- J -rilElfORTH MID- Assurance lhat it Will be P iisliol Tbroiigli in Faith. Twln-Cy Dally. , 11th inst., tbe ckholdersof tbe North Carolina ?r Jior.H Railroad, met in Winston. mihmond & Danville system, and J Turner Morebead, vice-president of . , ' xrrth Carolina Midland, were Seaent,-. together with a la re . majors i Jrtf the soocfcholders of aid - road. T?V tbe courtesy of thesecretary. Qui T W AlPalMn' we are enabled to mabe the following report of the iSord declared it the. purpose f the Bichmond & DanvHle road ta nlrrv out m a practical way, in good faith, all podges ever made by the under his management for the rornpletion and runniog of the North Paroling Midland road, and the ulri mate design o his system of roads to make is a great through thorough i"rt boteen the North and the q . ! , : i i to that end suggest. ml. at the better and more practical plan the building of the road in -sections, testing first the building -of a sec 7?S. from Winston to Walnut Cove. and a section from Winston to Mocks irille, or anywhere along the line of road where the loeal authorK tle5 would spend their subscriptions ia grading and preparing the road bThe meeting then proceeded to re organize the company by the election of Col J. T- Morehead permanent president of the road, and by the election of the following board of di rectom: ASBuford, Richmond-Va , M F Clyde, Thos. Scott, New York, QF Biker, and three other promt jjent railroad men of tha Richmond and Pinvilie system, together with the following gentlemen to compose the local directors : J M Vaughn, A Leazer. J W Fries, W C JWilson ana C H Wiley. They also revoked the resolution by which the Virginia Midland Railway was enabled, here tofore, to control the fate of the en terprise by holding a majority of the stock, aad thereby preventing addi tionaisubscriptions to be taken to the company. To this end the fol lowing resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the board of direc tors be, and they are hereby author ized to take -uch additional subscrip tions to the. stock of the company as they may find practical and judi cious From the action taken it is very evident that the citizens of the two towns of Winston and Salem, togeth er with such local aid as they can get along the line of the road to go to work, use their corporation bonds, heretofore prepared, the individual subscriptions made, and we will hav .a road to Walnut Cove to meet the Yadkin Valley by the time it gets there. ' .. . - v.:' Col Buford also pledged the imme diate payment, at an early day, of all the outstanding debts of the com pany by an installment to be paid (Upon the subscription of the Virginia Midland road. finances of tbe PostOfilee partscut. Sixth Auditor McCon ville has subs mitted to the Postmaster General his annual report upon the financial ops orations of the post-office Depart ment during the lass fiscal year. From, the report it appears that the gross postal revenues were $42,560,-1 813; expenditures, $49,317,188 ex cess d expenditures, over, revenu?, $6,756,345. To this deficiency, says tb.9 auditor, should be added sthe amounts certified to the Pacific rail road forjmail transportation ($1,340, 226) and the estimated unadjusted liabilities for 1885 ($285,000), making a total deficiency of $8,381,571. The deficiency last year was $4,367,425, or $3,414,146 less than the present defi ciency. The revenues show a falling off of $765,115, while the expenditures have increased $2,912,328. This re eult is attributed to tjhe reduction in letter postage and to general business depression. The principal items of expenditure were as follows: Rail way transportation, $13,558313; post masters' salaries, $11,243,848; salaries of post-office clerk-, $4,873,853; star route transportation, $5,403,259; rail way postal clerke, $4,246,209; free delivery service, $3,985,952; railway pastal car service, $1,709,236; trans portation of foreign mails, $325,462. The value of the postage stamps sold was $40,050,226. The profits of the moneyorder business were $408,933. The amount of the balances paid by foreign countries for mailtransportaV tion was $66,995, and the amount paid by the United States to foreign countries for like service was $74,859. Report of tit e Commissioner of Customs. . The annual report of the commis sioner of customs shows that during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1885, there was paid into the treasury from various sources, the accounts of which were settled in his office, the sum of $183,207,908. The commit Bioner suggests that designation of his office be changed to third comp troller, and also suggests the addition of a statistical branch for the prepar ation of information to be gathered from the settlements made by him. He suggests modification of the laws in regard to the refund of duties and also in regard to the appointments of subordinate officers of the customs. A recommendation is . made for the Eayment of the chief customs officers y salaries instead of by salary fees, and commissions, according to the present system. STOP THAT CO UGH using Dr. Frazier's Throat and Long Balsam tae only cure for coughs, colds, hoarseness and lore throat, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Do not neglect a cough. It may prove iatai. scores ana hunareas oi people owe tneir lives to Dr. Frazier's Throat and Lune Balsam. and no family will ever be without it after once Uslnsr It. a.nri ilnnvAi-f n? its marvftlons wwr. Tt Is put up in large family bottles, and sold for tbe uinu price oi GU cents a noiue. tsoia Dy x . u. omitn a cc. iewa eoa& wiy daily charlotte observer : STATE NEWS. - bhf Iby Aurora: Prof. L. E. Quinn now of Gatiiouia and iir. B. F Tip ton, of Dallas, were in Shelbv ims week. ' They have formed a copart nership for the publication ot the Dallas Current, now dited by-Mr. Tipton. -Mr. B-rael Frazier and Miss Elizabeth White, otGreen H.ll township, Ruthford county,ran away last Sunday a week, and got married. The ceremony was performed at Mr. G. M. Edwards' by J. F. Edwards, J. P. Mr Frazier was forty-six years old and Miss ".Write was passed forty three summers, and yet they were willing to taste the romance of a run away marriage. Shelby New Era: The large mica mine. iear Oak Springs, Rutherford county, which was discovered- last May,; is getting quite prominent. Tn owners sold over four hundred dollar worth of mica last week The recent rain caused the mine to cave in, revealing better veins than any yet discovered -On Friday, a week ago the Vein Mountain Oompa ny, of which Mr. B F Gaden is the superintendent, erected a saw mill with a capacity of 10,000 feet a dav. An, expensive crusher is also in course of construction. Within a week or ten days twelve thousand dollars worth of gold was taken -out, the largest nugget weighing two ana luitje quarter, pounas ana pieces worth trom $50 to $150 were not un common. In an hour and a half, uiue uunureu aonars worm or. ore was found. Concord Times: One night last week Adolphus Barrier, of Mt. Pleas ciul, uau occasion to loon tor some medicine in a bureau drawer. While searching for it, a spark dropped from his light, igniting about a half pound of powder, which was near. He was knocked senseless to the floor J ortunately, though burned consid erably in the face, his eyes were not injured and he is now doing quite wen. Rockingham Rocket: We heard tnat Cvrus J. Knight, Ejq , late edi-. tor of the Tar Heel, published at iroy, jn. c, was tha possessor of a gold mine. Now we learn with equal pleasure that he has just received $12,000 in cash for the Drooercv. Which proves misfortune is not nec- ceasarily an editor s fate. Wadesboro Intelligencer: The acorn crop is at last ; being turned to account. John Threadgill, col., oi Stanly county, brought a load to Wadesboro last week, and sold the same, without mueh trouble at from 15 to 20 cents per bushels, the pur chasers intending to feed the acorns to their pigs. -On ' Monday last. colored child about four years of ago, on the premises of Mr. James Martin near Ansonville, was burned to death Its elothes caught fire, while its par ents were absent, trom tne enecis ot which it soon died. Salisbury Watchman : On last Monday night Clint McKenzie, a nes gro living on Capt. J. K. Crawford s farm, gave a corn-shucking, and left a flask of surplus liquor lying near the corn pile Tuesday morning his seven year old daughter found the flask and drank about a pint of its contents, from tiie eliects of which it is supposed she . will die. The first break in the new "Iron Clad" Warehouse will take place on the 25th inst. Thomas & Swink have gotten their stalls done, -and their warehoused to be known as tho "Ban ner Warehouse," is nearly completed JSaiisDury tieraia: Marriea, m Statesville, at the residence of the brides father (Mount Sterling) Miss Maggie Davis,, daughter of Captain and Mrs. E H. Davis, to William C, Blackmer, Esq , of Salisbury, N. C. -William W. Wagoner, aged fifty years, passad away at 9 o'clock on the morning of the 8th inst., after an illness of two weeks. It is supposed heart disease was the cause.- The railroad v ater works at Salisbury consists of over one and a half miles of pipe, supplying the depot, freigh house and cattle yard. 4 "r IFS'll. well. : No matter what business you are engaged ln: whether you re a Merchant,' Lawyer, Preacher, Mechanic or common laborer, you can't do your work well, while jou are half sick and feel depres sed, out of soils. Thousands are struggling and suffering with some nervous troubles, and try to do their work, but all In vain, vrtieh one or two bottles of Pembortoa's French Trine Coca will bring you good rejoicing health, remove all languor and tired feeling, give you strength and power to do your work, and make you enjoy life. -. Try It and be convinced ' -: ; - ' : W. M. Wilson & Co., Agents, Charlotte, N. 0. For sale by-uruggists. .-, ..: novlOdiw. The Florence Nightingale or the Nursery The following is an extract from a letter written to the German Heformed Messenger, at unamDers- burg.Penn.: r A BBITKFACTBKSS. Just open the door for her. and Mrs. Wlnslow will prove the American Florence .Nightingale of thehurserv. Of this we are so sure tnatwewiu teach our Susy to say, -A Blessrng on Mrs. Wins low" for helping . her to survive . and escape the gnplng, eolicklng and teething siege. Mrs. Wins low's 8oothing Syrup relieves the child from pain, and cures dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the gums, reduces inflammation, cures wind colic and carries the Infant through the teething period. It performs precisely what it professes to perform, every part of nv-nothing less. We have" never seen Mm Winston irnnw her onlv through the DreDa- ratlon of her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teeth-' tag." If , we had tne power we woma mane ner, as she is, a physical saviour to the infant race. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. ' ; ; Skin utseases Cnred BrDr.Frazler"s Magic Ointment. Cures as If by Magic, pimples, black heads or grubs, blotches and emotions on the face, leaving the skin clear and beautiful. Also cures Itch, salt rheum, sore nip Dies, sore lips, and old, obstinate ulcers. Sold by drnsdsts, or mailed on receipt of price, 60 jents SoldbV T. C. Smith A Co. feb24deodAWl Posi iiwe Cure for Piles- Totbs people of this county we would say we have been given tbe agency of Dr. Marchisi's Italian Pile Olntraent-emphaticaUy guaranteed to care or money refunded Internal, external, blind, bleed ing or Itching piles. Price 50c. a box. No cure, no pay. r t For sale by L. N.a B.Wrlston, druggist, Charlotte, i; , ; julyl7eodU. -Gents', to make a good appearance, snoold have shapely looking feet. Fixing flttlns? shoes, oon structed on mei-tiuc ..principles ijeoyer au defects, andatt iiiif-!cmim tl e fiod points ?iTniiAV fi--; -''OT tii-"'"sqi!C' aj'o ir ease and SmfSrt. wsU. r t-Ttr-"HggPJ hnA hv il-'.i's'-'-t- ever- i.tuo.-.., jv. aSMlkin 4 BBC?lnfcr Charlotte. , - feMldeod; HAttKET OV TELGGUAPH - ; . ' NOVEMSEH 13..1M55. - - Baltimoki JHour easy but dull; How ard aim e 4 Western Superfine $ Rxtra 3.50a 54.15;. . -Family-.' 1- " ttr Mllta Super 43.00? 3.35: Extra S3.50ai4.15: Rfo brands 4.87S5 00. W beat Southern easy but dull, Wem lower and doll; ftoumsm ru 92 95- amber 93atLO0: So. 1 Maryland 94: Xo. I Wttrn winter nso December 91. Cora tsouUi ern irregu ar; Western lower. Southern white 45 Wti yeiiow 48S52. aUHiCAeo-f iouT-dail. : WhMit dull ut qaiet; vtsmber W&Qim'r. Decern ber blQ.il Vn: o. 2 red ID. Com 'ai ly active but Jower, "jN'ovem- oe-4ZiAf43 all the sear 3S3a40Lti Oata-doil bur ea-ifr; November 26 . Mess pork- talrly ac tive, cash 48. -538.8 ; Decemotr 8 I'm s80 Lard-filrly active b-1 lrreeul.r cash s8 v&kif, $ 15; N vember and December $6 1215 $6 li. Bxen meat8 steady: dry sltwlhoaldws 3 75r? $3 9 ; uliort nb sides S4 fc534 95; 8&ort clear sides $5.15a$52a. Whiskey steady at tt.15. Su gars esy; cut loaf 7; granulated 6c: Stand ard A 6. kw toRK Soutnern flour oule : emmon tn fa'r extra 3 :0?$4i0 good to choice extra S4.15 Wheat ic lower, umrrarted red N .. 2- red 95; . fcvembfr y3a9i: December '43Rffitf6 Corn U:r cents loer: uiteraded 4l)a54 No. 2 5HWvc4; November 53". Oats lower and very dull: No. 2. 33Ua33?k Hods linn, light demand. Coffee spot fair Hlo quiet at8t; No. 7Rosp t -6.90; N veir.l)-r $6.75 Su gar stendy but qui-1 M ,'.s- ovado 4 13 16; tar to ood lennmg -Jc35c; reined qnier: C bi&d extra ;5a5V2 ; wbi extr O 5G5?3C. je-' i..jw 4fe3c; on A oTgc; mould A 6Tc; standard a tsc,. conl-'Cloner- 63gc;cut loal an.i crushed 7tfe; p w dered 6-7.7c; granuiaed 6 7-16e; eubeM 6tX6)e; Molagses dull aitd eaX. Rice quiet. Cot;oa sepd oil rude 2930; refined 39. B si n dull at Il.trzVa 15c,"- Turueutlne steady at 37c. H'des steady demand fair w o .'1 quiet but firm ; d -mestic fleece 273:360; pulled 1433c; Texas 9322c. r-ork steady and moderaiely acUee; mlddles cull; long eiear tige Juard 5Q6 points bister bat mode rately active: contract grade spot quoted at $6.4,; November $6 3936.40. Krelghts firm. Cotton ter steamer 3-16d; wheat 2d IVaval Stores WruiiMQTON Turpentine quiet at 341& Rosu julet; t strained ; FO; good strainea 85. 1st arm ax, si.iu; cruae lurDjntine steaay; naro $1.0J; yeuow dip and virgin l.5U. Savannah Turpeniiiif quiet at 341& asked. 34 Rosin 8om firm at $1 00ff$1.05 Chakljmton -Turpentine quiet at quiet; strained 85; good strained 90. fr'iiBa.ncial. NEW YORK. Exchange 4.J2V8. Money 21 Subtreasiiry aalances gold 168,544.000: currency S10.E08 (MX; iiov.-jnraents dull, sreany; tour per cents. t.aj; nnrees .$l.U3; State Donds ami ana ncavy. Alabamri Class A.' 2 to 5 9812 Class u.nves 1.115 Seorgia6's 1.02 Georgia 7's mortgage 1.03 Nortn caroiuia 4's yu m North Carolina 6"s . ex. Int 1.15 JLlil North Carolina's mmcung 10 South Carolina Brown Consols , 1.09 Tennessee 6's....... 51 Virginia 6's....:.... 42 Virginia Cmsols...... 55 Chesapeake and Ohio 1014 Chicago and Northwestern J. 124k Chicago and Northwestern, preferred 1.37 uenver ana mo uranae iy 14 isrie Sast Tennessee Lake Shore .1 Louisville and Nashville Mem phis and Charleston Mobile and Ohio. Nashvlile and Chattanooga. New Orleans Pacific. 1st. New York Central Norfolk and Western prefermL Northern Pacific common.... Northern Pacific preferred. IjPacinc Mail Beading...... aienmond and Auegnany.. Bichmond and Danville. .2 Bichmond and West Point Terminal. Rock Island C4- Danl 3t. Paul preferred... Texas Pacific........ Union Pacific. . Wabash Pacific. Wabash Pacific, preferred Western Union. ?Bld. fLast bid. goffered. Asked. Cotton. tAX.vitsTOH Firm: middling 9: net tp- ceipw 7372; gross 7372; sales 2832; stock 101.407; export coastwise ; to trreat Britain continent . exports coastwise 16,624; continent 4652; Great Brl- tarn I3,nj. Norfolk Steady; middling 91; net receipts 3912; gross 3912; stock 43,238; sales ; exports cofertwue : trreat Britain Weekly net receipts 24,178; gross 24,178; sales 9,814; exp ts to continent, -; coastwise, 13,249 France -. ; Great Britain . . Welkttn a ton Steady : middllna 8 15-16: net ceipts 472. gross 472. sales ; stock 11,79) exports coastwise ; Great Britain . Weekly net receipts 4432; gross 4462; sales exports coastwise 833; Great Britain 5200. Savahhah Steady; middling 8; net receipt 6930: gross 6'3:); sales 2900; stock 99,563: exports coastwise ; to continent ; Great Brnvn France . Weekly net receipts 39 704; gross 39.925; sales 14,1 JO; exports coastwise 11,81,7; to Great Britain $734; France ; continent zo.oil. New Okikaks Steady; middling 8; net re ceipt 14,880; gross 16,094; sales 5000; stock 226, 848; export, coastwise ; to Great Britain France : continent . Weekly-net receipts 83 237; gross 90,670; sales 33,050; exports to Great Britain, 23,378; coastwise, 10,862; continent 25,114: France 0,478, Mobilk Firm: middling 87ft; net receipts 1217, gross 1217; sales 600; stock 19,250; exports .ooastwisf : Great Britain . Weekly-net rec'ts 10,094; gross 10,561; sales 4600; exports coastwise 8,3; Great Britain - Memphis Firm; middling 8 13-16; receipts 5040: shlnments 4172: sales raoo; stock ho,34. Weekly net rec'ts 81,276; shipments 23,222; sales 19,750; to spinners - . Augusta Firm; middling 8; receipts" 1396; shipments ; sales 1264 Weekly receipts 8 841; shipments 8349; sales 813); spinners; stock 15,171. "t3HAiuiiEJTON Dull; middling 9; net receipts 3S69; gross 38t9. sales 100, stock 88,601; exports to continent ; coastwise ; Great Britain - : France . Weekly Net receipts 25 589; gross 25,589; sales 6,500; exports to continent, 3,870; coastwise, 2820; Great Britain 900. Nrw York Steady; sales 375; middling upland 9; Orleans 9 3-16c; consolidated net receipts 42,936; exports to reat Britain 7,413; to France ; continent 9,540. Weekly net receipts 2342; gross 46,456,- sale 4,S50; exports to Great Britain 10,891; France 1477; continent 19,869; spinners ; stock 138,614. Futures. Nsw Yobk Net receipts 1,143; srross 13 645; Futures closed steady; sales 101,400 bales. September. M October.. November. 9.363.87 9.399.40 9.52.00 9.649.65 9.759.76 9.879.88 9.999 10 10.109.11 10.20a.21 10.299.30 December January..... February. j ............ March......... April ......... . May.... ....... . June...... M .......... July.... August.. 4 t BSCKIPTSAT ALLFOBTS. NkwTobk The following are the total net re ceipts of cotton at au points since oepu 1st. issb. Galveston; New Orleans, Mobile, - Savannah, Charleston, Wilmington, . Norfolk, -Baltimore, -New York, : -Boston, ' -Newport News, Philadelphia, West Point, Brunswick, Port Royal, Pensacola, -Indianola, , - 'Total, .'- 820,867 510,855 72,438 878.173 242.225 52.755 180,921 11,046 13,23 494 2420 4925 - 6,668 2201 .781 18914283 ?J i COMPARATIVE COTTON STATEMENT. 4 Net receipts at all U, S. ports during week 231,251 Same tune last year. v. : 27,872 Total receipts to this date. v ........ 1 .891 ,283 Same time last year..... l,902,0ia Saturday, November ii, isss. Exports for the week. . : . 141.107 ! Same week lastyear.. .......... ... 217,332 I Total exports to this date . . . 961 To same date last year . ... 9-5.9vl! Stock at all United States ports. '.. i. ...... 760.56 i Same time last year... 77917 Stock at all interior towns . im.h5i Same time last year.. " 98.5 9 Stock at Liverpool.. . . 391.000 Same time last year..... ........ . ..... 44i,000 Stock of American afloat for Great Brlt'ru s 1 Same time last year... .'. 201.000 i TArtsrvool Cotton, Bl arlcet. Livkrpwt Nov. 13 Stpdy, with lr de mand; midollnk' up'anas 6i(fed, Orleans fid, sag .0UJ; speculation and exnorts 60 ': receipts H.iM1; all American. Futures firm. Uplands low middling clause, November dell very 5 5 64d5 6 64d. November and Deceme 5 4-64dS5 64d. December and January 5 5-64lf?5 6-64 d. January and February 5 8 t&lffi.i 9-Wd. February and Mareh 5 11 65dS5 12 C4d. March a d Anri 5 13-64dS5 14-64d. April and May ft 18-64d. May aud June 5 2i-64d. - Sales for the week 54,000; American 43.0L0; spec- celpft 82.000; Amerl aa 73 COO; stock 3V4 COO; Amer ican 289,000; afloat 293.00O: American 193.000. 2 P. JL Sales American 8.4(SO. 7riai, mw mid dling clause, November delivery 5 6 64d. (buyers. jsovemcer and Decern t-r 5 6 64d, (buyers.) December and January 5 6-64d. (buyers) January and February f. 9 6id, (vaaie.) ' February and March 5 12-64d, (buyeis.) Marcn aud April 5 15 6d. (bmers t Ajirti end May 5 ,9-64d, seilers ) Mavaod June 52 644 (buye?s.) June'ani? Juiy 5 24-64d. ibujers.) Kurures tirm at an advance. 5 p. m. Uplauos tow mtddllne clause November uenverj o 7-ta, iDuyersi. November and December s 7-4f (b yers.) December and January 5 7-fi4d. (buyes s.) v Jinutry ani Febn;ary 510 64d. (sellers.) F-bruary and Ma ch 5 13 Wi. (sellers.) Jun and Ju'y 5 27-P4d."( sellers. V Futures closed steady. City Cotton iSSarlcet. Office of ths Obseevtte, CHAKiiOTTB, N. C, November li, 1885. The city cotton market yesterday do.-e 1 dul tending downward at the following quotations: Pair ilk Middling Fair Strict Good Middling Good middling , 8 8 m Middling,... Strict Low Middling.. Low Middling. 8516 m Tinges ... Middling stains mam Becelpts yesterday 233 CITY PRODUCE MARKET Reported by T. B. Magxll. NOVEMBEB 11, 1885. Corn per bushel... Meal per bushel 6568 687() wheat per ousnei Peanuts per bushel. . . 4 Flour Family 1.00 .1.2091.80 .2.30312.35 .2.2572.30 xCXtTcfc . Super.. 2.2032.25 Peas Clay, per bushel B6970 Mixed..... 60SG Oats shelled Dried Fruit Apples, per m , "eacnes, oeeied " unpeeled Blackberries...... 67 894 Potatoes Sweet Irish.... , 7075 214?2 Cabbage, per pound. . . . Onions, per bushel Beeswax, per pound... Tallow, per pound ..... Butter, per pound. 24ft2f 1820 .22928 15fr25 2530 res, per dozen uckens ... Turkeys per pbuncL " " V. " UOVWi 80)9 85940 798 Beef, per pound, net Mutton, per pound, net 78 pork, per pound, net. Wool, washed. 71 18 " unwashed Featners, new.. 4391 Kaes. per pound 114- :-; Miiiinery ! SIRS. BEKStN & REEY8 Have another lot of HATS, BONNETS AND FANCY FEATHERS, AT- FRICESTO SUITiLL Call, and If you do not see what you want ycu will see something that you do not want. Central Hotel building, entrance through Gray & Co-s store. Bepsop & Reeves. FOR SALE. Two desiratle building lots. EOxSTO feet, OO fronting on South Tryon street, adjolulnK the propertv of J. H Carson. Shade trt'es on lots. Will be so'd separately or together. Price $7) eacli , CHABLOTTE HEAL ESTATE AGENCY. Dissolution Notice. By mutual consent the partnership heretofore existing between c. J. Fox and T. J. James, under the firm name of C. J, Fox & Co., is this day dis solved. The business will be continued at tbe old stand by C. J. Fox, who assumes all liabilities of the firm and who Is alone authorized to collect debts due the firm. 1 C J. FOX. T.J. JAMES. Thanking the public for the eenerous patronage given to the late firm, I bespeak a continuance cf same to C. J. Fox, who will still carry on the busi ness. octlSdtf T.J.JAMES. To Printers A good second-hand Plough Paper Cutter, will be sold cheap. Apply to Chas, B. Jones, at 8ep9d&wtf THIS OFFICE. TO RENT. A sevep room house on Tryon street,' near Lin coln depot, with a good well of water and a large stable on the premises. Very suitable for either a transient or a permanent boarding house. Apnly to Dr. D. O'DONOGHTJE. v novSdtf - All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment, aiarcn ana April s i( -4-?, (se.'iers ) April and May 5 20 (se lfrs.) May and Jims 5 23 C4 ?. (buvers.l IlilliBeii ! Mrs. We have now the larcest and most ftred to the Trade, comprising of all , Blisses PER GOAT AND KID BUTTON SHOES in all grades. KNTS :-: BOYS AND YOUTHS FINE CALF LACE BALMOHALS, CONGBES3 AND BUTTON GAITERS. or Gents fine calf boots Travelling Bgs, Trunks, Rubber?; etc. iOycerole Polish for fine ehoe?, acknoweided the best for preserving leather yet introduced to the trade. To keep r.p our repntaiiOD for gwd gooi ; and lo ELI AS Some of the Hafidsom est : Patterns in mMm and BBUSSEtS - OrWSTS Ever shown in this City. CALL AND LOOK AT OUR CARPETS BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. H5 1' B U RG--E S S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF FDRNITU BEDDING, &C. A full line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, Parlor and Chamber Suits, Cof fins of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trade Street, Charlette, North Carolina. if, ''Pttnyl K WE HAVE THE FINES T STOCK; OF BREAD, CANDIES SUGARS, ; CAKES, FRUITS, COFFEES, CRACKERS, NUTS, SPICES, ! ROLLS, RAISINS, PICKLES PIES, ' CHESTNUTS, ! CANT) GOODS. BASKETS OF AI.I.. KIXIS A7t SIZE.1 O HANAN'S VALKIHGFA8T. V 2 "HA! I57 8AY ABOUT TES No. 81 & 82 Park row, I New York. Sept. 23, 1885. J MES8BS. SOOZBS, FEET & CO. Gentlmeii; Hvingr noticed ia thla mornlrur'g Bun yonr adverttaement concerning tne Hanan'e WMkenphaet shoe sold by yon, I cannot refrain from expressing, uneoUci ted, my satisfaction with pair which after a year's almost continuous wear, X am just about discarding. I had been ac customed to having: my shoes made to order, pay in from $9 to $18 a pair tor the same. Xaet sum mer I mean a year ago wishing- for a pair of shoes at short notice br a trip to the mortmains, I stepped into your establisheat and purchased a pair of Hanan's. Tor ease and comfort on long tramps in tbe oouulrr I have never had their equal on my feett while for durability they OomeautsaneMtothelriahmac's idealasany I oyer saw. He said he didn't care what Mnd of shoes he had so long as the uppers were andestruebble and the soles were made of eter. suty." They have worn out the eeoomd sole and the uppers are still perteedy sound and wholeT lam glad to add my testimony to their exoel. Ienoe, though a total stranger to the Hanan's or to any member of your firm, and you are at iiberty to make any use of tola oommunication jou may see fit. mm Tt6lCi IIuTTj Yeurs, ' E. RAIf Kllf A BRO.. A gentm ibrdiarlotte. ebioeodtf Safes for Sale. ' Two good second-band safes will be gold cheap One MILLER'S. One HERRING'S. Apply to Cnas. B. Jones, at gep9dwti. , . , THIS OFFICE. complete stock that we have ever of- the latest styles of and heavy shoes of all kinds. ? m low GlvsusaeUU TnU Sxtn-t, Central Hotel Kuuairig. GBAY&CO. COHEN N ICHOLS , "we?". 03 O Q. a 7T CD (ft c 1AEOLOA CEIVFISAIVISAIX- WAY. - : y.j.- Offick of Sufkhtntkntdknt, 1 WrxamieTON, N. C, Sept. 27, 1885. J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER SEPT 27, 1885, THE FOLLOW ing Schedule will be operated on this Rail rofd PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS, Tl 1 TT.V 1 STTNTn i v I .... J. .fjjt. WWWAA. ) Leave Wilmington at............ .7.00 p. k. No. 1. J Leave Raleigh at .7 85 p. . ' Arrive at Charlotte at ........7.80 a. m 1 Leave Charlotte at .............. .8.15 p. . No. 2. Arrive at Raleigh at.... 9.00 a. m. 1 Arrive at Wilmington at. . ... .. .. ..8.25 a. m. LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. Leave Charlotte at. 7.40 a, k. Arrive Laurinburg at , 5.45 p. x. Leave L aurlnburg at &15A.M. Arrive Charlotte at 4,40 -g. . Passenger Trams stop at regular stations only, and points designated In the Company's Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, matt., ZX. PRESS AND FREIGHT. . , (Dallj except Sonday.) Leave Charlotte at Ris ArrlveaJtShelby at... ................ ."iSii p. Leave Shelby at.. ................. ....... 140p Arrive at Charlotte at.......... 5.40 p. x- Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make' close connection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from TteiAtp Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte Take Train No. 1 for Statesville, stations Western N. C. R. R., AsherlDe and points west. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, lanta and all points southwest. L. C. JOSES, TsW.C-U-.-ewL Pass. Agent. JUST RECEfViWG THE BEST STOCK OF GOODS IN . THE CITY IN OUR LINE. a; e. & w. B. mSBETy a est. ft fcfsss' BAKERY 1

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