Remedy, P PAIS. I lemuHv tnV Mm Presiding Ei. aandfin?ith4noi?2- J- A- POLK C, September 2nr? ia, ann It cured then'.lS- chants. Jharlotte. n. c CHEAP &C0 as the hundreds I) by the use of Is to-day without le world. Thous- have acknowl- preecribing Dr. e form, arising from! w . Lver. Whtn I ea Inljust what I say, and thafte J rcdiB, pcn.B -y""r " tv. To cured by two pouitg w subled with sick beadachej EB, Saratoga Springs, N. Charlotte, JO YUi !JrWrl en , AGH'JTi if'ivaao a ftciotte 3 YjfAa IT(MHA i nirr VOLUME XXXIV. THIS WEEK We will offer special inducements in Ladies' and Misses' Wraps. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A BARGAIN. CHARLOTTE, N. 0., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1885. S&e Patriotic hsewev. FIVE - - "TRUTH. LUX TWK (tmt. entmrmrsfsi amncmi n J ; , ' . - j -i it WjT WUhUuIIXm I. j BB OBSCUBJBD, BUT, LIKE TUB SUN, OHL T FOB A TIMS. Handsome line of embroidered Scarfs and Shawls. Great reduction in Dress Goods, some remnants at half price. Large stock of Gents' and Ladies' Underwear. At low prices. Flannels, Skirts, Quilts, Blankets, Damask, Napkins Em twoideries, Table Covers, Lace Tidies, &c. The Best Corset for One Dollar. Agents for the Pearl Shirt Many goods. at bargain prices too numerous to mention. Come and see them. Special attention to orders. ;GRAES & ALEXANDER. Subscription to the Obserrer. DAILY EDITION. gPgleeopy 5 cents. By pie week In the city. .. " 20 By the month . 75 Three monthg..... . "tarn Six months Tfoo vuc car 8,00 WEEKLY EDITION. 50 cents. six months .. . , ai m One year f 75 In clubs of five and over ilia Wo Deviation From These Rales STATE NEWS. THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. BLANKETS Make it a poiat to see MY STOCK M & As it embraces all qualities fnm $1.50 to $1500 per pair. T he 4ae goods are very desi.-able lor CHRISTMAS GIFTS. o- iiiiiwii For all '411 Woo! M Good quality, at $3.00 per pair. Ladies and Misses, Underwear, white and red, in all sizes and prices. Ladies' Wool Hose' Wbite and Colored. Gnts' all Wool Hose, At 25 cents per pair. Jfte80 ?f Merino Goo8 & finer quality, knit hoods, wool mlts, Ac. T. L. SEIGLE. First National Bank Building.' South Tryon Street, .... Caarlottle, N. C. DEALERS IN Ladies', Misses' and Children's FINE WITM, CONGRftSS k LACE SHOES. Gents' Fine Hand-Made and Maenine Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACE BALS BOYS' AI YOUTHS' j FINE BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL GRADES GENTS' FINE Silk, Soft and Stiff Hats. TRUCKS, VALISES and GRIPSACK'S, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS. SHOE SLACKING and BRUSHES. ALMA and RAVEN GLOSS SING for Ladies' Fine Shoes. Stcck always kept full and up to the demand. ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Pegram k k We Anxious flTlVEi I 1 finh closi?S out this week and next if possible and in or- KID GLOVES AT HALF PRICE, LADIES' and CH1LDRK VS HOSIERY the same. HLACK and COLORED SILKS the same DRESS GOODS the same, ALL OTHER GOODS tile same. ESJiifTi ft. " . ....-iSffiSS id most )f Boots ey & bs larger ire fully in the kd good, ZS? md just ldguar- lar to all prompt 1 St 1-33 ss We have an elegant line of CHRISTMAS GOODS, PStt very good plan to AlaEIXANBER HARRIS. . TYSON fe JONIRS. CARTHAGE. N. C, v y 1 BUGGIES AND PHAETONS. AND Elegant Variety! Block. Trfon NOW ON HAND. V CLMM T AIisVMffi WITH THE WP AM'e W. C, W. Smithdeal, S lishury, IV. C. FOR DURABILITY, STYLE AND FINISH, WE ARE UNSURPASSED. TYSON & J ONES, Carthage, N. C- noteworthy Clause of that Document. To the Editor of The Observer. iu ivir. Cleveland s recent mepsage Bay. 1 iDinK reduction should be made in the revenue derived from tax upon the imported necessaries of are. we thus directly lessen the cose ot living m every family in the land, and releaso tn thp ery humble home, a large measure of rewaruu 01 irugai industry." yivovub, ui course, tnese "re wards or trugal industry" are forced "UUJ uas, woicn, aoove an others the government is bound to protect' A contributor to the Century says, It is now easy for certain manufac turing interests to ohiain onntwr over Congress for their purposes, and uUUO uiajte tue people labor for the benefit of those whose chief labor consists in gathering corruption funds oozing mom to ine lODoies of tnP!" nanital T- ia nn. c . owier interests to reduce the vast and comDlicated manhi lslatures into their service: to have mcuiguways or cue-nation handed over so cnem to be dealt with accord ing to their pleasure; to secure a hold uuv very r-nroac ot commerce, and put ever individual of the communis by unaer cnoute. Not only the poor then, but every man must pay tribute to these mon ey lords, who are hfirnmino tha I'll Dm I- 1 w Is it want of intelligence in our people, that they cannot see that the liberties which their fathers bought with blood, are fast slipping awav from themf Charles I. paid for his oppressions of the people with his life, but our numerous oppressors iivo witu lar greater luxury and com fort than the royal Stuarts ever did on the tributes unjustly exacted from their fellowvitiizQna rv tt make it a part of our religion to be lieve in the "divine right of rings " The same writer says truly, "a hand ful of private individuals may come together, deliberate behind closed doors, and tax to their heart's con tent, at the rate which promise most profit to themselves; and the public submits to it as tamely as an Afri can tribe submifs r.n th oriif p despot. Although all history furn- isuea uo uaraiift m r.riA hnritr rsf who framed our Constitution, they themselves did not oaf - x w ouu vuo torm of srovernmenr. nArmananfU The provision for amendments makes a part of the Constitution nnri ia QQ important as anything else contained in it. Thev knew nothing f ism m its recently developed form. Money lords in their day yet an unknown factor." ' Therefore noble progenitors when we fail to see our dangersand fail to meet them with courage and intelligence. nanes u uonner said, on one oc casion: "In mv oninion. all Hsni. to our national libertv single cause; that cause is the trade of politics, by which the masses are controlled for the personal benefit of a comDarativelv small ni r -j vuoOt JJL gress should be risridlv making laws which are absolutely necessary, leaving all business as far as possible, in Drivate hands and tr il ' . . : v me action 01 private mterpnse. In stead of becoming a banker and issus ing paper money, the power of gov ernment over money should be con fined to minting the citizens' metals, and compelling the security of DaDer vuumauou. xae omy standard of value should be coined gold. There should be no protection to any trade or community in preference to oth ers, nor any excises or duties on im ports Or eXDOrts. Oovernmpnr. ahnnM - m. . w U.J.VK cease to be a letter carrier. The tel egraph and express systems have ren dered unnecessary our enormous post office patronage. Borrowing """ oiate buouiu ue iorDid- den. No army or navy should exist eAuepe jiagranie oeuo. And indeed wars would rarely occur after the trade of politics was set aside. The militia could amnlv foreign invasion or domestic disorder. The entire range of charity should be left, like- divine worship, to the spontaneous impulse of individual volition. This lasf. would be fraught with vast benefits alike to the rich, whose best feelings and benignant activities it would stimulate, and to the poor, whose wants it would relieve. " Citizen. Asheville Citizen : Action for man damus have been commenced in the Superior Court to compel the Board of Commissioners acid Justices of the Peace to meet again and suspend the operations of the Stock Law in Swannanoa, Avery's Creek and I7r per Hominy townships. The defends ants were summoned to this court and auite a nrnnhornf f.ho the Peace and Commissioners came m to answer the summons. The com plaints were put in, and last night des murrers were filed in the several acs tions by Messrs. Merrimon, Jones and Gudger, the counsel for defendants. The ease, as to these towhships, will otouu iur iieurin g at tms term before Judg Gudger on the demur do wifh respect to these new actions until the case is decided by the courts. A decision by Judge Gudger1 will be had at this term. -1 LL-"t rhi ! : :.t , f irV' tsPrt 't fH ' ; 1 f t -' ' Goldsboro Messenger: A. very sad and distreing accident occurred in the family of Mr. A. B. Thompson, living near Gldsboro, which result ed in the death of his little five years old son, Alex. Bagwell The little fellow was left in the house Thursday morning last and a short time theres after an older brother was attracted by his screams; rushing into the house he met the Ahild ot-. a with one whole side in a light blaze. He succeeded in extinguishing the flames, and in his efforts burned his hands severely. The little sufferer lingered until Monday night when death relieved him of his pains. How the accident occurred we are not in formed. Raleigh Visitor- n v- JL VU vau v ai uvl 1 noon last the grist mill and cotton gin belonfirinsr to Mr .T A Nrmo Aoex. and lnonfoH nn Po n Buckhorn township, Wake county was destroved hv fi the tire is supposed to have been caused by a friction in some part of cotton erin. hp mi onH r; were valued at nnn ri paruy covered by insurance. Mr. J. W. HunmnnH lotn nf tU onaneston Sundav Disnatnh hQc Ka uome associated with Mr. S. W. Hen ley in the publication of the Wades boro Intelligencer. Greensboro Patriot TWnfxr t n Kennett drove into town one dav last weeK. iouowen hv tiva irano all loaded with blockade lie had made - - J-i- r T 11 summit. caDturinsr 500 callnns f spirits, said to be the propertv of Monroe Enauirer? O Messrs. Means and Vandiford, reve-. nue officers, armed themselves with a search warrant and proceeded to tiie buu or tne j ord iJros., in Goose oreeK townsnip, to search for some y-fc .tn 4-I- Jl 1 "1 wuvruuauu Dranoy which it was re ported was UDOn the nremises TTnn arriving at the still and making auunu "ucu- ousmess tne Jrords be gan to play a bluff game, being ably seconded bv Mrs. Ford une or two shots wara fi fori Ktt flirt Fords, but the officers didn't scare worth a cent and finally obtained pos session of the brandy, which was ouuieu m tne smose-house, and brought it to town with them. These are tne races m the case as reported by disinterested witnesses who were present, xne officers, we understand, wuuuumju tnemseives m a gentle manly manner throuffhont. thA t fort a action, esneciallv in their Of Mrs. Ford, who nlaims trt ho been stricken by one of them, but it Boema n sne was struct at ail it was oy one or her sons, accidentally, Mrs. Lydia Crane, wife of Mr. Job Crane, of Sandy Ridge township, died very suddenly on Monday. She was owui, uu jroars or age ana was regard ed as an excellent lady. We did not xoaiu tuo cause or ner death. Up to the 1st dav of this month t.ha a , V T' wti vuv W U ton receipts at this place were 9,026 vu wu uaies in excess of the receipts to same date last year. The amount of Union county cotton sold is about the same the excess principally coming from Lancaster county, S. C. iwmws r & mm JANUA If Are Appreciated by the People. PRICES Because the goods offered are cheap! Becaute the goods offered are seasonable ! M . f.i t IMT BUT MOT LEAST! Because Prices of the Goods offered are astonishingly low. Onr Price no"wl " Our Beonilar Price Pl FOSSffi?r $1.00 a pair: $1.50 a pair. fob frknch wovisn corsets Eoo : - . . " p . Sp on Clasps. aUslzeg $Z.Zb a pair. Pl.75 a pair. fob bjenh wovWcoSalfs ' ' - " ' spoon ciasps. yj.oU a pair. OUB COKi-OETB at 50c. and 75c are as good as can be purchased elsewhere at 30 per cent more Samples of all advertised corsets i will J exhibited down stairs on , Hosiery Counter. Our price now! Oar BegulFPrici 6c- each- WfiBS: 10a each. " 10ceach mggg lu "T5clid&; ': i5e.eacbl "gSg" 26c7cE 25c. each Kor a fin 1Ine of embroidered AfZ gn f. il! Handkerchiefs. 4UC and 50c, OUR HANDKERCHIEFS above these Prices have also undergone . considerable Reductions. I Our Hosiery Department Offers most wonderful Bargains. Drive in Misses Solid oiorea Hose. Gas Bwemm li m epasf mm at Quotes the following low Prices: xjcoon iteps; m desirable shades at 161 cents. f&fZ ln, be8t fal1 8bade8 at cenu tSmPttEP ?re8S Good8' l4test sMes, , 1 25 cents sK ildth COlrcd Ca6hmeres, only 35 iefents 44 meSI!Un matt Dre8s at 4 cents. 44 inch all wool Dnss Flannels medium grajs only at 40c CHEAT INDUCEMENTS IN WRAPS. r ii ik on s iv & BiRcce, CHARLOTTE. N. C MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. FOR COUGHS, CROUP AND CONSUMPTION USE Gents, to make a good appearance, should have "u01jcijf iwamg icet. fine nmng shoes, con structed on scientific principles cover uu defects and at the same time develop all the good points In one's feet. For these reasons, and lor ease and comfort, always ask your dealer for the "HAN AN" shoeby far the best ever made. A. E, RANKIN u. jjjj j. ukcuiib iur jiicu luiur. ieoudeod Positive Core for Piles. To th ncnnlA nf thla have been given the agency of Dr Marchlsl's Itiian " oiuyuouvauj guitrauteea to care or money refunded internal, external, blind, Weed ing or itching piles. Price 50c. a box. Nocureno For sale By L. B. Wrlston, druggist, Charlotte N-c- 3ulyl7eodlr. Salisbury Watchman : A little son of Mr. Westly Miller, who lives near Zeb,in Franklin township, was dreads Luny uurueu on iasc isaturaay even- mg. It seems that the children of the family were making a fire and using kerosene in this wav. whan t.h can was overturned and the escaping xxuiu ivii uu iuib iibuo ooy. ii caugrnt nrejusuas ic tell on him, and Dr Summerell, who attended the child, SaVS that the Skin was humeri f at least three -fourths of its body. He in 6 in auuuu six nours. The last proposition as regards me wbwm mui project is trom an Albany, N. Y., man. He has $80, 000 wortn ot nearly new machinery, which he offers for 5fl nnn poses to take $30,000 in stock, leaving n C AHA AAA -1T -I a uamuue oi su,uuu. tie nas a triend wno will take $10,000 worth of stock. This loaves a balance of only ten thousand for the people of Rowan to subscribe in order to secure the cot ton mill. OF SWEJET GUM AND MULLEIN. The Sweet Gum from a tree of the same name growing in the South, combined with a tea made from the Mullein plant of the old fields. For sale b5TOflI dW4te .at 25 cents anrl $100 per bottle. WALTEK JL. XYJLOK, Atlanta, Ga. Forty fears' Experience or an Old Jf arse. Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup, for ch'ldren teething, is the prescription of one of the best fe male physicians nd nurses In the United States, and has been used for forty years with never fall ing success by millions of mothers for their chil dren. It relieves the child from pain, cures dysen tery and diarrhoea, griping m the bowels and wind coIli: By .giving health to the child it rests the mo$?J- JFt wouli sa 10 eery mother who has a child suffering from any of the foregoing com plaints: Do ne t let your prejudices, nor the pre s of others, stand between your suffering child and the relief that will be sure jes, abscv hitely suxe-to follow the use of this medicine. Sold by druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. FOR SALE. K( Two desirable building lots. 50x300 feet the propertv of J. H Carson. Shade trees on lots: "iu oesoa separately or together. Price $700 CHARLOTTE HEAL ESTATE AGENCY. "Hough on Coughs " Thonch nrnmn nnr! cffioiimt ifie . . o 1 v.niviii, it io iixiiu ill in n: rm less, ba eand reliable for hiiriron bnnnm th. vrti r: . V "cinrur uuv- uMMuicTOujaa rctvui tie COUgn Medif-m for the infant t.h -hllrtroti o..iJr r ,J e prisingly effective. tisur- lKUUllJfiS, loc. LIQUID, 25c. Hie Wonderinl Snccess in Con-sumption, Bronchitis, A3tbma. Spitting of Blood Snr nr Throat, Los of Voice. Catarrhal Throat Affc etions Coughs. nuuuietiome "ROIGR ON ITCO' Salt Bheum. Frofd Feet Chilblains. 50a iars is. a. wjsiiJLS. Jeisey city, N. J., TJ. S. A. A "FNTCSS it CAUSES and CUBE, it? . V. 1 i? V by who was deaf self ln three months, and since then hundreds of uhsiijiuo Miuopruwss. a piam. simple and successful hnm trpulmont Ahho t o i 4, 138 East asti St , New York cST " TO RENT. Dec6deodtf. H' M- WIir CHEAPEST KATES TO ARKANSAS & TEXAS, LirSte ChW 01C5!J. Charlotte and Charlotte and Texas; by tuir rateJwX 'tfftft. JEi HL S anv nr.1 n t oi ,juio, nuu win meet youat SlSSV?2lSPW ticketi and charge 6 vuwugu wimoui any extra Books and iflapa of IrkanBai and Texas Hailed Free. B. A. WILLIAMS, Pass. Apt. Beewfor-0-' Jk. Parker's Tbnic. A Pure Family Medicine that Never Intoxicates. ull C2 ?.re a lawyer- minister or business man ex busted by mental strain or anxious cares doot Tom? CatIg8tlmaIant8' Dut Dse PaSLS? Trifr,bave?,;8?eDS,a' Rneumatlsm, Kidney or Urinary Complaints or if you are troubled with any disorder of the lung,, stomach, bSSfif bSS - nerves you can be cured by Parkeb's Tonic. HfSCOX A CO , 168 William Street. TUtyr York. Safes for Sale. Two good second-hand safes will be sold cheaa One MILLER'S. Ctae HEmtmSST Apply to Chas. B. Jones, a Bep9dAwtf THIS fflncf. Houses Rented. Houses ranted and . ' Advertised fre of ehargT wuxxu m ueH vniOW1 4it USTATE AGRNCy a E. COqaBANE, Manager. 8d tf Trade Street From Cent al Hote

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