DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1835. tic Glxtixiottc QKszxvtx. THE FAIB riOTJEISHma- trim 7!ST ' , Y2 TTRTi HELD : IN ' CnAMOTTE And One that is a Credit to the South A Partial Review of the T'hiKits...! Little' Bam, bnt m t m n . Itarge Crowds. , . The isecohd day of the fair opened cloudy overhead and before the close a heavy rain commenced falling, but the rain kept very few away trom ia irrminda. Crowds commenced pouring in the gate at an early hour and the grounds and buildings were thronged until dark. It is estimated that 3500 people were present. All were delighted at the success ' of the fair and pronounced it a credit not only to our State, but to the; South, une of the best features is the display of ' ladies' handiwork. ---" - - , . t7nA.ni TTr.ll to nnArmnn art -aiflv . JL" luiai uait to v.x d " ; play and so completely is it filled that it takes" hours to go through it, Commencing with the ladies' fancy work department, the visitor will find enough to hold his attention even while horse; races might be going on. ' This department is con tributed to by 1 ladies from other towns as well as Charlotte, and,, ; the .judge's are going to'hkreebniBiderable difficulty in deciding the awards of premiums, so 4ifnqult is it m many whatever. Principal among the at tractive exhibits sent from,otherpJa ces id that sent by Mrs." S. E. ; Allen, of Winston, t Her specimen of Ken rington painting, on plush, .was very greatly adinired; and her silk em broidered child's dress and cap was pronounced exquisite.- Mrs. ; Allen exhibited in the art department flowers ni .tobacco, . hair, linen and ttSpbyrr? A' lace handkerchief, chair tidy and table cover completed her excellenexhibit. y ' : Two bonnets, very artistically made ef tobacco leaves', -by s Mrs. -J Meders nach, of Salisbury, ',, -were an unique and attractive item in the list of ex Mrs. C.'CfHontgomery, of Con cord; displayed lav very , elegantly wrought table COverT ' 5 Y ' Mrs. E. Q.Wiltberger, of ! Colum bia; J3. C.5 n3adea;variedi ana splen did display ;of fancy work, consisting fctjrchild'B braided dress, one set of ma two .infants' shirts; one set toilet tnatspne counterpane, two pair pillow skama and ne chair tidy v Hrk, Hary"Watberger, of Colums , , r ... ... , - - k m -mm m- bia,.alco contriDutea avery inn ana fine display!; in which? we noticed an elegant embossed; and. - embroidered piancf cover,, childjs dress,-spiderweb reticuieT netted and knit' infants caps, 'tidyJ.cliM'sV hie matsin wire'grags chU(Ts. minia ture hat. :." o-'? ,- 77 Mrs. W. J. ioungr of Columbia, was arjoher C9ntrutor who deserves a good t notice. ? "She : sent one .knit fascinator, embroidered child's cloak,1 embroidered slippere, ; ; embroidered pin cushion, child's hood , watcji case pair child's socks, child's wristlets. :,Mrs.,- Sally Yates Faison, ' of Mt. . Olive, contributed a very elegant line of embroidery, including' a- lambre quin, table scarf, tidy, crazy, work qUlltTi j 'r. Miss Amie , Hunter,' of Hunters- somely made pillow shams, and four glasses of jellies.' , lt ' ,' : Mrs. E. M. Stacker made a fine dis play of fancy work. Her exhibit consisted of one child's collar netted, crocheted bag, crocheted muff, em broidered wisp broom holder, knitted shams, knitted afghan. 4 Miss Lillia Miller's contribution was an interesting one, and comprised a handsome screen with hand painted flowers and decorations, one set of hand-painted China, one embroidered sofa pillow. .,r MrsH. R. Netber.yV contribution - Miss M. H. "White exhibited a bunch Of mole burr, . 1 v One pair of pillow shams was ex hibited by Mrs. Richard Heed. ; , Mrs. Richard Moore's contribution to the housekeeping department 'was a display of biscuits and tw loaves of bread. . -t Miss Carrie uansier exhibited a 'iL-.1-s.- .rrfifK Aimamonfal 'mirtai'n1 in flowers, leaves and grapes, very ar tistically wrought entirely in leather. . J Mrs. L. D. Hargrave ; displayed an . embroidered afghan that was greatly admired.; Mrs. R. I. McDowell's crazy quilt was one of the most attractive of the many on exhibition. - . Hrs. A. J. Beau dispiayea a very handsome afghan for a carriage, and one very pretty afghan for an infant. One box of crochet work was dis ' Dlaved bv Mrs. R. O, Rigsby, . Mrs. A. G. Daniel made a good ex. ;; hibit of handiwork.- One f quilt : was nnrtiV.nlarlv noticeable. It was made of silk and - entirely' hand-stitched, ' o ViM'nc? no machine work about it.;' The band-stitching is very orna -mental and elaborate and the quilt is a marvel of skill. It took a gold medal at the Cincinnati exhibition, and has won the premium at all the fairs where it has- been shown. It was made by .Mrs. - Daniel 28 years ago It is a remarkable quilt and the ladies should be particular to exam ine it. Mrs. Daniel also shows a patch work quilt, pin cushion and toilet set. Miss M. C. Daniel ' exhibited a lace handkerchief and a variety of neck lace. Mrs. is. ; D. ctarrison showed one patch work quilt in the fancy depart ment,' and in the housekeeping de partment one fruit cake, jelly cake, nut cake, bride's cake and loaf bread. In the housekeeping department, Mrs. C. H. Wolfe exhibited butter in ten and one pound Iots,v and Mrs. J. H. McClintock butter in one pound lots. Miss Hattie Moore displayed a large and handsomely designed crazy quilt. Mrs. P. S., and Misses Bessie and Sallie Whisnant werelvalued contri- butors to the fair,' and will carry off some of the premiums. They show outline embroidery, marking on damask, a large and tempting dis play, of; jellies,; biscuit?, large and email canned fruits, sauces, catsups and preserves. Miss Laura Farrmgton exhibited a crotcheted counterpane and a fine col lection ?of crotchet work. u . . 1 The bouquet and wreath flowers in hair, "displayed Djr Miss Maggie Tre- oar, were objects of favorable corns ment by all. .' Miss Hallie Caldwelldisplayed a pretty quilt: - ., A.J. Mrs. R. M. White's exhibit was a splendid one, embracing one silk quilt, one pair pillow shams, one lace handkerchief, and two pounds of butter. :.,; i A very pretty chair tidy, crocheted, was shown by Miss Belle Neil. . Mrs. W. W. Rankin displayed ' a comfortable looking article in a pair of socks. i - !. ; c 'r' Mrs. R. N. Little john helped to fill up the house Keeping department wonderfully well, displaying a col lection of fruits and jellies,chowchow, pickles, preeerves, wines, catsup, tea - cakes, home made socks. Mrs. J. E. Boyd contributed one bottle of wine and Miss E. E.- Boyd one loaf bread, two pieces cotton embroidery. miss jregram uaces aispiayea a very stylish 1 embroidered. ? lambre quin. " ; Mrs. D. A. Johnston made-a tempt ing display of butter, in ten and one pound lots.- ,o , . -V, J Mrs. J . S. Davidson had on exhibit tion an elegant sample of crochet work in a 'cradle quilt, and Miss Mary Davidson exhibited some handsome specimens of crochet trimmings, ' v Mrs. C. Williams showed a va riety, pf crochet work, Mrs. t J. , W. MiUer and; Miss Susie Williams each a crazy quilt. Miss Bettie Williams made a tempting exhibit of breads. Miss Julia A. Walker showed: an embroidered banner, embroidered cushion, thermometer holder, banner and chair tidy. , ' In the opinion of all, the most ar tistic and elegant piece of embroid ery was the cushion exhibited : by Miss Eva Liddell. It was the finest piece of work in the hall. Miss Mamie Harris showed a car riage robe and mats, in brilliant col ors, aU very pretty. . Mrs. A. Bidez exhibited a crochet ed counterpane and bottle elder berry wine. . . ' - Miss Lottie Linton entered the bread competition and made a good exhibit. . ' Miss Lena Caison, of Lenoir, N. 0., exhibited a very handsome lace hand kerchief. Mrs. H. A. Deal was another vals ued contributor. Her display com prised the ornamental and useful: A crotcheted child's cap, one jar air tight ? fruit each of gooseberries, blackberries, grapes and peaches, sweet pickle peaches and, cherries, brandy cherries, mixed ' pickle, crab apple preserves, cranberry jelly, blackberry wine, blackberry cordial, tomato catsup. ' . . , ' Mrs. H. M., Dowd hason exhibition a variety of cotton stockings. Mrs. J. B. Harrington's collection of artistic embroidery challenged competition. A very pretty mantel lamberquin, embroidered in elegant style,; is the centre of attraction.' She also had cocoons and raw silk on dis play, and all should notice this partic ularly. Miss Hattie Harrington aids her mother in the excellent display of sewing silk, silk netting thread,5 silk embroidery, worsted embroid ery, table covers, pin cushions, flan nel shirts, bureau sets, tidys, fancy markings, &c. ;. ) -,- Mrs. McDowell, of Asheville, show ed a fine bed cover. . Miss Sallie Alexander, Mrs.' S. Ross and Mrs. BeliBrower contributed finet specimens to the bread depart ment. : " -' 1 Mrs James Ar Johnston showed a bottle of tomato wine. ' Mrs. James , S. Marse ' exhibits a plate of sweet cakes. ? ' ' ; Mrs. Mary V. Waters exhibits a pincushion.' " 1 l A chair tidy ; exhibited by rMrs. Brevard D. Springs attracted a good deal of attention. ' v Miss Florence Hilton : exhibited a pair of child's hose. ' 7 Two specimens: of embroidery in frames were shown by Miss Hallie Morgan. ' One of the prettiest things to be seen was an ottoman cover in Gre cian moss work, by Mrs. L M Harris. A dress and Basque were contribut ed by Miss Fannie McNinch, of Con cord. : Mrs. J. R. Ervin was represented in the bread display, and also exhib ited a bottle of wine. : v . Mrs. J. W. Sample exhibited black berry wine and five pounds butter, and Miss Lizzie Sample, & years old, an assortment of cakes. Mrs. J. M. DaviS;Contributed five pounds of butter. Mrs. E. H. McLaughlin . exhibited a finely worked lady 'b collar. A show case of manufactured clothing and underwear was display ed in the hall by John Brookfield, agent. . . ... ... - V ; An exhibit showing good .work manship was the calico dress donated by Miss Maggie Pharn Mrs. J. A. Young contributed ' one loaf bread; an1 assortment of wine, A. 1 X. i X. ' one glass jelly, jar sweet pickles. Mrs. Will . bloan exhibited some excellent work in a lady's collar. Mrs.- M. A. Peeples was representr ed in the butter ' display by a fine specimen. : Mrs. S. C. Cochrane displayed ten ponds butter, one-half busheL black berries, two dresses, ' one pair socks. V Mrs. J. P. Williams, fire pounds butter and one jelly cake. " : ' Mrs. S. L. Parks, best home-made carpet, ten pounds . Dutter; " tomato catsup, blackberry wine, assortment jellies, canned peaches, plate apples, : "Miss Carry F Murphy exhibits one pair pillow shams. ; Mrs. E M Andrews had on exhibi tion 'an unique and handsome crazy quilt. A very pretty, hearth rug was shown by Mrs L J Walker. ' One of the .adornments of the Charlotte Music House exhibit was ah embroidered ;piano coyer, -by Miss Lelia B Jones.! Miss Jones also exj hibited a ; cosy smoking vcapjand a handsome cushion. ! Mrs. J. B. Creighton's display was a crazy quilt, tidy, calla: lily lamp mat, pair tidies, child's cap, lace tidy.j- ' Mrs. Grace Jenkins displayed two chair tidies. - - ! Miss. Emily Hooper, one chair tidy and five specimensrochet work. Miss Katie Hooper, one patch quilt. Miss Dora Robinson, one piece silk ace or embroidery, and Miss Bessie Robinson, . one calico 'i patch work quilt. Miss Jennie Symons displayed a handsome piece of work in a lady's dressing gown, and one piece em broidery. Mrs. Jane E. Gray, one mantel ambrequin in mica, one pair cornu copias. Mrs. M. L. Eagle; three very hand some quilts. Miss Gussie Boyd, one lot embroids ery. : . Mrs. Wriston, one hearth rug. Miss Kate Lanahan, one . lamp mat.' Mrs. Jane Lacy, crochet ; work apron. E. B. Springs, one afghan. Fannie Floyd, from blind institute, Raleigh,' lot fine bead , work. : ' Mrs. S. H. Hilton,- three .bottles tomato catsup,- three bottles1 elder berry wine. Miss Cora Wearn, one fascinator and a finely executed wax cross. - Mrsi T. T. Goodman, pair stock ings, lady's basque. ' v-'; - Mrs. M. C. Mayer, one crazy ; quilt and pillow. Mrs. Wm. McKenzie, an excellent exhibit of bread, and Miss Maggie McKenzie, one dozen plain biscuits. Mrs. .S. B, Massey, Turkish em broidery, very fine. . Mrs. L. A. Sossaman, butter in five and one pound lots--' r Miss Bettie Allison, one loaf bread, bottle crab apple sweet pickles, and: crab apple preserves. , , - ' Mrs. J. G. Freeland' one loaf bread. -: V Miss Mattie C. Cook, one loaf bread. , - v.i- - Miss Sallie Alexander, plate light rolls.. : -r I" Mrs. S. Ross, plate light rolls. . J Mrs. G. E, Woodruil, two decani ters blackberry wihe, ; made in r 1877, MCADEN'S DISPLAYS One of the most attractive depart ments in the hall is that of the man (M.(BDHaQ(B I i n m i:-. TO IT 01 S A DOLLAR . f -'. - LAID OUT AT OUR STORE WILL GO AS FAR AS . TWO SPENT " ELSEWHERE; It has become a well known fact long since that we lead "the Town in prices. We make below Special Offers in honor to 01 ESTEEMED GUESTS: 'IH'! H WE DO NOT PUT ON OUR COUNTERS SHODDY OR SHOPWORN GOODS, WE HAVE FRESH GOODS ONLY ! - , , .r'l til rs sio.oo Will bay this week jour choice of eight styles of All Wool Cassimkkb Surra," Better made salts yoa cannot find at so per cent more money. FuR S12 00 (You can secure an elegant line o Cassqcbbb and Worsted Scire, plain and fancy; trimmed In the rery best style, the like youneTersawi OUR $15.00; SUITS lire made of choicest materials. These never fall to please, as the styles of material as 'well as of makes are handsome and quite varied. :., .. FOR $18.0O; . . We have a beautiful :llne of Wobstbd and Cas-' isnoM Sum, made of Imported material. )they are equal In fit and workmanship to $40i cus tom made suits. 1 . - Dress Suits in Latest Styles. Best assortment- of Gents' Keckwear, Underwear and Hats in this city.; We extend a cordial invitation to all guests to visit our establishment. , ; , .. CHARLOTTE, N. O; OFFERS TO THE i Continued on 7th page.. : Wholesale i Retail Me FIVE TONS re White Lead, A GOOD FAMILY HORSE. TWENTY' BARRELS PORE OIL, A . Large Stock of . , . - - . - , V v . ; . '. Colors, Varnishes, Etc. -, ALSO- ONE CAR LOAD ' It-.- AXL AT CLOSE PRIGES, J. H. MoADEN, GREGORYS DYSPEPTIC MIXTURE ' FOIX BAJUE BY AJUL MXUG GISTS. , V Thi la tn irt!fr tt T - 9HMra! . p., Iprll 80th, 1885. Ti I tried' - Send me three more D., it is doing me good. Before. 1WI P H. PHELAN. ifiA. J?11 sfEFG3' October 8th, 1883. J Dottles of Gregory's Dyspeptic Mixture. . Send a O. J a. H.(ilPSON. .j - . - . After Taking. Sendatoncebyexnrflss.fiierhteMi hnt.M r.nmi. x.. ,1;.V.row u uctoDeri4n,i. naa merit. ----- - "uo, iuo xueaiuiuo uuuuuukw; cijr urugr, sc.. . . : .WILLIAMS & SHANNON. FOR SALE. Av Top Buggy and Phaeton with Tongue and Harness. ALSO A GOOD ONE-HORSE WAGON AND' HARNESS. APPLY TO octlWtf. ALEXANDER. THE LATEST AND IMPORTANT We are now rnnnlng on full time. J"urnltnre manulactored by us Is kept ' by the enterprising furniture, dealers In this city. We make only the best and most! substantial In the Imarket NO SHODDY GOODS. , Ask forrgood3 made by us and you will get the worth of your money. Our name Is on each piece. We solicit the patronage of the. public and guarantee satisfaction. ' v 'Respectfully, . 4 a , ELLIOTT & MAESH. June20dtf - - - , . - Dissolution Notice- By mutual consent the partnership heretofore existing between C. J. Pox and T. J. James, under , flra Eame of C. J. Fox & Co., la this day di--solved. The business will be continued at the ol Stand by C J. VOX. nhA asmimaa nil HohlHMpiI 01 ' toe firm and who is alone authorized to collect ueuia uue me nrm. . . . c. J. FOX, T I .TAMES. given to the late firm, I bespeak a continuance or oouao w v. jjcox. wno win ariii ftarrv on ine uuer octl3dtf . : 1 t.J. JAMES. LOOK AT THIS! ;o AND READ EVERY WORD OF ft THIS IS TOE 0HAEL0TTE PEOPLE :o: RHEUMATISM AND TONIC. . Chaelotte, N. O. , Dec . 10, 1884. I have used Mrs: Joft.Peraon's BeDie' dy, and it ia the finest medicine I ever used for Rheumatism. For more tha twenty years I have been afflicted wit muscular . Rheumatism, , and had tn every; known remedy, , but vntho avail. I was often so bad off and sw fered so much that I could not w down, but had to be propped up ia I had - been subject to. these severe, w tacks for twenty years; " I tried Mr Person's Remedy last spring, and a perfectly cured. It is the best mediciij in the. world, I think." Na words mine can express the benefit I have c nvea irom its use. I suffered from pitation ertion. . Mv health nwincr toTHrsi. .Taa 'Parann1a Remedy am strong and well, and can take er tended exercise without fatigue. l vise all who need a Tonic, or are sufl ing with. Rheumatism or Eczema, J take it. I was induced to. try it W, having cured my j little andson MKS. S. Jtl. nuvvi-o of the heart upon the least e Of that I am nerfectly relieve is now rurfpirf,. and it K THE MAGIC INSECT EXTERJIffi "and MOSQUITO BITE CUBE. ( We ' offer one thousand dollars for Its Send for circulars. " , xoft SALL IDE & CO., 8 East 18th street, e u 7'

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