y DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1886, "" 11 f. 5 : : ; - " at SENATE PROCEEDINGS. After Some Unimportant Busi ness Md the Receipt of a 1.1st of Presidential Appointments, the Seaate Adjourns till JMoa. day. Washington. D. C , December 10. - awwATIn the Senate today after the readme of the -journal, the Presi dent Dro tern laid before the Senate - cftvprl communications from the h Aftds of denartments. A resolution by Manderson to print one thousand copies of the resi dent's message, and accompanying documents, was agreed to. A resolution by Morrill was agreed to Hireotiner navment from the con tingent fund of the Senate, upon pre sentation and proper audit of vouch ers, of the.actual and necessary ex, censes of the Senate committee ap pointed to attend the funeral of Gten. Grant. A communication was received from the President enclosing several hundred nominations to offices in the foreign, civil, military and naval ' service of the United States which had been made since the new admin istration took office. The following are the principal ones: To be envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipo tentiary of the United States, George VMLathrop. of Michigan, to Prus sia; Jabez L M Curry, of Virginia, to Spain; Charles Denby, of Indiana, to China; John B Stalio, of Ohio, to Italy ; Charles D Jacob, of Kentucky, to the United States of Columbia; John E Bacon, of South Carolina, to be Uharge de' Affairs of the United States' to Paraguay and Uruguay; jjambert Tree, of Illinois, to be Min ister resident of the United States to "Belgium. To be resident and consuls general of the United States : Boyd Winches ter, of Kentucky, to Switzerland; Frederick H Winston, of Illinois, to Persia; John E W Thompson, of New York City, to Hayti; Win A Seay, of Louisiana, to Bolivia ; Moses A Hop kins, of North Carolina, to Liberia; Walker Fearn, of Louisiana, to Eou mania, Servia and Greece. To be consuls-general of the United States: Jacob Miller, of Ohio, at Frankfort on-the-Main ; H Clay Arm strong, of Alabama, at Rio de Janeiro ; Mitchell H Phelan, of Missouri, at Halifax ; D Lyman Pringle, of South Carolina, to be secretary of legation and consul-general of the United States, to Gautemala. . At 2 :07 p m the Senate went into executive session, having first re solved that when it adjourns today it 'shall be to be Monday next. When the doors were re-opened at 12:35 the Senate adjourned until Monday next. LOGAN'S PROGRAMME. ACEOSS THE SEAS. CABLE GATHERINGS FROM THE OLD WORLD. He will Take the Lead in l lie Fight Against the President. Washington, Dec. 9 One of the most interesting subjects in Congress Will be the course or the Kepubiican maioritv in the Senate towards the President's appointments. It is un drstood that Gen. Logan will take the lead on the Republican side in opposition to the confirmation of vjrat he conceives to be improper nominations. It is said that he has beeniLiamS an investigation, and has a lk 15 ot tne exssldier!J re- moved f ro m office Dv Q present administrative The use he will make of this need no, be explained and his friends say that the speech he made in Baltimore not loDg was .the keynoteof his eounNJ Several of his intimate friends in IllinOls and else where have been suspenvea trm office and superseded by Democrats, and he proposes to prevent tub con firmation of their successors, Me also intends tomakeahght against every Democrat who has been ap pointed to succeed a soldier, and will take up the case of Posmaster Huides koper, of Philadelphia, as a test. The confirmation of Mr. Kimball, the director of the mint, for whom Bur Chard, of Illinois, was turned oud, will be a fair subject for controversy, he thinks, and there are sevtral sim ilar cases. A ROYAL RATTLE. Tae Elephant "BoBvar" Slays the Wubian Lion, "Prince." Philadelphia, December 9 "Bol ivar " the largest elephant now in captivity, on Monday evening, had a terrfic encounter with the Nubian Lion "Prince," at the winter quar ters of Forepaugh's menagerie, and a lion which was valued at $2,000 was killed The trainer had entered the cage with the beast. "Prince" was in a surly mood and attacked him. In endeavoring to escape, the trains er loosed the bar of the cage and fell out. The lion bounded out after him, rtWrine his body as it lay on the tan- covered ground. He did not turn back, however, but pursued his way through the ring barn and entered the open door of the elephant house. 'Boiivar" stood where he was chains ed to a stake near the door. The lion attar-ked him and an encounter en sued which ended in the lion being crushed to death. A Freight Train Smash Up. Atlanta, Ga., December 10. This morning on the West Point railroad near Long Cane, Ga., nearly all the cars of a, freight train became de- tached by the breaking of a coupling tvhL The engineer discovering the iac v ssopped his engine, but being rn the down grade the detached part cam 3 on with terrific force, crushing engineer Jno. Knott and wounding fireman Morris. Emperor William 111 Hostilities Between Servia and Bulgaria Resumed A Supposed Bead Invineiale Turns Up A Big Canal Project. London, Dec. 10. The Pall Mall Gazette urges Mr. Gladstone to ar range matters with Mr. Parnell in stantly, so that the Liberals may ass sume the reins of government, and suggests that Parnell be summoned to Gladstone's residence at Ho war den, to confer with the late premier, Lord Rosebury and Earl Spencer. EMPJSRIOR WILLIAM SERIOUSLY ILL. A dispatch from Berlin says that Emperor William is seriously ill and fears are entertained that his ail ment is of a dangerous character. SERVIA BURNING TO REDEEM HER HONOR. Belgrade, Dec. 10. It is not be lieved here that the Powers will be able to prevent a decisive battle be ing fought between the Bulgarians and Servians The Servians will not admit that they have been conquered. They now have a large army com posed of the flower or the nation concentrated here, and are burning to retrieve their military honor. Servia has sent a circular to the for eign ministers here stating that she cannot accept the Bulgarian condi tions as the price of peace, because they are dishonorable. Hostilities will therefore be resumed this even ing. THE SERVIANS REPULSED. The Servians today attacked the Bulgarian outposts at St. Nicholas, Izoor and Krivofer. and were re pulsed at all points. A.N UNLOOKEDsffOR INDIVIDUAL TURNS UP. Dublin, Ireland, December 10. The aggressive section of the Fe man Brotherhood was somewhat startled today by the announcement that the man who recently surren dered to the police for protection, and gave his name as John Kelly, and his occupation as a laborer, is reallv Joi seph Smith, the invincible, who turned informer and testified against the men who were hanged for the assassination ot JLord Frederick Cavendish and Under-Secretary hsurke, m Phcemx Park. Kelly, when he surrendered himself, stated that he was a member of the secret organization and had been notified under pain ot death to shoot Mr. Curran, county court judge, who ex amined the invincibles under the crimes act, Mr. Bolton, crown solici tor, and others He also said he wa-? concerned in the malicious burning or corn belonging to the Ath'one In dustrial School, and he mentioned the names of some farmers whose hay and corn were also to be burned It will be remembered that on March 24, last, a report was published throughout Great Britain stating that Joseph Smith, the informer, had died from intemperance. On Mav 7 it was again announced that Joseph Smith had died in London, where he had for a long time been a hopeless drunkard. A BIG CANAL PROJECT. Berlin, Dec. 10. The Bundesrath has unanimously approved the bill for the construction of the long spoken of ship canal between the Baltic, Elbe and North seas. It will cost German v about 156.000.000 marks. It is to be strongly fortified and will have great military as well as commercial value. In the year 1872 Count Von Moltke opposed the project on the ground that it would be better to invest the money re quired for the connection of the ca nal in increasing the imperial fleet, but now that the plan for founding a navy has been carried out the held marshal approves of the canal. The defenses of the coast of Germany must always remain a divided task, so long as the canal does not unite the Baltic with the German ocean and enable German war vessels to pass from one sea to the other, by a route which does not expose them to the danger of falling into foreign hands. The project has been under the consideration of the Prussian government more especially since 1865, and now at last, as it would seem, it is going to be realized. CROP PRICES. WASHINGTON NOTES. WFicm Nnah wn a In the Ark 011112 Ham was al ways playing trloiss on the old gentleman. One dsv he told his sea-faring father that there was wmrM- m thft cellar and they had all caught cold Then it dawned on Noah that he bad omitted to secure a supply ol Dr. Boll's Cough Syrup, which he always used. Mass For the Dead King: Alfonso Inspecting the Federal Heme teries. Washington, D. C, Dec 10. A solemn mass for the repose of the soul of the late King Alfonso, of Spain, was celebrated at Sc. Matthew's Catholic church, at eleven o'clock this morning. Arrangements for the mass were'made by the Spanish min ister, Senor Valera, who issued invi tations heavily bordered with black, to the President, Cabinet, diplomatic corps and others. The auditorium of the church was draped in mourning. The catafalque stood in front of the altar rail, tile base draped with Span ish flags, surmounted by the Spanish national coat of arms. On this rest ed a state casket of black, ornament ed with silver, and a simple wreath of flowers was on the top of the casket. No flowers were on the altar, which was draped in black. President Cleveland and Cabinet occupied seats in the front pews, on one side of the centre aisle, and the Spanish legation corraponding seats on the ODDosite side. Back of these were seated the diDlomatic corps and many prominent people. Mozart's requiem mass was ;sung by a fall choir with orchestra accompaniment. INSPECTION OF NATIONAL CEMETERIES Major E. B. Kirk, Quarter Master, has been ordered to niafce an inspec tion of the national cemeteries at the following places: Natchoz, Corinth and Vicksburer, Mississippi; Port Hudson. Baton Rouge, Alexandria and Charlotte. Louisiana: Mobile, Alabama ; Barrancas, Florida: At lanta and Anderson ville. Georgia: Beaufort and Florence. South Caros lina; Wilmington Newbern, Raleigh ana Salisbury. lNortn uaroima: TTnmrvillp Dhattanoocra. Pittsbure: Landing and Memphis, Tennessee. JPopula,r! Popular! Of course. The word comes from every direc tion. Any political candidate who has done as much good an brown's Iron Bitters has, will be so popuinr that he will be sure to run in with an Im mense majority . Dr. H. L. Battle, of Wadley, Ga., says: "Brown s Iron Bttters ts very popular iu this section." Kobody finds this valuable tonic anything short of crowning success. It cures djs pepsla, indigestion, weakness, etc. Inaction Fraught with Danger. Enaction of the kidneys and bladder fraught with danger. Renal diseases of the mst stubborn and fatal chara3tr have this initial symptom. To disregard it U to invite them. Bostetter's fetomach Bitters has the special qualities of stimulating urinary secretion and discharge to a degree con sonant witu health, and no lurcher. It is not an excitant of the organs, like the unmedicated stimuli of commerce. Jt s raply amuses them when their activity and vitality are impaired This stimulating and t nic action the Bitters llkewl'e everts upon the bowels, the liver and the stomach. It averts renal disea e. cures dyspepsia, prevents and r medies fever and ague, tnd r moves iiili"iisriess and constipation. No finer tonic exists, and to persons with a tendency to gout it st! o'gly recommends itself, as it Is a fine dpurent oi the blocd. S'FOP TUAT Ot;H By using Dr. Frnzier's Throat and Lung Balsam -the only cure for coughs, colds, hoarseness and sore throat, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Do not neglect a cough. It may prove fatal. Scores and hundreds of people owe their lives to Dr. Fraziers Throat and Lung Balsam, and no family will ever be without It after once using it, and discovering its marvelous power. It Is put up in large family bottles, and sold for the small price of 60 cents a bottle. Sold byT. C. Smith rv fev22tf eodAwi.v HANAN'S WALKIN6FA8T. f WHAT THE? SA7 ABOUT TBS Nob. 81 Se S3 Park row, l New York. Sept. 23, 1885. MESSRS. ROGERS, FEET &CO. Gentlemen ; Having noticed in this morning'! Ban your advertisement concerning the Hanan's Waukenphast shoe sold by you, I cannot refrain from expressing, unsolicited, my satisfaction with pair which after a year's almost continuous wear, I am just about discarding. X had been ac customed to having my shoes made to order, pay ing from 99 to $13 a pair for the same. Last sum mer I mean a year ago wishing for a pair of shoes at short notice for a trip to the mountains, I stepped into your establishment and purchased a. pair of Hanan's. For ease and comfort on long tmmps in the country. I have never had thai equal on my feet: while for durability they come about as near to the Irishman's ideal as any. ttingleyersaw. He said he " didn't oare what L3 10f m 016 tippers were indestructible .and the soles were made of eter uaro norn out ue second sole antf Iain glad to add ay testimony to their exoel. fence, though a total stranger to the Hanan'sor r. y uur una, ua you are at uoercy to make any use of this communication Respectfully Teurs, HOHTTMEB. LIVINGSTON As E. RANKIN A BRO.. abioeodtf Agents for fJnarlotte. The December Report of the Ag ricultural Department. Washington, D. C, Dec. 10. -The crop reports from the '.Department of Agriculture for December, gives the farm prices of the principal crops as follows: The increase in the pro duction of corn has reduced the av erage value of the crop to 33 cents per bushel. The average value of the previous crop in December was 36 cents. The reduction is largest m the Ohio valley and in the Southern States. West of the Mississippi the increase of stook feeding has correct ed the tendency to extremely low prices. The average in Missouri is 26 cents, the same as last year. In Kansas it is 24 instead of 22 last year : in Iowa 24 instead of 23; in Nebraska 19 instead of 18. It is 28 in Dakota, 2 cents lower than last year : 32 in Minnesota, 1 lower; Illinois 28, Indi ana 29, Ohio 32, Michigan 34, Ken tucky 25, Pennsylvania 49, New York 58. Compared with former prices the corn values ar& very low. For the precedmg nve years, nearly all under the average, the aver age farm value was 44.7 cents per busnel, and tor the preceding ten years 42.6 cents. The price of cotton averages 8 3 cents per pound of lint, farm value, which is nine mills less than the De cember price last year. The farm prices are: Virginia, 8.5 cents; North Carolina 8.5; South Carolina, 8.5; Georgia, 8.5; Alabama, 8.3; Missis sippi, 8.4; Louisiana, 8 3; Texas, 8; Arkansas, .; Tennessee . GL051 IS HEAT SALF -OF- Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hals We offer this mornlcg oar entire, stock of HATS AND BONNETS AT HALF PRICE 50 cent hats at 25 cents. $1 00 " 44 50 " 1.50 " " 75 " A large lot of new style STRAW, FELT and VELVET HATS just received, are Included In tne sale. No such an opportunity to purchase new, desirable and fashionable goods at such j rices has ever been offered In this city. , Respectfully, C. M. OIJBKY. SKIN, SCALP, BLOOD Cleansed, Purified and Beauti fied by the Cutieura Remedies FOB cleaning the Sklu and Scalp of Disfigure tag Humore, for allaying Itching. Burning and Inflairatlon. for curing the first sympttoms 9t Eczema. Psoriasis. Milk Crust, Scald Head, Scrofula, and other inherited Skin and Blood Pis eases Cutjcura. the grat Skin Cure, and Crm CUBA SOAP, an exquisite Skin BeautlnVr, external ly, and Cuticuka Resolvent, the new Blood Puri fier, Internally, are inf diliab e. kk AlIGIirUTOOD. We have been selling your Ccticura. Remedies for the past three or four years, and have never heard anght but good words in their favor. Your CtmcuBA Soap is decidedly the test sel ing medi cinal soap we handle, and is highly priz-d here for its soothing and softening effect upon the skin. J. CLISTTON WHEAT, Ja., Druggist, Winchester Va. THB LARGET ALF. Our sales of Cdticuba are as large, if not larger, than any medicine we sell; and we assure you that we have never had a sin?lej instance in wbich the purchaserwas dissatlsfled. As to your Soap, we can sell no other, every body wants CtmcCRA MILLER & CHAPMAN, Druggists Louisiana, Mo. SlLTRHEOHUiD. Two of the worst cases of Salt Rheum I ever saw were cured by your Cuticura Remedies, and .their sales exceeds those of all other like remedies, f sell very little of any other medicinall Soap than Cuticura. , GEORGE A. AKTHONY, Druggist. Kewanee, III. DOCTORS PRESCRIBE TRCN The cuticura Remedies are excellent remedies for all skin diseases. J. C WILSON, M. D., Habvel, III. CUTICUR 1 REMEDIES Are sold by all druggists. Price: Cuticura, 50 cents; Resolvent, $i.OO ;Soap, 25 cents. Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston. Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases." ODIIDC Phnples, Skin Blemishes and Baby U m U D Humors cured by Cuticura Soap. WEAK BACK, PAIN and Weakness across the Kidneys, Shooting Pains through the Loins. Uterine Pains. Lack of strength and Activity instant relief and jpeediiy curpd by the cuticura anti Pain Plaster. At druggists. 25c. SPECIAL NOTICE. A desirable building lot, fronting 99 feet on rrade street, ana running tnrougn to Fourth street, oetween the property of Col. H. C. Jones an 1 Dr. O'Donoghue, known as the Dr. J. M. Miller place. Price $3,500. CHARLOTTE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. nov6tf FOR SALE. I will sell cheap, and on accommodating terms, a good second hand, No. 2, planing and matching machine, made by GoodeU & Waters, Philadelphia. Sold only because I had to buy a lareer machine. Apply to JOSIAH ASBURY, nov!9dtf Charlotte ; N . C. DO YOU EXPECT COMPANY To Tea? S. E. 000HRAHE.-0HA3. B. J05E8 CHARLOTTE REAL ESTATE -AGM B. E. COCHRANE, Manager. SEND AND GET A FEW -OF- D. M. RIGLER'S Maryland Beat Biscoit?, SOMETHING NICE. Fresh Every Evening AT 5 O'CLOCK. D. ML Riqler. THIS AGENCY WILL BUY AND SELL LANDS of every description and in any part of North or South Carolina, and will rent property In the city of Charlotte, collect rents, attend to repairs and make prompt returns, and if desired will at tend to payment of taxes, effecting of insurance, etc. All property put Into our hands will be Advertised Free of Cost For a stlpulat on previously agreed upon. FOR SALE IOne dwelling house on B street, 7 rooms, closet in each room, well of good water, lot 99x100 feet, in good neighborhood. Price, $2,000. 2 One dwelling on 5th street, adjoining reside net of S. M. Howell, 4 rooms, well of water and stable lot 60x198, convenient to business. Price. $1,530 Q One dwelling on South Tryon street, adjoining Oresldence of Dr. Bratton, 8 rooms, closets and pantry, wen of water, well located for a boarding house. Price. $3,000 5 One dwelling on corner of Graham and loth streets, 5 rooms, kitchen, well of water, lot 12C feet on Graham street, 162 feet on 10th street, very desirable property. Price. $1,250. Q One dwelling on Poplar street, 10 rooms, lot 099x198 feet, brick kitchen, outhouses, stable, well of good water, sold on terms to suit purchaser Price, $4,000. OQ Dwelling in Mechanicsville, 1 story 3-room iO house, lot 99x190, fronting on C street, lot 1796, square 215, adjoining property of W. a. Sing and others. Price, cash $850. QO Two lots, Nos. 297 and 808, square 46, front 0i ing 99 feet on B street and running through to C street. On the premises Is a two-story f ran. e dwelling, seven rooms and small storehouse. Qj Tan yard at Lowes ville, N" C.,; 22 thei t vats, 1 pool, 2 lime 1 shop house 18x22 bar house, bark mill house, stable, dwelling; 10 acree land connected with tan yard. Price $1,000, or will lease for 5 or 10 uears on reasonable terms. oc A very desirable farm, containing 162 OkJ acres, about threee miles west of Charlotte, on the Carolina Central railroad, known as the Junius Hayes farm, adjoining the lands of Dr, Paul Barringer and others. Seven-room dwelling and necessary Outbuildings in good repair on the premises. Well watered and in a good neighbor hood. Price per acra $80 OA Lot fronting on Morehead st., 99x366 feet, 1 jV small two-room house, well, lot well set with fruit trees. Price $850. ji i inve-room dwelling with Kitchen and stable, rt 1 lot 99x198 on West Trade street, Deautifu grove and well of good water. Price $2,200. a s One story frame dwelling and lot on Stone i wall street Price $500. jo One lot and a half lot, unimproved, on the tx corner of B and 11th streets. Price $650 4r One story frame store house 20x60 feet,' lot f 24x100 feet, fronting on railroad, and one unimproved lot in rear of above 100x125 feet, both at Sanford, Moore county, N . C. ftt'-e $450. A i Two story frame dwelling, four rooms, barn, stable, smoke house, good well, some fruit trees, about acre of land, in Sanford, Moore co N. C. Price $1,300. A? Fifty one acres of land, 23 acres under cultl t I vatlon, balance timber, mostly pime, some oak. Two tenement houses on place, lying on the edge of Sanford, Moore county, N. C. Price $850. (The above three tracts will be sold together or separately, and If purchaser desires can secure fusal of a stock of goods at price agreed upon tween himself and the owner.) po 150 Acres in Davidson county, N C.,1 miles from Lexington and 8 miles from Lin wood. Six room dwelling, good water; four acres in apples, peac hes and grapes. Price $2,000. 5- Lot with two-story house, six rooms and two J room kitchen, well and garden, being prop erty adjoining J. S. Phillips' rosidence. Price $2,650. Fifty acre of land in and adjoining Hunt Jt ereville, N. C. On the place there is a com fortable tour-room dwelling house, good barn, crib, kitchen and well . Yery desirable property. Price $85.00 per acre. FOR RENT. Dwelling house on South Tryon street, adjoin ing the residence of Dr. S. E. Bratton. Very con veniently located for a boarding house Apply to Charlotte Real Estate Agency, sept2dtf R. E. COCHRANE, Manage FLORIDA ORANGES. SPECI UL SALE OF 20 BOXES JUST RECEIVED. Per Box u Hundred - Dozen - $2.50 1.75 - .30 -AT CARSON BROS FOURTH STREET. TRY OUR Ok Of Choicest FRENCH CANDY, Our "Most Excellent" MarU.mallow. 1 i5c. Box And our delicious CHOCOLATE CREAMS, throwlna chromo. Our stock of e Candle, ake, Crackers . eisn and Domestic Frait. r" CannedGoodsi, ' Ac , Ac. Is un urpassed in quality and variety, and as we MuofettBrers and khn, We claim to sell as low to the Wholesale tw Baltimore. New York or any other iSS6 38 you have not dealt with us before SvefftJ? and we will prove it to you. a toial Yery Respectfully, C 8, DELS & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS. I QUEFHf OLITESn KEGS AD SOLD BIT PINT or QUART. ATMORE'S MINCE MEAT, GENUINE ENGLISH PLUM PUDDING MAPLE and WHITE ROCK CANDY SYRUPS Extra Choice 1. 0. MOLASSES. PLAIN AND SURE-RAISING BUCKWHEAT OAT MEAL, OAT and WHFATFtAKES MACCARONI and VERMICILLA, ED4M. PINEAPPLE and CREAM i HE F SE, DRIED BEANS and PEAS of all kinds, DRIED SUGAR CORN, CANNED ar d BOT TLED GOODS In Great Yariety. Try Our ROLLER P Al ENT FLOUR GOSHEN BUTTER. FERRIS' PIG HAMS, BONELESS BACON AND SMOKED BEEF. No. 1. Mackerel in Tins, Kits and Barrels. . BARNETT k ALEXANDER'S, Free delivery. Telephone call 81. NOTICE. I WILL expose to sale at publ'c auction on Tues day, December 22d. 1885. at 12 o'clock, noon, at Rock Hill, S. C. the, fo'lowing described stock, viz: 99 shares stock in the Rock Hill cotton factory, 60 of Rock Bill, S. C., par value, $100 rer snare, 20 shares stock in the Young Men's Loanan Trust Company of Roek Hill, S. c, par vlue $100 per share, 300 shares in the Furman Farm Improve ment Company of Atlanta, Ga., par value $10 per share. The same being stocks pledged to Wil liams, Black & Co., of New York, by J M. Ivy & Co ,of Rock Hill.S.C, as collateral security for indebtedness, and sold to satis y tho same. Will be sold In quantities to suit purchasers, J M. CHEhRY, Agtfor Rock Hill, S. C. Williams, Blaek & Co. Dec9-13-16-20. T. R. MAG ILL, WHOLESALE GBOCEB AND COMMISSION MERCHANT Colleges., Clmrlotse. KING'S MOUNTAI KING'S MOUNTAIN, N, C. The largest Male Boarding School in Western North Carolina. Health record as tonishing. With over fourteen hundred students, not a single death since it was found ed. Number of pupils already enrolled 132, representing seven States. Next session opens January. 4, 1886. Business College attached with iU own special teachers. - Diplomas given. ,Its students have taken honors at the University and at everv College in the State. Send for Oatal Declld2w&wlm PrinciraL THE PI Hot EnoagJ Cost-'Somi Attorney 4 WASfflNdTj general give! statement on department i business of Court 01 1 missioners W6 " f criminal pre loavine 2,14 q en nf the I I sHitS d aa and th ed oo these year on jut raer years .143 452 Wl m il suits. fines, iorU nosed duri prosecutioi nenalties was $63,12 . on tins, ic nosed in f o-ate amou during the Tbe atto siderabie s and says Courts as ibly trans with tne .ntiires. suggestedj ana euuoi the Davis of a Court Court as nose. Tt not to his he sugges the main j corporatej sage iio va " riatioD. of buildinl country are held. a Govern persons offences nrad. be emoiol plies excll which wa the institi THas .A Pitch PlTTSBl Run, aboi Pa., was this mri miners ai workiEg reductioi about I :'i were on mines, ai met thei return toi fused, ai tack on The riot were mil Campbell Six stri His injd Kichard also seric got awa After su two horn driven The stril ty of th( waiting work, b .ance. switch oj to the ml hills. time lat and the was hui telegrai At 11 O posse, k behevec all the workinj trouble One Balti United the jurj Wheelei saultinj domesti whippe This is in Marj Men arel are nigli. towarns a follow thei take Dr. "Oh, To kel And To ke "Not "Use From bee rendered which edi ness, anc beautify ; "That : she?" "Yes, wasn't foi "Wbaf She has near her.l Ing helps! doesn't : around hi how If there wot for It will