They W1H 8 Do 8ft Agate. rMargaret VandergHft fa The Century. The marten, aunt, in her straight-backed chair, With a flush oa her pale and wrinkled cheek. And a horrified, mortified, mystified air, Was just about to spjak. And the maiden niece, a nice little maid Stood meekly twirling: her thumbs about, With a half -triumphant, half-afraid, And wholly be witching pout gaid the maiden aunt: "Will you pleas ezp'ain What "your heads were doing so close to gethsrf You oonld easily, I assure you, Jane, Save knocked me down with a feather! Wbea I think of your bringing up my care, Hy scrupulous care and it s come to th.! You Appeared to bJ sitting calmly there, , And let'.ing a young man KiSSyon! "Ifow tell me at once just what he said, And what vou replied. .Tan is q lite trial; go do aou ts Mai there an i hang your head, Or attempt the least denial! If 1 catch you once more ii such a fix. Though you are 18, I can tell you, Jane, I ghall treat you just as if you were 6, And eenl you to school again ! Ar vou going to tell me what he said. And what' you said? I'll not stand this trifling; go look at ma, Jane! Lift up your head ! Don't go as if you were stifling!" War voice was shaken of course, with fear: "He said ne saia: vtiu you nave me. And I said I would. But. indeed, aunt, dear. Weii never uo su again: Overheard at the Hone Show IMfa DATT,Y WARLQTTE OBSERVER: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1885 "" Bay and the i Boston Horn Joanii.i He . 7 " vjl a y ouvn log With no aneestrv to hnf - K. w. atP1, 11 in one of our city mm aawecnua s way arm lovingly twined about his naiv thick nardr. .ti . sweat, cooing Toioa aayiog in his ear. 'T ve you little doggie," he was as proud ae any nrize setter In t.he land mud.. " - dog little boy?' asked a policeman, as he passed the happy couple. "No, be doesn't belong to nun," answesfti the affecSonate friend af ne iicue cramp dog. Why the Camp Meeting Held Over. CWcago Living Charch J Aorracher at a mmn mutiny farm-n said, when a proposition was made to shut b-uoes oa cunaay: "JtH'sturea, there are souls that will bed Amrtay4 if irrvr A rvrJ f Iiat14 - -ninwa j vu uvu w u-e.u over Sunday. They are almost persuaded oy foaturday. Sunday will bring their con viction to a r.risaV Oh ImSiIm lie. ... save them! Thousands, too, will come then that; will come at no otoer time." The Curistian Advocate makes the report, and ito buikt aaas tnat oy personal investiga tion he found that the urgent speaker owned the refreshment stand. The First Blcyele in RemoiTllle. iBe -engraved from The Century. "Well, what of it I have as much right to be here as your old horsa. ' 'You may not think I am a Shetland oon v. but I am: only I have beta to the barber's." "This h-irdle jumping may be fun for the spectators, tu it is serious business for us.' ha Would Make Good Wife. Co!umbiis D -.patch, i They sat in the librarr alcove, And they gazed at the hundreds of books; And she gave, in exchange for his sighiags. The sweetest and suyest of looks. "Here are volumes of very great va' us, And vou," bere-narkel, "are well versed; Now. supposing a fire should oreak out here. Which book would you try to save flrstf" "I would seise" an 1 sha grew quite cited, And then she grew terriiiy eilm "I would seize papa's pocketbQok first, sir; Thatf s the kind of a bookworm I ami M " My kingl ef dar ain't de berry ole Sataw hisself, tail an' aJl, a-gwine about de kenwy a-s.raidlin' of a buggy wheel " The Lesser of Two Bvlla. Detroit Free Press The municipal census taker was around taking names and pulled ths bell at Bliff stick's, and Bliff came to the door. He was put through the usual formula, and Anally the censuser asked the age of his wife. "Can't tell," responded the husband. "Cun't tellf ' echoed the questioner. ,4Whv? Don't you knowf ' "0 course I do." "Then you must tell me. Ths law you mut." "T.elaw? Whatlawr "The law of the state." "What will they do with tellf "tut you in jatt for contemnt." "All right ;v put me in jaiL" "Why. man," exclaimed the astonished ofneia!, 'you won't go to jail and suffer ratUer than tall your wife's age, will vcuf ' ""Wall, yes, sever been in me if I deaf t he said resignedly; ''Ire jail, and oa one occasion 1 did tell my wife's age." J Final. Lowell Courier It is very true, as you oit will find, Thatawomsn's "No" is not her mind; Bat rrk.n you bear, as your plead ias end "IshaL always priz y u as a friend. Shall value your .rieaJhip,1' and sucb as that, The answer is final, vou can take yoar hat. Brevitie. Bingbampton Re pu olic : n She loved. las, she loved m I s-je loved me ere 1 wemed," gushes some aiaay of a versifier. W think if she bad wai e 1 until after he was weened before loving him, and that process were deferred until after bis exit from ealihood, the poet would die ualoved. Exchange: Professor of Chemistry Suppow you ware called to a patient who tad swallowed a heavy dose of oxalic aoid, what wculd you administer? Jones (who preparing for the pulpit, and who only takss chemistry bs cam it is obligatory) wouia aammiSCer toe sacramsnt. JNew York World : Mr. John Meecbam, merchant of Memp-iis, objected to cpan inS the new stoeic exchange m that city with prayer, although he was in formed that the itsti uaoa would specially deal with futures, and he irreverently remirked that would a? soon taink of openmg a jaca pot with prayer. Txas gif tings: The Servians are ad vsnciug cautiouJy into Turkey territory, las more oaucious toe Servians are tiie tutter for them, otherwise they may dupli cate the exnerhmoA nf th varvnirimcr man who thruat few hand into a harm's month to bow may teeth he had. Tae horse -loseo his mouth to gee how many fingers man had. Exchange: "Oh, George, how eeprrla ly still, ekar and beautiful is the light:'1 she whiscifirad. laaaiu- hmr finl r Tind Uutfde against his coat collar; ,how uatag, new res d ul 1" zee, he replied, hC with her chashmut enreele hair, what a nigh to shoot cast.' ' awlir1 i-iong tvooj, j-ia., re- axehssaged a weekly paper far a This trade was met so inappr oariate j weald seem at first blush Thev are seevaaeai at the human raea. .Man BuUttaa: "eod gracena," amid hea when she discovered the porcelain An Intangible Oeaira. Harper's Bazar.j Young minister You seem unusually thoughtful, Miss Clara? Mi ss Clara (in a Sunday evening frame ef mmd)-i leel somewhat oppressed to-night, Mr, wnitecnoter; nuea, as it were, with a vague longing for something i know net what a desire for. some intangible been whose possession would satisfy my soulaad quiet this -restless longing. Bobby (putting his bead in the door) JS&n 1 speak to you a minuta, Clara? Mis4 Clara Certainly, Bobby. What is , dear? Bobby Ma says tbafc I can have half ef Seat cold mackerel you ve got locked up i cupboard. Shocking;. New Orleans Times-Democrat. A. famous dinner giver in Richmond, Va., giving a particularly swell ainner te a party of distinguished people, and, being short of a diaing-roeui servant, hired note 1 head wai tar to officiate. When the bam was placed on the side table to he carved, the head waiter, full of the ass portance of his position, sang out: "Hftw. gents, waiea one or you hamf The aosr, speecniesw witn august, rase, and, seising the astonished darkay by the scuff of the neek, shot him out of the roam, and then, with an ui banity that was im mease, resumed his duties as the most ad mirable of hosts. NO 1 A NEW NORTH CAROLINA Form Book, 4. Mm?IJAtj OF LAW AITO Justices of the Ptace, County Officers, Lawyers and Business Men. Carefully complied and prepared from the Stat utory Law of North Carolina, Including the Acts of 1886. Price $2.50 Each. TIDDY & BRO. The Merchant dealing In GUINN'S PIONEER BLOOD BENEWEB Is hereby authorized to refund the money if it does not. cure the diseases for which It is recommended, and when taken according to directions. Cures RHEUMATISM, MERCURIAL POISON, SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS, GLANDULAR SWELLIhGJS SKIN DISEASES, SORES OE ALL KINDS, BLOUD 1'OISON, FEMALE COM PLAINTS. Etc. R. Gulnn first manufactured and sold his Medi cine from Perry. Ga., In an humble way. using an ordinary Iron pot for boiling- The huslnebs was run under name of Swift & Gulnn, Perry, Ga., with the caution printed on each lsbel. "None genuine without the written signature of R. Gulnn :" and the medicine was sold at $5 03 per bottle. This co-partnership was dissolved by Mr C. T Swift retiring anrf Mr. Gainn continuing the man ufacture of this Celebrated Vegetable Blood Re newer from Southern forests up to the present time. He has now sold his right therein to the Macon Med cine Company, Macon, Essay on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free MACON MEDICINE COMPANY. Macon, Ga. Tha Modern Shakespaare. Yonlr"s Gazette. "Thou st never loia me. precious cava lier, an' tbou dost lor ms for naeseif alonef "I'll say tbou art me summum bonui me n on panel, chef doeuvre end 'Ye gods! Caef uosuvrei How my soul has yearned to hear thee say I was that eame to thee!" "Praia Juno that I bare caromed on thy vaera. "And r 'se her. too. that I hant hnara1 her word. Com nearer, pet, and hinge it j an mine ear, and while mo soul sops up ths 1 toothsome speech 1 11 dip me in a trance of Paradise.' 1 Peril of the Theological Student. One of the religious papars, The Chicago Inter-or, thinks that the girls ptay the mis chief wich the theological students. "The young brother, as soon as 'Rav.' is duly fastened on before his given name, makes a bee line for bis girL and she meets aim half -way down the lane, and they kiss each other a few times and walk lovingly to gether to some old preacher, whe ought to know better, and he puts his hands on their heads and tells them to be good and so spoils a missionary." s The Wodihed Letion. Weekly Evangelist ''Now, you young scamp," said Blinks, Sr., as he Jed his young eat out into the woodshed, end prepared to give him a dress ing down, Tli teach you what i3 what" "No, pa,'' replied the incorrigible, "yonll teach me which is switch." And then the old man's hand fell power lass to his side. Job Printing AND 1 Chance For 1 GRAND BALK 01 Aa Admirer of Wagner. New York Sun. Miss Clara Are yeu an admirer af Wag per's music, Mr. FeatherlyT Mr. Featherly I used te be, Miss Clans, B ardent admirer of Wagner, bublet ate gee it must be aver four years new siaae I have heard Cal sing. NO CURE PAT Watches Book Binding AT THE Hr j Bh m Wm- Jl 0 it Will be found a large line ef JOB WM MS AND JE Diamond Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, l to SpectaclfSa Prices cut down from Tbaekszlvma Das te March 4tb 1886. - Those wanting any of the above goods will Dlease call and bear my prices, they are the lowest and the goods are the best. J. T. BUTLER. is 3 -rrrt: Cuialcucrca. Revolvers, rcmes, .3 g Aomrtm ARK TKIUVPHAIIT: For fifteen years they have steadily eatned to, favor, awd with sales cousTantly Increasing have become The most popular corset throughout the United States. The O- duality is warranted to wear twlc a long as ordinary corsets. We have lately Intro ducedtheG and R H rades with Extra Long Waist, and we ran furbish them when preferred Highest awards from all the World's great Fairs. The last medal received is for First Degree of Merit, from the late Exposition held' at New Orleans. While scores of patents have been found worth less, the Principles of the Glove Fitting have proved Invaluable. Retailers are authorized to refund money, if. on examination, these Corsets do not prove as repre 86 n tod For sale everywhere. Catalogue free on Application. Tbompsoe, Laagdoa & Co. New York. These goods Id all styles and qualities for sale by C, M. QUERY, Charlotte, K. C. Oct.l6-eod 6m NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Ton are allowed a fit trial tf thirty dap of the use of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt witn Electric Suspensory ppUanees, for the speedy relief and permanent care of Jfervou Debility, loss of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred trouble. Also for many other diseases. Complete restora tion to Health, Vigor and Manhood guaranteed. No risk is Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet In eaied mmUope mailed free, by add reaslng VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Hich, novl7deor&n-7m. Which will be closed out'at dose prices. If you want Letter Heads, Mote Heads, BUI Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Circular, Hand Bills, Tags, Cards, If s t it 3Pf", i i ft School Catalogues, Programmes, &c. CALL AND GOT PRICES. -tq- CHEAP WM If you want Cheap Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads or Envelopes, you can get them at as low figures as they can be furnished at any printing office in the country. Special to ffoflsefeepers. I offer a full Sine ef the finest SfldS! SPICES!! SPICES!!! Sfcot Pepper, BleeiclKvd Peiso c Closest, Java CaMftest, Ceylon Cfm i.LSFICE, PEN ANG NUTMEGS, PENaNG NUTS. COLilAN'S MWIAMB, The Assvs are Often d at dwetd Price1. La R. vVRISTON, WILLOO "GOD BIJBSft TOT!" Case of Care Person Bone- An Extraordinary by the Ulrs Joe ' edy. The following letter, dated January 14, 1886, Just been received, and will be- shown to any parr Bon who Is Interested in the subject Names and dates are withheld far obvious reasons: "Mhs. JokPkkson; 'Madam On the 2Mb of last May a boy ehlld well developed In every respect was born In this city, but the "King or Terrors" began to dSn about its little heart, and notwithstanding tts plump and vigorous constitution the i oison in tne blood soon began to manifest ttseU in what the' medical men term 'Eczema,' 'Pupura,' or 'Heredi tary Taint.' Some old Toother concluded the child had the 'yellow thrash.' Yet whatever the disease It was certainly a stubborn master for th doctors, , The mother took, the little "sufferer to the coun try, hoping that the pure fresh air might be bene nclal.and Dr. , of Lumberton. was called to treat the case. He proneonoed it Kcz- ma, and did I all he could for it. but to no ptvpese, any moie than to check the fever to which the disease sub jected the boy. "At the first frost the victim was again removed to the city, and immediately Dr. was called and he pronounced tbe disease 'Pupura,' and pre scribed accordingly, feeding up tbe disewie on iron and other minerals until the babe's mouth be came so sore that for two weeks it did not nurs A friend suggested as a last hope and resort MIST JOE PERSON'S REMEDY.' "AH means of procuring any more help or rnedl- ! Cine bad failed,, and In this hour of deepest de spair the poor mother went and -asked her drug gist to let her have one bottle and one package til the Remedy, and was refused, because sne old not have the money to pay for it. She pawned her . wedding ring and raised $1.50 to pay for the medl- ' "When she gave the child the first c!ose, three weeks ago to-day. tbe little fellow was a mass of . scaly sores from the hips to the km en. and at sever months old had never borne his weight on his feet. To-day, by the help of (rod and a faithful adminis tration of the Remedy the child Is well and strong lathe legs, and last Sabbath morning while the mother was weeping at the necessity of drying up her breast, he took hold and nursed as strong and vigorous as ever. The administration of the Remedy Is still kep up to effect a complete cure. "Believing In its filcacy r have prevailed upon Mrs. to take it for InflmnmAtnn Phmma. asm. If you want Fine Work HEST CLASS MATEBUL, You can get it at Reasonable Prices. Colored PrintiDg aSpecialty. The Only gfPrinting House in tnfs Section Using Caps' Patent Process for CoIorWork. Look at These Prices : Letter Heads, at Note Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Tags, , $3.00 per 1,000 2.00 " " 2.00 " 2.50 " 2.0d " 44 The prices given abovef are for cheap stock. FRED C. MUNZLER, WKnr.SAT.a UkOKlt BEER OliALIlK AIVI BOTTLER, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Represents two of the largest LAGEB ti&Xuu, sreweries in tne United States, The Bergnser A, Enarel Brctrlag Co., or Philadelphia, and the P. Ac 91. Schaer Brew ing Co., Of If ew York. THE LARGEST LAGER BEER BOT TLING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY. W Orator Solicited. All orders promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. decSOdlf If yon Desire to Decorate Yoir Homes call and examine onr IMMENSE STOCK sf new designs of WALL PAPERS and i nCRl SFA WALTON, We are receiving daily all the new designs from F. R Beck & Co , whose goods are superior to jaw made and we guarnnree prices as LOW afWm can be bought in AMERICA. EDDINS BROTHZBS. Boot Mm All classes f .Book Binding and Blank Book Manufacturing executed at Short Notice . CPU :-: SEED WANTED. We will pay 16i cents per bushel of 90 pounds for good sound new eotten seed delivered at onr mill to Charlotte, N. C. We will trade cotton seed meat sr seed, giving one ton of meal for two tons of seen septltddtr OUTER OIL COMPANY, Sooesssots to Charlotte 08 Cemsswy. Hail Orders Will receive prompt attention, and customers will receive "the same treat ment as if contracts are made in person. . Address, Grlotte, N. -:o:- A LA B GE LOT Of BLUM'S SALEM ALMANACS, jort revived and for sale in any qusmlty. Remember demsete in prices with anybct y. EDDL 3 r HOT HERS :0:- Wrapping Pp r and PapcrBag . Tn any qnar-tlty. AND STILL NONE CAN UN DERSELL US. EDDIES BROTHERS. :0:- COUNTRY 1NERCIANTS Will do we1.1 to ca'l on US before making their pur chases. We are dmnlned to compete with any market In the United s ates. All we ask is for tbe difference io cost of transitortatlon . Send In your oroers ana we wui nu inem promptly. EDDIKS BROTHERS. Bavidseo Cftiiege, C. Full Faculty. Thorough instruction. Well equipped laboratories. Best moral and religious influences Flexible Curriculum. Healthy loca tion. Economical. Sessions begin in September and Jn nuary Students received at any time. Send for Catalogue. Bar. L. McKlNNON President, devsaUwSm Davidson College, N C