volume xxxrv. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY OCTOBER 27, 1885. PRICE FIVE CENTS. .1 lib goggestive of comfort, and we have exercised ourselves un- nkUy to meet the wants of ail, so don't forgetour Stock of mm and : childrens' wraps, . -.vioiTi NEWMARKET at $400 to the fine RUSSIAN CIRCULARS SACOUES and NEW- W)BI U1C K in nn anA CRM (lft - flnniA ann oaa thAtn hAfnrM hm1nf. '.r Alan, ft -Mo tnoii nf . ' 'ETJ ai . ,-,. a - - - MENS', LADIES' and CHILDRENS' UNDERWEAR, glue Txarl0ttje bsjeriitic " "Troth, lxkx ths sub, somktimks submits to rBX OBSCURED, BUT, IJKK .mff SUN, ONLY FOB A Subscription to the Observer. : DAILY EDITION. 5 cents. 20 75 $2.00 Six months....:..:...... . 4.00 One year.. 8.00 . WEEKLY EDITION. Three months..., .... .. 50 cents. Slxmonths...,i $1.00 . One yesx 1.75 In clubs of five and over $1.50. . - I Deviation From These Itules Subscriptions always payable In ; advance, not only In name but in fact. - from ... o ,.n(, fn fhA flnA mMT?!T.R TT ATI ftOOTU At Clfl flfl tuecoa-stssittt nftttflS GOODS are Relllnfffjwt. Our FLANNELS and GOLD AHI SILVER. STIMULATING IltlMIGUATIOTf. : Governor Ireland, of Texas, is not in favor of stimulating foreign immi gration. He thinks the State will fill up rapidly; enough by natural in crease of population and voluntary settlement from Europe, and from other' States of the Union. At the rate at which tho population of Texas is now" increasing, there does not seem to be much need of stimulating of any kind, but there is point 7 in what Governor Ireland saysand it applies as well to. other Southern States as to ' Texas. In all efforts to induce immigration there should be discriminating: judgment. An indis SILKS ! ! STLKS! SILKS!! Combination Silk Rhadames Suits. . va a fnl) line of Leaksvllie BLANKETS, YARNS, BLEACRINGS and MACBAME CORDS. An- enoiui. - . , Come and s1 our Stock- Attention to Orders for Goods or Samples. im& & -AlLSMHllWBIlt A Lead ville,.. Colorado, correspon- criminate influx of veople would be rather an evil ; than a benefit. It is not . the number of immigrants but the character that should be looked after. Not the mere muscle laborer, of whom we have plenty . but the man of means, of energy; of skill, who will become a producer of some guage of Mr. Ivan O Michels, a prom thing and aid in the material deyel- dent writes us as follows on the sil ver question: Editor Observer : I have been in terested in your views upon the sil ver, question, which is expanding as t it grows. The difficulty has its root, without doubt, in the forced and fic titious value of gold (I use the lan- Special 11 :or '-o A BIG LOT OF Excelliog Oiipselves inent bi metalists of New York city) produced by an act Qf the British Parliament on August 31st, 1844, which reads as follows: - Act 7 and 8 of Victoria, Chapter 32, Section 4. "Be it enacted that from and after the 31st day of August, 1844, all persons shall be entitled to demand from the Issue Department of the Bang of England, Bank of England notes in exchange for gold bullion at the rate of 3, 17s, and 9 d. per ounce of standard gold." ; This, then, explains the so-called stability of the gold standard. This matter has, until recently, been regarded as a silver question, pure and simple, but is now, as I said before, expanding. The people are already recognizing the fact that its dire influence will be felt first by the laboring man, in a decrease ot wages, next by the debtor in doubling his opment of the State in which he may locate, is what ia wanted. There is not muchtfanger of excessive immi" gration to the South, and ; we are glad of it, for a small, steady ins crease which will readily assimilate with our own people is better; and more profitable than unwieldy mass es, which, in changing their homes, still ior years preserve ineir uisnncc ive nationalities, customs and pecu liarities, and become factors f or gopd or evil as they fall under good or bad leadership. The South wants immi grants ; there is room for and wel come for thousands of them on her hills and in her valleys, but she wants the right kind. " r ' A ' .' oa i burdens, and still more recently we The Most Attractive otock begin to see its effect upon the rice, Ever Offered in the State. wlmuKY C IBIcBsan'uj W Tl iKBdDDDEKB; t- -ALSO : A- am wl mm mm TO "VISIT THBIB E3ST-A.BIXSS:SIrrP mm lndiiceincR JO mil TB1S WEF.il ! Boots, noes imix JACKETS To be closed out at about half their value. Call Aarivtft sflfiiire desirable sizes. Remember tnat my stock of Ladies' and Misses' Clas Is the largest to be found In the City. Make It a point to examine styles and prices before buying LONG SEAL PLUSH NEWMARKETS, LONG J BB0CADE VELVET NEWMARKETS, SEAL PLUSH JACKETS. - A beautiful assortment of tbe sharp Delmans in CLOTH, SIL.K andBROCADED JE Trunks wheat and cotton crops of America. To illustrate ; Four days ago a cable gram from London to the associated presa announced the seemingly; in significant fact that, "owing to the low price of silver" the British wheat trade with India was rapidly increas ing, and cited a single transaction wherein vessels had been chartered for the transportation of one hun dred thousand tons of wheat from In dia to London. But for this warfare upon silver, American farmers would have sold this wheat and received According to the Shelby ville, Ind. Democrat, Senator. Voorhees is pre paring the "greatest speech of his life" against the civil service law, to be delivered in the Senate " early in the session. -1 DRESS GOODS, SILKS and SATINS, VELVETS, VELVETEENS, KID GLOVES, HOSIERY, LACES, HANDKERCHIEF, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. . CARPETS and. CUR FAINS, CLOAKS and MILLINERY, LADIES UNDER WEAR. We do not put forth these inducements as a temptation to Aquilia Jones, tHe postmaster at allure you to our Store, and then charge vou fabulous prices Indianopolis, Ind. , who raised such a for other article s vou mav purchase, we make these offers as a inark of appreciation for the patronage extended to . us through our Mail Order Department. racket by bouncing his Republican assistants, when he took charge of the office, is a native of North Caro, Una. DO MOT FA!L TO SEE YELYETS. El Will UMB8ELUS, ETC., Is now being received and placed In position for show and sale at oar old and well-known stand in the First National Bank building, on West Tryon street, nearly .opposite the Central and Buford Hotels. CaSI and Examine For yourselves. Orders by Express or Mall prompt ly attended to. . SPECIALTIES. ALMA POLISH and BUTTON'S RA VEN GLOSS for Ladies' Fine Shoes. t.Vici: nor in Tl,iHfflVi crcAcK Anil t.hfl freight from the interior to the sea The .New York World says Presis board amounting to the "trifling" dent Cleveland has sent his check for sum of. $600,000. would have gone ai 000 to aid in the election of the inu the treasuries of our railroads Dem0cratic ticket in New York. sibn in the price of flver in the Lon Mr. Dana, of the New York Sun, : It. IS the largest Wltllin a mdlUS OI 200 UVU UJUA M3JV VkUA AUfi ; vuw v v. w y . . -f m ' " ' , I " g detracts from the value of theAmeri- says Anarew jonnson was au uw m51pa nf Pfinv nTfn' ed, the eater, to which he attributes many or his startling peculiarities. can . cotton crop iust gathered handsome sum of fl5,000,oou. xnus, it will be seen, that this is much more of a cotton, a wheat, a rice and a rail- Jude-e Bennett was one of the road question than it is a silver quos speakers at a Democratic rally in tl0BpfnrA P.lnain0 let me sav that for Baltimore Tuesday night. llJStoSdfc California's raisin crop for the pres she is also importing her rice from ent year will amount to about 250,000 VISITOR! 23 S. CHARLES MANUFAC reiiiffl 1 - - Co. V c id: Ban in in ( FATHFR-RF T NG Tudpdq rllKP II M M Dealers In RUBBER BEITOG, TACIilA'G, HOSE, &c. COTTON, WOOL::? and SAW MILZi SUPPLIES, &C Agents : Boston Belting Co.'s there. For years Congress has been tinker ing with the financial question, and for years, beginning back in the war, efforts have been made to depreciate silver and to make ? gold alone the standard of value, in the interest of men who controlled the gold market, and who became the beneficiaries of anti-silver legislation. Silver was good enough before the war, it -was good enough until, under Republican rule, these money kings got control i of Congress and of the government, when they could, dictate and secure 'such legislation as they desired. Then the war on silver began, and it has been kept up more or less ever since,. There is no war among the people boxes. ,V- GIVE US A CALL, WE WILL GLADLY SHOW YOU OUR GOODS EVEN IF YOU DONT BUY. The Mastodon's Contemporary. Worcester, Mass., Spy- In the search for other bones of the mnBtndon whose teeth and a few fragments of bone were found in Shrewsbury a year ago,the interesting discovery was made a lew aays ago of a human skull on the same level and onlv a few feet distant from the soot where the mastodon's head lay. Tho skull seems to be perfectly pre served, except that most of the teeth are missing. It is stained a deep brown by the peaty deposit in which it was imbedded. No other bones of thn skelton were found, but Dr. Ray men ton. who is conducting the search in behalf of the natural history so cifitv. will continue it further hop in? to find other remains of the mas todon and of the man who seems to have died at the same time, and pos. wiupiik T TTTk n TTT TTT iOITTrT V CHARLOTTE, N. G. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. ' ' f Kau HI "0. CORNER CBHTBftl HOTEL. CO, uponsUver. It is good enough for ly Stthe weans whM the man CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, t.hAm The trouble with them is that ; Viics maaf-nrlnn hunt. This. 7 r i a Hoyt's Leather Belt. Wm'Wm JosePh Noones'-Son, 43L. Btt f Roller Slasher and . BIPil Clearer. Cloth.' T; K. Ease's Ckfd 1 Interest to Iryiy. them. The trouble with them is that nRfif1 ;n his mastodon hunt. This, thev haven't eot enough of it. In we believe, is the first instance of the a i. i iVmiIq. disnnverv of anv trace of the exist tion the aim,,! the government flnan. St EJ 1 1 ciers nas oeen ior years 10 Keep iu t.hArflfore. a peculiar scientific inter- out of circulation , and lock it up in est as extending the kno wn habitat of the vaults, under pretense that the those beasts on this continent. The people did not want it. If one half the effort had been made to give sil- fhhf n was contemporary with the yer its place in the currency of tle mastodon here," as he is known to nrtiint tVit. tViPm has hpfin to denre-i have been on the continent of Eus rope. HATS, LI DPBHBi o OurstnnVIa ' tnnrla nf flnt'sw worth of (xOOdS Tet tO D6 ClOSed Jtt, and they are of the most durable lines to be found anywhere. ..This Stock Is posltiyely to be closed i " uauuary ist. iWUl buy more goods lrom ns than twenty dollars 2 will elsewhere. , , COTTON. FLANNELS, RED and WHITE WOOL FLANNELS, COLORED Lj.rifsrs i4i ii ii h i is i n kv 1 r -n .1 1 v triM io. ijxa.xxjij - ; ; MISSES' FLANNEL SHIRTS and . everything ejse reduced. IJR :: BLACK :-: GOODS :: DEPARTMENT Contain h 1 - business AND TUB GOOD3 JUU3T B i SOLD. : ' a We are going to ciate it, it would be in free circulation 1 among the people, and what to do with silver would not now be one of the questions to puzzle our statesv men. , A steam bicycle is among the latest inventions. The inventor is an An f '"i -. i-r .. . 'l - - " ..... 1 -1 zona man. Jtiis engme is a niue thing with three inch stroke, spheri cal boiler holding a quart of water, heated by gasoline. It exerts a pres sure of about sixty , pounds. 5 The rider mounts behind the engine and starts off at the rate of about fifteen miles an hour. The engine and fix tures weigh twenty pounds. James G. Blaine does not figure publicly, but it is said that he is tak ing an active part, in' directing the Republican canvass in New York. An Indian Snmmer Dream. Puox Sutawney (Pa.) Tribune Thpro are moments ; in the life of We are offering the very finest of Foreign and American manufacturers. Our stock is the largest, most varied and evenThe wretched country editor best yet shown, and represents all the choicest patterns and nana' the touch of joy. There are little in- plty. - tervals when the odor ot. ink ana "fc- , . -J benzine vanish like the dewy jewels Worsted Cork bcrew; Uassimere and Diagonal Suits, that sparkle on the rose when kissed Cutaways, Double and Single Breasted, . - . " Children's Norfolk Suits. V Plain and Fancy Knit Underwear. . Liatest ana correct styles ot fcoit ana stm nats. These good's have been specially manufactured for this by the morning sun, and the polluted air seeths laden with richest perfumes Snp.h a moment came to us yesterday evening, when three of Brockville's btst citizens burst in on us all at once, like a ray of light,, and subscrib- ed for tne TriDune, year in advance. , Gents, to mase a good appearance, should have j ehnriT inoirin? feet. - Fine fitting shoes, con- 1 ei-mntaA nn finfifiR nrlriRtnlws cover uu defects, ana at tte same time develop all the good points In one's feet . . or these reas-jns, and Ior ease and oomu,rt. fc.i 573 ask your dealer for the "HA.NAN .-. - v j , U1VVIN jthiw r Tijr Tim. ixwt ever juiouc - a. f.ro a.Kiiiarori;narioiie. ' tcuj-iucvAt each . paying a J -0I-, An onrlir-xrictif r-P ironor-tirkn will inianro f riit customers a choice of selection and correct nt.