DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: THURSDAY, . NOVEUBER 26. 1835. 1X3? charlotte Ofe&erxnrc. FE01I WASHINGTON. ABOUT THE APROPRIA-TIOHS. Ctomfp if 111 Comtoff Session Several Points Coneernitif: Ifortti . Carolina , People. , " Conespondence c( Thb Obsxbtbr. . . . Washington, Nov. 24. Most of . the jl members who have arrived and exs pressed themselves, and this means a considerable portion of the whole, declare that the rules must be amend el in many important respects, so as to expedite the ousinee of the House. Thfl' nrftnonderance of c. 5on is that visiting her sisterLIiss Alston, ;lh thiscity. . A. beautiful copy ;of the Stuart Washington portrait.owned in Salem nd now here for sale at a hiehfiss ure, has been made by Mr..;W. Carl Browne, the North Carolina artist. H. : VICE-PRE8. x IIEJJTKlCri8 Suddenly fiamn oed but Quiet 1 jr. Falls into the don? Sleep. Indianapolis, Nov. 25. VicenPres ident Hendricks died very; suddenly at his residence a fewminates before 5 o'clock this afternoon. He came home from Chicago early in the week and complained of Reeling unwell but nothing serious was thought -of it at the time. Last "night he and Mrs. Hendricks attended a reception at the ACROSS THE SEA. LATEST FBOM THIS rrenTcas. ttlnff ItliJan Willing; to Come (o 'Terms but' Alexander Wont The Bulgarians Proving: too Much ? for , the .Invaders The Question , Being RXore Mixed--The King of. Spain Dead The English Elections. Marriage In Concord. - - In ; Concord; last Tuesday; night, Mr. C. IP. Walter was married to Mrs. Laura Deaton, Rev: T Moser officiat ing. The ceremony was "conducted at the residence of the bride and it was quite a brilliant affair. The at tending couples were: Mr. M. Patterson , and- Miss Mollie Swink ; Mr, II. L. :Propst and Miss.Lillie WiUeford; Mr. C.1 M. Sappendeld and Miss Rosie Willefotd: Mr. Ems mitv Swink, and Mies Agnes Moore. rnra ill GIVEN AWAY. I. i B. S. SI. II. there wiilbea diviawnorer e-J-hhr.ldiedat 9 oclovk this a. mT, of-con iargecircleor tnenas.',. jr. ujoouwi j ThanhSiPtTlllir Vienha, Nov. 25,-Emperor Francis Hungary and presided at a meeting f tevr the ceremony the bridal party of the Cabinet which was i called in and the invited guests participated in connectioq with the Servian rout. ; an elegant and sumptuous wedding n t death of king Aiirpiizo.' , supper. " The happy couple were the , JLONDON. -A dispatch has just been j recipients of a number of very receivea ac me roreicn omce rrom h,fl,iOAmA.;ji r- u.- . . w .... t uuuuouuic ui. mai if 1 r:pr-:i i i.m i i i i 1 1 iiiiHir 84LYAIWAII, A tween the Appropriations uommitreej(ed 0f paina nig i(je an(i stomach. and several other committees, e&A This morning he was no better and heretofore alluded lo. A leading and; his family physician. Dr. Thompson, n: ooT,ifrtiAiri was called in. He gave him an . " -' pnetic and laterdn the day an wjec tins afternoon, however, that tfce tiorli Mr Hendricks staved in his very decided opposition of, so many' room all day and most of the time in I Conservative influential Democratic papers wouia imiuuku ue sac up at irequem 4.116 votes u ,oonmtt frnm hinffH 1UMjrva ae recei vea no caiiers, dui preveiitsuch a .im about 5 o'clock Mrs. Hendricks left carried out at tnis time, iuis gouw nis bedside to S6e : KCauer for a few - rsan who has autboiuty at wtU'eaaa, minutes in the parlor. She: was de f tWhnibiiW und is a verv observs layed longer than she expected and ' . . " v,f Shi nrv nf th I wheirshe returned to the room she ant man, thinks that .thp. cry of Lfound that he was-dead. , The end of "lobby V will fcill tne proposiwoii, a 5uay and an eventful life had come acUMibtedly?agat4v utarooa peacefully and quietly. vOn his face Vnnm nmartst several of J there was no indication of pain or SIB CHARLES , W. DILKE UK ELECTED. The Parliamentarv , election in Chelsea yesterday resulted in the re-i turn 01 oirunarjes .w . uuue. L.iteraJ, by a vote of 4,291 : Whitmore, his opponent, received REPULSED FROM WHXDIN. Vienna The Servians bombarded Services appropriate to Thanksgiv ing Day will be held in several of the city churches, beginning at 11 o'clock tnis .mornjng, Bishop Keener will conduct service at the Tryon street Methodist church: Dr. B. F. Dixon. a- tne Jbirst Presbyterian church; U am . I' ' a , 1 .1. , , a , a Widrtin t,h whrtl nicrhr. Innr nnrt t. Awy-- u- rnoia, ac ine aecontt 6 o'clock this morning, after being Presbyterian church; Rev. R. F. strongly . reintorced, , attempted . to I tsumpass, at St. Mark s Lutheran " a . .-. m . The greatjlufilc House of the Sooth, fcaa remov en to a Magnificent New Store (the Largest Music lempie in the U S ), and as a souvenir of this im portant era In their business, and also as an ad- ycruBcuieni wmcn wui ten irom the JPotomac to the Rio Grande, they are actually giving away val- uaoie woia watches. , . Doubt not this statement.: It Is a fact, 'i It's mv.i v-r ... uuicuaie nouses ana tney do things in a whole. sue way. Read this startling SD'OffrNIK -TO PIANO liLVEHS. I have remarked among Congress- ma. Hie drift is toward ; a change, and if the Speaker's conservative in flaence is not exerted, there is danger f aMnatliino melt Vvii r Tf rflnnft. "TllA position to cutting! ugthe work f the Appropriations Committee m of paralysis of the brain. A DEATH THAP. A. dumber of JPersons'Canicbt and Crushed tm leajlhn a Bookery. Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 25 A aot confined to Mr- Eandsll's followed four6tory frame structure. 44 Mois ' sra. Kor is the advocacy 1st the new H r Bwees,-wwn an aqjoming maenme . T i. . A .I a 3 4 kVk n AVkA iwifUBiwua uiuCu 8 morning and hurifld in f.hA dAhria t . - . .. 1.1 i. a.1 a " . o. ---. " seats, tsuc it is very ciear inai. wie3 Jeagt half a ozen Dersons. The ladiag motive Of those who urge a 3 building was -condemned by the ha.nr s to 3t& th nower of the4 oara ' or aldermen seyeral months ttuirmaa rf the Apppriatos a?a death. vyuLuunvvco. y .t)-"" structure aown when it f . mmt about the matter, i feel con&aenttnat Scbeheky, aged s8 years, of No, 79 tke Hottse will, at least fix a time fori Morris street; was killed outright thereDortimr of awaropriation bills. nd removed to the 'morgue. 'Maggie .. 1 smiT.n anon v rr iivrv kii iv am.i . iiwwwHKJwmnm md ribs hrokpn Sh was divide its powers as to seyerftl of the taken to a hospital. The building is a complete wrect. Tne croans of the dy iner could be beard above the bum of voices and the noise of the workmen. The fire department wa called out and assisted the laborers in removing the debris; The tenement carry tne city oy assault, out were repulsed after three hours sanguine ary fighting..- V . A CABINET CRISIS IMPEKMNQ . Paris. The newspapers today are unanimous in the belief that the fact that a majority of the committee of the Chamber of deputies to examine the Tonquin credits, are in. favor of the evacuation of Tonquin and Mads agaskar renders the situation of af- Botten fairs more critical and they anticipate mittee's action. ! THE WIDOWED" QUEEST iPROSTRATED. London. Additional dispatches irom Maaria of the here at 5 :30 , o'clock this afternoon They state that the widow of the King: is completely prostrated; by his church. &y special request, Rev. Dr. J. T. .Bagwell will conduct services at thn A. M. Jfi. Zton church bervices wilUalao be held at the. baptist church. To Piano between November 1st, and De cembef 1st, 1885, from m: direct, or through anv ofv our ..Ten. mouses or zvu Agencies, we will vre- cot a 1 sumjvit7neniary souvenir an elegant . , measures which it has iieretofore re ported . Whenever its chairman get ready. .'"'',-.. The Leazar ad Vance deelioationa of o3ce were cpoken af today in of- several lares I.ofit--A Suspected - Case of Arson and Murder. bT, Louis, Nov. 25 About 2 o'clock tnis morning fare was discovered in the north rooms of the Metropolitan noiei on oeventn street. ; The fire de- oartment arrivAri wnmnHw hn v. uwu auuuuuuiug- uiH ueaiu tlameshad gaiiied such headway that in& oEi Spn, were Teceived it required considerable effort to con- tine them to the building. One n an was taken Irom his bed nearly suffo catea and very seriously burned aoout tne head and hndv TTo woo THE SERVIAN JLOSSES. takftn tn a hnni,QJ A .L"Z .ojiDON.ine Bulgarian losses, so seen at a window on the third rar m ine campaign, are two hun- noor out seemed powerless to onpn it dred dead and two thousand wouud A fireman threw a rock breaking the sixty tour Servian otncers have been self headforemost to the pavement. juiieu or wounaea. scive nunarea one aiea a tew minutes later. She Hiarving oervians suomittea to the was oadiy burned and had a dflnn in cision in her throat which looked as tnough it had been done with a razor. GOLD WATCH. Guaranteed Solid Gold Case, and movement. Sold by jewelers at W to $50. neialrcles. North CaroHna appears to be about the- only State where opposite pier No. 3, Kew York, there are more tban one or two re - loaimediately in the rear of the fusals to embark, in tbe service of lauea Duiiamgs stand two or three TJrte Samuel. Amoog a who SSSSi fS, have declined are Messes. Graham, Quitted and stand ro.arir tn fall Lockbart, Jernigan i(to get a better The inquiries of friends after the one), James Madison Leaeh, jr., Iiea. issi are heartrendiqg. Maggie aar and Charles N. Vance. Of course wi Z 'S? 7 ? mQJ u a no?piV Al . , , . al, died a short time after her arrival, all these gentlemen had reasons of A lad about 12 years old was dug out .their own, carious and sufficient. Ifs from tinder the logs To all appears a 00d thing to ifind aommnnity not aces life was extinct. He was re wholly given over to office-seeking. t- 1 "uo Vliy osPltai -f once Some of oar, neighbor States seem iHont-. haA ntr4 to j live on expectation, with a j reach the scene after giving an alarm. litue occasional realization. JMorthl a states mat at least two dozen wo Bulgarians on the frontier. MILAN ACCEPTS THE ARMISTICE. Belgrade. - ll is officially announc ed that King Milan has accepted the armistice proposed by the powers. THE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS. London. The following is the re sult of the Parliamentary elections as far as. ascertained: Forty. Liber als, thirty-six Tories, and t wo Nation alists have been elected The Liberals gained one seat and the Tories twelve. THE BALKAN PROBLEM GETTING MORE TANGLVD. Constantinople, Nov. 25. The Porte fears that the Austrian occupa tion of Servia, in the event of a revo lution in that country, will lead to Russian r action in Bulgaria:: The fact that ' Russia is massinxr a larare This Offsr Good only Until h- cenibtr 1, '85. Pianos at Lowest Cash Prices known, with Com- piete Outfits, and Aix Freight PAm. T?vrv- tlilng fair and square, and full satisfaction guaranteed. Send your name and address for cirminr envtoo full particulars. This Is the one chance of a lit . time, hlch should not be missed. Don't wait. The offer expires December 1st. and cannot be re. newea. Aaaress - It is thought the buildincr dentally set on , fire by .-' one of the woman s lovers, although there are rumors that the woman whose throat raouuuiittu ueeu muruerea ana the r j j- 0 n i lt , assassin set fire to the building to LUQaeil ffi D&m. Nflnthfim MllSlft HniUA - I ; ; v OP THE PUBLIC Is reepectfulJy called specialties in to X DHA For which we tak ores ard make . Guaranteeing a fit at following excet diily prices: the to Extru JOHN N: B 33c rnvy UTrn lril, line of under rteUVp8aphw have a m tion, namely VJftSSSi w surgical :-: mmmi "(0)- fesslon oflhls section, we 1 constantly In stcck A FULL LINK OF Sirgiwl IssfrnnifBts. WHICH WE WARRANT. We are also prepared to' give any and all dis counts in any of the KEIF YORK WhenNouhwasiutne ArkyonneH.nl wa. .1. ULrYEB'S NEW BLOCK. SAVANNAH. OA wtvs 'nlnririif t-rtoLu mi fh ni.i ...... . 1 f oay he tofd his sea-far ii g father that there was water in ibe cellar and They haa ail caught cold! What a pity it was that ivoah did not have a bUi pjy of Dr. wuli'd oun Syrup, which woula haw cued the whole family. Uarouna iaas really aot nad at any time a large number of applicants here since I have known tise jcity, and there are fewer uader Cleveland than there were under his Bepublis can predecessors. . Brcottina Clfrar Makers. Reading. Pa, Nov. 25. The knights of labor of this city, 1200 strong, have boycotted Glaser and Frame, cigar manufacturers of this citv. emnlovinc "isn h force in Bessarubia,and ; that Austria they refuse to employ union hands io uianiiig wit? sauio war preparations uiaser and j'ame today publish in Bosnia, causes the utmost uneasi-1 a statement that thev will not Pm, nes m diplomatic circles in this eitv. olov union mpn and that kp v,, and it is believed 1 that Prince Alex will consent to do so they will close ander will now decline to relinquish the factory, as the effect of the unions when JUST Dy W6re fa the bU'IdiDg r7' iipn.o? ISnSSSSiS?. ,5 wnen it leu. . Balkan qupstion is increasingly diffi-, of business. Their 150 hands this . ' r r CUlt. In Porto is nf.mtiar,iricr with ofromnnn' -. - .. . j Ill OFFERS TO TEE men, boys and eirls were rnnnincr in j and out of the building all the morn ing carrying away wood. He did not AC4JIDJEWT OS TOE WESTERN N. C. RAILROAD. POINTS. , . Miss Nannie Hill, daughter of Gen. D. H. EtiM, and Miss Mattie Dowd,, daughter of Hon. Clement Do wcL, are teaching' in thiscity. Miss Etra Brice, of Charlotte, was - - L. recently a guest of Mrs. Senator i Ah Eji?iue Thrown into the RirK, carrying: Engineer,; and Fire man with it. ASHKVILLE. NOV. 25. Aq thA oouna treiht tram from Asheville approached Deep Water Iron bridge near Warm Serines this mnrm'nc nt ft A , J v. v Baron Herechfor a loan of $5,000,000. by each one disavowing any connec--king milan GONE homb. . tion with the unions. Within the Belgrade, - Nov. 25. Kine Milan as,i Blx months ten trades has organ has ret urned to this city. considered to be over. a Yance. , She received much attention which had fallen upon the track and lumou vver mm ino river in water forty feet deep. The engineer, aeo. Rlimmnninc t.hu T.on1af.iiirn . i O uuuuuvu&ux OU' - ' THE QUEEN'S SYMPATHY. JLondon. The Queen was the first ! in JLncIand to reneivo an The war is 1su Ul"ns nere ana runner boycot- ThA r1pr tlu& 1S loosea ror ot all business men who sell I goods. non-union manufactured person Men are often heard saying that their aspirations are high, but every time they cou?h their noses go ivTToiua uiocBiiu, wim inaicriuons inav in-y will while here. Harry Martin, son of Mrs, Z. B. Vance, won what is called the three Jegged race and took the prize award ad at the Georgetown College last week. - , . . 'Mr. Preston L. Bridgers, of Wil mington, who was appointed consul at Mbntevideo; is a merchant of about eight years standing, and 43 a son of .Hon. B. B. Bridgers, president of the Wilmington &; Weldon Railroad. The pay is $2,000. It is the consulate - which Coi Jernigan gave up to accept a better paying one in Japan. - Eddie Bernard, of the Fiah Com mission, ' has j ust returned from a four weeks trip distributing fish in Utah, Wyoming and other far west i em communities. ' He goes out today to Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. He says he ' )ikes travelling, and hopes he will '? will be sent , to San Francisco in a ; few. weeks. . By the way, I oughtn't to tell the Wilmington girls what Ed , said about the Utah beauties, and I won't, for he expects to see some of the former after a while. y:,r Nothing has been heard - here of Col. John A. Sloan. Two recent arrivals from Asheville 1 at down town hotels, one of them be , ing Maj. J. M. McLeod. ,J ' - Max Wagoner, of Winston, was here. Also, Maj. A.. J . Galloway, of Gold?iboro. - , - . District Attorney Busbee passed through the city yesterday,'. spend . ing one or two hours here. "' Mrs. Tayloe. daughter of Tom Nick Alston, Esq., of Warren county, is Parrish, of Lynchburg, and fireman wnuiora,- went down with the wreck. ; Engine and cars are out of sight under water, with the bodies of the dead, which have not yet been recovered. A New Ballot-Bojc Quite an amusing little incident oc curred at the depot at Camden, S. C, a few days ago. The - platform havs mg been lowered, the company has provided boxes upon which to step in entering v the ears Each . of these boxes has a small hole in the top so as to render it easy to be handled The boxes have no bottoms to them A couple of, darkies were intently eyeing one; of , them the other day when -one: of them innnirrf -arH they, were for. "Git out," said the other descendant of Ham; "dem's a new kind ' of votin' box; don't you S3e it haint got no bottom to it." official notification of Kin? Alfonso's wn rSS t0 , . j. r O -1 . uuu a vuugu cjiup 1U UUW, urauu.rxKJutut'B scnuing a message 01 condolence to Madrid, she despatch ed a special .message to the Spanish Embassy at London, within half ah hour after receipt of the news. ALEXANDER ON HIS METAL. A despatch from 3ofia this after noon says: "Kins; Milan sent a mes- sape under the fl ig of. truce to the Bulgarian advance line proposing peace at the request of , the powers. The. Bulgarian commander sent the message to Prince Alexander. The latter refused to accept the proposi tion -on the grounds that Bulga ria had 'nbt.i received such a request from the powers ;; Prince Alexander refuses to cdusider Revival of the Ilulne? Outlook ' Southward. The business Ontlnnlr thrmnrhrtnt tha Snnrli nH West Is ver bright, harvests have been abundatt, the public bea!th tree Irom ven the ordinary mal adies, and prosperity has brouaht an increased patronage to I he Louisiana btate Lottery on ac couut ot Its weli-estabilsned character ttr honest management, under the sole direction of wen'ls (J. 1 . Beauregard of La., and Jubal A. Early or Va. On l uesday, Dec. 15th, lt5 the 187th Monthly and T.Imu oeini annual rawing win scatter $522, 500 all over to holders of Uckets at $10 or fraction J tenttiSHt 1 each. All Information can be had or Jtt. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La., on appUca- tion. . . , The Aimsof Life Are nullities to the chronic Invalid.; What to him areOie rewards of ambition, the accumulation fortune, or the f ronton of (tnmtiA , JrJrJil" ?i. untilthe.Servians have evacuated the widdin district, ard the amount of war indemnity payable by Servia to to Bulgaria has been fixed." .. The Vole for Attorney General- - , Thanlzsgirlnsr. f Richmond Va., Nov; 25. The board of State canvassers have fin ished the count- of the vote cast in the last State election tor attorney gen. eral. The whole number of votes cast was 288,504, of which Rufus A. ' Beaths From Smallpox. Montreal, Nov. 25. Official re. turn to the health ofrie tndav Rhnw peace proposal I !-DerQ were six deaths from smallpox male Retail Trade FIVE TONS P ore lite rWENTYf'BARRELS PORE UNSEED m tne city yesterday. One at Mt. Koyal hospital and five ip St. Cune gonde. In Longueville, just opposite the city, there are said to be 14 Cases of disease Hi.?Vuis 18 U0K iwemevawe if his mala- Ay res democrat j receivea 15,35, MW&W.S and Frnk (Publican) 136,1 flesh.lshelr. formeriv annmSiSfi? hL8 SSS1 Avrea' maior tv Ifi 24fi.- The thf naJ" la sovereign remedy, vote for coyernor and lieutenant- rteumatSnrbmtyV ernor will not be canvassed until the Jhm,w2lt;l1 Ke restorative, which does legislature meets next month. . ia 'SS at the root of the Thpro will bo a wrv e-pinpral flim- evlls to the removal of which lt is adanted Bv in- inere u . a - general sus- surlng activity and purity of circulation, inducing pension of business here tomorrow Sifwt . NV'iSPros-131, and religious services will be held in ----- V WU M J - COCA..,-'. A Pure Inri&roratlng: Tonic and Stimulant, that Never Intoxi cates. , If you are a Minister, Merchant, Lawyer or busl ness man, exhausted by mental strain or anxious care, do not take Intoxicating stimulants, bHt use that delightful, Invigorating and- streogthehg Tonic, Pemberton's Wine Coca. If you have Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, Hystera; Melancholy, Kidney ordPr nf ;i,ompwlnJst.?r troubled with any dls n?frt SI k6 st0lnach, blood r nerves, you can be w My4?usi of this wonderful Coca WlnaTonlc WXSSSSz Charlotte, Nja ugsiam. . novmzw. on, A Large Stock of ATAIGirtS. GIVE US A CALL. H. JORDAft & CO., 8prings' Corner. DrugKlstg. LOOK AT THIS! :o: AND READ EVERY WSR!) i)F IT . :b: THIS IS TOB OHAELOm PIOPLR :o: RHEUMATISM AND TONIC. Chaelotte, N. C., Dec. 10, 1884. . -1 have used Mrs. Joe Person's Reme ay, jind it is the finest medicine I ever used for Rheumatism. For more than twenty years I have been afflicted with muscular Rheumatism, and had tried every known remedy, but without avail. I was often so bad off. and suf fered ; so much that I could not lie- ? uW? ?ufc had to be Popped up in bed. l oad been subject to th m a. tacks for twenty years. I tried Mrs. Person s. Remedy last spring, and am perfectly cured It is the best medicine in the world, I think No words of mine can express the benefit I have de rived from its Use. I siirTara? frnmnal. pitation of the heart upon the least ex- ?f10.n V f that 1 am perfectly relieved. My health is now perfect, and it is all owing to Mrs Joe Person's Remedv I am strong and well, and can take ex tended exercise without fatigue. I ad vise all who need a Tonic, or are suffer ing with Rheumatism or Eczema, to take it. I was induced tn trv it hv it having cured mv little OTflndflnn of Eczema. MRS. 8. M. HOWFJ.L. Colors, Famishes, Etc. AL80 ONE CAR LOAD TorriflAa tha sntun malaria. .:, Itls also useful as a diuretic. against many of the. churches. The XXoftadalls Remedy " .3H?A?A.LI?,13 a sovf rehm remedy , for : all di blood, it has no equal for the cure v.. uci ivuo u isomers, ueau tnis: 'Wliatls Wo in an s Worlh?" Asked a fair damsel of a crusty old bachelor. He did not know so she saldr "W. O. man" (double t would like to bear testlmonv to the mflrtt." ot you, O man). . But Woman feels worth but little if i n? ? ii 7 wing that some eight jears ago disease has Invaded her system and Is dally sap fim JSWJESSS:"1??0?! e! P? relief Dlna her strength. For all female, weaknesses, r. i"".V "WAiJius i Decame entirely resl Parker's Tonic. A Pure FamUy Medicine that " Never Ihtoilcatesi hausted bv - mtVi . JS'U""5L!S "i" man - talra intwriT.. 'x. 'u U1 "'"ua ciues uo not ToMr !0Xl(at,Dg8tIlnn,ants' .,)nt use PABXBBrt to health. hficam nntlrolo: raatnrai SSrr weign ro ids., nut wnen i nrst ; " ' iivigutmun,, nut ' ir:-"ur wegicme I weighed only 130. I cheerful' Z?irmfna u 10 aI1 and especially those, afflict ed with nervoas debUily. ' . MKS. A. A. MAEON, Baltimore, if d... Dr. B. V. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" stands i unrivaled. - It cures the complaint and builds up the . svstem. f Send 10 cents- for ? pamphlet to World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663. Main i street, Buffalo, N. Y. . . . - , j . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAIV1. remoTO(iaiianiaand naSiS r . , HlsCoi4CO..KewYort ALL AT CLOSE PEIGES. J. H. MoADEN, TH LATEST And MOST IM, We are now running on ful' time. Furniture manufactured by;us is kept by thf enterpnstog fnrniture dealers in this city. We make onlj the best and most substantial in the market NO SHODDY GOODS. : Ask for goods made by us and you will get the worth of your money. Our name Is on each piece. We solicit the patronage of tli public and guarantee satisfaction. . Respectfully, June20dtf ELLIOTT & MARSH. METAL POISON. . . I am a coppersmith by trade, and the small par ticles of brass and copper from filing got into sores on my arms and poisoned my whole system. Mer cury administered brought on rheumatism, and 1 became a helpless invalid I took two dozen bottles of Swift's Specific. My legs, arms and hands are all right again. I use them without pain My restora tion Is due to S. S. S. PbtebRLovt, Jan. 9,1885. Augusta, 6a. SIAUARIAIj poison. We have used Swift's Specific In oar family as as antidote for malarial noiarm tnr tmn nr thTM vearf and have never known it. tn tan tn a sintrie In stance, w. r. fitrlow. Sumter Co., Ga., Sept 11, 1884. ULCERS. sight years! suffered with olc?rs I was treated with Iodide of Potas- For six or el my rani le slum and Mercury, and I became helnless. Six bottles of Swift's Specific made a permanent cure. If Tk TTT -1 . II 1 n flr February 28, 1885. - To supply a need long felt by the Medical avenow,andWuikee Swiff S Snefilflft Is ATitfrAlT vorot-Ma Trftfttlseon Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Tot Swtft Spbcipto Co., Drawer S itlanta, e t orlM Wf 23dSt.N,Y ?

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