v. DAILY CHARIiOTTD 0BSERYER : SATURDAX7I)CXPBEBr31. ;1885. 5 - GEN. GnillT'S GBAVE. 1 T5 Ouesti on of its Permanent . location Definitely Settled. New York, October 30. During vp.ral weeks Dast there' has been . cIise for speculation in the minds of Kw Yorkers as to whether . General - rtrflnt.' hodv would remain, here or be removed from the State. These tffouhta pTAWJ Out of a recent state mftnt hv Ron J. B. Chaffee, to the ef fort that the family of Gen. Grant Hrrt nnt. wish the 1-reneraJ'B body", to remain in this city, and that Congress, its next session, would take action ifv thd matter. Prof. R. T. Greener, cretary of the Monument Associa- tinn Rtafeed tonient tnac mo matter hap been definitely settled, as follow ing correspondence would show : .October 16th, 1885. V My Dear Mrs. Grant : The Execu tive Committee of the Grant Monu ment Association, to whom was ens trusted the honor and patriotic .task K)f soliciting funds for a suitable Na tional monument to the memory of ' your distinguished husband, finds itself seriously hampered in its work ahd, to a great extent,' embarrassed b? utterances, which ' appear; from tcie to time in the daily, press, often purporting to come from your family. 4OSlr committee is much concerned in reports quite industriously spread abroad and persistently reiterated, thjat on the assembling of Congress, (preconcerted effort, with the consent ad approval of your family, would bf begun to hare the body of General G?aairTenToyedtor:W asnington-rf or ii$al sepulture. Our fund has already TrSol&M a aroua punr (nearly 490, , , iOb and ife'. wai b $100,000 jtodnTBut' it' must be obvious that any doubt 'which the public may have as to the dire nf thA familv in racard to Riv eriSde Park as a permanent tomb a3dj sito of the proposed '.National memo rial acts as a deterrent to those who would otherwise freely give. May I si ask fromyou') and- youfy amljya . clear and emphatic expression of your .pna ppTO, uay i,aaa. nt Tvfiil ui ciBtu t uoteriuiuaiiuu lur iiuo uw tive committee. Vice Preci&nt Grant Honumeii Association. frrto - The following is Mrs. Grant's re, ply: r New York, Oct. 29th, 1885. ' Dear Sir: Your tter of.ttje lCth cane during my absence and was re- . ceived on my return from Long - sractomverfla w$sr$jectea by myself and my family as the burial . place of my husband. Gen, Grant. - first,1 because I. believed New York - - was nis preierence."" secona. it is near the residence that I hope to oc ctfpy tisr long; as X live, and where I ., will be able to visit his testing ' .place often, Tnird, I have believed, and t,;amnoff convinced, that the tombfriil "be visited by as many of his coiintry- ; : men here as it .would be at any other ...Vzplace, and fourth, , the offer of the Park in New York was the first which ';' observed and unreservedly ; assented . . to the ? only condition . imposed by . ,f Gen. Grant himself namely i ' that J should have a place by his side. . I am. Sir. Very respectfully.) - ' , ' '- Julia D. Grant, , To Wm. R. Grace, Mayor of the - City of New York. ; The Greatestof Diamonds. . Janufacturlng Jeweler. - ." - An Amsterdam correspondent tells . the story of the immense African dia ' -inond weighing 457 carats in the r -trough which is in process of being . ""scut by Mr. Jacques Metz, one of the largest diamond cutters of that city. ' It is said that in June or July of last year one of the surveillance officers of the Central Mining Company in the Kimberly mine.; found the stone, . . and being exempt from search carri--ed it through the searching house un .perceived and sold it to four irregu- lar dealers for $15,000. Before leav ' ing the provinces the t new owners' had a night of drinking and gamb ling, which ended in two of them be- - -coming its owner instead of four. The twO owners escaped the secret .police and reached Cape Town, where .-, they found a dealer who readily paid them $95,000 for the stone. There is an export duty. on diamonds shipped from Cape Colony of one quarter per cent ; but it appears rthat this stone was smuggled out of the colony by a tassenger on the mail steamer and rought to London, where its presen station at Hatton ; Garden r created a great sensation. A , former resident . -at the Capo mines managed to form taompany. of eight persons, who . ; bought the stone between them for $225,000 cash, on condition that the .- seller or sellers i: should ... receive I a ninth share of the eventual profits. " ..The real value of the stone has been 'estimated at London at about $1,000- J O00. According to the rules of valu ation of the famous Tavernier dia- . v mond its value would be , $4.166.980i f ' The correspondent - says that the art - - " J - -1 . 1 .J A? L A , - oi aiamona ponsmng existing m am fiteraam ior more man inree cenius Ties has been brought to such perfec 1 . tion that it is expected that this stone ' " weighing in the rough 457 carats(and aid to be whiter and burer than any -of its historical predecessors), . will . t . .Ipse in working much less than oth. ' er. famous stones; that it will be more , , rapidly finished, ; and . it - has every -chance of remaining the largest and , finest diamond in the world ' Tire iu au Indiana Town. Seymour. Ind' October 30.-Fire roke out at one o'clock this morning au t.ue nounng mins oi nii&n cc uo., ; totally destroying them. The shops - m of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad and two dwellings were also badly damaged. The loss $100,000- Blish . Co. were insured for $14,000. : . Skin itlseases Cured TyDcFrazler's Magic Ointment. Cures as If by ; ULsglc. pimples, black heads or grubs, blotches and ernptlons on the face, leaving the skin clear and feeautitul. Also cures Itch, salt rheum, sore nip . plsa, sore Hps, and old, oWstlnate ulcers. Sold bj xciT"-,'lsts, cr mailed on receipt cf price, EOoectS' Tow Boat Burned.; Cincinnati. Ohio, October 30. Tke tow boat, GAorg S. Daa, owned by the Campbell Crek Coal Co., while on her -way to Kara w ha with two empty bargee, ; stopped after midnight last night at Waters Land ing, seven miles up the' river, for more barges. While there, Are was dis covered near the aft bulkhead. It spread so rapidly that nothing could be done to Icheck it. The .officers tried to scuttle her but had no time; The crew had to Tush to shore to save their lives. The boat was built less thn a year ago, ; at a co?t of forty thousand dollars. - A Foretaste White Hall, N. of Winter. Y t Oct. 30. A severe storm accompanied by a high wind has prevailed in this, section since, last evemng. it , is y snowing hard at all points is the Champlain Valley. The mercury " stands at 31 degrees. Many steamers are wind bound on the Lakt. : ' ,v:-w V " : kj- t "' All "Wyo tYmt." "Dont know what lls me lately. Cas t eat well, ean't sleep well. Cant woikjand don't enjoy doing anything. Ain't rea'ly : sick,' and I really ain't well Feel all klatf o' played ot, smeway." That Is what scores of men say every day. If they would take Dr. Pierce "Golden Me4Scal Disaor- ery " tkey would ftoon hare no occasion to say It. It purtflea the blood, tones up the system and for tifies It against disease., Jt Is a profit ani-Mlleus remedy as well. - d 1 ' octa&junthuraw. i i I 1 i i " T, JRo JHjsnery About It. Thera la no mystery or secrets about tha com pounding of Brown's Iran Bitters, Tke prepara tion oi iron is me omy one tnai can ue taicen witn- out injuring tne teeui or siomacn. n gives vigor to the feeble, life to the debilitated, and health to tha dyspeptic. You need not fear to give It to the most delicate cniia. mrs. janma wiuims. oti Starkweather, liiss,, says: "It relieved my daugh-! tej jpj dyspapsla, and myself of general deblUty.'; . , ' . ia lawa Mercnaat. . ( BavW paiaaci saV4faf sleepless nlghtadlstui a d by the agonlat and cries of a suffering child,! Vad .Jbeeomlng r(OBvlnced that Mrs. WlnaUus'a Sootmnt Syrup vaJ just the article needed, pro i cured a supply for the child. On reaching home! and acquainting his wife with what he had done,! she refused to haveadMnlsterefl t the chad, as she was strongly In favor of Homoeopathy That nteht tha-cfcnd nafied in suffering, and the pbaronta wlthoatsieep. Returning home the daj loaowing, ine iasner iouna tne Daoysou worse( and while contemDlatlrur another sleeDless nlshk 9 mother stepped from, tne ,roqm ta?attend. to some aomesttc'dutlesasid leffthe f atier with the child. During her absence he administered a por tion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said toothing. iTbat -night all bands slept well,, and the little fellow awoke u the trtorriing bright and kap ov. The mother was dellithted with the sudden and wonderful change; and although at first offend ed at the deception practiced noon her, Jbas con tinued to use the Syrup;and suSertng wytng babies and restless nights have disappeared. A single trial of the gyrop never yet failed to relieve the baby, ami overcome the prejudices of the mother. Sold by all Druggists. 25 cents a bottle. f Oh, think what a world we would have of It here, , It those with bad teeth or bad breath would go . Elsewhere; say to Saturn's comfortless sphere . And leave all Its nice", pretty earth here below To nice and sweet people to people who wont Forget to keep clean, and to uea SOZODONT. 4 - The Omlj Remedy, C . Those who suffer from foul breatii are open to the charge of carelessness. It Is an offence that can be speedily abated as a single pottle of the fragrant SOZODON T will unmistakably accomplish' the work. No toilet table should be without it. It will preserve and keep the teeth white, and the breath pure and sweet. : , I Gents, to make a good appearance, shouldave shapely looking feet. Fine fitting shoes, con structed on scientific principles cover ui defects, and at the same time develop all the good points In one's feet. For these reasons, and lor ease and comfort, always ask your dealer for the "HAN AN" shoe by far the best ever made. A. E. RANKIN & BBO. agents for Charlotte. feblldeud Diseaie From Pimples to Scrof ula Cured by Cuticwra. :rll Hundreds of letters" In our possession, copies of which may be had by return of mall, repeat this story : I have been a terrible sufferer ior years from diseases of the sktn and blood; have been obliged to shun public places by reason o" my dis figuring humors; have had the best physicians: have spent hundreds of dollars, and got no relief until I used the Cutlcura Remedies, which have cured me, and left my skin and blood as pure as a child s. - "'sa " Cutlcura Remedies are the greatest medicines on earth. Bad the worst case of Salt Rheum in this country. My motner had It twenty years, and in fact died from It. . I betfeve Cutlcura would have saved her life. My arms.' breast and head were covered for three years, which nothing relieved or red until 1 used the cutlcura Resolvent, inter nally, and Cutlcura and Cutlcura Soap, externally. Newark, u. . s. w. ajdms. XSend Face and Body Xla.fr. r I commenced to use your Cutlcura Remedies last July. My head .and face and some parts of my body were almost raw. My head was covered witn scabs and sores, and my suffering was fearfuL I had tried everything I had heard of In the East and West. My case was considered a very oaa one. i have now not a particle of skin buiror about me, ma my cae is consmerea wonaerra'. Dec.tur, Mich. mrs. a. js. wturfijs. ' Eczeina From Head to Feet.' Charles Eavre ninfcle. Jersey City heights, N. J writes: 4'My son, a lad of twelve years wa com pletely cured nf a terrible case of eczema by the Cutlcura Remedies. From the top of his head to the soles of his feet was one mass oi ecaD.- Every other remedy and physi lans naa peen inea In vain. rxmrmtk Tiwunmnra are Rold evervwtre Price: ConcuBA. 60c.; Resolvent, II UO; soap, ape. Prepared by the Pottkb drug- akd uhehuja w., Boston. Mass. - SEND FOB "HOW TO CURE SKIN DISEASES." PO I IDC Pimples, Sktn Blemishes and Bab U il U I Humors cured by Cuclcura Soap. ; CUTICUR A ANTI-PAIN PLA8TER ta a new. orirfnvl. eleeant and lnfalll- antMnta to Dain and Inflammation. banishing rheumatic, neuralgic, sciat ic, sudden sharp and nervous pains as by magic ai aruggiw. , , oct4dwedsat&w - - - ' CiRRUGE AND BUGGY REPOSITORY; A full line of Carriages. Buggies, PhaetoM.Carts SprtngWagons, etc., of the best makes and latest styles, on nana.. . , , - , py-Yehlcles made to order and, repaired. : A. U IIIJTCIIISOW & COJ, Charlotte, N. C, next to WadsTth;s Stables. rspr25unly YHY;:': A ' ' ' r t- '- s BIG BiRQMH Hi. SKATES. You can now bu? a $3.75 pair of rubber spates tnr i Tv.o.a oirotaa hvA hfn nsed onlvtiuee months, and are as good as new. This Prtemui contlnnfl oniv whiift this lot is being nold. ; Samrle pair can can be seen at No. 1 Fruit Store. Address, - , - C. C. SNIDER, oct22liw Charlotte. N. C SKIN 1 BLOOD THIS PEOPLE '-''-I 4 " t v , ' - - REOOONIZE THE OLD PIONEER K, 6ITM first manufactured and sold his . cinanom Th an humble way. using an ordinary lronjpot for Doiiiag. xne tnuuMs ws run una tne name oi m w 1 1 1 u u 1 n r ; j it H i i 1 vnY, it PEBBY; t A., 'r Wm ike4 JCA.UTIOH printed oo aeh . label JC'i -. ,- , F. . .U k&MUWM. V V(. r .1 And the Medicine :wa$; sd' at. $5.00 r per bottle This co-oartnersnlD was d'soived by MR. C. T. "SWIFf rtlfng, and 3Srt. R.J GU1NN conttnufng the- aanufacture of - this ceiesnted ' vegetable Blood Rejewer front Southern Farests up to the MR. B. OUINN ha his account books showing skies brhim to parties who came years rafter with alphabetical repetition .and who seek to take from film the honors and rewaids that his gnms, enterprise and money mnrst iaDmjg and intro ducing l commerce this boon- to .the . asneted -. clearly eix titles him to : He has now sold his right therein m the ; ..;., Macon Medicine Co., Wbose label will now. ,b a guarantee that tke Medicine will be kept up to that high: standard. without shadow of varying, that nrst p cored to ine doubting medical worlc, the existence oi a irui&f Vegetable Blood Medicine. R. GUINN Travels for the CJbmpany. Priqe per Bottle $1 and $1.75 mm DoctorGertificate Caaofir, B4All0ia.eaiid RUcu- 9n6im. Several years ago a cancerc-ua ulcer- made its ap pearance on my chin. Three years ago It sloughed ont, but last Spring returned. Soon after the can cer appeared, my nam pecame ciseaseu any scgni wourid or bruise would Inflame, spread and make and ugly sore. Roagh places and' heavy Mack scales formed on my hands and face. Last October I was attacked wltn Rheumatism in my feet, ankles knes and hips which became so stiff, swollen and sore and the muscles so much centraced that It was impossible for uie to . straighten myself. In this terrible condition, no medicine gave me any relief my appetite and strength tailed and I be came completely helpless. In this almost hopeless condition I determined to . try feUnNN'a Pioneer Blood Reskwer. I procured a supply and began the use of it. I used it about one month, and I so much improved that I began to walk . about with the aid of crutches. The cancer en my ehin en tirely disappeared. - The macs neavy sewies mat had formel on my face and hands fell off, and my akin became clear, smooth and healthy. I would also state that tor several years I have wed this Medicine In mvoractlce In the treatment oi glan dular and skin diseases and I have-never known it 1 tofall to cure any ense wh-re ithasbeen used ac cording to directions, l do. inereroTe, most cneer fuiiy recommend It to all who may be afflicted with any of the diseases for which it is prescribed. Qrlmn, tta. J.u.t iJs.ftuv&uiM, si. u. The above certificates are but a few Instances of thousands In our possessions, showing sufferers who have been relieved or every rorm or Blood and Skhv disease. . Female Complaints. Dyspepsia. Syphilis, Mercurial Rheumatism, Blood Poison and Malaria. , , . "For full information our free namDhlet on Blood and Skin Diseases will be furnished on application to the mm MEDICINE CO., . MACON, GA. ; Bold In powdered form, easy to prepare at home, with or without spirits : small size 25 cents, large f l.wi; mauearo any anoress on receiptor priece Llama lorm, smau s ze large size si.7o. Sold by W. M. WILSON & CO., Charlotte, N. C. octld&w. . .. rFOUWIES 1803. SALEM FEfilRLE ACADEHIY, Eighty-Second Annual'Besslon begins Sept 3rd. ror catalogue apply to . s . REV. EDWARD RONDTHALER, D. D., c BEY. JOHN H. CUCWELL, - Principals. ORDERS FOR Lee's Prepared AgricQltflral Lime Sent through A. J. BeaU, Charlotte, N. C, win have prompt axxenuon. . . , ' a. a. iiJB.js, , aug2Sd2m , Richmond, Va. . :k (fig f ij JH?. -v.r - ..... : ..,, t......-,. " . ,w 'TSQ t W ' it Vt Ml 1 : r Who first Issued la Commercial form the great and sag; 13 f IS "fc : v r . purely Vegetable Blood Eemedy from - . - ' . ij Wt SS i -Mm ' Pioneer Blood tower 4 ., r . - lfedl- ,T - - m ' ..... . j h,.iu y j- riilx, ,Hl''';t JHKi ii;;-;W;1:J-' Our Mr.: E'IXattiewfbecii York for the week pat securing eyer nby elty in it KM' market; in: Jiti and dutwhecoming F REPLETE WITH CSen's, YouthsV and Attire, and elsewhere. goods are substantial prices moderate for the actual value we giye EI. OE). THIS WHISKEY SHOULD BE FOUND IT IS ABSOLUTELY PURE. DUFFY'S .s: PURE ft M.. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. Many Druggists and Grecers who do tart have Dnflys Pure lllalt Wliisk.ey in stock, attempt to palm eff oncBStomers, wMskey c lieirownbottlmg, whi oeing of an inferior grade and adulterated, pays them larger profit. ASK FOR DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY, AND TAKE NO OTHER . - v SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS Send us your aadress ana we will mall book eonimmg raluabl mrormat5Ji. TSample Quart Settles sent to any address in the United-States (East case, Express charges prepaid on receipt ef DUFFY HALT WHISKEY CO., Baliimcre, M., il. S..A. Selling Affents for Charlotte, 7. May6eodw6m t i MbSQUITO CANOPIES Fixtures and all complete: at $2.'25. . IF3 TO" In endless variety and ; at prices to suit the ; times, - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FOE New EVERTTHING IN Boys' what we have cannot be had Our styles are exclusive, our and reliable, and our Pneumonia, 7 Consumption Dyspepsia Wasting Diseases Positively Relieved and ifaftet m&sis ted in restoring Vital power a CN THE SIDEBOARD OF EVERY FAMLY ENTIRELY FREE FROM FUSEL OIL; ; . ........... , , -., DRUGGISTS AKD GROCERS. of the Rocky Mountains securely packed- in plain S1.25, or Six Bottles sent for G;. CL, W M. WILSON A CO. H PIP -T33JT3S&: 'Condensed! edule. TRAINS QQING NpT May SI, 1885. Dally. I 6.32 a Leave Charlotte " Salisbury, " High Point, Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro. Arrive Hlllsboro. " Durham, w " Raleigh, , Leave Raleigh, Arrive Goidsboro,-' 5- via n In " us : w tfPir ' SPJ Sunday. Arrive at Arrive at Golds 6.00 m lLOOam foril". nboroir-r At SallihniVKTO' t?0,La"U West nf AX5 h Pom with wiJi S X- t i i ...Ti oonneet at Gr-a - "u ior au nomts q" , wtw TRAINS GOmon -Way SI, 1885. No. 60, Leave Goldsboro. Arrive Raleigh, Leave Raleigh, Arrffs Durham. ' HClsbero, .: ' Greensboro, LewGreeas&ofv uiy. liS5 n m a.wpa 5U p m 9.00 n m 11.21 n m 11.55pm 0 oa . e"oury, Charlotte, ' i.uo a m 150 am Nl85 except Sundav Arrive Balelgh llliSw Leave Balegh laslSS . . Arrive GreenTboro 8.g No. eConneots at Sallsbnrv t. onTTTr" ii u a xt. ana at Tharioffa on all pointe ta the SonoTand Soth Une o. oa-connects at Charlotte . ior au pomtB South and SoutheV A B B Auauvxor an points South. C N. W. N. a RAILRQatT Kasr& sotjth. Leave Greensboro, Arrive Kernersvflle. Arrive Satem . . W 85 p a, r w W UAIXII LMI B tla 1 1H ,--.-v a m. GODW KOBTH. No. 51. Dally, No. a Dally. Leave Salem, . ArrrveKernewvlllB. , , Arrive GreetiflBoro-, 6 65 p ml Jan STATE, JTNiyERSXTTRK No.l. Dally ex. Sun. GOIK& NOBTH. Dally Leave ChapefHln Amw Unrveraity- 10.25 a m 11.26 e U.Wjn ft B nn vwpi M1 No.l Dally tx. Sun. GOING SOUTH. Leave 0nlvessitr. v 6.80 p m h Arrive Chapel Hia, 7.81 p mj TO PI- i t- ' . owffAj. oMUkruw uij WITHOUT CHAN61 m pmwkm ..it n . . . " OTcciiBuuro ana Asnevme, luiuugufunmnn oieepers on trains 52 between Washington and Augusta, and Rlc Sk.v.TavlU6' l!?600 and Richmond, Washlngto and New Orleans. ,Srhrocgh tickets on sale at Greensboro, Eai- &Jc,l Charlotte, foraC vvxuw wuta, twuiuwwi, wesi, norm and aft For emlgrantrates to Louisiana, Texas, Arkana 3d VPASen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Ami Richmond. Ta. T. R. MAG I LL WHOLESALE GROCEB AND COMMISSION MERCHANT I Cnor Ct., Cbwrltu. Hoiises Rented. Houses rested and rents ' coaected, in Che dvertlsed free of charge. CEABLOTTE REAL ESTATE AGTWCT. ' .B. S. OOCHBANS. Xacaw WSM. tt--. Trade Street fa7 e Those Whd Tickle (6 S For the next twenty days I will pay 91& eentsM yuuiiu ior GOOD IHIDBIXSQ COTTOJ In payment of debts due me, and If cottM vances I wm advance. When men pay high rates and charge no frefei- vevnue ei weignis. I weigh my goods to you, and you may m your cotton to me, on my scales, which in cf in u&roiina Seal. '";r- ' - - - " r ' B H "W Huntersvllle, N. C, October i, 1885.' ., octadlw- UBS. JOE PERSOS Restores Vital Lost bj Indigestion, Overwork, Worff. Strain, or other causes. It is XVatnre's Great System Rertoval1 AND BLOOD PUEDTEB. SOZA BY ALL DR 8BND TO B. HAKKIiNGTf J. r - FOB - T E Rs PINT, Q OB GALLON. W Va ' en It " t nauj. I ft JO - I- 3.W1 fl vn No. I Daily ex. 8ao, REMEDY M Q Y ,B OCtSd

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