DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: TUESDAY, DECKMB R 8 18Ro."! tHftlLLINO EtEVATOR STORIJi of tne I Washington Star.l -lflvator man of the WaabmjrfcoTi monument recently told the following stories: 'One day when I was coming Hnwn an empty barrel reii from the top landing. earu ,,uo urv irorn wove, and knew that sometnmg was co ning. I directed my passengers to crowd into the barrel strucK me nop nooay said a word There were several ladies aboard. ht they didn't seem a bit " - nt- rho r"r n. thn ... elevator w;n wv ujou were unloading a stone, a crowbar was twisted from tiie hands of the ma who ; using it uu wiwfiou uown tae wpII. We gave iae sigau ana wnea the bar reached bottom there was nobody there to catch it. It went down iifce shot, and a plummet could - uot have swuii-? str lighter. It went clear through the p! ittoroi ac te Dase, una tn;tdo a hoi- a out six incites deep in the asphalt atth ' foundation. "Once an iron sleeve weighing seventy or eighty pounds fell while th efc ator as at the top. The cry of Warning cleared out those at the bottom of the well, and it struck on a board npoa which some passengers had been stand ing only a i'ew moments before. Only two men w-cre hurt during the entire time that the monument was being built. In going down a step-ladder in the dark" .at the binding, near the top, one of the workman missed his footing and rell to the l. n iing. only a few feet, breaking his arm It was a onrkMis accident, for the man was perfectly familiar with all the surroundings. At mother time the band -T illing at one of t he landings gave away with a man who was standing upon it ft ing the electric lights. Fortu nately he fell the Tight way, ami landed on the platform, the result being only a sprain. -iad he goae down the well death would have keen certain, for he was at a height of 300 feet. "I don't believe there was ewr a structure built caliKsig for ssuch datiger- ouswork with such an unitftemsting chapter of accidents ivrerybotly con nected with the worfcfcnew ut how things were being done and whtt care was icing taken I:y those in charge, and that if orders were obeyed every thing would be all -riht. 1 bnve run the elevator when tfee key S?.one was suspended (iiiee$ily 'over me bad it fallen it would have been the end Of me and the ittamm -nt, too I had no fear, however, for I knew bt wouldn't Jail; there were too many sa ognarda, and the men were toe1 c tr'uL '' ! Cairo Cor. Consmreial 0S3ttt 1 Strange, weird music floats aronnd; H comes from the coffee-houses in the garden. Let us draw aside the heavy curtain which answers for a door; lei ns have a peep inside. The small, low. roofed room is tilled with grave, sleepy- WaufTweiw Bun ; middling 9; net eeipes 10o2, &r W; sate ; stock 11 ,7 K; xrow orfjnie losi!; r-at Brrtttn . HaiuDLKHiA-t)uU; m ddllng H$rnt-t re ceipts 16S; gro-a 277U; etocfc 16,488. Sat amh ah Du' 1 : middling &k : ntt rceU:s tf450; gross 64SO; sales 1300; stock 106, exports coastwise 6250; to continent ; Great orltn ; France . Nkw Okutass Dull ; middling 8 13-36; net re- wt; t I " ? ' rj cetpf.ie.Uffl; eross 16,616: sales o,uoo; stocK x.gVptmus, squatting on very m,m-, exwrte coastwise to Great Britain mm s-4ii-rnM - A 1 i 1 n , - i I ul'.A 1. I x 10W CUVans. m the s!" vlo nf f.nilnra at work, the feet naked, the sandals or babonches lying on the floor. Every man smokes the narguile or the chibouk, and has in front of him a small round table, on which reposes the fciny cup ot cofree. No one speaks; if it were hot for the light curl of stno e coming out of the silent lips, for the occasional movement of the hand carrying the tiny enp to the mouth you, would sup pose yourself among wax figures. The folio wer of Mahomet spends the greater part of his life in contempla tion; perfect rest is bliss to him. He reminds yon of those happy beasts of the ruminating order. He is a fatalist; he believes that man can do nothing for himself, change nothing in his destiny. One night in the outskirts of Cairo I passed by a house in flames. Of cours no attempt was made to extinguish the nre. i he owner and his f amilv wei qnietly seated on the ground on the op posite side of the road. I went up to him, offered my assistance, urged him to save at least his household goods. "Why" he calmly answered; "Allah has decided. He will do it alone; if not, all of my efforts will be of no avail!" .Allah had decided on the wrong side, it nppears, Iter the house and every stick in it were burned to ashes. A s31Tari riverain Untie no g -J. toTaa .J A grain ranch in nlifornia was visited by jorrespondt t, ;irni de scribed as a sa mote c r he fn r m s. of he region. The house, -si.-tnu broad nut iroes. whs plin. loss boarded -over, i iit ?ra" fortable ia that'dlknafH. Uioti: be thonafc roiurk anii r - ew i ng!a'n:l rVrmr. has a brusseis 'Carper, furniture and pirtttres: and gnest cbaraWer h;tv& HbkM .:sB"der rtlt of r vr-. mid Tit- -';-or piauu, liHiftf'iuth the fr'nrrr'lv room ood mv- carpets aad oltt- iismoaeu dating years ahead -of any ar 5r od.' The family li.-e -well, ta -.iu 'hree news papers and a magazine for the eftdfeh. The wife has her sil.c gow ns avid irold watch, her grit china and solid -silverware; but the Tanch is -seven miles from any village, and -she has not been of the place for jfiw years or had ,a visitor in that time." , The ! Boston Transcrint. ' The body servants of the qneen in Sweden are called lopare or -state at tendants, and they wait solely en the queen and her daughter. These glori fied footmen wear a very ouaint uni form, consisting of a tunic, petticoat and breeches edged with gold laee. But the most surprising: part of their attire is a wonderful head-dress, consisting of a kind of embroidered skull-cap, from whieh rises three ostrich feathers, none tot which are less than three feet tiigh. How Fashion ro rpterm:ifl. A Kew York merclrant gives some curious instances how fashions are pri marily determined by society women's jealousy of those beneath them. Thus they wore ulsters for awhile, till the shop-girls adopted them and looked much prettier in them fhan the society girls, being usually handsomer and bet ter -shaped. o with banged hair. The forr&er wore it till they were outshone by the xsaes-girls, and now they comb their hair straight banc 3Iethod rf Bleach :ns; Bones. A -simple and effective method of bleaching bones to give them the ap pearance of ivory ha-; f een diseovpred. After digesting the honoS w th Ptber or benzine Ao r move the ft, thov are thoro ighly dried and immersed in a solution of phosphoric acid in water containing 1 per cent, of phosphoric anhydride. Jn a few hours they are re moved from the solution, washed in water, and dried. Natural Church. E cli n 1 in Swain coantv Korth Carolina, ts a church of nature s own workm mship. It is called "the natural rock house." It tands on the Nantabala river, and resembles the rains of an ancient man sion. The long, arched pillars gie it a very majestic appearance. It has live rooms, the largest of which holds about 300 persons, and is used for a church The dedicatory sermon was nreaehed iasc month. Dissipated Honey Beet Exchange. A curioug circumstatace is reported from Virginia. A 'lady had twelve stands of bees which were very valua ble until a distillery was started in the neighborhood. Since then the bees fly over there and get very drunk. They re now eating up wuat noney they had on hand, and refuse to make any more. - The Desert Made Fertile. Exchange. Hundreds of acres of sandy desert aear San Francisco have been made fertile by the introduction of beach trass. In other places where, a few J ears ago, there was nothing bnt sand nnes, there are now thousands of nwv. ji a vFress ana pine trees. Digital Tenotomy for Pianists. Pa.l Mall Gazette. There is no saying to what extent martyrdom in the cause of art will go. it has just been discovered that nature, when designing the human hand, for got to make allowances for the inven tion fof the piano-forte, and that, conse quently, all who are anxious to excel on that instrument must undergo an operation known as digital tenotomy, or the severance of the tendons which pre vent the lingers from being stretched very far apart from one another. Doc tors have, naturally enough, expressed their approval of this proceeding, con siderately adding that there is certainly some chance of the wound thus in flicted not healing by first intention, and therefore patients shourti be warned of the risk they undergo previous to the operation This is, perhaps, not quite so bad as putting out a horse s eyes in order that he may pump np water properly, but it is a step in the same direction, and it is scarcely to be expected that in these days of infant prodigies such a royal road to success -will be confined to those who are old enough to fully understand the steps they i?e taking. 8200; ranee : continent 6750 Mobile Dull ; middling 8 13 16; net recetp- s 3197, gross 3354; ial 600; toefc 32,236; export ooantwute- lfifitf; Great Britain . MJOfPflia Weak; middling 8. receipts 9309; shipments 5067; sales H94. stock 119,428. aitfCSTA JjuD ; middling 8; reetipts 1243; ship ments ; sales 1036 stock . GttAKUiSTON Steady : middling 8; ntt retelp i?78. grow 3778, sales , stock 90,747i exports to continent ipoastwlse 3257; Great Britain ; France Nkw Yotut Dull ; sales 114; middling upland! 93fe; Orleans 9.9-16c; consoUdated fiel receipt 4.997; exports to 'iresx Britain 10.C67 ; to Kran ; ccntlnent 9267. fbri Post's cotton report says: Ve:y sllgttde clli.e of lu urea at fir X caU was subsequently ln erese1 to a 1 bs of 2-IUj; then after small fluctua iohs there was a reaction at the third call, and rices bl.i as wvli &.- a few saiss made, shows an Hd?anc ot 810 beyond Saturday's quotations tOU IX'cembe. brought 9 29, an a.O Jauua-y 9 3. tJiurt-s closed otiacy at 1 to y-100 higher than last Saturday. is Vork Net receipts 182 : stross 12,0i7 Fummt closed steady; sales 69,300 bales. October. November. December 9 2965.30 January 9.365) .37 February 9.46.47 Maren 9 580) 59 ipril 9 6931.70 da? 9.0S).81 June..... 9.916)92 iuly 1001S.02 iugust, , 10.10a.ll September. i.. 9.8365.85 III l Boots si sad Shoes OIVEN AW A We have now the larcesr. mid m-ist vmrlete stock that we have ever of fered to the Trade, comprising of tli the iavest styles ot i, d B. S. M. 11. 7 PEB. GOAT AND KID KTT'TT GKNTS BOYS AND Y UTHS FINE CALF LAGS BALMOHALS, CONURKSo aNI) BUTTON GA1TVRS. The great Music House of the So th. tas reirov en to a Maenificent New Store (the Largest Music Temple in the U S ), and a a souvenir of this im portnnt era in their buMness. and a1 as sn ad Vf rrtwment which will the So Grar.de, they are uab!e Gold Watches. Doubt not this statement. It is a fact. It's a Wholesale House, and they do things in a whole sale way. Rad this startling )f all Gents flue iulf boots and heavy shoes kin(s. ten from the Potomac to iraveHing' Bags , Trunks, Rubber?, etc. e actually giving away val Q 7 Giycerole Polish for fine iboe, aek no we;dt:d the beta for preserving If at her yet introduced to the trade. GlWosacaiL Trade Stiver. Ortn.I H GRAY & CO. Sflfl.mil OFFEB To feeepup'!onr;reputatlon for good good and !ow prices Building. TO- piano i; r 1 1; - H S S ! JERSEYS ! ! J E RSEY? ! ! ! Liverpool Cotton Jflnrlcet. livbkpool, Dec. 7. Business dull, prlcts HARKETN 15' TKLtGKAFD DBCSMBB 7, 188. BiJMYiMr. itvr stfxdy; Howard btewl 4nd Wvijtii 4ipr.e $2&a- $3.00; tux . t&w 4 CK; Vanjliy 45'?.4.75; Cit- Hnier avj 6ci 0 :J0- Extr 3.4; 4. 15. Frfe brands, $4 75 1 87; PatoosscolFam: y s5 65; S -.pnr P'hi 6 ). wnewt Southern firm and ?taiy: western irr ularandd t b Seatnem red 94S96; amber lM, iso. 2 "Westftrii wintsi reo spot andDeoemin'.r blti. Corn Southern eajand irreg?ilar; Wentern, lower .arad dull. Siitherti white 4S48; ye41ow, 44a 4742. GKiCAtM -rioar duil Wheat fold off ope! j ng. atd cl st'i l,c un !er crturta SDet'em- ber warn; Januurj 8ll'.HoH;W', v. red su. wrn lifct jiiid steady; tash 4H,fe; December and year around Ailyfeg;4lVs ; J-nuarvSSo 38fe. Osits 8teid4 cash andiDeeemijer 58; .Tannery 28a 2iS. .VEess porlf .fa rly r fi lve a 5tt7 higiiOi-; ish 8 27 $8 9: ior old; 49.87. i i.3 for new; Jaraiy 4S 90tt$g.92l Larti-,gutet and firm, cash $6.2Vi,S6iti5; January tt ifiifofiW ill??. Bnxefi nteata rtaiiy; dry s.-vhed shoulders $3.70 S3 75; bhort rib si S4 8t4 feS ; ciear $o.luo) 5.l"-. whiskey trm at l.H1 Sugar-bteady; granula ed 77c standard at Nxw YoflK soutttern nour steady; choice $4 05? $5.68 : common to fair extra $3 Q8' H 00. Wheat ?ino;, firm and quiet singrafed red fe3 il 03; No. 2 red. December 'MVtd9; Jnna y 93S9W4. Corn-firm and fan ly active: ungraoeo 46a:55; No. 2 red, December 47; January 481 Oats Mfun grm: No 2. Tteoember. 8514. Hops dun. Coffee spot fair. BSoulet at 8; Ks. 7 R;o spot, SO. 70. Sugar-(ulet aaJ steady .Muscovado &i&a) t; latr o good refined 57-16; C 5; Extrajj C rfciSESft; White, exvr C 5; Yeliuw. 4?g5lyfe; cut loaf and crushed, 7J. Mosasses steady. Kice stead v. Cotton sed oil 28 crude; H refined ttoslti duli at ii 02. Turpentine steady at 871&. Hides stead t. vvrxiiftaady. Pork dull and nom itiai; mess $3.1?-rl middles dull; Ions clear. $10.051,9. Lard iisher West-rn spo $637 j6.4 t; "Dececnber $6 5. Freights weals. Cotton c-32d; wheat 2&3d. genTaily in uyers f avort Middling! uplands 5 8 16d , orieann 5 7-163: sales 8,0u0; speculation ana ex ports ffl rec'ts 14 000; American 4,610. dul; and Inactive. Upla ds low middling c'ause, December de nary, 5 5-64d December and January 5 3-64d January and February 5 4-64d. February and March 5 6-64. March and Apri 58-64d. April and May 5 ll-64d. May end June 5 I561d. June and July 5 18-64d. 2 p. m. Sales American 6.600. CDiflpo low mw- dllnjr.olnse. I ecember delivery 5 4-64d. buyers.) ueoemner and January o 3-b4d. (Duers.) January and February 5 3 64d, (buyers.) Feoruary and March 5 4-64d, (buyers.) March and April 5 8 64d, (sellers ) April and May 5 11 64d. isellrs.) May and June 5 15 64d (sellers.) June and July 5 18-64d, (sellers ) July and August 5 21-64d (buyers.) 5 p. m. Uplands low middling ciause December aeuvery &o-Md, metiers). December and January 5 4-64d, (sellers.) January and February 5 4 64d, (se.lers.) February and Ma ch 5 6 64d, (sellers.) March and April 6 8-64d, (value ) April and May 5 11 64d, (buyers ) May and June 6 15 64d, (sellers.) June and Juiy 6 18-64d. (buyers.) July and August 5 21-64d, (buyers.) utiffes ciOijed Dareiy teaoy. City Cotton fffarlcea Office of thk obsrbvkb, CHAitLcrrs, N. C, December 8, 1885. s Ta city cotton market yesterday ciod dull tending downward at the following quotations Fair. 9 5-16$9 Middling iwir a at leeoai Strict -Good Middling 91 16r2i9i ood mlddllna 87feS)8 15-1 Sfrte' Mlddlicg 88 3-16 vilodllnp,. 88 1H6 Strict Low Middling 8 7-16Si8 Low Middling 8laa8 516 Middl ng Tinges 8198 Middling States W&0)'&m liowlffilddlinff Stains ; 78 Lower Grades 70)7 Receipts yesterday 191 to every uasn Jrurcnaser ot a Piano between November 1st. and De cember 1st, 1885, from its direct, or throtujh any, of our Ten Branch Houses or 200 Agencies, we will pre- Futures sent as a Complimentary Souvenir an elegant ave j list A LARGE 55 TOCK OF sen JER3EY3. GOLD WATCH. Ghudranteed Solid Gold Case, and fine movement. Sold by jewelers at 140 to f50. Ail qualities and price. ALSO LADIES' AND GENTS WOOLEN UNDERWEAK, BL, AM KKl'S and uuai- FORTS. GIVE US A CALL. This m Good only Until Dr- cpffiber 1, '85. Pianos at Lowest Cash Prices known, with Com plete Outfits, and all Freight Paid. , Every thing fair and square, and full satisfaction guar anteed. Send your name and address for circular giving full particulars. This is the one chance of a life time, which should not be missed. Don't wait. The offer expires December 1st, and cannot be re newed. Address Ludden & Bates, Southern feic fawb ALTMEYER'S NEW BLOCK, SAVANKAH, GA. ELI AS & C OHEN BURGESS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IK ALL KINDS OF J 0 i1T PKOOIICK miRKETi Reported by T. B. MASIIA. DECEMBEE 2, 1886. -per bushel I Ca oer bushel 60S65 Meal per bushel 6870 Whest per bushel.... 1.00 Peanuts per bushel. 1.2om.30 Flour Family 2.802.35 Extra. 2.25fD2.80 Super 2.200)2.25 Peas Clay, per bushel 609)65 -Mixed 55660 Oats shelled 450)50 Dried "FTuit-Anples. per Et) 84 Reaches, oeeied., 607 unpeeled 804 Blackberries 406 Potatoes Sweet. 35040 D-lsh...... 60065 Cabbage, per pound. 20214 Onions, per bushel 75080 Beeswax, per pound 24026 Tallow, per pouno imv? BEDDING, &C. A full line Of CHEAP BEDSTEAD3. LOCNGES.Paricr and Chamber Suits. Oof- fins of all kinds on hand. No. 5 Weg Trade Street. Charlette, North Carolina. NICHOLS. OFFERS TO TEE KOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS wholesa 5 km Trade Butter, per pound.. Eggs, per dozen. Chickens. Ducks Turkeys, per pound.. ffaral Stores 84; 34; Rosin wiuBisaaoN Turpentine firm at MIA. Rosin firm; strained P21; good h trained 87I&. Tai tinn Ht $1.10; cruiie t-arpenllne steady; hare 1.UJ; y8llow dip and virgin si. do. Savannah Tumentine Kirm at dull at SI 07101.15 ask-d 09 a KiiKWTON -Turpentine culet at strained 80; good strained !87aw 90. NLW YUliiL Exchange S4.831A. Money 2102,-Suttreaary balances gold $171,7;00&: currency Sl'.'JTg.OOO: Rov.Timents dull: four per cents, Jl; three t. $1 2314; State bonds firm. Alabama Class A. 2 to 5. 1 0H4 " ClaJsB, nves un fleorgla6's L2 Georgia 7's mortgage 1.US North Carolina Ts 90 pVn North Carolina 6's. ex. int L15- tl.16 North Carolina's Funding H Sonth Carolina Brown Consols 1(9 Tennessee 6's o& Virginia 6's 4H Firgtoia C msois 52 JljfeBapeake a)id Ohio 11 ChiCKKO and Northwestern . . . 1.0 '7s Incaeoand Northwestern, preferred....... 1.34 Denver and Rio Grande 21 14 Erie.' 2 T'ast Tjinssee 63a Lake Shoe 87 Louisville and Nashville 461& Memphis and Charleston 87 Mobile and Ohio 16 Nashville and Chattanooga New Orleans Pacific. 1st. 62 New York Central 1.05- Norfolk and Western preferred 301& Northern Pacific common 30i Northern Pacific prefcrred 63 a Pacific Mail 67 Wding .. 233ft Richmond and Alleghany , . . . 8 Richmond and DanvUle 80 Blehmond and West Point Terminal 40 Rock Island... 129 3t.Paal 94 St. Paul preferred l-V2z Texas Pacific. Onion Pacific 65 Wabasb Pacific 11 Wabash PacWc, preferred 20 Western Union . .... .... . v&Vi Bid. TLasT Dt. suuereo. jASKeo. bjii. mjim. Beef, per pound, net , Mutton, per pound, net Fork, per pound, net , Wool, washed " unwashed Feathers, new 4501 R(m.Pppmrt... . lit 18020 18020 10018 25030 809 86040 708 7S8 70f? 82 1? FIVE TOES D Chance For A IN white Lead 1V EST BARRELS -A GRAND SALS OF- atches CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, Diamonds Silver and Silver-Plated , Ware, Spectacles, &c. JNSID OIL, Prices cut down March 4th 1885. from Thanksgiving Day to Cotton. ALvesroN Quiet ; middling 9 : net re ceipt 9,165: gross 9.167: sales 444; stock 1 6.099: export coastwise 10,576; to Great Britain : contment ; France . N bfolk Dull ; middling 91-16: net receipts 8382;sgro88 8;-82; stock 63,4i0; sales 10,111; exports coastwise 2719; Great Britain . BAlnnoira Dull ; middling 9: net receipts ; gross 688; aaies ; s.ock 25,601; exports coastwise ; Great Britain ; continent . Boston Quiet; middling 9: net receipts ; gross 1857: sates ; stock 6310; exports coast wise ; Great Britain . -Those wanting any of the above goods will please call and hear my prices, they are the lowest and the goods are the J. T. BUTLER. is the only School for boys in the South with GAS , and a first-clasf ( Established 1 in ? 1793 LIGHT, aflrstrClassGTMNAS BATH HOUSE. Soecial terms to young men of small means. The 183rd session begins August 26th. For catalogue, address MA J. R. BINGHAM, jo1- Bingham School, N. C. A Large Stock of Color?, Tarnishes, Etc. ALSO ONE CAR LOAD Ktmaie Oil, ALL AT CLOSE PRICES. J. H. MoADEN, And so ti 11 is ?ewine MacLiT 9 . M A that it ifc-ci t);e.iaure to present a few oune-ent fae.fj in rain. tion thereto. -This machine is the only one that uses tbe Vertical Feed, an improvement that stands pro-eminent among the modern inventions, and the right of whl-frjs'possessd by the Davis Sewing Machine Companyialone. Through this method of feeding every description of sewing is executed ia the most perfect manner, avoiding any "fulling" either' above or below and tbe necessity of basting A feature not possessed by any other machine, is that the Davis carries both uppf r and under plies of goods together, as the vertical feed works equal fy w ell on both sides. This cannot be said' of any other machine. Seam.s prov n- obstruction to this new feed as it steps evenly over them. No home, can ba complete without one of these new mod el machines. W. N. Johnson, Agent, at Mooreavijle. The most popular Weekly newspaper devoted to science, mechanics, engineering, discoveries, in ventions and patents ever published. Every num ber illustrated with splendid engravings. This publication furnishes a most valuable encyclopedia of information which no person should be without. The popularity, of the Scientific American is such that its circulation nearly equals that of all other papers of its class combined. Price. $3.20 a rear. Discount to Clubs. Sold by all newsdealers. IDHN A CO., Publishers. No. 36lBroadway, N. Y. II I ATENTS. Munn A Co. have also had Tnlrty- Eignt years' practice before the Patent Office and have prepared more than One Hundred Thou - applications ior patents urine nited States and foreign countries. CAveata. Trade-Marks, Copv-rights. Assignments, and all other papers for securing to inventors their rights in tne United States, Canada, England, France, Germany and other foreign countries, pre pared at short notice and on reasonable terms. Information as to obtaining patents cheer fully given without charge. Hand-books of infnrnnt.inn aent free. Patents obtained through Munn & Co. are noticed in the Scientific American free. The advantage of such notice U well understood by all persons who wish to dis- PAddres,MJKS CO.. Office SCIENTIFIC Amebic an. 361 Broadway, Sew York. WANTED A situation as salesman na Cloth liur r Hat and Shoe Store. Have had several years experience, best of refereneea iurnlnheu. Address. W. no v25dltew tf v iiutou, i . O. RICHARD MOORE. General Agent, Trade St. SI OS. EEASfffllt'RElYiS Have tc-day r calved a lot of STRAW HATS THE "GENESTA" IN BROWN, BLUE. BLACK A1ID Gil' NET, Also some New Feathers In all colors, which they will sell at prices tc soft the times. Beosofl I Rem Central Hotel building, entrance through Gray ft Co s store.

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