrjipefiepods- jjjs wh favor tts with' Hieir I 'Ot BjfISfiife(JU,011ASfliiI:ni ,8ioi .f f fjy-.TlT ,y-:ft V-xV.'So Rasa i no oiMiuel Ilivr rainnl .1, - I j OWrLG: NeWb Warrtved -Tm fiorWwfafut; 'f-'f A .as represepT Wje: mvlte inspection, and guar-" 2.- . , : -7 - t icm-.uviucu v LLk . . . y- miLnn niiLiir na . k jij'Liiin ill bviitu nqvnaiiin. y. ati : . rf' el ,oiofaa30iD ,0sIIoO r'.'-i'v vii ii ii ik . ii ii ii ii i iriai.i i abi'jxioioWr . yl;nsfftl ilfivf WeMve nowjceadjfor Jn all the Shanes and'lOTnnVr ot - . . it..-. ,- 1 uiid s goho Bisvr Oir .mix v. gsgul a. ify ! - ::" I - .73 -id niJiisd 7.viIsrno 3o emorfo ij vofjcxxi odi eifli i" hluoo oil (Mr -m4 Jtttw w-Wf.f.Rft f7tl II k f r r ir f it viy uj uyfeiuqsni acv i;as mv fcia -al ¬ ii a a ma ni j noes totde,Iall.l3hapesOT4 inovr. brrx. o;?rr?.jfrt- ."ii-l ?-7r7To1 . .We are pleased, to inform our . lady, friends r that our Milliner,' Miss Dell, has arrived and is ready to execute all orders entrusted to her. . ect4dtf. ... . 4iw f -3 5 ' 1" ""-L - Pak Gkove, Union Co., N. C, Sentpmhp.. 10 mv little bov. who vtus snfferlnc with that hervtas.past speakm&and it relieved 'lw atti uscu ivja Diner raiits kuubds n or trmnt I.." lsn V; jXtM2,pferchant, Clear tolfti land Country Merebhtsi 4 ' v...i ;iw '-7 jtjiv; $ aT.-wvtr -if.' w- i-- CIJKE iFOBt-' .A . I -AND .!'.,.! it; ; ; UUU IClllUVill iUi' IXIO-IACX CUUWCkLiiCU 111 UlO SlOlliaCfi thAT -.). OF DISEASE. uave any iear oi cuoiera or oiner coniaffions iirpbb ami cents ana one apuar a come, '. AKGHERKPro pnetor, . y:!E? .a. ?f BK9 ot the. oholeest and most UnetBtock of tt- IT 3 ' being in all grades larger Jthm'will be found Just patronage. -noo ?oi7i lirhiB -Ji ,r o 9di Io v ,s.iae'ffs?o-!qmr boft' jfl ,R3t'; (Xs) f Oi M'X7Sr '(f 7t oiOtiw ,0 y;il iwlii S3: ' .. f olinstn Blocks Xryon!Streefc . f - y; . , f .- ..t r fn .KIOSiWEKE W. C. .nof Osborne u&Maxwcil, i;' ATTORNEYS AT the a CHABLQTTE.NVa 4 I actlce the , State and Federal Coc Will Practice in Offices 1 aftdSrtaw'RfitwiTii July,lst, lja. - v , XXliRgiY'-E ' R ! OP- , ' new nr -io! s .U j A Y. AiUii.. H .ii aii wfl attend at the times .and places meBtWj oeiow, for the purpose- of collect trur he Stale TflonnftarfiaoEl885Cfrs;Jl si"n s Steel Creek. Tuesday. rwt. 13.1 Berryhllliiln'fr 8tof Wednesday " -14. . In . yl a n k . - ... . . . . -a 16, 19. ' . ' in. Davldson;College,TnesaI5a " W, ' xiuuwsrsvuie, weanesaay, " u, d Mallard Oreek; Thursdayj -r . : M 23, Crab Orchard Friday, ::i5 23,. .0ear jCreelqitjmday , 44 26, ' Mornln2fc.tar. Tnpsav. " v 27. a Providence, Wednesday. . " 28, ' liarilili TAXES MUST BE PAID PBOMPj ,U-J Li IV 'A,'- POTT0 Sheriff aep24dAwtf r : ; .-;jnivj i- Biliousness JFJL Vj 7