if ROYAL fSao"!! J : Absolutely Pure. r Tbis powder never varies A marvel of purity, strength and wholesonieness. More economical than th ordin&ry kinds, and cannot be sold -In !omPfctlt!on with the multitude o low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders.. Sold only In ans. Wholesale by au SPRINGS & BURWELL, janld&wly. Charlotte, N.C. , mm Kead irhat the Great Methodist Dirine and EniinentPhy- ictan Says of - ' DR. J. BRSBFiELD' S J Female Regulator. :Q :i- ., ' . ' ' . . - ATLANTA, GA., Feb. 20, 1884. Dk. J. BEADiFiSLD: Dear Sir Some fifteen years ago I examined the reeepe ef Ft male Regular; and carefully studied authorities in regard to its compo nents, and then (as well as now) pronounced it to be the most scientific and skillful combination ol the really reliable renedlal vegetable agents known to science, to act dsrectly on the womb and uterine organs, and the organs and parts sympathizing di rectly with these; and, therefore, providing a speci fic remedy for all diseases of the won b, and of the adjacent organs and parts," Yours truly, JES3E BORING, M.D.,D.VD. CAUTION! ... The country is flooded with quack nostrums, con taming IRON and other injurious Ingredients, -which claim to cure everything even Female Complaints. We say to you, fl you value your llfe- BeWARE OF ALL SUCH! y '. F f ,f . v ' "j " . f Bradfeids Fmile Regulator Is purely vegetable compound, and is onty Intended tor the FEMALE SEX. For their peculiar dis ases It is ah absolute , . v SPECIFIC! Sold by aU druggists. Send for our treatise on the Health and Happiness of Women, mailed free, which gives all particulars. . , THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. 27 Pari Place "and 21-28 Murray St., New York. M; k- lowest rates on aH newspapers in'the U. S. and Canada. EstaMlshed 1867. -To those wLose puro; se may be accomplished by a sfcot advertisement, or by a transient advertis me?t, end to horn prompt insertion is Important, we re oiiiuiend our , OFULSB LCCat LISTS: 1,120 DaUy and Weekly newspapers, divided into sections. . . - All horce print papers ro co-operatives Included The papers have a monthly circulation of over mm million copies! Send for new Catalogue lust or;t. Parties coi templat'ug aline of advertising, large or small, are requested to send for estimateof cost, Please name this paper. - ; - TITAN TED 4 gents in every section cf the coun try to sell Hon. S. S. COX'S great book, "Thre Decades of Federal Legislation.' iiustrated with Steel Plates. Outfits now ready. Agents are mak ing s 0 to $30 a day. . Write to the publishers for J M.STODDART&C0..533 15th 5t.,Washington,D.C i 8 fT & I f ft EX itf To introduce them' we bb Urrt. l1.' will give away 1000 self- emtipar Washing Machines. Tf vnn want Ortfi solid lis vrmr nsmft. P. O. fl.nrt Mnress of fice at once. THE NATIONAL CO., 21 Dey Street, Hew York. . - - T 17 A T?"Vn I? C Its CATJ3ES and CURE, U J? 1 rivlr by one- who was deaf twenty elghtryears Treated by most of the noted specialists of the day with no bent fit. Cured him self in three months, and since then hundreds of others by the same process, a slain, simple and successful home treatment. Address T. S. PAGE, 128 East 26th-St , New York City.- WfifiTEB!. To take the general agency ot the besf German import In this country. It is well established. Re ceived highest award at New Orleans Exhibition. Pays well. References r xchanged. Address. AD0LPH GOHRING & CO., 202 William St., N. Y. t . .- - Parker's Tonic; If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take Parkeb s Tokio at once; It will invigorate ortr4 . u.i a. j i a. n i "u uiuw juu up Lroui uie iirsi uuse oui wui never intoxicate. It has saved hundred of lives, It may save yours. HISCOX & CO., New York. METAL POISON I am a coppersmitlx by trade, and the small par ticles of brass and copper from filing got into sores on my arms and poisoned my whole system. Mer cury administered brought on rheumatism, and I became a helpless invalid I took two dozen bottles oi Swift's Specific. My legs, arms and hands are all tion is due to S. S. S. Pkteb E. Lovf, ; Jan. 9, 1885. Augusta, Ga. MALARIAL POISON. ' 5 have used Swift's Specific In our family as an antidote for malarial poison for two or three years, ana have nfiVP.r lrnnwn it t fall It a slnirlA 1n- ce. - W.C.Fcblow. Sumter Co., Ga.. SeDt 11. 1884. For six or eight years I suffered with ulcers on niy right leg. I was treated with Iodide of Potas SISS? and Mercury, and I became helpless. . Six Dottles of Swift's Specific made a permanent cure. v . M. D. Wilson, Gainesville, Ga. February 28, 1885. . , ' Swift's Specific Is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free.s .'??WTFr SPBcmo Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga., or W. 23d St, N. Y. . ' mm W0HEN-- Arriral and Departure of Trains, wucubLux uie current month. -: ' . ' m ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' -v.. t .: Richmond and DAHroajtAraiiw. 20 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta-at 8:00 a, m Aiu. ox Arrives ai narione rrom Atlanta. At 4 AH a. m. Lea yep lor Rlehmond at 455 a. mT " ' Tift. R9 Irrlvaa at CHnrlnt fn. . : . ----- uuvu uuiu ' Full ftll 12.S5 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. " aiu. thr ajrives ai cnariw rrom Atlanta at 6 JO p. m, Leaves for Richmond at 650 p. m. - " Local Freight- and Passenger Train leaves for Atlanta at 530 a. m.: arrives frnm Atlanta a a. an p.m. c : Chablottk, Columbia and Augusta. V " . Arrives from Columbia at 610 n. m. -Leaves for Columbia atlp.m. . C.,C.& A. A T. 40. Dmsica. Arrives from Statesville at 10:45 a. m. -Leaves for Statesville at 635 p. m, . , . , Caboltna Central. Leave for Shelby at 805 p. m. ; arrive from Shelby ato40p.jn. ... . . . t - . Matls. "', " - General. Delivery. opens at 8:00 a. m!; closes at i aaj p. m. ' , j -ii1!?-i9der Apartment opens at 9.00 a. m.j closes at iSJC p. m. "Weatlier Indications. Middle Atlantic - States : Warmer weather, local rains" winds generally southerly, falling barometer. South Atlantic States: Warmer fair weather, followed by local rains, winds generally; southerly,; falling Index to New Advertisements. New Buckwheat, &CS. M. HowelL LOCAL RlTrjL.ES. ' The - annual conference? of, the Methodist Church meets this city on the 25th - inst., the day before Thanksgiving. : -, A stepladder belonging to Mr. J. B. Harringion, and usedin stripping floral Hall, after the late fair, is mis sing. Mr. Harrington wants to knoW who has it: 'i : -jt ii; J.i A meeting of tjie Helping Hand Society will be held at the residence of Rev. E. A. Osborne this afternoon and evening. The lady members are expected at 5 o'clock and the gentle, men at 8. : , - .. -. - ; The j services at the Baptist Church continue to grow in interest, the. largest crowd of the services was in attendance last night. : Nearly a dozen persons presented themselves for prayer; ; Services each day at 10 a. m. and 6 :30 pf m.r ; Mr. E. H. Morrison, representing Schlicht & Field, of Rochester N. Y., manufacturers of the Shannon Pern fection Letter File Cabinets, is at the Buford House. "We have had one of these Cabinets in use over a year in The Observer office, and know their value when a paper or letter is wanted. s Failure in Salisbury. , The firm of Jones, McCubbins & Co. dealers in dry goods and general merchandize, in Salisbury, made an assignment last Tuesday night. Mr. S. H. Wiley is the assignee.' . In their schedule of preferred creditors are Hurst, Parnell & Qo., and their hom9 creditors. This failure, we are in formed, has been anticipated; The amount of the firm's I liabilities, , as well as assets, are not known , at the present time. : . A Farmer Surprised. Mr. J. L. Hipp,-one of the substan tial farmers of this county, yester. day visited the city, and was sur prised on being presented with . $25, by Mr. L. W. Sanders. This was the first premium money won on a bale of cotton exhibited, at the late fair. The bale was grown by Mr. Hipp, who sometime ago brought it to the city and sold it to Mr, Sanders, . who, on noticing the fine quality of the bale, decided fo exhibit tit atthe fair without letting Mr, Hipp know any s thing about it. This was done and the bale won the first premium, $25, which Mr. Sanders yesterday pies seated to Mr. Hipp. It was a corns plete surprise to the farmer, but one of which he was duly appreciative. Dont Frighten tlie Children. A man named W. L. Clemens, of this State, went ; with his wife and children a few weeks ago, to Charles ton, : S. C, to live.' Last Sunday night he had a sad experience which should be remembered by all parents as a warning. The story is told by the Greenville News, which says: "Clemens and his wife wished to go to church. A little son 5 years old, who had always slept with his par ents, was put to bed with an older brother in anticipation of their leav ing ; the family room dark. He obs jected and cried, incessantly. The father threatened to lock him up in a dark room if he did not hush, know ing that the child was morbidly afraid of darkness when alone. The little, fellow cried louder than before, and the threat was pui into execu tion. On being locked in the dark room the child gave three piercing creams and fainted. Oncoming to, it was discovered that the once bright and promising boy had become an imbecile. A day. or two afterward the father and family moved to Fair field county. The mother is frantic with grief." ; ; UiAKJLUi i UBbiKViK The - Fomer, Manaeer off.'tlie Sonthern Telesraph yOice in .Thfo City Sleets a Watery Grave ' NearJLuusta, .Gav-IIe Couldn't -Resist tne Temptation-to, Swim, Ewnin CoIdWeather. - ' r- Mr. John-Herbert Alien,' a "young gentleman who is well known in this city, was drowned in a mill pond near Augusta, Ga., late last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Allen and a friend named John Hinnant were out driv ing in a buggy, and as they arrived at a pond four miles from Augusta; Mr." Allen; who has always ' had ; a fondpess for water, remarked that he believed that he would get1 out and take a swim. ' Mr. - Hinnant at first thought Mr. Allen was joking, but as the latter began to insist upon taking a turn in the water, ;Mr.' Hinnant made an endeavor to dissuade' him from, his purpose. - Mr. Allen was de termined, however, and getting out of the buggy, 6aid he was accustomed) to bathing in any season, and prepar e to enter the pond. : The horse Was hitched near by and shortly after Mr, I Allen had entered r the water, Mr. HinnanVs attention was attracts ed by a noise the horse was making. He; turned his back upon the pond to investigate the cause of the noise, and found that the horse had become entangled in the .' harness. He- at once set about getting things straight ened out, and ' it was perhaps ten minutes before he returned to the pond. He was then surprised at. the non-appearance of Mr. Allen. Mr. Hiptiant called loudly : several .times, but receiving no reply, he became alarmed and commenced a search of the pond. . .Hedid nothaye far to go, for near the edgev of -.the pond he es pied'therbody fof Mr. Allen lying on the bottom face downward. He sprang in and brought out the ; body immediately, but found that life Was extinct. Mr. , Alien had doubtless been ; seized with cramps and, had perished in the momentary absence of his friend. C ' : The deceased was 28 years of age. He had many acquaintances and friends here, where he had resided in years past, first as , operator in the Western Union office, and next as manager of the Southern office. He gave up the latter position nearly two years ago to accept the position of manager ( of the Southern office at Augusta. He was.an excellent ooer ator arid a good manager, and the affairs of his office are said to be all straight, A coroner's inquest was held over his remains and a verdict of death by accidental drowning was rendered. ' ;V; '?:..'.' "' A Goodly Snow of Cheek. Sometime since, probably two years ago, a manamed W. A. Holt, from Rockingham, purchased a quans tity of jewelry from Mr. John T. Butler, in this city, giving in pay ment therefor worthless checks. Holt got out of reach of Mr. Butler and the matter was forgotton. A few days since Mr. Butler received a letter from Staunton, Va , enclosing a check for $100, and giving an order for a gold watch to be expressed to W. A. Holt, at that plaee. The name was familiar to Mr. Butler and it quickly flashed upon his mind that this was the same Hpltwhd swindled him two years ago. The check was made on a Washington Bank, and Mr. Butler sent it there to see if it was good. Yesterday the check was returned with the endorsement that it was a forgery." Mr. Butler could easily have secured Holt's arrest, but as it would have cost $50 or more to get him here, it was concluded to let him slide. Justice will be sure to overtake him some day, anyhow. A TJsefnl taw Book. We have received from the publish ers, Alfred rWilliams &Co., of Ral eigh, a copy of the. new edition of Busbee's North Carolina Justice and Form Book, a very valuable arid con venient publication for magistrate's and lawyers, and all others who des sire to be learned in the law. The publishers state that "the book has been greatly "delayed by reason of the immense labor and care required in making-it a complete work, but we are sure that all will be so well pleas ed with the book that they will be amply repaid for waiting, and its value will be apparent at a glance. The book is nearly a third larger than we intended .to make it, but its usefulness is thereby increased, arid it is furnished at the original price, $2.50.". . . : Thro' pleasure and places though we' may roam Be It ever so humble there's no place like home For there on the bureau our SOZODONT stands. We take the sweet mixture again In our hands, We cleanse teeth and sums in fine, fragant loam We make our breath pure.itThere's no place like . home.' " ' Go Where Yon Will you'll find SOZODONT in vogue. People have thrown Hway their tooth-powders and washes, and place this odoriferous preservative of the teeth on the toilet table In their place. It keeps the teeth in splendid order, and spices the breath. r Nothing but a broken bank is unmendable by Spalding's Glub. , - - ; THURSDAY, NOVEMBER ; 5, 188 engcanctr of a r Wronged . Hus- Dandr v r Richard Sinitlf is a colored man who lives with his wife on . the farm of W. N. Alexander, arid who, on Tuesday night. got up a big excite-: ment in the neighborhood by the free use of his pistol. : It seems that Rich ard had for some time suspected hia wife of. infidelity, and- to put the niajter to a test; on the night in quesh tion he told his wife that he was go ing to church and would not be back until late. Instead of going to church however, Richard hid in x the X bushes near his cabin, and had not waited long until he saw his enemy, a colors edman named Johnston, walk up and enter the house; " In about ' ten minutes Richard suddenly broke in the door, struck a match, and its glare removed all doubts from his mind. He instantly drew his pistol arid commenced shooting "at John ston, but" Johnston gaining the 'open air returned the shots. About twelve shots were fired, but Johnston . got away arid Richard was unhurt. Rich ard's wife gave as her T excuse that she had " been ; "tricked" and knew nothing about what transpired. He ordered her to leave his roof, but she cried and begged so hard that he at length decided to let her remain on condition that she would permit him to give her one hundred lashes on her bare, back and repeat it wnenever he felt it necessary. The woman consented, and there lias already been several exhibitions of conjugal calisthenics: The offended husband &meirito the city yesterday and swore-out a warrant : against ' John ston;' desiring to complete the puns ishmerit' of thkt i , mdiVidiialby, iput tinhim throughl .the'vC9U.-.0?he preliminary hearing will beJheld be-! f tire: Esquire McNincb todajr.T'r . T e The Delinquent Listers ,. , ..,..!; . The magistrates, the constables and the delinquent tax. listers had an in tsting time: of it . yesterday, and the; magisterial mills had sufficient grot to keep them grinding all day. Esquire Maxwell was assisted by two mastrates While two or three extra constables beat abouv the bushes and brought up the game, Over one hiins dred warrants were issued during the day by Esqilre i MaxweU aloneu " Sev eral delinquents took alarm and went at once to the sheriff and paid their double taxes; but the inagiss trates claim that they are still liable to indictment for misdemeanor. It would be imagined that most of v the delinquent listers are merely poll tax payers, but it seems that among the numbers there.are a number of the property owners. Esquire . McNinch also had a number of cases, but he permitted submissions in all without costs. .This is the first .time the law has been .enforced against delinquent listers and as a result there will not be so many dead head voters in the future, as in the past. Sales of the Knabe in Charlotte. As dn evidence of the popularity of the Knabe Pianos in Charlotte, we would state the fact that J. R. Hol land, , W. S. Spencer and W. W. W'ardvJiave just purchased, each, an elegant : cabinent, grand upright, of this celebrated manufacture, and re cently H. C.Eccles and L. W. Saun ders bought, the same make, also the Charlotte Female Institute, a concert grand and a square. Mr. N. H. Bennett, representing Win. Knabe & Co., will be at the Central hotel during the day and parties who con template purchasing a strictly first class piano, will do well to see him. The Electric Light. The Houston Thompson Electric Light Co. has arranged through its agent, MrWm. C. Maxwell, to estab lish the. electric light in Charlotte, and promise that the system will be perfected and in thorough . working order by the early part of next sums mer. It is proposed by the company to put up street lights in connection with the system for in door illumi nation and to compete with the gas company. No aid will be asked of the city, the company merely desir ingjthejprivilege to establish the plant. In the negotiations, it is stipulated that the work of erecting the plant is to begin within ninety days from the date of the grant of privilege by the city, and that the system . is to be perfected within , six ; months theres after. Charlotte needs, and can well support such an enterprise, , and we are glad to know, that it is to be established. married. Mr. Chcd. IV Wheeler and Miss Lillia Miller, both of this city, were married yesterday ; afternoon in Chester, S. C. The ceremony was performed by th3 local Presbyterian minister at the hotel near the depot in that place and was witnessed by a number of the grooiri's Chester friends. The newly wedded pro ceeded to Charleston on a bridal tour and will be absent for, the space of a week. - , , ' " &?e?h7 9d. tbmyiir of Spring arid rSi: wine oy ine ioreiock and have made m 10; fflip;li Sm "Spo?. and,we most eordially invite you to examine the e hav novelties in Clothingfand reliably tpadeT tor we garment ' Wn ' Fitness of eve KTnolInik ForMen's, Youths', " Our Stock was niiifriaj!l lnrincr tv Uothmg was at a low price, hence we can give you lower prices than those merchants who went into the market later. We buy in large quantities, for webuy for three stores-Raleigh and Charlotte, K. Q, and KviUelnn ' Come early and get fiest choice. 7 Aen-- 'Tery Respectfully, Dunn. Messrs; T, C. Smith & Ca , Charlotte N. T : 1 iour favor ot the 9th ui6treeeiTid.;;;3rou now have received rock bottom should you-wish a million Duke cigarettes. Sorry, that ment greater for you to. order 200 M. .;, - . ." I' ..... ; , ,feV-r-i - : Tonrs truly, J ' J 11 Ur v-.XlV.ilS ' W. DUKB, SONS & CO., V ' Geo W. Watts, ' ) 7. E. B. 000HBAHE.-0HAS. E. J0HE8 CHARLOTTE R. E. COCHRANE, Manager. .... . THIS AGENCY WILL BUY AND SELL LANDS of every description and In any part of Nortli or South Carolina, and will rent property In the city of Charlotte, collect rents, attend to repairs and make prompt returns, and if desired will at tend to payment of taxes, effecting of insurance, etc. . All property put Into our hands will be Advertised Free of Cost For a stlpulat'on previously agreed upon. FOR SALE. IOne dwelling house on B street, 7 rooms, closets In each room, well of good water, lot 83x100 feat, " in good neighborhood. Price, $2,000. 2 One dwelling ou 5th street, adjoining residence of S. M. Howell, 4 rooms, well of water and stable, lot 50x198, convenient to business. Price. $1,700. 3 One dwelling on South Tryon street, adjoining residence of Dr. Bratton, 8 rooms, closets and pantry, well of water, well located for a boarding house. Price, $3,000, 5 One dwelling on corner of Graham and 10th streets, 5 rooms, kitchen, well of water, lot 120 feet on Graham street, 162 feet on 10th street, very desirable property. , Price, $1,500. Q One dwelling on Poplar street, 10 rooms, lot 099x198 feet, brick kitchen, outhouses, stable, well of good water, sold on terms to suit purchaser Price, $4,000. 1 i One Dwelling on Ninth street between B and I I C, two stories, six rooms, brick basement; well of water in yard; lot 99x198. Price $2,000 UOne Hundred and Fifty Acres Land Vi mile of the city limits, adjoining the Fair Grounds ' well located for a truck and dairy farm: l timber, branch running through it, about acres meadow. Price $30 per acre. Q Tract of Land, 3 miles south of Charlotte, 17 82 acres, known as part of the Samuel Tay lor tract, on which is an undeveloped goldmine, known In the N. C. Reports as the Sam Taylor mine), three frame tenement houses, two rooms each, good barn, good well water and good spring on the premises. Sold without reserve for $1,750. no Dwelling In Mechanlcsville, 1 story S-roam LO house, lot 99x190, fronting on C street, lot 1736, square 215, adjoining property of W. A. Sing and others. - Price, cash $850. QO - Two lots, Nos. 297 and 803, square 46, front lng 99 feet on B street and running through to C street. On the premises Is a two-story fran.e dwelling, seven rooms and small storehouse. ' One-story frame cottage, 4 rooms, lot 50x150 00 in Fourth ward, on west Fifth street, near the residence of James P. Irwin. All Improve ments new. A desirable place for a small family. Price $1,000, , 01 Tan yard at Lowesvllle, N C.,; 22 ther Ot vats, 1 pool, 2 lime 1 shop house 18x22 bark house, bark mill house, stable, dwelling; 10 acres land connected with tan yard.. Price $1,000, or will lease for 5 or 10 aears on reasonable terms. C A very desirable farm, containing -165 OO acres, about threee miles west of Charlotte, on the Carolina Central railroad, known as the Junius Hayes farm, adjoining the lands of Dr. Paul Barrlnger and others. Seven-room dwelling and necessary outbuildings in good repair on the E remises. Wei! watered and In a good neighbor ood. Price per acre $30. r Tract of land containing 75 acres, lying in OO Polk county, N. C, six miles east of Colum bus. On this place Is the Splan Gold Mine. Price $2,200... "v.y - ' - -..'. ,: . rr - Tract of land containing 500 acres lying In 11 Rutherford county, N. C, 9 miles fromRuth erfiordtonand 20 miles from Shelby, apple orchard on the place, small two room dwelling, fine tim bered land, p'ne, early maple, walnut, oak. ice. about 75 acres under cultivation. Gold mine on the place. - This property Is known as the Cook Mine farm. Price $3,000. DO Tract of land containing 134 acres In OO Mecklenburg county. N. C.. 8 miles from Charlotte, good store house 4 rooms, good orchard, o acres under cultivation, Daiance m pine and hard woods, gold mine on property. - Price 425 per acre- Cheap. - Q Lot fronting on Morehead st, 99x366 feet, I ju small two-room nouse, well, lot well set with fruit trees. Price $350. RIlLKTATl AGENCY amnlA nrhia?rtr fw oiffitTs?" Boys', and Children. C.' 11 we cannot ,. make the- induce- Sec'y and Treas. AXt Pa-room dweHmg with kitchen and stable. let 99x198 on West Tiade street, oeautifu grov and well of good water. Price $2,200. J) One story frame dweUing and lot on Stone ttA waU street. . Price $500. .v 9 One lot and a half lot, unimproved, on the tO corner of B and 11th streets. Price $650. A C One story frame stom bmiRA 20tPui ft in tJ 24x100 feet, fronting o railroad, and one'i unimproved Jot in rear of above 100x125 feet, both at Sanford, Moore county, N. C. JtTi ie$45a k Two story frame dwelling, four rooms, barn, xVJ stable, nrankn bnnaA ovwvt nraii oma m( - trees, about acre of landvia Sanford, Moore co., N.C. Price $1,300. . . . AJ7 rift? one acres of land, 23 acres under cultl : xl vatton, talanee timber, mostly ptme, some oak Two tenement houses on place, lying on the . ' edge of Sanford, Moore eounty, N. C. Price $850. fTtltt 0tTra .m .4 n .111 . - j . . iuouuio uuco tiacis nui l' hviu tugeuier or separately, and if purchaser desires can secure re fusal of a stock of goods at price agreed upon be ' tween himself and the owner.) . 59 150 Acres In Davidson count, N. C., 11 miles fiom Lexington and 8 nilles from Lin wood. Six room dwelling, good water; four acres in apples, peaches and grapes. Price $2,000v r Lot with two-story house, six rooms and two " LdJMQS J. S. Phiilips' residence. Price ! $2,650. ; Fifty acres cf land In and adjoining Hunt ; Ot ersviUe, N. G On the place there Is a com ! fortable four-room dwelling house, good barn, crib, j kitchen and well. Tery desirable property. - Price i $35.00 peracre. . FOR RENT. Storeroom In Morehead builfiingi on Trade street, at present occupied by Schifl & Co. ; New Storeroom on B street, between Sixth and Seventh streets. Dwelling on R. and D. railroad, between 8th and 9th streets. Very convenient to Elliott & Marsh's ' furniture, factory or Newcomb's planing mills. Dwelling house on South Tryon street, adjoin- -tag the residence of Dr. S. 35. Bratton. Vtry con. veniently located for a boarding house Apply to T!i 3111 Ott Rpnl '?enA Amrwm, sept2dtf - R. E. COCHRANE, Manage CAROLINA CENTRAL XIAII. WA1. OFBTCB OT SUPEBINTENBEIIT, . , Wilmington, N, C, Sept. 27, 1885. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER SEPT 27, 1885, THE FOLLOW Ing Schedule will be operated en this Ball- rwd -.. . . Passenger, mail and express trains, daily except sunday. Leave Wilmington at. ......... . . .7.00 p. k. Leave Raleigh at 7 85 p. bl Arrive RtCbarlottA at. onr No,l. Leave Charlotte at.... " No. 2. Arrive at Raleigh at 9.00 ST 'AiiiToaii tt iiiiihiwu ui ...o.za A. ir. LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. Leave Charlotte at;...;... 7.40 a, k. Arrive Laurinburg at 6.45 p. k. Leave Laminburg at... 6.15 a. k. Arrive Charlotte at ..... 4.40 p.m. Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and points designated In the Company's Time Table. .;, . , . - SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MALL, EX PRES3 AND FREIGHT. I ' ' (DalTj except Sunday.) , Leave Charlotte at.. ....... ;.. ...... ..... 8.15 a. m. Arrive at Shelby at... . . .. .. .. . 12.15 p S Leave Shelby at. . .......... 1 40 pm. ' Arrive at Charlotte at.... ., 5!40p.'m. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. & A Trains toand from Raleteh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. - Take Train No. 1 for Statesville, stations on Western N. C. R. B., AshevUle and polnta west. - Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points southwest. . " . -L.C, JONES, ' - ' - Superintendent F. W. Class. en. Pair. Agent. , . JUST RECEIVING THE BEST. STOCK OF GOODS IK THE CITY. IN OUR LINE. ' , A. E. & W.; B. NISBET,