daily charlotte observer TUCR-r7; novkmber 26-, tass. BILL NYE'S- irV&;Ol7v.v Other rewl Mnttw - .. Bostoa Globe.! Ax R Sweet, Esi. " ' Dbab Sib: I ha swa racnty. art open itaraddrjsaed to n3, and written by you a t n of confidence and lrle ly sub What you saidUwaa so .strictly con fwdaL. in tba you pubhshivtbe Kr in New York, ani it .was cdpioi "SSmh th3 fr of -tbe countrr. I shall tberefore, endeavor ' to. hi equally careiul in writing my rJplrV ....- :- . Yen refer io your kind and ccnflJential note to ycur experience as an invaUl,,an t vour rapid recovar after the usa ox jed LtMixicaa pepper teali a molteu state. Bat you did not have such a p jysician as T dii when I had .spinal ! meningitis. ; fie tas a good doctor . Ur horses an 1 blind Itafff era, but he wa,put o! h-s sphere when to strove to fool win the humari. frame." rLne of Kceao anl rest ere favorite ScripaonJ of h s. Mostr oT nispatientr Jot boob, especially eternal rea t . He made ! goeciaity of eternal rest -. f'; He did not know . what the matter was Vita nie, l0 h seemed to ;ba willing to My wife says that while ha wasattandirig rjj3 J was as craz ai a loon, tut that I was more lucil than ths physician. Even wirh " little, shattered wreck of- mind,: totter JL between a superficial ,knowloiga of how Jpcun l sand and a wide, shore'es? seaof mental vacuity, I s MU had1 the edge on my physician, from an intellec:ual. point of He is still practising medicine in'a quiet kind of a way., weary of life, and yet fear injr to die aad go where his patients are. . ; Hehai a sabre wound on one cheek that -are him a ferocious appearance. He fre auently alluded to how be u-oi to mix up the carnage of battle, and how be U3ed to roll up his pantaloom and wadVin gore. He said that if the tocsin of war should sound even now, or if he were to wake up in tbe nisrb c an i hear war's rude alarum, he would spring to arms and make tyranny tremble till ita suspeuder buttons fell off. On, he was a bd man from Bitter Creek. One day I learned from an old neighbor that this phy siaaa Ji I not have anything to do with preserving the Union intact," but that he acquire 1 the scar m hia cheek while making some experiments as a drunk and disorderly. Hi would come and sit by my bedside for hours, waiting for this mortality to put on immortality, so that he 1. .I 1 11 'M. 1L . 1 A. 1 J. could collect ms dui irom sue estate, dui. one day I arose daring, a, temporary de . lirium, and extracting a slat from my conch I smote him across tha pit of the stomach with it, while I hissei through my elenchel teeth: "Pnysician, heal thyself." - "Physieian,. heal thyself.".. I than tot erei a few times, - an t fell bark in5o tbe arms of mv attendants. If yoa do not beiievy tbw, Mr. Sweat, lean still show you tha clenched teeth. Also thy atten 1 ante. : " " lhad a hard time with this physician. ba: J still live, contrary to his earnast so licitations. , .: - - ' r ' Mr. Sweet, I desire to state that should tni ietcer creep into the press of the coun try, end fchui become, in a masnre, public. I 'cotv; ihat it wJ.1 create no ill-feeling on your part. - , Our folks are all well-a' I write, and should you happen to be oa' Lake Superior this winter, yachting, I hope you wilj, drop in and see us. Oar lUc i 3triai3 hanging on: mo3C ail tnj tim9, ana M you will pound on the fence 1 will cail on! the doer. -.- I freqaeatly tuy a copy of your paper on toe streets. l) j you gc tin mon3y ? Arvj you acqjaincel with the staff of The UDtury, pubushsd in New York! I was in TLie Century ...office several hours last spring, and the el itor3 -treated me very haad3omely, but, altbouga I have bought ihQ iaii.azaie ever sin cj, and real it ibor cugnly, I have not S3ea vet where they said thU 'thev had a pleasant call. from the genial ani urbane "William N7&" I do not ieel offended over thii. f I simply feel hurt. Bafore that I had a srooi. notion to write a brief epic 'on the " Wartv Toad" and send it to The Century fcr "publication, but now wis quite doubtful. . The Cantury may be a good paper, but it does not take the press dispatches, and only la3ti month 1 saw in it aa account of a, battle teas to mv certain knowledge - occurred , twenty years ago. Bill Nyb. purapkin uiw year that, measured 6 Met around and viigittjd 83:ponnds -ine appie crop of tins county-JH immense. As a jnr cimen hrittk r r p. Ccffey has put awav 1,600 buahets H. O .Coifev; 1100 biishU: CiT. Colli y, 1.200.: r.Jnat aa we - fra; 10 piesb w 4earn of tbe dt&h of liitln Thomas v Watty need ' three t hfch occurred ' Mondav rtvenino' This is tbe fonrth iriember of the fara uy to die inside of two weeks. ,He was fiick: only three days. Hia throat was nofc ffecte.r but his .arms seemed to be affectedt with a sort of ervsibe- The Greensboro Workman makes he following rather odd announce ment ti 'Marrud in this county .'after nt engagement ai twenty six ears. J oh n Thomas, of .England ,' and 31 if s f ou ntVi" The v wpf . f i i h f 1 1 1 overs. . .."Arr;;V S'?:-:vi 1 Uoidsbaro ArkuB : Six car loads hi Italian emigrants pabd through the cfty on the first train from the North Sunday afternoon They were from around Venice, and were bound for t loncia to do A railroad construction work. ; . ..- -: "" .. .... . '. Newbern Journal One of our lum ber men, Mr Daniel' Stimson: has a contract for 250,000 .feet of ash lum ber. It will take a trip North; be turned into furniture v and probably some of it will "find its way back to Newborn-. ; Would it not be cheaoer to briner the macbinerv to the lum ber. ' . . News and Observer: During the week endiog last Thursday the re ceipts of cotton in "this market were 1.681 bales, y against 1,680 the same week last year. .. The - total receipts from September 1st to last Thursday 14,824 bales, aeainst 19 224 , to - the corresponding period o J ast f easm. mis sdowa a tall'fce vtt 01 4.400 bale-4. A Xlttle oa. .Texas Siftinga. , Several gentlemen ; were . talking in e saloon abouc absent-min led people. Gil- hool said . he thought that old Pro'.essor, oaora, 01 tae University of Texas,; was the aoso a csent -minded man m the busia-jss. was cn his way 10 the train whea he imagine i that he "haJ left - his watch at hoin?. What do you suppojj ha did 1" .akei G;ijL0ly. ' , i Lave no idea,"- respondel Kosciusko arpny. 'V aij . in- hi, absanfc-mindednes3 h pu.e-1 oat his watch to see if he had timo wgo back homi aad get it" ; t , v Soothingly Complimentary. Harper's Bazar. " , , At one of tue seaside-resorts lately young la ly, who had decided to favor the vumpany witn some vocal selections, was surprised and slie&tlv amusel to hear gabant old gentleman remark that he was umisQtea 10 Know one wouia condescend, for ar, leasb that one evening, to become iaeir beiia donna V -- r Communication Temporarily Suspended, .. R:chmon d CVa yEa quirer. v. . The En quirer overheard a little 5-year-old girl say ; to har 'i mother last evening" "Mot'cer. 1 holiAVA fiAd thinVj I'm rfoad ?: "Why?" asked the mother, somewhat aston ... , . nea as tne remark. 1 "Uaus3 I haven aid my prayers for a week." Lorl An Active Mind. - ' v !New York' Tribune. J ' , , "w sujry aoouc nu prex,cy uscie aaugnter. Hfcr nursp had4 told her that if sha would think les in the day she would dream less mgat. -"But I can't . help thinkingl" wib werea my ladp; ror you know rcaa' JUake my mind sit do will" ' STATE Sooth Carolina Brown Consols. Tennesst-e &a., , Vlrirlnlafe's. Vlfelnla 0 hiso'. -.1 ,Pti-Hi T.t-.t... .f .. -.1.;; t:-.. . e tL k .rek WataugH CMiuty; raifed a Jo Vrt0nirihwch . ChtcdKoauU Nf-rrawetiujrn, prefer retf,.. imiiMf.r ana nu-uniudr .... . Rrte.. ....... :., ; " E;8t Tennessee. .. mJ , , , Las.enore. , . . Loulsvilte awi Nlivifle.. Memixs arid CharteHtoK ...... .. UoblleandOhlw.. .....i... NAhvUle n-i ?haruuiu(? ..t .... Y.V. Ni'wOripaiis Pactolt...... ... . &rltTr,u" - " NOrfoikaid Western prefeiTd.;... .4.. Northern FactOc eonumwi.. ...... . .... Northern Purine prAfafmi . . ' J?aclfte. MaCi, J " tteadlsit. : ..... ... HlchmoiH? anrt Allegnaay.. Klchmond and Danvuic :.. " ' Blchruond and West i o'.ut Pevinlnal.. " ' Rock Island.. - 3t.Paai y St. Paui prefem,.:. . y. ; .." . Texas Pacific Union Paejfiv.-. ........... . Warwwji Pacliic. " ' " " Wabash Pacific, preterTed...-:.. ";" western Union...., .;. .... v ' " 5 B11. tUist bid.- SOffered. iAskedV jFx. - 42 , & itl ' tm 1 ivii, . 2i W :' u -128 1.17t2 111 FOR SALE. Trffls of private!. 1 fHR. it wMIpw et . to the Cotton. 4 ' Ht,vinms Firm : raiddlin' ffll: imt ceU' , 8.978; gicsh 3,978: sale 2 37 8tH t6.4 4: - : tO r trreaVr BrlUiln ' : exc" co.Unent 4097. eowti 3171; (ireat Britain 352). ; BALTDHORTN Oll1t. mlrirt'lmr P8t- npt. rAAlnti 307; gioss 356; -aes 300a otk .-JO fit; exports coastwise 76; Great Brttnia 5 continent . BOSTOK Quiet: mlddltne UU - na; TPvlnt.- : gross 881I; sales -; stock S1?: f xpoits coas. wke : Great Brttali . , . , .. WiurrwMroH Firm: mkldlinar : 9- nt "v eelpts - 8f5 gross sales - tock 8.7C5; exports okhsi wise- : Great Britain - ' PHILADKLFHIA l5ul' : low m'drillnor QSfa; nrt re celpteSO; gross SO; etocK. 12,(83. ' s S4VAKaAH Firm: middling RTfavl nnt n v1n 5165; gross 6165: sales, 8900: stock 103.999 exports coastwise 1875; to continent 5 :60 Great onvn ; jrrance . . : ; NKW OBLEAHSFlim mlddllnir 9: mt re- elDT 9431:- imutM ' miea f,ona- Rtork 253,129; export coastwise 763; to Great Britain ; Krance 4802; continent . ; ', MOBHX -Oulet: mlddllnsr HIK-lfi? not MnnlntJi 636 fsross CAi sales 1000; stock 27,719 ; exports eoastwif 1271 Great Britain . MKMFH1S -SteadV: tnlddltnor Q ' rmAfnf S416; shipments 24.4; sales 2:600; stock 93324. ' Augusta Quiet: middling koz rMvint iur7: shipments .sales 14.1; stock . . . Chaslbstom Quiet; middling 9; - i t rotelp. 8585; grobs 3585; sales 300, stock 88,792; export to continent ; coastwise 9fc0; Grei Britain ; France - Nxw YOBKFlrm: sains ISnfi: middling nr.!nn1 9 7-16c; Orleans 9: consolidated net recelpti 81.237; exports t4 reat Brltam 8669; to France 4802;.xH)tinent.31,"g7 . CI.AI9IIIVG A WHOLE TO WW. ' Brownsville Excite Over the Pros pect of a Great Eawsuit. OA Pittsburg telegram says : Brown ville, ine bir lb place oi James G Blaine and fifty years ago Pitts, burg's strongest rival, is excited over land litigation which is promised, and which will involve the right of own- er8hip to almost the entire town.: The claimants are Charles Brown, a hat ter, of Columbus, Ohio, and others. Their claims in substance are: Their great- great grandfather, William Brown, was the founder and original 6wner of Brownsville. He died in 1792 A' few years previous to his death he leased part of his property for a period of ninety-nine years.and put the rest in such - shape that it shcii Id remain m the Brown family until the ninetynine years had ex pired ; then the heirs ,' might dispose of the property as they saw fit. The ninety nine years, the claimants aver, wi'l be -up in 1886, and that then they are entitled to the vast estate, with all its valuable im provements The property is divided up among ' the leading and i most in. nuenkal citizens . of ' Brownsville, whom" every body supposed had clear titles to tne same. In 1877 one of the heirs went to Brownsville and tried to effect a; set tlement with some of the holders of the property; who were considerably shaken tip about the matter. At that time nothing! was accomplished.. It is said that several suits will be in. stitu ted shortly in the Fayette coun ty courts to recover the property or its value. , Gents, to make a good appearance, snouid have sbapt-lj looking feet.. Fine fitting shoes, con structed on dentine principles cover up defects, ana ut tne same time develop all tne good points In one's feet. ? t or these reasons, and tor ease and comtort, always ask your dealer tor tne "HANAN" shoe Dy far the best ever made. A. B. RANKIN ft BHO. agents for Charlotte. teblldeod OABKETS Bf TCLEQKAPU o- NOVEMBEB 25, 18b6. tProdnce. Ralttmoki Flour stefldv; Howard Street nd Wtern SuDerftne i3 009)43.35; Extra 3.50a J4.1?.- Family $4.40$4.50: City Mills Super $3.00 . 3.40: xtra S3.wafS4.io. wneat soutnern 'eiUi; Western easkr. quiet; Souxnerp rea 96397 amber 9i'101; No Maryland 9414 asked; No. S Weetero winter red spot 90391. Corn South em steady; Westem, steady; sxrotuern wnlte new Vimsi&.o d, 482)49; yellow C0SC2; Western mixed stfU 60 b d ' CBtiCAQO-Flour-Klull. Wheat opened lfedViC higher, and closed Sfec under yesterday; November Str7; necemDer ttmaww, tiauuary vhaw 88w; no. 2 red 90. Corn closed 2k lower tfian yes erday; casb 4 a 42Vfe; November 42Sji2; year ar and iu! uais very sieaay, ciosea shhde easier cah 2828iA; November and De- rxt,mi.T 'H&J.fr'HWo- Mat Slliri Siafa. , Mmi norfc fairly active, 17JV)c lower; cash '8.956? J9.C0 for old. 49.87Uffiil0l0for new: Decemoer i8.a7lA Q)t9 15. Lard -7310 lower; cash $6.U', Decem ber 86.10Mi6.20. Boxed meaui steady; arysjuiea shoulders $3.8O0)$3 85; short rib sides $4.80 14.85: clear $5.ia!i5.25. vtT3iskej firm at 11.15. Sugars quiet; granulated 6c; Standard A Nkw York Soutbern lloar aulet, st'dy: common to fair extra $3.60o4 0o: good to choice extra J4.105 60 - Wheat fpot Xk lower, very dull, ungraded red 7639(1; No. 2 red nominal; Novem ber P439E44; in elevator December MkG 95: Corr-spot, inade lower: ungraded 52356 No. 2 6535514 ; Novemter 55a65;iecemoerKswtBM Oars- VifMas hleher and clcslOK veaK; No. 2. 35 ssu.. (viftftft HTkit fair Rio dull and easier at tftfe: No. 7 B'o spot 46.60; December $6.50. Sugar barely steady, f Vc to good refiniog f 85Vfec; leaned dull. . Molassfs steady. Rice steady, fairly active. Rosin dulL Turpentine weak ft 37. Wool steady. Pnpfr AnslAr. nnlet. mess Si 05 :. middles nrm inntr plr. 10 ossfa. Lard 93l0o lower.Joll; con tract erade spot quoted at $6.45Si6 471; De cember $6,433650. , Freights dull. -s Cotton B-32d wheat Zid.- -' -. Naval Stores Bosin Tar steady; bard WiLieTOM Turpentine qufet at 3414. firm: strained F2tfe; good strained 87 Brra at $1.10; crude turpentine i m- vpllnwdin and vlrsrln 1.50.. Savannah Turpentine Steady at S4; Bosln ctrnrxr Pt. 1 fl 12U: RSlBS 4.L1X) : cm Hi.itsTOff -Tun.'euimo In demand at . 34 8osii strained 80; good strained 87290. ''Inunclt&l . NBWYOBK. ' Exchange at l.rJ More' 302, ; Sub trtsiirtury oalances goiu $170,882 000; i currency i t m ok' Unvicnroent8- doll: tour per cents Ili3; ?,three $1.22; tate bonds-strong. Alabama Clas A, 2 to 5..,.. 99 , ria fives. ....... ..... ........ 1.0o fteonrfa ITs ........... ' - ?-954 cinniii 5a m.n cmsyn . .. . . :". .. 1.13 Nnrth Carolina 4's..... . ............. ..90 Mnh rimllnii ('I or lnt......... 1.15 jLJo Vnrth nnril1nfl'8 KlindlUi. ....... .. ..... .... 1U - I Vlll fxrosw t r hi b- !i 'Hle O" the v-th d-iToJ 1r- e mtr. 15 In f .u r :he n-l Mar lte rK- DBT k'j OCKv FtTRNI rfVE AND FIX CUK 'i roDA ArP BaTTW 4"rf J K M?I h n . !.'-. ihn nior conier Market aiirt Froui jtreets wiimintt -n N. . . U. an an-i pir;v i.f o f.-M r jr- " n th he t bt crux JtMid I Thrt-ritv Is'venToiy J tst -take a ?M selwtMl soHc of Si (y 0 on h -w . - f H S C- MclLHEVNY. nr v25 lun- etrttrei'12 - " - ' Trustee. 1 ,4 SiDDCD 0Od'(id-So We have-now the .largest and most complete stock that we have -ever ct- tereu to tne iraae, comprising or. all tne latestfityles ot - - TUHKV.YS. . " ... - ? .... CttNB.KBrEa. AKE. AND BRED, KYKHYTHING NICE " , . FOB - , f- : : S.. - M HOWFLI -. Telephone 2? - J. B. HARRINGTON'S . , r:stau5Ht m mm ; THURSDAY 26th.. THANK-lVISfr DAY . CJritw8tt OedniBii';T-i DONT FOitGET IT. , nov25d2t. ; - , u ; ' ' ' ; V ' '' TU the public; '. PAVANNAH. Ga.,, November 15th. f885 Mr. K M. Andrews, the well known furniture dealearat Charlotte. N,C, la our agent fc the sale of PIAN03 and OR 4NS. Mr. lndres' high standing as a man of buslnc-s lntegiltr. Is a gaaranteeibat all who call upon him, tithe r to examine or to purchase litstrameiits.xwin.be treated with courtesv and furnished every Informa tion andas8l tancs tb enable them to mike a se lection exactly fitted to thel-.wa- ts Prices will be the s?me as if purchEed directly from us. -. Be sure and give hloi a ca I. - LUDDEN & BATES, '. : Southern Mus!c .House. 16 keep up. our reputation for good goods and low prices Give us a ealU vTrade Street; Central tiofis ; i .'- . ' Jsniiding. , . . . . , , . .. ';i ;1 ''' -1 . i jiii . i . i' y, I'uturei.; Nkw York Net reoeiots fiiR: irmt Futures closed steady;' sales 1SM.700 bales. - September... ......... October.... 4,830; November....."... . ..; .. December , January..;..... .......... February.. . .-. ............ 9 4:3.44 9.463 47 9.69.60 9.703.71 March.. t23 8? April .. .. .. .... ... ;. 9 933.94 May.. I. .......... v .... 10 043 J('5 June...:, JO 153.16 July.... 10.23(?.24 August. .: . ; .. .. . io.813.82 Ciy Cotton friar Wei, Office ov thu Obstrvhr", 1 CHASLorrJc, N. C;, November 26 1886. 5 The city cotton market yesterday cli dull tending downward at the following quotations: Fair.................. MlddltneFalr :. Strict Good Middling (iood middling Strict Middling..... Mlddllns-.. ... .......... Strict Low Middling..-. . . low Middling... Mlddl ng Tinges. ... . . Middling Stains Low Middling Stains .... Lower Grades .......... Receipts yesterday f 9 M63P 9 3 163914 9 1 lfifilOlA 67fc38 15-16 ... 83H3-16 ctDMiiie .... 8 7-16381 .... 81438 5 1 .. . -sissEfe 843" 5 lfl 73H .... . 737 404 CITY PRODUCE HIAKUfilT Reported by T. B. Mashx. J NOVEMBER 25, 1886. Corn per bushel.... 60365 Meal per trasnei i bsa70 Wheat oer bushel....................... ' l.no Peanuts per busheL.... .1.2031.30 Flour Family.. 2.3032.85 Kxtra... .2.2532.80 Super.... .........r.. ............ ..2.203255 t Peas Clay, per bushel - Mixed. .. . .... .. .. , Oats shelled,.... ........ ... Dried Fruit ADDies, per id. . veacnes, oeeied. .......... .. . . nnpeeled.. ; Blackberries.... Potatoes Sweet. .. Irish Cabbage, per pound. Unions, per ousnei .... .... .... Beeswax, per pound........... Tallow, per pound........'..... Butter, per pound..... .... .... . Eggs, per dozen......... Chickens Ducks.... Turkeys, per pound. (3 0080 Beef, per pound, net. Mutton, per pound, nei.-i.. . Pork, per pound, net. Wool, washed. ...... . " ; unwashed. Feathers, hew Kass. per iwina.. .... . ... 4 mm 4. m m m 60365 55360 v 45350 - 834 637 834 ; 436 40345 ; 60365 2132 753 24326 7371 18320 22323 10318 25330 839 85340 738 738 7 ' 8? lb 4530- REWARD. A liberal reward will be paldf jr the return or in formation leaoiner to the recovery 01 my L,ieweiyn Setter dog, Tom Och'itree. He Is a white oog. wit h lemon spots, in heavy nesn wnen lost, very at fectionate of disposition, and Is Inclined to pace.; ? 1. ".. ; a J. EL H LE3, nov24dlt , - . ' . ' . Charlotte, N. CV - y . ' FINE . - GRAYSON COUNTY (Va.) BEEF : AND . SMOKED SAUSAGE - , AT "V"'-' & J. J. ADAMS . n-:v24d3t. is the only School for . boys in the South with GAS , and a first-class Established in 1793 . LIGHT, a first-class GYMNAS: BATH HUUSB. Special terms to young men of small means. ' The 183rd session begins August 25th. For catalogue, address Maj, R. BINGHAM. - ju1- Bingham School. N C. 1 M R. N. H BENNKTT Aas placed an eleeant 1VJ cabinet Uptight Knabe Piano in the parlor at the Charlotte Female seminary. -Mr. ana aits. Atkinson will be pleased to show It to any one who would like to examine , novi4dtw. Seed 'Wheat and. Bran.' : ' , , , ' - :o: -,'''"- 7 - . ' ,- - Large lot of -- SEE!) W1IEAX AI1 BQAIf Just received and for sale by w W. , J. BLACK & SON. nov20dlw. . - - . IMPORTANT. . We can the attention of all lovers of good bread to the Vienna Roil we make and ' have fresh, for breakfast every morning. They are perfectly de licious. Also Fresh Cream Loaves for breakfast and dinner, we call the attention 01 ladies , e pedaiiy to the fact that we use no te but tbe very best of material, fresh tnd pure. - Cakes made to order Fruit cakes made without the seeds in the raisins. Send in your orders W N. PR4THEB. novZldtf. - ' Trade street OPERA HCUSE. Fi id &y lVdvember 27th. ATKI3fS03i fOSltttl 0PtiY. CHAHLES ATKINSON, Manager. PECK'S BAD BUY The Funniest Comedy 'on earth, p'ayed by Come dla s who act and Elng. - The Kralitic. Grccry 8tr . AND THH GREAT GOAT SrFWF, Will make you ' SJ1ILI?. TITTER, LAUGir, xrUEASI, TELL. POPULAR PRICES OPERA HOUE, The eminent Tragedian, FREDERICK WlRDE. Supported by a Or mplete Drama t'c Company un der th management of ROIIEU T C II u OS or. " Will appear v 9Ioiiday ETeninpr, Nov inber 30 . " ' In Sheridan Knowlfc's Tragedy, ' VIRGINIUS, or TUB ROMA FATHER. Reserved Seats -. - . - ' - - - $1 oo Reserved seats on pale at the usual pla-e. 1 4 BIG OFFER. To Introduce them we will slve awav 1000 self ooeratlns Washing Machines. If ou want one w nd us your name, P. O and express of fice at once, this jn ATium al cu., 21 Dey street, NewYoik. . Go TO TAYLOR S AND GET SOME OF WtHTiTIAIV'S FI E VA" DIES, KING OR PIPPIN APPLES, . . . ,. ' OR Anything else you want for Sunday, To Printers ' Plough Paper Cutter, will A good second-hand be sow eneap. v Apply to Chas, R. Jor es. at . sep9d&wtf THIS OFFICE. STOCKHOLDERS' J.1EETIKG. Chaklottk, Columbia a Augusta Railroad. ) Columbia, S. C, November 19, 1886. J The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at their general office In this City on Wednesday, the secona day 01 December at ten o'clock. A M.; JOio CKAitt. f nov21d6t. . , - AssLstnt Se.retary. FOR COUGHS, CROUP AND CONSUMPTION USE mm OF SWEET GUM A!2D HULLEIII. The" Sweet Gam from s tree of the same name crowing in the South, combined with a tea made ?rrm t.hMdllein Dlantof -the old fields. For sale by all dniKKlsts at 25 cents and $1.00 per bottle. .corts of 1! 'in td sorts of cils cf need a cooling i-irnnicnt. - PEB. GOAT AND KID BUTTON T3HOES in all grades. ; V: , ? : - GKNTS BOYS :-: AND Y( RUTHS'. - , FINE CALF LACS BALMORALS, CONGBESS'AND BUTTON GAIT1R3. " ? .'fi Grants fine calf boots and heavy shoes :of all . - ;-kinds- . 'J',V' 'U' Travelling B?;gs, TrunksVRubbers;ei6 yi GIvcerole 'Polifeh for fine frhoesf acknoeldarcd' the.bcfet for:. pn Fervirg leather yet introduced to the trade. . t v Ell AS CO II ,. fflayejasit ffieceivefl--- Seme' of the Handsomest Paiternsrih imam arid BBUSSflS .Ever shown, in this 2 City, ; CARETS CALL AND LOOK AT OUR CARPETS BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE "(GiDlhi(6nDo: BURGESS NIGHOES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IS all kinds of 3p DRNITUR BEDDING, &C. 1 A full line Of CHEAP BEDSTEADS. LOUNGES, Parlor and Cnamber Suite, Cot - M uiib ux ui b. 111 us uu uauu. nu. o ttcSI Trade Street, Charlette, North Carolina. 1 - (TafiD ait the 0. I. BAEEBl -TO. (K-eil ODDbDcBtlLbiiim -FOR- MAY E GOOD AND FRESH. R & ROSS. HOW I -The largest and most' complete stock of X: To ba found in the State. Also full lines of ; ' ' . ' WOOL YARNS, . ". iM ZEPHYR, . HOSIERY, . , GLOVES, CORSETS, ' ' . COLLARS, ' LACES. " NECKWEAR, r Handkerchiefs, ; . Jerseys, Notions and Fancy Goods of all kinds for Ladies, Misses and Children. All fresh and new at the very lowest Cash Prices.- ' . Respectfully, x ' . '. O. M. QUKRY. Safes for Sale. Two good second-liand safes will be sold cheap , One JUXLER'S. ' " ' One HERRING'S. GAItOUA CEISTRiL 12 AIL WAY. a ; Offics or Sufkrintkkdkht, i 1 ; WrunHQTOH, N. Cm Sept. 27, 1885. f ' CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ! ON AND AFTER SEPT 27, 1885, THE FOLLOW lng Schedule Vlil ba operated en this Ran rord . . . : :. .- ; y passenger, mail and express trains, " daily except sunday. ) Leave Wilmington at. . .1 : .7.00 p. is. No. 1. Leave Raleigh at .... .. 7 85 p.m. V Arrive at Charlotte at.. 7.80 a. 'm - ) Leave Charlotte at....'.., i 8.15 p. k. No. 2. V Arrive at Raleigh at.... v... 9.00 jl. k. ) Arrive at Wilmington at... &2Sa.m, LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. ' Leave Charlotte at.... . Arrive Laarinburg at ... Leave Zaurmburg at.. Ardve Charlotte at ... mm -mmm Asplv to Chas. R. Jones, at THIS IFFICE. .... 7.40 A, X. .., 5.45 P. X. ' ... &15 A. K. ... 4.40 P.M.' Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and points dusigjcated in the Company's Time Table., j - .... SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER," MAIL, XX v PRESS AND FBM6HT. . : - (Dally eoDeept Sunday.) . Leave Charlotte at..... ,...v 8 15 a. m. Arrive at Shelby at. .. .... ...12.15 p. m.- . Leave Shelby at. . . .-. ......... .......... .. 1.40 p.m Arrive at Charlotte at..... .... .. 6.40 p. m Trains Noajl and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with B. A A Trains to and from Raleigh. . Through 81eeplng Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. - Take.Traln No. X for Statesvflle, stations' Western N. C. R. R., Ashevllleand points west. r 1 Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, - lanta and all points southwest - L.C.JONZ3, . ' Bnperlntendejjl F. W. Cliex. Gen. Paw Ajren JUST RECEIVING THE BEST STOCK OF GOODS IN , THE CITY IN OUR LINE. ; A. R. & W B. NISBET,

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