'WHY AM I A LIBERAL ?' , Robert, Brownlngr. J - -oThv? Because all I haply,can and do, " A& that I am now, aU I hope to be, Whence comes it, save from fortune set ting free " ;" ; Univ ami soul, the purpose to pursue, . .Vtrac for both! Of fetter not a few, y crajiice, convention, fall from me. fVb&te suall I bid men, each in hi degree, jUso God-guided, bear, ahd gay ly, too! Bat little do or -an te best of us; That U'-t e is at-.uieve I through liberty; Who tni ir hold, emancipated thus. His" fell'-w" -hrill contiaue bound? Not I, TTrn k lov. lab-r fnsely. nor discuss .' - A brother's right to .free lorn. ; That i VALUZ OF SELFCpoSSSSSiO.H. ' ' The TrmMe Caused by lpi Lack A Phi iMnphr'n Comments . ', r Dct"oit Free Pre.j - - "See here, young man, now that you brought about this discussion, ana aa I havij nothing particular to engage ray attention fust at present, let me talk with yoi a trifle on my hobby." , . "I'm at your service" ;. ' -"The average man is a good sort of an animal and if he h.s reached the di tinction of being able to read and write he is alscr possessed of su ftcient intelli gence to know right from wrong know ing that he would, in nine cases out of ten, be genteel mind you, now, Im not speaking of dress if it were not for lack of self-possession. Belf-posses- lV .! 1.-1-1 VfT , sion. mats my uouoy. - nans to near About itf" - . . - "T m deenlv interested." ".Nine men out of ten would raise their hats if, while strolling through a ceme tery, they should suddenly came upon a group surrounding an open grave as the they would do so because their sur roundings would have placed them thor iffhlv in accord with the solemnity of the acene. They . would be perfectly self-poMessea. x ney would do the same thin on the busiest street in the moat bustling city, upon meeting a fnneral prooewien, ii tney. were only eeli-pos .aessed." "Possiblv." "Have you not many a time failed to unhitch a horse for a lady, or pick up a package some lady has - dropped at the instant when you were passing her, and when a dozen feet beyond the oppor tunity hTe you not regretted the omis sion ef the courtesy? Can von nnt call scores of sueh chances in which you We neglected to do yourself justice?" "ies, i oeiieve i can. ' . "Of course vou can. Everv man cnn "They're happening every day, and the mynaua ui ucu mistakes are an ac r -countable to a lack of aelf-nnRsKRinrr Th men are few and far between, as I believe, who are not sufficiently delicate of appreciation to know when they may eetew a tourteey, but they are also n6t numsreus who get hold of the idea in staatly and in time to act without mak ing a botch of it." . "Have you any theory to advance on the cultivation of quick wit" "None whatever. It is aonalit.v whirh is born in a few, acquired by many, and lost Dy aerauic to tn great majority. When it becomes universal then will ' this world be a perfect place to stay in. " Aa idrtrd Qrit mf th GAtu U Cru- iV. M.) i ff.1 G:ohc-Dmoert. A short time ago a great cave was discovered in the Bennett mine, situated in the Oregon mountains, and about tirel?e miles from this place. This cave is , a veritable crystal palace, grand beyond description. Under foot, over head and all around it is as white as snow and clear as ; crystal. In some places it takes the form of - icicles, in others the form of frosted glass. - What seem to be groups of trees, from four to seven feet high, are seen, and have been given names. Pictures of all kinds of objects, such as birds, animals and reptiles, in ay be seen, and the cave is really a wonder. ITt 1 tit East. 1' hiccsro T mtt. Flats ar9 increasing in unpopularity in New York. It is said that there are nearly two thousand of them for rent in ' the city. ( ne objection is that it is diilcult to learn who are the fellow-oc cupanta of the building, and the latter may has e dangerous diseases without one'6 knowing it. Another is the num ber of unwelcome parties who live in tkta. In - Boston, says ' The Journal, the popularity of the houses seems un diminished, and they are increasing at a rapid rate. Tfc Orvttr of Iaterriewiar. KTaf'-a-o Hrl, When the present capitel at Washing -ten was opened, ia 1 9 1 , the old one was let to business tenants. ' One of them, Anne hoyal. ; ran two weekly newspapers The Paul Pry - and The Huntress on the premises, and was the originator of the American system of interviewing.' fche was iadictod as a common scold in 1820. She lived to the age of 92. ay ttokea. fCh!oftjco Hera'd." The proposed universal day meets with mo encouragement from astrono mejs. CTDon th "hws of the day from 0 to 2 in Tll life one of them says tha,t ifc will scareely ever be adopted, for nobody (extept, perhaps, sick people lying in 7' will have patience to count the ttrokes of the clock up to twenty-four. A EUhnPjBlce4 ViauofHt. The famous violoncelle r by Stradi Yrius, which belonged to the two Ser ywses, father and son, the violoncellists, H 0Jered for sale. It is reported that ; highest bid, 60,000 francs, has been aaie by Herr von Mendelssohn, of Ber but that Mme. Servaia has fixed the Price at 100,000 francs. ..A government engineer points out that m nine of our seaboard eities alone property valued at $8,822,000,000 is ex Fed to destructjpn in case of war, be cause of our lack pf seacoast defenses Mequata to cope with tfce naviee of the nShhng powers. A m M4 01. . - - ' A ship called the Eliza, 150 years old, lacentiy took en a cargo of provisions Jt Quebec, destined for Newfoundland, is perfectly sound and in good con- .A eentrivance by means of which the ound can play whist, is a new invention. Ietliod in "Postasr Stamp' Madnest. J Boston BmksoiuT ' . One of the mysteries of the age has at last been made clear.. For years the "mill ioa postage stamp" collector has had no specified aim for the collection which was,his dearest thought in life, and such an absorbing nuisance everybody hated the Terv snnnd Af tlo nrn 1 ' pow, ; however, it seems there is really .vZJ.s,w gameu Dy narryinff one s friends and acquaintances for the useless things. . . :;A Correspondent of The London Qneen relates having paid a visit to an artist an old gentleman and his - wife whose chief occupation for ten years had been to collect and decorate their rooms witfc postage - stamps. The . first room had the four walls; papered with stamps, but until one was q ite close to them the delicacy and. precision of the design could not ' be sufficiently 'appro c'f' : The border was a zigzag pattern of different colored stamps, then caaie a groundwork of: one color, ; after that more small geometrical patterns, gradu ally growing larger towards the center, until it culminated in one conventional nattfirn.' f ithAr : nfmm n... ; ! :r . iwuuw . noio . mora , elaborately decorated;- even t the picture . 'uiW vuiuiu6 w-; iui mejr snare, ana always with an artistic motive.: ne can imagine two old and perfectly idle peo ple amusing themselves i with this novel 4 fancy, work," but the - incentive of re muneration that so many people felt in collecting stamps , has happily been ex ploded, and it is to be hoped the craze . will never set in again.' '.A cln Vu Hors Hente. IB sten R cord.) Last spring a gentleman of t scientific attainment and repute, whose residenoe is in the suburbs, outside the area of "high" or any other water service, had a large tank built in his attic to store n the rainwater from the roof. In time came warm weatner, and with it no end of miiaquitoes, who found this tank fnVl of placid water an excellent breedinf place. Accordingly it. was soon liter ally alive with "wrigglers," render ing the water unfit : for use The man of science set to work to destroy them. He supplied himseff with a dozen or "more jars, whieh he filled with the inhabited water. These he took;to his laboratory, and to eaeH he applied a different treatment, only to find, after elaborate experiments, that he knew of nov substance whieh, being added to the water, would destroy the "wrigglers'- without rendering t the water unfit or even dangerous for ne One hot and thirsty day, having give up hit attempts, it occurred to him to mention the difficulty to the mechanic who built the tank. The mechanical gentleman hesitated to give advice to ono so much hie superior in learning. The man 1 of science pressed him for a suggestion. ; " Well, if I was you," he finally saie Td put a couple of good-siaed fish k the tank!" - ,(. " . The scientifle man did so, and the born pouts soon cleared the tank of the wrigglers. , Carian 5try mt Zataad. Argentlu Cr. Kansas City Time There is a curious story about aa island in the river Plata, which was a horse ranch in early Spanish times. Tke animals became so auaeroue that there was not grass enough to feed them, anel ne demand for their export. The owm ers decided to reduee their stock in a barbarous way, aad when the grass was dry set fire to it. Ml very horse on the island was burned to death except those that ran into the river and drowned. The steaeh was so great that navigation was almost entirely suspended, on the river. The result of this method of re ducing stock was a little more complete than the owners anticipated, so whe the grass grew up again they had to bufr stallions and mares and start anew. Singularly enough- every aniakal placed on the island since that flr ku difd of a mysterious disease, and colt has been-foaled there for 150 years. Various breeds of stock have been tried, but never a hoof bag left the islaad ali Ye. Three months there finishes them. The island was unoccupied for fifty or sixty years, but is now used .ae a cattle rauv.-h, as horned stock do net appear to be subject to . the mysterioa malady. - !"ey C- r. P.rig Fi?r. IThat attracted the - attention of tke princess most (lon Carlos and suite) were the various objects connected with the worship of the devil. They were shown a - very curious collection of masks, each ef which represented a specific malady. The mask is oSered to the devil w bile beseeching him to cure the disease in question. It is placed om the altar; accompanied by an offering amounting to $2. There are also a number of snaall wooden dolls. These are placed en the altar aad pits are stuck in the head or parts of the bed. iJuring the operation the following imprecation: is invoked : "Mr. JDeriC behold your enemy! . I beseech you to inflict on him pains every place where I insert a pin." The worship of the devil is a supexafctiotis outcome of Buddhism. It ia tolerated by the priests, who do nt wish to make themselves nnDoWlar, but it is not admitted as a portion 6f orthodox worship. The most curioas felature of the practice is that the devfl f n Ceylon is not masculine, bat a woman. ' : . - The Satttb. America Cwb. : lOirtls' Arremthta . Lftr. The civilised or doateeticated gauetji is a gambler, a loater and a thief. Me is numerous throughout the country, and makesa business of stealing cattsu, like the "rustler" ef our western plains. They have a curious way ef removing the brands, or obliterating them, ana changing the appearance of cattle. JL poultice made of a weed tfcat grows ea the pampas is applied i the haad asd softens the hide so that the letters be come indistinct. The horas of the ani mal are kept in poultices of boiling hot meal until they are soft enough to be twisted out of their natural shape, and when the poultice is removed thej harden again. The gaueho oeuld teada the North American cattle thief a great many clever tricks, for he is an expert in his business." "SaflM" KV of thm FatttTw. A Kansas paper is of opinion that in the near future we shall have to depend upon the Galloway cattle for our "birf falo" robes an excellent substitute, hot i expensive. , t j The Merchant dealing In GTJINN'S PIONEER bluujj KJSNiswjfiii is hereoy autnonzed to refund the money if It does not cure the diseases for which it is recommended, and when taken according to uireuuuns. Cures RHEUMATISM, MERCURIAL POISON. SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS,' GLANDUL4R switiiijjLwu-?, skin diseases, sobes oe all xinds, blood poison, female com- PLAINTS, Etc. ; R. Gulnn first manufactured and sold his Medi cine from Perry. Ga., in an humble way. using an ordinary Iron pot for boiling. The business was run under name of Swift & i&uinn. Penr. Ga.. with ths CHutlon printed on each label. "None eenulne without the written signature of R. Gulnn' and the roe-Jlclne was sold at $5 00 per bottle. This co-partnership was dissolved bv Mr. C. T. Swift retiring and Mr. Gninn continuing the man ufacture of tbis Celebrated Vegetable Blood Re newer from Southern forests up to the present time. He has now sold his right therein to the Macon Med 'cine Company, Macon, G . Essay on Blood and Skin Diseases malted free MACON MEDICINE COMPANY. Macon, Ga. ETO CHJIHIISS PIT A NEW, Book, orm 4 OF LAW AIt . - TORMM FOR ' Jnnticea of the Peace, County Officers, Lawyers and Business Men. Carefully compiled and prepared from the Stat utory Law of North Carolina, including the Acts of 1885. Price $2.50 Each. TIPPY & 8RO. A Chaoce Fop 3 GRAND SALB OF fv Hi tCllC Si gCMS AND7 JEWELRY, Diamond Silver and SUver-Ptated Ware, Prices cut down from Thaaksglvlne Dai to March 4thl885V . Those wanting any of the above goods will pleas call and hear my prices, they are the lowest and the goods are the best. ' J. T. BUTLER. Job Printing tookBinding AT THE "Will be found a large line of 8 w ul"lr!ffeJ'evoIversi sepa7dw3m - 1 .J) JJRE TRIUMPHANT! For fifteen years they have steadily ealned In favor, awd with sales constantly Increasing have become the most wrular corset thronehout the Unltort States. The t nuHlity ts warranted to wear twice a Ioiik as ordinary corsets. We have latelF intro- dnctdthG and R a Wriides with Extra Long wiiifi. ami we (an rurnihn mem wnen preierreo. H-ghest awards from all the World's great Fairs. 1 he last med h! received is for First Deerrae of Merit, rrom the late Exposition held at New Orleans. Wbil scores of patents have been found worth less, the Principles of the Glove Fitting have proved invaluable. - . Retailers are authorized to refund money, if. on examination, tnese Corsets do not prove as repre sented. - - For sale everywhere. Catalogue free on Application. Tboinpson, LaHdoa & Co. New Yortc. These goods in all styles and aualltiea for sale by C. M. QUERY, Charlotte, N. C. Oct.l6-eodtoi WERVQUS DEBILITATED MEN. Ton are allowed are trial of thirty devg ( the W of Dr. Dye'a Celebrated Toltato Belt wltH Blectrlo Suspensory AppUanees, for the speedy relief and permanent cure of Nerwut Debility, loea of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for in any other diseases. Complete restora tion to Health, Vigor and Manhood guaranteed. Ko risk Is Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet In sealed mvelope mailed free, by addressing - V0LTAI0 BEXT CO., Marshall, Hich. novl7deodttw7m. ' Which will be closed ontat close prices. If you want abetter HeacLs, Hole Heads Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Circulars, Hand Dills, V Tarjs, Cards, . . . - ' School Catalogues, Programmes, &c. CM AND GET PRICE!. If you , want Cheap Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads or Envelopes, you can get them at as low figures & they can be furnished at any printing office in the country. If you want Fine Work AMD 0 FIEST CUSS MATBBUL, You can get it at Reasonable Prices. Special ; to iouse keepers : . I offer a fun line of the finest nlest ' " I IRS 1 1 f v Shot Pepper, ... .- ' -:- .-. Oleached Jamaica GIsr4 '- " .. . ; Penanf Cloves, - , . Java Cassea, . - Ceylon Ciaaacaa" ALSPICE, TENiNG NUTMEG 3, . - 7 PEN1NG NUTS, 1 colman3 irdrrio. Tli Above a r Offered at XXi . . . f 1 t . -.1, . . r v , ... A .-i' dticed Price. - L. K. vVRISTON., A 1II.IICI GOi OIX6S ' Ypcr' Am Gxiraordinarr Caor of Cr by th Mr , Joe Pt-Mon ISent- el : . ..... . v.. . .. . The following letter. Just been received, and will be shown to any pep-' son who Is Interested In the subleet. Nimn ma datee are withheld for obvious reasons: ' Madam on the 29th of last May a hoy ehfld weUoyeloped in every respect was bornlnthli "t 1 little heart. and notwlthatandmr tut Wood soon began to manifest itself in what the m?n i61 ,Eczema.' 'Pupura, or 'Heredl-' SftThH. So"?, o'd'mother conclnded ; tho Child had ttin trallrao thra.k , 7,.. TT disease It was certainly a stubborn mattter for th" ThA mot.hAP tvklr t-ho iihi." 2 ji. J!.-1 r.' It". ' oPtag the pure fresh air might Svtnd Dr- ' of Imberton. was calledw rcr . -i; Y . uui purpose, any mora s than to check the fevAf'tn Mh "fzi9 Jectedtbeboy" "T $lTsTT-rr . ttl leBr8tir?8t tb6 iMm was agvln removed tOthflHtv .-JUHi'lniniiullatsl. 1.- ";.'TZ : and he pronounced the -disease ''PupuraJ ahSlort. .r5wramgl3 leeoinjfup.thedisease on frOD and other minerals until the babe's month vrri 1 . 1 ' lw. weexs it aid notnurs. end suited as a last hop .and i?rti-.?P ' M 1 II manna rrf nmnnvtn u- . J' . : c j vt. t Kiwium tuij mure neip or BSSI cine had fatltvl nnrl in -7Wid ZLTs: spaJr the poor mother went and asked herdrua fdst to let hAT lllM nrla 1 Knt-fl' a A JTrt. Tli. -TJl thn Rflmpiiv arui ami rafna. Ji!vf9T.? . havethi mon7f ic TwloT'irBhTplawnhe? wedding ring aid raised $U0 to pU f orSSe cine. t t . ...! . weeks ago, to . tns lltUe .feUow waianuwiot u ,.tv,v k"D w ui Knees,ana at seven months old had never borne his weight on hlsfeet! traon of the Remedy the child Is well and strong -e" onuuaui UlumiUK While to mother wn woanlnop at tho ? her breast, be took hold and nursed as strchsand vigorous as ever. The admlnh.tratlon xf the , acy uv w "ert a complete cure. "Believing in its efficacy I have prevailed upon Mm. to takA it tnr Tr.florv,0f nuril . , ' .ii.HMHiuttivi " 'rntniP USUI, - , , X i 1 . J '-. . . . r i ! ColoredPF ictinpScialty. The Only BPrintinff House in . this Section Using Caps9 Patent Process for ColorgWork. Look at These Prices : COTTON :-: SB WANTED. We will pay 18 cents per buphel of SOnounds for good sound new rotton seed dti'vered at our mill in unanotre, . v. a - , - We will trade cotton seed meat . or seed, slvlns one ton of meal for two tons ot seeo. sepUSddtf OLIVEB OIL COMPANY, Successors to Charlotte Oil Company. Letter Heads, at Note Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Tags, V 53.00 per 1,000 2.00 " V 2.00 " " 2.50 " ' 2.00 V The prices given above'are for, cheap etockJ ioot All classes of Book Binding . and Blank Book Manufacturing executed at Short Notice. Will - receive prompt attention, and customers will receive the same treat ment as if contracts are made in person. - . Address, e. " ' , TUTS OBSERTED, Girlotte, N. PRED C. HUN2LEE :! WHOLHSALK : V. LACIER BKER DIALER AN1 CHARLOTTE, N. C, Sepresents two of the largest LAGEB BEEE Breweries in the United States The Bercpner Sc Enpel Itrewlua ?o., or Pbilndelpbla and tha P. Sc M. ScbadTer isrevrlmg Co., ot JVewTork. THE LAEGEST LAGER BEEK BOT- TUNG JiSTABUSHMENT IN THE CITY. CirOr4en Kollclcl. All order! ' promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. decSOdlf if yon Desire to fleeorate Yonr Homes call and examine oor IMMENSE STOCK of new designs of. WALL PA PJCRS and LmRl N ra U'ALTO ... ; .-... -'- ', : - ' . ; : .;- - i : i We are receiving daily al the new designs from' F. B. Beck & Co . whose goods are superior to any v made and we guarantee prices as LOWaitfier can be bought In AMEBIC. , . . ' BDDINS BROTBXBS. -:o: A LARGE LOT Of BLUM'S S ALEMA LMaNACS, iuft reeflved and for sale in any Qiiamlty. Bemember e cemtete In prices with anyboi y. . KDDIftS f BOT BIBS Wrapping hf? and Paper B. Tn any quantity. AND STILL NONIOMf IN DEBSELL US. IDDINS BBOTB&RS. :0: COUiWRY MERCOANTS - - 4 . - .... Will dO Well tO Call On US hAf ATA Tnntfnr tT,W nm- chases. We are determined to comrjete with anr market In the United S ates. AU we ask is for the difference in cost of transportation. Send In your orders and we wfll fill them promptly. ' .. Davidson Cbllfge, IV. C. Fnll Fapn.tT ' Thrrrnnuh tnatmnHm ' WaTI equipped laboratories. Bst iroral and religious Influences Flexible Curriculum. Health tlon. EconcmicaL Sessions begin In September and January Students receh ed at any time. Sand for Catalogue. . Bzv. L. McKINNON President, ' devsat&w?m Davidson College, N C.

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