2b a danjreroua aa well as distrastBC? complaint. neglected jyrosHinat ws tone 01 for Kiid Ltoclwa. neglected, it tenda, fcy impairing nutrition, ana ao (Wing WW VOLMJ Ul UH WU1 W nV VlO 1 A -" " C? 11-11 hi in P O O SB -St m 33 o --TilE OE3IT0:!!3. OaioUrcBtl wnietelr Cure Dyrpna In aU smeaxionrn. ien irronMB, iiearionrn, jueicniu 0dTo. It nriohee and troritie the blood, Btinm Kf.. f k .nmtHjt nul Aids tha aaimilAtion of food. 5 thn honored tvwtor -of the , t toifen-m1 nfanrcta. Baltimore. ML. Bays; - Win noed Brown's Iron Bittera for Dyspepsia " mad, IndSreetlon. I take groat pleasnra in recotn vndiBStt hfefcly ."' Alao consider it a splendid totuo i MOBtiiM harf abovs Uaae mark and crossed red liner -m wrapper. .Take bo other. J$adeon bT . .riKOWN CHEMICAL CO., BALTIMORE. MD. UAXOZB' Hakd Boos useful and attractive, eon-, . t&iatac Mat of prises for recipes, information about , cdfl. etc,, given away Jy ajl dealers m nedicinftff y M9d to ajr address on receipt of So; gvnap. . r . ' ' Cead what the Great 9Ietnodist . - pfafauBjawd Emiasnyiiyw Klcian Says of on ? i nnanririTi uii. J. unauncLU s) Fomale Regular!; :o: ATLANTA, GA. Feb. 20. USL 2s. n. BSAinEiD : Dear Sir ome fifteen fears go 1 osaHitrM'd.tlie recet ef Ft mnle Regular, sad arefaily studied authorities la regard to Its eompo 1 Stents, ad tbc fas well as now) pronounced It to t9 the most scteutlfie and skillful combination ot th really Tellable remedial vegetable Rg&aU known to science, 1 o act dsrectly on the womb and uterine orgra. nd the organs and parts sympathizing dl rectly with these; and, therefore, providing a speci fic remedy for till diseases of the won b, and 6t the dJaxntaiiB &ad partis TYoars trulJi -p (r i : - 'TKIIV DnVTWfl T fl ft 1 i fx . : , :m X-JS lLJU.3Iy JH Mmf Unt t f- m '-w . The eeuatry Is flooded with quack ncwtroras, con taining IKON and" other lnjofkws logrediento, which cltilaa 10 cure ever ythtog even ' Fmuxx Complaj?itsl We say to you, If jou Taloe four llfe- J3XWARX or ALL SUCHU ' Is purely vegetable pots pound, and Is only Intended tw the FEM ALE SEX. For their peculiar 41s ases It Is an absolute ' Sold, by all drmt(tsts. Send; t o; our, treatise oa the Health and Happiness of Women, mailed free, "Which gives all particulars. . , THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR (XX, , y, . ?( , -,t , , -Box28, Atlanta, Ga. Z3C3UGHS, CROUP CHARLOTTE OBSERVER ;. THURSDAY ; NOVEMBER 26. ,a95 i ' Charade. (The "answer to this charaJe ii the name of a bird.) - - " - 7 V " My flrst-K)f which the poet young As ''sa&o .goddess" fitiv sunf la her deep aileuce soothed and bleats, Our wearieJ nature finds a rest. My second is a tiny word. v , ! A preposition often heard, Its njeaning yen will nerer doubt, ; i And yet the word you can't make cut. My thirJ 13 loved on land or sea When gently, soft its breathings be; WTiea flarce and -crusl m its breath, v -its fury bear m on to death. ; v. o On gentle third comes to the ear . '.' The music posts lore to heaf; ' My whole, all through the still first long. Pours forth her dear, sweet strains cf scag. I : f ArJCrr JTortotosvT :Mrv CJharles Frederick Holder has .writ ten a, paper" for the last St. Nicholas about the great turtle? that used to be found in Australia and Ialia.,- 'A few years, ajco. a; arty,of g'entlerain i were, exploring in 'In dia, when ; they, struck upon somathins away down in the sand that seeme! to be a hnt. s It had a dome-shaped top, land' fwak hollow.. , . The ; natrres said f it n mast ;hre' been a house built by some ,of theirs - ances' tors so long ago that it had been forgotten,' and had sunk, into the earth, as All objects dp, after many yaarx. But when th sand was cleared away from ; it, the strange hut proved ..to. be a monstrous tortoise shell. Several men crawled into it, and found it quite large enough for them to live in all tojeUieKt JThe topf it was-iiearly i as high as the headof A man. on hprsiback. , The great creator that . had inhabited it had been dead perhaps 509,000 years, ages before man came upon the earth. And now jnan Aids it shel V a-tbe -only traoe thai ' it erer did live. : This giant was the ances tor of the quaint little tortoise that scurries; OB2AT TTJBTTJI OV TEX (JAULPAOOII aLAJTI)& These tortoises be cntj'to what V called the saurian age. Some of the" shells hart been restored, and have had platter, head and feet put & them, and bean, painted to proper color, so that the animals ieem quit nauuraL They, are to be seen m the Brinsa moseumr in London. . Stan.' dur ferii&pi yotf will go there nd eea thenc Tkay are ir eary Looking.- - r T ; !IbsJuig tor tie represented in ' th pio rure seiongs to a specie that it iir.nj to- paym xne uaiapagcei iandi.-'-iic(oic-.-oa the map and find where th9 i Uu ij are. In the Galapagos islands Mr, Hull -r iajs travelers notice a n)t wore of pa hi and trails. They are the tracks ef tue bi wr tefses.; Some of them weicrh C00 or TOO younis.' Prom head to tail tber . ar j sn times twelve feet long, witu .iihVl!s "ha!f as long. If the trareter go near oat of then it will dart la its head andlar aai tnml flat As it does so it givei a load hrM like a serpent ! Cbarles Darwia, the gniftt nat- waliar. climbed upon the back of one of them and took a ride. He, got on pretty last, considering his steed was only a laod- turtla- - - . . t , 1;: :-- ' ' ; -:f Not so Kneb Asleep as ffo Soems. , Tflie Awake " has a fanny picture of ' ais old brindle dog that hai beea disturbed in his nap by a pestiferous fir. The : fl ' hat buzzed about and bitten Trav' s ' nose till forbearance has ceased to be a virtu. Tray is "possuming." He la asleep wits one eye open. -OF- -AND- EU3.ULL EM. ; The sweet gum, as gathered from a tree of the same name, growing along the small streams hrthe Southern States, contains a stimulating expecto- rant principle that loosens the phlegm producing tho eany morning cough, and stimulates the child tor throw off he false membrane in croup an3 whooping-cough. When " combined with the heal 3rg mucilaginous principle In the mullein plant f the old fields, presents in Taylor's Cheboeek llEMED'y:bi!' Sweet Gum and Mullein the finest inown remedy for Ctoughs, Croup, Whooping-cough c.nd Consumption; and so palatable any chiW is pleased to take it. "Ask your druggist for it. . Price, 25c. and SI. If he does not keep it, we will pay for one time only, express charges oh large size bottle to any part of the U. Son receipt of flilQ. WALTE3 JL TJkrSOLOU Atlanta, Ga. NOTICE. i: J-C, tal.n. : snd is .. !j. ru!t piarchaseiA Cr S. Gi r f r sa prlvHtely niy fftrtn In Anson . 'yinson the-Toe De rlur. ju.'-t be- M sr of the C. C. li, R P-atd trect con ; l,J5i'0.j-:crK,-wiih good lnprovementsf of f'v,bs-st prnln a:d ro'ton farms In I ;: hi as a -vho'.e- or In pv.rceis to For 'further- lwfor.rrhtir-n, ad- , " '' ';- I ' - ib.iir N n. V,'., 7iiL, LnesvCa, N. C, btVZzint- look oxrr, MS. FLTI - - nvhen A. r.. Fly comes .buzzin; 'up and ncKies nis nose next; nme. ci apt wiil ge shut the dog's heavy jaw&and that will be the last of that fly. You can almost ses the wink an sly old Tray's eye, as he lies there pretending to be asleep. - ' ,r ' Only a Ribbon. ; s " Youth's Companion In one of the London hospitals, about a year, ago,- an assistant surgeon, becama in forested in one of his patients, a poor child xl 10, sufrerinj from hip diwaw. Sh lay day after day in her little white cot, with nothing to occupy her thoughts but her pain. The surgeon saw hormone day tryin to make a doll of her finger, plavinz with it, and,at last giving it up wiLa a weary sigh, turning to watch ths sunlight creep ing overt her bed,' as she had done -for months. . That afternoon the doctor, pas ing a shop, bought a long soft ribbon,-of an exquisite rose coIor and gave it to little Katie. . Bhs was breathless with pleasure, eruoolhed it out, held ic up, soft and shin ing in the sun, and looked at her friend, speechless with tears of scjtacy. .,From that feme she wa? rich, :.The nurse told ths doctor a week later that the child plaved with the ribbon ail day, twisted it tfbotu hsr head, playing that she wa? a bride, a prin cess, a fairy; held it in her hand whiie sha slept, -and laid it, folded in paper, under her pillow at nigbr. It. was founl necessary, after two months, to perform a capital operation ' on the child, one which, i un- successful, is f aval, it wo3 done by two of the foremost surceons in Lanlou. -When 4 the poor" little suiferer wa3-laii upon the table she criad for S .' - "He is all the friend-1 "have,"- she sobbed. "Snd for him," said the surgeon, and' the young. as sistant? blushing- luriously; was brought in. Ho "Leld one of Kayo's nauda, t;ie otiier was - clinched tightly over a pink . roll," which dropped from her ffraap during the operation. . Whan tha effsc of toe etbor passed she open3d Lei e r es and looked at Dr.. S . ' My ribbon," , she whispered. He gave it to hor, wh.le the surgeons and inurses stood gravely silent.- The operation had been V ans u ccessfut . 1 But little Katie smiled happily into 'the face of her friend, and, bugging the faded bit of silk," fell asleep forever. -Ifc was bub a trifling. xift, yet it had brightened the child's last day3 with Noughts, of beautv an! pleasure and lovin;-kindness. " . Many tdll "b? surprfsed ; to Hal bow dif3 cult it is to lie with the face downwards, after years of - reposing in - the dthar atti tude. One cannot do so comfortably ten . minutes at I first But practice ; wil 1 over- corns the' difflculfcyw ? The natural method,? so called, ' of - sleeping., has many and able advocates, recently.".' . ' " : lawn Tennis and Bicyclo . Disease. : It was not long" azo that the doctors dis covered th3 existence of-muscular disease, due to the excessive , strain- of bicycle rid ing; and .now they iiav given thjname of tennis elbow to a painful ailment which is sufficiently , explained by it title, v w hue playing intense pai i 1 suddenly fe.t in tl-3 riht elbow, the Arm drops to the side, and take; or service is impossible for perio Js varying irom, six weeia to six months; Stfch: case'it now appears, are very fre quent' One sufferer ascribes it to rheu matism) ; and. another found hi had frac tured a small bona, I Tne former tried rheu matic, medicine and . .the . latter, poultices, and 'both got well: but the majority of . the patients find that rest ' is the belt remady, and, indeed, the only remedy . J,. --, i VI . - cold Won't K11T Them. ". In some recant scientific experiments -on the effects of coil, ' two frogs - were -Irozen solid in a temperature' of about" twenty de grees Fahrenneit,5 and kepa . in that' condi tion for'nalf aa ucur. Oa: thawing slowly they: recovered perfectly, but it wasfound that longer periods of ''exposure - invariably killed, the anintals."-; The experiment was tried of freeaing hermeticaUy ealea.maai,' so as rto kill ite bacterial orgaaismv and thus render it incapable of putrefying It was toun' however, that so. low a tempera ture as. eighty- d-jgraes. bplo w 'aero ; would not destroy tha vitality of micro-organisms. It was thus made clear that the attempts to preserve meat for, a long tune by a moman tary freezing of it must be abandoned. . Thev Do Tkeee Things . Kotter (a -France.' If the teller of a French onk has doubts as to - the honesty ot. an - unknown cus tomer, he does not tmst to his memory to recall the . features ' xf the person he sus pacts, "but calls on . science , to protect ths baigirei- ia-t'prlVat,; signal to the cashierjvand that responsible officer, while f)tftTjft1ffli ia re f Via d rtsk a' mo'finiP srvrn'tsitt vuw vumwi a vu u vw 1 1 noa aj x lmj auuwfi. brings - the photographic . camera (con veniently placed beside him,- but invisible to the customers) to bear upon the unsus pecting party, and on leaving the bank he leaves a proof of bis identity after him. without In any degree being conscious of the fact -,"", -! -' ' 11 1 '".'' v f . : ..- - , . t ' - ; . Faeta of .tntmrtmJmf.J' v A thin coat of glycerine applied to glass will prevent steam or moi3ture from gather ing upon it ; ' ' ' ' Bismarck's physician, Dr. Bchweninger, a . Hebrew by birth, recommsnds the fish diet for the cure of fatness, s,. " UVt. Fothergill says, in Tae British Medi cal Journal, that beef tea is a mare stimu lant, and has no real food value. A company at Quebec are trying to util ise the falls of Montmorenci as a power to generate electricity for .running a street railway.". ', - - . ---- Dr. ; Borck, ,: of St Louis, says that as- phal turn varnish is the best disinfectant be knows of; it will destroy all germs at once, and no household insect will approach an article of iurni lure whose iaterior has Leon painted with it ." '..;' Sin some recent lectures unoi hysteria In mnv an affection wh eh appears to be" far from rare, ; Prof eor Charcot states that' many of these i roubles arijing from rail fway oolLsions, which are now referred to a railway- spine," arise from a cerebral, predisposition, and are, m face, 'hysteria, nothing but hysUria.". . , . . , - - Child's Fancy Stockings, - A, lady gives directions for knitting a pretty stocking with stripe anl vine Sha uses- red and gray yarn for illustration: When your stocking is long enough to b gin to : stripe commence by knitting once around with the . red, six time with the gray," then four time4 -with red, until you have three stripes of red, then 'seven times around with gray. Before youCom menoe the vine be sure you have tha right number of stitches so you can knit in fives; first five red, and then five gray, having no two colors come together, using, gray for foundation. "Using': two balls, . commence with the reJ, knit five red, then five gray, until you hav knic five times around, car rying it one stitch farther out every time around - (this makes . the leaf diamond shaped) ; the sixth tins around knit only the first stitch red, nine gray, then -knit once around with red, then you have the vine half dona. Commence again, one red,' nine gray, once around, then five red, .five gray, same as before, oaly turning the leaf the other way; stripe aa bjfore. ' Care should be taken that - the under thread is left rathsr loo?a, elsu it : will draw; too tight " , ' : " Children's Winter Fashions. : . Cloaks for littie girls are-in. small what those .of their mothers aa l .big sisters arein largs., TTe give herewith two pretty de signs t or wraps for f iminme small fry. V; 1 :y ?- Didn't Like Ills Donlc. ' ; Little Polly has a. neighbor ' whor has- d little donkey team in which she often baa. a nicg ride.'. One 'day; as 'she -was' sitting vick her mattima, tixa' donkey wes haard'to bray. ana jrouy, looiang up, like the donksy,1 bu I c Liajdonk." kzyS) ' -'Manani,' 111; j to tzzi "' - . ' LITTIiE GDEtLS' CLOAKS. Fig.-l,- on the left, shows a" wrap male o' rough brown boocle woolen' matori-ii, with. Etnpad goods to match. .r;-Ic- ia warmly lined.- The material r&quii-od is two to three yards of. the plain gooi3, acco'rdin? to the girl'3 size, and hal? a yard of the stripad fabria. xh5 tronla are nlain. They are -trimmed from bottom to too with f the striped goods,, put crosswise, as appears I ill I.) u . ii lie. r. .iiii . in:. nr i..!..-.... . wattoau plait?, forming ;a - puff below the waist, the plaits extending in" fullness down the skirt. - An inside belt aolds tae' cloak at the waist behind. , Half-flo win?- sleeves are formed from the side team?. Theara finished "with - th3 '; boucle "stripe. Brown -hat and stockiusr. Cloak collar trimmed with the stripe. Tig. 2, on the right has a Mu3 dross with tilt skirt and round fsli waisr, gathered in it the cZiax anl l-elt .Tlffht-Cttinx coat of heavy, figured .woolen fabria- J.t folds back in 'fevers above the waist one sideacrbsi the other toward -the waist' The re vers are covered with - mole-skia plu'h. Cuffs are als3 made of the plush. Hat to match coat in color. ' - ' " 4 " " - Fig! S is a suit of wool for boy 9 to if year? old. - - It is in two piece.-'''. Knee' trcuJ- era and double-breasted jacket ' The jackst ha3 three pockets m front, one at each side below in Use -usual placj, anl one above ever the leit ' breast ; Jfat. naps over ne pockets. The jacket has an elastic baud in side around the waist to hoi J it. in. - lne band is run through a casing at $be back, and the fullness caught in there by -totm the gathers seen in the illustration. This doub s-breasti ; earmenfc is fastened with buttons ' and buLtonho-e 3wo rows of but-' tons, i , , Fig 3. Fkj. 4. , , K - Fig." 4 is a stylish overcoat for 'a boy 8 to 10 years old. It is double breasted. Put the' buttonholes in lefc front , Turn-over collar of wool plush. Line collar wita .far mer's saiin.1 Line 'the sleev s with satteei. Deep cuff upon sleeves. Tho pockets lorm ing muff 3 to keep the bov's ban 1 wirm ere a , 'cue' fancy. . They are linsi ilps, stitched upon the outside. " ' : -v-X V.': . '.. r.;'' v( ';,To a Correspondent. .-t ? A young lady writes, to a ?k what, kind of sdk dr.-ss she can gee that will be suitable for both day and evening wear.' She wishes to know the color in . particular. Sha is a blonde. 1 " - This department has given the matter some thought, and decides that brown it should be. Brown ii at present mora fash ion able, than any other' color.' Everybody gets it anl -chili rea cry for it , Any c-m- J- plexion except a sallow, piste -pot skin can wear it . wtarica bngnt chocolate brown sillci Drape it ,full and high in the skirt For. the short basque get a velvet of a dark chocolate bro wn. Trim arouni the. lower skirt with three bands of tne velrat. Loop the ovarskirt high upon the right side, and edge it up the opening with a band of vel vet Have the full . surplice front of basque,' the high collar and sleeves of the silk. Cover -all three, sleeves, collar and surplice, with brown beaded lace or em broidery. .A handsome embroidery is now made with chenille and beads to suit any color. A row of lace or embroidery around the skirt back of the vel vet trimming .will give a' rich finish to the gown. The : sur plice should come down V-shaped upon the velvet bodice. A brown silk dress of any kind would be appropriate for day wear, while for even ing it could be brightened up handsomely with a surplic) of ; deep 'cream .color an J bows cf ribbon to match. x . ' The Newest Metal Ornaments." fJewelers CMrcnlar.l . .Now that the English fashion of wearing costumes of wool' fabrics on the streets, anl reserving silks, satins and -velvets for house anl evening wear, has been adopted by Njw York Udies, there is a demand for two uitinct classes of jewelry i that which ac cords with the street suits, and that which is fitting to be associated with costly fabrics anl, rich laces;- Naturally, with the appear ance of toe rough cloths of. Scotch and English manufacture, American ladies are taking kindly to the Scotch pebble jewelry described last month,: and so well suitinr these popular fabrics. - The ' Letter class of silver jjwelry alo finds an appropriate combination with the present - style of promenade drew and " dress - for morning wear. . Fine gold jewelry of . artistic merit and gems quite as naturally find their place among the velvet au J silken fabric and gossamer laces that go toward forming full dress 1 and . reception toileU. Tne tailor made ; sui ts for ladiasV . wear, or ric h hued frise doth or boucle fabrics, seem to re quire ' the,addition of some strikins metal garniture, which accounts, doubtless, for the increased demand for all ver belt clasps. and ; buckles of antique pat tern, with dog collar ornaments to match. ' Jersey : Hats. ' . . The Season.J , . Jersey stuff, which, ' both in .wool and silk, has long played an important part -in the toilet, has again received a new us. Woven in the finest silk, it serves as a cov ering for felt hats, and is so arranged at toailowa successful combination o both felt ah I Jdrser silk. - Either only the crown iscoverad with the latter" waicU -is at once woven in the destined shape, and "the brim is left plain, or the brim w partly; covered, showing an effective change of mater. aL The pattern hat is .male of the fashiona ble' neutral toned felt, lias a broad 'trim turned up at one sida, and is trimmed with a plume of ostrich feathers and'a heron's tuft, - r : - The Kew Folonalse.' ; It seems thali the polonaio or tunic is destined to'playfan important part in au tumn toilecs. : io- will uoi, : as hitherto, be made . with - puffings and -drapery,: but in cline more to tha style of the plain, straigtt peasant skirts, and look very similar., to a paletot made with deep plaits behind. The fullness necessary for the skirt is arranged in lfirojs box plaits over the ' tight-fitting .'waist iia!n?.w - . i FASHIONLET3. ; Poppy red is the latest shade. ' The peasant skirt is worn in mourning. - Plush linings for. wraps are used abroad. .-' Cut glass garn3t , beads, are a . new' and pi'otty fancy for evening dresses. .' - r Sealskin borders are - much U3ed upon the new tailor ' suits of dars green and golden brown cheviots for wiatar wear. T v Saake stin walking shoes are !" now mado for men anl women. ' 1 1 :s, . however, an iiiagnsu , lasmon,- to , wmca prooaoiy no Amaricans except those of New York will take kindly. , . ; A very ihandsome tailor suit recentl made is ot una $iack JSagli.3h" serga. - The skirt is kilt plaited, with over draoarv fall ing to a point in' loose .folds in lront, and cauzhE up mgn and f uu ' behind. The col lar and 'cuffs are 'ornamented with a. white silver braiding.1 The basque is short, plain U.U. J. puiuvyu. i xruiiu, wicn tne nap. . Cul eqaara behind:' and laid in? scant--' plaits. Sniall whita silrer, button', c!oe 'together, fu-iuoii fcaa'ac in Cront, : '.' . f,- -. - ,T . r ' ' 'MULLEN'S vliofocfe- 'Nest "CELEBRATED The Fay(orit9; .Househpld:'-Bem f.d v. i IX VEXXAILS TO CfJRE AL!, A-r'NAKl part - " -"'. L " noCKTNGHAM. N. C. Aihiwu ' dldne na-ned "ffornets' Nest Linnet" sotd ivwv - t. , I can recommtna It ? as a good iemedy Wi.11 ung Elder. ; : This certifies thai I have uped the medicine len. and amatitned that it has real nief claimed for It. , . v Pear Hir: I used tout Hornets' Nest T irilir.fint in a m iShl.iiMi1!KKt 29 One dose cured me. Rffinef nliT. . : " ' i"u 558 - Eespectfully, lUlTKEWS. N. C. AUffTlst 9SfK . "Aua. J Mr. W. N. Mullen Thls wtll certify that I have usedVir Hor e' NStLn?mfnt and h' that It wtll do what Is claimed for it tit la good In colic, sore thront. headacheTetcT m mlU Ann, N. C, September 2nd ism t drns and , it cuied then -";:;):;-,.--:'-i .is--''' ': 'f-'-& ;"'";''v"''- Jv jor kalelby all .Druggists and; Country M erchants. ' .'.s , .-'v?-- t ',.-'" Charlottb, N i m. I- irr r 'fF-iyj."!! i usea your uome.8'8 esi .LiTnmeTi- on so we.kLy5'x,lyi,ixhe times a week., :,: ' Eespectfu . i ! W. N. MULLEN, Proprietor. ..Charlotte, N. Q. Thousands Qi cases ot Headache are permanently cured every year (as the hundreds of testimonials in my possession will testify) by the use of ' ' ; DR. LFSIilE'S Special Prescription. This medicine '-stands to-day without a rival and with scarcely a competitor in the world. Thous ands of physicians throughout the country have acknowl edged their inability to cure it," and are now prescribing Dr, Leslie's Special Prescription for all cases of Bffi(fflimCBDjj.d9; in either its nervous, bilious or congestive form arising from obstruct ion,congestion or torpidity of tie liver. "W hen I say that Dr. Leslie's SPECIAL Prescription will cure the most obstinate cases of Sick Headache, I meanrjust what I eay, aiid ttat Is that It not merely relieves but , : v IPciDsMneDv '-.: '' ' '" ' ' ' ' ". Q cures, no matter how long the case nay have been stardlrg -' ? . ; - I have testimonials from persons who hae betn Effllcted for twenty years, reins cfmfined to bed tuo or wiree aays t a ume every ivo weess, inat rave Dten itimanenii Ues Special x - 7 PRESCRIPTION cured by tvo boltit s cf Lr. Lf- IsUCSB so that they have not had an attack forover five years. wisntooe If you are treubled with sick headache;aiid (Daniredl be sure and give this renrc dy a trial. Price E0c. and $1.C0. may7eodly S.B FOB SALE BY - ABCHEB, Saratoga Springs, N. Y T. C. SMITH C O.. Charlotte, N.C. VmSL Ml AW If 1. ----- t 3 ess.: es3 err " S3. -l Our store Is now fuU of the choicest and most desirable goods tn our 'line: Our stock of Boots and Shoes this season being in all grades larger J anc more, comprehensive th n " ever, we are fully -prejiared te meet any. reasonable demand in the way of Handsome Styles, Lew Prices and good, . serviceable goods. Everything will Be fouDd Just as represented. We Invite Inspection, and guar antee entire satisfaction In every particular to aJl who favor us with their patronage. T Orders by mall will receive- careful and prompt attention. ' -. . ' - -. ,v s .Krf: ""J A.. r Johsi-on BtloclCaVXryon Street. on .Though promp and efficient, it Is mild and fcarrc less. Sa'e and reliable for children-- WLeiever Known it, is me -aotuers Favorhe Cough Medicine me znuarenantl adults. - it is sur- , .. LlQTJTD,25c. LDff PRICES". WE ARE OFFRL Q ' ; Choice corn at 70 cents per iVXW! bushel.: ' r TBOCHES'1 OatS at 48 Cents per bushel TheWonderlnl gaccess Hay at 81.00 ner hnnrlrprl 1 .sumption, Ship . stuffs, at 1.25 , per hundred, . J FLOUR, BRAN, .AND OTHER . : GOODS VERY LOW. ' OaRSON BROS. " Telephone 43. ' " r fourth street ' 99 ' Srp?5--' A8tJ?a' Spitting of Blood, Sore cr 1 Tight Chest, .Weak. Lungs, Hoarseness, Sore t Throat, Loss of Voice. Catarrhal Threat iffections, i CoTjghs. Hacking, Irritating and Troublesome rough our itch.'-' 56 FOR SALE J wo desirab e bu!ldlntr iota. RfVrsm ff et. ' 9?!? Humors, Erupt lens. Ringworm. Tetter, Salt Bheum. Fronted Tees Chilblains. 50c jars. . - - E. S. WELLS. Je-sey City, N. J U. S. A. Iyv,nAv x v invii v vigllb jCtVl E Xi v-lILli: fiTl Srillr h TrvAn cr mor orilnm -n -v ': evAitlinn v j r-x xT . j.-f it.t i ------cr -vvM - ouv v, uujviiijus ' cy-.u.iiat.a ui uie uav wuii I o utr ri o i- i1 u 111111 .r-Pe Jl J, 11 Carson. Shade lives on ktS.V .Rf-lf in t.hrA mnntha -ami f?NA tlrJlYrtnfTA-lft. fit XJ lli I JO IN -JCj O O by one wbp was deaf iweniy-eignt years Treated .-by mostf the rctea Bta D? sp-a separately or together. Pric3 others by tbe &ama. process. : A pia!n, simple ru?ee3'sfi:l home treatment. Address T. S. PAGE, Aw ...... lli ivi lijx Vib;,