VOLUME XXXIV. CHAELOTTE, N. C., SATURDAY NOVEMBER 28, 1885. PRICE FIVE CENTS. mm -:o:- When looking around for Dry Goods remember that we nave 2,000 yards of Hi (Do! ire ii. Silks At 30c 7.1c., 1.00, $l.SO, $3.00, $3.50 and $3.00, , Which, for value, cannot be beaten anywhere. . ' t A00 TltlDS lILiCtt ANd COLdlttiD ALL !lLti StJItinsi AT l $1.0O WORTH $1.25. , r . ' ' t nwp stock of BLACK and COLCTOED CASHMERES and a full line of MOURNING G00D3: Wp hP 100 MlSSKft' and CHILDRENS' CLOAKS from $2.00 to $15.00. 500 LADIES' NEWMARKETS, RUSSIAN qBCULARS and VISITES from $5,00 to $50.00. Large ttock of "TROTH. IJXE THB SUM , SOMETIMES SUBMITS TO BB OB9CUBKD, BUT, LEKS THB SUN, ONLY FOB Jk TUCK." . , . : Subscription to the Observer. ' x . DAILY EDITION. Single copy 6 cents. By the week in the city. v.. 20 - By the month 75 Three months ..$2.00 Six months.............. 4.00 One year 8.00 WEEKLY EDITION. Three months Six months.... One year.... In clubs of five and over $1.50. No Deviation From These Rules Subscriptions always payable In advance, not only In name but In fact. - KING ALFONZO. 50 cents. $1.00 l.7b flanked and erwear.- For cold weather at extremely low prices buying as we know we can give you Agiin we cordially ask you to examine our Slock before STYLISH AND' GOOD . GOODS At prices that cannot be beaten. a ill 9. A 111 T TH ti T extend a, c rdl U Inv tar-Ion to visit "my estab lishment ,and ma nn tase'tlon .of my stocf . m --i- 4-i. Atfn XB Hiiro m ft auittlfnl int. it St 10 . nek now fomplete The most supurb Stock of Goods consisting of the Pretender's forces disbanded and fled across the frontier, so thar- on the 20th of March the young. King could return in triumph ' to Madrid at the head of the army, with the prestige of . haviDg 'conquered , a peace. The King even, felt himself strong enough t" decree the abolition of the f ueros of the Basque provinces Alfonzo' although so a young man, was twice married. His first wife Wr s the Princis Marie-dollas Mer cedes,: youngest daughter of the Ducide Montpensier. Jn November, 1879, he was married in second nup tials, to the ArchduchYs Marie Christiana, of ; Austria The off spring of the second union is a daughter, named after the first wife COM BINGE UILL Oa IAVIT STATE KEWS. Dress Goods, HOOTS, BOoTs, BOOTS, IT ATS, HATS. HATS, 1 1 Woolen fabric wl h every desirable, style of trimming for making up. t BLACK-AND COLORED SILK VlLISES, VALISES, VALINES, GRIP GttlH GRIP SACKS, SACKS, SACKS, TRUNKS, TKUNhS, TRUNKS, SHOES, SHOES, SHOES, Sketch s oi the Xife of the I.aic - Spanish King:. Alfonzo XII (Alfonzo Francisco de Asais Ferdinand Pio Juan Mario-de in Conception Gregorio Pelayo) was born in Madrid, November 28, 1857. After the downfall of his mother, . in 1868, he followed her to Paris, whence he went early in 1870 to Vienna, en' tering the Theresianum, a college de signed for youth of noble birth, but only remaining there three j months, then returning to' Paris to continue his studies. It was on the 25th of June, 1870, at the Basilewski man sion, that his mother formally re nounced her pretensions i o the crown of Spain in his favor. It was not till nearly fivt years afterwards that he ascended the throne. In Novem ber, . 1870," Amadeus, the Duke of Aosta, was elected King, Alfonzo re ceiving two votes of 311, the offering of the crown to Prince Leopold, of HohenzollernSigmaringen, ; having meanwhile precipitated the Franco Prussian war and ; brQUght about the downfall of the Napoleonic dynasty ; Kins: Amadeus landed tin Spain on tbe 30th of December, the day on which Prim the only man who might perhaps have made his reign possible, died the v ctim of a coward ly assassination. Earnestly "as the aimable Prince of the House of Savoy Etc, Etc.. Etc UMBRELLAS. UMBRKLLAS. UMBRELLAS. . Shelby Aurora: Shelby bought 500 bales of coitoii Tuesday and Wednes day which made things lively and delighted our merchants.- Mr. J. P. Babington, who has built up one of the best and largest Job Printing offices in the State, adds to his name as a tasteful job printer considerable refutation for his inventive genius. His Ty mpan-Sheet Compound, which was patented last February has gained a wide spread reputation and is fast becoming a recognized necessity in every printing office One of our merchants issued on Saturday t wen -tyeight foreclosures of chattel mort gages, before J. T, Bostick, J. P. As the magistrate gets $1.20 and officer gets f2 80, each one will cost $4, bev bides cost of transportation. , Here is $112.00 cost "wit hout any profir. to the mortgagor or mortgagee. Tne mort gage business is ruinous to the buyer and cause- much loss to the seller. One thousand dollars will noi pay the cost of foreclosing mortgages in Cleveland. Shelby New Era : Little Laola Giles, daughter of Rev. M. D. Liles, during the absence of her parents last f hurs day secured the camphor bottle and she apd her brother ate some of the carapnor. one was eaten violently ill in a short. time and Drs. Gardner and Gidney were called in Prompt measures were taken and the little for a time it would be fas taL The little boy seemed to suffer no ill effects. - hilst the low down , r , - F SLICES .: Which we besrin qaotins: labt wek still continue to hold forth. . Will do well to do their shopping wi h tf bef-re taking their departure, as we are otiering many very interesting Bargains, besid( s we jwill give you a . . mscoinvT or 10 pek cett, w Silk Tricotine in seven shades at 60c." worth 85c. per 1 yard. Rich Satins in twelve shades at 37$c-worth 55c. per yard. Black gr. gr Silks, rich quality, at $1.00 per yard worth $1.40 per yurd Eight pieces of Black gr gr. Silk at 70cs per yard worth $1.00 per yard Heavy Black gr. gr. Silk at $1.50 per yard worth $2.25 per yard. - ' , All Wool Black Cashmeres at 45c. per yard worth 65c. per yard. ".. Lupin's fine Black Cashmeres at 95c. per yard worth $1.35 per yard. Black Crepe Cloth. 40 in , at 70o. per yard worth 90c. per yard. : AH Wool clrd. Cashmeres at 52i?. per yard worth 75c. per yard. 75 pieces clrd. Brilliantine dress Goods at 20c per yard at 35c. per yjwd Ii all grades. Th8 best and largest stock of OLO Ever off.fTed In tbe Stiite. Is now teady for show and sale at our old a'ut we I known store In the First National Bank Eullding, nearly oppos-lte the Central and Bwlora HoWi. - We respectfully Inviie buiers to examine for themselves IN THS CITY. OVERCOATS. OVFRCOATS, OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, TRUNKS, TRUNKS, t LADIES' FINE DRFS3 BOOTS, i ij A DIES' FINE DKFSS BOTS, i LADlJiS' FINE DRESi BOOTS, S '. SUSSES' 'ETNK DRESS BOOTS", I ' MISSES FINE DRESS BOOTS, " MI-WES' FINK DRKSS BOOTS, . CHILDRENS' FINE BOOTS .NDBaLS. : CHILDREN.- Fl to BOOTS AND BALS, ; CHILD rtENS' FIN v BOOTS AND BALS, VALISES, VALISES, VALISE?, VALISES, strove to render himself popular with his subjects, he utterly tailed to eirl is now well, but capture the confidence of the bpan looked like the poison lards, who nave an oriental aisirusc of the foreigner. Early in 1872 the Carlists rose in the north at the same time the sailors and 'artisans of t the Ferrol Arsenal revolted, hoisting the red flag. On the . 10th . of July the King and his wife were hred upon m t.ne streets or Maana Dy a party oi five assassins, twd o - whom escaped while the others were killed. One of the two prisoners,! Pastor." was tried and sentenced to death, but tWe Court of Cassation did not order his execu tion till April, 1878, by which time he had escaped. Finally, on the 11th of February. 1873, King Amadeus ad dressed a dignified message to. tne Cortes!?, declaring that in the pres encof the fierce party strifes which Goldsboro Messenger : Mr. Williqm Harris, of Brogden township, lost his wife and two children, by death on Sunday: last. Mrs. Harris was a daughter of Elder, John K. Roberts. - It would seem as if . the New York, Norfolk and Charleston rail road meant business and was aiming to come in this direction. A mort gage securing their bonds to amount of $2, 500,000 was recorded at the court house yesterday. .-. . TRAVELLING SATCHELS, FUie Btf-cte ot Ui.derwear for 8D,'Lai)iis ami t'hilteu. "Special Inducements In prices to the visiting conference. . T. SElG LE WEDGED Gents " Fayetteville Observer : Yesterday morning at 9 o'clock Capt. Alexander Campbell was united in marriage to Miss Nannie B. Smith, daughter of prevented him trotn contriouung to mapt.J. O. Smith, Rev. Dr. J. C tne welfare oi tne peepier ne aeemea fcLuske performing the service before it his duty to resign, lhe next a large assemblage of friends and morning ne leit Maana, maKing nis acauaintances. Jiue uuk . uuu .a,u --j.-- "..""T W naton Stmt nel:,- We reffrettn from creditable to the chivalry oi the ftnflniaTi npnnlft At onca the yvmuu uwurreu Hnnn ch rpnnhl fi was nroclaimed. ff ."" aH,ulu au tgauwu Emilio Castelar in August was elects nnaDsanaLl , Offering in Red Flannels at 13$c. 20c, 25c and 35c per yard ; Offering in White Flannels at 15c, 20c, 30c and 40c per yard ; . Offering in Twjll Flannels at 37$c, 40o and 50c per yard; ' ' . Offering in Shaker Flannels at 520. o"0c and 80c per yard. - , ! We are also making drives in Ladies White Linen Hand ke chiefs ." We have placed on cur counters the besji 15 cent handkerchief in rhis fcountry. Ladies' colored bordered,EL i?- hand Kerchiefs from 10c up Beautiful lines of handker chiefs, which were worth 35c, 40c and 50c, are now reduced to 25 c nts each. . : .'(fflvaimilffli Soft Hats. ALMA POLISH and BUTTON'S RAVEN GLOSS DRESSING for Ladies' and Chiidrens' Shoes. 1 ' , ' ' "0 To finish closing put this week and next if possible and in or der to do so will sell goods way down below cost, tiz:-. I GI.OTE8 AT niLF PRICE. I1EV and CniLIl(KVM HOSIERY ilie amf. LAIC and COI,OBE 5-KS the same - -. JJttESS GOOOS llie sanif, .. Afjfj Q t'lIEK GOODS the same. ed President of the Uortes, and on the 6tb of September he was charged with the execu tive power. He had thft courasre to attemDt to auell at once the communist revolution and the Carlist risiners.' now become se rious The young Fretender, styling himself Charles VTI, called a council of his adherents at London, the out come of which was a notification to to the cabinets of Europe, of his claims, and on April 21, 1872, the Pretender s -standard was raised among the faithful Basque?. On the 15th of Jul v. 1873. Don Carlos him- peif took the uld, and the insurrec Uon became, lormidabie uasteiar made vigorous efforts to put it down and to restore peace to uuoa, assum in tne asylum at Morganton last Friday. The remains were brought to Winston and interred in our ceme tery. Mr. Prather was in the prime of life, and until a short time since figured prominently in our business circles when ill health and mental trouble caused a cessation of active duty.- A snug little sum, the amount of $1,600, has been subecribed by the citizens of Winston Salem for the purpose of grading and macaaUs mizing the. roads leading into the towns. The Tariff on Snmalra Tobacco. N. T. Tlmejs. . ' - , " A meeting of tobacco growers was held in Lancaster, Pa., Tuesday eve ning to take measures to secure high from Sumatra or Hiit.v nn tnhnff.ri ing even the. dictatorial powers. This The rate desired by the meeting is $1 assumption tne oit reiueu, uau- per pound, his claim is certainly Are now being hald out to Housekeepers, who are naturally desirous to fix up f r the holidajs , curtIins,- REDUCED RUGS, &c, TABLE DAMASK, CRASH, TOWELS TABLE & PIANO COVERS. CHARLOTTE, N. 0. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. ' M fl Sri-i. I a : it ' ' We have an elesi-ant line oi . . . ' - ' - .. O ; . ; r V'V;7tf ' - . ' Christmas' doons,- Thai can' be bought for one-half what taefrfctiVcort when wanted, and It would be a very good pLra purchase them now and lay asiCe till wanted. to C A It T H A S BV . N. : C, Ilarge PIKE BUGGIES AND PHAETONS; LY. N AND "EI egan Variety! NOVON HAND. PRICE AND QUALITY, YiTH THE wtt. riT irvi Tn ttt! Tn nrA-nn-n eT7nm;sswrrT, " "W Bh MANUrABERS IN TtlE NOBTH AND Y3i. For sale fcy A. C. XIutchAon & Co., Charlotte, C., Tan QUden & XSrom, AfhTllle, H. C, YTVSHnithdfcal, Qlishnry, TS. C. , . - rOB DTJB ABILITY, SETTLE AND FINISH, WE ARE OJSUSPASSy , ) mrc! tvt p-"TirvTVTTr'c nrfriA:r. . uarv 2, 1874, . to sanction,- whereon Castelar resigned. ,The Cortes were then resolutely dispersed oy ravia, and a month later Marshal Serrano assumed the executive power. . He and Concha headed the army for the relief of Bilbao, menaced by the Carlists, and were successful. In December Serrano revisited tne array with a view of feeling its pulse on the subject' of a restoration of the constitutional monarchy, out1 at tnat very moment, December 2y, 1874, the hWiveTv rasher, more - impulsive v or more sagacious -Martinez Campos actually, proclaimed Alfonzo XII at Valencia, The action tools tne young Kinsr's stauhehest trienqs and wisest advisers by surprise, and was thought to be premature. Alfonzo, wno nad been pursuing his military studies at Woolwich, m liingiana, unaer tne title of Marquis of Covadonga, had just returned to Paris to spend the holiday season witn nis motner, in her Hotel Basilewssi, m tne avenue; Roi de Rome. The army everywhere hailing his name with acclimations, he sat out.for Spain by. way, of Mar seilles, landed at Barcelona amid the sholits of the people, and oh the 14th of January. 1875, entered Madrid amid the literary delirious joy of the multitude. " -He - summoned Senor Canovas dei Castillo to f Orm a min ifitrv and. though the liberals and moderates had at first some scruples about serving under his leadership, one that, merits candid consideration. It cannot be denied that ; tobacco m any form is a proper commodity for revenue taxation, it is a pure iuxu ry, Serving no. necessary purpose whatever, and having, on the wnoie, a bad effect upon its consumers. At the same time the appetite tor it is so strong and so general that any rea- sonable tar; upon it can be collected with great cer tainity and ease. as the Sumatra tobacco is used for wrappers only, it would seem that a fair tax on it would be just to man ufacturers and consumers and encour age a home product which can under circumstannce3 become a mono-- C0BSEH CENTBAL H0TEU Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers! II t Are you disturbed at night and broken of your mar. hv a sick Child sutferina and crying wltn ' tbe excruciating pain oi cutim aem x li w w once ana gei a oouie oi auto . w umlv w o SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately aepena upon u ; uierp a uu mistake about it. xnere is not a motner on eaim euhn ha ver used It. who will not tell you at once tYmt n will reeutate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and reiiei ana neaitn to me cmia. operat ing like magic. It is perfectly safe to ase in - all cases, ana pieasaiiiw luo iaj, auu is iuo v- scriptlon oi one - or me- oiaesi .ana utssi r i3Hins nhvaiftians and nurses In the United States, Sold i t.., . ,.',,...? everywuere. ; ar corns a uuuiw . iabarliter Wives and'Mothers Wft emDhatically guarantee Dr. MarcWsl's Cath- ollcon, a Female Kemedy, to cure female diseases, en Ah nn ovarian troubles. Inflammation and ulcera tion,' falling and displacement or bearing down feeling, irregularities, barrenness, change of life, leucorrhoea, besides many weaknesses springing the crime minister ended by rallying from the ebove, like headache bloating sp.nai . .. . . - -. i tuamrnHNM. NitiKiiimniici. uuruuauuutuui ivm ysivw- around the throne, au tne true lioer- tlon ot tlie heart( &c. For sale by druggists. Price als of Spain: 'He himself joined the $l.W and $1.50 per bottle. enarowr.d.jj. mar aa.ul kJ . w-."' .-.!. rrtina K Y.. for namnhlet. free. - armv. In U eDruary, ItSO, me lasi r-SK.-irTi i. ' wnn rtmplat. Chartotta Cat !-t r.tronshoia (xoiosaj leu, anu w C " , jji.soiif CLOTHING, GENTS1 FURNISHING GOODS. m Fall it fit f WE -We are offering the very finest of Foreign and Ame:kL.f manufacturers. Our: stock, is the largest, most varied and befrt yet; shown, und represents all the choicest patterns and latest designs in Mens', , Youths', Boys' and Children; Clothing. . ,u - - ' V" Worsted Ork Screw Cassimere and Diagonals Suits, Sacks, Cutaway Double and Single Breasted. . Children's Norfolk Suite,. ; : . Plain and Fancy Knit Underwear. : ' 1 .Latest and correct styles of Soft and Stiff Hats. y Thse good's have been specially : manufactured for this season's trade. Ah early visit of inspection will insui'e to our nnafATnoisa a pKftipA hf Rplpp.tlnn nnH nnrrfict fit- W,ESlUF IMF o J

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