uixixji ..unaiUArriJfi UBSfll&VlSK t SATURDAY, UUTOBER 31 1885. A: Absolutely Pure. misDowcler never varies ..A marvel -of purity. Sineth and whetesomeness. More economical rtnthe ordin&ry kinds. and cannot be sold In 5Hfion with the multttadeot low test, short 2Xt alum or phosphite powders. Sold only in W ' SPRINGS BUBWELL, janid&wly. . . Cfcarktte, N . a mothers; FRIEND MAKES CHILD-BIRTH EASY. The time has cone at last when the terrible agony incident to this very critical period In a woman's life can be avoided. A distinguished physician, who passed the greatest portion of his life (forty-four years) in this ' branch of practice, left to child bearing women Ibis . priceless jegacy and life saving appliance, TBI MOTHEBSP FBIEND," and today there are thousands of the best women in our land who,havlug used tMa wonderfml remedy before confinement, rise up and call his name blessed. - We receive letters from every section ef the country thank- , Ing us lor placing this prepara tloa in the reach, of Buffering wonan. OnelMy from North -Carolina writes us that she , would like to thank the propri-. etors on her knees for bringing " v it to her notice, as in a prevwus confinement she had two doc tors, and they were compelled to use chloroform, Instruments, eta. and she suffered almost death: but this time she used "MOTHER'S FBIEND," and her labor was short, quick and almost like magic Now, why should a woman suffer when she can avoid It? We can prove all we claim by living wit- - ' nesses, and anyone Interested . can call, or havetfieir husbands -. do so, at our office, and see the -original letters, which we can- not publish. ; This remedy is one abottt which we cannot mb hah certificates, but It Is a most wonderful Untsoent 1o be used after the first two or three months. Send for our Treatise on the "Health and Happi ness of Woman," mailed feee, which gives All -par Iculars. Bkadfihld Reguiatob Co., Box 28, Atlanta, "Ga. gold by all druggists. ' toe coan 300k. "Three ll'nstr&ted with Steel Plates. Outfits nowready. Aeents are soak ing $10 to $30 a day. Write to the publishers for 'terns. ' . .. . : ; s . - - .. J.M.STODDABT&CO.,53S Kth St,,Washlngtn.D.C Ifilfi firCCD To introduce them we 0U UP r CR, vrtU give away 1060 eelf operaflng Washing Machines. If yon want one send us your name. f. O. and express of fice at once. THE NATIONAL CO., 21 Dey Street, new York. Fl T? A TTM T? G Q"s CAUSES andCTJSE, JLAuilLj? Vi JCiOnf one who was eaf Wenty-eiffbt Tfiars. TrAteH v mnot nf tha nntitd apeclallsts of the day with no benefit. Cured bim seii in three months, and stoee then hundreds of others by the same process. A plain, slmpieand sncressful home treatment. Address T. S. PAGE, 128 East 26th St., New YorkGHy. . , W A FI T E D ! RELIABLE RUiVlMERS J?8.?16. geral agency ef the best German SW,tatooailtT' xt I weU established. IRe wived highest award at New Orleans Exhibition. f?-6119 exchanged. Address. -AD0LPH GOHEING &COm William St., T. Parker's Tonic j l?u are wasting away from age, dissipation er disease or weakness and require a stimulant J"? ' P.KEB 8 Towic at once; it wfll invigorate intiuUl1 m UP from the first dose Jrot will never moxicate. it has saved hundred of lives, It may ave fours. HISCOX & CO- New York. NOTICE- inL1? ofler for Bate my property, one and a half ?nT?.fr9m Charlotte, where the Route's Ferry and Beattie's Fard roads fork, in front of Blddle yerstty. one acre lot, good dwelling house, store we, barn and other outhouses, well of good wrar, a fine orchard coming on. Also, I will seU SLT?k of soods, which I have on hand. The rho.T rJ2r 8elliag goods is as good as any outside of ISSfti, tt nas the advantage of both roads, be m BtBlddIesville. Can be bought cheap, and on innL."1!8' For farther particulars, terms, &c lS1 . . 1'. 3. REBMAN, . ' J2z!uw - ' At his store. - tailors wanted. GS0first!las8 coat hands and a pantaloon hand. b?tees and steady work. Apply at M)a THIS OFFICE. ; Wraonr,,..?1??, V0T 23 years I suffered with lever 0 HJJsfe' le as .the result of typhoid toeansnf T n -as suggested as the only ttoffiLpf8"fe- Jhe doctors could do yeawKv oagM 1 must die. For 3 i never nan a. ahna -n . Cmiffi,, onna k a permanent cure and added ten years to my - . Ww Tf lwurr XT oil n . in tfter jai iuSZ 8Peeay and thorough cure treatment a 8pent nuudra8 t dollars for stares WHTOKL, M. D Newark, N.'J. f RLroJ? earKlrlbood has been suffering ImuSsm She has tried many remedied tone anu&ftlfu? trial oUiers' aftei Rev. James L. Pieecb, Oxford, Ga. ' Atlanta.Ga., TTJINTED Agents In every section ol ' try to sell Hon. 8. S. CCX'S great 1 Decafles of Federal Leelslation.-7 A'ctedS88 Specie for blood poison, WhlieTwfaaia-.e,1cal. college at a dissection! ai -student. I am cTarfnitf Arrival and Departure ot Traina, ,v correct lor the current month. ' i Rtcbxohd asd Dixruxa Ara-LmJ ; J No. BO ArriTM at nhnrlnt fwm rn-i . 2.50 a. m. LeWforlttantl at 8irMwna No. 61 Arrives at Charlotte from itiant. a. m. Leaver for Riehmond at 45 , rr No. S3 IrrlVM nt nhnrinttA fmm ti. 12.86 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 o.itk wo. K( Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta t.iA P-m. Leaves for Elchmond at 6:30 p.m. . and 2Ben2r Train leaves for Atlanta at 6:30 a. m. ; arrives from Atlanta at 830 f CttABliJTTS, CoiUHBIA AJTD AU9USTA. . " v Arrives from Columbia at 6:10 p. nou Leaves for Columbia at 1 p.m. , - ' ' C, C. A A. A., T. AO. DmsHW. ' Arrives from StatesvUle at 10:45 a. m, Leaves for States vllle at 638 p.m. ' Caboldja. Central. fPm Wilmington at 7.30 a. m.: Leare f vr lumugton ax B.13 n m. ; j Leave for Shelby at 8.15 p. m.: arrive from Shibv at D.4U p. m. , . Matt n. . - j . General Deiivwr 7.-00 p. m. ' Weather Indication!. H Aiiaaie Atlantic . RtAtjw. : TQi sno werst followed by fair weather, uui liuoriy vwmas Decominfir variable. generally colder, followed by rising temperature, higher barometer. South Atlantic States: Generally fair weather, north wAfitorW xc-in becoming variable, slight changes in temperature, except in extreme north was portion, cooler. ;T . lBdex"to New Advertisements. Pegram 4 Co. Excelling Ourselves. A. Caldwell For Sale. xocal mprr.Es. The Catawba, river is high, the water being 1 feet above low water mark. Yesterday the water ran into the boiler room of the Mt. Island Mill. The recent rain did it. - ' There was a fine audience at the Baptist church last night. The first invitation of the meeting met with a response from t several penitents. There will be no services to-night, but the revival meetings ( will fee con tinned to-caorrow, and everyv night next week. ' There are many mdicas tions of a successful meeting.- One of the exhibits in Floral Hall that should have special men tion, was the display of Walter N. Mullen's Hornet's Nest Liniment, the Doctor is a citizen of f. Charlotte, and his-emterprise is a strictly home enterprise. We are glad to know that he is meeting with the success he deserves. , RailroaA Bridge Waslta Awaf. - The train on the Richmond & Dan ville road due here; at 2:30 yesterday morning, and the train due here at 12 :35 jeeterday afternoon, both failed to come in until a late hour last night, and our people had to j go 24 hours without a mail from the North. The non-arrival of ha". trains was caused by the washing away .of a bridge on the Virginia Midland road, and the washing away of the bridge was caused by the breaking of a mill dam. Tlie Bircle Races, There was some good racing on the fair grounds yesterday by the Char lotte Bicyle Club. The first was half mile race, best two in three. On the first heat Asbury made 1 :40 and was the winner. Second heat, Asbury winner, time 1:37. 1 : The tie between Maxwell and As bury; made on first day 's race, ; was run off by Maxwell, 2 mile heat, time 6 :28. Asbury 's condition, in conse quence of his accident of Tuesday, was such that the doctors would not allow him to run the 2 mile heac Pocket PIkd. Mr. Millas Johnston, of Concord, was one of the visitors to V the fair. As he boarded the train at that place for Charlotte, several dandy looking men, evidently in a hurry to get out of the car door, crowded him as he came in. Sometime after the train was under headway, Mr.; Johnston discovered that his pocket book was missing. ; It contained $5. " Under the book, packed down in the bottom of his pocket was " $50, which the thieves did not get. Mr. Johnston had received the $50 just before go ing to the depot and fortunately for himself had not had time to put it away in his, pocket book. Fox the Winner. The glass ball contest on the fair grounds yesterday, was . won by Charles J. Fox, who made the excel lent score of Aten straight balls. The match was on ten balls, ; Mr. Fox was awarded a fine Parker gun. . The following is the entries and scores: R. G.8 Graham llOllilOll 8 C J. Fox. . ... .1111111111-10 Walter Brem.......i:1110111101 8 G. H..Brockenbrough. ,0000000111 ; 3 L. D.' Hargraves ... . . . 1110100001 5 W.. H. Justice. . . 0101111011 7 W. P. Taliaferro. . .... 1 0011110010 5 Dr. L. W. Hunter..... 0001100101 i E. W. Russell......... 1111011111 9 L. H. Robinson ; . , . . . .1011111111 9 j. d. Fox. ; . . onoiomo 6 Last night Charlotte partedTfor .Fe season, but let us hope not for good. with the Bijou company. The play presented list night; was the Mikado, played first in this city on Monday night last, and , repeated by special request. v Perhaps the largeness and intelligence of the audience preeeat nerved the Bijous to do their best ; at any raje a more spirited presenta won of a play has never before been given in Charlotte. The Bijou corns pany is not large, but it is undoubN edly select in point of talent.' A more successful mirth provoker than Mr. Thomas Martin has never been seen here, and we doubt if he has an equal for genuine grotesqueness and ridiculousness. The Mikado, with out him; would be shorn of its locks. Miss Adelaide Randall, as Yum Turn, was splendid; ' and she was very finely supported by Miss Marion Chester and Miss Clara Randall, as Pftti Sing and Peep-Bo, wards of Ko- Ko. 1 . V.vvrv':-"-;- :-; The . Mikado ; of Japan, Mr. James Paxton, and Kanki-Poo, his son, Mr. Alfred Wilkie, were good characters. The elderly ( lady of the play was well sustained by Miss Helen Harrington. The costumes worn by the Bijous are particularly wortny 01 notice, ? as they are of che finest character, and of very unique designs. The . Bijou Company, whenever it comes this way. again, will be sure to meet with a warm welcome. JLaothor Hotel Gni Affair - Night before last, Sid, the nigh watchman at the Central, discovered tht odor of escaping gas, and after considerable trouble, succeeded in tracing it to -f a room occupied by three young ladies. I The young ladies were lying in bed talking, and the gas was flowing in from the burner as freely as it could do with the valve' fully open. They had blown out lie gas. The opportune discov ery of their error by . the watchman saved amother notei gas sensation. Tlio Singer Machine Co. 4 . The display of machines - made by this company at the late fair, was an object of much interest to visitors, and it will be no surprise to learn that the first premium for the best display was awarded to this company. The variety of machines displayed by this company was large and was indeed meritorious. Especially interesting to the visitors was the working of the buttonhole machine, operated by Mr. J. P. Ticknbr. The Singer had strong competition and for tha reason no doubt the manager' feels doubly . proud ef the first ; premium distinction. Interesting Church Services. i. Today the corner-stone of St Mark's new Lutheran church, which is in process of erection , will be laid with appropriate ceremonies. The address will be delivered at 2 o'cloctc in the bid church, by Rev. Prof. G F. Schaeffer, of Concord. Immedi Lately after the- address the corner stone laying will take 'place -Rev W. A. Lutz, president of. North Car olina Synod, and -Rev. F, W E. Pe schawl of Wilmington, with the pass tor, Rev. T. S. Brown, will take part in the service.. The ministers of the city, with the public l iix general, are cordially invited to be present. There will be services at 7 p. m., approprir ate to Reformation day, preaching by Rev. W. A. Lutz A Fatal Steam Burst. Duluth, Minn. As the steamer Miles was leaving the Dock last night ttfe cast iron casing of the cylinder filled with steam and exploded, throw ing a great volume of steam with such force as to knock the second engineer, who was on the watch, through the doer into the room where the first engineer was asleep The s?eam rushed in through the opening and filling the room, scalded them so that when : the crew went into the room, almost immediately afterward, found both men dead. Thos. Hickey, first engineer was 37 years old, and leaves a wife and two children in Hamilton, Ont. ; The second engineer, William Rooney, was not married and leaves relatives in Ottoway, Ont. Business Failures. New York, Oct. 30. The business failures occurring . throughout the country during the last weeK, as re ported to R. G. Dun & Co., number for, the United States 374, Canada 27, a total of 201, against 174 last week and 166 week previous. Failures are still numerous in the Pacific States and Canada, but in other sections of the country they are rather below the average. Strike Ended. Chicago, Oct. 30. The strike on the Illinois Central road ended last evening, Superintendent Jeffery con ceding to the men the same pay that switchmen and helpers on other roads get, and pay for over work. ; A Lady iProlessor of Cooking: Says- "Let cooking be an art, cheerfully taught, and the kitchen will be as attractive as the parlor and the table always cheerful and fright." She has it. It Is clumsy coosery that is responsible for nearly all the dyspepsia of this country. But It Is Brown's Iron Bitters that can cure dyspepsia and give happy health Instead of whinnlng discomfort. Mr Levi Pearce, Elllcott City, Md., 8ays.,I experi enced much relief from dyspepsia and debility by using Brown's Iron Bitters.', Rala4 'HuUdin. I 1 "Fiu4 " sathered'itt Ihr Rail way Age sumroaririnff the mileasre of n"w railways under construction and prv ecu tbus far duriae 1885 indicate preparauons ror an amouni or rau-i way, building in th nwir future I which must:' fiurnrtqA nprmrm whti 1 TgivenUSio?hV have not ect-At-frhat rat ner vear the new mileage will be added iKa a does wjm uuuoru(K.o uj BaT.ia"j.OM tut; mileage was 11.500 miles: in the five years preceding 1884 the average new mileage was nearly 8,000 miles ayear. 1 a portion 01 me enterprises now De ing projected . are - completed, it is housht not lmnmhahln that this no. I iTity will be equalled or excelled, in 1 the; next five years. We have by no means reached m this country the 1 limit of nrofitable railwav construe I won. as ; me. popuiauon : Decomes 1 denser, and products,, agricultural and - manufactured, become more abundant.' our present mileage of 125,000 miles is likely to be doubted several times oyer. A few comparis sons on the basis of area make this 00k extremely probable. If the en ;ire Union were as well equipped with railways as .Wisconsin our mile age would be 228,500. If Illinois be lasen ior comparison, 467,000 wouia HA.hft fimiro -while .f tKo mil v, tt;4 ol uVva 1 uuc2 . j iiiLnu Litm.iirrn niiuiiui n vri irrf .1111 in 1 great per sqwe mile Massachusetts it would foot up 7ll, . .'. . tr-- I OOU miles. MassanhnsoTfca is Tmrhana adequately supplied, but many of the oiu anu an oi we new states are sun aencient . m railroad raciiities, ana muse ror some years to come continue to build. V The Iron Age argues that whatever be the significance of . the Railway Age's statistics as respects future activity, the revival predicted by the latter can hardly have begun, because there has not been noticed any extraordinary effort to borrow money for new enterprises in Wall street ?i.Twb;,eci0 eigb; doubt, but is not conclusive. It no looses signt oi tne tact tnat tne new construction is, mainly ! local, and is paid for either by county subscrip-t tions or by means of the savings of corporations able to build without going to wall; street. " via short." of railway building promises to exist On: aiduierent i and better., financial basis than that which has character wed the past. There will ; be more needed, and less building of parallel and purely speculative .lines. it is hardly to be doubted that, commence mg with 1886, railway construction will proceed with" increased activity. and what that means in the way of a revival of manufactures and trade 1 requires no demonstration; Tne Wild and Tame .Warrior f Fort Reno. Ind.iTer.. Oct. 30. The Holman committee arrived here I last night. . The committee was met a few miles from the post by two companies of Indian. scouts and es ! corted m. f One company i! was dis missed in regulation army uniform; and the other dressed for the occasion as wild warriors: thoroughly painted with picturesque costumeSjhead dress I and spears, bringing up the rear ob serving no orders, riding back and i forth and yelling like wild "men, pre senting a striking contrast to tame warriors." They showed the two ex tremes' in this manner ' and , demon! stratea to tne committee tae advance being made toward civilization and i ' moaern iire. ( . The Gar Geld Fund. The New York Mail and , Express state that the fund raised in that city in 1881 for the benefit of the widow and children of President Garfield now yields quarterly, $3,114 which is paid promptly to Mrs. Garfield. FOR SALE. A desirable buldtng lot well enclosed, cultivated and several varieties of . fruits. Convenient to business. D. A. CALDWELL. OCt31d4t. 1 .Cranberries, TE.1 ' CENTS A QUART . . " AT S. M. HOWELL. Telephone 37. , J. R. EDD1NS. North Try on St,, Charlotte, If. C. WMesala anft Retail BoolsBller AND STATIONER. . A large and carefully selected Stock of . it : . - , ; ,--t .'.ft .... .. v v . . . ' . BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKSi LETTER and FANCY NOTE PA ,PER, ALBUMS, - PORT- . . MONIES, LADIES WRIT, ; ING DESKS; SCRAP i ... ALBUMS,- . s ; i Bibles, Prayer Books and Hymn Books, A nd all the current novels and literature of the day. . ' .-. v BUBBEB STAMPS MADE TO OEDEB. Agent for McCall's Fitting Patterns. - Bazar Glove- Catalogues "sent to address on , ap plication. Patterns mailed on receipt of price. x - ro -.1 .v. ti yj ;1 - iwnj - . v toZXms Zn:ttTu"Tr? Juaae ampie provision torrappiTing the wants rrn; 11, or to oe more explicit, we meaa tnat our 'imrasns? FALL ID OIITE! - t - ii Is now read for inspection, and we most same We have the latest novelties in nanaie our own make and can guarantee garment. ? , ForMeo'sJIYoutbs', gBoys',5aDi StHiildrenl , f UUroUAJK Wffl Our Stock,was purchased during the Clothing was at a low price.' hence we ' " J , "..rT r.6" I Vtrfrta odpItt onrl trot-, float, nhmna very itespectiuuy, Messrs. T. C. Smith &,Co.;, , , , - . ' Charlotte,. N, Your favor no h&ve received rock liottom shoutd you Jwifeh a ; million , a . ; . , ' . - .i ' f 1 "I "!t 'V' r, Duke cigarettes Sorry that we oaunot make - the - inauco ' " s " . ment greater for you to order ..' Yours J -truly, W. E. . OOOHpAllEOHASfB. JOKES chXrlotte RHI, ISTA1 JGENfY E. E. COCHRANE, Manager. T3 AG15cIwJ?iL B1? AND SEHL.L4N2? J. of every description and In any part of North or South Carolina, and wlU rent property in the city of Charlotte, collect rents, attend to repairs and make oromnt returns, and if desired will at tend to payment of taxes, effecting of insurance, etc. .- All property put Into our hands will be Advertised Free of Cot For a stipulation previously agreed upon. FOR SALE. IOne dwelling house on B street, 7 rooms, closets In each room, well of good water, lot 99x100 feet, In good neighborhood. Price, $2,000. 2 One dwelling on 6th street, adjoining residence of S. M. Howell, 4 rooms, well of water and stable, . lot 60x198, convenient to business. . Price, $1,700. Q One dwelling on South Tryon street, adjoining Oresldence of Dr. Bratton, 8 rooms, closets and pantry, well of water, well located for a boarding house. Price, $3,000, . , 5 One dwelling on corner of Graham arid 10th streets, 5 rooms, kitchen, well of water, lot 120 feet on Graham street, 162 feet on 10th street, : very desirable property. Price. $1,500. Q One dwelling on Poplar street, 10 rooms, lot 099x198 feet, brick kitchen, outhouses, stable, well , of good water, sold on terms to suit purchaser ' Price, $4,000. . 11 One Dwelling on Ninth street between B and C, two stories, six rooms, brick basement; well.of water in yard; lot 99x198. Price $2,000 1 A One Hundred and Fifty Acres Land mile It of the city limits, adjoining the Fair Grounds , well located for a truck and dairy farm: Jt , , timber, branch running through It, about - , acres meadow. Price $30 per acre. 1 Q Tract of Land, 3 miles south of Charlotte, 1 V 82 acres, knows as part of the Samuel Tay lor tract, on which is an undeveloped goldmine, (known in the N. C. Reports as the Sam Taylor mine), three frame tenement houses, two rooms each, good bam, good well water and good spring on me premises, soia wunout reserve iorl.vou. 28 Dwelling fn Mechanicsville, 1 story 3-roam house, lot 99x190. froatine on C street, lot 1736, square 215, adjoining property of W. A. Sing and others. Price, cash $850. Of . Two lots, Nos. 297 and 808, souare 46, front Di ing 99 feet on B street and running through to C street On the premises is a two-story trace dwelling, seven rooms and small storehouse. 99 ' One-story frame cottage, 4 rooms, lot 50x150 OO ' In Fourth ward, on west ' Fifth street near the residence of James ; P. Irwin. All Improve ments new. A desirable place for a small family. Price $1,000. : f v';r.' "tO-ks: O i Tan yard at Lowesvffle, N C.,; 22 ' thef Ox vats. 1 pool, 2 lime 1 shop house 18x22 bark house, bark mill house, stable, dwelling; 10 acres land connected with tan yard. Price $1,000, or will lease for 5 or 10 uears on reasonable terms; ; OC' A-?ery desirable farm, containing 1621 Duf . acres, about threee miles ' west of Charlotte, on the Carolina Central railroad, known a the Junius1 Hayes -faran, adjoining the lands of Dr. Paul Barringer and others. Sevenoom dwelling and necessary octbulldlngs In good repair on tha premises. .WeD watered and In a good neighbor hood. Price per acrt $30, .' Tract of land" containing 75 acres, lying in OO Polk county, N. C, six miles eaat of Colum bus. On this place is the Splan Gold Mine. Price $200. - - rr , Tract of land containing 500 acres lying In it ' Butherf ord county, N. C, 9 miles from Buth eriordton and 20 miles from Shelby, apple orchard on the place, small two room dwelling,-fine tim bered land, pfne; early, maple, walnut, oak, &c, about 75 acres under cultivation. Gold mine on the place.' This property is knownf as the Cook Mine farm. - Price $3,000. . .. . 9Q Tract of land containing 434 acres in OO . Mecklenburg county, N. v.; 8 miles from Charlotte, good store house 4 rooms, good orchard, ,5 acres under cultivation, balance id pine and hard woods, gold mine on property. Price $25 per acre. Cheap. . ' , QQ Lot fronting on Morehead st., 99x366 feet, I OV small two-room house, well, lot well set with fruit trees. Price $8M. . . ", . ' - , - . air ol spring ana crammer are gone. u-urt m ciuuou wiia mow ana chnn. f or we c!n:m to have tata 1 CLOTH! BS - - . - -oa?rr" 1 cordiallv invite vou to exarnino th Clothing, and reliably made, tor we Stvle. Oualitv and Fitneea of everv - - : month of July and August wheiiv can give vou lower: prices than those v . . vuwiw.w,'H. - y.).iMWAiiik. cuji. BEMUDD Durham, Jf, Oct. ;10Ui, 1885, V ? V : 7r " , . s ' . O. : V " of the 9th inst .receired ' , -1 ' 2001 M. " f " IttJKE, SONS & CO A Gsa W. Watts, - t -vSec'y aivdvTreas; t-t FlVB-room dwp.niriff with WtAhn hrA BfnViU. x . . iwi rexiro oa w est . xraae street, beauaxa -grove and well of good water; Price $2,300. ' , kty i One story frame dwelling and lot on 8to kL wall street. Price $500. - i 9 One lot and a half lot, unimproved, on thb to i corner of B and Uth streets., Price $65a AK One story frame store house 20x60 feet, lot rtO 24x100 feet, fronting on railroad, andoha unimproved lot in rear of above 100x125 feet, both at Sanford, Moore county, N. a Priee $450. . Al Two story frame dwelling, four rooms, barn, ' stable, smoke house, good well, some fruit ' trees, about tk acre of land, in Sanford, Moore co.t N.C. Prtce $1,800. 47 Fifty one acres of land, 2SaOTesurider cuttI vation. talance timber. mnsMr nlmn. nnwi oak. Two tenement houses on place, lying on the wise vl cxuuora, moors county, xn. c. nice $850. 1: (The above three tracts win be sold together or separately, and if purchaser desires can secure re fusal of a stock of goods at price agreed upon be tween himself and the owner.) KO 150 Acres In Davidson county, N. C, 11 miles from Lexington and 8 miles from Lta wood. Six room dwelling, good water; four acfes in apples, peaches and grapes. Price $2,000. . 5 Lot with two-story house, six rooms and two J room kitchen, well and garden, being prop erty adjoining J. S. Phillips' residence. Price $2,650. - . ,:. , , Kl Fifty acres of land In and adjoining Hunt 0 ersvllle,N. a On the place there is a com fortable four-room dwelling house, good barn, crib, kitchen and well . Very desirable property. Pilce $35.00 per acre. c - - - FOR RENT. Storeroom in Morehead building, on Btreet, at present occupied by SchifC & Co. Tiade New Storeroom on B street, between Sixth and Seventh streets. . : ; v, :.. , - . , Dwelling on B. and D. railroad, between 8th sChd 9th streets. Very convenient to Elliott & Maria's furniture factory or Newcomb's planing ni . ' Dwelling house on South Tryon street, adven ing the residence of Dr. S. E. Bratton. Yry C6n rvenlently located for a boarding house Apply to ' Charlotte eept2dtf Real- Estate Affeney, B. E. COCHBANZ, Manage OFFICB OF StrFEEENTENI)ZKT, " , ' Wilmington, N. Cm Sept. 27, 1885. J -CHANGE OP SCHEDULE; ON A1JD AFTEB SEPT 27, 1885, THE FOLLOW Ing Schedule will be operated -on this Bail PASSENGEB, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS. DAILY EXCEPT cTJNDAY. ) Leave Wnnuigton at.......... ...7.00 p. k. No, 1. 1 Leave Raleigh at .7 85 p. k. Arrive at Charlotte at.. .. .. ....... 7.80 A. u , Leave Charlotte at. . .. .... . .8.15 p. jr. No. 2. Arrive at Balelgh at...; .... ..U...9.00 a, k, . A ) Arrive at Wilmington at.,, ... .. .. 8.251m. LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. Leave Charlotte at ; 7.40 A, x. Arrive lauruiuurg at .................... 0.4SP.M. Tav TAnrrnbnrflr at . J . i w Arrive Charlotte at .... 140 p.: Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and points designated in the Company's Time SHELBY DIVISION, PASSEN6ZB, MAIL, XX r fi fe W .r-.;, PEESS AND FREIGHT.-" : - (Daily except Sunday.) V ' Leave Charlotte at.. . .. . ... ... .. .... &15 a.' m. Arrive at Shelby at... ......... ;..12.15 p. x. Leave Shelby at...M .r... ....... ....... 1.40 p. x Ailllv M vuouvws Mt, ... ..... .. U.TU K . 9L ' Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. - ' Take Train No. 1 for StatesvUle, stations on Western N. C. B. B., Ashevllle and points west. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, .Athens, At lanta and all points southwest. - - . : L. C, JONX3, m : - - ' flnperintendent F. XT. CZASK, (Ren. Pan. Agent - v - - . . JUST. RECEIVING THE BEST -STOCK OF GOODS IN ' THE CITY INOUR LINE. 4 ' . ' - ' . , .;, f . , - A. R. & W- B. KISBET

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