SATURDAY, OCTOBER. 31, 1885: FROM WASHINGTON. DAILY CHARLOTTE r.QBSERTE EUKOrEATi TSEWS., t j .... PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY '.. ; ' ' ' f 4 - CJHAS. B. JONES, Editor and Proprietor rKHTRD AT THK POOTOITICS IN CHAKUDTTB, N. C AS tiJeCOSD CLASS MAXTKS.J . " J CEHEBALM'CLELLAW. -' The death of Gen. . Geo. B. Mc Allan removes a man who , stood in the first rank of this country's dis tinguished and honored sons. " He was one of the few military command- Wrt dnrinff the troubluus times f iwioflrnized the constitution and respected it enough to subordi- nate military to civu jwmmm iHJ ,. it was for this that the Honored; cry M;d QcminRt. him which finally YY OO ACMbu . - resulted in his removal from the command of the army. He was a Democrat, and believed that the war was for the preservation 01 xne U U1UU ttUtl buav "lu"vi - mander of the army, he insisted that this should be kept in view: He re refused to urge a crusade for negroes or cotton, respected the property and rights : of the Southerners agamst whom he fought, and no plunder and no smoking ruins marked the line Of his march. He fought the South, but he fought as a soldier of duty, hon orably and chivalrously with nobit- . terness and no 'enmity :; towards the people whose armies he confronted, and was ever ready to-, recognize the brotherhood and extend the hand of ' fellowship when the fight was over and the battle decided. Had such men as he remained in command of , the armies the outrages and vandal ism that marked the progress of s the armies would never have, been a par f tha historv of that struggle. : - Judge Foraker says in his. speeches that the depression in business is due to the election tf a Democratic Pres ident at the last election, ana cites as proof where some i factories in Ohio "have suspended. ., ; Some oil wejls in Pennsylvania ; hays, also suspended 'because x the flow of oil suspended, which is also, frpnv FbrakeVs logic, to be attributed to the fact that we have a Democratic 'Administration now at Washmgton. . .Foraker must imagine that the people he addresses Vfr trrr "tf nalm off such 'stuff as this on them for sensed 7 . ... . - - : r' r i 4 ,r, - The regular - Democracy scored a virtorv in the municipal election in Baltimore "' Wednesday,. electing Hodges mayor over crown, xu&uvmsb, bj majority, of about 2,000. The cituncil stands thirteen Demo crats to seven fusionists h the first branch and seven Democrats to three fusionists in the second.- - The vote was heavy; footing up ove6p,000. There' are 315,000,000 bread con sumers in Europe. If each one should eat half a bushel more next year than 4 last the difference would -amount to 157,000,000 bushels. If, then, the times of depression in Europe "should pass so that the mass could; afford to eat all they needed, the difference in demand might absorb all our surplus at good prices. ' . Washington city, is now the attrac tive point for bridal couples. The smallpox in Canada keeps them away from Niagara, which has heretofore had a sort of monopoly in the honey moon business, and they now go to Washington. There will be elections in eleven States next Tuesday. In New York, Massachusetts, "Virginia, Mississippi and Iowa governors will be elected, and in the last three, legislatures. The public interest, however, centres on New York and Virginia. ' Paris is a gTeat city. The French, in their pride and admiration, call it the "heart of the world.'; ,: Since 1852 the sum of $373,000,000 has been spent in improving and beautifying this paradise of the Frenchman. . The Canadians- trifle with the smanpox. iecenuy ,in vueoec a ! man was : found driving cart who - lYrji3 in fi Xrttar wVaa 4-Xama w a a fifteen cases of .that disease. Edward Everett, a nephew of the great actor, is now an old, broken ? down tramp," who has i drifted to Wilkesbarre, Pa. Whiskey made a wreck of him, i . ' Fred Ward, of the firm of Grant Ward, on trial in New York for larceny, has been convicted land will g to the penitentiary for ten years. ; The wholesale - druggists , of the United States resolved at their recent meeting to - petition Congress for a repeal of all internal revenue taxes. The tricycle is becoming " popular with the women of New York, many of whom may be seen daily riding them in Central Park. " The Ttlec Question--What 1h Pcesldent9s Order Means. . Washington, D. C, Oct. 30.1 The Star to-night says that it is probable that in the reorganization of the Civil Service Commission, the chief place will be given to Judge Maynard, the present second Comptroller - of the Treasury. It is said at' the the White House today that the vacancies on the Commission will not be filled un til after the President's return r. from Buffalo on Wednesday or Thursday next, ana that - no appointments as Commissioners have as yet been de termmed . on; Second Comptroller Maynard, who has been mentioned as a probable Commissioner, says the office has not been offered him, and he has no aspiration whatever in that direction. . i m . , THE MCE QUESTION SETTLED. . Secretary Manning made a decision today which it is expected will settle the long existing differences between the producers and- importers of rice It is in effect that rice imported: by the Flower Rice Company, of New York, in their steamship, Elbe, June 30, shall be accepted as the standard of assimilated rice flour, dutiable at 20 per cent advance: his standard is taken as the result of a compromise' between the rice growers and brewr ers. f This ruling .will hot apply to cargoes now under ; way. and which may arrive in 1 domestic ports on or before November 20. Such cargoes will be assessed under the old rule. WHAT THE PRESIDENT S ORDER MEANS. It is said at the White House today that the executive order of the Pres ident giving notice'tfeat he will here7 after decline to see all persons seeking official appointments or their advo cates, and limiting to certain hours on, Monday sWednesday8 and Fri days, the time , when he will grant interviews on 'other public matters. does not mean that the appointments are ta bet lessened, but it is intended tnterviewff'with Ihe appointing ; pow er to the proper heads of the departs ments, whose recommendations guid e therfresident m his appointments. Those recommendations, it is said, have inothe past , been 'invariably bbierVed, and interviews with appli cants and their friends have con sumed almost the entire time of . the President l i W'- ," " : : : ' GEN. M'CLELLAI'S FUNERAL. A Plain and Simple Service, With out Military Display. New York, Oct. ? 30. It has , been definitely ari-e nged ; that ' the funeral of jGlen.vMcdellan will take place at ten o'clock ; Monday morning next; from Madison avenue Presbyterian church. In accordance with the re quest of Mrs. McClellan, there will benno military; demonstration, al though all the'; veterans who served under the General have been invited to, the ..funeral. . ,Bev. Dr., Parker will conduct the simple services for the dead, and no eulogy will be pro nounced. The pall bearers selected are Gen. W. S. Hancock, Gen. Joseph E. Johaston, Gen. Martin T. McMa hon, Qen. Fitz John Porter, Gen. W. B. Franklin, W. C. Prime, Hon: H. C. Kelsey, and CoL E. H. Wright, of Newark The interment will take place in the family plot at Trenton on the same day.. Mrs. McClellan has received telegraphic messages of condolence from wen. Joseph E. Johnston, Governor Pattison, of Pennsylvania, W. W. Story, th sculptor, ot Kome, the Marquis de Tonigini, of Italy, and many other distinguished people. tten. Shaler has placed the nrst dis vision of the national guard at the service of Gen. McMahon to . act as military escort, but the offer, in com pliance with Mrs. McClelland wish, was declined with many thanks. Gen. , McMahon came to this city from Orange today, and returned to the McClellan residence this after noon to make further arrangements. The Army of the Potomac will send representatives to the funeral. Dakota's First tejjal Execution. Grand Forks, Dakota, Oct. 30. George Miller was hanged, at Grand Forks this afternoon. This is the first legal execution in North Dakota. On the 25 of January last the- wife and 11 year old son of Rev. C. H. Snell, a Methodist minister, - living six miles from In kster, were murdered by Miller, who was employed ' by Snell to work on his farm. The crime was not discovered until a week later, Snell being absent at Marysville at the time holding revival meetings. In the meantime the murderer -; made good his-- escape. Mrs. Snell was struck on the head with an axe, after which her throat was cut. The boy had been killed ; by a blow with an axe ; Suspicion attached to Miller from the firsthand he was traced, and arrested at ? Anoka, 1 Minnesota, on February 5th. He at once confessed the crime, and later made another confession, in which he implicated a mail carrier. The latter is now awaiting trial for -complicity- in the murder, but no evidence other than Miller's confession has been secured against him. : .: i Scalded by Steam. ' ' New York, Oct, SO ThA atenm drum in Robert Robert's: laundry at zd vy esc zqux street, exploded this mornins. A number of vOiinsr .wo men employed in the laundry were, scalded by escaping steam before mey cuuxu get to ine sireeu. bix gins were taken, to the hospital. more or less badly injured. Schooner Wrecked. ; Oswego, N. Y., October. 30.The schooner George B. Sloan, while at tempting to make harbor during the ssovere gaie last nignt, strucK tne new break water and went to pieces. The cook, Eliza Lacklev.. of Brighton. Canada was drowned. , ' ' t I Tne Stead Abduction: Trial -De Freycinet'sWold!e Assassin Bulgaria in4 SerwUu i ? - Berle?, I Qctober 30.4-Count rHeis bert Bismarck has been appointed Secretary of State, vice Count Von Hatzfelt, who has been appointed Ambassador at London. s s THE STEAD TKHA.L. ... .. London. The trial of. Mr. Stead, editor of the Pall Mall Gazette and the other defendants in the Arm strong abduction case was resumed today at the Central Criminal Court. Justice Lopes replying to a question from the jury as to when the case would end, said thev might as well ask the date of the day of judgment. Mr. Charles Russell, counsel for the defendants, intimated that the de fense would close their side of the case on Wednesday next. Mrs. Re becca Jarrett, one , of the prisoners, then continued her testimony. Mrs. Jarrett v being pressed by Justice Lopes to answer a certain question during; the cross examination, swore that Mrs. Armstrong allowed her daughter to go with her for immoral purposes without having any idea as to what amount of money she would get. She denied , having conducted herself immorally with the" husband of Mrs. Ann Broughton, but admitted having sent him immoral messages. Justice Lopes there cautioned Mrs. Jarret against not answering honest ly. Mrs. Jarrett admitted that her letters contained falsehoods and said Mr. Stead gave : her ten pounds to procure Eliza. She believed . that Lily, of the Pall Mall Gazette's story, was Eliza Armstrong. Mrs. Jarrett is breaking down under the cross ex amination. : . DE FREYCINEt'S WOUXD BE ASSASSIN. 1 Paris. The attempt made yester day to assassinate M. De Freycinet; Minister of foreign affairs, continues to be the uppermost topic of conver sation on the boulevards and in the cafes. The would-be assassin, whose name is Mattei, is now supposed to be a lunatic. , He says he often call ed at the foreign office to see M; De Freycinet to obtain redress for allege ed wrongs,; but was refused an inters view. Several employes at the for eignl office.: confirm this statement. M. De Freycinet is positive that he neyer saw Mattei or heard of his re quest.: ; ' ... 'fi:p '- t; .,: BtTLQARlAN FORCES TAKE " THE FRON- 1 tier. ..; ,;c:J,l::: Nissa. It is ofiicially announced today that the Bulgarian forces have blockaded the frontier, and that the officers have issued orders to the men to.shoot anyone they find crossing from Servia into Bulgaria. Servian troops have been ordered to reply in force in such an event without await ing special orders from the command ing General, or in other words, they have received a carte blanche in the premises. It is stated that bands of Bulgarians have commenced harrass ing the Servian frontier towns. FROM CANADA; Small Pox Ilaragres- What it CostsSnow and Storm. , j Montreal, Canada, October 30. The official returns at the health, office to day show thirty-three deaths,' 7 in Cote, St. Louis, 7 in St. Cone gonde, and 1 in St. Jean Baptiste. There are at present 189 houses on the book of the Isolation committee to be attended to. The heads of the Isolation department say there is urgent necessity for hospital accom dations for 1,500 patients immediate ly. The chairman of the civic finance committee says that before Spring, the city will be more than $500,000 in debt on account of the smallpox epi demic. It is said that in one street in St. Conegonde there is a case of smallpox for every house on the street. It has been ano wing steadily here all day. The wind storm last night, played havoc among the shipping in port, several vessels being more or less damaged, and one large one be ing sunk. . Dr. Schweninger, the physician who prescribed for Bismarck's exces sive obesity say s fish diet is the thing io reauce neavy weignts. k Don't disgust everybody by hawking, blowing and spitting, but use Dr, Sage's Catarrh Remedy and be cured. - oct28wedsat4w. T( ) THE : roDiic. The large stock of HARDWARE we have on hand must be sold before the first of the year. We are now agents for the Llddell - - y - Boss Press And the Llddell Patent Saw Mill, both of wbicH r e celved high prizes at the World's Exposition. v Llddell & Jo. are giving their entire attention to manufacturing their Presses and Saw Mills, while their agents sell their machinery. We are now selling . ' . - r " ' FIRE PROOF SAFES, ENGINES, PLANING MA . CHINES, CANE ; AND FLOUR MILLS, . And all kinds of Machinery, and must therefore close out all of our Hardware, which Includes PlOWS, AXES, TOOLS, KNIVES, GUNS, ' And other articles too numerous to enumerate. We promise to sell Hardware lower than any firm In Charlotte, for it must be sold. .Remember that and call upon us. Brem & McDowell, To the Public. . ROCK ISLAND MILLS, on the Catawba River, are filled with improved machJnery.all new and pronounced by competent mechanics the most per fect mill In this part of the State.. , , Send In your grain, Satisfaction guaranteed. aug27wtf W. J. McCALL, Manager. WW AT. THE - CHARLOTTE WAREHOUSE. . If you wish to store your cotton this 4s on.of the best and most convenient warehouses in tne wiy, For terms, apply to - SPRINGS & BUR WELL, or i R. A. LEE & CO. y -:oi Bagging and Ties, 20,COO Yards Dundee Bagging. - 600 Bundles Delta Ties at SPRINGS & EURWELL'S. -:o: JANUARY 1st, 1886, We will move to the large and convenient store CORNER COLLEGE and FOURTH STS , Where we will be pleased to see our old friends and hope to make many new ones. In the mean time we are at the old stand with a large stock of G rocericsi snd Pro visions Which we are anxious to sell for CASH or Its EQUIVALENT. Come and flee us. . SPRINGS & BUR WELL. i f -:o: owe'ns anytbing- WE WANT IT. 1 " i'A SPRINGS A BURWELL. oct29dlt&wlm. DRUNKENNESS - Instantly. Cured. , Dr. Haines' GOLDEN SPECIFIC Instantly' de stroys all appetite for alcoholic liquors. : It can be secretly administered in coffee, tea. or any article of food, even In liquor Itself, with neve '-falling re suits. Thousands of the worst drunkards have been cured, who to day believe they quit drinking of their own free wllL Endorsed by everybody who knowa of Its virtues but saloon keepers. Send for pamphlet containing hundreds of testimonials from the best women and men from - all parts of the country. Address in confidence, GOLDEN 8PECIFICC0..185 BaceSt.,Cincinnati,0. oct22w6m PUBLIC SALE. On the 12th day of November, 1885, 1 will offer at Public Sale at mi residence two miles from Plne vllle, N. C , on the road leading from Charlotte to Fort Mill, my plantation containing 206 acres, all good land and well watered. On the premises is a good dwelling house, barn and all necessary oat buildings Also, at the same time, I will sell one eight-horse engine, two gins and one thresher, one McCormlck harvester and twine binder, one two-horse cultivator plow, two wagons, one buggy and all other farming utensils. - Also, three large mules, one mare, one milk cow, a lot ot roughness and household and kitchen furniture. oct22w3t 8. W. BURNS, C00KST0YES ALWAYS SATISFACTORY EIGHTEEN SIZES AHD KINDS ALL PURCHASERS CAN BE SUITED MANUFACTURED BT Isaac A.Sheppard & Co. .Baltimore, M . AND FOB SALE BY v E ASTON & McC AUSL AND Charlotte, N. C. Junellwly JOHN GALDER DEALER K? CONFECTIONS, . . TOBACCOS, CIGARS, Etc. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOB Gountry Produce. Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, opposite Metho dist church, Charlotte, N. a ' JulylS ONE BLIJNIREI OF THE ; Celebrated Old" Hickory Wagons Bought and .for sale by us. 'They are the best JSf0 world and will be sold as low as to nor wagons are oflered Do not buy without see- 1H US sep3w3m BROWN, VEDDINGTON & CO. F. l. OSBORNE. W. C. MAXWELL Osborne & Maxwell, ATTORBEYB AT XjAXV, 1 " CHARLOTTE, N. C. July 1st, 1885. EICEMOR Choice Family Grocer 6mw4d GIVEN AWAY. L. (S B. a II. 1, S ATANNAir. GA. flhe great Music House of the South, has remov es to a Magnificent New Store (the Largest Music Temple In the IT. S ) and as a souvenir of. this Im portant era In their business, and also as an ad vertisement which will tell from the Potomac to the R!o Grande, they are actually giving away val uable Gold Watches. 1 Doubt not this statement. ; It is a fact.1 ' It's a Wholesale House, and they do things In a whole sale way. Read this startling ' SOUVENIR OFFER -TO- PIA'N 0-B U VERS. To every Cash Purchaser of a Piano between November lst and De cember 1st, tl$85f from us direct, or through any ofr our Ten Branch Houses or 200 Agencies, we will pre sent as a Complimentary Souvenir an elegantvt. i . , GOLD WATCH. Ouaranteed 'Solid Gold Case, and fine movement.' Sold by jewelers at $40 to 50. ThB Offer Good only Until DeT cember 1, '85. Pianos at Lowest Cash Prices known, with Com plete Outfits, and Aix Freight Paid. Every thing fair and square, and full satisfaction guar anteed. " Send your name and address for circular giving fuQ particulars. This Is the one chance of a life time, which should not be missed, Don't wait. The offer expires December 1st, and cannot be re newed. Address Lndden & Bates, Southern Mk House, ALTMITER'S NEW BLOCK, SAVANNAH, 6 A. CA3P5TAX PRIZE' $75,000. A Tickets 0ly $S. Shares Im Rro- portion Louisiana State Lotter? "We do hereby certify that toe super' vise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi-Annual Drawings of the Louis iana State Lottery Company, andin per son manage and control the Drawings themselves, and that the same are con ducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and toe authorize the company to use this certifi cate, with fac simUies of our signatures attached in its advertisements. " Commissioners. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D.. 1879. ; The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR TUNE. Eleventh Grand Drawing. Class L in the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, No vember 10, 1885, 186th Monthly Dratring ' & CAPITAL PBIZE, $75,000. d 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Fractions In ' Fifths in proportion. - list of Prizes; 1 CAPITAL PRIZE...... ...... .......... $75,000 ' 1 do do 25,000 do do ...10,000 2 PRIZES Of $6,000...... 12.000 ,5 do- 2,000.. 10,000 io do logo....... ::::: iB 20 do , 500......... 10 000 100 . do , 200. ..Il; 20 000 800 do. loo..;...........::::: soooo 500 do - 5a... ................ 25.000 4000 . do . - 25.......... I 25,000 ' . APFEOHMATION PRIZES. 9 Approtlmatlon Prizes of $750.... .... 6,750 -9 do . do 600 ; 4,600 9 do do 250........ 250 1967 Prizes, amounting to.........:.... $265 600 - Application for rates to clubs should beaade only to the office of the company In New Orleans. For further Information write clearly, giving fuD address.- Postal Notes, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange In ordinary letter. Currency by Express (all sums of $5 and upwards at bur ex pense) addressed; - M. A. DAUPHIN, 'Um. New Orleans, La.. Or M. A. DAUPHIN, - Washington, D. 0. Make P.O. Money Orders payable and address Registered Letters to - - . NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, ' ; ,r ' , . New Orleans, La. LOUISIANA NATIONAL BANS. - ' New Orleans, La., STATE NATIONAL BANK, . New Orleans, La., GERMaNIA NATIONAL BANK, - , .",f, , - v v New Orleans, La 1 s MenThink they know all about Mustang Tjn. iment. Few do. Not to W not to have. ls DAUCItY & CO, 27 Park Place land 24-26 Muiay St. np-v Mafc lowest rates on all newspaDers tJZ ork- and Canada. Estahlished 1867 - -the U.8 To those whose purpose may be awvm. . a short iidvertlsement. or bTa toffiKhw P0PUL6R LOCa LISTS- seSS17 papers, ELEVEN MILLION COPIEsT Send for new Catalogue Just out. ParttP ' templat'ug a line ot advertising, laree m, are requested to send for estlmateof w& name this paper. : , , pleaj6 inn En OF THE PUBLIC Is respectfully called to our specialties in COTTON FLANNEL & DRILL DRAWEES , For' which we take meas ures and make . ;'"Siuij.i ...... Guaranteeing a fit at the following . exceedingly low prices: Heavy Brown Drill 33c Cotton Flannel SOc Extra . " ' ise JOHN BBOOBFIELD, Agt. o- We have now In stock a full line of heavy and fancy Groceries, such as CANNED FEUITS, MEATS and VEGETABLES, Pickles of every Variety, MACCARONI and VERMICELLI, HOLLAND HERRING, and CODFISH. Ferris9 Pig Hams and B. Bacon. MABROW, LIMA, KIDNEY, PEA BEAN8 an ENGLISH SPLIT PEAS, CHOCOLATE. CO COA. BR IMA, PRUNES, PBUNETTES, JIGS, LONDON LAYER and SEED LESS RAISINS, CRANBERRIES, BANANAS, ORANGES, LEM ONS and MALAGA GRAPES. BICE, GRITS, HOMINY. OAT HEAL, RYE AND GRAHAM FLOUR. coffee:, syrup, sugar, molasses, Edom, Pineapple and Cream Cheese. BARNETT & ALEXANDER'S. . i' - . Free delivery. Telephone call 81 , 1W REM The largest and most complete stock of .... mils TO Ill mm. The Finest Patent on nil ii To be found in the State. Also full lines of WOOL YARNS, ZEPHYR, : v HOSIERY, 'gloves, CORSETS, , ' . COLLARS, , ,. LACES, . , NECKWEAR, -HANDECHIEFS, Jerseys, Notions and Fancy Gkxxis of all kinds for Ladies', Misses' and Children. " All fresh and new at tne very lowest Cash Prices. Respectfully, , ; C M. QUERY.

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