r - . ....i..,. .; ,1- ill ill ill iii rv.-if' .-i .:, -!.'. vOMTME xxxiv.. CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY NOYGMBEB',19;' 1885. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ' ' YrrlTTR (TU -v ffi , rtt 4lV tr-r :"- Iks rtf- Hi m III Si ! S. OA AG ED &A COLORS AND SIZE fVi OUSQU ETAR . KiD 75c PKlt PAIR, 200 dozco-'B&rc88 Buttons lis Odd in41 Hnds at 5c. Per Mos., Worth from 10 to i0 Cents ;o : 200 . . , . .. AX LOWEST PRICES. 50 XIILlStFJVS kCL.OJLK;s FROM $3 25 to $7.50. "Tkdth. ltkk THK SOT,' SOmSTIMBS SUBMITS TO BE OB3CUBED, BUT, LIXR THE SUM, ONLY FOB A tuck." ' : --i: "., -yl'--- -V Subscription to the Observer. DULY EDITION. , Single copy ......... . . . . V.V T.". .......... 5 cents. ay tne ween in tae city. . - . . . . . aj By the month. .............. ........... 76 Three months ..42.00 Six months ; 4.00 One year . .................... .i...... 8.00 WEEKLY EDITION. Three months....:.., .... 50 cents. StxmonthB.. i,..?.... ............. $Ut) One year 1.75 In clubs of five and over $1.50. , Subscriptions always payable In advance, not only in name but in fact.- , TIIE PKESIDEKT'S MESSAGE. STATE SEWS over a IN REU.4NTN OP DSSSS GOODM. :0: lJJTTHICIt'S PATTT ENS F Ht 1)ECEMEK. Ml Public Printer Bounds' Measure to Prevent Its Premature Publi cation. Speculations as to the purport of the President's message are freely in dulged in, though the gossip which has got into print concerning it is founded on mere guessswork. The i. message is noi yeo evea.m memi;rau-, nnnnol-mn- u iv. i dum form and is not complete until showin the flT1 thfi nroof ha hPPn rpviwd and oor condltiOQ of the company and the de KJS?? KSiCSS of operating 'th road, vhich kafX was "ceived and adopted The gross . .J - '- . "-"- I lftffiirta f r- f ha loaf ,-nla'r ommmtoH of an advanoft nonv of a mpasatre nsfld 3UU "4 tu. VPtJltlu.S T.. " "frf - . i? "I nenflPQ worn I Fil R1 r U' nairinn b ha Xenoir "Topic: : So-nething year ago it will be ; remenbere:d, the premises pt John Clippard,r the rev, enue informer, were invaded in the Brushy , mountains, ,r his stables and fences burned and h was ordered to leave the locality. : .He movtd to the strip of land acquired by , .Cald well from Wilkes Since he was! raided he has at all times gone heavily armed On Monday night of last week some bovs passed his house sinsinc and Clippa'rtT. fearing it was anotbei- raid grabbed hi? gun and .vent on the p. aszi. By f frnn ni vii; ihe,i m ex ploded, ino charge iakiafc rfect.in his right arm and shattered it baaly. He hngerf d on till last Sundsy , morn ing when he dld - List week was a sad one in the family of our towns man Mr. J amen A.. Watt, for, within five day s. the 'At; gel of Death claim, r ed three of its memoers including the father of the family All died of ch'ph- thena. . ,. .. : , . ... At the meetinff of the Wit minsrton & Weldon Railroad stockholders in Wilmington, Japt Fridav. savs the Review, President Bridgers read his oes Loss wittkowsky wittkowsky: wittkowsky wittkowsky wittkowsky wittkowsky vvittkowsky wittkowsky1 wittkowsky ' wittkowsky wittkowsky IS Another's & BARtJCH'S & BARUCH'S & BARUCH'S &BARUCH'S & BARUCH'S & BARUCH'S & BARUCH'S & BARUCH'S & BARUCH & BARUCH'S & BARUCH'S IS THEIR PATRON'S GAIN ! Oiir oak 111 Kooffl S 1 83 PO !7.P HBP Stock bow Co I J mpieie -FOR- mm The most saparb Stock of Goods consisting of wOTS, BOoTt, BOOTS, HATS, Ha. 'VS. HATS, VALISES..-? VAl lsh,' VALINES, GRIP SACKS, SACKS, SACKS, TRUNKS, TKUNKS, -TBUHKS, SH0E3, SHOES. SHOES, An -3 k Etc , EC.Etc. UMBRELLAS. UMBRKLLAS. tMBKELLS. Of Ltice Curt'ilns by t!i8 yard, all pre. ' Lae3Curtaia3hftQ9 pair from $1.'5 ro 58 03., HeavyTaprtnCart ilnsby tlieyard at 753., S1.25 and S2.60 per yard. Velvst Tapestry Curtains, &x . ' . , i Ever offered In the State, Is now ready for show ajid sitlo at our old ana we 1 known store in i lie .First National Bani: Full'Ung, nearly opposite the Cejitral ajd Biilord Hettlff we resoecttuily iaviie buyers to examine for th&aiselves i - Set) r Jul j&ML-MI dL M4:& 4 57i 4 1 lr b i L Am SR FINE PRESS1 BOOTS, ' : ! liAmiS' FINE DK i-S B'JOTS, - LADIES' FINE. DHESi 1J0OT4, , .MASKS' FIN .? DRESS BOOTS, ' ' " MISSFS' FINE DRES.ri BOOTS, i MINES' FINK DEKSS BOOTS, CHILDREN'S' FINE B"UTS BALS, i CHILDREN-' KINB BO TS AHD BALS, CHILD itENS' FIN BOOTS AIs'O BALS, Of Table Llnent, wMte aid colored, In all qualities from 3D cent i up. - A BEAUTIFUL Uableacliea ClotU, very h3avy weight, all Ini-n, at 75 cents per yard. A?k to see my 2641 Licli Liaen Towels at 25 cents. , . . CABPETS. RUG-, SHEETINGS, P;LL0W CAS INGS. tc, AT LOWEST PRICES. WEDGED cial resources ot: tne newspaper cor respondents.! Under Public Printer Rounds, however, there is no such competition; the extraordinary care taken by him cutting on all podsibih ities of its capture. A large sized Jvlarvm sate has been added to the. office, and a sight of ; its massive doors and quadrupled bolts of steel would deter the most . skilful and ac complished newspaper burglar. Since the Rounds .... administration not a single document ha3 got out prematurely from the Government Printing Office and the additional precautions recently adopted appear superfluous. When a pubhe; conhv uential job is on a press the paper for that iob is counted and must be res turned, the spoiled Sheets with the rest. Formerly the nrst impressions were simply ciumpled and thrown into a waste basket, like any other job- Now:ihe,;wasL0 sheets are care- lullv preserved and returned, the foreman of printing having them cut into litrlft bits. In the caso of the message the matter is set, prools are taken and corrected Under the per sonal supervision of the public priii. ter and his torenian, Mr. Brian,, the ealle'ys are locked in the safe and the revised proof usually taken unier seal to the White House by Mr. Brian or his chief in person. The Presis dent's secretary, brings -the oroof back on Sunday, preceding the mest- mg of Congress, and the requisite copies. Fay a dozen, are struck off under his eye, the waste destroyed and the galleys again locked up in the sale until after the message ha.s been read to Congress. lance in favor of the road of $373,141 07,' This sho ws an increase over the previous year of $36,942 67, in gross receipts. ' . Col. A. M. , Waddeli writes to the News and Observer as follows, from Wilmington under date of the 16th: Please oblige me by saying that the using of my name in connection with the judgeship of this district was without, my knowlege and against mv wish. y:, Sd far from being a can didate, an aspirant or ever a "willin' Barkis," I positively declined the un animous request of the bar here (and also of lawvera and citizens else where) that I would allo w the use of mv name for the vacant office, and the Governor was so notified. Asheville Advance: Mr. W. E Wolf, f of "this city, who had the con tract for plastering the Insane Asy him at Morgantcn, has completed his job and returned to the city yester day morning. .The contract was a preUy large one there being 30.000 yards to plaster. The commission ers expressed great satisfaction with' Mr. Wolf's work. V, i Ne'wa, ivid Observer: Mr.y C. B Fairohild. who wasi for years a re&i dent here, but who in 1880 returned to his old home a t Btnghampton, N. Y., has made a fortune and a good reputation, as an inventor at a stroke, He has invented and put in practical operation what is said to be the be't system of cable railway in the world It dispenses with "grips," by using a IS OVERSTOCKED WITH . - ' ' 1 ' ' Newmarkets, , ' Raglans y Circulars, Jacket ' Visites. And in order to make a marked reduction in Stock we have concluded to allow on all Garments, "THIS WEEK ONLY," : . - - - ' - - v; Gents Fine Silk Stiff Soft Hats. and 1 1& i: $ V in. ATjMA RAVEN POLISH GLOSS and BUTTON'S DRESSING for Ladies' and Childrens' Shoes. i Ir. Fallen's Slay. lew Terk Lettr to Cincinnati Enquirer. The day after John McGullough's death I came upon Dr. Montrosti A. Pallen, a well-known surgeon of St. T,ftHis find TSew York. K;iid hf? 'T thinkT knew John McCullough long- thin as Y deepening te canal it wiii er than any of you lads." 1 said I be of great benefit to the farmers had known Mr. Mcuullough since aouDie caoie. Mr. Jj aircnna is ed bv the business men of the place and will extend the invention which is in successful operation at Bing- hampton. Washington Gazette: 'Gen. Lewis, Goldboro, took passage on the -team er Washington last week for Hyde county, to "examine the New Lake Canal, for which the State has appro priated 150 convicts. Gen. Lgwi about 1858 or 1859. Dr. Pallen said he had known him since 1860. Said he: "In 1864 I was in Montreal,; where J onn-;; .-Mcuullough was the leading man at the theatre: We were pretty hard up. 1 was an escaped prisoner from Johnson's Island, and along the lake and openjup lands that are now almost worthless on account of overflow. We are glad to see that the East is getting some beneht from theconvict labor. Gen. Lewis thinks in very probable that work will begin early next spring. ', . - Raleigh Visitor : s We regret to' an- illuAdiiUul Will make a special drive on 1 rj utieiJi dls,-'Jii. ! he was a native Irishman, butasym- nounce the death of Mrs. I. W.v Dur- nathizer with the South. He had ham. which took place vesterdav af been playing with Edwin Irorrest, ternoon at her home in Winston, at- who did not act in tne summer, and ter a long , sicuness, agea xy -years. war controversies in the' North, and .WB'--Hatrell he slipped away to Montreal and got gen'eHarrell, of tVusvcifcy "T.She had a summer engagement. One day he been married only fboufr three'years said to me i 'Pcdlea, let us- raise t;-e at the, time or her decease... Mr. liar wind somehow.' I said : 'Verv well, rell, her brother, wis called to Win- but what . play shall "we write?' Wejston last baturday by a telegram an went to his room soon alter, and i;e nouncmg her serious umess.i . Winston Daily : Intelligence reached here thi morning that Mr. produced a book called 'Enoch Arden,7 m . , rN i r i xx a turr U,, iiv and he read that poem to me. I said 1ms week.. They have a few pieces lelt and they must be that I could make a play of it, and in tea days i had his play ready. To have it produced he bad to bdy the theatre ; that is, to guarantee its p ro prietor, his. usual and normal returns- After that McGul lough and " m vsel f sold. It will niv to look at them.v Yon can :bny ; a; BLACK .CASHMERE"':-: DRESS Chppnr f ?r., r onw iinnco tn tnTcn - vnn pan biiv anvthlac else1 tou need cneacer. there t r;n anvhojfv wtn it t.n tou. The time has come for tbe great clofee, and they are determmea to make it. They desire .o get rid of me entire stools by December, 1st. . ' i ' t; TYSON ': , " C 'A'R T H-A O E' FINE BUGGIES -AND- JONES N.C.,' " LARGE AND Elegant Vatietj ! NOW ON HAND: PHAETONS. CLAD1 TO' BS ABLE TO COMPETE STJCCE3SFIJLLT, IN PRICE AND QUALITY, WITH 1 , BEST MANUFACTURERS IN TBE NORTH AND WSr. ' 'I For ,ale ly AJ C. IlufeUIson & Co.; Charlotte, W- C.; Tan Gi!Len & JSrowM, Aj.liillle, W. C W. Siaitladeal, S Hlisryy N. Cr. . , ; . were to divide, yv e-made lly, ot which I i got; half, Some time after that I saw a prize offered in Boston ior the best play on 'Enoch ArdenJ and I sent my piece and lizard no more about it. A year or two after that I came to New York and found Edwin -Adams advertised " to - plav 'Enoch Arden,'. so I ; wept, into the WintOr Garden Theatre, and there I heard my piece played." vi.f ;. .. ;. " " - - 3 cu pi .- " ' -' The prevalVnee.or milarlni disorders" being de pendent upon vuiatea conamon- 01 atmosytere ;tnd.,wateir Is, In sreain regions, of couc-.e, Ineyit able. . The grand question, tueretore, presfnts it eelf toevery- resident -.of -a stricsen locality is, "What means soau l adipt to fcscape tlie dreaded seeurjp?'?--- or a third of - a ceatury Ilosterter's Stomach Biters has been the embodied answer to i this question. In thickly populated and sparsely settled.districisaiiKe.iiixowa ana in country, n has pfforced constant protectJon against malarial Infection to those who have used it. It eradicates and Drevents, 1 with equal certainty, tevrr and ague, bilious remittent, dumb as?ue and agua cake, anAnullifies alsa the-prnielou -effees- ot-m-ias pers'istentiy twe tnrtful aikoioid sulphate, cf, qui nine : It also remedies, . With cthorouahii ess. trvs- pepsla, liver complaint, constipation, debility anoV rheumatlsai', c K! 'Ai r-;js .. V-'-tjfi-'. ' ... ICB DUE ABILITY, STYLE AND FINISH, WE ARE UNSURPASSED. TYSON &-JONES,.-Carthage', F.C- gkixi Wiseases . Cared . -.. By" r, brazier's aCvOlntnienti Cures as If by Magic; pimples-, black: -.heads' ot grubs, blotches and eruptions on the face,- leaving the skin clear and beautiful. Also cures Itch, salt: rheum,, sore nip ple, sore Upb, and, old, obstinate ulcers.- So! by drogkliits, or mailed on Teoeipt of price, BO 4ent3? facldby'T, C. Smith & Co. - f eb24deod4vly John Ki3er who live3 about fivo miles from Winston was found dead in a creek. He had with him a gun and a hole was shot through his head. It is - supposed - he shot himself, but whether accidently or intentionally is unknown. SeciJia: tlic Galveston Fire in a Dream. ; A Madison, Ind., special says: On the night of the great fir a at Galves ton, O. V. liiora. oE.this citv, had remarkably vivid dream He saw in his vision , the ciiy of Galveston in names, men,- women and caildren fleeing before the fire,; which licked up everything in its path, leaving a desolate track or blackened rums The fire was, . fanned s by a,: -fierce wind. He could feel the intense heat. When he awoke he was eo impressed with, the vision that he ex pected to find a fire in the immediate vicinity, or in his own house. When the family arose he related his dream and after breakfast" visited the news paper offices to see if any hews of a disastrous cbnflagration had beenre ceived. . : No news had been; received at?that hour. About .' 9 o'clock- the news came oyer the wires of -the fire at Galveston, verifying Mr. Flora's description of .the scene. - - iV, .mi mv This discount will not be an Imaginary one, as all goods Ipllsioie bear a cost, .as" wellas selling price4, and the "' ten per cent will be taken off, when the garment s oeing paia ior . - , OFFERED IN 10-4 10-4 11-4 blankets at $215 blankets at S3' 75 white - blan&ets at $3.75 white white VI- pair, pair, pair, V worth worth worth in Oi50.' 5.50- HOUSEKERFEHS, BUYvNOW ! ! ! . We have marked down Sheeting, 1 able Damasks and Towels A large iot of .Remnants of Table ' Damasks' will be found on our counters. , . . . f 3 3 fie Mr CHARLOTTE, N. C. MAIL OEDER3 SOLICITED. ft If . : : - ' .' -v- . -.- COaWER CEHTHftL. HOTEL. .: CLOTHING, GEN 1 S'. FURNISHING GOODS, ' .. ;.. . . HATS, - -.. - yiuMilii io.fi ttiliiv f f mm. )mm . ' .-. ' . 77?TTr f? . fTS !-2" i . . . - r -.'.tSOrgaMe'aimes '-ot' I033 ?f power In eithorsei, however Induced. sp?edify and perma nently cored Enclosa 10 centa la stamr-f Ior book of t artlculara. World's DIf pen3ary Hedioal Association,. Bu3aIo, N. Y. - novl5auitf hui&w. ..We are offering the very finest of Foreign ,4and Amediil' manufacturers. Our stock is this, largest, most varied, and best yet shown, and represents : all the choicest patterns and latest designs in Mens', Youths', Boys' and Childrens' Clothimr. ' ' ' : ' Worsted - Cork Screw . Oassirnere and Diagonal Suits, Sacks,. Cutaways, Double and Single Breasted. - Children's ..Norfolk. Suits. , -,y V :;v:-:,;. . Plain and Fancy Knit Underwear. w. , , .V 5 Latest, and cprrect styles of Soft 'and. StiffTHats:. ThfsD; good's have -been specially - manufactured for this season's iraae. ; -.-n eariv -visit oi inspection will insure to biir customers a choice of selection and correct fit. r- -