VOLUME xxxiv.: CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY NOVEMBER 2.', 1885. V PRICE FIVE CENTS. A Lot if DAMAGED MOUSQUETARE KIDS', ASA COLORS AND SIZES AX 7Sc. PR PAIIL, -:o:- mm IDras Iliiittoias j a Odds and Ends at 5c Icr Ioz Worth from 10 to 50 Cents. :o:- Ladies' Cloaks AT MWEST PRICKS. . ZO.Z " JTiast 3HLeceive&, SO CHILD REIS CLOAKS FROM $2.23 to 7.50. $feje. Charlotte bscrtitr TRTJTH. LIKB THK 8UK, SOMETIMES SUBMITS TO KB OBSCURED, BUT, LIKK TKS SUN, OHLYFOKA TIMS." Subscription to the Observer. . DAILY EDITION. . Single copy... 6 cents. By the week In the city 20 By the month. 75 " Three months..... . 200 8tx months.... . 4.00 One year 8.00 " WEEKLY EDITION. Throe months 50 cents. Blx months... .i $1.00 One year............;......:... L75 In clubHol fire mid over 41.50. : Biioscrlolv .s always iw-le iu ud. i.ce, not onlv In name but-In fact - What iO SN RE HANTS OP DRESS GOOD. :o:- BITTTERICK'S PAT? GRNS FOR DECEMBER. ILHiaMlEI. . -FOR - . :o: - n . u SV TP mm MUY0' Of Luoe -Carttns fcy'tea yard, aH frrte. :,. Lacs Curtains by ii-i pair from 1."5 o J 8.0?. HeayyT.ipH tr CJrt tins by the yard at and SlGOr rnrd.. -.' .". ' ' Velvet T.;?es'rr Curtains, ; '-- v-. Thursday, 26th day of Ko- vt rnhpT ' bp.ino- Th inkso-ivino Day, car store will be closed the entire day. m 4 5 tfc: Of rali!e Li'i?.n3, svid colored. In I'soa! -ties' from ! up. i -tit i i h It V If CJ: Unblea&ei Cloth, very i-?avy weight, all II a n, at " 75 cents per .Irk to sc-e iny25. 4 T I rte!i T 1 aen Towels ,.t2i cents. ' v: STATE KEWS. i dead or mangled every moment. There are 8 703 children of the school At last a stranee fcound was 1 age in Iredell county, oc which 6,694 are whites. BaMlan Bttarr Boy ' "Doomtfl to Disttmotion. , Chioairo Timas. Ma'. Gen. Yakovitch, of the Kassian army is, one of the few men now living who saw the great Napoleon on a battle field. The old general saw the French emperor at Borodino. At that battle Yakovitch, then a mere boy, served with a battery in the grand redoubt which was the center of the Russian line. He gives a vivid description of the battle. Vvben morning broke a sea of gray mist shut oat the field from view. TKo voices of the enemy were heard, the neiftiui of thir horses, and the . rum bling Of artillery, wheels. - Then came the tlKMi'it-r of cannon, making the very earta t oiiiUe. Ihre times all the Russian g ;nners were killed, and three times new men too their places. Bul lets dew thick as hail, and men dropped Saw-4 The Asheville Citizen reports that Mr. Chas. N. Vance, has not accept ed the position in the revenue service recently tendered him at Washing -ton." Wilmington Star: Mr. Wm.lLynch the well known trailor, died sudden ly in his room over his shop on South Front street at an early hour yester day morning. Mr. John Kent Brown, city surveyor, and well known as a civil engineer, and real estate agent, died last night at his residence in this city after a prolong ed Sicknees that had for months al most entirely incapacitated him for business. : Wilmington Review : There is a growing sentiment in this city in fa vor of the completion of the railroad to Onflow county, not only to New River but across the county to Swains boro. Last winter a charter for the purpose of constructing a road up the coast was granted and its provi sions are very broad and liberal. The road can be carried : under the charter, if so desired, as far North as the dividing line between North Car olina and Virginia! and on any route East or the Wilmington sc Weld on Railroad. Statesville Landmark: Mr. A. Lea zar, of MooresvilleL one of the metn br&'of the lower house of Leglature has received this week, and declined, an appointment as chief of a division in the Treasury Pepartment at Wash jogion. The appointment was secure ed by .Representative Henderson ana Senator Ransom, and tho salary is $ 3,000, Very auietly and ver3" privately. at the residence of the bride'? father, Major P. B Chamber Tuesday evening, Mr. Richard A Evans and Miss Maggie B ..Chambers both of Statesville. were united in marriage Rev. Dr. Wood perform ed the ceremnoy.'. . . Ashehord. .. Courier; Mr. Joseph Connor, aged about 80 years, died at his home, four miles from town, last Tuesday: He ate his breakfast ; s ii'suai -and walked, to the door, .when ha "tudwenly fell to the gound ami .0'ie.d. instantly.- VV. G Upch'urch, E- q., of Wake county, recently elect ed President of the State Agricultur al Society,' and a puccessfol farmer. always sows his wheat in November, ana gives.' it a good top AVi; 0;lll;I.VLLY INVITE foris AND THE Pbblic at. Large To call on us and that CABPE-TS, 1 v: H, STIKETiNGS. V IV V,r CA3-i.,-Af. LOWEST fKiviii. : fit I- v .l-'MvS . J To &Mioib?in e.u- to do no .will :sen;gdGasvay;:d6wn;;beIw GJOTS'AT Wi&t.W IflSECE.1-:--.'----- JUAJ. - -- " w . - - - r.Al4li O fffiSESa; 0I5 same. narro vmg m i- eoruary. dressing ana a 'Abbeville Citizen :A correspond en l at Uiiirlestoir.'.wi ite . under date ot Ttm:redav..tbat the- mau C. O. Masy co'nvie'e'd ot .-..stealing . the mono) from Mr. ,-CI i he's store - while Mr. D Iv Coilia's stables were burning, was convicted yesterday of fifing .the Xyxvw also, and the judge sentenced him to twejity-five years in the penitenitiii ry. The firing and stealing wa-3 done Monday ntghr, ; and by 'Wednesday rught lie had been arrested, indicted, tried and convicted - of both" crimes, and sentenced. "We l ava n eleganttline'; of ''''S'yiJ: c-Ht for one-half wfeattbey will coat'wlien waaod, audit would be a very good, plan -to I'Thatcm ffiiM Pmcb-ise ttiT- now and lay aside till wanted. iA5 - if;' : few? - fewr El & JL OfRkT.H': FIKE, BUGGIES PHARTONS M E...N. C, mmm Elegant Yaiiet ! i NOW ON HAND. "WS CLltl Grown, " AfcInIiii;Nv-trf:W;kmit3idn.r, H"IlJ?ury, N. C . Tb Bulgarian men are said to 1 e tha dirtiest white people in the work1,' bathihg-bnly tv?io-3 m life; .rihee .when they en ter-.th-, world 'as ir.fnts'.'apd again av hen they gee married. As hn fif-ie t to this .the vftiiiea are .'said to be remarkably, han'dsome.1 ' - - . - The prevaieiife of insla-rrj disorders- bpir-g de-pc;.;-iif. q on vitlited ccnfii'i'ii" ot aUuosliere an' water is, m crrtain reio.'ss, oi c our &, lntv.'i aMe. Tfci? grriinl qacstl.'sii, tt -t-refoiev 'prwlns it seli to evt-ry resitif nt -of '.a ;sti-5cken' -locality In, ' vvb-.it k:?hbs s;.oil Tad pt t j (-s ape te5 dr a.-i' a 8csirre?:'- - orfttWrdof ,.; d-.ntury- Hos-vetter'u srora-kliB.Uers t;?.s J.ii ths -jiibo(iSed'anvfbjr vo this quetiyn. in tfakkly popaiuted ana sparsely settled dtstilJiJ allfcv.io town ad jin c nuij-.v, V. lias ffored cmstan't- pr-oteetion gainst rcalail ;1 Inrefttioa toiliow wfeohava iu:td it, It erii:ica'e- Hr,preve;jt5, ' v;st!i ' equiil cent-tatf, Ifcv.-r aaa agass bt?lous remittents d:imb eetie and aane cafee, and xinllllies also ib'e .poi-Diciaus efiec s b -ustag-perststent'j the tur-tful a-kofeid guipbate of q-A cb;e I s also reni3ev witb tiKrcugmess. ovs pepsin, Tver ccmtlaiiit, csnstlpattob, dsbJUty and heard in the distance, like rain pattering on withered leaves. It - grew louder and louder, until it filled the air like the roar of a stormy sea. All at once a great wave of bright swords and hel mets and horses heads came surging up over the breastworks It was the Im perial guard. Before the shock of that mighty wave the itusslan center crum bled away snauerea wrecks. When Yakovitch came to his senses ; and opened his eyes he saw around' him the cornses of his father am comrades. Suddenly the trampling of hoofs called. his attention to a group of gayly dressed omcers, and Napoleon s staff came rid ing over the held, lhe young itussian peered anxiously into their faces. In his graphic language "There were the hard faces of Happ and Darn and broad-chested Sebastian, and Js ansouty, with the saber scar across his cheek, and the low, broad forehead and bull-dog ; aw of grim old Ney, the bravest of them all. There, too, was Murat,- with his white plumes, and his braided iaket, his long, dark, curls hanging down his neck, and his riding-whip in his hand, ;,ust like a cir cus rider. And then the group parted suddenly and there was the man him self in the midst of them, with his face hard and immovable as marble amid all that blood and agony, and .' a far-away look in those cold gray eyes of his, as if he saw Moscow somewhere up in the sky, but could see nothing between. , "A glorious victory!' cried Murat, waving his hand. 'What a stir there'll be among the good folks in Pari3 when the bulletin arrives? v We've lost half our army in doing it, though,' growled IvTey. 'Hadn't we better fall back a little and-wait for the reinforcements?' Then Napoleon turned slowly, jnst as the statue might do, and looked him full in the face. "Thou advising a re treat, Michael? That is something new, indeed: No no falling back now. I must date -ray, bulletin -from Mosgow. As for tho army you can;t make, an omelette without breaking a few eg-js. ' " Yakovitch sas that when he heard that he knew that i.od had iors;ken .Napoleon, for no man save one doomed to destruction . could have spo en .so lightly of ihe slaughter of thousands of brave men. In three months from that day the- French ourperor was iiyiiig for his life across tha border with the Cossacks at his heeld -li-.e hungry wolves. - A i-ew !,! la iTB-iKscape". An inventor has ed upon the llc:t that the e ".i-ciene-y of a tire cs?aje should not-. depend upon th self-possession of endangered persons, but shopld take advantage- of this universal impulse to leap and use it in sa.ing life. He con structs a portable escape, which is -sim-plya bed upon which the jumpers m vv alight without in dry'' His idea is that as. soon as a .pre is discovered the watch men, policemen or neighbors, even be fore the arrival of the firemen, id r.y bring out their-portable teds or cush ions and place1 the. a under the windows of the burning building. .And' th re can be do doubt thnt if some, such de vice was generally introduced and every neighborhood supplied with several or the cushion wagons, very quickly alter the outbreak of a fire'the occupants of a burnincr house wonlcl find beneath their We are selling cashmeres, all leading shades, one yard wide, at 52 cent per yard. ; e foD.vinced tiat We are selling black Gr Gr. Silks of be6t make at actual cost price, ''', ' f .. .. . . . t .. i - We are Belling colored Dress Silks, in rich colors, at 55 cents per yj-rd. We are selling cheeked dressed goods boucle eJQfects at 25 cent H. Diagonal matched dres goods at 25 cents. These always sold well at; 40 and 50 cents. Wc re selling 5O0 yards of white shaker flannel at 67 nts per yard. - . : We are : elling -Towels . at , 20c ,25c, 33Jc which c ami of' be miitched at t tit s prices in Retail Stores North. and 42 Jc. the largest GUILTS AMD MMASiS at SPECIAL ESDUCTIONS. 1 ITipsf7 ll. Ill IllliililCl t it i'3 ia. ml: M met rA X- yVi v'fra --sr.T-si. f -i fA n 7-sr U&lU fide ' TTK.;N. C. MAIL ORDER3 SOLICITED. windows . " something better than bare pavement to jump upon. tho w.vs rrsm - ' ? ? AbT.e ! M-ei.rjp Plane. One of the t est of many good things said by the late Emery Storrs was at a meeting of prominent Chicago citizens to raise funds for the Dearborn park library and art- gallery."' Some';-one re marked that he did hot believe . the en terprise would ever pay. T want Chi cago," exclaimed torrs,' ''to rise to that eminence where it can do something that won"t pay." in By iisln? Dr. T razier's Tliroat and Lung Balsam tiie only cure for coughs, colds, hoarseness ana sote threat, and dwasos t tie -Throat sr.ri Lungs. Do. cot.- ncfelect a cough. It 'ma? provt fatal. Scorestrid- hGndreds' of i-eopls owe UitJr lives to Br. Fr;izTer o . TJir&at -h-Qd'-Luag Balsam, and no family- will-ever. t wifchws it alter ciipf using it, aad diseover!r;g its mtjiveious'pover. It Is put nr la liiraa- family : bcttlrs.- ml sold tor te sm?rt price cf to cents a bottle. Sold by T. C, Siaith & Co.- -. :? --?'' r. -.ft2ad!3&v)if By Dr. Frazier's alagic OJntiucnt. ' Cures &a if l-. Masic, pimples; tlaek heads or grnt-s, blotches nf ernptions on ite face, Ibavlni' the skin clear cr.d be&ojtifuL f. Aiso eaies itaa, salt rneoia; sore nip pl23y snre lips, aiid.oldj obsttnate nkfcrar, Sold drqgj-istfs or mal ted on reipt of p'lee. 50 jf nts Sold bV'T, a Smith A "v fabyeod&wiy - Positive Csire tfVor I'lles. - To the people of it Jits ooiiri y we i wonld -r,t wjs haveljeen givn the egfuvy it Lr SIh whisi's'ltaCan Pile OiEtrdeut-aspliaTlca iy guawm sei to care or money retundedlaterr.h!, externa:, bftedv . b'eed ing.os iteiung pi;es.r,it'ie-t6o.-4.iHr-jc;;..--Kactej rvc pay. -t . v:: - ' '- --r--: - . For sal3 : by L. BI Wrlston, . 'Crjggtstv tr arfotte. N.C. V '-. . T - . 1uiyl7eodly.. ,?quiJ Fusl for Ship. Ernerikients have been muds nddjesboruh with liquid fuel for ships. One of the. most successful. has been wish ths steamship m.-iniul, which was fitted with tanks to hold the oil a waste product -from the laiddles boruh ehemu-al worts. Ths stearaer has just returned. from a- trip on tho Jlediterraneau, ; and the engineor ra ports most favorably results. Flow to Swnr - AiIt riornnat. If you are a sal irisd man. and, there fore, one of method in your .expandi tures, set a fixed sum apart for dr-3vs, and, even if this t-e seemingly largo, you' will "find th-at a neat and otherwise attractive appearance will not militate against your advancement. If report hs true w have all, the dic tionary included, - been misspelling "Monkey-wrench." It is now said that the familiar and useful screw-bar. wrench takes its name . from its inventor, Mr. Charles Moncky, of Brooklyn. Chinese Conrerfi.. Th?re are about .545,000 native Chris tians in the Chinsss empire who have been converted by Koman Catholic mis sionaries. Those converted -by Protest-. ant missionaries ! are much fewer in, number. - ' ' 7 il ii V it Mi fa - .A (. Mrf iu! bJI K-i liaffl li GOii rrm m.t? ry r? rr ?.t rr? n r hotel. .OTiJINGv GEN' S' FJ RNISH1KG GOODS, n ;i a j. ; 5 ii 1 till.. ti-HU ! Ms ihi'll ill We are r clTeriiig the very finest of Foreign and A meril Oar stock is the largest, most varied and md leprefcentg sli the choicest pattertis and la'eht -jfigns' in Men-v, Youths', Boys' and 'Chilc,ren8, Uotmti5T. W crated Uunc bcrew Caspimere and Diagonal Suits, Sacktr, Cutaways, Double and Single Breasted. ' . -Children's Norfolk. SuiU. . ' ' ... Plain and FaLcy Knit Underwear. , - latest and correct styhs of Soft and Stiff Hats. ; ' Tiis- gocd'shavc been specially manufactured for this seaton's tade. An esrly, visit of inspection will, insure to eur customers a choice of selectiorr and correct fit, ' . ' . A. U ."iHM:A.lNi t. ji I. 1 1 i .1; u i n U' in S p. !:: - j Hi - if i I- V 1 1 IS. It. ;$