A GAME OF FBEEZE OUT.; ;.; According to- some of the Wash. ington" correspondents, " there is. an ':- .effort being made to have Hon. Sam . ie J Rand ill- removed from' the chairmanship of the v committee on s appropriation!?, the most important ' 'committee of the House of Eepresens j - tatiyes, and put in his place some one ;"" "more in sympathy with : tbe.anti- . protective wing of the party. v The J active movers m inis maiier aie ub V - ing all the pressure they can bring to . bear' upon Speaker Carlisle to that " ,7dt but as yet they ;haye noassur ' , ance that he will lend himselt to tneir 'gcheme8T'i:Thi8-';Diovement;' we, take it. is not inspired so . much by a desire to promote public interests and eco i ' , comic legislation, as to strike at Mr, Randall, for whom some 01 tne wouiu : be lights in the - Democratic party . :mm to ntertain an irrepressible hos . tili ty, They attack him at every op portunityquestion his motives, and ' will him an all v" of the Republicans in Democratic diseruise. when the fact is that for over one-quarter of a . century ne nas ueeu uguuug wjowii' ties of the Democracy, at times when " hft Vstood with a mere handful of Democrats beside him on tbetfloors - -. ., , . . -. of Congress whenf every: Northern ; State: including: his own,' was under ' Republican rule, and when it required both moral and physical courage to stand and face popular sentiment as Samuel J. Randall did. ; When- the Republican majority in CJongress was .trying to crush the South by oppres sive partisan legislation, he met them at every turn, contested every ich of ground, and by his skill in tactics, - and his unyielding firmness, defeated some of the most odious of these proposed measures. If Samuel! 'J. Randall had hot been a Democrat to the core, and a Democrat from prin ciple, he never would hae stuck to Democracy and fought the patties or Dmocracy'as he did; when the Dem. pcratic party, was in an. apparently hopeless minority, and when to be an outspoken Democrat was to encounter "the harshest of criticism and unmeas ured abuse.' : Now; after the service of so many years, it -so happens, that Samuel J. Randall entertains, with a good many 'other. Democrats, i views." upon : the rtariffquestion that differ, from those entertained by other Democrats,, who arrogantly claim to be the Democrats in possession of the true Democratic rfaith, and they would ostracise and drive out of the party fold the Dera- ocrat whp -differs from them. -This won't do.; Mr." Randall, may or - may not be reappointed chairman of the cdtnmittee on appropriations. -. . He mdy or may not desire the place. Mr. Carlisle may use his discretion ,aad power as Speaker to re-appoint him or to appoint some one else, but. We have too much confidence in his gdod sense and in his desire for the . saccess of the Democratic party, to believe that he will permit "himself Hon. John W. -Daniel.; tho man of Virginia, an anle lawyer and one of- the first orators of the day. He U youtijr:, and liandsome, but .walks on 'crushes, hislimbs hav ing been shattered by bulled during th6 war. . He earns a good deal of money by his - profession, but ppends it lavishl v. , His wife iV paid to be wealthy in hero wn right. v ": -' r The'exDerimpnt of artesian wells in Savannah, Ga , has proved a success. One sunk to"a depth'of 305 feet and 10 inches,' gives clear, co!d.s pure water; spouting sixteen, 'f pet above the surw face, at jthe rate of fifty gallons a minute.- . ' "Augusta, Ga.v does not propose to let Atlanta have all the fun' of an ex citing and blood warming prohibition campaign. A petition is in circulation in tbatcify asking for a specnal election in Richmond 'county on" the liquor question.. , i ; WHAT TWO PROMFST PHYSICIANS ' SAY flP A Mtl) MWi. The South Carolina Centennial fair which opened in Charleston Monday promises to be a 'success. ; It will be in operation for, a month. r TAXATION IOI 6eD.! '-1 become an instrument in the hands of Mr.v Randall's enemies, , to crowd him to the rear and to put one of their awn stripe to the front. It is a species of proscription that the Uimocratic party cannot afford to iadulge in, : and iu which those who wsh the party well, whether they agree with Mr. Randall or not in -all his views, take no stock. He is as gpod a Democrat as 'stands upon the ffobrs of Congress, and it is due -to him. and that portion of the Demo caratic party whose views he repre . sonts, that he be dealt' with fairly f equarely and honestly. - - r'-;"i- w - . ' f Judge William D. Kelly, of Pennv sylvania, is now over seventy, does j an irnmense amount of work, : and ! says the blood courses through ' his j veins at a livelier pace than it did fifteen years ago. : He was an invet-1 ate user ot .tobacco For , fifty-five yers he smoked and chewed, fre quently smoking as many as twenty cigars 'Jn a day, and going to bd With a quid.in his mouth! In addi tion to this a cancerous affection ap TAftrp.d on hifl cheek and whfln ho went to Europe sometime ago for a rest his friends thought it doubtful if he returned alive. But he cured his cheek cut - the acquaintance of tobacco and is now in jam up order. There are cording to Internal Revenue Commissioner Millers report, ' 926 tobacco factories in the .United States and . 5,499 registered! distilleries. - In the " latter have been used 1,638,578 bush els of malt, ' 130,721 of wheat, 17,855 of barley; 2,733,397 of, rye, 13,040,357 of corn, 80,552 Tof oats, 223,558, of miUfeed, and 2,719,416 gallbns of mo lasses. ' JV , v J' ' An ARed. Couple who for XeAis Hare Hidden Their Wealth. A Hartford (Conn ) telegram 'eavs i An investigation' recently made - by the tax authorities of Hartford shows that the city - has lost nearly $25,000 or taxes by the shrewdness of Harvev ana j una cnampion, an agea Drotner and sister, who- are believed to be worth at least a Quarter- of a million. They came here from -Massachusetts several years ago; and bought a small house in Harvey's name. This was assessed at $3,000, and they professed o have "no other taxable: property; It has been discovered, however, that the sister holds Hartford insurance stock worth nearly $90,000 and other securities to an aggregate of ; over $300,000 additional Under the law taxes cannot be sued for back of 1881, but the authorities have ;sued for the taxes bu the sister's property for that year and since, amounting to about $11,000. The investigation ; was ex tended to their foimer house in West field, Mass . where' it is learned thev also escaped taxation by carrying all their stocks, tec. in the sister's name, paying only on the smalhhouse held in the " name of the brother. The couple have averted suspicion in Hartford byliving very frugally and giving their neighbors theimpression that they were in straitened circum stances. '"' " low Prices for Cotton. Baltimore Manufacturers Record. The prosptQi-s for an extraordina rily large cotton " crop, which was so promising during I the summer caus ed a general belief in low prices for this staple; and in spite of the neaivy falling off in the .yield from what had been expected, prices have de clined to a point ' which - leaves-little or no profit to the average eotton producer. In fact, to many of them, cotton at present prices net an actual loss. The cop, while larger than last year, is not large enoug h to over stock the market, and pricas ought to rule higher. Advice as to when to buy is not al ways safe, but the Boston - Commercial Bulletin, says: "This is an excellent time to buy cotton, and in spite of all the argu ments which are being presented in favor of still lower - prices, we do not h believe shrewd mill; treasurers are neglecting to supply their future re quirements to a considerable extent at the present quotations. . While the stock market has been 'booming for a" month past, and val ues of most kinds of merchandise are firm, cotton - has been -declining in prices and is how 9J cents per pound, against 9 cents a fortnight xigo; apd lOi cents m September. The crop of cotton is large, but 9$ cents is a low price, and not to be anticipated ex cept in a period of depression. To be sure, cotton, went down to of m December, 1878 but" that was in the darkest hour of Jhe era of depression, just before the resumption of specie payments." ' It is said that Joseph' Palitzer, who wail poor when-he went taNew York and bought theWorld, is now worth a- cool million . which he has made out of it'and still he keeps "a mak Crewfordsvllle, Ga. Democrat. . f ' B. B. B. la without doubt ore of the most valua ble and popular medicines biwo to the medical science, and has relieved ibore suffering humanity than anr other medicine since It came into use. It has never failed In a Single Instance to produce the most favoraMe results where It has been prop-' erlv used. 'Physicians everywhere recommend It ax doing all It Is claimed to do. - lIxroUowlEg cer tificates are from two prominent phy iclans, who have done a large and successful practice for many years, and upon whose Judgment, the public can safeb rely: --,-' - '- ' Cbawtordsvill Ga.. July 15, 1885, , Editor DemecratFor the past ten years I have been suffering ith rheumatism in the muscles of my right shoulder and neck. .During this time 1 have trid various remedies, both patent 'medi cines anck those prescribed by physicians. Last summer I commenced wing B. B. B., and could see an Improvement by the time I had taken one bottle I tfsne been taking it at Intervals since last summer, and can say it Is the be-1 medicine for rheumatism I have ever tried. I take pleasure In recommendtng It to the public J. W. BHODES, A. M., M. D. -.- -: CBAWFOKDSVnxx. GaJ July 15, 1885. Editor Democrat: About November of last year I had whit I supposed to, be a cauliflower excres cence on right side of neck. X u?ed local applica tions, wiich effected nq perceptible good. I com menced the use of B. B B. and rook It regularly twelve bottles, and In doe time the sore healed over, and I now consider ft well. I cheerfully re-, commena It as a fine tonic and alterative medicine S 3. FARMEB.M. D. ".flol Rag; op a l;cnn role.' Elskbtok, 6a June 1, 1885. My .brother has a son that was jiffflcted wTh rheumHtlsm 1h one of his legs until the knee' was so badly contracted that he' could not touch the ground with his heel, aod bad scrofala. He took only two bottle of B. u. BL, and scrofula and rheu matism are both gone, - Mrs. M. A. Elrod cp me to mr house the cast summer almost covered with carbuncles and bolls. I got twobott?e8 of B. B. B., and before she had got though wiih the second bottle she was entirely well. She was also troubled with swollen feet and ankles, and had bren tor twenty years, a 11 gone- no trouble with swollen feet now. . I was troubled with bleeding piles since 1858T I used one bottle, and nave felt nothltog of the kind since taking the medicine. r The clothing that I was wearing when Heft Atlanta fitted me about same as a meal sack would a bean pole. I have on. the same clothing now, and they are a tight fit. iou can do as you like with this; aifmr me and my- household, we think three B's ifuliy erthodoxr and will do to swear by. Respectfully yours, M. BABF3ELD. THE Gharlo Now in Its Thipty-Foiirth Volume, And fully abreast ' with all modern JournallsmJ the requlremento of ; TUB DAILY 0DSERVEB GIYES TELEGRAPHIC NEWS n om at nome and from abroad, and from al Quarters of the globe, besides all the Current News of the day, Local and otherwise. Its com plte and accurate dally. Telegraphic Market Reports rililDSOMioUTFITS FOR Are an important and valuable feature to the bus iness man, and are alone worth the subscription price of ThxObsxbyxb. - . . " .... SNo other dally in the State enjoys such II, (:0:)- THE irs mm AND CURP ' This class1 of troublesome complaints embraces a large list, seme of which embraces every family in the land. Heretofore the treatment of nearly all these diseases has been very unsatisfactory an unsuccessful, and the people have been very mucJfe deceived by pretended remedies. A . majority are caused Ty an laptine, vftiat-d condition of the blood'and as most of the blood remedies 'of the day require 50 to KH) bottles before you discover that they will not effect a cure, we offer B. B B.r which niakes positive cures oy the' use" of only- a few bottles. -, - , - - The most common of the skin ' dlserises which are cured by the use of B. B. B , the only oulcfe ' Blood Purilier, are afollw8:'v - v Excellent Mail Facilities A3 19-P08SESSETJBT The OBSERVER, We are more complete in every department iust m any .pnvww season. We represent a higher, grade f clothing thlnw! have ever kept; and it will be well for any one in quest of slvLh well Duut outnts to examine our stock s In TTnd is comfortable aad duraMe. both in white and scarlet textures. t Sbt, Iep artment Is an ; important feature in mir hnsinpsa Wo Viarr w.,: .l., . new and desirable m soft an! stiff ZTa m ZI P friends, we have provided for them in grekfviety, " juvenue As it reaches all the surrounding towns aad all the 1mnn?f onl TVMtnffiAaa fv VUa Ckif. n n HAn . r-vuu yvswiuua iu UUD outlOf CUT WCII 119 IfJ- It 1 j" -m m . luuMs yumw, nortn. souta and west la other UWUi'fQ'' iiiuuciuie prtcts; jtoiop, in an .extensive assortment ii j - ' , ttUUi, uexjlH ana navyvDiue military silk Bsmd caps we will O v.iv, vyj yiAU 61-10 UCMA 111 LTJOi.lUIi, States, on t&e v Tony Billiard Punchers, v ' Schaefer, the billiardist, when play mgr. wears full evening dress. Joe nas fine diamond stud in his i shirt. Maurice Viacnaux also wears ' a full dress suit. His diamond stud is worn in the shir collar? 8chaefer Carries bis cue in a green sack and "a piece of chalk in one of his, vest pockets. Yignaux carries his jointed stick in eather case. Skinlseases Cured Bv Dr. Frazler's Maslc Ointment. Cures as If bv Magic, pimples, black heads or grubs, blotches and eruptions on the face, leaving the skin clear and beautiful. Also cures itch, salt rheum, sore nlp- oy plesi8ore lips, and old, obstinate ulcers. Sold Sold by T, C. Smith 4 Co. . f eb24deodAwly Mothers ! Mothers ! ! Mothers 1 1 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and get a-bottle of MBS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYBUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately depend upon it : there is no mistake about it There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once was u wm reguiare tue Doweis, ana give resi 10 tne mother, and relief and health to the child, operat ing like magic. It is perfectly safe to use In all cases, -ana pleasant to . tne taste, and is tne pre scription 01 one or ine oiaest ana oest iemaie physicians and nurses in the United State v Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. . . Daughters, Wires and Slothers We emphatically guarantee Dr. Marchlsl'sCath- ollcon, a Female Bemedy, to cure female diseases, such as ovarian troubles, Inflammation and ulcera tion, falling and displacement er bearing down leeurur, irreguiantis, Darrenness, enange oi ine, leucorrncea, Desides many weaknesses spnngiz from the above, like headache, bloatlna. SDln weakness, sleepletinMs, nervous debility, palplta- won oi me neart, 3tc. Tor sale by druagisH. jnnee i.tt) and $1.80 per bottle. Send to Dr. J. B. Mar ehlal, Utlca. N. Y.. for ramnhlftt. free. Fw8ale byL.--. VTrlKton. drusKift. Charlotte .c , julyXTeodlv Sczemaj . : Impetigo, Erysipelas, Ringworm, SeaMhead, Prarltu, Old Sores, Pimples, Itch. OldSUlcers, Abscesses, Dry Tetter, Carbuncles, Itching Humors, Blotches, Herpes', Bolls, ( Splotches, Sleau&iful Complexion is sought by the use of cosmetics and all sort of external applications, some of them being pois ons. . - - - - All females love to look pretty (which gentlemen dp not object to) and a emo tb, soft, clear com plexion adds greatly to female charms. ' , The use of B. B. B. will purify your blood, wi remove blotches, splotches and bumps that ap peaf upon the face and neck ane win tinge the pale cheeks with the roseate hues of nature. Obo or two bottles will convince any one of Its valucb. No family should fall to keep B. B. B. in the house as there Is no family medicine its equal. - Rheumatism.. One author says: "Rheumatism Is due to the presence In the blood oi a vegetable organism of definite characters." Another say: vitlsdneto the presence- of ft poison In the blood which is of the ntur of a miasm." ' - ; The disease having Its orlglon In the bloody It ts reasonable to suppose that It must be cured by remedies-directed to the blood. i2 A succeseful' remedy must produce': certain changes in the composition of the blood and when this has been accomplished, all "pain, swelling and stiffness of the Joints subside. , ; x V; - This accounts fpr tie reason why external appli cations fall to produce permanent relief. - Butwe nowliate the " remedy whlca; acts like magic in giving relief to all forms of rheumatism. rheumatic gout, rheumatism of the Joints-, muscles ! and heart. It also cures syphllltle and mercurial pains and rheumatism In an Incredible short time. The fact cannot be denied that B. B. B. (Botanic Biood Bairn) has proven itself to be the most speedy and wonderful remedy for all forms of rheu matlsm ever before known. Those who were pros trated In bed and could not get about, have been cured. Men with two crutches, and hobbling along with stiffened and painful Joints, withered flesh, loss of sleep and appetite, are cured by the use of B. B. B. Cast wide all other remedies, use B. B. B. and you will soon have no use for crutches Many who read this will refuse to be cured by the use of B. B. B-, but we advise an such tcdrop us a postal card for our Book of Wonders, free, which is fined with startling proof of cures made here at home.: ft also contains fulL Information about blood and skin diseases, which everybody should read. , t .s ' Address Blood Balm Company, Atlanta, Ga.. and you may be made happy. - ; , Dsy of its PnbiicatioD. This make it? a most valuable news serving puDucanon, as well as advertising medius. it pre-eminently the leading Daily of the State, and has established? its claim to this-merit. Thb Obskbvxb!s new Elgbi-Page form enables It to give more seeding matter than ever before. SUBSCRIPTION 'RATES: Daily edition, by mail, One year, $8.00 i " . " Smos., $4.00 amos., $2.00 At Only . Fifteen Cents. We ftre well prepared bow Iot an extpnpivA hucrineoQ ri w cin noA every effort to secure the pateronage of those intending to bii v. 3S. B. LATTA & BRO. mmm mww mm Will Cui 2 THE HEADACHE, INDIGESTION, BILIOUSNESS. DTS- PEPSIA. NTSRVniTR PT?rQTT A TTrkXT - t k it . - , - - Vver Taking. CHILLS and FEVERS, TIRED FEELING, GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN JSJS1'. RHEUMATISM, KEUBALQIA KIDNEY and LIVER Betore. TROUBLES. BY ALL IUJf; GISTS. Weekly Observer. icn uDd IPnnlfeflSeo -:o: A Large Eight-Page Paper, Issued every Thursday, it gives full local reports. Telegvophle News, State News . and General Mls cellaneoegJMatter, and oys an Immense circu lation. - i . f- ' " 0 have accepted the agen cy OF THE- SUBSCRIPTION RATES:' EU3tlTr Weekly edition. One Year, $1.76 Six months, $1.00 Three months, .50 -OF- ( ft For this section and will nowiceep ? To advertisers the Dally and .Weekly Observer constitute an unexcelled medium, as they clrcu- late imcKiy throughout the State. i .,: Contract rates supplied upon application. -. PIANOS AND ORGANS At low prices and upon easy terms, at my warn ATOM None who want to keep up with the news ofthe day can ailord toba without The Obsebyeb. mmE9 JLildo BZXT DOOB TO WITTKOWSKT & BAEUCH'S. DDaDlPBWo

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