' daily - charlotte , observer : iT F, P N ES D A Y, JfOV EMBER 4Y 1885.; ekSS.i:-i Town-Estimates for the Future. : ..,mTns. November 1; The ;t of the Mississippi River Com rop ln covering its operations -from fvr(June,SO);asmade:public;. S?e works at various points are brjef- , .nhPfl in general terms' kit the ly flyover and the detaUed re. rep-q of the officers m charge of each V0TiL are submitted as appendices. lor rnral cost of bank revettment bes Tbl Hairo and Vicksburg ; up to t.n iflQs has bfien S2.240.000 and Tune ou nf works for contracting cnannei, If Delta Pointhad not r; nn nnn r . K0M hv revetting its banks with trasses -at considerable "expense Sp city of Vicksburg.would long be- fore now ua :vn7; lYr The " Commission 1 nd tOWa. J- VAJuiiumowu sajB rcen the mouty Foivr-v. o--x- works constructed under the 1 . T 5nVV'-:on ot the Cqmmissionfroni the 0" rtT.;WQ,-rtn trt 'Tuna 5nie of its organization to;. Jam X tween Cairo and New Or! to-June 30, time 1335, eans, J.t 91 npr cent. , Y" .. Y' The expenditures for improvements from October 1, to the end of the vVar were $1,6368&2.Y The estimates for the fiscal year 1886;- which - were , transmitted to the Secretary of War mJuiv of 1884, are repeated. The Estimates for 1887, are as follows: For continuing surveys of . the Miss Ri-sippi river between the head of the LV near its mouth and head water, f 100 000 ; for salaries and . traveling expenses of the commission, $100,000 ; for continuing T the improvements froji Dss Moines rapids to the mauth of the Illinois river. 1500, 000 ?:from the mouth of the Illinois river to Cairo $100,000 ; from Cairo to the head of the passes, $500,000; for; the improvement of the harbor at Colum bus Ky. $80,000:; at Hickman, Ky. 4270 000: at Memphis, $75,000; at Greenville, Miss.,' $186,000; at Vicks burg. $20,000 ; at Natchez; $700,000 ; attfeWnprleaiiBreoO, . "i ARevolyfnff.Jall. . Omaha Bee. ; i- The neculiar feature of the, jail. which marks it as diflerent from anv other, is that the ceus are arranged, in the form of a great iron cylinder which revolves about so that' only one cell is at the ppening at any one time. This cylinder is three stories high, there being ten cells on v each floor. Its weight" js forty five : tons, and this ponderous weight is hung from above instead" of turning on a track below. The strangest part of the arrangement is that the great cylinder can be turned, by a simple crank with very little force, a man with his left hand moving it readily. When it is complete it is the intention to have a little water motor in the basement, and then, by simply mov ing a lever, the cylinder will be set rotating. It is suggested that when there are prisoners who it is. feared may be trying to cut out the cylinder can, by a motor, be easily .kept mov ing slowly all night, so , that the pris oners do not . remain "long enough-in one place to do any mischief, or even to crawl out if they had made a par tial break. It s&ejns , that ; prisoners have little chance of escape from the new jail. A cage of iron bars com pleteiy surrounds the , cylinder m which the cells are. The entrance on each floor is guarded by two doors The officer standing . outside does not have to unlock even the nrst door, but can swing the cylinder around until the cell appears in -which is a desired prisoner, and then by.a sim pie movement the inner door is open ed and the prisoner can step out of nisceil. Then the othcer can open the other door and s let the man out, but the other prisoners are" way be yond any possible reach of the offi cer, and it is impossible for them to make any break on him while he is taking a man out;or.nuttineone in. He can handle any number of men in the same way, and they cannot reach mm until ne chooses to let them. Cost of the Imperial Meeting londoa World. , V . . , - : As to the expense to the Emperor of Austria o the imperial meeting: it must have been soniething awful. It must, in fact, have - been the most Costly thirtyhours in the whole his tory of the court of Vienna. The immense schloss was cleaned, redec orated as far as possible, and refur nished, while the grounds were put m order and the Vast courtyard was transformed into a garden. -There fere sent from Vienna 500 beds with bedding, 60 court carriages, 150 oorses, 1000 pieces of - carpet, 400 pairs curtains, 300 complete breakfast service 7000 sets silver forks , and . spoons, 400 coffee- pots, 300 teapots, 10,000 wineglasses, 10,000 plates, 1500 bottles finest Rhine wines, 2500 hot-" Ues claret, 3000-bottles of champagne, K) bottles of liqueurs. 200 clocks, 200 pundsof coffee, 50 'pounds of tea; 3 auadred weight of sugar and- 800 Pounds of wax candles, as well as scores of wagon loads ot furniture, Pictures, plate and china. The suites aGd retinues .numbered nearly 800 Persons. A fire brigade was also dis Patched from Vienna, as well as three JJuitar-y bands and the company oi lJle Vienna Imperial Theatre. - The President's RIessase. . New York, Nov. 3. A - Washing Jon dispatch to the World, referring jo the torthcoming Presidential mes says:'The administratibn will jaKe very positive grounds upon the irQalal Sluestion' Mr. Jordan and banning will recommend in their reports a suspension of silver coin ge, and the President will endorse Peir views. .Mr. Jordan will be able , w snow in his renort that 4S nnf 000 naje already been lost in the attempt worce silver into circulation. IV is "stood that: the policy oE the nVry dePartment will be against fa? fertJwr calling in of bonds. It r;"ciu iriat it is not good finaacierin debt,which- "ears mt-rest :o .only 3 . per w.nea the current rate is C." : cenS . Aibition Crnsade ' ; , . . fitfeuM O i Nov lThre is a r--r ouuuru ot tnis city, tThevJ lOOk 11 nn Tl it aa : u 1 1 S ' -J 1 t . wujuie onense for m,fnbi?2y t6eI1 ,uor iQ that com! n7 .centlj-chowevet, a i man nained Hildemeyer opened a saon iiTi, PlS p.lace w&8 so well patrons ized that it attracted the attention of nrnnmrrance- P60 and-they brought down on Jna- head a bitter denunciation woman died 8ud denly near the salooA' and a cloud of Hfl? ?brown aroucd her Almost daily. Hildemeyer has receiv ed through the postoffice postal ;ards on which were writtantKaf a -bis life should he fail to close up his place. A few davs aero hfi wont. his saloon ih the morning and found that a huge bowlder hacLbeen thrown mrougn tne window. Rhni-tw Q to ward the building was" plastered with J wtwju eggs.- xnese i little attentions auea in their Tnrnn.a- onri written warnings tn nlmo nn nn non. alty of death, were sent to him. A night or so ago Hildemeyer remained at Jjis place all night in order 'to pro tectthe building. When, he -awoke m the morning he found on his door step a tub containing keg of . pow der. From the keg and stretching out some distance fromthe building was a ruse. Luckily, the fuse failed to burn in the damn sand, else Hilde- meyer and hia saloon would probably have been blown to kingdom come;: Following this Hildemeyer received another note of warning and an ex pression oi regret that the fuse had tailed to do its purpose.- The saloon is& was so; agitated over the matter that he came into the city to consult wiin an attorney and some lesal steps will be' taken to ferret out and prosecute the perpetrators of the va rious : offenses. In the meantime Hildemeyer gives it out that he will snoot tne nrst person who again at tacks his place. ; The feeling ih the vicinity is -running high, and trouble is expected 4. JUe.ssage Ty Mr. Lincoln that ti f ; f was TVerer Scut. -.1 1 Eton. John Usher. . of Lawrence. Kansas who was' Secretary ; of the TT J. 1 J ' TV ' -j- . t- - . interior unuer jrresiaeni ijincoin. writes to the St. Louis Globe-Demo crat in reference to a message said to have been prepared by Mr. Lincoln on his return - from the Umptonr Koads conference in February ; 1865: -Soon after his (Lincoln's) return from the James river the cabinet was convened, and he read to it ior ap proval a message which he had pre pared to be submitted to uongress, in wnicn ne recommenaea mac uon gress appropriate $300,000,000 to be apportioned among the several States in proportion to slave population, to be custriDutea to tne noiaers 01 slaves in those States upon condition that they would consent to the abolition of slavery and hejdisban ding of s the insurgent army, and would acknowl edge and submit to the laws of the United States The members of the cabinet were all opposed. He seemed somewhat surprised at tb at and ask ed: 'How long will the war last?' No one answered, but he soon said: 'A hundred days. Well, we are .now spending in carrying on the war $3,000,000 a day, which will amount to all this money besides all the lives.' KWith a deep sigh he added: 'But you are all opposed to me and 1 will not send the message.' J1 ' J , ' A Bad Blunder. Nashville Banner. ' '. "v , ' The grave mistake made by Rev. Sam Jones in attempting a gratui tous defense of the penitentiary lease system from the pulpit, by declaring that nine tenths ot the cnarges maae against the lease management m this Ssate were, as false as hell, has attract ed general attention and subjected him to the severest criticism. : He should have severely r let ' alone a subject'of which he knows nothing about, and least of all should he have assumed the ' championship of the lease system in the pulpit. His com parison of free and convict labor was insanely absurd and unjust, and has greatly lessened' his Influence with a very large class of people. The Ban ner's critieisms'of the evangelist have. been made in good spirit, and they have been mild compared with' the - e - il 1 . severe comments oi oi-uer loauiug papers in the State. - Y The Iflentical Cliains. It is now stated that one Chevalier Baldi, of Genoa; has in his possession the identical chains with which Bob- adilla loaded the wrists ot uoiumous when the latter was sent back a pris oner to Spain in the year 1501. The Chevalier says he secured, these val uable relics after a long and expen sive" journey made ; in Spain - and America for the purpose and that he hks -kept' the story" of the , discovery and possession of the secret for twen ty vears for private reasons, which ,no longer-are binding on mm, u will help the rourin .ceniepary cele bration immensely jif the chains are forthcoming, and" although the story looks rather tall, it may be true. f. . - ' - ... g ! . - . ; TJ'rOtV -"t--3'W8C to t3te 5OSS'?r : when it is the olcl fashioaed blue- mass, blue pill sort, ani insist on-using" Dr.-, Pierce's J'Pleasant PaTgative Pellets," a modem meaicai luxury, De- ing small, su .ar-coated grandulesH containing me active piiiciplas or ceriain roots, and herbs,, and which will be found to contain as much cathartic power es any of the old-fashioned, large pills, without the latter's violent, drastic effects, r hP relets ; operate thoroughly but harmlessly; e"tT,bJ5shirg- a permanently healthy v action of Htomach and bow&la, sad a? an anti-bilious Temedy are uneauajed. nov3tuesfil&w To all - who are suffering "from-1 lon'i rtf vow.t'r.1. nervous weak p.irrors andindis ii fr'J'Sa., lV:n send a recipe that wUf j awFRww ti.kw ... v-. m - iwii. i , rt nm em wi TH8 nereaee Kls&tlBSftie er tke Hvnerj - Tha folldwlnar rti artnwt frnm n InttA written to the Germaa Kef ormed Messenger, at Cbaiobers- J, ' ' -, T"A BKncrAcrratsa. ( - - f Just open the door for " her. and Mrs. Wlnslo will prove the 'American Florence Mghtlngalrof the norsery. Of tnis we are so sure tnat -we-will teach our Susx to say, A Blessing on Mrs wIds 'ot for helping her to snrvire and escape the griplng.fllcking and teething siege. Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup relieve the cbiW from pain, and cares dysentery and jiarrhoea It 'softens-the ums, reduces lnflKmraatlon.cure wind colic and carries tne infant through the teething period. 11 performs precisely what it professes to Derformj every part of it nothingness. We have never seen Mrs. "WiDslow Jcnow her only through the prepa ration of her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teeth ing." If we bad tne power we would make her, as she la, a physical saviour to th infant race. 3od by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle.. ? - nCtET8 BY TGLGGKAPQ . " ' . ' ; ' NOYEilBES 8, 1835. "'. ; - " Produce -. ' 5 . : . . . .. --' Chicago.-FIout unchanged. Wheat qu'et, e'os6d closed 14c under yesterday: November 84tS; December 6t)S87Ut:-No. 2 red 9. Com ineo d demand and strong: cash 41iAS4l5b: November mQmk; aU the year 370)37. Oats-nrm and a shade higher; cash Haifa November 25; Decern ter 26. Mess pork active but eeiLc higher; cash 8.15$8,25r November $8.ia&$&15; De cember - i8.:?0$8 25; Lard 5 71" - higher, closing steady ; cash and November S5.sHf?$3.90; uecemDer 90 wcoto.vivg. aoxea meats SLeauy; ciry salted shoulders 3.60aS3 75: short rib sides $4.60a$4 75; short clear r sides - $i.9oa$4.95. Whiskey firm at tl.15. 8ngars easy: cut loaf 75fe: granulated 6e; Standard A 6. . .. . .' C; v i 4- If aval Stores WnjOK8T0N--TurDentine firm at S3.' iBosln quiet; strained PO; good stralnea 5. v.Iar nxm ax si.i; cruae turoennne steady: nara L00j yeJlow dip-, and virgin 1.50 $?. 1 i; r " savannah luruenunffiteadv at .U3. Kosln firm at 11X53 Jl 10. : ; .-. vhaklbstqn TUTpeDime crm at 83. ' Bosln steady; strained 85; good strained 90. h . ulrerpooi Cotton Ivlarket. I.TWOnrtnT ' Nnif O rtn nrftTAn AnntnlT. Change m prices; middling uplands 6 3-46cd; Or leans 67-1 6d, sales VJW; speculation ' and exports 50Qj receipts 18.C00; American 17,900. Futuresdull at anaavance : Movember and December 5 8 64d. . -' Becember and January 5 8-6id. January and February 5 I0-64d. . . - February and March 5 14 64. .March and Apri 5 17-64d. - - April and May 5 21-64d. -, . -.. 0 P. m. Sales American 6.800. ' ITniahdr low mid- aung clause, November delivery 5 8 64d, (buyers.) novemDer ana uecemoer o s ma, (ouyers,) Decemberapd January &8-4d, (buyers.) January and Tebruary 6 ll-64d, (sellers.) February andJMarch 5 14-64d. (buyeis.) v March and April 5 17 64d, (buyers.) , ; rAprllandMayfi 21 64d, (vaue.) May and June 5 24-64d. (buyers.) i f Y -s June and July 5 27-64d, (buyers.) 1 Futures closed firm. -? .. - , City Cotton & - A . . CHABryrrx, N. C, November 4, 1885. J Thexslty cotton market yesterday closed quiet and easy at the following quotations: - Middling Fatr... .................. v.. . 1 5 9 516 Strict Good Middling.. ..... .. .. ....i I .; 9 S-16 brood middling....... - 9 Middling,.... , 8 Strict Low Middling i Low Middling.. . ....... . . ............ 8 Middling Stains 8t Liowergraaes.,... r 7sepiP4 Becelpts yesterday. . ... i. .... i ...... .. 190 CITY PROWtCE MARKET Reported by T. R. Masiil. OCTOBER 28, 1885. Com-per bushel.... 683(70 Meal per bushel.... .. 68S70 Wheat per bushel.:... 1.00 Peanuts per busheL..... ,L20io Flour Family.... .2.30312.85 Extra.... 2.2552.80 1 v Super..:.. .... :... 2.202.25 Feas-?-ciay, per pusnei .... . , 7B Mixed. i.iosi.15 Oats shelled. 459)50 834 Dried Fruit Apples, per lb ,aeache8, Deeled unpeeled mi 83)4 Blackberries.... . Potatoes Sweet... 45 4045 7075 Irish.... Cabbage, per pound. . Onions, per bushel Beeswax, per pound Tallow, per pound.... Butter, per pound, .r. 75S80 24326 77M 1825 Eggs, per dozen.. 19320 Chickens... ......... 15325 Ducks.... 25330 Turkeys, per pound..... 839 Geese 85340 Beef, per pound, net... 73 Mutton, per pound, net.. 738 Pork, per pound, net..... .... .... ......... 73s Wool, washed. 82 " unwashed - 18 Feathers, new. 4COf0 Bags, per pound .... .... ..." . U i -AT THE CHARLOTTE WAREHOUSE. If you wish to store your cotton this Is one of the best and mo3t convenient warehouses in the city, 4or terms, dec, apply to . -. ajttiiNws uijttvvjsLiii, or B. A. . LEE & CO. Sagging and Ties 2-?. 000 Yards Dundee Bagging. 500 Bundles Delta Ties at SPRINGS & BUR WELL'S. -:o: JANUARY 1st, 1886, ' ;. We will move to the large and convenient store CORNER COLLEGE and FOURTH STS., Where we will be pleased to see our old friends and hone to make many new ones. In the mean time we are at tne old stand with a large stock, of Groceries $m Provisions Which we are anxious to sell for CASH or its EQUIVALENT. - Come and se us. V r. SPRINGS & BURWELL. . -:0: If yon owe as anything WE WANTIT. - . ' . SPRINGS & BUR WELL. - oct29dlt&wlm. : - - . . . ortagee's: Sale, By virtue of a mortgage executed to me by A. W. Luiolf and wife. I will sell, on Thursday, the arsi day of .Ocroben at the court house in Charlotte. the house and lot on the corner of Myers and t if th street, known as the.A. w. i.udoii residence. :-: ., . . ' W. G. HAUGHTON, 8ept3w4w ' V , , , , Mortgagee. Storage for Co DRUNKENNESS Inotmtlj--Cured. , J'. Dr. Haines GULDEN SPECIFIC Instantly de stroj s aU appetKts for alcohode liquor. -- It can be secretly aduunLn.exed in coffee, tea. or any nrtich of food, even in t qnor itself, with neveMaUing e-ults.,-Thousan. 8 of the wo.st drunkards have been cured, who to day bellfcve they q?dt drinking of tbelr own f e wl!l Endorsed by everybody who know.4 of -.lrtnebutsaloou k epers. Send for paoiphlet c litang hundn-dn of tftjUmdnial from the best woaien and men from all parts of ttete- litry. At'ijre ,u confidence, - - ' GOlSH rlC CO .,185 Race 8t.,Cindnnatl,0. oct22w6m - , PUBLIC SALE. On the IEh enr c,t KrwAmhoi- 1WW T b1"1 nftfr at Pml!c Sate at tn resi Jence two miles from Piiie vtlie, N. C. , oh the road If ading from Tarlctte to Fort Hill my plantation containing 206 acres, all good land and well watered On the premises Is a goad dwelling house, bain and all necessary outbuildings- Also, at the same tlme.-I will sell one eignt-norae engme, two gins and one Jhresher, onemcCormick - harvester and twine binder, one two-horse cultivator i low, two wagons, one neggy miu nu uuier rarmrog uiens'js. ' Also, f nree large mules, one mare. on& milk caw, a lot ot roughness and honsehold and kitchen furniture. ocnow-Jt , . - . . b. BURNS We-'-Expects ta. Get This : Fsll EVEET DOLLJLE TiliT is DU2.r ' Either by note, account or mortgage. Do not tor get this, but pay up promptly and save your credit for another year.- - : : - . - . very respectfully. . . . - " sep3w3m BROWN. WEDDIKGTON 4 CO. l.f28iV.YCj ' Ml j Foil7 Faculty. - Thoroueh Instruction. Well equipped laboratories. Best moral and religious intiuecces Flexible Curriculum. Healthy loca tion. ".Economical. Sessions begin in Si-Dtember and January r Students received at any time. Send J ior dialogue. ' . , . - key. L. mcKiNNON President, devsatAwSm .. . Davidson College, N. rN Long creek township, h& miles from - ', QlVn&WALL, bTITIUM, OM THIS ' : J - statesville R. R. ' z tY ? The above farm contains 160 acres of iami. is in a good neighborhood, good schools and churches convenient. - There Is a good dwe'ltng house on the Dlace containing 5 rnoms and all th nMMtn uuhuuiiiuugH, aisu gouu leuani nouses ail in good repair, and a well of good water. .-There is also a young orchard ot choice lrultet every kind., Mr. Jas. Deaton. who is living on the farm, will shuw a. : . -i . atl . . ' iv uy person uesinugtOEee u.. , -;, r m price ana lenns, aaress - '. -' -s. ' ', TW.KEEL, ' sepU8w2m ... . Box 277, Ashevule, N. C, -TO- Spf ifigs&'BUrWell; -All who are indebted to the undersigned, either for the present year or previous years carried over, ara urged to con e forward and settle lust as fast as they can gather then cotton , and bring it to marsHu. au accounts ana notes must be settled by first November. This notice must be regarded as positive and final. A contemplated change In our business renders an early settlement ol your lnucDreanees aosomteiy necessary;' . - Respectfully, "' octlwto , SPRINGS & BUR (TELL. IE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC Is respectfully called to our specialties in COTTON FLiNM & DRILL DRAWERS jD or .wnicn we taRe meas ures and make fo Guaranteeing a fit at following exceedingly prices: . ; the low Heavy Brown Drill 35c ' Cotton Flannel 50c Extra y JOHN 'BBC OKFIELI), AgU FOR SALE. A desirable buiding lot. well enclosed, cultivated and several varieties of , fruits. Convenient to business. D. A. CALDWELL. 0ct31d4t. ,Y'. - The', largest and most complete stock of ' , To be foind in the State. Also full lines of . ' 'WOOLYAENS, f HOSIEEY, " " r GLOVES, ' ' " J COESET3, COLLAES, y -.LACES, .' , - NECKWEAE, - HANDSEECHIEFS, - S : Jerseys", Notions and Fancy Goods of all' kinds -'for" Ladies', -Misses' and Children. 'All fresh and new at the very lowest Cash Prices. - ' , J . Respectfully, N . G. M. QUERY. - I0W EMM. We have now the Ingest and most complete stock that we have ever of-" lered to the Trade, comprising of all the latest styles of - , v r- ' r'V'Uv Y- Y- "fi , .-. .""Y"V "-l: s Y"- Y-1? . . v. EaacEiSes," SuZQLsses c2 GMIdeiac . -'" - ' ; PEB. GOAT AND KID BUTTON SHOES in aU grades. t , ' ; GENTS :-: BOYS AND :-: YOUTHS FINE CALF LACE BALMORALS, CONGEES 3 AND BUTTON GAITER! Y -; . . Gents fine calf boots and heavy shoes of all . V. kinds'.;- ; v' - -r:.. TraveHing Bags, Trunks, Rubbers, etc. Glycerole Polish for fine shoei, acknowoldged the best for preserviDg leather yet introduced to the trade. , 1 . .WE All B ' IE.rE,JElRfIfWEI " : ' To keep up our reputatlod for good goods and low prices , Building. Some of the Handsomest Patterns in and SftUS8iS Ever shown in this .? City. CALL AND "LOOK AT ,OUE CAEPETS Musi BURGrE S S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN all KiNiis of FURNITURE BEDDING, &C. A full line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, Parlor and Chamber Suits, Cof fins of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trade Street) Chariette, North Carolina. 0. K WE HAVE THE FINEST STOCK OF 3 1mm .2 tz Q BEEAD, CAKES, CEACKEES, BOLLS, PIES, CANDIES. FEUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, CHESTNUTS, BASKETS OF . How few understand what a perfect fit ts? That Fateful. period of "breaking in" is deem ed essential to every new outfit. This is positively un necessary. The scientific principles applied to the num erous shapes and sizes of "tha . Hanan" shoe, insures perfect fit, and their flexibility, abso lute freedom from the tortures of " lore akin ? in," as they ara easy and comfortable from tha first day. Sold everywhere. Ask your shoe dealer for them. HANAN & .SON. , , . i i As E. RAI Jiir & I5RO. Agents for Cliarlotte ebioeodtf afs for Sale. Trio good second-Land safes will te sold cheap One Mil LEE'S. ' - One HEREINGU - ApplrJo Chas. 6. Jones, at sep9dAwtt this oimcE; 1 ' - ,..'-.'.'' ;vv-',''-.. If 1 fx - ;iv il H u u -; - - . - . j- Give us a call. Trade Street, Central Hotel GRAY & CO; - GOiffil eceivea 4S, feEFOEE BUYING ELSEWHEEE. Ddcbdd t Y i 1l NICHOLS CD o fa cl SUGAES,- . COFFEES, ;Y SPTCE?, PICKLES, CAN'D GOODS. a o KI.I)iS ArE SFZES. Bananas. Oranges, , , r Tears, ' Concord mid TVTfll flora (IraTinq ..... ' -. tL' - r .A7 T A I.A3IQE -OF - V 7 .-f BAKERY I IWs ! hmVjd Pkia-Giafc y "; Raising Fig, Dates-, Prunes, Y V Citronf Ctirranf il -l" -' AND ALL,' KlND3r .OF NUTS. The ahove go'ods 'liire , nice resh(fetcck iust receives'.' r D; lilt 'JLVA Ol.A-ill XI "1: r -.1 1 V V.. . s J - n -'I v. A l ir v.- J.- ii ' ' i r , li ir .Vlt-'-! i lit'. i Ir- h; it:, S5. ii i ,!" -S - - Mi 5y.k- . srt.v ' .-, it,,. .If' - :iv , Us'. v.: r -,HV Yl-. K' - h .1; i, 5 i .