Charlotte VOLUME XXXIV. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY DECEMBER 8, 1885. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THIS WEEK We will offer special inducements in Ladies' and M isses' Wrap z n S. P-ih Sacqaosat $20,00, reduced from $25 00, quilted (Httui m i4 fromfl 00 to $5.00 on Wraps from $6 50 to $25 00. .u IS i'liK TIM K TO GET A BARGAIN. pmtet oidered Scarfs and Shawls Great reduction in Dress 4u e remnants at half price. Large stock of if Hi aitu Ladies nderwear. Flannels. Skirts, Quilis, Blankets, Damask, Napkins, Em- brOroeripfc, Table Coveis, Laee lidies, xe. h Agofit fo; to mniio. t for On 3 'Doll r. 05 m1 arl Shirt M mv goods at bar-gram prices too numerous and see them. Special attention to orders. m IS 1 ft 54 Lull lib I u! if RIM "TKUTH. LTKK THK SDH, SOMETIMES SUBMITS TO BE OBSCURED, BUT, LIKE THE SUN, ONLY FOB A Subscription to the Observer. DAILY EDITION. Slnglecopy . Scents. By the week in the city. 20 By the month . ffi Three months .'. 2.00 Six months.... ... 4.00 One year. 8.00 WEEKLY EDITION. . Three months " 50 cents. Six months . $1.00 one year.... 1.TO in clubs of five and over i.5U. No Deviation From These flutes Subscriptions always payable in advance, not only in name but In fact. THE PUBLIC DOHAD. M iko '.t a point tx s e Sthi lit MY STOCK ' South Tiioa Street, - iik Mm. - - Ckail--ttle. N. G Asite- b nee- ail qitiines ft' TO SI 50 fee per piii" Tae nar lor ; ds re nre very dft 15 CO DSALERS IN 1 ,iies Viise' and ( hlldren's Gi s 8 mm o Pvr .lit! V0i Good quality, Rt-$3.t rer pa?r. Lidies' and Mise Go ts' Fine Iiand-jiadeaud Machine Stwei BOOTHS, BUTTON AND LACE BALS, 15 V?' Y OUTS! ' FNE B 1 ?T3 AND "HOES OF ALE GRADES GENTS' FINE s Silk, Soft and Stiff Hats. TRUNKS, VALISES nd GRIPSACKS, Under 'ear, white and red, iu ali shsea and prices Ladies' Wool Hose" UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS. SHOE BLACKING and BRUSHES, ALMA and RaTEN GLOSS SING for Laaiess" Fine Stioes. White aa olord. Gnt ail Wool Hose, Meek byways ktpt full up to the demand. At : 5 ce-rts per pair. EAlso a fine stock o? Merino Goods ot quality, knit hoods, ws& miis, &e. Gag-S 6Y MAIL OR EXPRESS PROMPTLY Ai. rEM3EU TO. t. l sEiGLLiregrii ot w, From tbe Report of tbe Commis sioner of the Land Office. From the report of Public Land commissioner, Sparks to the- Secre. tary of the Interior we condense the following : During the last fiscal year the sales. entries, and selections ) public land under various acts of Congress relate ing thereto embrace 20.113.663.37 acres, and of Indian lands 881,850.21 acres, making a total of 20,995,513 58 acres, being a decrease, as compared with tbe year 1884, of 6,535,656 41 acres, an increase over the year 1883 of 1.565. 480 78 acres. The receipts from the disposals of public lands are $7,636,114 80; from sales of Indian lands, $933.483 52: a total of $8,619,598 32, being a decrease, as compared with the year 1884, of $4, 159,532.01, and with 1883 ot $3,086, 167.33, to which is to be added $8,821, for certified copies of records furnish i i ' y-i i t i y- nr t ea oy me general iani umce. mass ing the total receipts for the year from all sour, es $8,628,420 18. The number of acres sold for cash amounted to 3 912,450.49 acres. The miscellaneous eutries amount ed to io,zui.ztz.8. rotai ot entries aud selections 20,113.663 38, Indian lands 881.850,21, making a grand to ial of 20,995,515 59. The foregoing does not include 4 - 441,407 82 final entries the originals oi whiL'h were previously reported In add-on to the foregoing there were -53844 acres pre-.emption and honiettead tilings not included. , The area of land embraced in these fil i n gs nearetr atps 8X) 0 . 000 of ac res The total cah receipts from sales, ! ires, commissions, was 18,62s, 420 18 The number of patents issued un der various classes of entries was 73, 172, an increase of 2i,85 over 1884 The total number of entries and filings during the year is 241,524. ags gregatint:S3,-46,92f) acres, a decrease of 45.288 entries and filings as com pared with the year 1884, and an m orease of 1,436 -over the year 1883 The number of entries and filings posted otn the records is 3?8,993, an ! increase of 71,807 over the year 1884. The n-fiitnber ot public aed private cash entries, entries under the homes stead, timber-culture, tuoaberland, and c'eserila!id laws approved for patenting is 7,656, an increase of 10,380. The number private cash entries is 4,08, embracing 47i.l023. 84 acres, a decrease of 1,077,260.51 acres; 2. : 3il,2S5.71 acres were sold under tbe pre ernption law, being a decrease of 894,799 15 acres; 1,127,43.75 are em-; braced m commuted homesteaaa, ai decrease of 98 745 02 acres. The total cash sales, including lard. 741.38 as compared with the previous year. The adjusted accounts embrace re ceipts amounting to $7,813,424 15 and disbursements to the amount of j$2,275,760 29. . The amount report ed to the First Comptroller as accruing to the sey eral states entitled by acts of admis sion into the Union to 5 per cent of the net proceeds of sales of the pub lie lands is $216,171.41. The 8 warn p land selections were 2,608,709 56 acres, and increase of 1,126,526 77 acres, making a total of 74 546.849 93 acres claimed by states under the swamp land grant up 1o the close of the fiscal year, uists em -bracing 826,728.47 acres were approve ed, a decrease of 512,062 11 acres Patents were issued for 889 853 05 acres. The total area patented or approved under the swamp land grant is 58,620,986.61 acres. Cash indemnity claims, amounting to $80,691 38 were adjusted and al lowed, an increase of $29 810 58. . In demnity lands were patented to the amount of 3,241.80 acres, a decrease of 40,429 01 acres. The total cash in demnity allowed since the passage ol the indemnity act is. $1,360,943 33, and the total amount of indemnity land patented is 551,483 83 acres. , Eighteen railroad patents ana one wagon road patent were issued dur ing the last fiscal year, embracing 1,154,499 42 acres. L'sts of selections are on file amounting to 14.273,057.81 acres, out of which 12,557,339.47 acres are sus pended on account of the failure of the compa nies to completed heir roads within tbe time required by the granting acts. The number of settlement claims within railroad limits pending at the close of the fiscal year was 8.165, of which 2,054 have received some ac tion and 6,111 have not been acted upon. One hundred and sixty-four and one half miles ot land grant railroad were reported asconstructed, making the total reported construction to June 30, 1885, 17 631.34 miles. The surveys of puclic lands, pri vate land claims and resurveys of public lands, amounted to 31,52,-689.09 if ml .lift & Are Appreciated by the People, B cause the goods offered goods offered are are cheap! e onable B t-esu-e ih lit mt mm Fe U3 Prices of the Gooda offered are astonishingly low. e are Anxious A TiYt if nns&ihla and i or- J 1I111BU ClUBlUg mio m-i j- der to do so will sell eroods way down below cost, viz: Kl GLOVFN X H PKICE. IAIBK and CMllK ; V HOSIERY lle same. fL.A.CM and SH KS same ALL O I HLK 00JS the We have an elegant line of CHRIS TMAS GOODS., That can oe bought for one-half what they will coet when wanted, and it would be a very good plan to iwrcnaBe tnem now ana lay asiae wu wautcu. TYSON & JONES. C A R TH AG E. N. C., FINE BUGGIES AND PHAETONS. LARGE AND Elegant Variety! NOW ON HAND. WE CLAIM TO BE ABLE TO COMPETE SUCCESSFULLY. IN PRICE AND QUALITY, WITH THE rest MivmifiTimmta m tuts NORTH AND WSl. Far kaIa Itv A. n. Hnti1ilBA Ar r.. riisirlotte, T. C, Van Gilden & Brown Asnville, If. C, W. Nmithdeal, Stlisonry, W. C. FOB DURABILITY, STYLE AND FINISH, WE ABE UNSURPASSED. TYSUN & JONES, Carthage, N. C- Onr Pi ice now! 7Fn i -ni FOB FBEXCH WOVEN CORSETS ' a J 1 Drab.omMoldered In white. SI fVtJ a. i.n fc-uR FBrNCUWOVKN CORSE T-S ' a M" Hp oti i lasp3 alt sizes jgi iO a pa. 1 1 . Sooon Ciasps. OL'K OOK-ET& a. 5! c and 75" ari a good as c" be urchaed elsewhere at 8J per cent more. m Simples ot all ad.erttsed corses be exhibited down, stairs on ... 'UT Hosiery Coanter. Our price now! fir txnh Fot colore-! borders, utt ZZ1 H S. Handker.. hlefs. Mf Qh Fr colored bordered L'uen XV,L- crtiU. Hantlkerchlefs. 15c each 01 an exctlirnT' naud- dooh "'oi a nne line of embroidered ui eaen. Handkerchief. OUR HANDKKROHIEfc-babovt i sa Prices bive also un Jergone ; considerable deductions. $100 h pair: $2.25 a pair. $2 50 a pair. Our Hegular Price! 10c each. 15 c each. 20c. each. 40c. and 50c, s Silver Compromise Possible. Washington special ia the Boston Journpl. The declarations of the Congress men from, the West and South who have arrived are nob reassuring to those who have hoped that it might be possible to repeal the Rilver dollar law. Many- of these Congressmen are very outsnoken in their declara tion that no compromise will be ac cepted. They do no& wait to learn what the recommendations or the President will be upon that subject They accept the theory that the state meats of the message as to silver will not 'materially differ frdm the letter which President Cleveland wrote to the -silver rwen in Congress before he arrived in Washington and they intend to oppose Ijim upon that issue. It, is not clear that some com- promise might not be accepted, but it is quite -certain tliat the "out and out"" silver men will not consent to the unconditional repeal of the siN ver coinage act. So determined are they upon; this' point that it is verv evident that they would resort to all parliamentary means to defeat tbe passage of a bill having that end in view if one could be favorably re $orted f rom a committee. Cuf Hesiery !0 epax t men t Offers most wonderful Barain. Drive in Misses Colored Hose. c o'id Mm mt Secretary Lamar's Hopeful Son, sold at public ana private saie,pre j Wd&hIagton fetter to the Cleveland Leader. empwon, wMiaiuteu numesieau, imti eral lands, timber and stone lands, &c, amount to 5,2-30,878 54 acres. The amount of receipts from cash sates is $6,223,926 74, an average Of a). fraction less than $1 19 per acre. Two hundred anU forty-three tracts of land, embracing 3,098.76 acres, were sold ?.t public sale in the vari ous land districts at an average price of $4 4 If per acre. Fifteen thousand eight hundred pre emption entries were made dur ing th year, embracing an area of 2,311,296 71 acres, a decrease of 5.486 entries and 894.79S 15 acres. The nuaiber of original homestead entries made during the year is 50, 877, embracing an area of 7,415,885.3 acres, a decrease of 4,168 entries and 415,624 35 acres as compared with the year 1884 One thousand five hundred and sixty-five soldi re' homestead declar atory statements were fileo, ;oviering 250,400 acres. Thirty thousand nine hundred and eightyseight timoer culture entries' were made, embracing 4,755,005 57 acres, an increaseof 4.090 entries and 670,541.70 acres. Two thousand seven hundred and sixty-six desert land entries were made, embracing 928,250.06 acres, being an increase of 337 entries and a decrease of 23,557 86 acres as com pared with the previous year. One thousand five hundr d and eighty-eight mineral entries of the public lands and sixty-eight mineral entries, of Ute Indian land were made, embracing 35,215 02 acres and 1.586.78 acres, respectively; a total of 1,656 entries and 35,501.80 acres. There were 29 coal entries of pub lie lands and 15 entries of Ute lands, a total of 44 entries, embracing 3. 675.19 acres and 2,279 94 acres, re spectively ; a total of 5,955.13 acres. State selections under educational and internal improvement grants were made, aggregating 299,239.68 acres, an increase of 142,627.60 acres over the year 1884. Four thousand eight hundred and eighteen accounts were.examined and audited, covering $10,089,184 44; a decrease of 175 accounts and $1,547, Quotes the following low Prices: Tycoon Kep in desirable shades at 16f cent?. Brilliantines in the best fall shade at 20 cents. Checked Boucie Dress Goods, latest styles, at 25 cents Donble Width colored Cashmeres, only 35 cents. Striped homespun match Dress Gocd at" 40 cents. 44 inch all wool Drs Flannels medium grays only at 40c BEAT I1II1FSEMEITS IH WRAPS, film Secretary Lamar, -of the Interior Department, has his son for private secretary. He is a bright young fel low who has led the varying life of a man in Texas, and who has a vocabs ulary which -at times is more m nhatic than elegant. The other day a friend told old him that his father was paying too much attention to his Mississippi friends, and. that Ex-. Representative Money had too much influence at She deoartment for the secretary's good. "That's a mistake," said young -feamar. "Money has re ceived no favors from this depart meat, and pa has treated his Souths ern riendts worse than outsiders. Why," he continued, growing exeis ted, 'pa's a heU of a man, anyhow; he has more friends than any other man in the South, and he does less for his friends than any man in the South." PEMBEKTa'S FRENCH WISE COCA. JL Pure Iuj-ierating Tonic an 1 StLnila.nt9 that Never Intoxi cate. If you ar a Minister, Merchant, Lawyer or busi ness man. axbaustsd bf mental strain or anx'ous care, do not tike- In'oxfeatlng stimulants, but use that delightful, ImSsjoratlng and strengtheng Tonic, PemSerton's wiae Coca. If you havelAeu matfem, Dyspepsia, Hysera, Melancholy, Kidney or Udnary eesupllnts, or troubled with any dis order of the stomach, blood or nerves, you cat) toe cored fey the ess of this woaderful Csc'i Wine Tonic W M. Wiisofi fe Co., Ageats, Charlotte. N. C. For sale by dragglsts. nov24d2w. STOP THAT COI7CIH By using Dr. brazier's Throat and Lung Balsam -the only eure for ooughs, colds, hoarseness and sore throat;, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Do not neglect a cough. It may prove fatal. Scores and "hundreds of people owe their lives to Dr. Frazler s Throat and Lung Balsam, and no family will ever be without it after once using it, and discovering its marvelous power. It is put up in large family bottles, aud sold for the small price of 60 cents a bottle. Sold by T. C. Smith A Co. f ehMdeodAwiy Gents, to make a good appearance, should have shapely looking feet. Fine lifting shoes, con structed on scientific principles cover uu defects, and at the same time develop all the good points in one's feet. Kor these reasons, and for ease and comfort, always ask your dealer for the "HAN AN" shoe by far the best ever made. A. E. RANKIN & BBO. agents for Chariotte. feblldeod ' 0HARLOTT1- MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. mm. Per Box Hundred P 00 2.00 AT CARSON BOTHERS, FOUETH STREET. FOR SALE. Two desirable building lots. 60x300 feet, JJ ironiingon JSJUIU irjun s reri.. nujuium the property of J. B Carson. Shade trpes on lots, will be so d separately or together. Price $700 CHARLOrTE REAL E3TATE AGENCY. . TO RENT. 0 i the firet of Jnnary the cow decou pled by Mr. John M. Waiker, fronting on St Jams P '-rk. H. M. Ik WIN. f)ec65eodtf. CHEAPEST TO iiATKS 99 Though prcmp and efBoient. It is mild and bar di ss. Saeand reliable for children Wherever known it Is the Mothers Favorite Cough Medicine for the Infant, toe children and adults. It Is sur prisingly effective, f rrm TROCHES, 15c LIQUID, 25c. me Wonder! nl Snccesg in Con. sumption, Bronchitis, Astnma. Spitting of Blood, Sore or Tight Chest. Weak Longs, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Los of Voice. Catarrhal Throat Affections, Chronic Hacking. Irritating and Troublesome Coughs. "ROCGH ON ITCH." Cures Humors, Eruptions. Ringworm, Tetter, Salt Rheum. Frcs-t-d Fees Chilblains. 50c. jars. E. S. WELLS. Jetsey City, N. J., TJ. S. A. TAT? A TjIVT TTCC"8 CAU3ESand CURE, U JliVJr j. PjOby one who was deaf twenty eight years Treated by most of the noted specialists of the day with no benefit. Cured him self in three months, and since then hundreds of Rttwn-s hv the ime process. A plain, simple and successful borne treaimer.t. Address T. S. PAGE, J 128 East 26th St , New xors uny. ARKANSAS-& RZAS. Only one change of cars between Charloite and Little Rock Only one change of cars between cnarlotte and Texas, by the through car route from Atlanta to Little Rock. Time 12 hours quick er than any otbei route. To procure these cheap rates write to R. a. WIMlams. who will meet you at any roint designated, and procure your tickets and check jour baggaga throngh without any extra charge. Books and Mapg of Arkansas and Texas Hailed Free. R. A. WILLIAMS, Pass. Agf.. At Charlot-e N. C, or Atlanta, Ga. DeeSStawforw'sAwls. ' ua Parker's Tonic A Pure Family Medicine that Never Intoxicates. If you sre a lawyer, minister or business man ex hausted by mental strain or anxious pares do not take intoxicating stimulants, but use Fii'KZR'fl Tonic. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. Parker's Hair Ealsam is finely perfomed and f warranted to prevent f JHng of the hair ar d to remove dandruff and itching BlSCOX&CO..New York. Safes for Sale. Two good second-hand safes will be sow cheap One MILLER'S. One HERRING'S. Apply to Chas. B. Jones, a gep9d$wtf THT3 YFICBL Houses Rented, .dfrefofchaS?5 ln CHARLOTTE REa ESTATE AOSNCT B. E. COCHRANE, ITansr Sfl -M '"rae street vr0nt ,-era ai Hotel