DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1885. TOECCAUOtiryA FAIR. TWENTT-ONE nOGSES (73' 7h T? TO mm J royal Mssf J X Absolutely; Pure, A &fiffi bTsSK faireather, variable winds, gener- tttion wi"n tbe multitude ot low test, short any irom south to west, nearly sta- S, alum or phosphate powders, soid only in tionary , temperature except in ex JDS. iiuic , janld&wly. SPRINGS & BURWELL, Charlotte, N.C. MOTHERS' FRIEND MAKES CHILD-BIRTH EASY. The time has come at last when the terrible agony Incident ' -to this very critical period In a woman's life can be avoided. A. , distinguished physician, who passed the greatest portion of his life (forty-four years) in this branch of practice, left to child- bearing women this priceless legacy and life savlngappllance. -THE MOTHERS' FRIEKD," and today there are thousands of the best women In our land who.bavliig used this wonderful remedy before confinement, rise up and call his name blessed. We receive letters from every section of the country thank ing us lor placing this prepara- ? . tloo in the reach of suffering : woman. One lady from North Carolina writes us that she J would like to tbank the propri- , etors on ber knees for brlngtng ' It to her notice, as In a previous -confinement she had two doc- v , tors, and they were compelled to use chloroform, Instruments, etc , and she suffered almost death; but this time she used "MOTHEfFS FRIEND," and her labor was short, quick and - -almost like magic Now, why should a woman suffer when v ' she can avoid It? We can prove all we claim by living wit nesses, und anyone Interested can call, or have their husbands do so, at our office, and see the original letters, which we can not publish. This remedy is one about which we cannot pub llsh certificates, but it Is a most wonderful liniment to be used after the fiTst two or three months. . Send for our Treatise on the "Health and Happi ness of Woman," mailed free, which gives all par- lculars. Bbadeteld Eegtjlatob Co., Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by all druggists. Jor fifteen ypars they have steadily 'gained in United States, , iuo guaiuy is warranted to wear twice a wiig as ordinary corsets. We have lately Intro-' Sine and B H Grades with Extra Long ft. v WB can rurniBn tnem wnen preierrea. x, Yjsnest awards from all the World's ? great iented ' corsets ao not prove as repre For sale ercrjrwlicre. Catalogue on Application. . These goods In all styles and qualities for sale Oct.l6-eod-6m Charlotte, N. C, OCTOBER PEACHES, AND , . NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR AT S. M. HOWELL. Telephone 27. ' ' . WANTED. 6 Will nav IB t.n.v.i - rn l . Pd lcura f uuffuci vl cupuuuas ior So rhnS1100"011 geed deUvered atourmlU "fee ton nt 2?i5?tt?1 1eed meal for 8eefl OLIVER OIL COilPANl, Eef ItrSuccessors Charlotte Oil Company. i Arrival and Departure of Trains Correct for the current month. , Richmond aot Dahtiuji atr-Ttk-k - ; No. 60 Arrives at fiharlntt fmm ntniinuniii ! 2.50 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 3:00 a. m. No. 51 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at t-iz a. m. Leaver for Richmond at 4:65 a. m. I .No. 62 Arrives at Charlotte, from Richmond at 1 12.85 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. no. oo Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 6 0.0 i p.m, Leaves for Richmond at 630 r. m. jLocai freight and Passenger Train leaves for Atlanta at 650 a. m.; arrives from Atlanta at 820 p. m , .. , .. - -v. Chabixot, Columbia, ahd Augusta. ' Arrives from Colombia at 610 p. m. AiCttves Lur uoiumDia at i p. m. C, C. & A. A., T. & O. Dmsioif. ; , Arrives from Statesvffle at 10:45 a. m. Leaves for Statesvffle at 6:85 p.m. " Cabouna Central. fom WUmlngton at 7.30 a. m.; Leave for Wilmington at 8.15 p. m. Arrive from Laurlnburg at 8.45 p. m. j Leave for uouimuuig at i.ou a. m. . . m Leave for Shelby at 8.15 p. m. : arrive from Shelbv a19.4up.n1. . - Mails. General DelivArv 7:00 p.m. , - noney Order Department opens at .00 a. m.; closes at 4:00 p. m. ,-. . : . Weather Indications. :-.C m.i.iwdpr never varies a marvel of purity, . .imaaie Atlantic States: General! V ireme nortnern cooler weather. portions, ' slightly South Atlantic States : 'Geherallv fair weather, winds generally from northeast to southeast, becoming va riable in northern portion, slight changes in temperature. , - ludex, to New Advertisements. T. C. Smith 4 Co. Duke of Durham cigarettes W. N. Mullen Hornets Nest Liniment. Mrs. Benson 4 Reeves Millinery. F.J. Rebman Notice of Sale. W. A Moody If or the Fair Grounds. Jaiaaes Gamble City Water Works Co. JLOCAI, HIPPIES. Mr. W. J. F. Liddell and Mr. E. elected K. P. Osborne have been deacons of the Tryon Street Baptist church. ; The marshals appointed for the fair are requested to meet at Captain narrison watts' omce tnis mornmg and secure their sashes. Miss Lucy Dillard, of Virginia," a young lady who is a great favorite in Charlotte, is visiting friends here, and 'is the guest of her sister; Mrs. Robert H. Jordan. - . The hotels looked busy last night," the lobbies being thronged with peo-i pie who have come for the fair. The number of strangers on our streets yesterday. was marked. ' An unknown negro man was yesterday struck by the train on the Western Division of the Carolina Central road, near Shelby, and pei haps fatally injured. : He was drunk and sitting on the track. The fair ball of the Hop and Ger man Club, is to be given at the Bu ford House, Thursday night, 29th. The married people are invited, but the single young men cannot be ad1 mitted except upon a two dollar ticket. The county convicts were yester day put to work nn Tryon street be tween Morehead avenue and the fair grounds, and it did not take them long to put it in a beautiful condition. It is now in better trim than we re member to have ever seen it. Mr. Tatum, the music teacher, gave an exhibition of, his system at the Tryon street Methodist church last night and his auditors were very much pleased. He will repeat it at the same place tonight, and hopes for a large crowd. The Hose Reel Company, of Ward wor, and with sales constantly increasing have 1 3, were out on practice last night and SS'ti16. most popular corset throughout thei' , made a fine display. After the exer cise they had a house warming and a speech from the President, John n-nrihnMi This ftomnnnv is winis jMent, Irom the late Exposition held at New posed of the old vetreans of the Ward. wmie scores of patents have been found worth- Policeman J etton yesterday proved invaluable. w morning had five trequenters ot "tne roost" arraigned before the mayor for disorderly con'uct. The officer gathered . in this crop at different Thompson, Langdon & Co. New hours Sunday night, and the aggre gate of fines imposed by tite mayor was $20. . We regret - o announce the death of Mrs. A. Hales, which occurred at her home in this city at 6:30 o'clock last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Hales was 62 yor.rs old. Tho funeral seryi ces will be conducted from the Tryon Street Metho'dist church at 10 o'clock this morning. . Special deputy R. J. Porter ,lef yesterday morning, having in charge the following prisoners, all colored sentenced to the penitentiary by Jnde'ft Meares: .Jackson Cash, barn burning, 10 years; Harvey Ramseur, larceny, 2 years; Richard Bridgett larceny. 2 years; Andy Watts; larce- ny,,6 years. . Oh, think what a world we would ha?e of It here, It those with bad teeth or bad breath would go Elsewhere, say to Saturn's comfortless sphere And leave all Its clce, pretty earth here below - To nice and" sweet people-to people who won i Forget to keep clean, and to use SOZODONT. . Those sufTer from foul treath, are open to JhoTar, aTf.:pAKnrSS.- It 13 Gil Uldb oi the fragrant V. Vz r.j.vTr'rfrrat-t-K ccnipllsh :?n:t It and the the wcrk - - will pres.; i ' breath ivm srA ,.Uct. A Fine Line of Exhibits on the Gronndii The Opening To-Day A Glance Through Floral Hall, Etc. -; ; ' This morning witnesses the open ing of the Carolina fair, and those who have been interested in the mat ter have the pleasant satisfaction of knowing that an excellent fair is as sured. More visitors ; will be here than for many years past, and the exhibit, as a whole, will be perhaps better than any that has been made on the present fair grounds. The line of exhibits already in place yes terday afternoon is larger anii more interesting than the exhibit of the ast lair, and would in itself irase a good show. Floral hall was yester day comfortably filled, and we can safely predict that there will be no vacant space left bv noon today. One of the best arranged exhibits in he hall is the ladies' department, and this is contributed to from Win ston, Mt. Olive and other places, in addition to the home contributors. Mrs. Sallv Yates Faison exhibits a very elegant line of embroidery and needle silk work, and Mrs; S. E. Al en, of Winston, makes a valuable and beautiful contribution of fancy work; In this department there will be something worth seeing by the visitors to th,j fair. The trades and manufacturing display is a credit to our city, and the farmers are coming nobly to the front with big things agricultural. The Van' Ness display in the art gallery is very full and inn teresting. Machinery Hall is fairly packed with agricultural machinery of all kinds, and shafting and steam power are provided to run the machinery. The saw mills will be in constant op eration, a number of stocks having been provided for them to work on. The feature that will demonstrate the remarkable strides made by our farmers during the past few years in stock growing, will be the display of blooded animals and live stock. It will be the greatest display of stock that has ever been made in this sec tion of the State, and will surprise our people. Taking what we have already een upon the grounds as an index, we can confidently predict an excellent fair. NOTES. The marshals will meet at the of fice of Capt. Harrison Watts, corner of College -and Trade streets, at 9:30 o'clock this morning, and at ten o'clock,. headed by the Mecklenburg cornet band, will start from in front of the Central Hotel for the lair grounds. The admission fee to the fair is 50 cents. This includes horse and bug gy. Family tickets good for the sea son can be secured from the secre tary ; price per ticket, $2.00. The special train .for the fair grounds will be run on Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. M. J. ' McUhesney, the new manager of the Charlotte Music House, will have a splendid exhibit at the fair, and as he is a tip top pi anist some good music may be looked for. Col. Charles R. Jones, who has been secretary of the Fair Associa tion since 1878, is highly elated over the prospects for a big fair, and says that he nas never Known a more promising outlook. Another Darn Burned. It was only last week that Judge Meares sentenced John Cash to . ten years in the penitentiary for burn iner Mr. ' John Cathey's barn, and u night before last, the barn of Mr. El lis McKnight, ?a neighbor i of Mr. Cathey, was destroyed by an incen diary fire. The deed was committed by a negro woman ? who had been in Mr. McKnight's employ, but who had been discharged by him. She was arrested and was yesterday' lodged in jail in this city. Mr. McKnight lost his stock and all his forage. Though his barn was eight miles w .... from the city, the . fire was plainly seen by our policemen and others who were on the streets at the time. This crime, following so closely upon the one recently committed in that same" neighborhood, suggests that as the penalty, hanging should be substituted for the penitentiary.. Jailed on a Serious Charge. An ofificer from Long Creek town ship arrived . in the city yesterday with a negro named Chas. Johnston, who is . charged ,with having at tempted to outrage the person of a young girl of Long Creek town ship, on Sunday last. Johnston was arraigned before;Esquire R. F. Simp son, who, upon hearing the evidence against him decided to commit him to jail. ,He will be tried before Judge Meares at the next term of the Crims inal court, - which convenes in this city on the first -Monday in next X)3 cenibcr. j , Far tUe Charlotte Turf The Ma terial for tne Races for i this Week Entries of Baltimore and Washington Winners The Ra ces To-daj-. ..... , . 1 The good nurses and nremiums of-1 fered by the Carolina Fair Associa- tion for the horse raes has resulted in aiiracung some noted races to our turf, and the racing this week will be ; tw very fine. Whittaker and Daly arrived last week, with eleven horses, and yesterday Medinger. 'of Balti- s and Birch, of . Washington, arrived with ten racers. Among these horses I are Medmger's Valet and Queen Ee- ther, andBurch's Mordaunt and John I C, names familiar to the Northern turf:; Several other horses have been entered for the races and are expect ed to arrive today. There will be two running and two bicycle races today, the programme being as a fol lows: Bicycle No. 1-at 1 :30 p. m., one mile club race by Charlotte bicycle club. First prize, gold medal, $25: second prize, gold medal, $10. No' 2 at 3 p. m.,"' half mile-dash best two in three, open to Southern wheelmen. First prize; gold medal, $30; second prize, gold medal, $20. Morse Kaces JNo 1 at .2:3U p m., i half-mile heats, best two in three. First premium 4 . , $50 00 Second premium. .... . . . . 25 00 Entries for this race: ; Starunq, c. g., 2 years old, by Rappahannock or John Payne. . dam Idalia by red Dick; weight 87 pounds; owned by T. M Whittaker Clifford, dammed by Prussian; 5 years old ; weight 118 pounds; owns ed by Owen Daly. Miss Payne, b. m., 5 years old, sired by John Payne, dam unknown; owned by C. W. Medinger. No. 2 at 3:30 p. m., half-mile dash. First, premium . . ... . . . . . . . . '. . $75 00 Second premium ........ . ..... 40 00 Entries for this race: Erin Burke, by Willie Burke; dam Kellie ; weight 115 pounds j owned by Owen Daly. Koree, b. m., 5 years old; by Abd el Koree ; dam . Eliza Hyatt ; weight 115 pounds; owned by T. M. Whit taker. ' , Palmetto, br. m., 7 years old ; by Pamlico ; dam Trinckett ; weight 115 pounds; owned by S. R. Taylor. Elkwood, ch. c, 2 years old ; by Eolua ; dam Minnie Andrews ; , colors tan jacket, blue cap, owned by C;W. Medinger. - . ' EiitcYtainiuent at the Institute. An entertainment, which promises to be a most enjoyable one, is ,, to be given by the pupils of the Charlotte Female Institute on Friday night, 30th inst. The price of admission will be , twenty-five cents, children under twelve years fifteen cents. The proceeds are to be expended for books nA nna o r.aAin rtrtTv, f use of the day and boarding pupils. Jean Ingelow's exquisite poem, "The Songs of Seven," will be rendered in appropriate costumes with tableaux, and music behind the scenes. There will also be interesting concert reci tations and brilliant music,-; and at the close, pantomimes by a class of over fifty pupils. The entertainment is under the general management of Miss Mat toon. .The music will be of a bril liant and popular character and will be under the charge of Dr. Bidez and Mrs. Dewey, assisted by Mrs. Atkins son. During the past summer Mr. Ats kinson has greatly enlarged the seat ing capacity of the school room by taking down several ; partitions and putting in movable doors, so that there will be room for all. Let our people attend in large numbers, and t.hAv will not onlv snend a nleasant iney win iiuu umy bjjcuu a piea&auu evening, but - will help the young , f V . : . - r ladies to gam more advantages tor lf A t Family liotei. Mr. H. C. " Eccles, Who surrenders . . . v T-r a. it t his Central Hotel lease on January 1, iQft will hV that ti'mn havo in rpads 1886, Will by tnat time .nave m reaa iness tor tne reception OI tne pUDllC, -, t , - ., a very handsomely, fitted up family hotel. He wiU OCCUpy the Second and third floor rooms Of the new j aMiM:-' rruj HiCCies uuu (ouiiiij. uuuuiugo, uii xiauo street, over William- Wilson & Uo.'s Store. There Will be twenty , large and well iigntea rooms, besides a ...... vua-3oa spacious dining hall, reception room and suite or. pariors, anatne ,wnoie will be carpeted and furnished by the first day of next December. A .two story kitchen is now being built in s rear of the botel. It is Mr. Eccles intention, as soon as winter goes by, to add another story to his building, which will fgive him an addition) of 16 rooms, making 36 in all. Hisj hotel will be small, but we venture to say that when it is completed, a more i elegant hotel cannot be found in the 1 Sout I I T I'll' 1 I II 1 i. m m m a .a The gentle zephyrs and the balmy and we can look forth and behold our ice, yet nature is not alone in making tln2 the forelock and have made ample provision for supplying the wants U tt u more expncn, we mean mat our irnrrrene FILL 3 We have the latest novelties in handle our own make and can guarantee garment. F3 ForMen's, Youths', Our Stock was purchased during the Clothing was at a low price, hence we luoiuuauu) nuu ncuv iuiu iiuu uaai ti.ob we buy for three stores-Raleigh and Come early and get flest .choice. Very Respectfully, Messrs. T, C. Smith & Co , WMW 1 - 5 Charlotte, N. C. Gentlemen: : 1 , Your favor of the 9th inst. received. You now have received rock bottom should you wish a million Duke cigarettes. Sorry that we cannot make the induce- ment greater for you to order 200 M. , Yours truly, W. DUKE, SONS & CO. "'. Geo W. Watts, " Sec'y and Treas' E. . 000HRAKE.-0HAS. E. JOKES CHARLOTTE REAL STATE AGENCY R: E. COCHRANE, Manager. THIS AGENCY WILL BUY AND SELL LANDS of every description and in any part of North or Soutn Carolina, and will rent property in the and make prompt returns, and if desired will at- tend to payment of taxes, effecting of insurance, All property put Into our hands will be AdTertised Free of Cost For a stipulation previously agreed upon. FOR SALE. IOne dwelling house on B street, 7 rooms, closets In each room, well of good water, lot 99x100 feet, , In good neighborhood. Price, $2,000. 2 One dwelling on 5th street, adjoining residence of S. M. Howell, 4 rooms, well of water and stable, - lot 60x198, convenient to business. Price, $1,700 3 One dwelling on South Tryon street, adiolnlng residence of Dr. Bratton, 8 rooms, closets and pantry, well of water, well located for a boarding house. Price, $3,000, 5 One dwelling on corner of Graham and 10th streets, 6 rooms, kitchen, well of water, lot 120 feet on Graham street, 182 feet on 10th street, very desirable property. Price. $1,500. . &One dwelling on Poplar street, 10 rooms, lot 9x198 feet, brick kitchen, outhouses, stable, well . of good water, sold .on terms to suit purchaser race, 4,uuu. . 11 One Dwelling on Ninth street between B and C, two stories, six rooms, brick basement; well of water in yard; lot 99x198. Price $2,000 One Hundred and ITfty Acres Land V mile of the city limits; adjoining the Fair Grounds well located for a truck and dairy farm: Vsl timber, branch running through It, about 14 1 q Tract of Land, s miles south of Charlotte, 82 wres, known as part of the Samuel Tay ior tract, on which is an undeveloped goldmine, (known in the N. C. Reports as the Sam Tayiur mine), three frame tenement houses, two rooms each, good barn, good well water and good spring acres meaauw. nce $3U per acre. on me premises, tsoia wimouc reserve ior$i,7&a AO , house, lot 99x190, fronting on C street, lot andothers. Price, cash $850. t - QO ; Two lots, Nos. 297 and 808, square 46, front- ji : ing 99 feet on B street and running throuKl' to C street On the premises is atwo-storyfran.e dwelling, seven rooms and small storehouse. one-story frame cottage, 4 rooms; lot gtel5C .,: in a ourth ward, on west Fmo. street, near the residence of James P. Irwin. AUimprove- ments new. A desirable place for a small family. AU Improve - ardat Lowelle, N C.,:22 ther 0i vats, 1 pool, 2 llmel shop house 18x22 bark house, bark mill house, stable, dwelling: 10 acres i iana connected . witn ian yara. trice $i,ju, or OO acres, about threee miles west of Charlotte n.v4 wIUaaJ Im.a. 1 Junius Hayes fanm, adjoining the lands of Dr. I ram juarnnger ana ouiers. jseven-room cweaing ESPric?SrSIS),aDd m a sedneLhor Of Tract of land containing 75 acres, lying in OO " Polk county, N. C, six miles east of Colum- bus. On this place la the Splan Gold Mine. Price rr ' Tract of land containing 500 acres lying in O I " Rutherford county, N. C. , 9 miles from Ruth eriordton and 20 miles from Shelby, apple orchard on the place, small two room dwelling, fine tim bered land, pine, early maple, walnut, oak, &c. about 75 acres under cultivation. Gold mine on the place. - This property Is known as the Cook Mine farm. Price $3,000. 38 Tract of land containing 1S4V2 acres In Mecklenbure county. N. C. 8 miles from Charlotte, good store house 4 robnis, good orchard 5 acres under cultivation, balance In pins ana hard woods, gold mine on property. Price 25 per acre. Cheap. 39 Lot fronting on' Moreiead st, 22z2CZ feet, I small two-room house, well, let roil! set f.iii fruit trees. Price $S7J. ' ?. - - air of Spring and Summer are gone, rno'hr earth clothed with snow Ani cnanerea . tor we claim. to rinv& tAfcn CLOUS Clothing, and reliablv made: tor wfl Style, Quality and Fitness of every Boys', and Children month . of July and -August Bwhen can give you . lower prices than those ichwsi. nc uuy iu uu quauuutja, lur Charlotte, N. C , and Knoxville, Tenn. Durham, N. C, Oct. 1 Oth, 1 885.' 41 Five-room dwelling with kitchen and stable lot 1)9x198 on West Trade street. Deautifu grove and well of good water. Price $2,200. : A v One story frame dwelling and lot on Stone ' tA wall street. Price $500. 43 One lot and a half lot. unimproved, on thd corner of B and 11th streets. Price $650. 4 r One story frame store house 20x60 feet, lot - 24x100" feet, fronting on railroad, and one unimproved lot In rear of above 100x125 feet, both at Sanf ord, Moore county, N.C. Price $150. j j Two story frame dwelling, four rooms, barn, U stable, smoke house, good well, some fruit trees, about acre of land, in Sanford, Moore co- ' N.C. Price $1,300.. . . 47 Fifty one acres of land, 23 acres under cult! vatioh. balance timber, most I v nlm oak. Two tenement houses on place, lying on the eugo vi ctuiiwru, juuuro wuxiiy, a. fj, - jmce todu. (The above three tracts will be sold together or separately, and if purchaser desires can secure re fusal of a Btock of goods at price agreed upon be tween himself and the owner.) 52 150 Acres in Davidson county,- N. C, 11 miles from Lexington and 8 miles from Lin ornrwl ' HIT rnnnn riarA)Hna anrui aiotav. fAn. ammo. in appies, peacnes ana grapes, . race $a,uou. : 53 Lot with two-story house, six rooms and two room kitchen, well and earden. beine nron- erty adjoining J. S. Phillips' . residence. Price $2,650. i Fifty acre? of land in and adjoining Hunt Utc ersvllle, N. C. On the place there is a com fortable tour-room dwelling house, good barn, crib, IHtrfhaii flnrt nail Varr HajIraVilA yii.atuii'v T1m. $35.00 per acre. FOR RENT. Storeroom in Morehead building, on street, at present occupied by SchuT & Co... Trade New Storeroom on B street, between Sixth and Seventh streets. - ; . v - Dwelling on R. and D. railroad, between 8th and 9th streets. Very convenient to Elliott A Marsh's furniture factory of Newcomb's planing mills. .Dwelling house on South Tryon street, adjoin ing the residence of Dr. 8. E. Bratton.. Ytry eott venlently located for a boarding house Apply to - - ' CbarlAite sept2dtf . Real Z2srate Ajency B. E, COCHRANE, Manage ; GAItOUA CETKAL BAIL - WAY. ' OFFICK OF SUFKBUJTKTOEHT, WmnsGTON, N. C., Sept. 27, 1885. 1 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER SEPT 27, 1885, THE FOLLOW ing Schedule will be operated en this Ban rwd PASSENGE3, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. ) Leave Wilmington at.. .7.00 p. x. V Leave Ealelgh at 7 83 p.k No.l. v ( j Arrive at cnarioue at - 7.80 A. u ) Leave Charlotte at. . . .8.15 p. wl No. 2. V Arrive at Raleigh at.... ........ ...9.00 a. m. . ) Arrive at Wilmington at.;...... ;.8.25 A. x. " LOCAL FBEIGHT Passenger Car Attached Leave Charlotte at.... .... .... 7.40 a. k. 1 Arrive Laurlnburg at.. 5.45 p.m. jLieave uiiurmuurg a.i.... ................. o.xo A. Jt. Arrive Charlotte at .... .... .... .......... 4.40 p. x. ' Passetiger Trains stop at regular stations only, and points designated In the Company's lime Table. , - -, . SHELBY DIVISION, PASSEN6EB, - MAIL, ZX PRESS AND FREIGHT. (Dally except Sunday.) Leave Charlotte at.. ., 8.15 a. m. Arrive at Shelby at ...12.15 p. x. Leave Shelby at. d 1.40 p. it . Arrive at Charlotte at 5.40 p. it Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make close connection eX Hamlet with B. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Bleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and kaleigh and Charlotte. . - Take Train No. I for StatesvlUe, stations on Western N. C. B. B., AsheviUeand points west. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points southwest. , ,c. . L. C. J0N23; Snpsrtiitencsci F. w. Class, Ben. Feu. Agent. JUST RECEIVING THE BEST STOCK : OF GOODS IN THE CITY IN OUR LINE. ' A. 11. a Yv7. E. InISBET,