DAILY CHAKLOTTE 1 OBSERVER SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1885. Clnaaclal. TROUBLES. n.vioiHnen4 Follo-wini? Mrk Twain's Nomination for core0 r t Twain in Albany Ariua. , . w montbs ago I was nominated Jfovernor of the reat State of or gvnrk to run against Mr. John Ne? ith and Mr. Blank J. Blank; on T. ppyL,iient ticket. ; I somehow ffhatl bad one prominent advan- 1 nver these gentlemen, ana nas tKe character. It was easy vA tViA newspapers that if ever t?9 "a known what It was to bear my party said it would be political iut me iu remain , ; enent An v longer.? The following Arm NKW tort. one of the papers the very Wt dav: tSSKJifSJSSF JS3L : Kmrmninrrn aT . ' ff . ' n.. . -w--r """" xxa.ji. iu. axu. Alio maepena- ! "ernment8- buh ana strong; roar per cents, ent candidate still maintains silence I hL235 Uuees 123 s6 onda very dull ana aSion f" T3' na-Clai.2 to 5.:.: ...95 accusation against him has been am- " aaMB,itw........;. .. loT piy proved, and they have been in- (ZSttvl-zzziX vT ' dorsed and; reindorsed by his own Kcaj.:"::;;; cioqueni suence tiu at this day - -J imfi. lUiAli ULUO ucma ftvuo w. r ioin that m these latter ft had become familiar with yor of shameful crimes. But ; thTvery moment that I was ex t..1 advantage and enjoying it . Sret there was ft muddy under flfTof discomfort "riling" the ?uri: mv happiness, and that was thehavingmy name handled about 7 r ,-Uor connection fim bucu 111 1ST T grew more and more dis EE' Anally I wrote my grand kUi:C hnut it. Her answer came .nick and snarp have She said : never aone one smgie Sab treasury currency SMS.WKJ; he nuruiuaroiinae fl.ex. inx..........i.i 8tands forever mni. T 9JwPa'TmB5K.-.- v vvu i uuv& ulaju i aoni.li lamiink HHMIII f vinuM tne infamous Periurer !. trm Mnntana Tennessee 6's-.- ...! Thief 1 the Body Snateher! thA nAlinV iHS?6'8---:- um Tremens! the Filthy corruption- Chesapeake and bio:::::::;::.:;::::;::: 1HH Van you give your honest VOtes wonnwesiern.. to H'nmfaiM o-M i-.-: Vif?u.Bn" orxawesiern,oreierrea...... , . " , . "w. aw uwu uiu uis i uenverana itiofrranae. ...... ....... mouth in denial-df any of his hideous crimes? . . L . : . There was no possible way of get Srte...... East Tennessee. lake snore. i . . . . Louisville and Nashville. . 10 62 . 40 48 9 1.10 1.85 18 Dr. 0QU1D3'S8OLUTIOM Muriate Cocoalne, Hick's Patent Fever Thermom eters (regisiers warranted), and a line stock Hypodermic Syringes, at B. H. JORDAN ft CD'S.; Druggist. 4 . . r-. . . . We tove now the largest and most complete stock that we have evercSr Eastman's Genuine Lettuce, white Almond, and f ered to the Trade, comprising of all the latest styles of ' X I ' v ! Flower's Toilet bo? worth 25c per cake lor 10a., a K. U. JOBDAM W ii., . - -!,:. SoTtass' Corner. Gnutolar CfTervescent Citrate i Momnhla anil p1wm1a(l4jmi - yiu out 01 n ana so m deep humU MobuSor" lation i set about preparing to "an- Nashville and caiattanoo"..!".!!!! swer" a . mass k of baseless chkrmn H P16?8 pacific. 1st. , I .. ... - . cs auu mean ana wictflrt faisoivwia But I :c never . finished i th ta1r' for the very next moraine a " paper came out with a new horrors charer ing me with burning a lunatic asy lum, with all its inmates, because it obstructed the view from my house. This threw me into a sort of panic. Then, the principal Republican jour nal "convicted" me of whoisalA New York Central... Norfolk and Western Dref erred.. Northern Pacific common. .......... normern Jacinc preierrea yp&clflc Mall.... v.... . Meaning... .,. Richmond and Aieghany.. Richmond and Danville... i. Richmond and West Point Terminal. ....... Rock Island......... 8t. Paul.. .... .... ...v .. ... .... .... St. Paul preferred....,....,., Texas Pacific..;. . union racinc. . . t . . . waDasn pacinc... 81 441,4 14 45 ConTenlent and eeenemlcaL For sale by ft '- r. 11 ;ff -:ff. H-J0RDAN CO., Druggists. EAGLE MD SWISS DSATVOS Condensed MBk. ! Frh stock at i F i Vfl f , n ( B, H. JOBDAN A COa, Druggists. iii),Lru1'i.li-n-i tax ge: . FEB. GOAT AND KID BUTTON SHOES in all grades. ITS :-: BOYS :-: AND s-s YOUTHS 4 , i i 'j ,V-BIACISl'.JBIfAaiBl4 , For makfne Grates or Iron of anv kind look new. Walnut, Cherry, Mahogony and Brown Stains for noors,ai - . - .,.-.? ,-. . v B. H. JOBDAN ft CO.'S, ":XV'. - v-'lvVi:.? .;j Springs' Corner. ' 4 474 ; 1.23 88 1.134 ......... . - . - i nauu rjHsiuo..... ........................ . bribery, and of poisoning my uncle wabashPaemA preferred............. HI fPX ni9 nrOTWrt with on rnnawi "wwmtuiuu. ;r : .t: i bw. tLastwo. 8ouered. usked.iKx.Dit. i u uuuiouu buck VI bUO glava BUUU1U.VQ opened. This drove me to the verge of destraction. On top of this I was accused of .employing toothless and incompetent old relatives to prepare the food for the foundling hospital when I was warden. , Truly yours, once a decent man,; ;. i Mark Twain HEAVY RAINS. 1L.C; in all 'your life to oe asnamea nfZnot one. Look at the newspa JLilook at them and comprehend 2t sort of characters ;Smith: and IrrX crft and then eee if you are "Zu lower yourself to their ,w flnter a public contest with Bat I could not recede. I was fully ,utwi and must go on with the flXt As I was looking listlessly 'over the papers at breakfast r came across this paragraph, and -1 may truly say I never was so confounded, hpf ore : ' " " DwoTTTTJV.- Perhaps" nowC that jLr. Mark Twain is before the people as a rornnl' VlA will Yn canaiaawj - r J Annan I tn ftTT)lain now ne came to r vnvict6u 01 perjurj ujf v j wui vauu vi vuo xwuuuiuuu u xxuegua witnesses in Wakawak, Cochin Chi ny railroad. The trestle at South na in 1863, the intent oh which, per- river, five miles east pf Lexingtpn, 5urv being to rob a poor na"tive wid- was washed away ahd a mixed train VtZiA hlr heloless family of a mea on thA!leghany road wrecked." Enl ere Dlantain patch; their only stay gineer Williams and the fireman are and support in their bereavement and missings andare believed to be killed, desolation. Mr; Twain owes1 it' to A41 Hh passenger re safe. The himself, as well a to the great people Shenandoah Valley train is in trouble u ffj-atrM hA asks, to clear this about the same Doint.,.-.. ,...-.-... eriff bound passengsr train On.' the branch of the Richmorid-& : Allegha nv railroad which connects with the 7 Cotton.' xvxstoh Easy ; middling 9 1-16: net reoelpli 4,3V: gross 4.37: sales 1,446: stock o,47&; exooru coastwise to Great Britain -r : continent Sweeplnic Torrents and Railroad Accidents. RiCHMbND,!; Va., ' pet. fidtf. The heavy rain during the past twenty four hours has caused the greatest flood kno wn in the past five years on the western end and Lexington matter up. Uine "" uV I thought I should, burst with amazement. Such a cruel, heartless I never naa seen vyocmu rak. I dont know a plantain patch Rockbridge county', upon reaching February.. from a kangaroo. I was crazed ana hpMess. 1 let the day slip away rirtiAnt doincr anvthinc at all. NoBKOJs Quiet; middling 9 3-16i net rreoelpts 03U; gross tell; stock 23,441; sales - ; exports eoMtwu-: Great Britain . . - vw n 1UU UUUUllUg UU VWMJ 767, gross 767; ; sales r: stock 11,900; exports coastwise 4900: Great Britain 8avashah Ouiet; middling 8 16-16; net receipt m; gross 7i; sales iuu; stock ya,KS3; expoiis eoamwise ; to conunent ; ureas tsmn France . i . .. ' .. - - Nsw- OKLKAits-Weak; middling 9 1-16; net re rerelpu &866: . gross 9.803: sales 6000; stock 147.360? exports coastwise i ' to Great Britain - r: Franoe continent . - MoBrut-Qulet; middlitig1 8 15 16: net receipts 1367, gross 1J: sales 500;., stock 17,918; exports oofwtwis . Great Britain f-"- ; Hkhfbts Weak; middling 9; receipts 8616 shipments 2206; sales 8000? itock 61,606. .'-: AUQD8TA DuU; middling 8 15-16; receipts 1257 shlDments: sales 645. -r.i .v.. 4584; gross 4584; sales 400, stock 77602; exports to foontinent rrrl . eoastwise,. --fGre$ Britain tNrw Yqbk Oalet: sales 236: middling uplands 9c; Orleans 9 I3-16c; consolidated net receipt 25.237; exports to reat Britain, 17.13 to Itanoe 9651: continent 7.160. :;;.-i V' Futures... . . . Nww York Net receipts F6; " gross 7,108. tutures closed steady; sales 134,400 oaies. r . September. M r. ....... , .. . ...... ... NOTemotf... .. . . . . l j.. . rf u .. 9.38 .39 December................................ 9.439.44 Gei FINE CALF LAGS BALMOSAL3, CONGRESS AND BUTTON GATTKIS. ts line calf boots and heavy 8hbes76f all UIUUOI . ' 4 Oenubie Imported ' Castile Soap Green. White. Blue and Brown mottled, in bars or cakes, at 4. n. jokdan & CO a., Druggists. Gronnd), 10c. per box, also a large stock of select Spices of all kinds at U. U. JUUDAN A GO'S., Springs Corner. The sale of KANGAROO CIGARS increases dally It 18 beyond question the best 5 cent Cigar sold. R. H. JORDMI & CO., J ! Springs' Corner. ; Druggists. Travel K n Bags, Xii n ks; Rubbeietc. f GHcerole Polish for fine shoes, acknoweldged the' beat preseiviDg leatner yet mtroaucea 10 xne iraae. : TVJE ARE ; HIETJERICTNISJ i To keep uipv reputation for good goods and low prices , Give us a can, , Trade .Street, en lining. Csntnl Cfitel GRAY & CO. ELI AS Condensed Tke .Table, No. i GAPS FXAB AND YADKIN Y ALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY. 1 To take effect at a."i in., Monday, Jama 22nd , . ; -: ? ---r 1885. - , . v v ' 1 " 1 ,l, r E3a?e JbsU; TRAIN NORTH.,, Som of the-Handsomest Patterns Irf BennettBTlIld. suoe nwi.?....,. ...... Fayettevil1e....i. ,-...,w.' Sanford. Ore Hill.'..4....;...;.... Liberty ......... i..... Greensboro...... .... .... 9.30 a. m. 12.15 p.m. 8.00 c 4.26 ' i 20 minutes: at FayettevUle" for dinner., ASBITB. v-aoovm.' T7T TRAIN SOUTH J V ( ( if- . ' r, ' Greensboro ..v;;. . :i . . Liberty........... Ore Hill.......; .... !U. yayetteyflle.....;.. uuw uwyi . .. .j.. ... ..... BennettBTitle.. .i..5. ' ABBIYS. t luo'B . L...J f 'nr.Wn fnflin wtm tVtia Hr o! D.lnAniT Valla I. J -t ..- . . i" 1 never uau uoawvM t ii.ar .io.ujr,ul4-Awjr i January.. v.iucc.oo the trestle work at South river, was The M next morning tne same paper uu this-nothingmore: - fimsin'ifiANT.-Mr. lwain. it wm ue 9.6304 March. ............. .. .... 9749.75 DreciDitated through the trestle into April .................. 9.86a.87i the river,'? which was much swollen ito.v;i.a.l..V:.?..-.;.;i;.:;;.i.;,;i iJmw bv the recent heaw rains. The onlv t June..M.. . ...u...... 10.oea.09 particulars ' of the accident are that July..... ....,....v...... 10.17O.19 theentire train fell into the river and August..... iaa.37 lLOOa. m. 11.55 ,10 p. m.1 J3l 6.25 8.15 nominates for dinner tSanford.; w Jiro. M. Rosa, Gen'lPass." Agent o f1 may8dtf , , , , . : USAYX. Jj . .... v. 1 ( ' CALL AND Mai 9.50 a.nuv ll.0f, 1.40 p. 4.0O 64 , . and 3ftUS8tO CA?2TI C Ever shown in this i City. - A H3 VTTT A TTYfiCi TTHTTkT"n T I T f f Trt TT1T nntTTTrmv XV JL lxVXUTCi J.O OfiUliyADJ OUIJUVUr JkUOJVT AlJUJuW T 4 ' V .1- f , CDdDJM'cDfflio' B UR WHOLES ALB AND BSTAIL NIOHOLSv observed, is suggestively sileht about conductor Whittaker, of Richmond, the Cochm Chma perjury.- . Mem. During the rest of the cam - paign this paper never referred to me m any other way than ."the in fimnna iwinrpr Twain."! Next came the Gazette, with this: Wanted to Know. Will the new candidate for Governor design to ex plain to certain of his fellow-citizens the little circumstances, of .his cabin mates in Montana losing small valua bles from time to time, until at last, "trunk" Hdverpool Cottom BXarlcet. . ; LTVERFoaL. Oct. 30. Dull, prices generallr in buyers' favor; middling uplands 6J4d; Orleans 6d, sales 7,000; speculation and exports 500; receipts 17..000: American, 13.800. Futures auU at, a de cline. ' ' t . - ' Uplands low middling clause, October delivery! 5 11-64S5 10 84d. October and November 5 9f4d. p , . November and December 5964d. December and January 5 ll-64d. January and February 5 ll-4d. February and March 5' 14 64. i , , March and Ami! 5 17-640. Sales for the week 39,000; American 30,000: speo-; rSL v.of qi id aoir iOL uiauon ouu; export 4.uuu; actual export o,uu; re Chronicle says that 91 is asfeea. cure- cel Amenta 54.000; stock 866.000; Amer- uuu. tow mlo i (sellers.) October and November 6 9-64d. (sellers.) . ; , ovember and December 5 9 64d, (sellers.) engineer John Williams, of Lexing- ton. and a fireman Richard ' Tyree, of this " city, were killed;- The tele graph lines are down and particulars cannot be bad. Worth Carolina Bonds. Balelga News and Observer. Last week 10,000 North Carolina 4 1 car cent bond sold in New York at 1 901. and the New Yof IrHFinancial ft' Sk -A- M 3 1 CD GQ to things having bn invariably 'j.f" 8 SiSXISrirM1 found onMr. Twain's person or m his is rising to its proper point. o,ne 4 clause October delivery 5 ll-64d. (sei he rolieu nis great uiduuqi ui iuuucjr jyu ucyuwii.iii mewsDaoer traps in;, mey ieiu wujiicucu Ii. 1 u TTj r.iYui;oV,i k December and January b 94daseners.) s , him a friendlv 1 admonition for his the front bohds of established ehar- January and February 6 n-64d,(seUers.) own good, andysotarredand feather- fladv ' gKaprM litT ' ed him and rode him on a rail out of for the payment of the interest ,ana Apm and May 5 21 64d, (sellers.) - ( camp. Will he do this? .-. Could anything be more deliberate ly malicious than this? tfor I never was in Montana m mjKlife. After this, this journal continu ously spoke of me. as "Twain, the Montana Thief." I got to picking up papers appres hensively much as one would lift a desired bUinket which he had some idea might have a rattlesnake under it. One day this met my eye: v The Lie Nailed By the sworn affidavit of Michael O Flanagan; Esq., and Mr. Snub Raff erty and Mr. Catty Mulligan, it is established that Mr. Mark Twain's vile statement that the lamented grandfather of ., our noble standard bearer, Blank J. Blank, wts hanged for highway robbery, is a brutal and gratuitous lie, without a shadow of foundation in tact. And yet I can lay my hand on the Book and eay I never slandered Mr. Blank's grandfather. - More,; I had never even heard of him or mentions ed him up to date. v I will state, in passing, thaOhe journal above quoted from always referred. to me afterward as ''Twain, the Body Snateher." The next newspaper article that at tracted my attention was the follow ing: . , f'--- A Sweet Candidate. Mark Twain who was to .make such . a blighting speech at the mass meeting last night didn't come to time. A telegram from his physician stated that he had been knocked down by a runaway team and had his leg broken in two places sufferer lying in great agony and so forth, and so forth, and a lot more bosh of the same sort. And the independents tried hard to swallow principal of our bonds is largely in excess of the - absolute requirement,. these bonas are attracting aroenuon and will sooner or later reach par. They are really as safe as the Gov -ernment 4's that command 24 per cent premium. , piLfisr. a sure cure for Blind. Bleeding, Itching and Ul cerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams, (au Indian Remedy), called Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Olntmeht. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or 30 years standing. No one suffer five minutes after apply) ne jliis wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions and instruments do more harm than good. Williams' Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching, (particularly at night after getting warm in bed,) acts as a ix ultlce, gives instant relief, and is pre pared oa' 'or Piles, itching of private parts, and fornothl else. Price SO cents. T. C. Smith Co., seen 2ldeod4wly Positive Cure for Piles. Tn tti neonle of this county we would say we have been given the agency ef Dr. Marchlsl's Italian Pile Ointment emphatically guaranteed to cure or money refunded internal, external, blind, bleed ing or itching piles. , Price 60c a box.- No cure, no r Or Sale VJ JU, a. wruswii, ungmw naiiviLwa, May and June 5 24-64d. (buyers.) Kuturea dull but st adv. ' 6 P. m. Uplands low middling clause October delivery 6 10-6M, (sellers). - October and November 6 &-64d, (buyers.) , , November and December 6 8-64d (buyers.) December and January 6 8-64t. (buyers.) , i January and February 5 l(M4d, (buyers.) February and March 5 14-64d, (sellers.) March and April 6 17-64d, (sellers ) . . : . April and May 5 2tV64d, (buyers.) May ahd June 5 514 64d, (value.) , Futures closed julet but steady. a m' !""' City CottOM Kiarites Ofiici oi the Obsxbtsb, Chaklottk, N. C October 81. WB5. The city cotton market yesterday closed Quiet and easy at the following Quotations: Middling Fair.... v... 9 5 16 Strict Good Middling...... ....... 93-16! Good middling , 9 Middling.......... g Strlftt Low Middling 85 Txjw Mlddllne.. 8 Tinges.... ..-....... 8 Middling Stains....... 8 Lower grades.. ' vs;oi4 BecelDts yesterday.................. 244 5 P. a g 5 H a o . H o CD ' OQ Si 6' ft. H3" w a n O 33 m z o o o p r i o c w H ft i . CO.- o m M M o TTTESTEIWfi NORTH C'ARO W WJLTXA. H. It. CO. General Passenger Office, ) . Salisburt, N. C, Sept 5, load. ) On and after the 6th Inst., the following schedule will be operated by this company: in "5 ill c ts U i IXK!(K gessv. m. : mm immm "0. MK.EM.i f1" feini BEDDING, &C. A full line Of CHEAP BEDSTEAD, LOUNGES, Parlor and Cliamber Suits, Cof fins of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trade Street, Charlotte, North Carolina. WE HAVE THE; FINEST STOOK Oil MAIN LINE WEST. STATIONS. tTraln No 1. N.C 2ulyl7eedly. STOP THAT COUGH By using Dr. Vrazier's Throat and Lung Balsam -the only cure for coughs, colds, hoarseness and sore throat, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Do not neglect a cough. It may prove fataL Scores and nunoreas oi peopie owe men ItTesto Dr. Frazier's Throat and Lung Balsam; and no family will ever be without it after once using it, and discovering us marvelous power, n is Dut up in large family bottles, and sold for the email price of 50 cents a bottle. Sold by T. C. Smith a Co. fehZideodAwlv 04CKET8 ItV TELKKAJrii OCTOBEB 30, 1885. CTTY PRODUCE KUlRKBTi Eeported by T. B. magill. 1 OCTOBEB 28, 1885. At. I Lv. Train No. 8. Ar. Lv. SBREAI), CAKES, ' CEACKEES, ROLLS, i ' PIES, CANDIES. FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, CHESTNUTS, SUGARS, , . COFFEES, SPICES, ' PICKLES, - V , CAN'D GOODSJ ! - CASKETS OF ALL ILIADS WD 8I2ES. MAYER & ROSS o i v-1 Corn per bushel... esa)7U Meal per busnei.... taaw whAnt Ttcr hiishel... 1.00 Peanuts per busheL .1.20&1.30 j Flour-Family..... 2.80ffi2.35 Extra........ ....a.aoiTa.3u Super. .1200)255 Peas Clay, per ousnei... lmvpuw Mixed.......:.... i.iutri.iD Oats Rhelled.. Dried Fruit Apples, per lb , eaches, Deeled...... . unpeeled Blackberries Potatoes Sweet............. ,insn Cabbage, per pound. Onions, per bushel ....... RMtnmi.Tier Dound. ...... Tallow. Der Dound.... ' , IQTlk Butter, per pound..... .... .... .... J825 45150 Sb4 60)1 84 435 400)45 7075 75ff,80 240)25 Salisbury, Statesvuie, Newton, Hickory. Icard. Morganton, . Marlon, Old Fort, Bound Knob, Black Mountain, . Coopers, Spartanburg Junetn, Asnevme, Alexander's, Marshall, Barnards, ' Warm Springs, 3.43 409 4.40 6.16 6.33 7.13 7.81 8.42 &6t 921 9.39 10.12 10.48 11.12 11.45 1.25 62.35 3.44 4.10 4.41 5 16 6.33 7.14 8.01 a43! ' 8.561 9.21 9.39 10.18 10.49 A. Al. 7.541 10.02 11.07 12 20 1.05 1 2.59 3.49 5.17 h.28 6.45 657 A.M. 6.30 8.14 10.071 11.35 i 12.25 1.25 2 59 S.56 6.18 6.061 &47! P. M. HAHAN'S WALKINGFA8T. M1 WHAT IHEI SAT ABOUT TSS ' . SET A TsT-A-SiT SHOB- MATN LINE EAST. Stations. Train No. 2 At. Lv. Train No. 4 Ar. Lv. igs, per uuwu..,,. .... ... Cklckenfl... ......... ...... Ducks. k i wheat Houtnern u.wu.-. .-- - - r- .osn.. amber 9orzSl.uu; o jumjuuiu "aw, v. ; Astern wtoter red spot 90 bid. Com-Southeni steady: western auiij-oouuieni wmw uiu uuluuv, new 6052, yellow old 53; new 603551. - CHlCAGO.-nour uncnangeu. w u "P"' "vracu liaiAc under yesterday: ucxoDer buu aurauwr K4wrxoum; uectjuiotsr ooaore " uiwu Wmvm t ................. Beef, per pound, net. Mutton, per pound, net.... , Pork, per pouna, net.... Wool, wasnea..... , v unwashed.... ...... Feathers, new............ Bags. per pound. , BAI.IIMOKB Noon-Flour easy and quiet; Howard Street and Western Superfine $3.00$3.50: Extra wamiiv . 4.5O0)t5.oO; City t Mills the wretched subterfuge and pretend super uPssiBSSSSL J?2S22! y.:Dp::::::::::::::::::::n: wiau mey am not Know wnai wtw iuo real reason of the absence of the Abandoned creature whom they, de nominated their standard bearer. ; A certain man was seen to reel into Mr. Twain's hotel last night in a state of beastly intoxication. It is the im- perative duty ir., m . - , ttt , iu. -ei. iaai .i5ffi48.25: November tis-nvsu) marKXwain nimseii. vyenaye iuvui Jnri8i5a$8;27W. Lard-quietbt at last. Thl8 18 a case that admits OI Sm,: eash $5.85; October $5.821a$5 85 no shirking. The voice of the people ber SL JTl demands-in thunder tones: ( Who was f honiders 3.4oai3 50; short nb sides $4.80 that man? " - - - ra4-82iA. short clear sides $5.1pa$5.i5 Three long years had passed over my head since I had tasted ale, beer, wme, or liquor or any kind. . ;' . . Naval Stores Line same lournal immediately dubbed me Mr. Delirium Tremens I Twain.! . . m By this time there had grown to be 190)20 15ffl25 25&3Q 8ffl 85O40 70)8 78 - 71 18 45fff50 D ... i nih Ami -f lArnrwr i l iaq: iiuiciuugi ua'mu;unH of the independents w j "rsfiS36 oats-duu; cash25a25; Vuwarvtforl Krnfn nrna Tint wmha, 'ALft.'&Ua. MfiSS DOrK QUiet Put AODrn. i $5 H53t5 871A. fair demand; dry firm at U.1&. tJUgars-Hiri ! lated 6c; Standard A 6ft. . cut Whiskey I loal 7; granu- such a clamor for, an "answer" to all the dreadful charges that were laid to me that the editors and leaders of .' wrunseros Turpentine quiet; strained ru; gwu m at. i 25! crude tui tl 00: yellow dip and virgin i 1.50. 7 a v attwak Turpentine firm t dullat$l,05a$110. . n ' . CHAiisroN -Tuirenttneflrm at steadytsined 85; good strained 90. firm at ' 33. Bosln i strained 85. Tar ! turpentine steady; hard j at S3. S3. Bosln Bosln Many a '.Lady is beautiful, all but her, skin and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. ' Beauty on ; the - skin is Magnolia! Balm. V . Warm Springs, Barnards, Marshall, r Alexander's, " ( Asheville. , Spartanburg Junetn. coopers, Black Mountain. . Bound JanoD. Old Fort, Marlon, Morganton, , Icard, Hickory, Newton, Statesville, Salisbury, P. M 3.50 4.11 4.4 5.22 5.41 6.06 6.19 7.07 7.42 8.12 9.101 9.38 10.04 10.33 11.29 12.80 3.15 8.50 4.12 4.49 5 82 6 41 606 6.20! 7.27 .7.42 8-12 910 9.38 10.06 10.33 11.30 A.M. P.M. 7.07 7.55 8.20 10.23 11.85 - 1.09 2.17 2.57 4.00 5.80 7.30! Nos. 81 ft 82 Park row, 1 ! . Hew York. Sept. 23, 1885. J DCESSBa. SOGEBS, MET CO. Gentlemen j Having: noticed la thla moralngr'a i buh your advertisement concerning me jianan'a satiafaction wita oontmuoua Waukenphast shoe sold by too, Z cannot refrain v ear's adn 'wear, lam juat about diaoarding'. Ihadbeenao- rrom expreaaingr, nnaolicited, my aatu pair wmcn aixer year's aimoav 6 7.U7I 7.55 . 10.40 11.35 1.80 1 2.19 a20 I . ' 4.05 5.50! A. M. WEST. I MTJBPHY DIVISION: 1 EAST. Train Ko. 7 Ar. I Lv. Stations. Train No f , Ar. Lv. A.M. 10.26 10 64 I.1L21 11.51 12.19 1.49 2-2 2 89 3.31 4.15 9 4a ia29 10.58 1L26 11.54 12.29 1.53 2.29 2.4V 8.31 P. M. Asheville, Hominy, Turnpike, Pigeon Biver, Clyde, WaynesvUle, Balsam, Hall, r . . ; Sylva, Webster Station, Charleston, 4.89 3.59 3.37 8.12 2.45 ,2.00 12.34 11.66 1L45 10 54! A. M. P. M. 401 8.89 8.17 I 2.471 2.25 12.351 11.57 I 11.46! 10.55 10.09 ! customed to hsvlnsr m shoes made to order, nav- ina from $9 to 913 a pair for the same. Iiaat sum ner I mean a year ago wishing for a pair of shoes at short notice for a trip to the mottntains, X a topped into your establishment aad purchased a pair of Eanan's. Tor ease and oonuort on long tramps in the oou&trr I hare never had their eqmal on my feet: while far dusabillty they come about as near to the Irishman's ideal as any thing I ever saw. He said he " didat care what kindof shoes he had so long as the uppers were indestructible and the soles were mads of eter nity." They hare warn out thessoomd sole and the uppers are still pssfeeOy sound aad whole. lam clad to add my tea tarn oay to their ezoal Ienoe, though . total stranger to the Eanan's or to any member of your Arm, and you are at liberty to make any use of this communication, rea may see fit. Bep6ctfuriyYo-sri, MOKTTMiat XJVZNOfiTOtf ' . Agent Tor Charlotte. eblOeodtf , Frmts ii - TinnTid Knob Is breaklast station lor train No. 1 and supper station tor tram ao v.- : Trains wos. l, z, 7 ana o run aa'u. Trains Ncs. 8 and 4 run dally except Srnday. -- W. A. TTBK, A. 6. P. A. V, B. McBaa, Superintendent. Safes for Sale. Two good second-hand safes win be fold cheap ' One MILLEB'S. ! ; V One HEEBING'S. - Apply to Chas. B. Jones, at sepOdAwtt THIS OFFICJ5. Bananas. . . ?r; - Oranges, 1 Pears, Conoor and . Malaga Cfcpea - a iaqge Assoarpirr ; FpAnrh : anil Plain fkdv. A. A VMM VAX UUU A. tUHU -, tMa i , - i - Raisins, Figs, Dates, Prune, Citron. Currant VI, r , '- fr'-i ' - t '.',' .' ' ' - . . . . .j ... ' . , p. ..' . ' 1 r .: ' ' 'r . . . AND ALL KINDS . OF NUTS. The above goods are nice, fresh stock just received. ; . D. M. RIGLER.